A Fitted Second-Order Difference Scheme On A Modified Shishkin Mesh For A Semilinear Singularly-Perturbed Boundary-Value Problem

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A fitted second–order difference scheme on a modified Shishkin

mesh for a semilinear singularly-perturbed boundary-value problem

Samir Karasuljić∗, †and Irma Zenunović ‡

In the present paper we consider the numerical solving of a semilinear singular–perturbation reaction–
diffusion boundary–value problem having boundary layers. A new difference scheme is constructed, the
arXiv:2206.07667v1 [math.NA] 15 Jun 2022

second order of convergence on a modified Shishkin mesh is shown. The numerical experiments are included
in the paper, which confirm the theoretical results.

1 Introduction
Let us consider the following boundary value problem

ε2 y ′′ = f (x, y), x ∈ (0, 1), (1)

y(0) = y(1) = 0, (2)

where 0 < ε < 1, and we assume that the nonlinear function f is continuously differentiable, i.e. for k > 2,
f ∈ C k ([0, 1] × R), and that it has a strictly positive derivative with respect to y

:= fy > m > 0, (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × R, (3)

where m is a constant. The problem (1)–(2) under the condition (3) has the unique solution, see Lorentz [0].
It’s a well known fact that the exact solution to the problem (1)–(3) rapidly changes near the ends points x = 0
and x = 1. Also, when any classical numerical method is applied to the problem (1)–(3), then a large number of
mesh points must be used to obtain a satisfactory numerical solution. It is very expensive from the computing
side, and that is one of reasons for developing numerical methods which taking into account the properties of
singular–perturbation boundary–value problems.
Many authors have worked on the numerical treatment of the problem (1)–(3) with different assumptions
about the function f, and as well as more general nonlinear problems. There were many constructed ε–uniformly
convergent difference schemes of order 2 and higher (Herceg [0], Herceg, Surla and Rapajić [0], Herceg and
Miloradović [0], Herceg and Herceg [0], Kopteva and Linß [0], Kopteva and Stynes [0], Kopteva, Pickett and
Purtill [0], Linß, Roos and Vulanović [0], Sun and Stynes [0], Stynes and Kopteva [0], Surla and Uzelac [0],
Vulanović [0], Kopteva [0] etc.).
In this paper we use a method introduced by Boglaev [0] to construct a different scheme, and a layer–adapted
mesh introduced by Vulanović [0]. In the paper [0] the difference scheme was constructed for the same problem
and the authors used the same layer–adapted mesh. It is well known fact that Shishkin mesh is the simplest
layer–adapted mesh. It looks like as two uniform meshes glued, the one finer the other coarser. The simplicity
of this mesh implies some simpler analysis than using other layer–adapted meshes, and that is the main benefit
of using Shishkin mesh. Unfortunately, the cost of simplicity is a greater value of error.
The paper is organized as follows. The first section is Introduction, where the problem is listed and the
main results. Layer–adapted mesh is 2nd section, here are given generating functions of meshes we use in this
paper. A new difference scheme is constructed in section The difference scheme. Their stability is shown in the
section Stability. The uniform convergence is proven in 6th section, 7th section is Numerical experiments and
the last section is Conclusion.
The author’s results in numerical solving the problem (1)–(3) and others results can be seen in [0], [0], [0],
[0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [0].
∗ correspondingauthor
† Universityof Tuzla, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Univerzitetska br. 4, 75 000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
‡ College of finance and accounting FINra Tuzla, Mitra Trifunovića Uče 9, 75 000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, email:


2 Layer–adapted meshes
We mentioned that classical methods are not suitable for problems like (1)–(2), before. There are several issues,
with the stability, the cost of calculations and so on. These issues have been overcome by constructing special
methods which take into account the presence of a layer or layers. One such a method is the fitted mesh method.
Meshes that were constructed by this method have the nonuniform distribution of mesh points. The distribution
of points is dictated by the behavior of the exact solution and their derivatives in a layer or layers. Estimates
given in the following theorem are key to understanding of this behavior. In the following analysis we need the
decomposition of the solution y of the problem (1) − (2) to a layer component s and a regular component r,
which is given in the following theorem.
Theorem 2.1. [0] The solution y to the problem (1) − (2) can be represented in the following way:
y = r + s,
where for j = 0, 1, ..., k + 2 and x ∈ [0, 1] we have that

r (x) ≤ C, (4)

and  x√ 1−x √

s (x) ≤ Cε−j e− ε m + e− ε m . (5)

Based on the previous theorem, it’s a well–known fact that the exact solution to problem (1)–(3) changes
rapidly near the end points x = 0 and x = 1.
Many meshes have been constructed for the numerical solving problems having a layer or layers of an
exponential type. In the present paper we shall use four different meshes. Let N + 1 be the number of mesh
points. These meshes 0 = x0 < x1 < . . . < xN = 1, we will get by using appropriate generating functions, i.e.
xi = ψ(i/N ). The generating functions are constructed as follows.
The first mesh is Shishkin mesh [0], the generating function for this mesh is

4λt, t ∈ [0, 1/4]

ψ(t) = λ + 2(1 − 2λ)(t − 1/4), t ∈ [1/2, 1/4], (6)

1 − ψ(1 − t), t ∈ [1/2, 1],

where λ Shishkin mesh transition point by

2ε ln N 1
λ := min √ , . (7)
m 4
The second mesh is modified Shishkin mesh proposed by Vulanović [0], the generating function for this mesh
is 
4λt, t ∈ [0, 1/4],

ψ(t) = p(t − 1/4)3 + 4λt, t ∈ [1/4, 1/2], (8)

1 − ψ(1 − t), t ∈ [1/2, 1],

where p is chosen so that ψ(1/2) = 1/2, i.e. p = 32(1−4λ). Note that ψ ∈ C 1 [0, 1] with kψ ′ k∞ 6 C, kψ ′′ k∞ 6 C.
Therefore the mesh size hi = xi+1 − xi , i = 0, . . . N − 1 satisfy (see [0])
Z (i+1)N Z
(i+1)/N Z t+1/N
hi = ψ ′ (t) d t 6 CN −1 , |hi+1 − hi | = ψ ′′ (s) d s 6 CN −2 . (9)

i/N i/N t

The Shishkin mesh transition point λ is the same as in the first Shishkin mesh, i.e. (7).
The third mesh is modified Bakhvalov mesh also proposed by Vulanović [0], the generating function for this
mesh is

µ(t) := q−t , t ∈ [0, α],

ψ(t) = µ(α) + µ′ (α)(t − α), t ∈ [α, 1/2], (10)

1 − ψ(1 − t), t ∈ [1/2, 1],

where a and q are constants, independent of ε, such that q ∈ (0, 1/2), a ∈ (0, q/ε), and additionally a m > 2.
The parameter α is the abscissa of the contact point of tangent line from (1/2, 1/2) to µ(t), and its value is
q − aqε(1 − 2q + 2aε)
α= .
1 + 2aε

The last but not least is the mesh proposed by Liseikin [0], and we will use its modification from [0]. The
generating function for this mesh is
k −1/a

 c1 ε ((1 − dt)

− 1) , 0 6 t 6 1/4 ,


 h
ψ(t, ε, a, k) = c1 εkan/(1+na) − εk + d εka(n−1)/(1+na) (t − 1/4)+ (11)
   a i
1 21 1
d a a + 1 εka(n−2)/(1+na) (t − 1/4)2 + c0 (t − 1/4)3 , 1/4 6 t 6 1/2 ,


1 − ψ(1 − t, ε, a, k) , 1/2 6 t 6 1 ,

where d = (1 − εka/(1+na) )/(1/4), a is a positive constant subject toa ≥ m1 > 0, and a = 1, c0 > 0, n = 2,i
k = 1, c0 = 0, and c11 = 2 εkan/(1+na) − εk + 4a
d ka(n−1)/(1+na)
+ d2 a1 a1 + 1 εka(n−2)/(1+na) (1/4)2 + c0 (1/4)3

is chosen here.

3 The difference scheme

The first step in the numerical solving of the problem (1)–(3) is a construction of difference scheme, which
generates a nonlinear system of equations. A solution of this nonlinear system is a discrete numerical solution
to the problem (1)–(3).

3.1 Construction of the difference scheme

From the paper [0] we have the following equality
β β β β
yi−1 − + yi + yi+1 =
sinh(βhi−1 ) tanh(βhi−1 ) tanh(βhi ) sinh(βhi )
 x 
Zi Zi+1
1 
i−1 (s)ψ(s, y(s)) d s + uIi (s)ψ(s, y(s)) d s , (12)
xi−1 xi

y0 = 0, yN = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1,
sinh(β(xi+1 − x)) II sinh(β(x − xi ))
uIi (x) = , ui (x) = , x ∈ [xi , xi+1 ].
sinh(βhi ) sinh(βhi )
In the general case, we cannot explicitly calculate integrals on the right hand side (12). In dependence how
we approximate the integrals in (12) we get various difference schemes. In the papers [0], the approximates
are not so simple. In the papers [0], the approximations of integrals could be simpler, therefore the analysis of
methods would be easier. In order to avoid any difficulties and make the analysis easier as we can , we shall use
the following approximation for the integrals in (12): we approximate the function ψ on the intervals [xi−1 , xi ],
i = 1, 2, . . . , N by
ψ(xi−1 , y i−1 ) + ψ(xi , yi )
ψi = , (13)
where y i is an approximate value of the solution of the problem (1)–(3) at points xi , and ψ(x, y) = f (x, y) − γy
γ is such a constant, that holds
γ > fy . (14)
Putting (13) into (12), and after some computation, we get the following difference scheme

cosh(βhi−1 ) + 1 cosh(βhi−1 ) + 1 cosh(βhi ) + 1 cosh(βhi ) + 1
y i−1 − + yi + y i+1
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi ) sinh(βhi )
fi−1 + fi cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 fi + fi+1 cosh(βhi ) − 1
− · − · = 0, (15)
γ sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi )

where fi = f (xi , y i ), y0 = y(0), y N = y(1), and i = 1, . . . , N − 1.

4 Stability
The difference scheme (15) generates a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. A solution of this system is a
discrete numerical solution of the problem (26)–(3). The next tasks are to show the existence and uniqueness
of the discrete numerical solution and the stability of the difference scheme. Let us set the discrete operator
T u = (T u0 , T u1 , . . . , T uN )T , (16)
T u0 = −u0
T ui = cosh(βhi−1 )−1 cosh(βhi )−1
sinh(βhi−1 ) + sinh(βhi )
cosh(βhi−1 ) + 1 cosh(βhi−1 ) + 1 cosh(βhi ) + 1 cosh(βhi ) + 1
· ui−1 − + ui + ui+1
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi ) sinh(βhi )

f (xi−1 , ui−1 ) + f (xi , ui ) cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 f (xi , ui ) + f (xi+1 , ui+1 ) cosh(βhi ) − 1
− · − · , (17)
γ sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi )
i = 1, . . . , N − 1
T uN = −uN .
Obviously, it is hold
T y = 0, (18)
where y = (y 0 , y 1 , . . . , yN ) the numerical solution of the problem (1)–(3), obtained by using the difference
scheme (15).
Theorem 4.1. The discrete problem (16)–(18) has a unique solution y for γ > fy . Moreover, for every v, w ∈
RN +1 we have the following stability inequality
kv − wk 6 CkT v − T wk.
Proof. Denote the Fréchet derivative of the discrete operator T by H, e.g H := (T y)′ , and H = (hij ). Now, the
non-zeros elements of this matrix H are
h1,1 = − 1, hN +1,N +1 = −1,
 
γ cosh(βh i−1 ) + 1 ∂y cosh(βh i−1 ) − 1
hi,i−1 = cosh(βh )−1 cosh(βh )−1  − i−1 ,
+ i sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi−1 )
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )
 
γ cosh(βh i ) + 1 ∂y cosh(βh i ) − 1
hi,i+1 = cosh(βh )−1 cosh(βh )−1  − i+1 · ,
+ i sinh(βhi ) γ sinh(βhi )
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )

γ cosh(βhi−1 ) + 1 cosh(βhi ) + 1
hi,i = − cosh(βh )−1 cosh(βh )−1 +
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )
sinh(βhi−1 ) + sinh(βhi )
i−1 i

∂f ∂f #
cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 ∂yi cosh(βhi ) − 1 ∂yi
+ · + · , i = 2, . . . , N.
sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi ) γ

Because (14), we have

h1,1 < 0, hN +1,N +1 < 0, hi−1,i > 0, hi+1,i > 0, hi,i < 0, (19)
|hi,i | − |hi,i−1 | − |hi,i+1 | > 2m > 0, (20)
so we conclude that H is an M –matrix, and
kH −1 k 6 C. (21)
Now, by Hadamard theorem [0, Th 5.3.10], the discrete operator is a homeomorphism, and (18) has the unique
The second statement of the theorem follows from
T v − T w = (T ξ)′ (v − w),
for some ξ = (ξ0 , ξ1 , . . . , ξn ) ∈ RN +1 , and based on (21) we finally get
kv − wk 6 CkT v − T wk.

Remark 4.1. If we the difference scheme (15) multiply by −1, we will get h1,1 < 0, hN +1,N +1 < 0, hi,i−1 >
0, hi,i+1 > 0, hi,i < 0.

5 Uniform convergence
In this section we deal with a very important issue in the numerical solving of the problem (1)–(3), that is error.
To proof Theorem on convergence we need the following lemmas.
Lemma 5.1. Assume that ε 6 N . In the part of the modified mesh (8) from Section 4 when xi , xi±1 ∈
[xN/4−1 , λ] ∪ [λ, 1/2], we have the following estimate

γ f (xi−1 , y(xi−1 )) + f (xi , y(xi )) cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1
cosh(βhi−1 )−1

cosh(βhi )−1
+ sinh(βhi ) γ sinh(βhi−1 )
sinh(βhi−1 )

f (xi , y(xi )) + f (xi+1 , y(xi+1 )) cosh(βhi ) − 1 C
+ · 6 2 , i = N/4, . . . , N/2 − 1.
γ sinh(βhi ) N
Proof. Due to ε2 y ′′ (xi ) = f (xi , y(xi )), theorem of decomposition for both components r and s in part of the
mesh corresponding to [xN/4−1 , λ] ∪ [λ, 1/2] and assumption ε 6 N , we have that
cosh(βhi−1 )−1
sinh(βhi−1 ) + cosh(βh i )−1
sinh(βhi )

f (xi−1 , y(xi−1 )) + f (xi , y(xi )) cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 f (xi , y(xi )) + f (xi+1 , y(xi+1 )) cosh(βhi ) − 1
· + ·
γ sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi )
6 |f (xi−1 , y(xi−1 )) + f (xi , y(xi ))| + |f (xi , y(xi )) + f (xi+1 , y(xi+1 ))| 6 2 .

Lemma 5.2. [0] Assume that ε 6 N . In the part of the modified mesh (8) from Section 2 when xi , xi±1 ∈
[xN/4−1 , λ] ∪ [λ, 1/2], we have the following estimate

cosh(βhi−1 )−1 cosh(βh )−1
sinh(βhi−1 ) (y(xi−1 ) − y(xi )) − sinh(βhi i ) (y(xi ) − y(xi+1 ))

6 C , i = N/4, . . . , N/2 − 1.
cosh(βhi−1 )−1 cosh(βhi )−1 N2
sinh(βhi−1 ) + sinh(βhi )

Lemma 5.3. [0] Assume that ε 6 N . In the part of the modified mesh (8) from Section 2 when xi , xi±1 ∈
[xN/4−1 , λ] ∪ [λ, 1/2], we have the following estimate

y(xi−1 )−y(xi ) y(xi )−y(xi+1 )
sinh(βhi−1 ) − sinh(βhi ) C
cosh(βhi−1 )−1 cosh(βhi )−1 6 N 2 , i = N/4, . . . , N/2 − 1.

sinh(βhi−1 ) + sinh(βhi )

Now, we can state and prove the theorem on convergence.

Theorem 5.1. The discrete problem (16)–(18) on the modified Shishkin mesh (8) from Section ?? is uniformly
convergent with respect ε and

ln2 N /N 2 ,

 i = 0, . . . , N/4 − 1,

max |y(xi ) − yi | 6 C 1/N 2 , i = N/4, . . . , 3N/4,
i 

ln2 N /N 2 ,
i = 3N/4 + 1, . . . , N,

where y(xi ) is the value of the exact solution, y i is the value of the numerical solution of the problem (1)–(3)
in the mesh point xi , respectively, and C > 0 is a constant independent of N and ε.
Case 1 6 i 6 N/4 − 1. Here holds hi−1 = hi = O(ε ln N/N ).
After using εy ′′ (xk ) = f (xk , y(xk )), Taylor expansion for cosh(βhi ), y(xi−1 ), y(xi+1 ) and some computing
we get
β 2 h2i y (iv) (ξi− ) + y (iv) (ξi+ )
γ 4 4 ′′ 2
T y(xi ) = 2 2 2+ + O(β hi ) y hi +
β hi + O(β 4 h4i ) 2 24

ε2 ′′ β 2 h2
− (y (xi−1 ) + 2y ′′ (xi ) + y ′′ (xi+1 )) + O(β 4 h4i ) . (22)
γ 2

Now, we apply Taylor expansion on y ′′ (xi−1 ), y ′′ (xi+1 ) and obtain

β 2 h2i y (iv) (ξi− ) + y (iv) (ξi+ ) 4

γ 4 4 ′′ 2
T y(xi ) = β 2 h2i
+ O(β h i ) y h i + h i
4 4 2 24
2 + O(β hi )
y (iv) (ξi− ) + y (iv) (ξi+ ) 4 (µi ) + y (iv) (µ+
(iv) −
2 y i ) hi β 2 h2i 4ε2 y ′′ (xi )O(β 4 h4i )

4 4
+ hi − ε + O(β hi ) − , (23)
12 2γ 2 γ

+ +
where µ− −
i , ξi ∈ (xi−1 , xi ), µi , ξi ∈ (xi , xi+1 ), and finally

|T y(xi )| 6 C ln2 N /N 2 , i = 1, . . . , N/4 − 1.


Case N/4 6 i 6 N/2 − 1. The difference operator (16) can be written as

γ cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 cosh(βhi ) − 1
T y(xi ) = cosh(βh )−1 cosh(βh )−1 (y(xi−1 ) − y(xi )) − (y(xi ) − y(xi+1 ))
+ i sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )
2(y(xi−1 ) − y(xi )) 2(y(xi ) − y(xi+1 ))
+ −
sinh(βhi−1 ) sinh(βhi )

f (xi−1 , y(xi−1 )) + f (xi , y(xi )) cosh(βhi−1 ) − 1 f (xi , y(xi )) + f (xi+1 , y(xi+1 )) cosh(βhi ) − 1
− · − ·
γ sinh(βhi−1 ) γ sinh(βhi )

Now by Lemma 5.1, Lemma (5.2), Lemma (5.3) we have the estimate

|T y(xi )| 6 C/N 2 , i = N/4, . . . , N/2 − 1. (25)

Case i = N/2. It is easy to prove this case, because hN/2−1 = hN/2 , and the influence of the layer component
s is negligible, and holds
T y(xN/2 ) 6 C/N 2 .

Finally, according (24), (25) and (26), the proof is complete.

6 Numerical experiments
In this section we present numerical results to confirm the accuracy of the difference scheme (15) using the
meshes (6), (8), (10), and (11).
Example 6.1. We consider the following boundary value problem

ε2 y ′′ = y + cos2 πx + 2ε2 π 2 cos2 πx on (0, 1) , (27)

y(0) = y(1) = 0. (28)

The exact solution of this problem is
x x
e− ε + e ε
− cos2 πx.
y(x) =
1 (29)
1 + e− ε
The nonlinear system was solved using the initial condition y0 = −0.5 and the value of the constant γ = 1.
Because the fact that the exact solution is known, we compute the error EN and the rate of convergence Ord in
the usual way
ln EN − ln E2N ln EN − ln E2N
EN = ky − yN k∞ , Ord = , (Shishkin), Ord = , (Bakhvalov, Liseikin) (30)
ln(2k/(k + 1)) ln 2

where N = 2k , k = 4, 5, . . . , 12, and y is the exact solution of the problem (1)–(3), while y N an appropriate
numerical solution of (1)–(3). The graphics of the numerical and exact solutions, for various values of the
parameter ε are on Figure 1 (left), while fragments of these solutions on Figure 1 (right). The values of EN
and Ord are in Tables 1.

0.0 Exact ε = 2−10
Exact ε = 2−10
Exact ε = 2−10
Exact ε = 2−10
mod. Bakhvalov ε = 2−10
mod. Shishkin ε = 2−10
Shishkin ε = 2−10
y - axis

y - axis
Liseikin ε = 2−10
Exact ε = 2−6
Exact ε = 2−7
Exact ε = 2−10
Numerical ε = 2−6
Numerical ε = 2−7
Numerical ε = 2−10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x - axis
x - axis

Figure 1: Exact and numerical solutions (left), layer near x = 0 (right)–the difference scheme (15)

2−3 2−5 2−10 2−20 2−30 2−40

N En Ord En Ord En Ord En Ord En Ord

24 6.590e-2 3.02 1.469e-1 1.83 1.678e-1 2.50 1.706e-1 2.48 1.706e-1 2.48 1.706e-1 2.48
25 1.593e-2 2.87 6.209e-2 2.74 5.172e-2 2.26 5.305e-2 2.31 5.305e-2 2.31 5.305e-e 2.31
26 3.670e-3 2.75 1.530e-2 2.86 1.627e-2 1.98 1.626e-2 1.99 1.626e-2 1.99 1.626e-2 1.99
27 8.325e-4 2.66 3.262e-3 2.76 5.576e-3 1.98 5.575e-3 1.98 5.575e-3 1.98 5.576e-2 1.98
28 1.869e-4 2.61 6.934e-4 2.65 1.836e-3 2.00 1.836e-3 2.00 1.836e-3 2.00 1.836e-3 2.00
29 4.153e-5 2.57 1.505e-4 2.55 5.820e-4 2.00 5.819e-4 2.00 5.819e-4 2.00 5.819e-4 2.00
210 9.126e-6 2.55 3.348e-5 2.46 1.797e-4 2.00 1.797e-4 2.00 1.797e-4 2.00 1.797e.4 2.00
211 1.981e-6 2.53 7.659e-6 2.37 5.438e-5 2.00 5.438e-5 2.00 5.438e-5 2.00 5.438e-5 2.00
212 4.249e-7 - 1.815e-6 - 1.618e-5 - 1.618e-5 - 1.618e-5 - 1.618e-5 -

mesh (6)

24 2.349e-1 2.68 3.860e-1 1.72 4.453e-1 1.45 4.339e-1 1.42 4.533e-1 1.42 4.533e-1 1.42
25 6.662e-2 3.00 1.718e-1 2.37 2.242e-1 1.92 2.317e-1 1.89 2.317e-1 1.89 2.317e-1 1.89
26 1.434e-2 3.00 5.098e-2 2.68 8.388e-2 2.20 8.802e-2 2.18 8.802e-2 2.18 8.802e-2 2.18
27 2.840e-3 2.96 1.961e-2 2.65 2.555e-2 2.32 2.717e-2 2.30 2.718e-2 2.30 2.718e-2 2.30
28 5.407e-4 2.94 2.714e-3 2.65 6.946e-3 2.36 7.486e-3 2.33 7.487e-3 2.33 7.487e-3 2.33
29 9.946e-5 2.94 6.214e-4 2.50 1.782e-3 2.39 1.955e-3 2.32 1.955e-3 2.32 1.955e-3 2.32
210 1.765e-5 2.94 1.425e-4 2.46 4.362e-4 2.49 4.987e-4 2.30 4.988e-4 2.30 4.988e-4 2.30
211 3.033e-6 2.93 3.263e-5 2.43 9.826e-5 2.53 1.258e-4 2.27 1.259e-4 2.27 1.259e-4 2.27
212 5.129e-7 - 7.446e-6 - 2.111e-5 - 3.161e-5 - 3.162e-5 - 3.162e-5 -

mesh (8)

24 1.759e-2 2.00 4.723e-2 1.94 8.772e-2 1.88 1.273e-1 1.80 1.277e-1 1.80 1.277e-1 1.80
25 4.440e-3 2.00 1.226e-2 2.02 2.367e-2 1.97 3.652e-2 1.95 3.666e-2 1.94 3.666e-2 1.94
26 1.102e-3 2.00 3.010e-3 1.97 6.023e-3 1.89 9.479e-3 1.99 9.514e-3 1.99 9.515e-3 1.99
27 2.757e-4 2.00 7.696e-4 2.00 1.623e-3 1.65 2.392e-3 2.00 2.401e-3 2.00 2.401e-3 2.00
28 6.894e-5 2.00 1.923e-4 2.00 5.140e-4 1.90 5.995e-4 2.00 6.018e-4 2.00 6.019e-4 2.00
29 1.723e-5 2.00 4.807e-5 2.00 1.372e-4 2.07 1.499e-4 2.00 1.505e-4 2.00 1.505e-5 2.00
210 4.309e-6 2.00 1.201e-5 2.00 3.258e-5 2.01 3.750e-5 2.00 3.764e-5 2.00 3.764e-5 2.00
211 1.077e-6 2.00 3.004e-6 2.00 8.114e-6 2.03 9.375e-6 2.00 9.411e-6 2.00 9.412e-6 2.00
212 2.693e-7 - 7.511e-7 - 1.985e-6 - 2.343e-6 - 2.352e-6 - 2.353e-6 -

mesh (10)

24 6.113e-2 1.98 1.231e-1 1.96 1.859e-1 1.65 2.014e-1 1.63 2.027e-1 1.63 2.088e-1 1.63
25 1.546e-2 1.99 3.151e-2 2.09 5.895e-2 1.86 6.497e-2 1.85 6.548e-2 1.85 6.553e-2 1.85
26 3.869e-3 1.99 7.395e-3 2.04 1.627e-2 1.94 1.795e-2 1.94 1.810e-2 1.93 1.811e-2 1.93
27 9.675e-4 2.00 1.792e-3 2.01 4.192e-3 1.99 4.678e-3 1.97 4.719e-3 1.97 4.723e-3 1.97
28 2.418e-4 2.00 4.439e-4 2.00 1.052e-3 2.06 1.191e-3 1.98 1.201e-3 1.98 1.202e-3 1.98
29 6.046e-5 2.00 1.107e-4 2.00 2.517e-4 2.18 3.004e-4 1.99 3.030e-4 1.00 3.033e-4 1.99
210 1.511e-5 2.00 2.766e-5 2.00 5.531e-5 2.18 7.542e-5 2.00 7.608e-5 2.00 7.614e-5 2.00
211 3.779e-6 2.00 6.915e-6 2.00 1.219e-5 2.07 1.889e-5 2.00 1.905e-5 2.00 1.907e-5 2.00
212 9.448e-7 - 1.728e-6 - 2.887e-6 - 4.728e-6 - 4.769e-6 - 4.773e-6 -

mesh (11)

Table 1: Results for difference scheme (15)

7 Conclusion
In this paper we give a discretization of a semilinear reaction–diffusion one–dimensional boundary–value prob-
lem. The difference scheme is constructed, the ε–uniform convergence of the order 2 on modified Shishkin mesh
is shown. Similar results were obtained in one of the previous papers of the first author. But in that previous
paper, the approximation of the function ψ, which appears in the integrals, is very clumsily chosen. This made
the analysis unnecessarily difficult. In this paper we have chosen a simplier approximation, which caused a
simplier analysis. Another difficulty from the mentioned previous paper we didn’t overcome, here we used in
our analysis the modified Shishkin mesh too, introduced by Vulanović. It is remain a task for some future paper
to replace the modified Shishkin mesh by the Shishkin mesh. In the numerical experiments except the modified
Shishkin mesh we used the Shishkin, the modified Bakhvalov, and the Liseikin mesh. All the meshes gave the
expected results.

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