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r e - v i s i o n i n g esixteen fourtel

Vistas and Distance Casa Malaparte Casa Girasol Robinhood Gardens Cinema House Children’s Centre,Hokkaido
Site Site Site Site Site

7 2.5 Km

6 2.8 Km

Site plan Site plan Site plan Site plan Site plan

Spatial Arrangement Spatial Arrangement Spatial Arrangement Spatial Arrangement Spatial Arrangement

2 2.45 Km
3 1.5 Km

5 1.8 Km
4 1.6 Km
Relevant persona Relevant persona Relevant persona Relevant persona Relevant persona
This project could be related to ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, This project could be related to ESFP (Extroverted, Sensing, This project could be related to INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, This project could be related to ENFP (Extroverted, Intu- This project could be related to INFJ (Introverted, Intui-
Thinking, Perceiving), as it was designed with a practical Feeling, Perceiving), as it is designed with a focus on aes- Thinking, Perceiving), as it was designed with a focus on in- itive, Feeling, Perceiving), as it was designed with a focus tive, Feeling, Judging), as it was designed with a focus on
and functional approach in mind. The planning of the thetics and the sensory experience. The planning of the novation and problem-solving. The planning of the devel- on creativity and collaboration. The planning of the house empathy and understanding the needs of the users. The
house was well thought out, with each space serving a house is focused on creating an environment that is beau- opment was based on new ideas and concepts, such as was based on the concept of creating a space that is both planning of the centre was based on creating a safe and
1 3.8 Km specific purpose. The user persona of this project could be tiful and comfortable for the users. The user persona for this integrating green spaces and community areas into the functional and beautiful. The user persona for this project supportive environment that helps children heal and re-
an affluent individual who appreciates art, nature, and pri- project could be an artistic and social individual who values design. The user persona for this project could be a young could be a filmmaker or artist who values creativity and col- cover. The user persona for this project could be a child
vacy. beauty and luxury. professional who values sustainability and community. laboration. with mental health issues and their family who values a
safe and supportive environment.

Image courtesy:

Grid Scale: 1000X1000 m

0 1Km 2Km

Grid = 250 x 250 m

The Thames Barrier

View - 1 (3.78km)
The Thames Barrier: Located near the
mouth of the River Thames, the Thames
Ideal height : + 110m Barrier offers views of the river and sur-
rounding cityscape, including the sky-
scrapers of Canary Wharf.

View - 2 (2.53km)
Emirates Cable Car The Cable Car: The Cable Car provides
aerial views of the River Thames and the
Ideal height : + 35m surrounding area, and can be seen from
a tall building in E16 4TL.

River Thames View - 3 (1.6 km)

The River Thames: The River Thames winds
its way through the city and offers views
Ideal height : + 40m of the surrounding landscape, including
parks, bridges, and iconic buildings.

View - 4 (1.87 km)

O2 Arena The O2 Arena: The O2 Arena Persona based planning layout **
is a large Diverse living spaces *
entertainment venue located across the
Ideal height : + 60m river from E16 4TL, and may be visible from
a tall building in the area.

View - 5 (1.9 km)

The Canary Wharf Skyscrapers The Canary Wharf Skyscrapers: The near-
by financial district of Canary Wharf is
Ideal height : + 70m home to some of the tallest buildings in
London, offering views of the river and the
surrounding city.

View - 6 (2.8 km)

Victoria Park
Victoria Park: Located in the heart of Tow-
er Hamlets, Victoria Park is a large park
Ideal height : + 60m offering expansive views of the surround-
ing area, including the skyline of central

The landon Stadium View - 7 (2.2 km)

The London Stadium: The London Sta-
dium, is located in the nearby Stratford
Ideal height : + 130m area. From a tall building in E16 4TL, you
may be able to see the stadium and itsviewing decks *** Vista Based orientation ***
surrounding parkland.

Jerwin Geo | 21058729 | Specialism Stuio | Assignment 4 | The Domestic Plan|

r e - v i s i o n i n g esixteen fourtel

The Domestic plan

Introverted Intuition Extroverted Intuition Extroverted Sensing Introverted Sensing

Grid = 2.5x2.5m Grid = 2.5x2.5m Grid = 2.5x2.5m Grid = 2.5x2.5m

Scale : 1/200

The Domestic plan type 2

In the end, this project explored the relationship between vistas and human psychology in architecture, us-
ing five case studies as examples. The case studies showcased how architects have incorporated vistas into
their designs and how these vistas have positively impacted the users of the buildings. It was found that vistas
can play an important role in enhancing the user experience by providing a connection to nature and the
outside world.

Additionally, the project proposed several patterns for incorporating vistas into architectural designs, such as
persona-based planning layout, diverse living spaces, optimized viewing decks, and vista-based orientation.
These patterns were developed based on the analysis of the case studies and were intended to serve as a
guide for architects and designers.

Furthermore, the project explored the relationship between vistas and MBTI personalities, suggesting that the
design of spaces could be tailored to meet the needs and preferences of different personality types.

In conclusion, this project demonstrates the importance of incorporating vistas into architectural designs and
how they can positively impact the well-being of users. It is hoped that this project will inspire architects and
designers to consider the role of vistas in their designs and create spaces that are not only functional but also
promote a sense of connection to the environment and the outside world.

Scale : 1/50

Jerwin Geo | 21058729 | Specialism Stuio | Assignment 4 | The Domestic Plan|

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