Discussion Preparation Template DANIEL TRUJILLO PDF

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Discussion preparation template

First guide for speakers

Theme Do mobile apps improve people's quality of life?

Names of speakers Daniel Alberto Trujillo Clemente

Speaker's position (Affirmative/No)

Greeting and introduction
Good morning...

I am the apprentice Daniel Trujillo.

The topic of today's debate is whether mobile apps improve people's quality of life.

Describe your team's case:

(a) Its points:
I'll talk about...

● Influence

● Everyday

● Disadvantages
(b) Remarks by the second speaker:
Our second speaker will talk about...

His first point
State your argument: influence
My first point is, the influence of different applications as they help us perform day-to-day tasks
more easily and efficiently in addition to communicating so it influences both the way we work
and the personal relationships we develop and that is why the impact of mobile applications in
society is so great.

What is the information that supports your argument?

Thanks to mobile business solutions, a small business can reach a larger audience in an innovative
way and become a reference or a large multinational can manage all its tasks or the work of its
employees in real time.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.: There are informative, organizational, for games, for education, on health, sports
... We could continue to mention various types of applications and never end. And its advantages have made this
revolutionary phenomenon a perfect opportunity to improve.
His second point
State your argument:
My second point is... Everyday

There are apps that serve from controlling expenses and income, organizing a trip, to stay in shape
with simple exercises and even to have control of the thousands of passwords that a person
accumulates throughout his life

What is the information that supports your argument?

The offer of applications for smartphones is very extensive. There are all kinds, but some of the busiest and most
useful are those that serve to organize aspects of daily life.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

They are also widely used by companies to obtain and process data about their processes efficiently.

His third point

State your argument:
My third point is... Disadvantages.
- Requires internet connection.
- Very limited access to device hardware elements and features.
- The user experience (navigation, interaction, ...) and the response time is lower than in a
native app.
- It requires more effort in promotion and visibility.

What is the information that supports your argument?

- Different skills/languages/tools for each platform.
- They tend to be more expensive to develop.
- Client code is not reusable between different platforms.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

- Dependence. In recent years, many people are having problems with dependence on technologies. ...
- Ethical dilemmas. ...
- Dehumanization. ...
- Contamination. ...
- Privacy.

Closing statement
President, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...
Mobile applications are used by companies for monitoring and managing processes, as well as for
planning and coordinating strategies and key activities for them.

Second Speaker Guide

Speaker's position (Affirmative/No)

Disagree with the arguments of the first speaker

I don't agree with .... because....

Why do you disagree with the points made by the first speaker?
Briefly indicate the points you will make
Today I will talk to you about:

His first point

State your argument:
My first point is...

What is the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

His second point

State your argument:
My second point is...

What is the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

His third point

State your argument:
My third point is...

What is the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

Closing statement
President, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...

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