Crypto Trading Using Price Action

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€ Crypto Trading using Price Action (Crypto Trading using Price Action Preface ‘The following course serves to establish you a complete Price Action trader centered around, esentilly, supply & demand, Below Ive outlined the resources needed and itis recommended you download alocal copy before seating Remember: Do not expect to become an expere within a mon ultimate goal beng able to make this profitable endeavour ‘Treat cis as your university degree (Course Resources: TCT Menorship bsps/imepa nl fldc/p is YIR&7EVIAYD Ir: ACka ICT Mentorhip Conent Fuge CT Mentorship Contents pdf rue Structure 1 ST Seri " 2 list=PLVgHx4Z63paZePDeye7-1lx4BO 1yk0} 2 ‘© Month 1 Video 1 Elements ro Trade Seeup «Video 2- How Market Makers Condition the Market '¢ Video 3- Wh You Should Be Focused on Right Now © Video 4- Equilibrium vs Discoune Video §- Equilibrium vs. Premium Video 6- Fatr Valuation Video 7-Liguiity Rens ‘© Video 8 — Impulse Price Swings &e Market Proaction (© Month 2 Video 7- Marie Maker Trap: Flic Fags «Video 8- Market Maker Tips Fale Breakouts {© Month 3 Video I. Time Frame Selotion & Defining Setups For Your Model «Video 2 Insiutional Order Flow ~ What makes Ie Lxyto Know Vidco 4~ Where Will the Nett Setup Form ~ Antclpaiory Skil Se Development Video §- Inside Price Action = Institutional Market Strture Video 7- Markee Maker Tap: Trendiine Phantoms Video $ ~ Market Maker isp: Head and Shoulders Phantoms 3. ICT Mentorship Blocks/Liguidity ‘© Month 4 Video 2- Liquidity Delivery 1 Video 3- Order blocks Video 4- Breaker Block Video 5- Mitigation Block Video 11» Liquidity Pools Video 12- Liquidity Voids Video 13- Far Vale Gaps Video 14- Divergence Phantom Video 15 - Double Top/Bottor © Bonus Payis: herp suru com/plylise? lse=PLyBIXABpbISTaURDIFsenAdeiwlsk Oly 4 is ‘© Month § Video 9-Intrmarke: Analysis Video 10-Insteutional Swing Poines 1 Video 14- PD Arrays {© Month 6 Video 1- Idea Swing Conditions 1 Video 2- Element Swing Video 3- Classic Swing 1 Video 4- Fligh Probabiliy Bull Swing 1 Video 5-Iligh Probably Sell Sings ‘© Video 7- Hallmark Swing (© Month 7 Video I- HT? Ranges 1 Video 2. Weekly Ranges Lesson ‘Video 3- Markee Maker Template «Video 4-IPDA PD Lessons Video 5- Low Resistance Consolidation Lesion 1 Video 6- Low Resiance Trending Leson € Crypto Trading using Price Action © Bonus Ply: hesps:/sourube com/plyliee? lise=PL.y IX ABpbISQ Wap WAKJaxnuglbWOsOne 5. ICT Masket Maker Primer Cours: hitp://yotubecom/plylis? S=PLVglinaZéipashldyad 1OM Qld 2¥a © Whae New Trader Should Focur On {© Events To ICT Marke Structure (The Weekly Bis. Frcllence In Short Ter Teding 1 Time & Pree Theory ' dccumulition-Manipulstion-Diseibuson 1 Trading The Key Swing Points 1 Ineo ToICT Opes Tad Entry 1 Score To Swing Trading 6. ICT Market Maker Series p-sharing '¢ Video 3- Understanding Institutional Manipulation Stop Running ' Video 4- Advanced Institutional Order Block Anais ' Video 5- Insertional Order Flow Mitigation Blocks Video 6- Inside Fractals the Markee Maker Buy Model Video 7- Inside Fractals the Marker Maker Sell Model 1 Video 9- The Complete ICT Swing Trading with Institutional Order Flow {© Video 10- The Complete ICT Shore Term Trading with Inteatonal Order Flow Bonus Content (Fiighly Recommended you go chrough these, and only after you finish che above) ‘© ICT Master High Probability calping Volumes 1-3: hips /voutube som/olaylist? lit=PLgH547.6}pa¥ieAruplIFMSYEAD7GIGP (Price Action Notes hp “/ppssestion Mogspot com ‘Haka (ignore section on Divergences, since we don’ use Indiator) hp netium com typist echnical analiconcspe- 63814 S56 (Trader Mayne PA Gaide Traderllayne PA trading cheathseet pdf 1 Market Structure and Powerful Setups-Mariet Structure And Powerful Setups - By Wade Fx Setups pdf (© PA Action Cheatsheet Price Action Chest Sheet pdf, 1 RektProof Proper Ue of SD Zones: bitp:/theeadreaderappsom thread 448884082228988947 html 1 RetaProof Proce: Reektproof Process (© RP Tap Setup: Three Tap Setup pdf ‘© RP Range Setup 1-Range + MSB +S8D Part 1 pdf ‘© RP Range Setup 2.Range + MSB +S8D Part 2 df € Crypto Trading using Price Action 2 TradeXBT Thea on SFP p/w so Tine XBT aa 4497009722465, ‘ Inmortl Thread on Bull trend Range: apie on nm onary ata I MAAOG2ES7I744SY7A hol Tyler Thread on Ranges: spits cn / $800 /sau/ A287 MAORI (Trading Plan: My-Trading-Plan-Tex pat Next step Ttsimporsn you tat developing trading ptm onc going through the above materi: Onc dendoped, you MUST backrest

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