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How College Students Can Benefit by Taking a Business Class

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How College Students Can Benefit by Taking a Business Class


College education plays a critical role in preparing students with the skills required to

manage life in a highly competitive and changing world. Typically, the current social and

business environments change frequently, requiring individuals to gain the relevant navigation

skills. For instance, aspects such as globalization, business internationalization, and diversity

increase in workplaces necessitate skill expertise. Skills required for effective success in business

could be achieved in a college class. For example, skills acquired in business class enhance the

process of decision-making for personal and organizational financial management. Therefore,

these pages will evaluate how college students can benefit from taking a business class.

Currently, globalization has turned the world into a borderless village with organizations

taking advantage of the chance to operate internationally. as such, globalization opportunities

increase the opportunities for different people running businesses. For example, opportunities for

e-commerce are advantaged by globalization aspects, including effective communication and

transportation, which have minimized the capital required to run organizations. As such, taking a

business class in college could enhance the capability of successful business performance in the

globalized world (Mack, n.d.). For instance, business classes would play a critical role in

enabling individuals to develop their communication skills.

The current business environment revolves operations in a highly globalized world.

Business organizations are required to make reports and pitches that involve various stakeholders

in different governmental and professional ranks both nationally and internationally—as such,

having the relevant communication skills could play a crucial role in enabling the smooth

running of organizations (Mack, n.d.). For instance, excellent communication skills are required

in various business levels, such as drafting particular emails, writing a convincing report, or

winning pitches. Equally, business organizations employ workers from around the world as

globalization allowed recruitment beyond national borders (Mack, n.d.). This creates the

significance of communication skills while working with people from across nations and

continents in challenging projects.

Typically, in a highly globalized world, individuals should be in a position to articulate

their experiences and perspectives through effective communication. Taking business classes

minimizes the possible clashes likely to emerge during communication between people of

different diversities (Mack, n.d.). College business classes equip learners with skills that prepare

learners for critical analyses of cases, utilize diplomatic responses while responding to

conflicting situations, and enhance one's ability to cope with diversity while highlighting their

particular points.

More so, the communication skills gained in business classes, coupled with other lessons,

enhance the students' ability to deal with diversity issues (Mack, n.d.). Diversity in workplaces

includes some of the primary aspects defining business organizations. Business classes teach on

issues of diversity and allow learners to understand various cultures, values, and business

etiquette for various regions (Mack, n.d.). For example, while aspects like greetings and gift-

giving are acceptable in some countries, they are unacceptable in some. Business classes offer

college students a chance to understand how business operations run in various world areas, thus

increasing knowledge and experience of running a business in a highly globalized world.

Taking business classes enhances the learners' ability to specialize and understand their

audience in business better (Mack, n.d.). For instance, college students tend to have clues of their

particular interests, and some tend to start focusing on the particular areas early enough. As such,

college students taking business classes could benefit from particular topics through focused

concentration. For example, business classes with specialized topics like international business,

real estate, entrepreneurship, management science, or business ethics offer learners a glimpse of

the real market. Such insight plays a crucial role in decision-making about particular areas of

specialization in both business and professional specializations (Mack, n.d.). Some topics in

college business classes play a crucial role in shaping professional careers among students with

doubts about their particular interests. For example, lessons on international business allow

learners a chance to view the business world from a broader perspective and a close picture of

the reality, which enhances decision-making.

Equally, business classes tend to have topics relating to marketing and competition.

Therefore, individuals taking the classes in college could utilize marketing reasons to understand

the aspects of creativity, innovativeness, and meeting the customer's need (Mack, n.d.).

Typically, business environments in the 21st century are highly competitive, and individuals must

clearly understand some of the sophisticated bits about audiences to manage a competitive

advantage. As such, taking college business classes allows individuals to gain insight into

audience preferences and crucial entrepreneurial skills that increase success probability in

businesses launched in the future.

In addition, business classes play a crucial role in educating about financial issues such as

budgeting, accounting, and investment (Mack, n.d.). Typically, the current competitive business

environments pose significant challenges due to incapacities in finance management. Commonly,

business organizations that fail are due to the inability to make proper budgets and account for all

finances injected into the business (Mack, n.d.). As such, taking business classes in college

prepares learners for the business world, more so, for proper management of business financial

resources. For example, business classes teach students how to account for the organization's

company accounting needs effectively, how to comply with government regulations, as well as

options for creating cost-effective operations.

More so, business classes in college play a critical role in personal financial planning. For

example, graduates seeking to make investments for particular assets such as buying land,

houses, or cars could consider loans for financing the project (Mack, n.d.). However, it is not

always safe to borrow, and it is important to factor in various aspects before settling on loans. A

similar case of decision-making dilemma applies while trying to make investments in aspects

that include real estate, stocks, or bonds. As such, college business classes could play a crucial

role in equipping learners with basic economic insight for easier assessment of a firm's financial

health and market impacts from global events (Mack, n.d.). Typically, economic principles

knowledge from college business class could enable individuals to make well-informed business

decisions and avoid losses experienced as an outcome of economic ignorance.

Business organizations operate to either sell services or goods. The primary idea of

gaining competitiveness is managing to make sales and maximize costs through the appreciation

of cost-effective business strategies (Mack, n.d.). Typically, business classes in college play a

critical role in equipping individual learners with the relevant sales skills and expertise for

ensuring the operations are cost-effective. Typically, sales skills tend to a communication

subsection, and increased expertise in the area is paramount to run a business in today's business

environment. Increasing individual sale success rates requires individuals to have the relevant

educational skills in business management (Mack, n.d.). For example, business class expertise

knowledge on aspects such as discounting, reverse logistics, and utilization of incentives

enhances individual ability to develop sales strategies that fit their particular business field.

Equally, business classes in college play a crucial role in equipping the learners with

knowledge about possible business trends (Mack, n.d.). Business environments have in the past

five decades evolved, significantly shifting almost all business aspects. For example, the sales

methods and management/ leadership strategies applied in running businesses during the

millennium have already shifted. Precisely, while sales methods revolved around product

availability, the current sales strategies are influenced by aspects that include consumer

preferences, logistics agility, and the firm's ability to meet consumer demands (Mack, n.d.).

Typically, college business class plays a crucial role in enhancing individual knowledge about

the generation of prospective leads through aspects like consumer research and drafting of

effective sale pitches (Mack, n.d.). For example, current sale itches must consider consumer

preferences, e-commerce spread, and possible changes in business trend changes.


In conclusion, a business college class plays could play a significant role in shaping a

student's ability to run a business in the future. Typically, business classes tend to enhance the

development of excellent communication skills that enhance individual ability to articulate ideas

in a diplomatic manner. Equally, business classes promote the capability of dealing with

diversity in the highly competitive world. Other benefits for taking a college business class

include developing sales skills, entrepreneurial skills, business, personal financial planning

insight, and understanding economic principles and trends. Essentially, the knowledge from

business class offers crucial insight that enables individuals to make well-informed business

decisions and avoid losses experienced as an outcome of economic ignorance.



Mack, Stan. "Importance Of Business Education". Small Business - Chron.Com,


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