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Microlino 116, San Pedrito Peñuelas II, Querétaro, Qro.

Cell: 442 381 9555
Mechatronics Engineer with a specialty in Integral Design of Automated Systems, bachelor’s degree.
Extensive knowledge in design and evaluation products, simulation, PLC (AB & Siemens); C++, C# & Python
programming, HIL test, ISTQB certificated, MATLAB, Ethernet, CAN, JIRA and quality management system, and
personnel management.

Languages: Advanced Conversational English, Native Spanish.
Advanced Programming in PLC, Excel, Macros/Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Solidworks, AutoCAD, National Instruments
LabView, MATLAB, HiL Testing, Green Belt Six Sigma, with experience in Gage R&R, Measurement & Quality Systems,
Design for Six Sigma for design and processes, Design of Experiments (DOE), and Critical for Quality (CTQ).



May 2022 to November 2022.
ALTAIR – FORD – Querétaro, Qro - Cuautitlán, EDOMEX and CDMX, México.
 Support the automated testing initiative in HiL, using Teststand, Veristand and National Instruments tools,
perform daily regression test runs, review results, and confirm final automated results.
 Simulations in MATLAB – Simulink, Debug Models, Trace and Collect Component Models.
 Test analysis of programs and sequences of new Ford electric cars, looking for and solving issues with the root
causes, using Ford own programs and platforms online as Jira.
 Support improvement assignments to accelerate test execution, reduce HiL Test setup timing and increase
automation rates.
 Make a monthly report with all coworkers from ALTAIR activities and working hours for the week.


May 2021 to May 22.
INGEEN – ZF – AIRTIFICIAL – Querétaro, Qro, México.
 Develop control systems based on PLC to create auto parts production lines,
following the company's PLC control system programming standard as Tesla and Ford.
 Management of motors, servo motors, presses, industrial sensors, inspection cameras, lubrication systems.
 Creation of manuals, process description guides, standard PLC, electrical and pneumatic diagrams.
 Implementation and development of automation of a project and start-up in the field.
 Study of CG, CGK, Gage R&R, device audits.
 Interpretation of electrical and pneumatic diagrams.
 Management of Virtual Machines for Allen Bradley (Studio 5000) and Siemens (TIA Portal).
 Responsible for meeting GM Global Safety standards, including speak up for safety, global call to action, safety
observation tours, employee safety concerns, incident investigation and safety module compliance.
 Drives successful planning and execution Global Manufacturing System principles and Security elements.

July 2020 to May 2021.
XTREME COOLING AIR – Querétaro, Qro, México.
 Design of mechanical parts and PLC control of new HVAC products for industries.
 Analyze data recollection for new parameters of Programming.
 Develop physics-based thermo-fluid dynamic models of HVAC components.
 Continuous contact with suppliers of parts and electronic control devices.
 Management of contractors and personnel subcontracted or hired, coordinating with architects, structural
engineers, electrical engineers, and plumbing engineers on requirements of the HVAC equipment and system.


July 2017 to July 2020.
MABE – GENERAL ELECTRIC – Querétaro, Qro, México.
 Releasing and certifying nationally and internationally refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners in consumption,
thermal, mechanical, and safety performance in the product under the standards NOM015-2018, CSA C300,
AHAM 2018, ISO IEC 2015.
 Extensive experience in launching new products in Mexico, the United States, Canada, and the European Union,
following the Design for Six Sigma, New Product Introduction, and Reliability methodology.
 Evaluator of product engineering from the prototype stage to the market launch of the final product. Some of the
projects carried out for General Electric appliances
 Testing and analyzing frost-free and static refrigerators from prototype until serial production.
 Understanding and elaborating new methods of experimental tests and solutions to fulfill ISO requirements.
 Initiating experiments to evaluate the efficiency of existing products and processes. Conducting comprehensive
data analysis, documentation, technical reporting, and presentations.
 Support in manufacturing area for solutions in relevant problems to processes, methods, and machines.
 Responsible for product development procedures of the company (NPI) and ensure that steps are met
adequately within the deadlines.


January 2015 to July 2020
CONAMAT – Querétaro, Qro, México.
 Teacher in secondary and high school students; teaching math, physics, chemistry, computer science, and
reading comprehension classes.
 Extensive domain in topics of algebra, trigonometry, descriptive and inferential statistics; differential, integral,
vector and multivariable calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, classical mechanics, dynamics,
statics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, electricity, and magnetism.

Product Development:
 Responsible, as evaluator engineer, for the get energy save of 10% for GE appliances.
 Create a lot of VBA Macros to Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Project for reduction process time process about 300%

Product Improvement:
 Noted performance with the Quality department to ensure quick implementation of the improvement of the
project, decreasing field claim rate.
 Worked in close synergy with international teams to reduce technical problems.

Tests, Evaluations, and Analysis:

 Testing products and systems to ensure compliance with client standards.
 Analyze data and provide recommendations that result in the adoption of new cost-saving equipment.

Project Coordination:
 Project Engineer in portfolio renews in refrigerators platform including domestic and foreign markets.
 Coordination and participation in projects conducted according to internal procedures, involving a multidisciplinary
team where good negotiation skills are necessary to meet deadlines and budgets.

Mechatronic Engineering
ITQ – Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro – Querétaro, México.
Aug 2012 to Jul 2018

IT Technician
CETis no. 16 – Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos industrial y de servicios – Querétaro, México.
Aug 2009 to Jul 2012

 Thermodynamics certificate  SDR course
 Advanced Excel certificate  Customer focus
 Macros design certificate  ISO 17025
 LABView for Industry  Advanced DFR
 Solidworks for Design Engineering  Uncertainty estimate
 AutoCAD for Engineers  OEE
 PLC Allen Bradley and Siemens Programming  5S’s methodology
 Teamwork  5 Whys methodology
 Customer focus  8D’s methodology
 Advanced Refrigeration  Core Tools
 NMX-EC-17025:2018  Programming in C++, C#, Java & Pyhton
 ISO 9001:2015  CAN Communication
 AMEF  Analogic and Digital Electronic Couse
 SAP for engineering  ISTQB
 Lean manufacturing (5's, 8 D's, 5W)


Macros Design 6 sigma Lean Manufacturing - GREEN BELT

ITQ - Querétaro (MEX) Mabe TYP - Querétaro (MEX)
Course length: 160h (Feb-17 to Apr-17) Course length: 144h (March-18 to July-18)

Advanced Refrigeration Thermodynamics diplomat

Mabe TYP - Querétaro (MEX) Mabe TYP - Querétaro (MEX)
Course length: 96h (Oct-17 to Nov-17) Course length: 200h (May-19 to Nov-19)


Informatic Administration
 Microsoft Excel  SAP Business
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft PowerPoint
 Microsoft Project  Minitab
 R.Studio
 Number Analytics
Mechanical Design
 SolidWorks
 AutoCAD
 Catia  LABView
 ANSYS  Studio 5000
 TIA Portal
 Visual Studio Code
 Arduino
 XCode
 Eclipse
 Oracle

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