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7A O53: 0 8 DL O3 3) @ — = § STUDENT’S BOOK (T'S YauR WORLD WITH DIGITAL PACK Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent with Andrew Reid ie CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 BS, United Kingdom (ne Liberty Plaza 20th Floor, New Yor, NY 10006, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Austral {314-321 Se Foor, Pot 3 Splendor Forum, Jasoa Dsriet Cente, New Delhi~ 110025, nd 79 Anson Road, #06-04/06, Singapore 0796 Joxé Abas 56,1 2803 Madrid, Spin ‘Cambridge University Press s part ofthe University of Cambridge. Ie furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge inthe pursult of education, learning and research atthe highest international levels of excellence, woreccambridge org Information on this ide: www cambridge ong/9781 108772570 © Cambridge University Press 2020, “This publication iin copyright. Subject to statutory exception 1nd to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the weiten permission of Cambridge University Press. Fist published 2020 20:19 1817 1615 413 DBT ESA Printed in Kaly by Rotoito SpA, ‘A catalogue record for this publication i available fam the British Lbnary ISBN 978-1-108-77257-0 Own itl Students Book with Digital Pack Level ISBN 978-8-490-35962-3 Collaborate Students Book Level 3 Additional resources for this publication at www, ‘Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy ‘of URLs for external or thied-party internet websites refered to inthis publication, Sn doesnot gurantee hat ay cntent on sch wests oF lean, Your digital activation code Scart or appropriate. 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Help For help or system requirements, go to cambridge. rglownit-help, ‘Your activation code can only be used once willbe val for 18 months from actuation, MN STUDENT’S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PACK Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent 3 CAMBRIDGE with Andrew Reid UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS Vocabula Languageinaction Reading echo resent simple and present continuous ‘Amessage on an 3 5 Starter unit Tela resent simple and pre eon 2729 ecomat pe | estes & ith adverb of frequency ps Music | Presentsimple for ture ps Pastsimple pe Describing people ‘pit | @ Past simple and past continuous with ‘An article: The man who taughthimselftosee p12 Phraslverbs i | when while ands p13 | @ Anaricle The boy who brought iaht Beinspred pio ens pis | wrrectown ps} eo - See @ocat heroes - pa Unit review p20, Finished? pis a Apel Vsuol and perormingarts 923 | (® Present perfect withregular and ‘magazine ticle: what do you see? Unit gon |WMusieandtheate p26 ireulr verbs p25) Rubbish, pasta oar? 2 pees @ Present perfect with already, jus, sti P¥Art:Changingourlivesforthe better p37 e and yet wa “ Unit review 32, Fished? 9319 _ SE concn: 3: eres i snare nomorelnguopetesions? a6 “allocations with soy @ Fresent peroct mth ferince ‘amagazine aces Languogesin danger p42 Sereadte Set as] and rowlong.? 939 | @ otherworkds, other words pa Ps ise | @ Present perfect and pastsimple 39 Unirevew ps ised? p20 - Z Gata Healthandtitness pa” | @ Quantifers p45] Online FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions pa aavabow, | Healhyeaing 780 | @ shoul, shouldnt and oughtto PSL Tecnology and fitness pias healthy mind pas @ 2 = 7 Uniteeview 956, Finished? 621 —_ - man Panetarh 789 | @ the fist conditional aL] Anewsstory:Canwesaveouroceans? p80 am “nsturalenviconments 362 @ Thesecond conditional 63 | WAjournat Wednesday 24 October pe snowstorm! 66 aa oe @ Toke actionnow! 5s Unitrevew p66, Finished? 922 - _ i Making things 111 | @ Present simple passhe {73 | Anews story: Tee’sbanana skininvention p72 [unit scine taeralsondconanes pt @astsmplepasse IS Hen lon atack.getcrestve! p29 | box p70, Unirevew p, Fishel 3 : : Sa | Festvats p83 | @ Past perfect 85] Afletale:A princes, farmer anda bridge eae | Music festivals and Reported statements p87) ofbirds pes “vemusie 8s '@ travel blog olin china 80 ee @amonkey butter 80 Unitreview 552i? ae ~ ee - lees ee] schoo! 85 | @ canjeont 287 Areport Dangerous journeystoschool p86 unas | attitude and behaviour 98 | bellowed to 137 | BY Growing up and giving back pio Bieicat pot @haveto,mustandneedto p39 all : = Unitrevew p10, Finished? pi2s - Tones Travel OT | @ be going and present continuous ‘magazine nteriwrHoldaysofthefuture p08 A Tavelphrasalverbs p10 | orfture 10s | Awebpage:Volunterabroad ‘Auauderon the Future contiouous 5109 | conservation programmes: CostaRica pls es | ®elve pronouns and relative causes. 111 | ® One word, onecuture? pula Listening Speaking and pronunciation wei oe eer Learnto... record collocations ‘conversation pT | Ateview of Recording vocabulary pa |anapp po Contextualising vocabulary et ‘radio Inierviewingsomeone pi6 | Alettertoa Opposites pL Programme pi4| @everydayenglish p16 | magazine pi Takingnotes pus Wal and | 41 Cause and effect pis & a a oe aS Learnto...setand achievelearinggosls p21 ‘Aconversation 26 | Describingapicture p26 | Areview p23 | Theart project: Making nounsfor people ps @everydayengish p28 Aproflieofan artist 30 | Inferring p26 fuel ere en Tom Howtodoonlineresearch p30 Learnto... help your partner | ___ ee putt “improve theirspeaking p33 Ez ~ | Aakingiorsomething ‘liste pat] J Usingspidergrams pas p38 | youneed pao | | Using lash cards ps everyday English p40 | Skim reading pa Seen 7 (ee indifferent ways. [nein 950 engnevee” SY Aponte [Tee aaa eae rai | @rveryéayEagisn ps2 | aforum 953, Areport p54 | Cognates ps0 | Canis “romtodoasuvey p54 | Learnto..checkyourwrting est | vowel king rat | Taciass Givingyouropinion _pé4 | Anopinion i % Look, cove, remember p59 | discussion 62 | @everyday English p64 | essay 6s, Drawing pictures ps2 Relerencewords pst | suressintest | Conditionalsentences pis2 Learnto...understand how youlearn p63 JAquizshow p74 | Giving and following ‘Areview pi | Thetechnology project: Visualising pr | instructions ors presentation 8 | Vsingbacrgound knoniadge rm | Weverydyengisn pre Howtebrestom pa | Lento. improve your | ae he seaking with oes pa [Aconversation pining friend ‘Anemalto ‘sees patorns 7 | taper, pas atiend 9 Predicting information p86 | everyday English pss Prefs and stives oa | sere “s eee eee . [Aphone call p56 [Explamingandashing | Anessay —_pi0i | Thecizenship projec: Fersonaiing vocabulary 785 | about ee 100 Aschoalbrochure__plO2 | Freperngtoisten 8 | @everyday English 100 How to make decisions in Learnto...ask for help when you | ae et aprour 102) dontunderstand ps ‘Conversations p130 | Talking about ‘Anemailtoa Learning callacatons plot afutretrip pl2 host family pL13 Phrasal verbs | pio everyday nglsh pia Making adjectives from nouns pus | eee ere Learnto... use technologyto words pun practise English pur yr aii3 WELCOME! VOCABULARY Technology A 1 Match the words with the photos (1-6). Then So!" listen, check and repeat. device O socialmedia (_} emoji (_) screen (_) app video chat (_) le the correct words to complete the questions. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 What's your favourite screen /(@pp)on your phone? 2 Which emoji/ screen do you use the most in messages to your friends? 3 Which device / social media sites do you use? 4 How often do you use video chat / device? Guess the correct answer. What was the most popular emoji ao ‘6S cw Find another interesting fact about ‘emojis. Then write a question for your partner to answer. 20177 4 STARTER UNIT Feelings 3. Write the words in the box next to the em¢ Se" the sentences. Then listen, check and repeat. angry bored embarrassed excited nervous upset © Help! He's talking about his fovourite computer gome again! I'm so bored © Andis to reply tohis text. © Cops! Clothes disaster this morning, One red sock, one pink sock. feel) with me. Horgot relng ‘sce pres on Wicket © Video chat isn't working - again! ee © igeesenee eee hatte ose og LEARN TO LEARN Recording vocabulary Writing new words in example sentences can help you to remember them. §& 4 Write the words from Exercise 3 in example sentences. Then read your sentences to your partner. always feel excited when the weekend starts. READING A message on an app 1 Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1. What can you see? 2. How do the people feel? 3. Which is more difficult? Skateboarding or making a robot? © 2 Read the messages. What do Dylan and 50°" Izzy do at their summer camps every day? ey Hey, Dylon! How's tech camp? ‘re You having fun? Dylan 1's brilliant, 'm never bored here. What do you do every day? In the morning we usually study computer longuages, ond in the afternoon we learn how to write apps. But we don't ‘always do the same thing, Today were building robots! That sounds cool! Itis, butitisn't as easy ast looks! Tet. ‘There's a competition tomorrow. I'm excited but ‘also a bit worried. My robot isn’t working very well. Anyway, how's skateboording camp? Tmhaving the time of my life. 'm learning lots of new tricks, always feel nervous before I do one, and sometimes feel embarrassed when I fall over. {feel upset when my robot falls over! (Oh, don't be upset! Listen, have you got any photos of you on {your skateboard? I'm making an app for social ‘media. {need some cool photos to put on it. ‘No. hardly ever take photos. Ok, don't worry. Anyway, gat to go. The next classi starting ‘and everyone's waiting forme. You're never on time! Listen, we always se this messaging app to talk, Next time let'sdo a video chat. Good idea! Bye! ‘Bye! Good luck with your robot! Read the conversation ag: D (Dylan) or | (Izzy). Who . 1 thinks their camp is always interesting? D has an important event soon? sometimes falls over? needs help with a project? talks about a different way to communicate? 4, Write the words and phrases in bold in the conversation that mean . 1 clever, fun acts. tricks 2 alittle, 3. I believe that's true. 4 enjoying myself lot. 5 notlate, 5 Discuss the questions. 1 Which summer camp do you think is more interesting? 2. Are summer camps popular in your country? STARTER UNIT 5. LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present simple and present a= - ee continuous with adverbs Se] eit Perea ee Pun of frequency Tle Present simple Present continuous need some cool photos. The next class’ is _ starting. We? always do the same thing. My robot isn’t working very well What? you do every day? . you having fun? © Frequency never hardly ever sometimes often usually always 1. Complete the examples in the table above. Use the Quesie messages on page 5 to help you. 4, Write sentences about your partner O) cet it ight! } sees with the time expressions. ‘Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, but after be. inthe evening atthe weekend when it’s sunny at the moment always get up early. lam never ate. Youoftien goto the park at the weekend, 2. Write the adverbs of frequency in the correct places. 1. I clean my computer screen. (hardly ever) hardly ever clean my computer screen. 2. Doyou feel nervous when you speak English? (sometimes) Present simple for future 3. Avideo chat is as good as a face-to-face chat. (never) 5 Write sentences in the present 4. New skateboard tricks aren’t easy to do. (always) simple. Do they refer to the present (P) or the future (F)? 0 leave start visit £3 complete hemessge withthe coe fomofthevets Se" jn the box. Then listen and check. 1. the film / at 21.00 call (x2) do have have learn Toetin eta a21. 00 E. make not believe 2 the train / soon Hi Anna! How’s it going?* Are you having a good holiday? 3 we /on holiday next Monday Guess where I? from! Summer camp! I 2 ‘on omazing time here. During the day, we 4 1/ my aunt / every weekend ‘ sports and in the evening, we songs by the fire. Oh, and guess what! We * ‘our own food every day, sol” how to cook! I'm sure you me, but it’s true! Anyway, my friends * me. Speak soon! Bye! 6 STARTER UNIT Mu: © 1 Match the words with the photos (1-10). Then listen, 55" check and repeat. bass drums O fans folk heavy metal (_) jazz (_) keyboard (1) rap O reggae (_] ©) 2. Listen and write the words from Exercise 1. 1 bao 5 9 10 2 6 3 7 4 8 4, Read the questions and make notes. 1 How often do you listen to music? 2. What are your favourite types of music? 3. Isthe music you listen to different from the music that your parents like? Why? 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. How often do you listen to music? listen to music every day when I get home from school. What about you? A conversation LEARN TO LEARN Contextualising vocabulary Listening to words in context helps you to understand and remember them. AG Listen to the conversation. Which 5°" "words from Exercise 1 do you hear? 17 Listen again and circle the correct Sa” answers. 1. Most of the children like pop / rap music. 2 Alotof the children feel excited / nervous about hearing themselves. on the radio. 3 On the radio, the children talk about their hobbies / families. 4 Sometimes doctors / bands give concerts in the hospital. 8 Would you like to bea DJina children’s hospital? Why / Why not? STARTER UNIT 7 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past simple VI As ard listen to on her \} rena ot ried Bed Ness CUT ete Regular verbs Irregular verbs + _| tplayed lots of music They gave a concert. ~_| They didn’t want to be in hospital. They? speak to me. 2_| Where did you work last summer? What? you do? 1 Complete the examples inthe table #@ 4 Rewrite the paragraph in the past above. simple. Then read your paragraph toa partner. 2. Complete the sentences about your summer, Use the correct form of the Matias gets up at 7 o'clock to go to verbs in the box. school. First, he gets dressed and then he has breakfast. He has cereal getup go have learn listen and toast. He doesn’t have juice or ” play see work coffee. Then he cleans his teeth and puts on his coat. He doesn't walk to Aidn't.ga_ to the beach. school. He goes by bus. He meets his friends outside school football in the park. and they listen to music before school starts. how to play the drums. Matias got. up at. 7 o'clock at a swimming pool. to music every day. late every day. a party at my house. Il 1 I I \ ' 1 1 my friends every day. 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 8 3 Write questions about the actvitiesin yuma Exercise 2. Then ask and answer them with a partner. 5 Write questions in the past simple with you. 1. Where / go/on your last holiday? Where did you go on your last holiday? 2 What / do /last weekend? Did you go to the beach last aummer? 3. Who / see yesterday? 4. /have breakfast yesterday morning? 6 Ask and answer the questions in Exe Where did you goon your last holiday? went to Barcelona. 8 STARTER UNIT WRITING A review of an app ® 1. Which apps do you use every day? Discuss with a partner. i 2. Read Sophia’s review. Does she recommend this app? 1 () PhotoFun is a photo-editing app. All my friends have it and they use tt every day. Last ‘week, I downloaded it on my phone 2 (its great because t's tree and very easy to use. Ican change my photos and make them look better. I'm interested in photography, so it's a great way to make beautiful pictures and share them with my friends on the Internet. upload new photos every week and my friends really like them. 3 () inmy opinion, there are a couple of problems with it. My phone is @ bit old and the app is. sometimes slow. Also, people sometimes post negative comments about my photos, That's not cool and it makes me angry. 4 C) overait, think i's a great app and Ireally recommend it, 3. Match a-d with paragraphs 1-4, a Good things ¢ Introduce the app. b General opinion Bad things 4, Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check the review. mies isa? It’s great because® Inmy* Overall, | think it's ® treally” there are® J” Write your own review of an app PLAN 5, Write notes about an app you use. Whatis it? What's good about it? What isn't good about it? What's your general opinion? 6 Decide what information to include in ‘each paragraph. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your review. Remember to include : four paragraphs, the present simple and the present continuous, and adverbs of g frequency. | CHECK 2 g Doyou... + introduce the app in the first paragraph? + write about good and bad things? + give your general opinion? STARTER UNIT 9 T BE INSPIRED What can you see in the photo? Before you watch, what do you think an entrepreneur is? Which businesses are mentioned? Watch and check. Can you invent a new business? What is it? eee ee ieeictae reins Nee al LEARNING OUTCOMES lean cree et Sr ras eer econ ee ets ered VOCABULARY Describing people © 1 Match the adjectives in the colour wheel with the +0)" definitions. Then listen, check and repeat. Someone who... is relaxed and doesn’t worry. calm helps other people. ishappy. feels they can do something well makes good decisions. understands how other people feel. wants to be successful. is naturally good at something. likes being with other people. 10 does alot of exercise 11 doesn’t get angry when things take a long time. act 6 Write three adjectives to describe you and say why. Then write three adjectives to describe your partner. sociable: Im sociable because liove imiakina friends and being with people. 12. makes you feel you want to do something. {2 Look at the adjectives for your favourite colour. Do they describe you? Why / Why not? Listen and write an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe each person. er 3 2 4 oY LEARN TO LEARN 7. Tell your partner your answers from Exercise 6. Do they agree? Did you Oppo: both choose the same adjectives? When you learn a new adjective, write the opposite. 4, Match the words from Exercise 1 with their opposites. 1 anxious calm 7 silly grumpy 8 unambitious impatient 9. unhelpful insensitive 10 uninspiring Guess the correct answer. Some people in Japan believe your... influences your personality. a bloodtype b height ¢ shoe size lazy 11 unsociable Find another interesting fact about what shy 12. untalented can influence your personality. Then write a question for your partnerto (& 5 Testa partner. Say a word, What’s the opposite? eee Cabal a READING An article Ue CMe Aa Reee hel ood as ORE When he was growing up, his friends | waves travel through the oir untlthey | the world giving talks and teaching all rode bikes to school. Daniel hit something, The bats thenlisten | the technique to other blind people. wanted to be active like his friends, so | to the sound waves os they bounce | He inspires them to use echolocation he decided to teach himselfto cycle | offhe object and return to them with | so they can enjoy activities such as by riding next to a wall. Soon he was | information. Using this technique, mountain biking, climbing, camping cycling fo school called echolocation, Daniel knows the | and cooking, ust like he does. One day, a clever friend was watching | size, position and shape of an object Daniel on his bike when he realised | Sohe can’see’itin his head. ‘something incredible: Daniel was Daniel believes anyone can train Using his ears to‘see' objects around their brain to learn echolocation him, As Daniel cycled, he was making While he was studying at university, clicking sounds with his tongue. Bats he planned an echolocation training ‘make similar sounds, and the sound programme. Now, he travels around 1 Tick (/) the things in the box you think 3 Complete the table with words from the article. the blind man in the article uses to ‘see’. Read and check. 7 7 [Adjective | belief believable hands (J sticks () inspiration inspiring nose (_) tongue (_) tivat - : activate active sounds (_} see 4 sighted 2 Answer the questions. ee 1. Why's the phrase ‘as blind as a bat’ amaze amazement s strange? %% 4. Write sentences about Daniel with words from Exercise 3 in your notebook. Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. 2. What can Daniel find out using 2 . ie sounds? Qvoiceie: 5 Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think Daniel Kish is inspiring? Why / Why not? 2. Do you know any inspiring people? Why are they inspiring? 3. What does Daniel do now? 4 What does Daniel do in his free time? 12 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past simple and past continuous with when, while and as One day, a clever friend * Qrmessnna 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 12 to help you. 2. Circle the correct words. 1 What did you do were you) Gingynen Kalledy was calling you? 2 Asthey were leaving / left the phone was ringing / rang. 3. Ididn't see / wasn't seeing Tom while | played / was playing football. 3. Write sentences with when, as or while. 1. My brother eat /I arrive My brother was eating when |arrived. 2. Myfriend / listen to music / Isleep 3. They /walk to school / bus drive past 4 Mymum/read / my dad cook dinner When _ he was growing up, his friends all rode bikes to school. g Daniel cycled, he was making clicking sounds Z he was studying at univer his tongue. Daniel on his bike when he* ig programme. Pee aI ars How does he describe Crees something incredible. 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ter Then listen and check. wm of Enis Ingersoll a 14-year-old from California, was working. (work) in his family’ restaurant one day when suddenly, it? (start to rain. Ehis® look} out ofthe window when he (see) an old man walking across the street without an umbrella, Immediately, Elvis : (run) outside with an umbrella and ® (help) 5 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in or /| ay re N | Aa the man to cross the street. Elvis and the ld man {rot know) that peopein the restaurant® (take) videos of them while they * (cross) the street. Later, thousands of people - iy (share) videos ofthe = helpful ten and the old man online. \ gS brackets. 1 What did you see _ (see) asyou were going (go) to school this morning? it (snow) when you (wake up)? 3. What you (talk) about when you (see) your friends last week? 4 What you (do) when you (get) home from school yesterday? 5 What you {think) about while you (eat) breakfast this morning? 6 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. UNIT1| BE INSPIRED 13, VOCABULARY A radio programme AND LISTENING 3. Look at the photo. What do you think Phrasal verbs the man’s special 1 Match the underlined phrasal verbs talents? ‘ct 1-8 with the definitions a-h, Then listen, check and repeat. In the school holidays, most ug LEARN TO CESRN teenagers thangout(h}with their | Taking notes friends, but Ben volunteers at Writing keywords can help you remember what the listening was a children’s summer camp. He about. “takes care of(_}the children A 4 Listen to the radio “get on with (_)the other *@ programme about His Ife before the accident: volunteers,’ he says. ‘It’s great!” Henry Fraser and take notes. Then The accident: () compare with a realy eakapsa( ny bes partner Whose 4 iff the aie friend, Emma. Her mums in a clearer? Why? wheelchair, so she “depends on Emma(__]for many things, like Listen again and circle the correct answers. having a shower. Emma is also 1 Henry hit his head because .. busy with schoolwork. I don't know a the water wasn’t deep. how she “deals with{_} everything, b hewas running. but she never "gives up(_}. She's 2 After the accident, Henry ... really positive. When I'm feeling needed help with some things. sad, she always cheers meup|_]? b needed help with everything. 3. Henry paints pictures of ... a look after f havea good a animals and people b make me relationship b animals, people and things. feel happier with 4 Jeremy looks up to Henry because he © manage to g need a Emma's a. Is positive about a difficult situation. oem help b paints with his mouth. ; b-spend time pee relaxing Qvoiceits 6 Discuss the questions. Quseit 1 How do you think Henry felt after the accident? 2. Write true and false sentences about 2. Why do you think he didn’t give up? your friends and family with the phrasal 3. Do you think Henry is inspiring? Why / Why not? verbs from Exercise 1. Can your partner guess which sentences are false? 14 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 LANGUAGE IN ACTION used to NS Cones to be afraid of? eros ec Henry Fraser didn’t use to be an artist. What did he use! be? He used? be a rugby player. 11 Complete the examples in the table above. ALEX 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the phrases in the box. aA be very active live inthe countryside ALEX. play with Lego™ hate vegetables like coffee build things MIA 1 Now my grandparents live in the city, but they used to lve in the countryside 21, but now | drink it every day. 3. These days, Caroline doesn’t do much exercise, but she at but now | have a salad for lunch every day. 5A when you were little? B Yes, loved it. all the time. 4 To make questions, we use did + use to + infinitive. Did you use to walk to school? / } NOT Did youused to walk-to-school? X Complete the conversation with the correct form of used to or the past simple and the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. What do you want to be when you're older, Mia? 1? used to want (want) to be a tennis player, but now | want to be a scientist. Why? (change) your mind? B (see) a really interesting science on TV.I (not pay) attention in science, but now | love it. What about you? Iwant to be an English teacher, but when | was younger | had a different idea Really? What was that? 5 (change) my mind all the time. One day! (want) tobea photographer, the next a singer, then a painter ... Well, we have lots of time to decide! programme about Write sentences about what you used to do when you were younger. Think about the things in the box. food and drink games and toys holidays primary school When Lwas younger, | used to build things. with Lego”. Compare your sentences with a partner. ‘When I was younger, used to build things with Lego™. Really? Me too! What did you use to build? I used to build castles. UNIT 1 | BE INSPIRED 15 SPEAKING Interviewing someone ©. 1 Whatiis a hero? Listen to the conversation. Do you agree with Sam? a) JARED Hey, Sam.' Can |ask youa few questions for the school magazine? Sure. Go ahead. JARED ? , who's your hero and why? SAM My friend, Elena. Last month she saved a little boy at the swimming pool. JARED. Really?? what happened? SAM He was playing with a ball when he fell in. the water. The thing is, Elena isn’t a great swimmer, but she jumped in and pulled him out. JARED Good for her! * ,inyour opinion, what is a hero? SAM used to think all heroes were famous. Now I think when someone does something brave, they're a hero. JARED I'm with you there. ° Sam. Thanks! 2. Complete the conversation with the phrases 148" from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. Cem Cantaskyouafow questions. Can you tellus...? First ofall... One more thing... That’sall.. 16 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 3 Match the uses (1-4) with the phrases in the Everyday English box. We say this when we... 1 think someone did a good thing. 2. tell someone it’s OK to start. 3 agree with someone. 4 introduce a problem. Go ahead. (_] Good for (her)! (_] Im with you there. (_] The thingis PLAN 4, Read the interview again. Work in pairs. Think of a hero you both have. Discuss the questions and make notes. 1 Why/s this person a hero? 2. What is this person like? Plan an interview. One of you is the interviewer and the other is the hero. Think of questions and answers for your interview. SPEAK 6 Practise the interview. Remember to use past tenses, used to and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. : CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their interview and answer the questions from Exercise 4. WRITING A letter to a magazine and help people around the world. For me, her 1 Doyou know any inspiring teens? What inspiring things do they do? 2. Teen Magazine is having a competition to find an ‘inspiring person’. Read Luke's letter. Who does he want to win? 3. Match a-c with paragraphs 1-3. a Why should this person win? b Who should win the competition? What inspiring things does this person do? 4, Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check in the letter. ert Dear Editor, most exciting project is, ‘win because she cares 1 ©) 1am wating about called ‘Make It Green ibout the environment. your Inspiring person’ Again For this project ‘Thank you for reading competition. Personailly, Anoka made Sti Lanka's this letter. reed fgst environmental music Yours, Abeyrathne should win. ‘video because she wanted Luke Black the next ‘inspiring person’ people to think about the eee environment 2 (J n2004, Anoka was 3 C) Inmy view, Anoka living in Sri Lanka when a is an inspiring person tsunami destroyed lots of becouse she's ambitious the coast, so she decided to ahd helpful. Ilook up to her start a project fo plant new because she used to be a trees. Now she works with normal schocigitl and now other young people to take shes changing the world. In care of the environment my opinion, Anoka should 2 5, Read the notes. Use them to write your own notes Write your own letter to the editor about an inspiring person PLAN about an inspi ig Person you know. ‘Who? My friend Gina What does she do? runs a lot, gets money for ill children Why should she win? she never gives up, she’s cheerful, she's talented 6 Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Use the questions in Exercise 3 to help. : WRITE {7 Write your letter. Remember to include three : paragraphs, past tenses, used to and phrases from : the Useful language box. 1 CHECK 8 Doyou... + introduce the person in the first paragraph? + say why the person should win? + use language for giving opinions? UNIT1| BE INSPIRED 17 AROUND THE WORLD \ READING An article 1 Doyou know where Freetown is? How do you think life in Freetown is different from where you live? Read the article and check your answers from Exercise 1. 3. Putthe events in order. a (_) He built a radio station. b (_) Hemade a battery. ¢ (_} He played music on the radio. Can you imagine life with no TV? What about life without a computer, or music or even lights? Kelvin Doe is an inspiring young man from Freetown, Sierra Leone. When he was growing Up, the electricity in his neighbourhood didn't always work, so the lights only used to come on once a week. As a boy, Kelvin was interested in how things worked and he used to get excited about, making things. While he was hanging out with his friends, Kelvin used to find materials in the street and make useful things from them. | His mum used to get tired of finding pieces of rubbish everywhere, but he made some amazing things. He used old electronic items to repair broken TVs and radios. At 13, he even made a CROLL La | + Whois your hero? Why? | Which heroes are mentioned? What did they do? What type of personality do you need to bea hero? d (_) He found objects in the street. e (_] Hewenttoa summer camp. £ (1) The lights in his community didn’t always work. battery so that his family and neighbours had lights at night. When Kelvin was at secondary school, he participated in a summer innovation camp. Students had to think of a way to deal with a problem in their community. Radio is important in Sierra Leone and Kelvin knew that his community would be proud of their own radio station, So, while he was there, Kelvin built a radio station. He played music on the radio and ‘when he wasn't playing music, he interviewed people about life in Freetown. His radio show ‘was very popular because Kelvin gets on well with everybody and was good at talking to people. People called him DJ Focus because he believes that when you focus on something, vyou can do anything. og LEARN TO LEARN Cause and effect Identifying why something happened (the cause) and what happened (the effect) can improve your reading. 4, Use the language in the box to complete the causes with their effects. build radio station make battery not be happy people like his radio show repair broken things 11 The lights in Freetown worked only once aweek, so Kelvin made abattery 2. Kelvin’s family didn’t have much money, sohe 3. Kelvin left rubbish everywhere, so his mum 4. Kelvin knew radio was important, so he 5. Kelvin was good at talking to people, so 5 Circle the correct prepositions. 1 interested on 2 good in / at 3 tired for / of 4 proud of/ in 5 excited for / about Complete the questions with the adjectives from Exercise 5. Then ask and answer them. 1 Whatare you excited about doing next week? 2. What types of websites are you in? 3. Which subject are you at? 4 What do you get of doing? 5 What are you most of? 7_ Discuss the questions. 11 Which adjectives would you use to describe Kelvin? why? 2. What could you do to help your community? Guess the correct answer. ‘The four main languages that people speak in Sierra Leone are: Mende, Temne, Krio and... ‘a Spanish b French ¢ English Find another interesting fact about Sierra Leone. Then write a question for your partner to answer, (Qammmmmrriw caesar; teachers Resource sank CNR) 1 eta VOCABULARY 1 Circle the correct words. 1. When Ihave problems with my homework, | ask my brother. He's very helpful / ambitious. 2 I've watched all her films. | want to be just like her ‘one day - she’s so calm | inspiring. 3 Sophie is very patient / confident. She talks to everyone and is never shy. 4, Mybest friend is very sensible / sensitive. He always plans things very carefully. 5. He has the most amazing voice. He’s so talented / sociable. 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then match the sentences 1-8 with sentences a-h. cheerup dealwith dependon get on iveup hangout lookupto takecare of This isso difficult! O Your uncle's a firefighter? Wow! fs Do you take your cat on holiday with you? = (_] How do you somuch homework? (_) Hey, do you want to afterschool? (_) \There’s no school tomorrow! — (_) Do you with your sister? oO Babies adults foreverything. = (_) Sure, let’s watch a movie! Of course! She's like my best friend, No, silly! Our neighbours it. They do. But they're really cute! Yes, but | have homework to do. Don't !You can doit. I make a list and do the most important things first. h He's my hero. I really him, are ance 20 BE INSPIRED | UNIT1 LANGUAGE IN ACTION 3. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 (play) tennis yesterday with Anna when a dog? (run) onto the court. It? (chase) the ball and * (pick) it up in its mouth. As Anna : (run) after it, the dog 6 (drop) the ball and 7 (jump) on her. As I (go) to check she was OK, 18 (Gee) she was smiling, It was her cousin's dog! 4, Write sentences about Leo’s student life with used to or didn’t use to. Use the phrases in the box. get up late every day not have any money not havea job share a flat with friends sometimes study in the afternoon pvr st ete at I can describe people in English. I can use phrasal verbs to talk about people and what they do. I can use the past simple and past continuous with when, while and as. I can use used to to describe past habits. \WE VA. cay eS oe eK hm a LEARNTOLEARN @ = ve ;yea 4 v. | LEARN TO ... SET AND ACHIEVE LEARNING GOALS Hi When you know what you want to achieve with English, you can take steps to get there. al Dd 1 What was Tae Min’s learning goal? 4, Circle the best answers to questions 3 and 4 for Radost and write them in the action plan. Last year. ke Australian students vised our — eo Question 3 3 school, Our teacher told us a month before. rf Penne =— 7 ‘heir vist wanted fo spend time with them, mtd ie vocabulary Un scuayere tl but Engish wasn very good las geting a dictionary. good marks, but conversations were difficult. So b Make vocabulary flash cards and my goal ua to hang out withthe Ausiraon students. My teacher use them every day. helped me: to mate an action plan. My plan was to learn some easy Sh phrases to use mn conversations and practise hem exer day wth © ee wday 3) myster — she speaks English really well The plan worked! spate. eee alot of Engish with the Australians and we became good friends. Question 4 IK) a ina a Ipass the exam. i & 5 2 Complete Tae Min’s action plan. ‘b I fail the exam. \ I pass with top marks. ) [Retion pian NAME: Tee Mn © [i [thet ao F want to ase OWN IT! = ‘ d % ! 5 Think of a goal and complete .| [3 [iow do T achieve it? your own action plan. 0 Vow do T know that T Seana iene ; : vs | ; 2 ‘3 Read about Radost’s goal. Write her ; . 2 answers to questions 1 and 2 of the action plan. y 4 Intwo months we. NAME: Radost_ 5 taesnimportat z vam fs sbout the vocabulary were 7 {& G Tellyour partner about your studying clas action plan. Do they think itis really want to do 3 velit 4 fe Waar ror Sel ABCD OSE LEARNING OUTCOMES ea Seer 1 Look at the photo. Do you like it? Why / Why not? 2. Before you watch, which different types of art can you think of? 3. Which styles of art do they talk about? Watch and check. 4. Which is your favourite art form from the video? RTH Sy Feo Sar ~ SR a Pane RO VOCABULARY Visual and performing arts 1.1 Match the words with the photos (1-9) and definitions (10-12). Then listen, check and repeat. architecture exhibition filmmaking gallery illustration musical theatre ( performance photography sculpture ( street art contemporary dance [ fashion design 10 aroom or building where you can see art 11 acting, singing, dancing or playing music 12 anevent where you can see paintings and other art forms 2 Complete the table with the words from Exercise 1. Visual arts Performing arts 4, Put words 1-9 from Exercise 1 in order starting with your favourite. Then compare with your partner and say why. LEARN TO LEARN My favourite art form is street art Making nouns for people We often use the endings -ist, -er and -or for people. 3, Write the people who do these activities. 1 fashion design fashion designer filmmaking because it looks really cool. What's yours? Guess the correct answer. WA People won medals for architecture, painting, sculpture and ... at the Olympic Games between 1912 and 1948, ‘a music b filmmaking ¢ fashion design Find another interesting fact about an art form. Then write a question for your partner to answer. illustration photography sculpture 2 3 4, performance 5 6 7 street art De she) fe Tote Te) 12a waa; Check out this talented street artist _44, from Lisbon, Portugal! 2 Bordalo 1, creator of ‘Big Trash Animals, has transformed the streets © of lisbon into an art gallery. When you first look, you see an enormous bear or a giant duck, but look again and you'll see a car wheel or an old toilet. This is street art with a message. Bordalo Il hasn't used normal paints, brushes or rollers for @ reason. He's used rubbish and spray paint because he wants us fo think about all the things we throw away. His animals are beautiful but he has made them from ugly things. Fans have seen his creations at exhibitions and festivals in the USA, Italy and Sweden, but Lisbon ishis favourite city READING A magazine article 1 Look at the pictures. Which types of art can you see? answers from Exercise 1. Read the magazine article and check your Have you ever looked at a normal everyday object and seen something else? Inspiring young illustrator Kristin Mensa, from Prague in the Czech Republic, takes ordinary objects and Uses his imagination to change them info exciting visual art. For Kristian, an orange isr'tjust a fruit, is a turtle's body, and spaghetti becornes guitar strings. His biggest gallery is social media and followers have shared photos of his, artwork thousands of times, but fans have also been to exhibitions of his illustrations in his home country and the USA. Kristian loves dance, theatre and music. He hasnt been to art school but would love fo go.So,nexttime youlook ‘at some pasta, imagine what else it could be! We haven't got time for more this week, but check out nex! week's young talented artists - Joshua Behrens and ‘Shania McDonagh. 4, Complete the table with words from the article. People artist, creator, . Art materials | Other art words | 3. Dothe sentences refer to Bordalo I! (B), | ; , , Kristian (K) or both (BK)? 1 Hecreates arttoshareimportantideas. 8. quay He includes everyday objects in his art, iscuss the questions. 1. Doyou prefer Bordalo II's art or Kristidn’s art? Why? 2. Which type of art do you like to create? Why? Alot of his art is online. 5 He's a street artist. His hometown is his favourite place. He likes performance art. ounene 24 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present perfect with regular and irregular verbs 1/You/ We / They eee Ces eed Moree) ROB cud He/She /It Fans have’ seen _ his creations at exhibitions. We haven’t seen the exhibition. Have you ever? at a normal, everyday object and seen something else? Yes, | have. / No, | haven’t. He's? rubbish and spray paint. He hasn’t* toart school, Where has he been? 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 24 to help you. ‘The verb go has two past participles: been and gone. ‘She has been to school. (She's back from school now.) ‘She has gone to school. (She's at school now) 2. Put the words in the correct order. 1 had / has / exhibitions in the USA and Poland / Bordalo I Bordalo Il has had exhibitions in the USA and Poland. Bordalo ll/ Has / had an exhibition in Italy / ever /? Bordalo Il / sculptures of animals / made / hasn't People / Kristidn’s work on social media / shared / have 5 Kristian / Has / been to art school /? Correct the false sentences and answer the questions in Exercise 2. 1. False, Bordalo ll hasn't had exhibitions in Poland, 2 3 4 5 A 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the 20 "verbs in the box. Then listen and check. amaze appear create notfinish see win ‘Have you ever seen a photograph and then realised it was a drawing? Perhaps you were looking at one of Shania MeDonaghis illustrations, Shania is a young Irish artist who? ‘the world of art with her ineredible pictures, She? several drawings that look like photographs, with nothing more than a pencil ‘The talented schoolgirl * first prize in national art competitions and her pictures * in exhibitions in Ireland. Shania * her education, but in the future she wants to be an artist. 5 Write questions with the present perfect and the phrases in the box or your own ideas. gotoanexhibition gotothetheatre makea film playa musical instrument win. competition Have you ever been to the theatre? 6 Work in groups. Ask and answer your questions to complete the sentences about your group. Allofus have been to a concert Some of us None of us UNIT 2 | WHAT IS ART? 25 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Music and theatre © 1 Read the sentences and put the words in bold 20" in the correct category. Then listen and check. 1. 'mplaying the part of the sister, but 'm only in the opening scene of the play. 2. The audience stood up when the orchestra finished playing the last song, 3 Ineed to learn my tines for an audition | have next week. 4 I'm learning the lyries to my favourite song. 5 We only had one rehearsal before the show. 6 She spent three months in the studio working oO LEARN TO LEARN on her latest album. Inferring Noticing the way people speak can help you to guess Music Theatre their feelings. Both ofteees 44 Rosa and Daniel have had an audition. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Did they get the parts they auditioned for? 2. How do Rosa and Daniel feel? 5 Listen again. Tick (/) the advice Daniel gives Rosa. Quseie practise everyday QO 2. Write present perfect questions with words mores ert inal ie) from Exercise 1. Then ask and answer the tnokstou th fain @) questions with a partner. eae ne ewes sayyourlines in front ofa mirror _) Have you ever seen a show? record yourself with a camera think about your audience don’t make any mistakes Aconversation % 3 Which emotions in the box can people feel Qvoiewits before or after an audition? Why? 6 Discuss the questions. calm cheerful confident 1 Which s the most important piece of advice? d end Ese tieivem sueeeed, 2. What's difficult about performing? 26 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present perfect with already, just, still and yet Oru Cy Pre tenes CESue a Prusd ve! just. spoken to my drama teacher. ve? had it! They? haven’t decided on the main parts. I haven’t heard * Have you heard anything * Orecnnne | Read the information below. Then complete the examples in the table above. We use still before hasn’t/haven’t. We use just and already between has/have and the past participle. We use yet at the end of the sentence. 2. Choosea word and writ. in the sentences. 1 Have you heard the news? (still / yet) Have you heard the news yet? 2 Ihaver't finished my food. (already / stil) the correct place 3. She's seen the new play at the theatre. {already / yet) 4 They've gone to see a film. just / stil) 5. They haven't learned their lines for the play. (already / yet) A3 Complete the conversation with the present perfect form of the verbs and already, just, still or yet. Then listen and check. DANIEL Hey! Guess what? | "ve just seen (see) my ROSA DANIEL ROSA DANIEL drama teacher and .. You got the part? ‘Shh! Yes, but it’s a secret. They? (not tell) everyone because they , (not choose) all the parts. Sowhy* they (tell) you? Because they've decided they really want me for the part. | said at the audition | 5 (learn) all the lyrics to all the songs. ROSA And® you (tell) your parents 2 DANIEL Not yet.17 (send) my mum a message to ring me, but she® {not call). iS} ns to help you find a person in your 1 has already finished some homework. Have you finished your biology homework yet? 2 hasn't seen (film name) yet. 3. has already tried (a sport you've never done). 4 has helped someone today. 5 still hasn’t been to (a place in your town). Ask your questions from Exercise 4. Have you finished your biology homework yet? No,not yet. UNIT 2 | WHAT IS ART? 27 SPEAKING Describing a picture 1 Look at the painting and answer the questions. 1 What can you see? 2 Doyou like it? Why / Why not? 2. Listen to Lucas and Sofia talking about the 20°" painting. Who do you agree with? LUCAS Hey Sofia, have you done your art homework yet? SOFIA Towrite about the painting? No, I still haven't finished. There's tons to say! LUCAS Really? What? SOFIA I've seen The Starry Night. t's amazing! ip makes me feel calm and excited at the same time. What about you? LUCAS Dunno, akid’s painting. The clouds, stars and moon are ginormous compared to the houses. ; strange. SOFIA Have you read about it yet? ‘ look real. The a Van Gogh wanted to show how the sky made him feel. LUCAS Nope, sorry! I've just looked at it again and | don’t understand why he used wavy lines and shapes. SOFIA Heused them to show how light moves. LUCAS Oh, Isee. And he combines lots of bright, and dark colours, SOFIA Right. his mixed emotions. © 3 Complete the conversation with the phrases from 20°" the Useful language box. Then listen and check. Useful language It isn't supposed to ... It looks like ... Itmakes me feet: It probably shows... Itseemsa bit... 28 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 4 Match the words and phrases (1-5) with the words in the Everyday English box. 1 Idon’t know 4 alot 2 no 5 enormous 3. child ry = Bec e aa ieay dunno (_} ginormous (_} kid (_) nope (_} tons () PLAN 5 Lookatthe painting of the artist’s bedroom. Make notes. Have you seen this painting before? What can you see? Do you like it? Why / Why not? How does it make you feel? 6 Work in pairs. Plan a conversation about the painting. SPEAK : 7 Practise the conversation. Rememberto use the present perfect and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English: boxes. : CHECK 8 Work with another pair Listen to their conversation. Do they answer the questions from Exercise 5? WRITING A review 10) Hveyou seen STOMP yet? Youhaven'? ‘Then what are you waiting for? STOMP is perfect for ‘adults and kids —it'the best show I've ever seen, STOMP srt a musical or adance show. tsa performance with a difference. The performers create powerful rhythms with objects ike brushes and newspapers. There are no lines, singing or story, but the sounds and movernents are amazing, 20 What iked aboutit was that the performers were so talented. 've never seen anything iket before I wos abit loud sometimes, but great fun ely STOMP ison a theatre near Broadway and tickets are «really good price. recommend it becausets so creative «nd original $% 1 Look at the photo and answer the questions. 1 What type of show is it? 2. Have you ever seen a similar performance? 2. Read Camila’s review of the show. Did she enjoy it? 3. Match information a-d with paragraphs 1-4. ‘a. adescription of the event b what she liked / didn't ike about it where you can see it dd whoitisfor 4, Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check in the review. tes i it because ... It’s the best show I? seen. anything like it before, I've never (STOMP) is* Aly s liked / didn’t like about it was .. School of Rock, the musical! Great family entertainment! Dewey Finn fails as a rock star! But can he become a good teacher and turn his students into an amazing rock group? Winter Garden Theater, Broadway, New York, Write your own review of a performance PLAN 5, Look at the School of Rock poster or think of a performance you have been to. Make notes Where did you see it? Who was the performance for? What was it ike? What did you like / not like about it? Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your review. Remember to include ° four paragraphs, the present perfect and phrases from the Useful language box. CHECK ! g Doyou... : + describe the event? + saywho for? + say what you liked / didn't like about it? UNIT 2 | WHAT IS ART? 29, aoa PROJECT t A profile of an ar 1 Look at the photos and read the profile. Do you like Ben Heine’s work? Why / Why not? 2. Read the profile again and complete the notes. Nationality: Education: (nterests: Types of art: Exhibitions: How to do online research 3 Why questions when you read inform a Who wrote the information? important to think about these ion online? b Whois the information for? ¢ How dol know it’s true? 4 Canyyou find the same information on a different website? e When did they write it? £ Can copy and paste this information into my own work? © 4 Listen to the advice about doing online research and check your ideas from Exercise 3. 30 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 Artist's name: Ben Heine Art form: painting, ilustration and photography 1 He is Belgian and he lives and works n Brussels He started drawing when he was I He's an artist and a music producer. 2. He stuied at art college in the UK and he taught himself photography. He has aso tought hinself how to play the drums and the piano, and he has learned how to spenk French, English, Russian ard ather languages. 4 i 3 2010, he inverted rew artform which uses istration and photography Heals dwings fo photos to me them come alive. This artwork Is been so. youd tht teachers round the_= world have used it to teach their students how to; PLAN be creative i 5 Work in pairs. Choose an artist you like. : + Find information about the artist. Use the tips from Exercise 4. + Make notes like the ones in Exercise 2. + Find pictures of their artwork. + Decide who will write the different parts of the profile. + Write your part then give it to your partner to check. + Work with your partner to put together the information and pictures. + Write two questions for your classmates to answer about your profile. PRESENT 6 Present your profile to the class. Remember to include interesting facts, pictures and to use your own words. CHECK 7 Look at your classmates’ profiles. Do they include all the information from Exercise 2? Which artist i favourite? 4 He has created a range of paintings which use pnintings and real-life models. Ben paints a model the same colours as the printing. Then the model stands in front of the painting so they look ‘vise. 5 Bens artwork has mypeared in exhibitions and galleries in Africa, Asia, Europe avid the USA. You clan see his work allover the world ESCs 2 REVIEW VOCABULARY LANGUAGE IN ACTION 1 Complete the words with vowels. 4. Circle the correct words. perce mete 1. Have you finished stil / yet? 2 xh bt on 2. Wealready / still been to that galery twice. 3 f Imm k ng 3 Have you just / till learned some new lines? 4 sc_Ipt_r 4. She already / still hasn't heard how her 5 lst tn audition went. 6 m_s_c_l th__tr 5 She's just /stil sung the lyrics to the song. 7 p—rt_rm_ne. 5 Complete the text with the present perfect form 8 ph__t__gr__phy of the verbs in brackets. 2. Match the parts of the words. 1 aud a ones 21 b ow | | 3 pa crt 4 sh d sal 5 sce e ience 6 rehear f ne 3. Complete the text with words from Exercise 2. Yesterday | went to the final of | my sister's school ? . Itwas the last | practice before the first performance tonight with areal watching. My sister plays the main* and forgot some of her | 5 inthe final “think she Teenage artist, Autumn de Forest, sold her needs a lot more practice! first painting when she was just six years | old, People ! (compare) her to Pablo Picasso. She ? | (teach) herself how to paint by studying @) es | famous artists. People from all over the world * (buy) her paintings Ican describe visual and d she * Gell) some of @@ e@| | i. performing arts in English. them for thousands of dollars, Autumn (give) interviews on Ican talk about music and theatre. © @ @ eae onal | Ican usethe present perfectwith ga) gy university students about the importance of art at school. regular and irregular verbs. | can use the present perfect with already, just, stl and yet eee 32 WHAT IS ART? | UNIT 2 LEARN TO LEARN LEARN TO... HELP YOUR PARTNER IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING 9 When you work in pairs, it's important to listen carefully so you can help each other improve. ae 7d 1 Doyou agree with these ideas? Why /Whynot? $B 3. Inpairs take turns to listen to each other's ; ‘a Everyone in this class knows presentations. Tick the things they do in the & different things in English, checklist and make notes. b_Everyonein this class is good ) at different things in English. S 7 f speak clearly (_) ¢ Everyonein this classcan = help each other to improve. + speattorone inte: ( + use the present perfect ointroduce the topic (_} a es NE ER re a= | agree with a. You already knew the word ‘filmmaking’ but | didn‘. eee a che on z 0 Ream + whereitwas (_) + when you went (_] Read Lucy’s notes for a presentation. + whoyou went with (_} you about the best show, concert or ex serene] you've ever been to. Complete the notes and + whyyoutked t ) prepare a one-minute presentation. + use adjectives to make your presentation interesting (_} Yes, but you often know words I don't know! IO CH Bam ever been to What: The Moon Circus Where: Brishane a it! Whvane 27 tansy | 4. Use the checklist to tell your partner what Who with: Mun, Dad, older ister mane they did well and how they can improve. Other information: amazing orchestra funny clowns - audience loved them not a traditional circus — no animals The best show I've s x You spoke very clearly, but you didn't use the present perfect to introduce the concert. g ou {% 5. Use your partner’s comments from ad lene i Exercise 4 to help you improve. Then, give sien ve cuer becasto your presentation to adifferent student. om What: | Where: 6 Next time you do a speaking activity, l listen to your partner carefully and then wi When: tell them how they ca Who wit 0 ( Other information i) prove. § Ae WT il LESSOR LEARNING OUTCOMES KS SPREAD THE ieee eer, We Toy. See 1 Whatis the girl in the photo doing? 2. Before you watch, do you use emojis? Why / Why not? 3 Where did emojis come from originally? Watch and check. 4 Canyou think of any other ways in which people communicate? Ge] H i a ‘ i the thay. upo - < sitio Perens Language ieieneed ree) Everyday English3.4 Globetrotters 3.5 aR aL hed Communicating ©. 1 Match the words with the photos (1-8) and 501" definitions (9-11). Then listen, check and repeat. translate | wave whisper | describe post shake hands shout gesture greet | VOCABULARY smile interpret ‘say what someone is saying in another language 10 put something on a blog or website 11. say what someone or somethings like (G) LEARN To LEARN Using spidergrams When you learn new words, make spidergrams to help you remember the meaning. 2. Add other words from Exercise 1 to the spidergrams. ee ‘communication with words smile bo language, 3 Compare your words with a partner. Who has got the most words? Quseit: 4, When do people do the things in Exercise 1? Write four sentences. whispers People do this when theyre intthewinema 5 Read your sentences from Exercise 4 to your partner. Can they guess the words? Guess the correct answer. How many messages do people around the world text every minute? a 16million b 16million ¢ 160 million Find another interesting fact about how people communicate. Then write a question for your partner to answer. No more language lessons? country, but you can't speak the language. What can you do? Speak more slowly? Gesture with your hands? Well, you can try, but those things won't work for every situation. Luckily, now there's a solution: the Pilot, the world’s first ‘smart earpiece’ (GQ) | magine you're travelling in a different It's really easy to use. You put the eorpiece in ‘your ear and the other person puts one: in theirs. When you speak, the earpiece transiates what you say, So the other person hears what you said but in their own language. fis for back as the 1950s, machines could translate written texts, but they could not interpret spoken language. Things are very different today. The Pilot can already translate between English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, and in the future, you'll be able to chat with speakers of many more languages. ‘Some scientists say that machine translation won't bbe able to replace human translation completely. Machines con understand people when they speck dlearly, but they can't clays understand people when they whisper or tell jokes. However, the. technology uses artificial intelligence to leorn and Is improving ropidly, so maybe in a few more yeors the Pilot will be able to do these things, too. What does this mean for learning languages? Will tourists be able to travel without a dictionary or © guide? Will students be able to forget about grommor? Will we be able to understand every language perfectly? Not yet, but one thing is cleor; devices like the Pilot will be able to help. 36 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 READING An article a 1 Read the article. How can we communi people who don’t speak our language? 2 Circle the correct answers. 1 What is the writer trying to do in this text? 2 Give advice about learning languages. b_ Describe anew invention. Explain why they like machine translation, d_ Emphasise the importance of artificial intelligence. 2. What does the writer say about machine- translation technology? a Itworks for all languages. b_ itis getting better all the time, € Itis usually perfect. d_Itishelpful in al situations. 3. What does the writer say about learning languages? 2 We don't need dictionaries anymore. b_ Inthe future, only tour guides will speak different languages. © tis still necessary to study languages. d_ We will be able to learn a language very quickly. 3. Find the adverbs in the arti 1 lucky (paragraph 1) 2 complete (paragraph 3) 3. clear (paragraph 3) 4 5 le for the adjectives. luckily. rapid (paragraph 3) perfect (paragraph 4) 4, Discuss the questions. 1 Would you buy one of these earpieces? Why / Why not? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these earpieces? LANGUAGE IN ACTION can, could, will be able to DAR ea Led PST Rasa Pert ned {, | Asfar back as the 1950s, machines! translate written texts. Present = | They? always understand people. Future 2 | Willwebe? to understand every language perfectly? _—— 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 36 to help you. 2. Circle the correct options. 11 Most people ... Swahili but they know the ‘Swahili word safari. It means ‘journey’. a b could speak willbe able to speak 2. Don't speak too quietly during the presentation tomorrow. People will be able to < won't be able to 3. Many Ancient Romans ... speak both Latin and Greek a could 4 1...understand why he was shouting, a won'tbeableto b couldn't © couldn't to 5 me translate this report tomorrow? a Willyou beableto b Canyouto © Will you can 6 Carlosis bilingual. He English perfectly. acan't b can hear you. b won'tbeable b can't ¢ can speak Spanish and could 3. Complete the text with the correct form of can, could or will be able to. Then listen and check. For centuries, nobody. 1 could read Egyptian hieroglyphics, but in 1799 archaeologists discovered a large black Stone in the desert, They? believe how lucky they were. On the stone there was a text written in hieroglyphics and two other languages. This meant they finally translate hieroglyphics. Today, you" see the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, Most Visitors ° read the text (only the experts know how to do that!), but there are translations in different languages so you ‘ Understand what it says. tees Ed ie Wisit, go very early in the morning, ‘So popular you 7 iti get Recut z ee 4, Write in your notebook something you ... 1 could do in the past. 2. couldn't doin the past. 3. can sometimes do. 4 will be able to do in the future. 5. won't be able to do in the future, stand on my head 5 Tell your partner your answers from Exercise 4. Can they guess what they are about? Stand on my head. Isitsomething you won't be able to do in the future? UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 37 LISTENING AND Qvoieeie VOCABULARY 3, Discuss the questions. A radio interview 1. How many languages do you speak? 2 Isitimportant to learn other languages? 3. What's difficult about learning a language? Collocations with say and tell 4 Complete the table with the words and phrases. °°" Then listen, check and repeat. hello ajoke alie astory someonea secret ’nginitalian sorry thetruth yes/no Say yesino 11 Listen to a radio interview with James #08" about conlangs (invented languages). Why do people invent languages like Elvish? GJ LEARN TO LEARN Using flash cards When you learn new collocations, make flash cards so you can test yourself on the words. = N Listen again and circle the correct answers. & 1 James says invented languages... a_are similar to English. 25 Make flash cards for the collocations in Exercise 4. Write say or tell on one side and the rest of the b can help people to communicate. collocation on the other. Then test your partner. arenew, 2. James speaks Elvish with ... Quseits 2 his family ‘ ; : Write sentences in your notebook about the last time b readers of The Lord of the Rings. you dla the thingsin Exercise & Ce The last time | sald hello was when | came into class 3. Before he was 16, James spoke ... thismamiog, a fourlanguages. b five languages. c six languages. 4 Later, James is going to .. When was the last The last time I said hello a make a speech. time you said hello? ‘was 15 minutes ago. 7 Compare your answers from Exercise 6 and ask for more information. b learn Turkish. Really? Who did speak to the radio listeners. aN oe you say hello to? 38 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present perfect with for/since and MES eo acid DTC Cea ee ae People have invented conlangs* hundreds of years. I've loved languages? Iwas little How long have you studied Elvish? 1 Read the information below. Then complete the examples in the table above. We use for with periods of time and since when we talk about a specific time. P’ve been here for hours. ¥ NOT Pve-been here since =: X I’ve been here since 1 pm. 7 NOT F'vebeen here for. K 2. Complete the sentences with for or since. 1 P'velived here for 2 Billy has had the same phone along time. 3. MrWilson has worked here 2015. 4 A Howlonghave you known your best friend? about six months. B we were seven years old. 5 Ihaven't eaten hours. 3, Write questions and answers with How long, for, since and the present perfect. 1 Elena / study French How long has Elena studied French? Elena has studied French for ten years. 2 Igor /live in Moscow five months ten years 3. Bill and Lucy / be married 2010 Present perfect and past simple 4, Look at the sentences. Which tense do we use for actions which started and finished in the past? 1 Pve studied it for about five years. 2. Someone told a joke in Elvisht A5 Circle the correct answers. Then listen and 588 check. BEN — Howare you? I ‘didn’t hear, Geardfrom you for nearly a week. MARIO. Sorry! |2was / ‘ve been so busy since got / have got here. BEN How's the conference? MARIO. It's great. There are so many cool people here speaking so many different languages. BEN ‘Did you see / Have you seen much of New York? MARIO. On my first day, |saw / ‘ve seen the Empire State Building. Tomorrow t'm going to the Museum of Modern Art. 'm really excited. BEN — Wow! How long did you want / have ‘you wanted to go there? Years! MARIO. I know! Anyway, I'm going to get a burger and fries with some friends | ‘made / 've made last night. | haven't eaten anything since / for this morning. Catch you later! 6 Write questions for your partner with How long and the ideas in the box. be atthis school have your phone knowyourbestfriend study English How long have you known your best friend? (7 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6. ‘Ask past simple questions to find out more. UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 39 SPEAKING Asking for something you need Q. 1 Listen to the conversation. What does Cristina want to buy? ASSISTANT Hello, can |help you? CRISTINA Erm, oh dear! I'm sorry, | can't speak English very well but 'm looking for ..-oh, what's it called? Sorry, I can’t remember the word!? It’s akindof liquid. You putt on your face at the beach.? protect your skin from the sun. ASSISTANT Do you mean sunblock? CRISTINA Yep, that’s it! Sunblock, Thank you! ASSISTANT No worries, here you go. Anything else? CRISTINA Yes. Do you have ... oh, what’s the word? > ‘earphones. You put them in your ears. You use them when it’s noisy. s be able to sleep! ASSISTANT You mean earplugs? CRISTINA Yes, thank you! Phew! Now I'll be able to sleep! ©. 2. Complete the conversation with the phrases 508” from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. mes Ineed them to Weakind of They're similar to ... You use ito. 40 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 SPEAK English boxes. CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their 3 Match the sentences (1-4) with the correct responses in the Everyday English box. 1. Thanks for helping me with my homework. 2 Can you come to the party? 3. Don't worry. The spider's gone. 4 I broke my phone! eee ure Noworries. (_) Ohdear! (_} Phew! (_) Yep. (_) 4, Look at the objects. Work in pairs. What do you use these things for? bo ii 5 Plana conversation. One of you isa ‘customer and the other is a shop assistant. 1. Decide which object you want to ask for. 2. Think about how you can ask for the object when you don’t know what it’s called. 6 Practise the conversation. Remember to use can, could, will be able to and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday conversation and decide which object they're talking about. WRITING 3. Puta-d in the order they appear in the listicle. aoa a (J interesting facts about his life A listicle b C) ashort ending to make the reader think |, Look at the picture. How many languages can c (_) atitle that makes you want to find out more you name? Can you speak any of them? d (_) ageneral introduction to the topic a ~ a 4. Complete the listicle with the words and ; F ieee hrases in the Useful language box. Ba (en a pelle: wwe Hallo [I Useful language aaa Pere | all(his)life before lateron overthe last few years since soon these days Write your own listicle PLAN 5 Read the notes. Then write your own notes. : about a person who has an amazing talent. 2. Read the listicle. Which languages can Alex speak? Title: David and his amazing memory Introduction: My friend David. I've known him for five years. amer icyou’ n another Meet Alex, the amazing lang Most of us can say ‘hel’ and that guage, but Alex Rawlings can speak many languages. Interesting facts: He can remember every oe ‘ 6 : book he has read. He could remember phone numbers when he was a young child. Here are seven reasons why Alex sami He has loved languages’ and can speak 4 intotal He grew up speaking Greek and Engish ‘Aga teenager he learned languages for fun 2 he was 18, he could speak. French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Hebrew, Dutch, Afrikaans and allan. Short ending: | hope David will be able to help me remember English vocabulary! 6 Decide what information to include. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your listicle. Remember to include 3 he studied Russian and : an introduction, interesting facts and a German at university. * then, short ending, can, could, will be able to, hehas learned Serbian, Hungarian and Viddish. i the correct past tenses and words and : In.2012,he became Britains most multingul student phrases from the Useful language box. : hhe has organised mary CHECK i conferences. 8 Doyou... ° Alex is too busy working to + have an introduction to the topic? + give interesting facts about the person's lifer study more languages, but he hopes tolearm more Next time youre studying a language, dont think, | wont be able to do this, but say ‘Ves, L cant. UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 41 yo) ©? THE WORLD crooner TD = friend, and f athe stqa~9 © READING yothe thay BP A magazine article vac uaitingM Cea AC RATE + How many ways are there of saying that the weather is bad in your language? + Can you explain what tsundoku, sobremesa and sturmfrei mean? + Invent a new word. What is it and what does it mean? 1 Look at the photo and discuss the questions. 1 What language do you think the person speaks? 2. Doyou think some languages are more important than others? Why / Why not? (G) LEARN To LEARN Skim reading Practise reading texts quickly to understand the main points within a time limit. This will help you to increase your reading speed. 12. Skim read the article and match the paragraphs (1-5) with 210" the headings (a-e). Then listen and check. a Livingin the moment oO b Useit or lose it @ ¢ Losing language -losing culture (_} d Alanguage like no other ( e There's an app for that! ( Do you know how many languages there are in the world? According to experts, the answer is about 7,000, but sadly they predict that nearly half are likely to die out by the end of the century. This is often because speakers. are elderly or because the main language of a country has taken over. Pama al) fs i 3 Arethe sentences T (true) or F (false)? 1 Experts believe we will lose many languages this century. 2. The Tembé speakers wrote down examples of their language. 3. The Piraha language is similar to other languages in the Amazon region. 4. The Piraha tribe use special words to talk about the past. 5. By protecting our languages we protect our beliefs, 4, Write the words in bold that mean ... 1 disappear completely. 2. finally be in a particular situation. die out 3. needs something in order to exist. has taken the place of. change it and become something different. 2 Luckily for us, some people are making extraordinary efforts to record languages for history. One of them is Steven Bird. He developed a phone app to translate Tembé, the language of a smalll tribe in Brazil's Amazon region. Tembé speakers spoke into their phones and then other tribe members interpreted what they said into Portuguese. As Tembé has no written language, experts can turn it into a set of symbols to represent sounds, but this takes one hour for every minute of speech! 8 The Piraha tribe also lives in the Amazon region of Brazil. Daniel Everett's research into their language has shocked many people because some things about it are completely different from any other language. For example, Piraha has no words for colours and no way to count. 4 Perhaps most interesting of all, there is no way to talk about the past. Everett's explanation is that jungle life relies on understanding and noticing everything around you at all times, so it is a waste of time thinking about the past. 5. Discuss the questions. 1 Which languages do people in your country speak? Are any of those languages in danger? 2 Isitimportant to keep languages alive? Why? Guess the correct answer. The three languages with the most native speakers in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and then English. Which is the fourth? a Arabic b Elvish French Find another interesting fact about a language from your country. Then write a question for your partner to answer. d Hindi e Portuguese 5 Globally, there are around 470 languages with fewer than 100 speakers, including one Mexican, language with only two and unfortunately, they refuse to talk to one another! The loss of so many languages means that we could end up with only a few languages left. That would be sad because languages are an important part of who we are. When they disappear, so do our traditions and culture. (Sm +o 2ct 0's Resource Bank UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 43 K4 Pda VOCABULARY LANGUAGE IN ACTION 1 Match the sentence beginnings with 3 Complete the text with the correct form of can, could or will the endings. be able to and a verb in the box. O 1. Inmy country, we 2. Vladimir whispered do have learn live say speak understand something O When | first went to Auckland, | some 3. Mysister posts ) words in English, but |? conversation. Ithought, ‘I> here in the future without 4 MrHicks greeted everyone and said learning the language: Sol practised and got better. everything yet, but I'm sure that after a 00 5 When | visit italy, few more years |? English really well. When a_ my friend interprets for me. people ask, ‘What about me? ® another eee language one day? Itellthem, Work hard, andyou shake hands when we meet — someone new. 4, Complete the conversation with the correct form of the d lots of messages on social media. present perfect or past simple, Use the verbs in brackets. © into his friend’s ear. INTERVIEWER How many languages can you speak, Jo? 2 Complete the textwith the phrases Jo. Three. English, Spanish and Russian. inthe box and say or tel. INTERVIEWER Excellent. And how long (work) as a tour guide? hello jokes something Jo Well, 1? (start) in 2008, so stories thetruth yes : you a secret (be) a guide for over ten years. INTERVIEWER Can you interpret from and into Russian? My friend is getting married in Madrid. JO Decree Fs ane He's asked me to make a speech at his ee ery UDB en eri wedding and | Moscow for two years. but i hate making speeches. People INTERVIEWER Can you start work next week? JO Of course. Thank you - Spasibo! expect you to? and make them laugh. Ican : about when we were at school together, but that's all. FTE Ee TT Ts tS He wants me to* funny in Spanish but can! | can talk about communicatingin English. @ @ @ ?P've told him | speak Spanish, but | only know how Ican use collocations with say andtel. @ @& @ = “sans Idandwillbeabletoto gy as best to” . I can use can, coul talk about ability. can use the present perfect with for, since and How long... ? eee I can use the present perfect and past simple. eee 44 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 \R =D ligaaets Oot eee LEARN TO LEARN Wes (op o-) 1 yea Sin we LEARN TO... RECORD COLLOCATIONS IN DIFFERENT WAYS q If you choose the best way for you, you'll remember them more easily. e aS a ° 1. Complete the collocation box, table and $B 2 Play Beep! Say asentence with acollocation from” spidergram with the correct words and phrases. Exercise 1. Don't say the verb - say beep! Can your ¥ partner guess the missing word? yy appointment cancel doctor's late Aa 7 noise phone school 6pm Twant to beep? Make! beep? = an appointment school at 4 o'clock Collocation box for appointment with Dr Smith. eran make an | ant 0 wectleremce | OWINITL 26 I dentist's 1K) ieee i 3. Use the words and phrases below to make collocation boxes for friend and takein = & yournotebook. Use the collocation box [=> Collocation table for make/do ‘ make | do for appointment to help you. 5 fl. |anisiete ‘aclose along-time anold aschool d L ¥_| the shopping aselfie makea thebest the bus => 4 7_[wellbadly nan exam YM 1 v Ea 4, Copy the spidergram below in your = 7 __| your homework notebook. Then complete it with the 7 | the housework words and phrases. » ) v the bed a Collocation spidergram for have we ws ee talking / speaking ) (food and drink ¥ c Collocation spidergram for leave departing + leave at”, + leave home achat aconversation acup of coffee & a good/bad time breakfast something to eat _ the time of your a + leave early /® + leave” mes + leave on time + leave work ~e 5 Makea collocation table for do, go and play in your notebook. Then complete it other phrases inishi with the words. + leave the TV / light on + le Irjob 10 _ eee basketball cards exercise football + leave your key /® athome ||] + leave school sketb - 1 jogging karate skiing tennis + leave a message for someone + leave university c WIL Wr earnsonc9(El Cie ABC LEARNING OUTCOMES ee si eer ee tee) ot) pee alealal 4 eer Cree ees | eee se - 4 fem un a ‘ eet theta) Omm =~ Look at the photo. Do you think the person is healthy? Why? 2. Before you watch, do you exercise your mind? How? 3. Name three things that emotional intelligence helps you do. Watch and check. Are you emotionally intelligent? eo eee in action 4.2 ees eee 46 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 VOCABULARY Health and fitness a 1 Match the words and phrases with the photos (1-9) and definitions (10-13). Then listen, check and repeat. relax sneeze sweat train warmup cough get better get enough sleep get ill get stressed go jogging have a fever workout [ 10 to become sick 11. to exercise gently before doing sport 12 to stop feelingill 13. to practise a sport regularly (GJ LEARN To LEARN Recording vocabulary by topic ‘Add new words to different pages in your notebook for different topics. i) 2, Label one page in your notebook ‘health’ and another ‘fitness’. Add the phrases from Exercise 1, and think of and add more. 3 Tell your partner your extra phrases. Can they guess if they’re about health or fitness? Que it 4, Complete the questions with words from Exercise 1. Then write two more questions. 1 When wasthelast time you got + ill? 2 Have you ever afever? 3. How often do you stressed? 4 Doyouever go 2 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. ‘When was the last time you got ill2 It was about three months ago. Guess the correct answer. Your sneezes can travel up to ... kilometres per hour. a 50 b 100 < 160 Find another interesting fact about the human body. Then write a question for your partner to answer. Send us your questions about staying healthy in space. How many movies have you seen about life i space? It looks fun, right? Bu Our readers have asked us lots of questions about life on the International Space Station (ISS). The list is too long to answer all of them, but we've answered four of the best ones. They do a lot! They go on space walks, repair things. do experiments and communicate with Earth. But too much ‘work isn’t good for anyone and we all need a little fun! Astronauts play games, watch movies and listen to musi. If they get stressed, they relax by enjoying the incredible vviews of our beautiful planet from space. Yes, it does, Gravity is very weak so everything floats — imagine sneezing in space! This means it's easy to lift ‘things. Astronauts train a lot on Earth, but if they don’t do enough exercise in space, their muscles and hearts lose strength and their bones get weaker, and this can happen in just o few weeks! These are only a few examples of the problems astronauts can have. Sometimes, when they get back to Earth, they're not strong enough to walk! The ‘answer is exercise and not just a little exercise - « lot! READING Online FAQs 1. Guess the answers to the questions. a How much exercise do astronauts do? b How and what do astronauts eat? ¢ What do astronauts do on the International ‘Space Station every day? d_ Does the body change in space? e When and how do astronauts sleep? ©. 2 Read the text. Match the questions (a-e) from oo 1 with the answers (1-4) in the text. Which question is not answered? U 48 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 Well, quite « lot. Take Japanese astronaut Koichi Wokate, for example. He lived on the ISS for 188 days and worked ‘out for at least two hours every day. Some astronauts ge jogging! One astronaut, Chris Hadfield, even ran a marathon in space! Good question. We all need to get enough sleep. but in space, with I6 sunrises and I6 sunsets every 24 hours, that's not easy. Too many changes from day to night make it difficult to know when to sleep, so astronauts have very strict routines and wear special blindfolds to block out the sunlight. 3. Find words in the text that mean ... 1 the force that makes objects fall to the ground (answer 2). 2. the noun from the adjective ‘strong’ (answer 2). 3. avery long race (answer 3). 4 times when the sun appearsin the morning (answer). 4, Discuss the questions. 1 How do you think astronauts train before going into space? 2. Would you like to live on the ISS? Why / Why not? LANGUAGE IN ACTION How many hours of sleep CORCur itt Maen Ou a Quantifiers Peco Adjectives Countable nouns Uncountable nouns : , 2 much work isn’t good The listis too long. Too. many changes from day tonight. | 5, anyone Areyouold enough tobe —_| We have enough chairs. We all need to get * sleep, an astronaut? 7 They're not strong This can happen in just > few weeks. | We all need* little fun. 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the text on page 48 to help you. 1ed words in the sentences 2. Replace the under! ith a few or a little. 1 Ihave some time to do my homework but not much, alittle 2 Ido some exercises to warm up. 3. The team has three or four good players. 4 Lonly got four hours sleep! 3. Write sentences about the situations with not ‘enough or too and the words in brackets. 1 There are 12 students in the class but only 11 chairs. (be / chairs) There aren't enough chairs. 2 Jowas wearing shorts and a T-shirt in the cold weather. Now she’s sick, (wear / clothes) 3. Jake is 16. He wants a car but he can't drive until he's 18. (young / drive) 4 |want to go out, but I'm coughing and sneezing and have a fever. (sick / go out) Too does not mean the same as very. We use too to mean ‘more than enough’. We use very to make an adjective or adverb stronger. I'm very happy. Let’s celebrate. 7 NOT Hm-too-happy.-tet's celebrate. X A4. Complete the conversation with the correct, quantifiers, Then listen and check. ‘A Hey, how was the game? B Welost. The other team were just too strong. We weren’t even good? to score one goal! We spent too? time defending and not* time attacking, ‘A Maybe you aren't doing* training, You always lose! B_No, we don't. We've won a games this season, A. Butif you lose too” games, you'll be out of the competition. B iknow! We need a* luck! 5 Complete the sentences about you. Then compare with a partner. Yesterday, | ate too many Last week, | didn’t get enough Last summer, | saw a few Last night, I drank alittle My parents don't have enough | usually have too much UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 49 ouorune VOCABULARY AND Quseit: LISTENING 4, Work in pairs. Use the words from Exercise 1 to Healthy eat talk about the Eatwell Plate. eal eatin ¥ 2 Bananas have got a lot of vitamins. 2.1 Complete the health facts with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat. abalanced diet calories carbohydrates dairy products fat fibre protein nutrition vitamins The Eatwell Plate Oeaw Opie O GBD) “ieips the body to Carbohydrates Brewand be . . guethebedy STRONG. (CHEESE. An interview most of its and BUTTER ENERGY. BO Emainslocot 5, Read the health advice. Do you agree or 0" disagree? Listen and check. © © © me QP chocolate is bad for you. tin (A, B,C, et aoe foods such as aR cee © iesimportant to drink eight FRUIT. Include | substances chat Stasses of water a day Ie helps food pass oo sees oeteet MILK cep ene boty © wating up cing the ight made from is bad for your health, 6 ak eo" (sensi ahaysbue © re number @) @ itl exercie every cay ‘of x © is is better than a lot of tells us how much about the food oO exercise once a week ENERGY isa You EAT and how is in food. mixture of iealfects your DIFFERENT = HEALTH. A G Listen again and complete the professor’s advice. yo Serer Ag | 05 worsen It’s a good ideato... It’s a bad idea to... eat lots of fruit and vegetables. | count calories. oO LEARN TO LEARN J _ Cognates Scientific words are often similar in different pe 4 languages. There are sometimes small differences in a spelling or pronunciation. : | 2. Which of the words from Exercise 1 are similar in @Qaveieeiie) jour language? ” eee 7 Discuss the questions. ¥& 3 Say aword to your partner. They spell the word 1 Can you think of any other advice? correctly. Then swap. 2 Are people in your country today healthier than 50 years ago? Why / Why not? 50 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 LANGUAGE IN ACTION should, shouldn't and ought to ASR} Reece nC Pee ena Ree ee Mie We should eat the right things. Abalanced diet ought * include some fat. We shouldn’t eat too many bad carbohydrates. we do to be healthy? 1 Complete the examples in the table above. 2. Match the problems with the advice. Then use © 4. Complete the ultra-marathon advice with should, {3 shouldn't and ought to. Then listen and check. NalmOhunyy ae @ | MARATHONS? Pert Sota Scam Well, you ‘shouldn't try the 100 k ~ it's too difficult. You 2 to start with the 50k, You® to tratin most days, but you 4 cso rest one day a week, On training days, you® run foo much - few hours is fine! Add a few extra kilometres ‘each time. You® eat well in the moming and, uring the marathon itself, drink lots of water (but you definitely” drink too much - that’s dangerous) the prompts to write sentences with should, If there are ct few hills, its OK to walk up them. shouldn't and ought to. You® to sive your energy for the end 1 Ihavea fever. ¢ You should stay inbed and you a shoulditt-go to school 5 Finally, you* stay positive. In 2016, 70-year-old Bob Becker 1an 469 km! If he can do it, you com! 5 Read the silly opinions and think of reasons to support them. 1. Students should wear hats in class. cae Students should wearhatsin class because not walk in the countryside ‘there isn't time to do our hair in the moming. stay in-bed- and net gote-school 2 Pokémon ought to be an Olympic sport. not look at your phone before bed 2 Myeyesare tired. 3. Myteam loses every game! 4 | sneeze a lot in the summer. agooe {% 3 Use the prompts to write questions with should. @/ Teachers shouldn't gue homeworkon Tuesdays. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 1/do /improve my English 4. Everybody should have a snake as a pet. What: should | do to improve my English? ‘You should watch films in English. 5. People shouldn't eat sweets at the weekend, 2 people /doto be happy Compare your ideas from Exercise 5. UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 51 3. people / do to be healthier SPEAKING Giving advice 1 Look at the photo. Why do you think the girl is ‘°° ‘50 tired? Listen and check. ROBBY Hey, Nicole, are you feeling OK? You look P exhausted! NICOLE I'm really stressed. Ihave too many exams this week and not enough time to study. ROBBY You really ought to get more sleep. You can't do anything well without enough. sleep. NICOLE Tell me about it! | always get stressed before exams. Do you have any advice? ROBBY * How.about. going jogging? Exercise always? ! NICOLE Joggingisn’t really my thing ROBBY ° go for a walk. You definitely shouldn't study all night. NICOLE Hmm, I guess could try. ROBBY And drink lots of water. It improves your memory, NICOLE Seriously?! didn't know that. ROBBY * isto listen to music with my eyes closed. It helps me relax. But ¢ listen to something gentle. NICOLE OK, thanks. I'll giveit a shot, 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases “1°” from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. Cems How about... (*-ing)? Make sure you .. ‘Something else | find useful ... «+. works for me. You could just 52 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 3 Match the phrases (1-4) with the words and phrases in the Everyday English box. 1 Areyou joking? 3. Pim going to try it 2. Iknow exactly 4 Idon't really what you mean, like. Orc E aaa V'lgiveitashot. (_) ...isn'treally my thing. (_} Seriously? {_) Tellme about it! (_) PLAN 4, Think of some advice for these problems. Write notes. 1. Iwant to make new friends, but I'm too shy. 2 Ican'tsleep because I'm worried about school. 5, Workin pairs. Choose one of the problems and compare your advice. Plan a conversation. SPEAK 6 Practise the conversation. Remember to use should, shouldn't, ought to and words and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday English boxes. CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their [SOO LL =u h Forum: What should I do? Biightongel: Hl Thanks for telling us about your 1? posi problem. A lot of us eat too many snacks, 5 -- _...... so you're not alone. We all know what the ; problem is ~ many snacks are full of fat and » JT Hep! ply too many one Sugar and rei good for uo, and that's why ee we shouldn't eat too many. Have you tried “ making healthy snacks at home? That's what - > I do. | used to buy lots of crisps and sweets, Chad: | eat lots of unhealthy but now | make healthy sandwiches and take snacks between lessons but them to school. Why don't you look online for ‘what can | do? | get so hungry! ‘some ideas? You could always ask your mum or dad to help you. ‘A\so, | recommend always having enough fruit in the house. That way, you can just take some as you leave the house. Finally, you shouldn't SnaphappySak: | post 250 photos let your friends influence you. If they offer you an unhealthy snack, online every day. It's too many! offer them a piece of your orange! fpalielaa it all goes welll 4 ' cnnne White your own post on a forum PLAN 5 Choose one of the other problems in Exercise 1. Write notes giving advice. | Lee III WRITING A post ona forum Greeting: Hello! Thanks: Thank you for think you should 1. Read Brightongir!’s post on a forum. Which problem is she answering? 2. Which things does Brightongirl include? 2 reaeons © 5 atite Reasons: Then, you can t 2 thanks OO 6 advice ; 3 formallanguage {_) 7 paragraphs (_} : 4 agreeting oO ; 3. Doyou agree with Brightongi 12 Why / Why not? 6 Decide what language you need to use. Use the information in Exercise 2 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your post. Remember to use should, shouldn’t, ought to, quantifiers and phrases from the Useful language box. t 8 Doyou + havea greeting? 4, Complete the phrases in the Useful language box. Then check in Brightongirl’s post. Cerio Have you (ing? e (ing) é That? syoucan* os Why® you...? 3 You® always... + give advice with reasons? + use an informal style? UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 53 THE PE PROJECT A report 11 Read the text. Do you think your school should help you become healthier? Why / Why not? re about wering mot oe eh all -a} heal physic £ akdby mind and go together. We sP5 education, 05838 ‘hols to Took after Scientists ave our mental oH the time. A he healthy body alot of time 5” mportant for s° seadents’ health 2. Read Fiona and Sanjay’s report. Match the problems (1-6) with thei suggestions (a-f). How to do a survey 3. Read the tips a-f below. Do you agree or disagree with each tip? Why? a. Explain what the survey is about. b Use a long list of questions. Use simple language. Use YesiNo questions if possible. e Ask for extra information. Interview one or two people. 54 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4| We interviewed 100 students to find out how our school can help us to be healthier and happier. The students talked about six main problems. Problems 1 There ave too many exams in the same week. This is stressful for everyone. (7) 2 Lessons are too long — three hours without a break. It's difficult to concentrate. (_} 3 There aren’t enough computers in the library. Students without computers get stressed because they can’t do their work. (_} 4 The gym is not open enough — only a few hours every day. (_} 5. There is too much fast food in the canteen and there aren't enough healthy meals. (_} 6 There aren't enough sports facilities. Other schools have tennis or basketball courts or a football pitch. (_] Our suggestions a Every lesson should have a short break in the middle. b The canteen shouldn’t sell fast food. It should offer healthy food, like salads. The gym ought to be open all day. d_ There should be enough computers for everyone, and free wi-fi in all the buildings. @ The school should use the empty field next to the library for sports. There should be a mixture of exams and project work, and exams shouldn't all happen in the same week, 30 25 20 Problems at our school Too many exams in 1 week Lessons too long Not enough computers Gym not open Lessons too early Too much fast food Not enough ‘enough sports fac ies Write a report about your school PLAN 4, Workin pairs. \d out how your school could improve students’ health. + Write questions for your classmates. Use the ideas to help you. break times exams food and drink homework sports fa Do you think there are enough / too much / too many ...? Do we need more /less ...? Do you think your school should / ought to... Interview your classmates and make notes on their answers. + Think of ideas to solve the problems your classmates talked about. + Prepare your report. + Decide with your partner who about what. talk PRESENT 5 Present your report to your classmates and answer their questions. Remember to include quantifiers, should, shouldn't, ‘ought to and vocabulary from this u CHECK G Listen to your classmates’ reports. What problems did they talk about? Which idea was the best? UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 55, 7 eS LANGUAGE IN ACTION 2. Match the sentence beginnings with the endings. VOCABULARY 1. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. 1 I didn't finish a she doesn’t have a cough getbetter getill get stressed meee balanced diet. gojogging havea fever because b wedidn’t have relax sneeze sweat train 2 Wecancelled the enough players. football match she does lots of be exercise and is TOM Doctor, 1? in the park cause |) Race i 3. munhealthy careful abou! yesterday and felt fine, but now | think ee Vm? - Look at my red nose! because (_] An rm? all the time. 4 didn’t go out etetee DOCTOR Does your chest hurt? You're with my friends many questions. . alot. because (_) € leat too much fat rm? it and not enough TOM —_Itdoes. And 'm all the time 5 Herdoctorsays and not enovg but | feel cold. eae DOCTOR Well, let’s take your temperature. Hmm, f Iwas too tired. " because 39 degrees. You® -Here’s Bet ‘some medicine. You need a week in bed, 6 Paula is strong and healthy TOM This is terrible! My basketball team needs me, We're? for a big game next Saturday. DOCTOR * !Don't? Your health is more important than a basketball game. because (_) 3. Complete the information about skydiving with should, shouldn't, ought to and a verb in the box. TOM —Butit’s the final! DOCTOR You want to” »don't you? Rest first, eat well - a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, dairy products, vitamins and fibre - basketball later. Doctor's orders! Q) Fa ee I can talk about health and fitness in English. | can talk about healthy eating. | can use quantifiers. I can use should, shouldn't and ought to. 56 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 close enjoy panic trust try 1 Everyone! skydiving. It’s an incredible sport. 2 It's OK to scream but you? You? your instructor. 3 Yout your eyes. You 2 every second of the experience.

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