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Ca m b r id g e

Annie Cornford
Ca m b r id g e

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ISBN 978-1-108-72654-2 Own it! Workbook Level 2
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Starter Unit Welcome! p4

U n itl What are you watching? p8

Unit 2 Out of the past pl6

Unit 3 What’s the story? p24

Unit 4 The best things in life are free p32

Unit5 Dream houses p40

Unit6 Hidden danger p48

Unit 7 Get connected p56

Unit8 High-flyers p64

Unit 9 Show your moves p72

Exam tips and practice p80

Language reference and practice p86

Language bank pl06

Irregular verbs p ill

STARTER A b log po st

W ELCO M E! 3 Q Read Pablo’s blog post. What is his best friend’s

favourite activity?________

Home News Blog

Free tim e an d h o b b ie s My friends and their hobbies
Hi there, Pablo here! Today my blog
1 Q Match six of the phrases in the box with the photos. is about two of my friends and their
Ichatonline 2rd-q w 4^-oa-d-so-a-g$-a-nd-I4-ste n t o m usic
3 go shopping 4 go for a bike ride 5 hang out with Carla lives in an apartment in our
building. We go to the same school,
friends 6 make cakes 7 make videos 8 play an
but we aren’t in the same class. Carla
instrument 9 read books 10 read magazines loves riding her bike, so she usually
11 take photos 12 write a blog cycles to school. I don’t cycle when
X______________________________________________/ the weather’s bad, but I like cycling
with her in the summer. Carla also
plays hockey and does gymnastics -
she’s very sporty!
Nico is my best friend - he’s Italian.
He speaks Italian at home with
his family, but he doesn’t speak
Italian with me. He plays volleyball
in our school team on Wednesday
afternoons and Saturday mornings.
On Sundays, we often do his
favourite free-time activity: making
pizzas! His dad’s a chef in a pizzeria,
so Nico knows a lot about pizzas -
and I like eating pizzas a lot!

4 EZ3 Read the blog again.(Circle) the correct options.

1 Carla and Pablo (go)/don't go to the same school.
S p o rt
2 Pablo cycles / doesn't cycle to school every day.
2 □ Put the letters in the correct order to make 3 Carla’s very good/bad at sport.
sports words. The first letter is given. 4 Pablo’s best friend speaks / doesn'tspeok Italian.
lb e a t l n n e ts i table tennis 5 Pablo likes making / eating pizzas.
2 b rg yu r
3 c t s a hi e I t a
4 i s a gi I n s Guess the correct answer.
5 c eh ok y h Marathon runners often lose height when they
6 nm a y s g ts c i g run a race. On average, a marathon runner is
7 b y v I e Ia Io I v 1 cm / 5 cm /10 cm shorter at the end of a race.

8 s a abb I I t e k b Find another interesting fact about running. Then

9 w s igm i m n s send a question in an email to a classmate or ask
them it in the next class.
lO s w n f iu r n g d i w

LAN G U AG E IN ACTION AN D P e rso n a l p o s s e s s io n s
V O C A B U LA R Y 4 Q Q Find the ten personal possessions in the
P re se n t s im p le photos in the wordsearch. Tick (/) the photos when
you find the words.
1 Q Complete the sentences with the present simple
form of the verbs in the box.

go make not see play write

1 M ax plays computer games every day.

2 Lena’s frien d to a different school.
3 We our friends on Sunday evenings.
4 I my blog two or three times a week.
5 M artha videos of her pets.

2 □□ Write questions about Pablo’s blog and answer

them. Then check on page 4. T N O H M C H S A L J N
1 when / Pab lo /cycle with Carla ?
When does Pablo cycle with Carla?________________
Pablo cycles with Carla in the summer._____________
2 what sports/C arla / do ? L Y D K E Y S H E F C H


3 w h ere/N ico ’s father/w ork ? F K S C P A S S P O R T


4 what / Nico / know a lot about ?

U ( C 7~A M E R^2a ) C E B R L
A d v e rb s o f fre q u e n c y
3 Q Q Put the words in the correct order to B U S P A S S P N M O V
make sentences.
1 co m p u ter/o ften / I / m agazines/read
I often read computer magazines.
2 never/ hockey / h er/ Iris / late / class / is / for

3 ta k e s/p h o to s /g re a t/a lw a y s / Paul

4 sometimes / next / Molly / to / friend / sits / her

5 music / you / listen / Do / to / usually / loud / ?

ACTION 5 QQ Complete the questions and short
A c o n v e rs a tio n answers with the correct form of have got.

□ Listen and (circle)the correct 1A Have you got your

option. own computer?

Hannah meets Mrs Hayes atthe B Yes, I have .

shops I sports club I bus stop. 2 A Ja ck his
own keys?
Q Q Listen again. Tick (/) the activities that Hannah and
B Y e s , .
Joe do.
3 A Enzo and Lou
Gymnastics Athletics Photography Play video a French mother?
class club club games B N o , .
Hannah J 4 A I the right
phone numberforyou?
B N o , .
0 3 QQ Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? 5 A we any
1 Mrs Hayes likes doing sport atthe weekend. ___ E_ maths homework today?
2 Joe goes to athletics club on Saturday B Y e s , .
evenings. 6 A ______
your m um a
3 The gymnastics class is one and a half hours. new laptop?
4 The school’s photography club is once a week. B Y e s , .
5 Joe likes writing video games. ______
6 □ □ (^ircle)the correct options to
6 Hannah does her homework at the weekend. complete the email.

love, lik e , d o n 't m in d , h a te + -in g

Hi Leo,
4 QQ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in the box. I x(Ve got)/ ’s got some exciting news. We
2 ’ve got / haven’t got new neighbours and there’s

be help play speak use write a girl called Jessica - she’s my new friend.3 Hove
we got / W/e have got a lot in common? Yes, we
4 haven’t / havel She’s my age and she 5 ’s g ot/
1 Susie hates being___late for class, so she always
arrives early. ’ve got long dark hair, just like me. She loves
6 listen / listening to music and singing, and she
2 Harry doesn’t m ind football, but it’s not his 7 ’s got / hasn’t got her own band - so cool! She
favourite sport. 8 haven’t got / hasn’t got any sisters or brothers,

3 I love English, so I often phone my English but I don’t mind 9 to share / sharing my annoying
cousins. little brothers with her! Jessica and 110love /
4 Do you like headphones when you listen to hate hanging
out together
5 Bella loves her blog. It’s really good and we
all read it. See you soon!
6 Good friends don’t mind you when you’ve
got a problem.

WRITING 3 nn Read the profile again. Underline one
A p e rso n a l p ro file example o f ...
1 ’s for possession 3 ’s fo r/s
1 Q Read Bruna’s profile of her brothers. When are
2 ’s for has 4 commas in a list
they all free to hang out together?
4 □□ Rewrite the text w ith contractions,
apostrophes and commas in your notebook.
My friend Mason has got a big family. He has got two
brothers two sisters and 35 cousins. They all live in
HOME ABOUT ME ARCHIVE FOLLOW the same street! In Masons house there are a lot of
pets. They have got two dogs three cats four rabbits
Hi! My name’s Bruna and and a parrot! They have got a big house and a big
this profile is about my garden, so there is lots of space!
tw o brothers. We’re from
Sdo Paulo, in Brazil. My
brothers are called Victor Write a profile of a friend or a fam ily member. *.
and Lucas. Victor’s 9
years old and Lucas is 12. PLAN :
I ’m 14. 5 HQ Make notes for each paragraph. •
1 His/Her family and friends '
2 Lucas is mad about football, like lots of
people in Brazil! Hetrains on Mondays, 2 His/Her favourite free-time activity
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays! He never
minds getting home late because he just loves • what it is and where he/she does it
playing. Victor’s favourite free-time activity is • how often he/she does it
swimming. He’s got a great coach and he gets
up early for lessons with her in the pool at the
3 Other free-time activities
sports centre.
• what he/she likes doing on his/her own
or with friends
3 Lucas and Victor also like playing table tennis,
• when and where he/she does the I
and we all love doing th a t together. We’ve activities ’
got a table tennis table in our garage and we
often have a game on Sundays, when w e’re all
free. I sometimes find Lucas annoying, but he’s : W RITE
usually good fun, and Victor is OK. Have you
got brothers and sisters? W hat are they like? ’ 6 □□□ Write your profile. Remember to
• include three paragraphs, the inform ation ;
• in Exercise 5, the present simple, adverbs
2 QE3 Read the profile again. Are the sentences * . of frequency, love, etc. + -ing and have got. •
T (true) or F (false)? ■
1 Lucas and Victor have got one sister. •7 Do you ...
2 Lucas does part of his football training at • • describe the family and friends of the
the weekend. 1 person in your profile?

3 Lucas never gets home late from training. • • explain his/her favourite free-time activity?
; • say what else he/she likes doing, and
4 Victor prefers table tennis to swimming.
5 Bruna doesn’t play table tennis with her

4 □□ Complete the text about Elena’s
W HAT family with the words in the box.

A R E YOU chat shows comedies cookery shows

W ATCHING? dramas on-demand series soap operas

\____________________________________ J

T V sh o w s

1 Q Complete the words with the missing vowels.

1 .0. n-d £ m a n d s e r i e s 7 s ___ p _ p _ r _
2 s p _ rts s h _ w 8 th _ n_w s
3 d _ c _ m _ n t _ ry 9c_ m _ d y
4 d r_ m _ 10 c ___ k _ r y sh _w My parents enjoy watching TV
1 dramas , especially when they are
5 g _ m _ sh _w 11 c _ r t ___ n
true stories from history. They both like
6 c h _ t sh_w 12 r ____l _ ty s h _ w 2 withfamous
chefs, too. My dad also enjoys
2 □ (Circle)the correct options. 3 on late-night TV.
1 What is the first prize on the TV drama /(gameshow)th\s week? They make him laugh, but I don’t think
2 Dan loves food, so he watches all the sports I cookery shows. his favourite shows are funny at all! My
mum watches 4__________________
3 Adele is talking to some other guests on tonight’s soap opera /
with interesting celebrities talking about
their latest films, and I sometimes watch
4 We always laugh a lot at the new drama / comedy on
them with her. My grandma enjoys her
Channel 4 because it’s really funny.
favourite 5 because
5 Sam watches the news / an on-demand series to learn about she knows all the characters and is
world events. interested in their lives. I usually prefer
6 Now they use computers to make documentaries / cartoons. 6 to regu la r TV
They don’t draw them by hand. programmes because I can watch them
when I want to. I love that!
3 Q Match the definitions with TV shows in Exercise 1.
1 a programme about a subject, like history or nature
2 information about real world events Explore it!
3 information about tennis, football, basketball, etc. Guess the correct answer.
Blue Peter, the oldest
4 an animated story, usually for younger people children’s TV show in the world,
is about 40160180 years old.
5 a programme in which you answer questions and win a prize
Find an interesting fact about a TV
show in your country. Then send a
6 a programme about real people in their ordinary lives question in an email to a classmate or
ask them it in the next class.

Tw eets Channell Sport @channel1 sport
It’s the day of the UEFA Champions
Read the tweets. Which tweeter isn’t very happy? League Final, and you can see it live
on our sports show from eight o’clock
tonight or later on demand from 11!
2 □ □ Read the tweets again and check the meaning More than 4 billion people watch
of these words in a dictionary. Then complete the footba lion TV. Are you one of them?
sentences. Tweet us and tell us: are you watching
or doing sport right now?
billion competitor fact live support
\ ________________________________ J

1 Gina’s not a competitor , she’s watching the event Mehmet Ersoy @MErsoy
on TV today. I want to watch basketball on TV
2 There’s an interesting about on-demand today, but my sister’s here with her
series in this article. friend. They’re sitting in the living
3 More than 2 people watch the World Cup room and watching a really bad
Final on TV. That’s more than 2,000 million people! comedy show! So I’m watching my
series in the kitchen on a tiny tablet!
4 The game’s o n - all the action is ____________________________________________ ___________________J

happening now.
5 Which team on tonight’s game show do you Amy Mount @aMount
________ • - -, I’m sitting in my friend’s house and
V we’re waiting for the big final to begin
3 Q Q Read the tweets again and answer the questions. on Channel 1. We love watching sport
1 At what time can people watch the UEFA Champions on TV. We often play football too,
League Final live? but today we’re eating snacks and
at eight o’clock________________________________ supporting ourteam.

2 What doesn’t Mehmet want to watch? X

Channell Sport @channel1 sport
3 Where is Amy today? Right now on Channel 1, we’re looking
at the Olympics with a documentary
about its history. Here’s an interesting
4 Whatsportdoes Amy like playing? fact: around 3.5 billion people watched
the Rio Olympics! But what do you
5 What can people watch on Channel 1 at the moment? think - do more people watch the
Olympics or the World Cup Final? Which
other sports are good to watch on TV?
6 Where is Antonio today?

Antonio Gonzalez @toni2020

4 □ □ □ Answer the questions with your own ideas. I think cycling’s a great sport to
1 Do you prefer doing sport or watching it on TV? Why? watch on TV, but today I’m standing
at the side of the road watching the
competitors in my country’s famous
2 Do you ever watch sports live? Which ones?
three-week event: the Vuelta a Espanal
They’re doing a very long part of the
race today: over 200 km in one day!

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □□ Write questions and short answers with the
P re se n t c o n tin u o u s present continuous.
1 you / c y cle /to school? (/)
1 □ (Circle)the correct options.
Are you cycling to s c h o o l ? Y e s J am.
1 In my school, we learning/^relearning^how to edit
2 w e/listen / to the instructor? (X)
2 Leni is making I is makeing clothes for the school
production. 3 s h e /w a it/fo r the next episode? (/)

3 Helena and Jez are watch / are watching their

favourite programme. 4 th e y /e n jo y /th e programme? (X)
4 Who is sitting I is siting next to you in class today?
5 My brother isn’t eating I not eating much at the 5 you / send / a message to a friend? (X)
6 Are you waiting I You waiting for the news to begin? 6 I / help/you? (/)

2 Q Complete the sentences with the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 5 □□ Complete the email with the correct present
1 She s chatting (chat) to her friends online. continuous form of the verbs in the box.
2 H e ( p r e p a r e ) his history
learn look forward to not use prepare
take use work write
3 W e ( w a i t ) for the school bus. X___________________________________________J
4 H e ( m a k e ) a video about
5 T h e y ( n o t cry); they Hi Uncle Dom,
(laugh). Mum tells me you've got a new camera and that
6 I ( n o t watch) anything; I you want to give me your old one because you
1 aren’t using it. Great! I hear it's better than
the one 12 at the moment,
so 13 this email to say thank
3 Q Q Put the words in the correct order to make
you! 4 yo u lots of
questions. Then match them with the answers in
great photos now with your new camera?
Exercise 2.
15 a presentation for my
a th o s e /c ry in g /a re /W h y / b o y s / ? media studies class with a classmate this week.
Why are those boys crying?________________ [5 We 67 a lot about taking
photos in black and white - it's interesting! We
b on the com puter/Anita / doing/ What / is / ? 7 on a series of winter
photos. So 18 the new
c you / there/ all / Why / standing/ are / ? camera very much!
Thanks again and see you soon,
d p a rk / d o in g / th e / A m ir/ W h a t/ is / in /? Jo

e Why / late / w orking/ is / tonight / Paul / ?

f y o u /W h a t/w a tc h in g /a re /o n T V /?

M a kin g m o v ie s

2 □ Match 1-5 with a-e.

1 She’s a top make-up a is a famous film
artist [b director.
2 You can take *------'
b and she can change
hundreds of photos [_ actors’ appearances.
3 The sound engineer I_ c when the lights go out.
4 Steven Spielberg d is wearing big
5 The studio goes headphones.
dark e with a digital camera.

A g u id e d to u r

3 □□ Listen to a girl on a tour of

101 a soap opera set and answer the
1 In which city do they film the
soap opera?_____________
2 How many families are in the
so a p o pe ra ? _____________
1 Marius is writing the ... for his
3 What is the street in the soap
documentary project.
opera called? ____________
2 Where are they buildingthe ... forthe
new soap opera? O 4 E3E3 Listen again and (circle) the correct answers.
4 The best... in The Hunger Games is Josh 1 What is the name of the soap opera?
Hutcherson. a Best Mates b Teenlife Q Time of Our Lives
6 A ... artist called Lucy is ma king that
2 One of the main actors is called ....
young woman look older.
a Jamie Johnson b Tom Bridges c Lauren Thomas
7 The ... is just sitting in her chair and
3 The soap opera is about....
telling us what to do.
a teenagers’ lives b a postman c a school in Sydney
9 I can take great photos with my new
d ig ital.... 4 There are ... houses in Clifton Street.
a 15 b 20 c 100
5 There are ... actors in the soap opera.
3 Please move those ... . They’re shining in
a 10 b 50 c 60
my eyes.
5 I’m wearing a gorilla ... and I’m getting 5 QE3E3 Answer the questions.
very hot!
1 Which series do you like?
8 A sound ... knows when the actors are
too quiet or too loud.
2 What are the most popular soap operas in your country?
10 I’m hoping to be a camera ... when I
leave school.

LANGUAGE IN ACTION A d v e rb s of m a n n e r
P re se n t s im p le an d p re se n t c o n tin u o u s
4 □ □ Underline and correct one mistake in
1 □ Complete the table with the time expressions in the each sentence.
box. 1 My mother isn’t a slowly driver. slow
2 Their little brothers are playing happyly.
always at the moment everyday
every week never right now
3 Our parents teach us to say ‘thank you’ nice.
this afternoon today
\ _____________)

4 Be carefully! That camera is very expensive!

Present simple Present continuous
5 You’re doing your homework very good at
the moment.
6 She’s playing the guitar beautiful now.

2 □ Complete the sentences with the present simple or

present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 She s waiting (wait) for her favourite TV show to
sta rt.
2 Actors (love) taking selfies with their fans.
3 It u s u a l l y ( t a k e ) days to learn the words of
a script.
4 We (watch) the news together at the
5 I ( n o t come) here very often.
6 T h e y ( m a k e ) a new episode every week.

3 Q Q Put the words in the correct order to make

1 download / Internet/ Do/ always/ from / you / th e / 5 □ □ Choose the correct adjectives. Then
films 17 complete the sentences with the adverb
Do you always download films from the Internet?
1 My brother writes very well (good I
2 drama/good /I’m /th e /a I moment/TV/watching /at
bad). I enjoy reading his stories.
2 Leila speaks v e r y ( l o u d / quiet).
3 outside / eat / sometimes / summer/ We I lunch / our/ I can’t hear what she’s saying sometimes.
the I in
3 That film starts (slow/fast). The
beginning is really boring.
4 talks / actors / to / sound engineer I the / The I never 4 Kitty is singing r e a l l y ( l o u d I
quiet). You can hear her in the street!
5 you I listening/ teacher / your / now / right / Are / to / ? 5 You w o r k ( e a s y / hard). That’s
why you do well in your tests.
6 now/taking/Sydney/guided tour/a / My / is/sister/of 6 This book e n d s ( g o o d / bad).
I don’t like the ending at all.

WRITING 4 Q Complete the sentences from the description
A d e s c rip tio n of a c e le b rity and match them with the rules (a-c).
1 He’s an Australian comedian, internet
1 □ Read the description. Why can you watch Mason personality, singer, writer actor.
Millerson videos with your parents?
2 He talks about ordinary, everyday things ...,
he makes them special.
3 His stories are ... never horrible
M y f a v o u r it e c o m e d ia n
By Kerem Uzun a We use but to show different information.
1 M ason M illerson is my b We use or when there is a choice of two or more
favourite com edian. He's things.
an A ustralian com edian, c We use and to add similar information.
internet personality, singer,
w riter an d actor. His comedy videos have
got over 2 billion view s an d he h a s over
15 m illion subscribers. • Write a description of your favourite comedian or
2 In each video, Mason is really funny an d very comedy actor.
original. You can w atch his videos on the Internet.
In them, he just sp eak s to the cam era in a very • PLAN :
n atu ral w ay and you're laughing all the time. •* 5 Make notes about these things. I

Som etim es I laugh so much th at I cry! He talks
1 Who the personi s : ;
about ordinary, everyday things like eatin g dinner
with fam ily or w aiting for a train, but he m akes I What he/she does: •
them special. 1 How many followers he/she has got:
3 I really like Mason Millerson because he's got a
great imagination. His stories are funny, but they
2 What he/she usually does in his/her videos or
are never horrible or offensive, so it's OK to watch
Mason's videos with your parents. I think he's great! • films:
3 Why you like this person and his/her videos or
; f i l m s : •
2 □□ Read the description again and answer the : w r it e :
I 6 □□□ Write your description. Remember to
1 Where is Mason from?_______________________ include three paragraphs, the correct present
2 How many people watch Mason’s videos online • tenses and adverbs, and and, but and or.
regu la rly?_______________________________
3 What sometimes happens when Kerem watches
Maso n’s vi d eos?__________________________
7 Do you...
• • use sentences with and, but and or?
3 Q Match the start of each paragraph (a-c) with the \ • give information about what the person
topics (1-3). usually does?
*' • • explain why you like the person?
a In each video, Mason is ... I_
b I really like Mason Millerson because ...
c Mason Millerson is my favourite comedian.

1 an introduction to the person and his videos

2 what the person’s videos are usually about
3 why I like this person



1 Match 1-8 with a-h.

1 I don’t like cookery shows a about animals in Africa.
2 We’re listening to the match b on some of these game shows,
3 Disney is famous for c on TV or online?
4 Dad’s watching a comedy, d but he doesn’t think it’s funny.
5 Ava’s watching the documentary e children’s cartoons.
6 I love historical dramas about f on our favourite sports show.
7 You can win a lot of money g life in the 1500s.
8 Do you usually watch the news h because I hate cooking.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

actor camera operator costume digital camera director lights

make-up artist script set sound engineer

1 The is filming the pandas up close and getting some great shots.
2 Carlos learns the words by reading his many times.
3 Does a TV news reader wear normal clothes or a ?
4 The movie tells everyone what to do and how to do it.
5 It can be very hot when you work under bright studio
6 The for my favourite series is a street in New Zealand.
7 A changes people’s appearances for movies.
8 The knows when the actors are speaking very quietly.
9 The who plays the son is only six years old.
10 lean make great home videos with my n e w .


3 Complete the conversation with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

AYAZ W hat 1 (you / do)?

ELIF I2 (write) an email to my uncle. H e 3 (work)
on a film set at the moment. * \ AH
AYAZ Wow!4 (he/film) any famous actors?
ELIF No, he isn’t. H e 5 (travel) with the film crew and actors and he
6 (cook) their food. He’s a chef.
AYAZ That’s cool. So w hy 7 (you / send) him an email?
ELIF 18 (hope) he can come to my birthday party and cook something good for me!

14 W H A T ARE YOU W A TC H IN G ? | U N IT 1
4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or C U M U LA T IV E LA N G U A G E
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I (write) to my friend in Ankara
6 Complete the conversation with
the missing words.(^ircle)the
right now. I ( e m a i l ) her every
correct options.
2 We u s u a l l y ( w a t c h ) the news on
ANA Hi, Dan.1 your
TV, but today w e ( l i s t e n ) to it in
the car.
3 H e n r y ( s a v e ) his pocket money DAN W e2 a great time here. I
at the moment because h e ( n e e d ) with my friends and their
a new bike. family in their summer apartment.
4 y o u ( l o o k ) ANA That’s 4 . What do you think of it?
for my sister? She u s u a l l y ( s i t )
DAN It’s 5 and there’s a pool.
over there.
ANA Lucky you! 6 swimming every
5 Our m u m ( n o t go) to work on
Fridays, but s h e ( w o r k ) today.
6 My f r i e n d s ( s w i m ) in the sea DAN Well, my friends Tess and Rob 7
today, but I’m not. I ( p r e f e r ) every morning before breakfast.
swimming pools. ANA Great!
7 y o u
( w a i t )
DAN Yeah, but actually 18 eating
for Susie? She usually
something first.
_______________ (not arrive) late.
ANA Really?
8 I ( c o o k ) pancakes for breakfast
at the moment. I o f t e n ( m a k e ) DAN I’m always 9 when I
them at the weekend. 10 up!
ANA So when do you breakfast?
5 (Circle)the correct options.
1 Please be quiet / quietly*. Your baby sister is DAN Well, that’s breakfast time for me - when I
2 Sandra is a very nice I nicely girl, in my opinion.
3 The children are watching Frozen 2 and eating ice 1 a Enjoy you b Are you enjoying c You enjoy
creams happy / happily. 2 a have b has c ’ re having
4 I always speak loud/ loudly, but Grandad still can’t 3 a ’m staying b stay c staying
hear me. 4 a nice b nicily c nicely
5 When we work quick/ quickly, we sometimes make 5 a beautifully b beautiful c beautifuly
mistakes. 6 a Are you go b Go you c Do you go
6 He answered the questions good I well in the test. 7 a swims b areswiming c swim
7 Our music teacher plays the guitar beautiful I 8 a prefer b ’m preferring c ’m prefer
9 a hungrily b hungry c hungryly
8 Catalina is wearing a very pretty / prettily costume
10 a ’m waking b wakes c wake
in the show.
11 a usually eat b eat usually c usual eat
12 a ’m getting b gets c get

4 □□ Complete the email with words from
Exercise 1.

TO: Geri
FROM: Calum

V O C A B U LA R Y Hi Geri,
Th e w e a th e r What's the weather like where you are?
Here it's lovely and 1 sunny and I'm
1 Q Find 12 more weather words in the word snake. sitting under a tree, with a sun hat and
sunglasses on.There's no rain, so the fields
are very 2 . I like 3
7^c/yhoVc ^ weather - about 20°C is fine, but 35°C is
^ yw e tsto ^
very 4 and not great for me!
2 □ (Circle)the correct options. We usually get a lot o f 5 days
in Scotland, so it's often very wet, but not
1 We’ve got winter coats because it is a ($old)/ warm day. this year. Actually, I can't wait for the winter,
2 Be careful, don’t run! The paths are hot/ icy. with some nice 6 weekends
for skiing.
3 It’s not great to go skiing in rainy I snowy weather.
Speak soon,
4 The bus driver can’t seethe road. It’s very windy / foggy tod ay. Calum
5 A Is it raining now? B No, but it’s wet/cloudy.
6 Trees sometimes break in very windy / warm weather. 5 □□ Write the noun forms of the
3 nn Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then
1 rainy______ rain______
match them with photos a-f.
2 cloudy_______________
foggy snowy stormy sunny wet windy 3 icy_______________
4 sunny_______________
5 w indy_______________
6 snowy_______________
7 foggy_______________
8 stormy_______________

The Sami people live in the far

1 It’s dangerous to go surfing in stormy__weather. north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and
Russia. Language experts say that the
2 We can’t have a picnic today. The grass is very
Sami have at least 8/18 /180 words for
because of the rain.
snow and ice.
3 It’s and they are lost because they can’t see.
Find another interesting fact about the
4 On a day, they wear their hats, gloves
Sami people. Then send a question in
and scarves.
an email to a classmate or ask them it
5 This weather is perfect for going sailing. in the next class.
6 It’s , so don’t forget your sunglasses!


D ia ry e x tra c ts

1 Q Read the text and diary extracts. What did Ollie and Jack
find on their journey?

Looking fo r treasure
In 2010, an American man hid a big box full of treasure somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. His name is Forrest Fenn
and he was over 80 years old at the time. Fenn is an art expert, and he had a lot of old and very expensive objects. He filled
his box with jewellery, diamonds and gold, and then buried it in a secret place in the mountains. Why did he do that?
He wanted to give families a reason to enjoy time in nature. In his opinion, children spend a lot of time on computers and
need to do more outdoor activities. The result? Thousands of people are looking for Forrest Fenn’s treasure. Below are
diary extracts from two young treasure hunters.

• b b b b b <T6 4 b b-c'4 4
Ollie’s diary: 10 December, 2018
jock's diary: 19 December. 2018
W ere on holiday in yellowstone National
Time to go home, but the roads
Park and we’re looking for buried treasure
are closed and there's deep snow
with our parents. They planned this trip because
everywhere. We're staying in a small hostel
they wanted us to enjoy hiking and camping in the
because it’s not possible to camp in this
winter. Jack and lju st want to find the box! Forrest
weather, it's very cold and there's no wi-fi
Fenn wrote a 24-line poem with clues about where to v
here. And the worst thing is that we didn’t
find it. He shared the poem on Instagram, so we know Z®
u© find any treasure! I don't think this was a
the box is somewhere in Wyoming or Colorado - two
of the BIGGEST STATES in the USA! good idea after dll!

2 □□ Read the text and diary extracts again and 3 QQ Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true)
check the meaning of these words in a dictionary. or F (false)?
Then complete the sentences. 1 Forrest Fenn hid expensive jewellery and
gold in a box. _£
clues bury hides jewellery
2 He hid the box because he doesn’t want
secret treasure
people to find it.

1 That Jewellery shop sells beautiful earrings, 3 The boys’ parents didn’t go with them.
necklaces and bracelets. 4 Fenn’s clues are on the Internet. _
2 That dog is making a hole in the ground to 5 The boys can’t get home because of the
________ the ball! weather.
3 She usually her diary under her bed at 6 Jack enjoyed hunting for treasure. _
4 Grandma keeps her diamond ring in a
4 E3E3E3 Answer the questions with your own ideas.
place in her house. 1 What outdoor activities do you do?
5 They found a ship under the sea with lots of
________ in it. 2 Do you like the idea of this ‘treasure hunt’? Why /
6 I always read th e carefully when I’m Why not?
doing a crossword puzzle.
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □□ Underline and correct one mistake in each
Past s im p le sentence.
1 Henry seed photos of the pioneers yesterday.
J □ Complete the sentences with the past simple saw___
form of the verbs in brackets.
2 We didn’t enjoyed the bus journey.
1 The boys hiked (hike) for nine days.
3 Did you found a good tour guide last week?
2 T h e y ( t a k e ) Fenn’s clues with them.
3 T h e y ( e n j o y ) listening to the poem 4 I did went out in the stormy weather.
about the buried treasure.
5 They stopped for food and drink.
4 The adults and c h i l d r e n ( r e a d ) the
6 Did she be late for class yesterday?
clues carefully.
5 Some p e o p l e ( w r i t e ) diaries about 5 □□ Complete the conversation with the correct
their journey. past simple form of the verbs in the box.
6 Actually, the diary e x t r a c t s ( b e ) very
interesting. become decide look after not have
return ride see stay travel write
2 □□ Completethequestions with the words in the
box. Then match the questions with the answers in
Exercise 1.

did (x2) write hike were enjoy

\ ___________________________________________________ )

a What did the adults and children

read carefully?
b How long did the boys for?
c the diary extracts boring?
d What did they listening to? IVAN Did you see the TV
e What they take with them? documentary about Dervla Murphy last
f What did some p e o p l e ?
DARIA No, I didn’t. Who is she?
3 Q Q Write questions and short answers in the past IVAN An amazing traveller and travel writer. In
simple. 1963, she 2 to cycle from her
1 you I have a good holiday, Tina? (/) home town in Ireland all the way to India.
Did you have a good holiday, Tina? Yes, Idid. And in those days, people 3 the
kinds of bikes we have now!
2 you / swim in the sea? (X)
DARIA she her bike all
the way to India?
3 you all / go in the pool? (/)
IVAN Yes, she did, and she 5 therefor
a year. She 6 Tibetan refugee
4 your friends/like the food? (/) children, and when she 7 home,
she 8 her first book. She quickly
5 Tomas/take lots of photos? (/) a famous travel writer - there
are more than 20 books by her. Dervla
10 all over the world when she
6 Susie/want to come home? (X) was younger, but she still can’t drive a car!


VOCABULARY AND LISTENING A ra d io p ro g ra m m e
U se fu l o b je c ts

1 □ Put the letters in the correct order to make

words for useful objects.
1 rrro im ______ mirror______
2 m p Ia _________________
3 Ik t e b n a _________________
4 o no ps _________________
5 i nf e k _________________
6 w p Io I i _________________
7 w b Io _________________
8 k ro f _________________
9 bc mo _________________
10 Ie t p a _________________
11 s s s s o c i r _________________
12 u p c _________________ A 4 S3 Listen to a radio programme about a volcanic
2 01
13 b h i r a u s h r __________________ eruption. Tick (/) the words you hear.
14 h t b t u h o s o r fork scissors V comb jewellery!_ |
* J J

museum schools mirror lamp

2 □□ Match the photos with six words from Exercise 1. -

5 DD Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Sam works at a history museum in London.
2 The volcano destroyed two cities in
ho u rs.
3 In t h e , archaeologists found
a lot of everyday objects buried in the cities.
4 In one of the cities they found a baby’s

5 One man died when a rock hit him on the

6 Under his body they found a purse with money

a nd a .

3 Q Where do you usually find the objects in Exercise g □□□ Choose from the options and complete
1? Some words can go in more than one category. the sentences so they are true for you.
Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom 1 rd like / 1wouldn't like to visit Pompeii and
Herculaneum because
knife hairbrush blanket

2 I'd like/1 wouldn't like to visit Sam’s display in

London because

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □□ Complete the email with some, any, a or an.
th e re w a s /th e r e w e re

J □ (Circle) the correct options.

TO: Lily
1 { There was)/ There were a team of archaeologists in
2 There was / There were some kitchen furniture in Hi Lily!
the exhibition. How are you? Just a quick email to tell you about our
trip to Brazil! Yesterday there w a s 1 a big storm,
3 l/l/os there / Were there any travellers in the storm?
so we had a day of culture. We walked around the city
4 There wasn’t I There weren’t any information about and there w as 2 fascinating museum called
the objects. the Museum of Tomorrow, so we decided to go in. It's
5 H/as there I Were there a school in Herculaneum? science museum in Rio, but 34
architect from Spain designed it. There w ere 5
6 There was I There were some old books in the box. amazing exhibitions about our planet, and there was
7 There wasn’t/ There weren’t any clothes in the ruins. very interesting information about it, too.
There weren't7 postcards in the museum
2 QE3 Put the words in the correct order to make shop, but there w as 8___________interesting little book,
sentences. so I bought you that! Hope you like it!

1 wasn’t/ rain / month / There / any / last Speak soon,

There wasn’t any rain la s t month.__________________
2 display / any / There / the / weren’t / interesting /
in/things 5 QQ Look at the two museum displays and
complete the texts with there was(n’t)/ there
3 people/ exhibition / there/ the/ a t/ many/ Were/ ? were(n’t), a, an, some or any.

4 old / baby / with / an / woman / There / a / was Home News Blog Lifestyle

There was an interesting
5 there / box/ Was / any / the / jewellery / in / ? display with objects from
a Roman kitchen at our local
6 Naples / hundreds/ were/ in / tourists / There / of m useum . 2______________
some wooden bowls and
knives and
forks, but there weren't
3 □ Match 1-6 with a-f. 4
spoons. There was 5 metal
1 There were some LL a interesting display of water bottle. There was also 6 very old
jewellery. bread - over a thousand years old, in fact. Yummy!
2 Was there a b information about My favourite display had lovely
Herculaneum? objects from a woman's
3 There weren’t any c useful objects in the bedroom. There was
kitchen? old mirror and
gold jewellery.
4 There was an d women in the team.
She was probably
5 Was there any e Roman bowls in the 9
i m p o rt a nt
museum. person. 10 a beautiful necklace and a
6 Were there any f mirror in the woman’s bracelet too, b u t 11 any earrings. And
bag? there was a comb with 12 human hair in it!


WRITING 4 Match 1-6 with a-f.
A fictio n a l account of a journey i 22 October, a the day they arrived
2018 £ home
1 Q Read the account and (circle)the best title.
2 412 km b the day they set off
a Swedish family lost in Edale * *
3 after two days c Lucas, Sven and Lilly
b Help for teenage walkers in Sweden
4 the three friends __ d the length of the walk
c Safe return for lost walkers
5 28 October, e when the friends plan
2018 to start again
6 in the spring f the weather changed

Three Swedish teenagers

decided to do a famous Write a fictional account of a journey.
long-distance walk from
England to Scotland. PLAN
1 They se to ff on
5 E3E3 Make notes about the information you
22 October, 2018 from
need for each paragraph.
Edale, a small village in
the English hills. 1 Who made the journey:
The walk is 412 km long, and Lucas, Sven and Lilly
wanted to complete it in three weeks. They wore When and where it started:
big boots and carried heavy bags with their
camping equipment.2 it was warm
and sunny, but after two days, everything changed. Where they planned to go:
3 cold and rainy. The walkers’ boots
got wet and their bags got heavier.
2 The first part of the journey:
The three friends didn’t stop,b u t4
with the weather. On day four, it became foggy.
The path was difficult to see and they got lost. Theweather:__________________________
Then Sven fell and broke his leg. There was no 3 Howthe journey continued:
one to help them and no mobile phone signal.
5____________ on 27 October, a mountain rescue
’ Any problems:
team found the friends, and they arrived home
safely the next day. Now they are planning
to do the walk again in the spring. • 4 The end of the journey:

2 □□ Complete the account with the words and : WRITE

phrases in the box.
I 6 nnn Write your fictional account.
Remember to include the past simple, there
At first, Finally, The weather was
• was/there were and phrases from the Useful
there were a lot of problems They set off on
\____________________________ __________ / • language box (see Student’s Book, p29).

3 □ (Circle)the correct options. : CHECK

1 The teenagers wanted to walk from * .7 Do you...
Scotland to England I England to Scotland. • • have four paragraphs?
; • use the correct language to talk about the
2 They hoped to do the walk in three weeks / days.
3 The weather was good / bad on the first two days.
• • explain what the journey was like?
4 Lucas/ Sven had an accident.



Complete the sentences with weather words. Use the first 3 Choose the correct verbs. Then write the
letter to help you. past simple form of the verb.
1 When it’s f_______ , it’s difficult to see where you’re going.
Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese
2 It’s going to be r , so don’t forget your umbrella.
sailor and explorer, 2 (w ork/ arrive)
3 She wore a hoodie, a scarf and gloves because it was very
worked on the king’s ships
c_____ .
from 1492. In July 1497, he 2 (leave / set)
4 Don’t run outside. It’s i and you can easily fall. ____________ off on a journey
5 The weather was nice and w________. We could swim to India. He 3 (want I become)
every day. • to fin d a ro u te
6 A branch of the old tree broke on a very s night. to the Far East. He 4 (take / travel)
• a total of 38,600 km.
7 It’s still c________ now, but it isn’t raining any more.
The jou rn ey 5 (be / go)
8 They could eat in the garden because the weather was
dangerous and the w eather 6 (like / be)
d_____ .
often stormy. Da Gama
9 The sun was really h________for Sally, so she went inside. 7 (ta ke I ca r r y ) 170
10 I love winter evenings when it’s s________ outside. men with him, but only 54 8 (arrive / stay)
11 One horrible w________ and w________ night, the rain blew • home safely in 1499.
into our tent.
12 Take your sunglasses because it’s very s today.

2 Match the descriptions with the words in the box.

blanket bowl comb cup fork hairbrush

lamp mirror pillow plate scissors
spoon toothbrush

1 You can use these to cut hair or paper.

2 This helps you to see when it’s dark.
3 Two objects you use for your hair.
4 You need this to clean your teeth.
5 Two useful objects you use to put food in your mouth.

6 You use this at night to keep warm.

7 You put soup in a and a sandwich on a

8 You put your tea or coffee in this.

9 Your head is on this when you’re sleeping in bed.

10 You look into this when you’re combing your hair.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there was/there were and a, an, some or any.
1 There weren’t any mirrors in the bathroom. (-) 5 good exhibitions in Berlin?
2 information about Egyptian 6 clear answer to my question. (-)
mummies? 7 bowls in the kitchen. (-)
3 interesting books in the 8 visitors from Portugal in our
museum shop. (+) school. (+)
4 article about dinosaurs in the
newspaper. (+)


5 Complete the conversation with the missing words.(Circle)the correct options.

SARA Hi, Katie. What1 at the moment?

KATIE I’m working really2 ! I need some ideas for my history project.
SARA 3 the documentary about English kings and queens last Saturday?
KATIE No, 14 camping last weekend, so I missed it.
SARA That’s a shame. It was very 5 .
KATIE 6 information about the clothes they wore in the past?
SARA Yes, and 7 interesting facts about jewellery. 18 about how they
made gold and silver artefacts for my history project.
KATIE I know! I can write about everyday objects in the 16th century.
SARA 9 exhibition in the city library last month called ‘At Home in the Past’.
KATIE Really?
SARA And 10 presentation by a famous history professor.
KATIE Oh, dear. 111 that, too. I really am a terrible student!
SARA Don’t worry. 112 to that presentation, so I can help you.
KATIE Really? You’re a great friend. Thanks, Sara!

1 a do you b did you do c areyoudoinj

2 a hardly b hard c harder
3 a Saw you b Did you saw c Did you see
4 a went b go c didn’t go
5 a well b good c better
6 a Was there any b Were there any c Was there an
7 a was there some b weren’t there any c there were sc
8 a write b ’mwritting c ’m writing
9 a There’s an b There was an c There was a
10 a there was a b was there a c there was an
11 a was missing b misses c missed
12 a go b went c going
WHAT’S □ (Circle)the correct options.
1 Leave the light on when you feel (gfraicl)/ angry in

THE STORY? the dark.

2 Was your brother excited / angry when you took his
3 Call a friend when you feel tired/ lonely and want
V O C A B U LA R Y some company.
A d je c tiv e s of fe e lin g 4 I’m never excited I bored; there’s always something
to do.
1 Q Read the clues and complete the puzzle. 5 Julio was embarrassed/ lonely because he didn’t
Then complete sentence 11 with your remember my name.
own idea.
3 □□ Complete the email with the words in the box.

excited nervous surprised tired upset

\ ___________________ /

TO: Diana FROM: Kylie

Hi Diana,
How are you? I was
surprised . when you weren't
in class today. Are you
2 about the exam
tomorrow? I can't revise any more tonight, I'm very
3 - 1need to go to bed. My parents get
4 when I work late - they think I need
1 I feel... when I have nobody to talk to.
more sleep! Don't worry about tomorrow. Just
2 When you have nothingto do, you g et....
remember our camping trip when the exams are
3 I don’t like big spiders and I fe e l... when I see over - I'm 5 about that!
See you, Kylie
4 Before an important test or exam, you can
fe e l....
5 My parents sometimes g e t... when I arrive 4 □□□ Complete the sentences so they are true for
home late. you. Write them in your notebook.

6 Do your teachers g et... when you don’t listen I feel nervous when .... I don’t get upset when ....
to them? I sometimes feel lonely when ....
7 I was ... to see my friend because she arrived
a day early! Explore it!
8 They were very ...when they heard your sad
Guess the correct answer.
If you have hippophilia, you love hippos /
9 Little children g et... about their birthdays.
spiders I horses and they make you feel good.
10 You look .... Why don’t you goto bed?
Find another unusual thing that makes people
11 You feel embarrassed when
feel good. Then send a question in an email to a
classmate or ask them it in the next class.

A folk ta le

1 Q Read the folk tale and match the names (1-3) with the people (a-c).
S'— —

1 Manata _ a the young man

2 Matakauri _ b the terrible giant
3 Matau _ c the beautiful girl

The story of Lake Wakatipu

The Maori people of New Zealand However, Matakauri was unhappy because the giant was
have different stories about their still alive. One winter day, he went back to the giant’s
country and how it began. One home. Matau was sleeping on a bed of dry leaves, when
popular Maori story is about Lake Matakauri started a fire under him. Soon Matau’s body
Wakatipu. This lake is in the shape was burning, although his heart was still beating. The
of the letter ‘S’ and there are high giant’s dead body made a big hole in the ground, in
mountains all around it. the shape of the letter ‘S’. The snow on the mountains
melted because of the
The story is about the beautiful daughter of a Maori
fire and ran into the
chief. Her name was Manata, and she loved a young
hole. This created Lake
man called Matakauri. They wanted to get married, but
Manata’s father said no because Matakauri was not
important. One day, a terrible giant called Matau came Today, people still tell
down from the mountains and took Manata. Herfather this story. The water in
was very upset and worried. ‘The man who rescues the lake goes up and
Manata can ask her to marry him,’ he said. Many men down, and people say it
were afraid of the giant because he was very strong and is the beating heart of
dangerous. But Matakauri’s love for Manata was strong the dead giant!
too, so he rescued her and she became his wife.

2 □ □ Read the folk tale again and check 3 3 □ □ Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?
the meaning of the words in the box in a 1 Manata’s father wasn’t an important person. JE
dictionary. Then complete the sentences.
2 Matakauri wasn’t a chief. _
beat burn chief 3 Matakauri and Manata got married afterthe giant died.
giant melt rescue 4 Matau died in the water when the snow melted.
5 Matau’s body made a big hole that looked like a letter.
1 Cook the vegetables on a low heat. Don’t
6 People tell the story to explain why the water in Lake
burn them!
Wakatipu moves. __
2 The was the most
important person in the village. 4 □ □ □ Choose from the options and complete the
3 Icecream s in the hot sun. sentences in your notebook so they are true for you.
4 Heroes people from 1 I think / don't think Matakauri was an important person
dangerous situations. because....
5 Does your heart faster 2 I like I don’t like the ending of this story because ....
when you’ re excited or nervous? 3 I believe/ don’t believe folk tales are just for little children
6 The in the folktale was ten because ....
metres tall!

U N IT 3 | W H A T ’S THE STORY? 25
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 3 n n Complete the email with the past continuous
Past c o n tin u o u s : a ffirm a tiv e form of the verbs in the box.
an d n e g a tiv e

1 Q Complete the sentences with the past

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I was working (work) all afternoon yesterday.
2 Y o la n d a ( m a k e ) sandwiches Hi Irina,
for our picnic. Happy New Year! I hope
3 My b r o t h e r ( n o t sleep) in front you 1 were having fun
of the TV. at midnight last night. I
4 W e ( s i t ) in the car. was at a party, and a DJ
5 C l a r a ( l o o k ) for her phone.
my favourite songs. 1*3 to the
6 T h e y ( n o t shop) this morning.
music, but 14 - I
5 really tire d .:( My friends
2 □ □ Look at the photos and correct the sentences.
6 up and down on the dance
Use the past continuous.
floor all night, though! What about you? Don’t tell
me that you 7 ! :)
Write back soon!

4 □ □ □ Look at the picture and complete the story

with suitable verbs in the past continuous. There
may be more than one possibility.
I had an interesting
dream last night.
11 was sitting in
a winter garden.
Everything was
white because it

1 She was playing football. and I was very cold

She wasn’t playing football. She was playing tennis. because I
2 They were texting.
winter clothes.
A big brown bear

3 He was sleeping. in front of me on two legs. It was very tall! It looked

angry and dangerous. I don’t know why, but I
5 afraid at all. 16
nicely to the bear in a very friendly voice, but the bear
4 We were sitting on the bus.
7 to me! Then suddenly the bear
8 a guitar and singing! In the end,
I started to get angry with the bear. Then I woke up!

P repositions of m ovem ent
4 Q Look at the picture. What do you
think the story is about? Predict the
1 □ Complete the prepositions with the missing vowels.
words you might hear.
1 u nd r 7 _ n t_
2 _ p 8 b _ t w ___ n
3 _ c r_ ss 9 d_ w n
4 p _s t 1 0 — I — ng
5 ___ t _ f 11 _ v _ r
6 t h r __ gh 12 _ f f

2 □□ Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

ft 5 Listen to Bruno’s story. Do you hear
along into off over through under any of your words from Exercise 4?
\____________________________________ /
ft 6 Listen again and (grcle)the correct
1 I was walking along___the river yesterday afternoon.
2 They were having a picnic the trees. 1 The radio programme is about...
3 Our dog was running after a cat, but it jumped things that happen to people.
the wall. a dangerous (bjfunny
4 When she lost her keys, she climbed into her house c embarrassing
the open window. 2 When Bruno got off the bus, a man
5 We can get the bus here and walk to my house. was running....
6 Mum walked the shop and asked the assistant a across the road b into a bank
for help. c out of a bank
3 The man had a ....
3 Q Q Look at the photos and complete the sentences with
a knife in a bag b knife c bag
prepositions from Exercise 1.
4 The alarm bells were ringing....
a in the bus b inside the bank
c outside the bank
5 The people at the bus stop were ....
a helpingthe man
b not doing anything
c helpingthe policeman
6 The policeman caught the man
because... stopped him.
a a woman b Bruno c some dogs

7 E3E3E3 Answer the questions.

1 He was running down the stairs.
1 How do you think the people at the
2 Shelia was getting the taxi. bus stop felt?
3 The sisters were walking their parents.
4 Jodie was going the table. 2 Did they do the right thing? Why / Why
5 Dominic was jumping the water. not?
6 Dan was walking the street.

U N IT 3 | W H A T ’S THE STORY? 27
LANGUAGE IN ACTION Past s im p le and past c o n tin u o u s
Past continuous: qu estion s
3 Q Q (Circle lthe correct options.
1 □ Put the words in the correct order to make past 1 Our neighbour^/?)/ was falling while he walked/
continuous questions. (yvas walking) into the town.
1 you I watching / night / Were I last I news / the 1? 2 While she looked I was looking for her bag, she
Were you watching the news last night? found/ was finding an old photo.
2 the/long/a /wearing/woman /coat/W as/? 3 William didn’t hear / wasn’t hearing the man when
he stood / was standing behind him.

3 along/Were / road /your / skating/friends/the/? 4 We cycled I were cycling home when the storm
started / was starting.
5 She had / was having a problem when she did/
4 through / people / many / park/ were / How / the /
was doing her homework.
walking/ ?
6 Did they sit / Were they sitting on the bus when it
hit I was hitting the car?
5 into/Where/ children / river/w ere/the/the/
jumping/ ? 4 Q Q Underline and correct one mistake in each
6 off / bus I the I passengers / were I Why I the / 1 Ann was doing her homework while her mother
getting/? came into her room. when
2 My friend was looking at her phone as the teacher
saw her._______
2 Q Q Write past continuous questions and short 3 While we were eating dinner, the cat was jumping
answers about the story in Exercise 5 on page 27. onto the table and surprised us!
1 A the man / wear/a hoodie/? 4 He was playing rugby when he was breaking his
Was th e man wearing a hoodie? leg._______
B No, he wasn’t. 5 Weren’t you answering the phone when it rang?
2 A he/carry/ a black bag/?

B __________ 5 Q Q Complete the text with the past simple or past

continuous form of the verbs in the box.
3 A alarm bells/ring/in the bank/?
leave not look not see play
B __________ stand steal take wait walk
_______________________________ >
4 A the policeman / ride/a motorbike/?
Caught on camera!
B __________
11 was waiting for a friend in the park. I
5 A the people/help/the policeman /? 2 under a small tree
- that’s why the girl3______________
B __________ me. She4 across the park quickly to
6 A the dogs/run after/the man / ? where a man5 football with his son.
The man’s backpack was under a chair, and the girl
6 it when he7 in
her direction. As the girl8 the park, I
9 a photo of her.

28 W H A T ’S THE STORY? | U N IT 3
W RITING 3 Q Q Read the story again and put the events (a-g)
A sto ry in the correct order (1-7).
a Shedidn’t go to school the next day. __
1 D Look at the notes. What do you think Olive’s story *
b Olive was playing tennis. 1
is about? Read the story and check your ideas.
c She found a note about her dinner,
z- \
d She saw a note about the cat’s dinner.
e She found a bowl of food and started eating it.
A misunderstanding * \
By Olive Crooke f She came home late and the house was empty. __

g She realised her mistake and felt ill.

4 Q Q Put the phrases in the order they appear in the

k/e win story.
/our tM a A few minutes d At first, __
I frity. tact Wn la t e r , __ e the next morning
b In the end, Q f One day last

c Suddenly, _ summer, 1

One day last summer, I was playing tennis with some

friends after school and I got home late. At first, I Write a story.
thought my parents were working, but then I noticed PLAN
the car wasn’t outside. There was no one in the
5 n n Think about a misunderstanding that
house. Then I remembered they were all shopping.
happened to you, or invent one. Make notes
A few minutes later, I went to get a snack, and I about these things.
saw a note on the fridge from my dad. It said, ‘We 1 What was happening before the main events
were waiting for you, but it got late. Your dinner’s sta rted:_____________________________
in the fridge. Back soon.’ I found a bowl of food
and took it out. It didn’t look very nice, but I was
What happened first:
hungry, so I started to eat it. Suddenly, I saw
another note on the table from my mum. It said,
‘ Please feed the cat - her food’s in a bowl in the 2 The main events of the story:
fridge.’ I was eating the cat’s dinner!
3 What happened in the end:
In the end, I didn’t feel well, so the next morning
I didn’t go to school. My brothers thought it was
very funny, but I wasn’t laughing! W RITE
g E3QE3 Write your story. Remember to
2 □ □ Read the story again. Are the sentences include three paragraphs, the past simple
T (true) or F (false)? and past continuous, and the vocabulary
from this unit.
1 Olive’s story happened in the spring. _E
2 Her parents were at work. __ CHECK
3 Olive’s parents wanted her to go shopping 7 Do you...
with them. __ • use the phrases from the Useful language
4 She stayed at home the day after eating the box (see Student’s Book, p41)?
cat food. • explain the main events?
• explain what happened in the end?
5 She thought it was a funny accident.

U N IT 3 | W H A T ’S THE STORY? 29

Complete the sentences with adjectives of feeling. Use the first letter to help you.
1 I’m w about my sister because she isn’t feeling very happy.
2 He felt e when he didn’t understand the message.
3 Linda is busy all the time! She’s never b .
4 Don’t be n about your exams. You’ll be fine.
5 Are you a of cows? They’re big and they can get angry!
6 We were s when some old friends from Mexico suddenly came to our door!
7 Sara felt I at first when she moved to the new town. She didn’t have any friends.
8 Do your parents get a at you when you come home late?
9 Don’t get so e ! It’s only a little birthday present!
10 They were all t after running and doing exercise all day.
11 Don’t be u when you don’t get 100% in a test. No one gets that!

2 Match 1-6 with a-f.

1 They ran quickly down a when you get into the taxi.
2 She was sitting between b into the river.
3 When you walk past c her two best friends.
4 We jumped off the boat d before you walk across that road.
5 Tell the driveryour address e my house, you can always come in.
6 Look right, left, then right again f the stairs and out into the street.

3 Look at the photos and (circle)the correct L A N G U A G E IN ACTIO N

4 Complete the email with the past continuous form
of the verbs in the box.

discuss laugh sing talk think

Dear Danny,
I'm sorry you were upset earlier today in music class.
I'm embarrassed because when you were about to sing,
Eva and 11 to each other quite loudly.
1 The boat went across / under the bridge. Then y o u 23 really well and we
3 , but only because it was a funny song.
2 Kim was running along I across the road.
Anyway, at a meeting yesterday, w e 4
3 He jumped through/ over the wall. our band. We decided we need a lead singer and, of course,
4 The cat came through / under the kitchen window. all the time w e 56 of you. Would you like
to be our singer? Please say'yes'!
5 The movie star got out of / into the car.
6 Lena climbed over/ up a tree. Emily

30 W H A T ’S THE STORY? | U N IT 3
5 Write past continuous questions for the answers. 6 Complete the sentences with the past simple or
1 W h y ? past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
She was feeling nervous because she had an exam. 1 While we (wait) for our friends, we
(start) to make tea.
2 W h a t ?
2 H e ( h e a r ) the good news while he
They were talking about their new project.
(sit) on the train.
3 W h o ?
3 S o m e o n e ( c a l l ) you while you
He was visiting his grandparents.
(have) a shower.
4 Whe r e ?
4 When their p a r e n t s ( r e t u r n ) , a band
I was camping in France. (play) in their garage.
5 W h y ? 5 When the film (finish), everyone in the
We were running because we were late. c i n e m a (cry).
6 How lo ng ? 6 While I ( l o o k ) for my shoes, I
She was waiting for more than an hour. (find) an old sandwich under my bed.


7 Complete the conversation with the missing words.(Circle)the correct options.

JAKE Hi, Bella! Are you OK? When 11

you yesterday, you were looking upset.
BELLA There were 2 problems at
JAKE That’s 3_______ .What were
you doing? Did you have a lot of
BELLA No, 14 . But I was angry with
my little brother.
JAKE Really? What5_______ ?
BELLA Oh, h e 6 horrible noisy video
games all evening.
JAKE My sister 7 playing those, too.
1 a seeing b was seeing c saw
What was the problem?
2 a any b some c a
BELLA Well, he was making a terrible noise
while 18 my favourite show. 3 a bad b well c badly

JAKE Come on, Bella. Sometimes it can 4 a did b do c didn’t

be difficult to play video games 5 a did he do b did he c he did
6 a plays b Playing c was playing
BELLA I never 10 video games! 7 a loves b is loving c doesn’t love
JAKE OK, so w h a t 11 in the end? 8 a watch b was watching c watched
BELLA Well, in the end 112 Billy’s 9 a quietly b quieter c quiet
tablet and hid it in a very secret place 10 a am playing b to play c play
... in the kitchen.
11 a happened b was happening c happens
JAKE You’re kidding!
12 a was taking b take c took

U N IT 3 | W H A T ’S THE STORY? 31
4 □ □ Complete the text messages
with money verbs from Exercise 1.

ARE FREE I can’t 1 for my phone this month.

Can 12 £10 from you, please?

But you 3 me £5 from last month!

V O C A B U LA R Y X I can’t 4 you any more. Sorry.
M o n e y verbs
What can I do? It’s impossible to 5
1 Q Put the letters in the correct order to make money money - I never have any left at the end of
verbs. the week.
1 s o t c cost You can 6 me your skateboard
2 n e h g c a for £15. e
3 r n a e __________ My skateboard 7 £50 when
4 r o o r w b I bought it!
5 e p n d s
Oh, well. Sorry, I can’t help you then.
6 I e s I __________
7 y a p ----------------
8 d I n e __________ 5 Q Q Complete the definitions with the
correct form of the similar words in each pair.
9 v a e s __________
1 You lend some money to a friend.
10e o w
Your frien d money from you.
2 Q (6ircle)the correct options. (borrow / lend)

1 (Save)/ Spend your money for something you really want. 2 A shop assistant something
to you. You something from a
2 Please can you borrow / lend me £5?
shop assistant, (buy / sell)
3 How much did that phone sell / cost you?
3 People money for things they
4 Harry earns / spends £2.50 when he washes his mum’s car. need. T hey money in a shop or
5 I don’t like changing / owing my friends money. online, (save / spend)
6 She sold / bought her old bike to a school friend. 4 You money when you work.
You money in a competition or
3 Q Complete the sentences with the words in the box. a lottery, (earn / win)

change cost earn pay sell spendj

1 You earn money for work you do. True or false?

2 How much did those cool t r a i n e r s ? In the USA, they print more
3 Can w e for our drinks with euroson the Monopoly money than real
plane? dollars every year.
4 Supermarkets many different things to their Find an interesting fact about
customers. banknotes or coins. Then send a
5 Where can I my Brazilian reals into pounds? question in an email to a classmate or
6 Don’t all your birthday money on video ask them it in the next class.
games and sweets!


A n e w s p a p e r a rtic le

1 Q Read the article. Which opinion in the last paragraph do you agree with?

Goodbye to Saturday jobs?

Fifty years ago, it was very com m on learn the skills you need for the future.
for a B ritish teenager to w ork part- I was the quietest boy in my class, and
tim e. T hese days, the n u m b er o f I couldn’t talk to people very well.
teens w ith a ‘Saturday j o b ’ is falling. Now, because I talk to customers
at work, I’m much better in social
The most common jobs in the UK
for young people are delivering
newspapers and working in shops So, can part-time work help to
and offices, or as waiters. In the past, prepare young people for adult life,
teens could easily get these jobs. or does it put extra pressure on teens
Now, employers need special permits with already busy lives? What do
‘Working part-time and doing well
for teens under 16 to work in their you think?
at school isn’t easy,’ says 15-year-old
businesses. Also, 13 to 15-year-olds
shop assistant Cheryl Bates. ‘You need
can’t work between the hours of
to organise your time and maybe do
7 pm and 7 am.
some of your homework at lunchtime.
Another reason for the fall in part- It’s harder than you think, but when
time teenage workers is that in the I earn my own money, I feel more
past they could have a part-time job independent because I don’t need to
and do their schoolwork. Now, success ask my parents to buy me things.’
in exams is the most important thing,
and there’s more pressure to do well Fourteen-year-old waiter Martin Cox
at school. adds,‘Doing a job is the best way to

2 □ □ Read the article again and check 3 Q Q Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true) or
the meaning of the words in the box in a F (false)?
dictionary. Then complete the sentences. 1 In the UK, there weren’t many young part-time
workers in the past. JE
common employer independent
part-time permit pressure 2 A 16-year-old girl can work in a shop without a permit.
\ _ _________ 7 3 A 14-year-old boy can work between 7 am and 7 pm.
1 Maisie is a very independent girl. She never
4 There was more pressure to do well at school in
needs much help.
the past. _
2 Is there much to pass all your
5 Cheryl thinks earning her own money is easy.
exams at your school?
6 For Martin, talking to people isn’t a problem now.
3 Fruit picking is usually a
job in the summer months. It’s a very 4 E3QE3 Answer the questions with your own ideas.
job in lots of countries.
1 Is part-time work for teenagers common in your country?
4 Mrs Preston is a g o o d . A l l her Why / Why not?
teenage workers really like her.
5 Do you need a to work here
2 How do you get the money to buy the things you want?
when you’re under 16?


LANGUAGE IN ACTION C o m p a ra tiv e and s u p e rla tiv e a d je ctiv e s
3 Q (Circle the correct options.
J □ Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 The film was (more exciting) / the most exciting than the book.
1 I had no money, 2 Samir was happier / the happiest in his old job than he is now.
2 Sara couldn’t lend me £10 3 Money isn’t more important / the most important thing in life.
3 All the lights in the shop went out 4 It was more difficult I the most difficult decision for him to make.
4 Mozart could play and write music 5 Today’s lesson was shorter / the shortest than yesterday’s.
5 My dad could run marathons 6 The shop assistants were more helpful I the most helpful than
6 The bank was closed, they usually are.

a because she didn’t have any money, 4 QE3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
b so they couldn’t change their dollars, 1 yesterday/than /was / It’s/today / it / hotter
c from the age of four. ITsToiterioJayJ^hanj^wasyostcrday.________________
d and we couldn’t see anything. 2 mine / phone / than / your / Was / expensive / more / ?
e so I couldn’t buy anything.
f when he was younger. 3 worse / What’s / than / your / losing/ wallet / ?

2 □□ Write sentences that are true for you

when you were six. Use the pictures. 4 quietest / town / Monday / the / is / in / day

5 are/ch eapest/sh op /th e/jean s/T h ese/in /the

6 best / life / Yesterday / of / the / my / day / was

5 QQ Complete the text with the comparative or superlative

form of the adjectives in the box.

exciting expensive famous old rich successful

I got some money for my birthday, so I bought

a ticket to a City game. Everyone knows City:
they’re *1 the most famous football team in
the world. I think they’re 2
than the other clubs in my country because
my great-grandad was a City fan when he was
a kid, and that was a long time ago! And
they’ve got lots of money, so they’re
1 When I was six, I couldn’t ride a bike. d ef i nite ly 3 .4 T he i r foot ba 11
2 _____________________________ is fast and they score lots of goals, so they’re
4 to watch than other teams. I also think they
3 _____________________________
are 5 team because they win most of their
4 _____________________________ games. The only bad thing is I can’t go to every match because
5 _____________________________ the tickets are probably 6 tickets in the world.
6 _____________________________


VOCABULARY AND 2 □ (Circle)the correct options.
LISTENING 1 Thefjifeguard)/ firefighter told us not to swim.
C a rin g jo b s 2 When a car hit our dog, we took it to the vet I lawyer.
3 The paramedic / police officer stopped the motorbike
because it was going very fast.
4 The firefighter / refuse collector dim bed into the burning
house through a window.
5 My neighbour is a vet I carer in an old people’s home.

M o n o lo g u e s

□ Listen to three people talking about their jobs. Which

place connects all three speakers?

O 4 □ □ Listen again and (circle)the correct answers.

1 Speaker 1...
a never has time for her family.
Across (b) spent a long time studying.
1 A ... helps old or sick people in their c doesn’t spend much time working.
homes. 2 Speaker 1...
3 A ... gives advice to people about the a needs a lot of help from her team.
law. b prefers working alone.
7 A ... helps to protect people from crime. c thinks the nurses need to work harder.
8 A ... cares for sick people in hospitals. 3 Speaker2 ...
9 A ... works for no money. a thinks his job is more important than a doctor’s job.
Down b didn’t want to be a nurse when he was younger.
1 A ... works in organisations like Oxfam c is doing the work he always wanted to do.
and WaterAid. 4 Speaker2 thinks ...
2 A ... gives medical help to people before a some nurses are leaving because the job isn’t well paid.
they get to hospital.
b it’s sad that nurses want more money.
4 A ... does operations in hospitals.
c nurses need more responsibilities.
5 A ... rescues people from dangerous
5 Speaker 3 does her job ...
a at the weekend. b in the morning.
6 A ... looks after swimmers.
c three days a week.
9 A ... is a doctor for animals.
Put the grey letters in the correct order to 5 E3E3E3 Answer the questions in your notebook.
complete this clue: A __________________ 1 Which job is the most tiring? Why?
takes away the things we don’t want.
2 Which job is the most important? Why?


LANGUAGE IN ACTION {not) enough + noun
too, too much, too many
4 Q Q Put the words in the correct order to make
Complete the sentences with too and the words in sentences.
the box. 1 enough I don’t / Doctors / money / nurses /
and I earn
busy expensive hard hot tired young
Doctors and nurses don’t earn enough money.

1 The nurses were too t ired to go out after work. 2 food I everyone / the / There / for I enough / is /
in / world
2 The hospital car park costs £10. That’s
3 Is J o h n to stop working as a
firefighter? 3 volunteers / Are / organisation I enough / your/
in / there / ?
4 It w a s in the sun, so I went inside.
5 Can you help me this morning or are you
___________ • ? 4 moment / enough / We / at / information / got I
haven’t/ th e
6 They couldn’t answer the question because it was

5 in / Is / enough / classroom / space / this / there / ?

2 Q (Circle) the correct options.
1 The doctor gave us too (muc/^/ many information
when she called. 5 Q Q Underline and correct one mistake in each
2 Were there too much I many people in the waiting sentence.
room? 1 Footballers earn too many money, in my
3 Most carers say that they have too much / many work. opin ion .___ much_____

4 Don’t put too much I many milk in my coffee, please. 2 It’s too noise in here for me; please be quiet.

5 Is it possible to have too much / many good ideas?

3 The teacher gave us too much options to think
6 Do you think surgeons earn too much I many money?
3 Q Q Complete the conversation with too, too much or 4 There wasn’t information enough on the poster.
too many.
5 She was much youngto volunteer for a caring
CHRIS What a day! I’ve got jo b .______________
1 too many children
in my class. 6 □ □ Complete the text about a dream job with
LILY Me too. Over 30 in my too, too much, too many or (not) enough.
group and they’ve My dream job is to be a paramedic. Everyone
all g o t 2 knows that there a re 1 n’t enough doctors, but
energy. It gets 2 people forget about the paramedics.
3 noisy I don’t want to spend 3 time studying
sometimes! when I finish school and you don’t need to take
4 exams in emergency medicine to do
CHRIS True! And they say we give th e m 4
homework, and that it’s 5 difficult. it. But of course, you need to take some exams and
you need to be a good driver. When the roads are
LILY I know, but it’s difficult for us, too - there 5 full of cars, you need 5
arealw ays 6 notebooks for us to
driving skills to get to the hospital safely and
look at!


A n o p in io n essay

1 Q Read David’s essay. Does he agree with the statement?

4 □ Match the paragraphs (1-4) with the

It’s good to have a Saturday job while you’re still at school. summaries (a-d).
Do you agree?
a a first reason for your opinion
By David Rodriguez
b a summary of your opinion
1 Nowadays, things cost a lot and you need enough money c an introduction to the topic and
to buy them. With a Saturday job you can earn your own
your opinion
money, b u t 1 in myopinion it’s not a good idea.
d a second reason for your opinion
2 2 , working in a supermarket or cafe can
sometimes be boring. Also, a student often gets lower pay
than an adult for the same type of job. Perhaps because of Write an opinion essay. ;
this, more students get these jobs, and there isn’t enough
work for older people with families who need money more ■ PLAN :
than you. 5 nn Choose one of the following I
3 Also, teenagers usually sleep longer and get up later on • topics or use David’s topic. Make •
Saturdays. 3 that when you study hard notes about the information you
at school all week, you need to relax at the weekend. I also • need for each paragraph. ‘
think that enjoying free-time activities is more important ; • Saturday jobs teach you the skills
than earning money. you need for the future.
4________________, • • Hard-working teachers don’t earn I
4 students need enough time for
schoolwork, relaxing and doing free-time activities. 1 enough money. •
5 it’s better to rest at the weekend and 1 Introduce the topic and give •
spend more time doing your favourite things. We’ll have • youropinion: ‘
enough time for work when we’re older!
2 Give a reason for your opinion:
2 □ Complete the essay with the phrases in the box.
3 Give a second reason:
First of all I believe that in m yopinion
Personally, I think To sum up 4 Summarise your opinion:
k__________________ _ ___________________________>

3 Q Q Read the essay again and answer the questions. •• WRITE

1 What examples of part-time jobs does David give? • 6 □□□ Write your opinion essay.
• Remember to include (not) enough
2 In David’s opinion, why can part-time jobs for teens be a and too, too much, too many, and the
problem for adults? • phrases from the Useful language
; box (see Student’s Book, p53).

3 According to David, what do teenagers typically do on : CHECK
Saturday mornings? ‘ 7 Do you ...
; • have four paragraphs?
4 What does David say is more important than money? • give reasons for your opinions?
• • summarise your opinion at the end?




J Match 1-8 with a-h. 3 Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t.
1 Henry lent his sister 1 In the 1970s, people send texts.
2 How much did you 2 Roads were safer 50 years ago, so my grandad
3 I borrowed £5 more from Ben, _____________ wa Ik to schooI.
4 You can earn more money 3 He cycle because he didn’t have
a bike.
5 Are you saving money
4 My great-grandma play football
6 Do they sell
because it was for boys only in those days.
7 How much does it cost
5 My mum play lots of sports
8 I spend a lot of money
at school. She played tennis, basketball and
a for anything special? volleyball.
b when you work longer hours, 6 Teenagers in 1950 watch
on-demand TV because there wasn’t any.
c on presents for my friends,
d to change money here? 4 Complete the conversation with the comparative or
e pay forthose tickets? superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
f so now I owe him £10.
g jeans in this sports shop? PABLO Hey, Laura. What’s up?
h some money for her lunch. LAURA My exam results were
1 (bad) than last
2 (Circle)the correct options. time.
PABLO Oh, dear. And your parents were
2 (ang ry) t ha n
usual, right?
LAURA Right. Dad was 3
(worried) about them than Mum, but I
1 charity worker / 2 carer / lifeguard think I was th e 4__________________
paramedic (upset).
PABLO I can understand that. You’re the
5 (ha rd -
working) student in the class.
LAURA Thanks, but I think you’re a
6 (hard) worker
than me.
3 vet / lifeguard 4 refuse collector /surgeon
PABLO OK, we both work hard. But doing well
i n ex a ms is 7__________
(difficult) than parents think. It isn’t
th e 8 (easy)
thing in the world!

5 nurse / volunteer 6 lawyer /police officer


5 Complete the conversation with too, too much, too many or (not) enough.

PAT Can you come swimming today? It’s not1 busy on Sunday mornings.
JAMES Sorry, I can’t. I haven’t got2 time.
PAT Really? We don’t have3 homework this weekend, only a little bit.
JAMES No, but I’ve got 4 jobs to do at home.
PAT Why do you need to do jobs?
JAMES I don’t have5 money, so my parents pay me to help with the chores on Sundays.
PAT Well, I need more money too, but I’m 6 lazy to do any extra work!


g Complete the conversation with the missing words.(Circle)the correct options.

FRAN Excuse me, 11 older people for my school magazine. Can you answer a few
questions, please?
NIGEL Sure. I hope you haven’t got2 difficult questions for me.
FRAN No, don’t worry! The first question is the 3 - have you still got a job?
NIGEL Well, I4 as a firefighter for many years, but I’m retired now.
FRAN I see. So now what5 every day? Do you like reading or doing sudoku?
NIGEL Certainly not! I’ve got6 energy to sit around all day.
FRAN You’re 7 my grandparents, then, because that’s all they do!
NIGEL Of course I enjoy my free time, but I get8 bored when I do nothing.
FRAN So are there 9 special things you do, now that you’re not working?
NIGEL I’m a volunteer a t 10 outdoor activity centre, where I give talks about being safe.
FRAN That’s great! In my opinion,11 retired people share their skills.
NIGEL Very true. It’s definitely the 12 way to stay active and healthy! Next question?

1 a interviewed b ’m interviewing c I was interviewing

2 a too much b too many c enough
3 a most easy b easy c easiest
4 a was work b working c worked
5 a do you do b did you do c are you doing
6 a much b enough c too much
7 a fittest than b fitter than c fittest that
8 a too b too much c not enough
9 a much b an c any
10 a some b a c an
11 a not enough b much c not much
12 a good b better c best




1 Q Look at the photos and

complete the furniture words.
1 a l m c Ji a i r
2 c _______ o _
d ___________
3 c ___________
4 s

11 c _________ 3 □□ Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1.

12 f _________ 1 Sheila isn’t very tall, so she can’t touch the ceiling
13 s _____ in her bedroom.
2 Aunt Adie has an o ld of her grandparents on
2 □ (Circle)the correct options to
the wall.
complete the text.
3 He keeps his smaller clothes, like socks and T-shirts, in the
I love my bedroom and spend a lot
_________________ •
of time in it. There’s a nice warm
1 cupboard /(corpe^on th e 2 floor/ 4 Don’t come in with dirty shoes. I washed the kitchen
_________________ thism orning.
ceiling and I’ve got a comfortable
old 3 chest of drawers / armchair 5 You can find tea and coffee in th a t next to
by the window, where I can sit and the window.
read. In the corner is a 4 desk/ sink 6 We brush our teeth at th e in the bathroom.
where I do my homework, and
above it are so m e 5 shelves/ pictures
Explore it!
of my friends and family. I’ve got
a b ig 6 fridge / wardrobe for my Guess the correct answer.
clothes, but I sometimes leave them The biggest hotel in Europe is the Izmailovo Hotel
on my bed! in Moscow. It’s got 3,500 / 7,500 / 9,500 beds.
Find another interesting fact about a hotel.
Then send a question in an email to a classmate
or ask them it in the next class.

READING 2 □□ Read the article again and check the meaning
A m a g a z in e a rtic le of these words in a dictionary. Then complete the
J □□ Read the article. In your opinion, which is the
best place to live in?___________________ barge canal crowd floor path row

1 We stayed on the top floor of an

apartment building in New York.
No place like home । 2 We sat on the front of chairs during
the class presentations.
In this week's edition of City
3 My Dutch friend lives on a houseboat on a
Life, we ask two 13-year-olds
about living in London. What
do they like about where they 4 A type of boat called a transports
live? Is there anything they things along rivers and canals.
don't like? 5 To get to the village, follow t h i s .
'I live in an apartment building 6 There was a big of people after the
in Wembley, in the north-west car accident.
of London. It's got 21 floors!
I live on the second to top 3 □ □ (Circle)the correct answers.
floor. City life isn't as quiet as life in the country, 1 City Life magazine asked Kelly and Hasan about...
but it's very quiet so high up, and the views are
in London.
amazing. I can see Wembley football stadium
from my bedroom window, and I can sometimes a cycling b going to school
hear the crowd when they score a goal! We live Q living
near a canal, and I can cycle to school in five 2 Kelly lives on the ... floor.
minutes along the canal path. It's great to live
a 20th b 21st c 2nd
here. I only think my apartment isn't as good as
a house when the lift doesn't work!' 3 She likes ....
a living high up b walkingto school
c watching football
'I live in a row of houses 4 Hasan’s house is in ....
in a part of London a a market b a row
called Camden. It takes
c Camden Lock
me about ten minutes
to walk to school from 5 He doesn’t like the ... in his street.
home. There's a famous a tourists b coloured houses
market nearby called c musicians
Camden Lock. It's very 6 From his bedroom, he can see ....
popular with street
musicians - and tourists, of course! The houses a market stalls b coloured houses
in my street are all painted different colours, c boats and barges
but I don't like that very much. I think it's too
colourful! My room is at the top of my house. The 4 □□□ Answer the questions with your own ideas.
ceiling isn't as high as I'd like, but the room is big 1 How are the houses in the article similar to your
enough for just me. From my window, I can watch house?
the boats and barges go past on the Regent's
Canal at the end of our garden. I love living in
my house.' 2 Name one good thing and one bad thing about
living in a tall building.

LANGUAGE IN ACTION (not) + a d je c tiv e + e n o u g h
(not) a s + a d je c tiv e + a s
3 n Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.
1 Q Complete the sentences with the
adjective in brackets and (not) as... as. Then
check your answers in the article on page 41. 1 I’d love to be fit enough to run a marathon, but I’m not.
1 Hasan is as happy as (happy) Kelly with 2 See the red flag? The water here isn’t enough to
his home. swim in.
2 Kelly thinks country life is 3 The soup isn’t enough. It needs five more minutes.
(noisy) life in the city.
4 When are you enough to drive a car in your country?
3 Kelly’s journey to school is
5 He was in hospital and he’s still not enough to go to
(slow) Hasan’s journey.
4 Hasan i s ( o l d ) Kelly.
5 The house i s ( t a l l ) the 4 □ Match 1-6 with a-f.
apartment building. 1 You can take a a smart enough for the
6 The apartment building is shower party.
(colourful) the houses in Camden. 2 This puzzle is too b My coffee isn’t sweet
easy enough.
2 □□ Look at the information and complete
3 Can I have some c the instructions weren’t
the sentences with is (not) as... as and an
sugar, please? clear enough.
adjective from the box.
4 We didn’t understand d when the water is warm
big busy expe nsive fast good old because enough.
5 He tried to park his e because the clues aren’t
1 Tim’s ticket = £10.001 Liz’s ticket = £12.00
car, hard enough.
Tim’s ticket isn’t as expensive as Liz’s
6 Her new coat is f but the space wasn’t
wide enough.
2 house = 200 metres/ apartment = 200
metres 5 □□ Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box.
The apartment the
as comfortable as as expensive as as nice as
as tall as long e nough soft enough
3 Borja’s English exam = 8 out of 10 1 Olivia’s \ /
English exam = 8 out of 10
Olivia’s exam result_______________
SARA Here’s a furniture shop. Can we
Borja’s exam result.
look for a new bed for me, Mum?
4 Saturday market = 200 shoppers / Monday
My old bed isn’t 1 long enough
market = 50 shoppers
for me any more.
TheMondaym arket_______________
MUM I know,you’re nearly 2
the Saturday market.
me now! OK, what about this bed?
5 a letter = two days / an email = two seconds
SARA Mmm, it isn’t 3 for me - it’s too
A letter a n emai I. hard. It isn’t 4 the one I’ve got now!
6 Luke = 15 years old I Nick = 15 years old MUM Look! This one isn’t 5 that o n e - it ’s
Lu ke Nick. a better price and it’s the right size.
SARA But it’s not 6 the first one. I’m not
sure about the colour. Oh, I can’t decide, Mum!

42 D R E A M HO USES 1 U N IT 5
VOCABULARY AND LISTENING S tre e t in te rv ie w s
H o u s e h o ld ch o re s

J □ (6ircle)the correct verbs to complete the

household chores.
1 (glean) / make the kitchen
2 make/ do the ironing
3 do / make you r bed
4 empty/ tidy up the washing machine
5 load/m ake the dishwasher
6 make/ do the washing-up
7 load/tidy up the living room
8 empty/ vacuum the carpet
9 do/ make the washing

2 Q Match the photos with six of the phrases from

Exercise 1.

/Tib 3 H Listen to an interview about how a family

5 01 shares the chores at home. Who helps more:
Daisy or Milo?

dfik 4 E3E3 Listen again and (circle) the correct options.

5.01 ________________

1 Daisy doesn’t like (gleaning the kitcheri)/ tidying

1 do the ironing her room.
2 Milo does the washing / washing-up at the
3 His parents pay / thank him for helping out
with the chores.
4 The children’s father does all / some of the
5 Their mother likes / doesn’t like cooking.
6 Milo and Daisy do the washing-up/
their homework after dinner.

5 QE3D Answer the questions.

1 What do you do to help out at home?

2 Who cooks in your family?

3 What chores do you like or hate doing? Why?

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 Q Q Look at the table and complete the
have to/don’t have to sentences with the correct form of have to.

1 □ (Circle)the correct options.

1 I really(fan/e to)/d o n ’t have to tidy my room because I
can’t find anything. Elif Ali
2 Pat has to / doesn’t have to cycle to school because it’s do the washing-up X X
too far for her to walk there. load the washing machine X J X
3 Most children have to / don’t have to go to school on wash the kitchen floor X X
Sundays. tidy up the kitchen J X X
4 You have to / don’t have to wash those jeans. They’re make breakfast J X X
make our beds J J J
5 There’s no bread, so you have to / don’t have to
buy more. 1 E lif__ hasjto_do the washing-up and load
the washing machine.
2 □□ Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2 Berat, Elif and A li the
have to and the verb in brackets.
kitchen floor.
1 Ja k e __ has to run__ (run) when he’s late for school.
3 A li’s very little so h e_____________________
2 Y o u ( m a k e ) your bed because I haven’t much.
got time.
4 Ali o n ly his bed.
3 We (shop) for food because Dad does
5 Berat the kitchen, but
he the washing-up.
4 My three-year-old s i s t e r ( d o ) anything to
6 Be ra t b re a kf as t .
help in the house. She’s too young.
5 I ( w a s h ) the car because we haven’t got 5 QE3Q Completethetext with the correct
one. form of have to and the verbs in the box.
6 Bill (help) his parents when they’ re too
busy to do everything. carry do put take
tidy up wash work
\______________________ J
3 Q Q Put the words in the correct order to make
questions. My younger sister, Jenny,
1 doesn’t have to work very
1 shop / day / dad / Does / to / have / every / your / ?
hard at school because
Does your dad have to shop every day?
she’s still little, but she
2 help / house / have / Do / in / you / to / the / ? and her classm ates 2 the
classroom at the end of the day so it’s nice and
3 the / have / sleep / outside / Does / dog / to / ? clean. T hey 3 their chairs
on top of their desks, but th e y 4
the floor - the school cleaner, Mr Branston,
4 carpet / vacuum / have/ D o/ to / bedroom / you / your / ? 5 that. Jenny’s got some
heavy books, but sh e 6
5 children / bed / to / have / be / in / by / D o/ n in e /th e / ? them home every day - she can keep them
on her shelf in the classroom. When there’s
homework, Jenny brings the book that she
6 Owen / Does / t o / have/ leave/ breakfast / before / ?
needs home, but sh e 7 it
back to school the next day. I think she’s a very
good stu d e n t-ju st like me!
44 D R E A M HO USES | U N IT 5
A d e s c rip tio n of a h o lid a y h o m e

1 □ Look at the photos and read the description.

Which house does it describe: a or b?

1 This holiday home is in a quiet place with great

views, but it’s l (giso)/ too near enough to a big
town. You can drive to the shops and there’s a
bus 2as well as I too.
2 The house is a long modern building with four
huge bedrooms upstairs. The living room has
got big windows, but the windows upstairs
are big 3as well I as well as. There’s a beautiful
tropical garden and there are plants on the
balcony 4as well os / too.
3 The very special thing about this house is the
home cinema. It’s not as big as a real cinema,
but you don’t have to leave the house! It’s
really cool because 5as well as / also seats for Write a description of a holiday home. •
ten people, there’s a fridge and a cupboard for
yummy snacks! It’s the best holiday home in • PLAN :
the world! • 5 Q Q Find a photo of a holiday home online or I
Daniel Bell (13), Liverpool ; in a magazine. Make notes.
I 1 Where is your holiday home? •

Why do you like it?

2 □ (£ircle)the correct options (1-5) in the
description. 2 What rooms, furniture and otherthings has
it got?
3 nn Read the description again. Are the
sentences T (true) or F (false)?
3 Why is your holiday home special?
1 The house is in the centre of a big town. F
2 There’s no public transport near the house.
3 There are big windows upstairs. _
g □□□ Write your description. Remember to
4 The house is special because there’s include adjectives with (not) as ... as, (not)
a cinema in it. enough and have to/don’t have to.

4 E3 Match headings a-c with paragraphs 1-3. CHECK

a What has the house got? 7 Do you...
b What is really special about the house? • use the phrases from the Useful language
box (see Student’s Book, p65)?
c Where is the house?
• have three paragraphs?
• explain why your holiday home is special?



J (Circle)the correct options.

1 Ellie is sitting in a comfortable carpet/ armchair 6 There’s milk all over the kitchen ceiling / floor. Did
and reading a comic. someone break a cup?
2 Take the cups out of the dishwasher and putthem 7 Mum has a special place in her desk/
in the cupboard I fridge. chest of drawers for scarves and gloves.
3 After he irons his shirts, Tom puts them carefully in 8 Berto was vacuuming the living room shelves /
his desk/ wardrobe. carpet when he found his lost key.
4 We need some more shelves I carpets above the 9 There’s bread on the table and butter and cheese in
sink in the bathroom. the fridge / sink.
5 Don’t forget to clean the floor I sink after you brush 10 Ryan’s got a nice desk / bookcase in his room, but
your teeth. he never does his homework there.

2 Complete the household chores in the spidergram.


3 Rewrite the sentences with (not) a s ... as or (not) enough and the adjectives in brackets.
1 Your house is the same size as my house, (big) 5 I don’t need a bigger desk than this one. (big)
Yourhouse________ is as big as my house________ T his d es k _________________________________
2 The weather is warmer today, (cold) 6 Frank is stronger than his brother, (strong)
The weather tod ay__________________________ Frank’s brother____________________________
3 Sam is more nervous than Jack, (relaxed) 7 Is there enough sugar in your coffee? (sweet)
Sam _____________________________________ Is you r c o f f e e ‘
4 Nicky is too young to watch that film, (old) 8 Sofia and her mother are 1.62 metres tall, (tall)
Nicky____________________________________ Sofia_____________________________________

46 D R E A M HO USES | U N IT 5
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.
1 We do all the washing-up. We’ve 5 You give me a knife and fork. I can
got a dishwasher. use chopsticks.
2 You put the cups on the top shelf, 6 Mr Kelly clean the school windows
not on the bottom. That’s his job.
3 Maisie help in the garden. Her dad 7 You help me, thanks. I know what
does that. to do.
4 We wash our clothes by hand. We 8 They buy a new vacuum cleaner.
use the washing machine. Their old one broke.


5 Complete the conversation with the missing words.(Circle)the correct options.

DAD Hey, Kevin, come over here. 11 at some holiday websites.

KEVIN Oh, great. Can Itake the tent you 2 me for my birthday?
DAD Well, your mum 3_______ camping.
KEVIN Oh, but Dad, tents are 4 these days than they were in the past.
DAD Yes, but 15 about a holiday home, you know, with a pool.
KEVIN A holiday home isn’t 6_______ a campsite, Dad.
DAD 7______ where we stayed last summer?
KEVIN Yeah, it was nice, but it wasn’t 8_______ forme.
DAD A holiday home is definitely9_______ .
KEVIN Yeah, but it’s boring. There aren’t 10 other kids to hangout with.
DAD Well, I’m sorry your mother and I aren’t 11_______ for you, Kevin.
KEVIN No, Dad, I didn’t mean that. But you 12 agree: you’re not as much fun as my friends!

1 a look b ’m looking c do look

2 a buy b buyed c bought
3 a not like b doesn’t like c don’t like
4 a better b good c best
5 a were thinking b wasthinking c did thought
6 a as interesting as b more interesting as c interesting than
7 a Are you liking b Were you liking c Did you like
8 a enough exciting b very exciting enough c exciting enough
9 a most comfortable as b more comfortable c the more comfortable
10 a some b one c any
11 a cooler enough b enough cool c cool enough
12 a has to b don’t have to c have to

5 □□ Complete the chat with the correct
form of the words and phrases in the box.

bruise fall off

hit not break
trip over

A c c id e n ts an d in ju ries

1 Q Put the letters in the correct order to make words and

phrases about accidents and injuries.
1 eb ttneib ___be bitten 7 runb
2 tih 8 lafl fof
3 usbrie 9 psi I Hey, Sam! I hear you 1 -fell off your
4 npsira 10 tarccsh skateboard last week. Are you OK?
5 uct 11 kebra
Not really. 12__________ my ankle badly.
6 ebgutsn 12 ptirvroe
It’s a good thing that yo u 3__________ it!
2 □ (gircle)the odd one out.
Huh! This hurts more. I can’t really walk
1 break/bruise /(slip) your arm
on it. I 4 my shoes yesterday
2 fall o ff/s p ra in /trip over a bike as well - they were lying on the floor and
3 be c u t/b e stung/b e bitten by an insect I didn’t see them.
4 scratch / cu t/b u rn your finger with a knife
Oh, no. v
5 hit / break/bruise your head on the door
Yup. I 5 my head on a
□ Match 1-6 with a-f. cu p boa rd u . a n d 6__________ my
1 Jeremy was stung e. a and I tripped over it. elbow too, so it’s black and blue now.
2 The bruise on my arm __ b if you break your leg.
You need to be more careful, my friend!
3 You can’t play football c when they slipped on
4 I didn’t see my bag the wet floor.

5 They were running d and into the sea.

round the pool e on his leg by a bee.
* '
6 He fell off his surfboard f is now black and blue.

4 Q Q Completethesentences with the correct form of words Guess the correct

and phrases from Exercise 1. answer.
1 Henry sprained his ankle runningforthe bus. Both mole and female I
2 The c a t my arm when I picked it up. Only male / Only female
3 You can easily your hand on a campfire. mosquitoes bite humans.
4 You ca n by mosquitoes when you camp near Find another interesting fact about
water. mosquitoes. Then send a question in
5 My grandm a her finger on a sharp knife. an email to a classmate or ask them it
in the next class.
6 He his head as he was getting out of the car.

48 H ID D E N D A N C E R | U N IT 6
An online article

1 Q Read the article and write the headings in the correct places (1-4).

Burns Do not eat or drink! Falls Things up noses

\ /

2 □□ Read the article again and check the 3 Q Q Read the article again. Answer the questions.
meaning of these words in a dictionary. 1 Which room is the most dangerous, according to the article?
Then complete the sentences. the living room________
2 How can house fires start in the living room?
candles ladder medicin e
poison risky stuck
\ > 3 What’s the best place to keep medicines?
1 Judy was ill last year and she’s still
taking a lot of medicine . 4 Why do little children put things up their noses?
2 My little brother had seven
on his birthday cake. 5 Which age groups have the most accidents with falls?
3 Drinking dirty or polluted water can
you. 6 How can an open window be dangerous?
4 It’svery to light a candle
and leave it near a small child.
5 We needed a to get the
4 E3E3E3 Answer the questions with your own ideas.
boxes down from the top shelf. 1 Which fact in the article surprised you the most? Why?
6 My hand got under the sofa
and I couldn’t get it out. 2 Do you light fires or candles at home? When?

U N IT 6 | H ID D E N D AN C E R 49
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □ □ Complete the sentences about the signs using
s h o u ld / s h o u ld n ’t and m u s t / m u s t n 't must or mustn’t. Sometimes there is more than one

1 □ Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1 You should always be careful with candles.
2 You leave a lighted candle in an
empty room.
3 Dad says that w e tidy up our shoes.
4 Maybe w e have a smoke alarm in
the classroom.
5 You take other people’s medicine.
6 We prevent as many accidents as
we can.
1 You mustn’t park here
2 Q Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2 You _____________________________________

should be should do should send 3 You _____________________________________

shouldn’t drink shouldn’t laugh shouldn’t swim 4 You _____________________________________
\__________________________________________ J
5 You _____________________________________
1 There’s a red flag on the beach, so you
6 You _____________________________________
shouldn’t swim here.
2 My uncle had an accident at work. I □ □ (Sircle)the best options to complete the
him a card. conversation.
3 It’s very icy today, so you careful
that you don’t slip. PAULA I think you
4 Oliver was stung by a bee. You ^should)/ shouldn’t I
at him - it’s not funny! must come to judo
5 My brother’s got a broken arm, so I club, Lola. It’s really
the washing-up. good!

6 Hey, you that medicine! It’s not LOLA Do you really think I ^should/ must /
fruit juice! mustn’t? I’m not very sporty.
PAULA I know, but Mum says we 3should /
3 Q Q Complete the poster with should or shouldn’t shouldn’t / must do at least one after­
and a suitable verb. school activity, so you have to choose
Can’t sleep at bedtime? LOLA OK, what are the rules? What do I need to
Can’t get up in the morning?
PAULA First, you ^shouldn’t I must I mustn’t be
Here’s some advice from SLEEP NURSE!
late because you can’t come in once
you1 should do exercise in the fresh air every day.
the class starts. Second, you 5should/
Uou 2___________________tea or coffee in the evening.
must I mustn’t bring judo clothes - you
you 3___________________to quiet relaxing music.
can’t wear normal clothes. And the most
you 4___________________scary movies in bed.
important thing: you ^should I must /
you 5___________________your phone in a different room.
mustn’t listen to everything the instructor
you 6___________________off your light before you go to sleep. says. Judo can be dangerous.
LOLA Mmm, it sounds a bit scary!

50 H ID D E N D A N C E R | U N IT 6
Parts o f th e b o d y A ra d io in te rv ie w

1 Q Find 11 more words for parts of the O3

Q Look at the pictures about a story. What do you think
। •
body in the word search. The words can happened? Listen and put the pictures in the correct
be in any direction. order (1-6).

2 □ (Circle)the correct options.

1 Marie’s hair grew over her (forehead)/
neck, almost to her eyes.
2 The boys’ chins I cheeks were red when
they came in from the cold.
3 Joe walked on broken glass and cut his
wrist I heel.
4 Our teacher wore a lovely long scarf
4 S3Q Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?
round her neck/elbow. 1 Toby was on the boat with a friend. _E
5 Olympic swimmers often have very wide 2 Toby says dolphins can sometimes be dangerous.
chests / elbows.
3 The boys didn’t know what the dolphins were doing.
6 The girl fell off her bike and hurt her
4 The shark disappeared after about an hour. _
teeth I knee.
5 One dolphin injured Toby’s shoulder. _
7 Ballet dancers wear special shoes so
they can dance on their toes / elbows. 6 People can find more animal stories on the radio
station’s website.
8 She was wearing three thin gold
bracelets round her shoulder / wrist. 5 Q Q Q Answer the questions with your own ideas.
1 Which other animals are especially clever?

2 Which other animals sometimes protect humans? How?

U N IT 6 | H ID D E N D AN C E R 51
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □ □ (^ircle)the correct options.
Z e ro c o n d itio n a l and first c o n d itio n a l 1 If you (see)/ will see a crocodile, you’ ll be
in trouble.
1 Q Complete the zero conditional sentences with the correct
2 I’ll carry your bags if your shoulders
form of the verbs in brackets.
will hurt / hurt.
1 People don’tswim (not swim) here when they see
3 If your cat scratches Laura, she isn’t /
(see) the red flag on the beach.
won’t be happy.
2 W h e n s h a rk s (g e t) h u n g ry ,th e y (b e )
4 The roads will be dangerous if it snows I
a dangerto swimmers.
will snow tonight.
3 Broken g l a s s ( c u t ) your toes if you
5 There will be an accident if they aren’t/
(not wear) shoes.
won’t be more careful.
4 S w i m m e r s ( g e t ) very cold if they
6 If she will run / runs too fast, her chest
(stay) in the sea too long.
will start to hurt.
5 If the temperature (fall) below 0 °C, water
(turn) into ice. 5 Q D Complete the first conditional
6 If a b e e ( s t i n g ) you, it r e a l l y ( h u r t ) . sentences in the text with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
2 □ □ Write zero conditional sentences.
1 if / I / drink coffee at night / I / not sleep
If Idrink coffee a t night, Idon’t sleep.
2 if / we / study hard / we / do well in our tests

3 when / Helena / feel ill / she / not come to school

4 my little brother / fall over / if / he / run too fast

5 I / feel really bad / when / I / forget my friend’s birthday Don’t get lost!
6 if / you / ring the doctor after nine / nobody / answer
If you 1 walk (walk) a lot in the
countryside, it’s possible that one day you
2 (get) lost. If this happens,
3 Q Q Complete the zero conditional sentences with the sit down and eat and drink something.
correct form of the verbs in the box. If you 3 (feel) calm, you
4 (think) more clearly. Can
break die eat fall get go look notrain swim walk you send a text or make a call? If you
5 (make) contact with
1 Ross always swims in the river if it looks safe. someone, 6 you
2 Children bad teeth if th e y too much
(know) how to direct them to where you
are? If you 7 (look) around,
sugar. you 8 probably
3 If i t all summer, some plants and animals (recognise) something. Remember to
always take the correct equipment so
you don’t get lost in the first place. You
4 Older people over easily when they 9 (be) better prepared if you
on ice. 10 (pack) a map and a compass
5 You to hospital if y o u your leg. before you go!

52 H ID D E N D A N C E R U N IT 6
A blog p o st

1 Q Read the blog post. Do you agree with

the advice?

The Climbers' Climbing Blog 4 □ □ Read the blog post again and (circle)the
correct answers.
Thanks for reading my blog! Here are a few of my
1 Rock climbers should wear knee and elbow pads
readers' questions and my answers.
to avoid ....

Ialways bruise my knees and elbows when © b ru is e s b falls c climbing incorrectly

I’m rock climbing. What should Ido to avoid 2 Katya’s brothers think she’s n o t... enough to start
that? Spidergirl climbing.
You should buy some knee and elbow pads. But a tall b old c strong
1 make sure / that's why that you climb in the correct
3 Katya should start with ... climbs.
way. You won’t bruise anything if you’re careful.
2 Ifyou ask me, / Moke sure you need some expert a good b short c careful
advice and maybe a lesson or two! 4 Barbara doesn’t climb on ... days.
a sunny b summer c winter
I’m 11 and I’d love to go climbing with my older 5 Climbers need special equipment in ... weather.
brothers, but they say I’m too young. What’s
a good age to start climbing? Katya a summer b rainy c icy

If you’re tall and strong enough, you’ll be able to

climb now!3 That’s why / I’d say it’s safe to start
climbing at your age if you start with small climbs Write a blog post to give safety advice.
and you have good climbers with you. If you’re PLAN
careful, you’ll be fine. Enjoy!
5 n n Choose an activity that you do. Think
of three questions about doing it safely.
When’s the safest time to go climbing? Ionly climb
Make notes for the answers.
in the summer, but Iwant to do more. Barbara
In the UK, spring and summer are the best times. 1 _____________________________
You’ll slip and fall if you climb on wet rocks. 2 _____________________________
4 Make sure I That’s why you shouldn’t do it on rainy

days. And of course, you must never climb in snowy 3 _____________________________

or icy weather if you don’t have special equipment.
That's all for now. Have fun, and happy climbing! 6 C 3E3 Write your blog post. Remember to
include an introduction, three questions
2 Q (Circle the correct options (1-4) in the blog post. and answers, an ending and phrases from
the Useful language box (see Student’s
3 a n Read the blog post again. Write S (Spidergirl), Book, p77).
K (Katya) or B (Barbara) for each sentence.
1 She wants to know the best time for climbing.
7 Do you...
2 The blogger thinks she should have classes.
• answer each question?
3 The blogger says she should go with other • use should/shouldn’t and must/mustn’t?
climbers. • use vocabulary from this unit?

U N IT 6 | H ID D E N D AN C E R 53
g R E V IE W


2 You ... on icy roads.
Complete the crossword. Use the clues.
7 A ... round your eye is called a ‘black eye’.
9 Y o u ........objects on the floor if you don’t see
10 Don’t ... your hand on the fire!
12 She ... her head on the cupboard door.

1 It hurts a lot when you ... your ankle.
3 Don’t stand on the wall or you’l l ........ !
4 Rugby players often ... their noses.
5 You c a n a bee if you make it angry.
6 You c a n mosquitoes if you leave the
window open.
8 Does your cat sometimes ... you?
11 He ... his foot on a sharp rock.

2 Complete the words for parts of the body with the missing vowels.
1 f _ r _ h ___ d 4 k n ___ 7 ch _st 10 t ___ th
2 h ___ I 5ch_n 8 s h ___ l d _ r 11 w r _ s t
3 _ lb _ w 6n_ck 9 c h ___ k 12 t ___


3 Are the underlined words correct in the sentences? 4 Put the words in the correct order to make conditional
Correct the incorrect ones. sentences. Add commas where necessary.
1 You mustn’t drive on the left on British roads. 1 you are bitten / it hurts / If / by a mosquito
___ must___
2 If she likes helping sick people, she should become 2 warm clothes / we wear / We won’t get cold / if
a nurse.___________
3 You mustn’t put metal in a microwave.
3 If / I won’t / I see a red flag/ go swimming

4 Cyclists mustn’t stop when they see a stop sign.

4 be happy/you wake him up / if / Nikita won’t

5 Children should brush theirteeth after eating

sweets.___________ 5 When / football indoors / it rains / we usually play
6 You mustn’t buy a ticket when you travel on public
t ra ns po rt. ___________ 6 you go cycling / to wear a helmet / when I It is
7 You should go rock climbing in the rain. It’s sensible
incredibly dangerous!

54 H ID D E N D A N C E R | U N IT 6

5 Complete the conversation with the missing words. (gircle)the correct options.

MARINA Do w e 123 go this way, Diego?

Are you sure it’s right?
DIEGO Yes, I’m sure. The map says if we
2 the path, we get to
the hostel.
MARINA Did you check the route before we
3 ?
DIEGO Of course! But w e 4 hurry.
It’s getting dark. Come on!
MARINA If I try to run, 15 over. Ouch!
Hey, Diego! Come back! Oh, no. My ankle!
DIEGO What’s the problem? Why 6
MARINA I 7 afteryou 8 I fell and sprained my ankle. It hurts!
DIEGO Oh, no! You should be more careful! Does it feel better if you 9 still? Or do you think
you can walk on it?
MARINA Not sure. Is the hostel far from here?
DIEGO Well, I don’t really know. Is your ankle s till 10 it was?
MARINA Yes, it is. We could phone for help. Does the phone work up here?
DIEGO No, sorry. Listen, you stay here and I’ll go for help. 11112 long if I run. But you
12 m ove.
MARINA Don’t worry, I can’t! And please, be quick!

1 a must b should c have to

2 a follow b will follow c followed
3 a leave b left c were leaving
4 a mustn’t b shouldn’t c should
5 a won’t fall b ’ll fall c fell
6 a do you sit b will you sit c are you sitting
7 a ran b was running c ’m running
8 a when b as c while
9 a sat b sit c will sit
10 a as worse as b worst c as bad as
11 a won’t be b be c ’m not
12 a must b should c mustn’t

U N IT 6 | H ID D E N D AN C E R 55
4 □ Match the words to make different collocations.
Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

C o m m u n ic a tio n and te c h n o lo g y

1 Q Find ten more communication and technology

words and phrases in the word snake.

5 □□ Complete the phone instructions with the

correct form of words and phrases from Exercise 1.

2 □ (Circle)the correct options.

1 I usually send my mother a device /(^essage)\f I’m
not home on time.
2 When his dad’s working in the US, Thomas often
does a video chat I social media with him.
3 You can listen to music on your tablet or any other
mobile em oji/ device.
4 Our IT teacher wrote some chips / software for
checking homework. Thank you for buying a 4 , like
5 Blogs a nd other types of social media I video chat Techtime phone. When WhatsApp and Spotify.
are great fun. you turn on your new To write a 5__________
^ device^^ for the first using text or email, press
6 Iris dropped her phone and broke the app /screen time, you will see an icon on one of your contacts
on it. for ‘Games Shop’ at the in the contacts list. The
bottom left of the Techtime 1000 has also
3 QQ Match the definitions with words from 2 . Here, got an excellent camera,
Exercise 1. you can 3 _________ so 6 with
all your favourite social friends and family is
1 copy information to a computer system or to the media, music and news easy!
2 copy information onto a phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
from the Internet or a computer
3 the short word for an ‘application’, for example,
Spotify or Facebook True or false?
4 a digital picture that shows a feeling or emotion The average person checks their .
phone ten times a day.
5 a flat surface on a TV or computer where you can Find another interesting fact about
see words or pictures phones. Then send a question in an email to a
6 it’s very small: the ‘brain’ inside a computer or classmate or ask them it in the next class.

56 GET C O N N E C TE D | U N IT 7
A m a g a z in e a rtic le

1 Q Look at the photo and the title of the article. What do you think the article is about?
Read the article and check your ideas._______

High-tech or no-tech?
Juan Carlos Garcia investigates how a school in California’s Silicon Valley uses technology - or doesn’t!

Silicon Valley in California has become the world centre This means that students don’t use the Internet to study or
of technology, innovation and social media. It’s home to download apps to help them learn, and they use pens and
some of the world’s biggest tech companies. So, with all paper to write, not tablets or laptops. They study their main
this technology around, you probably think that all schools subjects through artistic activities like music and painting.
in Silicon Valley use lots of computers, laptops and tablets One student told me, ‘Our teachers believe that technology
in their classrooms, right? Wrong! In Masters Secondary will only be helpful when we’re older and we know how and
School, the school I visited, there isn’t a tablet, screen or when to use it properly.’
laptop anywhere. The classrooms have plants, traditional So even the tech experts
wooden desks and even blackboards with coloured chalks! think that technology
So why don’t they use technology? The surprising thing is has its limits! High-tech
that the parents of these children - many of them technology or no-tech: which is
experts at major tech companies - believe that bringing the best? What do you
technology to class isn’t a good idea! Many think that it think?
doesn’t help young people use their own minds. So, in
this school, there are no electronic teaching devices in the
classroom. Teachers here think that kids use their imagination
better without them!

2 □□ Read the article again and check the 3 Q Q Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true) or
meaning of these words in a dictionary. F (false)?
Then complete the sentences. 1 Juan Carlos visited the school to learn about new classroom
/--------------------------------------------------- \ technology. JE
expert imagination innovation
major minds properly 2 The school is home to technology and innovation. _
\ ________________ _________________ J
3 Juan Carlos expected to find a lot of electronic teaching
1 I’m not very good at writing stories devices in the school. __
because I’ve got no imagination . 4 Some parents think that classroom technology stops young
2 My aunt knows a lot about computers. people from thinking creatively. __
She’s a t e c h n o l o g y . 5 Students learn through artistic subjects. _
3 When you use this dictionary app 6 Teachers believe that technology will never help students
, it’s very easy to find learn. __
the words you want.
4 This young company is famous for its 4 Q Q Q Answer the questions with your own ideas.
and new ideas. 1 How do some schools use technology in class?
5 My brother made a
decision to move to the US to study. 2 What electronic devices do you use in class to help you learn?
6 People who develop software have got
c r e a t i v e .

U N IT 7 GET C O N N E C T E D 57
LAN GUAGE IN ACTION 4 Q Write sentences with the present perfect.
P re se n t p e rfe ct: a ffirm a tiv e and n e g a tiv e 1 11 not finish I my homework for tomorrow
I haven’t finished my homework for tomorrow.
1□ Complete the table with the correct past
participles. 2 Gerrie / not read / anything about Silicon Valley

be was been
3 we / look for / some better information
change changed 2

choose chose
4 they / buy/a new computer online
do did
hear heard 5
5 h e/u se /th e latest software
learn learned
design designed
6 the boys/not ring/their parents
see saw

2 Q Q Complete the sentences with the present 5 Q Q Choose the correct verb in each pair. Then
perfect form of the verbs in Exercise 1.
complete the text with the present perfect form.
1 Maisie has learned to use her new phone now.
2 Technology the way we learn.
3 The reporter to many different
schools in the US.
4 I the new Mission Impossible film:
don’t miss it, it’s great.
5 The students their subjects for next
6 We our maths and ICT homework.
7 I a website for our basketball team.
8 Paul the news, so you don’t have to
tell him.
Hi Jess,
3 Q Make the sentences negative.
Good news! 11 ’ve thrown (throw / push) away
1 I’ve charged my phone.
my old tablet! Mum and Dad 2_________________
I haven't charged my phone.__________________ (sell I buy) me a new laptop. 13________________
2 Sergey’s forgotten his password. (upload I download) some great music software
from the Internet and 14_____________________
3 Wanda’s broken her watch. (decide / forget) to make a website for my band.
I’m not sure if I told you, but 15________________
(stop I start) a band. Nico and 16
4 We’ve bought a new computer. (write I listen) some music together. Nico
7 (give/choose) the songs that we
5 They’ve turned on the TV. want to sing, but we s till 8_________________
(not film / not record) anything.

6 I’ve asked for more information. More soon!


58 GET C O N N E C TE D | U N IT 7
G e ttin g a ro u n d

1 Q Complete the transport phrases with the missing

1 g fi. jQ.n f.O.jQ_t
2 g_t _n _ t r ___ n
3 g_ t _ ff _ b_ s
4 g_ t ___ t _f _ c_ r
5 g_t _ n t_ _ t_ x _ A ra d io in te rv ie w
6 g_ by tr_ m
dfii 4 Q Listen to the interview. Do Ellie and Joe
7 t_ k_ _ p l_ n _
think space tourism is just science fiction?

2 □ Match 1-6 with a-d.

* '
1 Our visitors got into [d □ □ Listen again and Circle)the correct answers.
* *
2 We planned to catch __ 1 The interview takes place ....
3 I usually go by a in a radio studio b a t a school
4 If you miss your bus, __ @ at a technology fair
* *
5 Which tram stop should I __ 2 Joe says he ... to drive.
*■ '
6 Is it better to cycle or go __ a loves b doesn’t need
c hasn’t learned
a bike when it isn’t raining.
3 Ellie likes the idea o f ....
b you can catch the next one.
a driverless cars b more bikes
c on foot?
c faster bikes
d their car and drove away.
4 She’s seen an exhibit a b o u t... in space.
e a plane from Manchester Airport.
a films b astronauts c travel
f get off at?
5 Joe thinks rockets to space will be ... today’s
jet planes.
3 □ (gircle)the correct options.
a the same as b different from c sim ilar to
1 I g e t/(go) by tram when I visit my friends in town.
6 In Ellie’s opinion, tourist trips to Mars in the
2 Pete always goes to school on / by bike.
next 20 years are ....
3 I get off the bus at this stop and go by / on foot
a possible b impossible c a problem
from here.
4 My friend’s taken / got into a plane to Sardinia. g E3E3E3 Answer the questions.
5 Get on I off the train and find a seat by the window. 1 In your opinion, is a holiday on Mars just
6 If you go on /b y the underground, you get there science fiction? Why / Why not?
7 They can catch / go by a bus outside their house.
8 Marie got out o f f/ ofthe car and hit her head on 2 If it becomes possible to go on holiday in space,
the door. do you think you will go? Why / Why not?

U N IT 7 GET C O N N E C T E D 59
LANGUAGE IN ACTION Infinitive of purpose
w ill/w on’t, m a y and m ig h t
4 E3E3 Rewrite the sentences with the
1 Q Complete the sentences with will or won’t. infinitive of purpose.
1 The photos you post online will stay there for a 1 My sister Maddie and I went to Crich. We
longtim e. wanted to visit the Tramway Museum.
2 Workers worry that robots replace them and My sister Maddie and Iwent to Crich to
take their jobs. visit the Tramway Museum.
3 I work in another country in the future - I hate 2 First Maddie went online. She checked
travelling. the train times.
4 Cars need drivers in the future because of new
driverless technology.
5 I think citie s become more bike-friendly in 3 We walked to the station. We bought the
future years because of all the traffic. tickets there.

2 □ (Circle)the correct options.

1 Maybe you should take a coat. It will /(might) be cold.
2 Phones will always be expensive. They won’t / might get 4 I left the house at 6 am. I wanted to catch
cheaper. the first train.

3 It’s not certain, but we will / may go to school by helicopter

in the future.
4 They will / may go by train, but they still haven’t decided. 5 Maddie wanted to stop at a shop. She
5 He will / might have his own bike one day - he’s sure of that! needed to buy some sandwiches.

3 □ □ (Circle)the correct options below to complete the email.

6 We got on the train quickly. That’s how

we got the best seats.

TO: Josh FROM: Lindy

Hi Josh,
I'm on a train with my mum and dad.They1________ be away for 5 Qn Complete the text with the verbs and
the weekend, so I'm staying with my uncle Ted. It2________ be much phrases in the box.
fun there - it never is, u but I'm sure 13 chat to friends
online. But then, who k n o w s-th e re 4 be wi-fi in his house
/---------------------------------------- x
: may buy might fly to drive to got
- 1haven't asked! 7 I'm sure h e 5________ have a TV, though -
: to go will travel
everyone's got one! 16 speak to you online this afternoon, \___________________________________ J
but I don't know yet. UncleTed wants to go birdwatching!
I normally use public transport 1 to get
: around. For exam ple,2 to
1(a) will b w on’t c might school, I get the bus or I catch a tram. I
: 3 a motorbike when I’ m old
2 a may not b will c w on’t
enough, or maybe a car. I really don’t know
3 a may b might c will how my child ren 4 in the future.
4 a might not b w on’t c may Maybe they will have amazing machines
: 5 around in, or they
5 a w on’t b will c may
• 6 through the air. Who knows?
6 a may not b will c may

60 GET C O N N E C TE D | U N IT 7
W RITING 3 □ Read the article again and match 1-5 with a-e.
A n a rtic le * *
1 In the past, there were M .
1 Q Read the article. Then (circle)the correct 2 People needed to use a phone box
answer below. 3 Today we can use

Technology has changed the way we ... our 4 It’s easier now to share __
friends. 5 It will always be more fun

a make contact with b care for a photos and videos with friends.
c have fun with
b smartphones to make calls at any time.
c to meet our friends face-to-face.
d no mobile phones.
e to make contact with their friends.
(T) The way we
communicate with our 4 Q Read the article again and write the correct paragraph
friends has changed number (1-3).
a Lot. 1 For
a Which paragraph is about what might happen in the future?
instance, when our
grandparents were
b Which paragraph mentions old technology?
young, there were no
mobile phones, and what's 2 c Which paragraph describes ways of communicating today?
some families didn't even have a telephone
at home. To phone a friend, people needed
to go to a public phone box.
Write an article about doing homework.
( D In contrast, today there are lots of ways
of contacting friends. For 3 ’• PLAN
almost everyone can use a smartphone at • 5 EJD Think about homework in the past, present and
any time and in any place. Posting status ; future. Make notes for your three paragraphs.
updates is easy with technology, such 1 How people did homework in the past:
4 online chats and messaging
apps. In 5 , we can send photos 2 Technology for doing homework today:
and videos to share special moments.
3 Predictions for the future:
(§) Some people think that friends might never
meet face-to-face in the future. However,
I don't think that will •• WRITE
happen. It may become • 6 E3E3K3 Write your article. Remember to include past and
easier to 'see' each • present tenses, and predictions with will/won’t and may/
other without actually ’ might (not).

meeting up, but it will
always be more fun to • CHECK
sit and chat together. • 7 Do you...
; • have three paragraphs?
• use expressions from the Useful language box (see
2 E3Q Complete the article with the words
• Student’s Book, p89)?
in the box.
; • make certain and uncertain predictions for the future?
addition as example for more

U N IT 7 G E T C O N N E C T E D 61


Put the letters in the correct order to make 3 Complete the conversation with the present perfect
communication and technology words. form of the verbs in brackets.
1 P a P _____________
DAD Jon, stop playing computer games now. It’s
2 d v o i e tc a h
time to eat.
3 j i o m e _____________
JON I 1 (not play) any games this
4 d o u I a p _____________ evening, Dad! And 12 (finish)
5 Io i s c a d m ia e my homework.
6 w r o s t e f a DAD Oh, OK. Well, that’s good. 13
7 c r e n e s _____________ (make) your favourite dinner.
8 p i h c _____________ JON Great, thanks. 14 (send) Mum a
message, but she 5 (not reply).
9 o w o d n ld a
DAD Well, she 6 (fly) to Miami,
10 v i e e d c _____________
so there’s a time difference. 17
lls g a e s e m
(check) my emails too, but 18
(not hear) from her either. I’m sure she’ll call
2 Look at the photos. What are the people doing?
us later.
Complete the sentences with phrases for getting

1 A nn a i s 2 Charlie i s . 3 Helga is

5 D a v i d i s . 6 Maria is

62 GET C O N N E C TE D | U N IT 7
4 Complete the dialogues with the infinitive of purpose or will/won’t, may or might (not). Use the verbs
in the boxes. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

have not have print be able to play

X____________________ / \ _ ___________ )

A Can I use your printer1 these A Do I need to download an app 6

photos, please? this game?
B I’m not sure. I 2 enough paper- B Mmm, I don’t really know. You 7
I need to check. If there isn’t enough, I think my play it without the app. Let’s see.
dad 3 some,
be edit j
get not take j
A What software does Harry use 8
A W hattim edo we have to leave 4 his videos?
to the cinema by six? B I don’t know, but he 9 here in a
B We have lots of time, and it minute so you can ask him. OK?
5 long to get there - just five minutes.


5 Complete the conversation with the missing words.(Circle)the correct options.

CLARE Friday, at last! I’m happy it’s over. 11 a tiring week. OK, see you later!
MARIK Hey, where 2 ? Aren’t you walking home?
CLARE No, I’ve got a new bike. Didn’t I tell you?
MARIK No, you 3 . When did you get that?
CLARE Atthe weekend. It’s great! It’s th e 4 way to get around!
MARIK You 5 really get a helmet, Clare! If you 6 , you’ll hurt yourself.
CLARE I7 fall off, don’t worry. 18 a helmet, but Ijust forgot it today.
MARIK Which one is your bike, then?
CLARE T h a tb lu eo n 9 quite cheap because 110 afford to spend much.
MARIK It’s nice. You know, 111 get a bike. Then we can cycle to school together.
CLARE Good idea! But you’ll need to ride fa st 12 with me! See you later!

1 a ’ve had b was having c ’s had

2 a are you going b do you go c have you gone
3 a did b not c didn’t
4 a best b good c better
5 a shouldn’t b may c should
6 a fell off b ’ll fall off c fall off
7 a don’t b won’t c mustn’t
8 a bought b ’m buying c was buying
9 a were b was being c was
10 a couldn’t b can c couldn’t to
11 a might b might not c won’t
12 a cycling b to cycle c for cycle
U N IT 7 GET C O N N E C T E D 63
HIGH­ 2 □ □ Completethesentences with words for

qualities from Exercise 1.
1 It takes a lot o f_____ skill_____ to operate on a
person’s heart.
2 She won the prize fo r for her
original ideas. She’s got a great imagination.

V O C A B U LA R Y 3 Maya always shows great and

E x c e p tio n a l jo b s and q u a litie s never stops trying to do her best.

4 The of a chimpanzee is sim ilar to a
1 Q Complete the puzzle with words for jobs and human’s: chimpanzees are very clever!
qualities. Use the clues. What’s the secret word in 5 Hercules was famous for h i s . He
grey? could lift very heavy objects.

3 Q Q Complete the sentences with words for jobs

from Exercise 1 and the names in the box.

Adele Isaac Newton Marie Curie

Suzanne Collins Tim Berners-Lee Usain Bolt
\ >
1 Isaac Newton was a mathematician at
Cambridge University in the 1600s.
2 The of the World Wide Web is
c a l l e d .
3 is t he o f t he
song Hello from 2015.
4 was a who
1 He works for a company or organisation, like a bank. won two Nobel Prizes for important work on
2 If you have this, you don’t stop until you get what
you want. 5 is a Jamaican
3 This person has ideas to make something who was an Olympic champion
in three different Olympic Games.
completely new.
6 The Hunger Gomes series of novels is by a
4 A runner, swimmer, high-jumper, etc.
ca l i e d .
5 This doctor can perform operations.
6 This person writes music.
7 You need this to make something new and
imaginative. Guess the correct answer.
8 This person does experiments in a lab. Ashrita Furman has the world
9 This person might produce books or songs. record for world records. He has over
10 With this, you can learn, understand and form
opinions. Find an interesting fact about a world record.
Then send a question in an email to a classmate
11 You can do an activity or job well if you have this.
or ask them it in the next class.
12 A natural ability to do something well.
13 You have this if you are strong, physically or

64 HIG H -FLYER S | U N IT 8
READING 2 □ □ Read the comments again and
O n lin e c o m m e n ts check the meaning of these words in a
dictionary. Then complete the sentences.
1 Q Read the online comments. Who has got something in
common with their hero?___________________ autism extreme face
tricks wheelchair
x________________________________ .
1 A child w ith__ autism might not have
good communication or social skills.


while after he broke both his legs.
Many of you liked our article last week about young 3 We have to our problems if
adults who faced difficult times when they were kids but we want to solve them.
never stopped trying. Comments have flown in from all
4 Rock climbing is exciting and dangerous
over the world!
- it’s one of the oldest
An astrophysicist when he was still a sports.
teenager, Jake Barnett has made the 5 We’ve learned to do some great new
biggest impression on me. Doctors said he on our skateboards.
had autism when he was two, and that he
might never speak. But he did, and he has 3 Q Q Read the comments again. Are the
shown an amazing talent for maths. Now sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t
in his 20s, Jake has an incredible memory
and remembers every maths problem he
has ever solved! 1 Jake has an unusual talent for
remembering numbers. _T
Hooper 3 0 mago
2 He’s doing research in astrophysics.

His name is Aaron ‘Wheelz’ Fotheringham

3 Aaron invented new skateboard and
and he’s an amazing athlete. Now an BMX tricks. _
adult, he needed a wheelchair when he 4 A lot of people watch Aaron’s
was eight. He wanted to do tricks like wheelchair tricks online. _
his friends on skateboards and BMXs,
5 Bethany started surfing again three
so he took skateboard and BMX tricks
weeks after the shark attack.
and invented his own wheelchair tricks.
You need strength and determination to 6 First there was a film about her, and
become an extreme sportsperson when after that she wrote a book.
you can’t use your legs. I use a wheelchair,
and Aaron’s had a big effect on me. 4 □ □ □ Answer the questions with your
own ideas.
cre8tiv35 m ago
1 Which person in the comments has faced
the biggest challenge? Why?
Bethany Hamilton was 13 and already a great
surfer when a shark attacked her and bit off
her left arm. Three weeks after the accident, 2 Have you faced a big challenge? What
she got back into the water and continued was it?
surfing with only one arm! She made a book
deal at 14, and a movie, Soul Surfer, followed.
Now, as an adult, Bethany works hard helping
others to face their challenges.
daisymay 45 m ago

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □ □ Underline and correct one mistake in
P re se n t p e rfe c t fo r e x p e rie n c e each sentence.
1 Have you ever swim with dolphins?
1 □ Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of swum________
the verb in brackets.
2 They never have been to England.
1 I ’ve never heard (hear) of Alexander Rybak.
2 A girl in my class (win) a talent competition. 3 Never you have ridden a horse.
3 The b o y s ( h a v e ) some strange experiences.
4 S h e ( n o t visit) her grandparents’ new house. 4 Have she ever broken her phone?
5 W e ( r a is e ) a lot of money for charity.
6 D o r n ( r i d e ) a bike from Land’s End to John 5 Stayed you ever in a five-star hotel?
6 I’m happy to say I have ever lost my
2 □ Match 1-6 with a-f. house keys.__________________
1 Have you ever drunk M a but only on YouTube.
* ' 5 □ □ Complete the email with the present
2 Which European cities (_ b to an email in English?
* ' perfect form of the verbs and phrases in
3 Our team has won _ c has she visited?
*---- " the box.
4 I’ve never read d carrot juice? /----------------------------------------\
5 Have you ever replied __ e the book he gave me. be do ever try fly never
6 We’ve seen their band, [ f the championship explore never surf
three times.

3 Q Q Write questions with the present perfect. Then look at Mailboxes Inbox Sent New
the pictures to answer them.
Hi Harry,
How are you? I'll be in
Turkey in two weeks' time!
I1 ’ve flown into
Istanbul Airport before,
but 12_____________________
the country properly.
My parents 3 on lots of
Turkish holidays, so in the first week
they want to go to some new places.
1 they/ever fly in a helicopter? But they're also happy to revisit some
A Have they ever flown in a helicopter?___________________ of their favourite surfing beaches - they
know I love the sea! 14
B No, they haven’t, but they’ve flown on a plane.
and I really want to learn. It looks a
2 they/ever swim in the sea?
bit of an extreme sport, as it can be
A _________________________________________ dangerous, but I think I'll be OK! And
B _________________________________________ 5
3 yourdad/ever make a cake? kite-surfing? My dad 6
A _________________________________________ it lots of times. I'm looking forward to
watching him!
B _________________________________________
Bye for now!

P h rasal verbs: a c h ie v e m e n t
3 n Check the meaning of these words
□ Match the phrasal verbs with the meanings. in a dictionary. Which words can you
1 setoff @ a admire and respect someone see in the photos?
2 workout b act to attract attention, usually in antibiotic bacteria mould
* '
3 carry on __ a bad way Petri dish reflect shine
4 look up to c start a new business
5 give up __) d leave a place to start a journey
- ■
e join in an activity or event
6 set up _
7 come up with (_ J f calculate something to get a result
* '

8 take part in § continue an activity or task

9 show off I h suggest or think of an idea or
” *
10keep up with
i do what is necessary to stay equal
or at the same level
stop doing or having something Ci 4 Q Listentothetalk. What have the two
discoveries got in common?
2 E3E3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of phrasal
verbs from Exercise 1. Then match them with photos (a-f).
1 Susie is excited because she ’$ setting off on holiday. _e_ Ci 5 QE3
Listen again and (circle) the correct
2 It was so difficult that Hector decided t o . __ options.
3 Benjie his dad and wants to be like him. __ 1 The speaker describes the inventions
4 Robin always to the other band members. __ as happy (qccidentS) / experiments.

5 My little brother is a fast runner - no one can 2 The‘cat’s eyes’ help drivers to see
him. other drivers’ lights I
the middle of the road.
6 Tanya really enjoyed the race.
3 The inventor saw his car lights
reflecting in part of a glass object /
an animal.
4 Sir Alexander Fleming was studying
bacteria I mould in a London hospital.
5 A person left the Petri dish open when
Fleming was in hospital / on holiday.
6 Some mould was growing / killing the
bacteria in the Petri dish.

g □□ □ Choose one of the discoveries,

cat’s eyes or penicillin, and make notes
for each heading in your notebook.
• name and nationality of the inventor
• country and place of discovery
• how the inventor discovered it
• why the discovery is important

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 □ Match 1-6 with a-f.
Reflexive pronouns 1 Has anyone seen
2 Mr Kellogg invented
1 □ (gircle)the correct options.
3 Everyone at the party
1 Peter is always looking at(^imseJf)/ themselves in the
mirror! 4 Olivia hasn’t been

2 You two should prepare yourself / yourselves for the test. 5 I get bored when

3 Have you ever taught myself / yourself a newskill? 6 Everything was ready

4 The cat washes yourself/ itself carefully every morning. a anywhere nice this summer.
5 We embarrassed ourselves / themselves by showing off. b that documentary about inventors?
6 The girls entertained themselves / herself with video c I’ve got nothing to do.
d when the first guests arrived.
2 □□ Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns e something by accident.
and the correct form of the verbs in the box. f had a great time.

enter imagine look after make switch off teach 5 QD Complete the text with the words in the box.
1 The computer screen switches itself off automatically. everyone everywhere himself
2 Those kids are old enough t o . nobody someone something
3 Laurenandl so me new yoga somewhere themselves
____________________________ >
exercises last week.
4 He for three races in our sports
Most of us admire 1 someone who
event: running, cycling and swimming.
faces challenges and achieves great things.
5 Monica a good lunch That’s w hy 234 I know looks up to
yesterday. the scientist Stephen Hawking. He lived
6 We often as famous inventors. 3 near London until he went to
Oxford University. There, he quickly proved
Indefinite pronouns to be a maths genius.
However, when he was only 21, doctors told
3 QQ Put the words in the correct order to make him that he had 5 called motor
sentences. neurone disease (MND).6
1 anyone / Mars / think/ has / don’t / walked / I / on usually lives long with MND, but Hawking
I don’t think anyone has walked on Mars__________ didn’t give up and, in fact, lived another 55
years. When he couldn’t walk, he used a
2 phone / everywhere / her / She’s / for / looked
wheelchair. Soon he lost his voice, so then
he used a computerised voice to speak
3 w ill/tonight / Nobody / happen/w hat/ knows and write his books. He
travelled 7 ,
4 nowhere / on / to / bus / was / There / sit / the giving talks and showing
the world what people
can achieve when they
5 new / broken / has / torch / Someone / my
believe in 8

6 do / help / Is/anything / I/there/can / to / ?

W RITING 3 Q Complete the competition entry with the
A c o m p e tit io n e n try phrases in the box.

1 D Read the advert. What do you have to do to advice to you a lot of effort
enter the competition? did I manage greatest achievem ents

4 □ □ Read the competition entry again and answer

the questions.
1 What challenge does Jam ie face?

2 What happened when his sistertried to help him?

3 What did Ja m ie ’s parents buy him?

4 How many people are in Ja m ie ’s band?

2 Q Read the competition entry. What has

Gabriela’s brother achieved? Write a competition entry.

5 n n Make notes about how you helped a
person for the competition in Exercise 1.
My nam e is G abriela. My brother
Jamie h as got learning difficulties, 1 Introduce yourself and the person you
a n d he h as faced m any challenges. helped:

One of my 1 is
■ 2 Explain w hat you did:
helping Jamie m ake friends. He can't
speak clearly, and because of this it's
som etim es difficult for him to m ake 3 Explain how you did it:
new friends. At first, he becam e angry w hen I tried to
help him. However, a f te r 2 , I've 4 Give advice for other people:
m an ag ed to bring a group of friends into Jamie's life.

H ow 3 it? First of all, I asked •• W RITE

our parents to get Jamie a drum. He h a s alw ays
• g □ □ □ Write your competition entry.
loved music, so he loved the drum! One day, I invited
• Remember to include the present perfect,
some m usician friends to our house. They introduced
reflexive pronouns, vocabulary from this unit
them selves to Jamie and then just played some music.
* and phrases from the Useful language box
Soon Jamie started to play with them. Two of these
friends have now formed a band, a n d Jamie is their • (see Student’s Book, plOl).
drummer. : CHECK
If you w ant to help som eone m ake friends, my : 7 Do you...
4 is to find som ething they ‘ • have four paragraphs?
love doing a n d help them m eet people with the sam e • • explain your achievem ent clearly?
interest. And never give up!
• • give useful advice?



Look at the pictures and (circle)the correct options.

1 athlete / surgeon 2 inventor / composer 4 businesswoman /


5 athlete / scientist 6 composer / writer 7 mathematician I writer 8 businesswoman I athlete

2 Put the letters in bold in the correct order to make 3 (Circle; the correct options.
words for qualities. 1 They set off I setup on their journey in May 2017.
1 She admired the vaiittcyre of the architect who 2 We all lookup to I keep up with our teachers and
designed her new home. listen to their advice.
2 Carlos Acosta showed great letant as a dancer 3 If you want to show off / take part in the
from an early age.____________ competition, fill in this entry form.
3 Rock climbers need physical gshtnert. 4 Can you help me give up I work out this problem?
4 Her eignelelictn was clear from the clever answers 5 Please carry on / come up with speaking.
she gave.____________
6 If I don’t come up with I keep up with a good idea
5 His ndoeittearnmi to win made him practise for soon, I’ll show off / give up.


4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in the box.

be break hear read see

<_________________________________________________ >

1 you ever of a mathematician called Maryam Mirzakhani?

2 I never a book about astrophysics.
3 He never a world record, but I’m sure he will one day.
4 Philip ever a Studio Ghibli film?
5 we here before? I don’t remember it.

5 Correct the underlined reflexive and indefinite pronouns.
1 My cat has taught myself to open the fridge door.
2 Mrs Howe is nobody who I’ve always looked up to.
3 Mary Ann saw themselves in a video clip on YouTube.
4 We’ve looked anywhere for our lost door keys.
5 You often talk to ourselves when you’re alone. I’ve heard you!
6 I think there’s anything wrong with my computer.
7 I’ve noticed that my brother looks at herself in the mirror a lot.
8 There was anybody in the house; it was empty.


g Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle)the correct options.

JILL Oh, dear. I 1 to write a 500-word essay for Mr Jenkins.

PETE I see, and you’ve come to m e 2 some ideas, right?
JILL Yes, please! The title is ‘ 3 creative person I know’.
PETE Can’t you think o f 4 ?
JILL Well,5 my Aunt Louella?
PETE I think I saw her once when she 6 with you.
JILL Maybe. She 7 us very often, but it’s possible.
PETE I’ll probably remember her if you 8 her.
JILL She’s my mum’s sister. She’s 9 tall as Mum, but she’s slim and blonde. Anyway, I look up
to her because she’s achieved a lot and she hasn’t had 10 easy life.
PETE Really?
JILL Well, no. She was often ill as a teenager and she didn’t go to university, but she taught11
to paint. Now she has exhibitions1 2 .
PETE So, I think you have your topic, Jill, without any help from me!

1 a must b have c don’t have

2 a getting b and get c to get
3 a The most b Most c The more
4 a nobody b anybody c nothing
5 a have you met ever b have you ever met c did you ever met
6 a is staying b stays c was staying
7 a doesn’t visit b don’t visit c isn’t visiting
8 a may describe b describe c will describe
9 a not as b more c not the
10a some b any c an
11 a herself b her c himself
12 a nowhere b everywhere c somewhere

3 QQ Match the photos with the musical genre
SHOW YOUR words in Exercise 1.


M u sica l in s tru m e n ts and g e n re s 1 __________ rock__________ 2 _______________________

1 □ Put the letters in the correct order to make

musical instruments and genres. Then complete the
table with the words.
/------------------------------------------------------------ \
honroicpem garege olivin ssab Ikfo
4 _______________________
ssiclacal ugarit orkc phaxosone rumsd
phi-oph rpumtet bekyarod azjz
\_____________________ _______________ ______________________ /

Instruments Genres
microphone reggae

2 □□ Look at the band members (1-8) in the picture

4 QE3 Which word in each group does not follow the
same stress pattern?
and complete the text with words from Exercise 1.
1 (®) folk bass reggae drums
2 (• • ) reggae guitar trumpet keyboard
3 ( © • • ) violin classical microphone saxophone

5 □□□ Think of an example of a song or piece of

music for each musical genre in Exercise 1. Use the
Internet to help you if necessary.

There are eight of us in our band. Bruno plays

the 1 drums . We’ve got Janina on 2
and her brother Stefan plays the 3 .
Rob plays the 4 and he’s really good! Guess the correct answer.
Sally’s just started to play the 5 , but The world’s longest officially-
we love her and she’s learning fast. Simon’s a released song is The Rise and Fail
classical musician, but he plays an electric
of Bossanova. It is about
6 with us. He’s really talented. Ramon
3 /1 3 / 2 3 hours long.
plays the 7 and th a t’s Katie at the
front. She’s our singer, of course, and she doesn’t Find another interesting fact about a song. Then
really need th a t 8 - she’s got a send a question in an email to a classmate or ask
great voice! them it in the next class.

READING 2 □ □ Read the events guide again and check the
A n e ve n ts g u id e meaning of these words in a dictionary. Then
complete the sentences.
1 Q Read the events guide. Do you think this is a
good school party? Why /Why not? available joke latest mix provide set

1 I never know if Juan’s being serious or telling a

joke------ .
2 The band began their at eight and
finished playing at nine.
Friday 4 July 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Ticket price: £4 online, £5 on the door 3 We w ill all the information you need
for your journey.
It's been a long year, but it's 4 Tickets for next week’s concerts are now
finally the end! Join us at the online.
school end-of-year party in
the gym. We're going to have
5 I think th e hit from Catfish is the
music, dancing, food and a best song they’ve ever written.
special guest! 6 Tina’s music is a of hip-hop and
7.00 pm Welcome! Feeling hungry? The school's
Picnic Club will provide the evening's food: 3 Q Q Read the events guide again. Answer the
sandwiches, cakes, crisps and other yummy snacks
will be available. And there will be a Super Fruit Juice
Bar all evening for all you thirsty dancers! 1 How much are tickets if you buy them before you
go to the party?
7.30 pm DJ Quin is going to be with us with his
unique mix of lights and sound. He'll be a star DJ one 2 Is the party indoors or outdoors?
day, so don't miss this opportunity to dance as he plays
the latest hits. He'll finish off his set with a 'Happy
Half-Hour' - when he'll play any song you want! 3 What can the students drink?

8.30 pm You won't believe it when you see our 4 What can the students do in the last 30 minutes of
special guest. In his solo performance he's going DJ Quin’s set?
to tell us jokes and make us laugh (we hope!). But
he isn't going to stop there: for one night only, he's
also going to play the trum pet! Here's a clue: he's 5 Why will people be surprised by the special guest?
everyone's favourite geography te a c h e r...

6 What is unusual about the band Born to be Wild?

9.00 pm The evening's going to end with the band
Born to be Wild. This talented family of musicians
will amaze you with the number of instruments they
play: bass, saxophone, drums, violin ... 4 □ □ □ Answer the questions with your own ideas.

So, d o n 't miss the year's best party. See you on Friday!
1 In your opinion, which performer at the party will
be the best?

2 Have you ever had an end-of-year party at school?

What was it like?

LANGUAGE IN ACTION w ill and g o in g to
g o in g to
4 □ Complete the sentences with will or won’t.
1 Q Write sentences with going to. 1 He’s sure it will be a great event because
1 I / take some photos the guide looked interesting.

I’m going to take some photos. 2 I pay £150 for a tic k e t-th a t’s too much.
2 She/w atch TV 3 Your parents get angry if your music is
too loud, so turn it down.
4 all three sisters sing in the same band?
3 H e /n o t answerthe phone
5 It be cold at the party, so you don’t
need a coat.
4 Faye / play the piano
5 Q Q Decide if the sentences are predictions or
5 They/record a song intentions. Then (circle the best options to
complete the dialogues.
1 A What you going~td)/ will you do this evening?
2 □ □ Complete the sentences with going to and the B I’m going to / ’ll see a show at the City Hall.
verbs in the box.
2 A What are you going to /w ill you sing? Have you
be bring not tell organise see
B No, but I promise you’l l / ’regoing to like it!
1 I ’m going to organise a party for my best friend. 3 A Elena’s going to / will learn the saxophone.
2 We her anything about it. B She’ll / ’s going to be good at that. She’s musical.
3 Carm en food and drinks 4 A The Headsets aren’t going to/ won’t tour any more.
to the party.
B Oh, no. That won’t / isn’t going to be very popular
4 We a fo Ik- roc k co nce rt. with theirfans.
5 The party in my garage.
□□ Complete the chat with the correct form of will
3 Q Q Write sentences about the people with going or going to and the verbs in brackets.
to and the phrases in the box.

enter a talent competition get a job as a DJ 1 Are you going to be (be)

get free concert tickets run a marathon study singing at home later?
\ /
1 Nasrin loves making playlists and discovering new No, 12 (meet) my dad at
music. the music shop. I’ve decided: I3
Nasrin’s going to get a job as a PJ. (ask) him to buy me the guitar I saw in the window.

2 I’ve always wanted to go to music college. Really? You know you 4 (get) a
better price online.
3 Lily dreams of becoming a comedian. Yeah, but 15__________________ (try) it before we
buy it - that’s my plan anyway.
4 Finn and Livvy run and train hard every day.
Well, OK, but do you play the guitar?

5 Max and I are lucky: we have a friend in the band. No, I don’t, but I’m sure 16______________ (learn)
fast! It can’t be that difficult.

D a n ce sty le s
A 7 ESQ Listen to the discussion and answer the
1 Q Match five of the dance styles in the box with the questions.
shoes the dancers wear. 1 How many speakers do you hear?
2 How many are male and how many are female?
ballet dancing ballroom dancing breakdance
country dancing disco dancing modern dance
3 How many are native and how many are non­
salsa dancing swing tap dancing Zumba
native speakers? _________

O 4 ESQ Listen again. Are the sentences 7 (true) or

F (false)?
1 The class is going to report back on their
discussion next week. _E
2 The after-school classes start next week. _
3 One of the teachers is planning a school
musical. _
2 Q (Circle)the correct options.
4 Jessica wants to do modern dance. _
1 In the 1970s, (5Sco)/ dancing was a popular
dance in nightclubs. 5 Camila wants to do sport next term. _
2 Salsa I Tap dancing is a type of dance from Latin 6 Enzo wants to have a PE class after school.
5 Q Q Q Answer the questions.
3 Breakdance / Swing is a strong, exciting style of
1 What music or dance activities can you do at
jazz dancing with a partner.
your school?
4 My grandparents don’t like modern dance I country.
They prefer more traditional dancing styles.
2 What other after-school activities or clubs does
5 Swing I Zumba is a type of exercise, often in a class,
your school have?
with dance movements.

U N IT 9 | S H O W YOUR M O VES 75
LANGUAGE IN ACTION P re se n t s im p le for fu tu re
P re se n t c o n tin u o u s for fu tu re
4 Q Complete the sentences with the present
1 Q Complete the sentences with the present continuous simple form of the verbs in brackets.
form of the verbs in brackets. 1 The next show sta rts (start) at eight.
1 Our school s performing (perform) a musical next 2 The s i n g e r s ( a r r i v e ) at five in the
term. afternoon.
2 K a t i e (help) with the costumes 3 Our t r a i n ( l e a v e ) at six the next
afterschool. morning.
3 Ms W i l s o n (teach) us the dance 4 To morrow’s rehea rsa I
moves next week. (not finish) until the evening.
4 W h o ( w r i t e ) the programmes
forthe new musical?
5 ESQ Write questions forthe answers in
Exercise 4.
5 I (not play) in the orchestra next time.
1 What time does the next show sta rt ?
6 y o u ( c o m e ) to watch the show
2 W h e n ?
3 W h a t t i m e ?
2 Q Write sentences with the present continuous. 4 W h e n ?
1 the musicians / leave for London tomorrow
The musicians are leaving for London tomorrow.
6 Q Q (gircle)the correct options.

2 they / perform three evening concerts in July 1$ reyou

ADAM doing)/ Do you do anything
this afternoon?
3 a journalist / interview the lead singer later AVA Yes, my big brother and 12meet/ are
meeting our cousin Greg outside the
4 a TV camera operator / record tomorrow’s show club. He 3’s coming / comes to stay with
us after his performance.
5 the drummer/ not play with the band tonight ADAM Ah, yes - the rapper! 4Don'tyou watch /
Aren't you watching his show?
AVA I’ve seen it twice! We 5're getting / get
6 he / fly to New York next week to study music
something to eat on the way home.
ADAM What tim e 6/s the show finishing / does
3 Q Q Complete the sentences with the present the show finish?
continuous form of the verbs in the box. AVA It 7ends / ’s ending at 7.30, so we
8 ’re going / go to that new Italian place.

arrive cook help not come not do watch W e 9buy / 're buying pizzas to take
home for dinner!
1 Jonny is helping his sister with her homework
2 The boys a film after school.
3 I pasta tonight. Who wants to come?
4 Helena’s busy so she to the theatre.
5 When the stars of the s h o w ?
6 We anything special tonight.

A review

1 Q Read the review. Where is the performance taking place?

E leven —the M usical!

This year’s Year 11 students have formed a unique song and dance group. Their show, called
Eleven - the Musical!, tells the story of Kurt Goldberg, a theatre director, and the dancers who want
to perform in his show. The music is a mix of disco and swing. Some of Year I l ’s best musicians also
play their own songs.
It’s a classic story of dancers who come to the city to become famous. I was very impressed by the
beautiful costumes and creative make-up, and Chris Randall is superb as Kurt Goldberg. However,
the highlight of the show was the singing. Chris has a powerful voice and the dancers’ songs were
often funny. On the downside, the set was not very exciting.
Eleven - the Musical! is on again in the main hall next Friday and Saturday. After that, Chris is
leaving to study opera and others in the group are continuing their theatre studies in different
colleges in the UK. All in all, if you love music, this unique musical is a must-see.

2 Q Complete the sentences with the

underlined phrases in the review.
Write a review of a school show that you have seen or been in.
1 I was very impressed by the funny script.
2 S o , h i p - h o p , this show is
for you. 4 QE3 Make notes about these things.
3 The of the show was the 1 A general description of the show:
superb tap dancing. I loved it!
4 For anyone who enjoys jazz, this show is 2 Details about the dancing, music, costumes, etc. and
what you liked/didn’t like:
5 On t h e , the lead guitarist
didn’t play well. 3 A sum m aryofyouropinion:
6 , it’s a show you mustn’t
3 QQ Which things do these adjectives 5 QQQ Write your review. Remember to use adjectives,
describe? the present simple to describe the show, the past simple
1 unique the song and dance group for your opinion and phrases from the Useful language
box (see Student’s Book, pll3).
2 classic ______________________
3 b e a ut if u I ______________________ CHECK
4 creative ______________________ 6 Do you...
5 superb ______________________ • use three paragraphs?
• say what you liked and didn’t like?
6 p ow e rfu I ______________________
• summarise your opinions at the end?
7 funny ______________________
8 notexciting ______________________


VO CABU LARY 2 Find ten dance styles in the wordsnake.

Look at the photos and complete the descriptions

below with words for musical instruments and


3 Complete the email with the correct form of going

to or will and the verbs in the box.

be bring cost finish go

have meet not rain
\ >

TO: Jed

FROM: Lindy

Hi Jed,
Aidan and I 1 to a music festival at

11 the weekend. Do you remember Jake and Ida? They

2 us there. I 3
all my homework first so I can really relax and enjoy
myself! Aidan 4 sandwiches and
hot drinks because we think the festival food
5 a lot - it’s always expensive!
I hope i t 6 on Friday, but
I think i t 7 cloudy all weekend.
I’m not worried about that - I’m sure we
8 fun.
Hope your weekend’s fun too!
See you soon,
1 Katrina plays t h e . S h e has
studied music.
2 Bryony loves music and plays
the in the park.
3 Marius is a great artist. All he
needs is his to speak into.
4 Monica plays the in a reggae
band and Milton plays t h e .
5 Ella plays the guitar and Joe
plays the in their band.
6 Our music teacher plays the in a

4 (£ircle)the correct options.
1 \'m not doing I don't do anything special this afternoon.
2 The programme says the music starts I is starting at 8.30 pm.
3 People are arriving I arrive at seven tonight for the party.
4 Are you using / Do you use that microphone tonight?
5 Who’s writing I writes the songs for next year’s show?
6 The ticket office opens I is opening tomorrow at 9 am.
7 A really exciting event is happening I happens at our school next week.
8 You’ll have to run for the last bus because the show isn't ending I doesn't end until 10.30.


5 Complete the conversation with the missing words. (£ircle)the correct options.

HARRY Have you of SoGood Sounds?
TINA If they 2 a reggae band, I won’t know them. I’m not as interested in that kind of
music 3 y ou a re.
HARRY No, no, there’s an organisation called SoGood Sounds.4 of them?
TINA No. What5 ?
HARRY They organise outdoor music festivals67 money for charities. They’re all musicians,
and they raise money for disabled people because some of them can’t live alone or look after
TINA Oh, I see. Do you know 8 more about the music they play?
HARRY Not really. I think that there 9 be one of their concerts next weekend, but I’m not
sure. 110 to look on the website tonight.
TINA OK, so when you g et 11 information, can you text me?
HARRY Of course. I’ll do that if 112 , no problem!

1 a heard ever b ever heard c ever hear

2 a are b will be c won’t be
3 a like b than c as
4 a Did you hear b Have you heard c Were you hearing
5 a they do b are they doing c do they do
6 a to raise b for raise c for raising
7 a itself b themselves c theirselves
8 a anything b anywhere c anyone
9 a has to b might c might to
10 a will b ’m going c should
11 a an b a c some
12 a ’m remembering b ’ll remember c remember

EXAM TIPS: Reading skills

R eading: M u ltip le c h o ic e
You will read a long text, which is often based on a newspaper or magazine article. This exam task tests your
understanding of the most important ideas and some details of the text. The title tells you what the topic is. There
are five multiple-choice questions. To answer the questions you need to choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
How does Estefania feel about the school exchange trip?
A She’s excited to meet new people.
B She’s worried about speaking a new language.
C She’s nervous about being away from home for the first time.

Exam gu id e : M u ltip le c h o ic e

• Start by reading the title of the text so you know what the topic is.

• Read the whole text quickly first to find out more about the topic and to get a general understanding.

• Read the text again more carefully to get a better understanding. Use the context to work out the meaning
of any new vocabulary, but don’t spend too much time worrying about unfamiliar words at this point.

• Now read all the questions carefully and underline the important ‘key’ words in the questions. This helps
you when you look for the same information in the text.
How does Estefania feel about the school exchange trip?

• Read the first question again. Then look for the part of the text where you think you might find the answer.
If you remember something from when you read through the text, go back to that part first to check. If not,
read from the beginning until you find what you need.

• When you find the relevant part of the text, underline the words and write the number of the question next
to the words you underlined. Then circle the option in the question, A, B or C, that most closely matches the
meaning in the text. Use the keywords in the question to help you.
I’m really happy to go to Dublin to learn English and stay with an English-speaking family, and I don’t mind
being away from home, but I hope I won’t forget the English I already know and I can understand everyone!

• Remember to check the other two options as well to decide why they aren’t correct.

• Now read the other questions and repeat the process until you finish.

• You don’t lose points for a wrong answer, so always give an answer for each question even if you aren’t sure.


The text often mentions information from all three options, but only one option is correct. Read •
the text carefully and match the meaning, not the words. :

8 0 E X A M T IP S
R ead in g p ra ctice : M u ltip le c h o ic e

Underline the key words in the questions. ‘Key’ words carry the meaning in a
sentence: they are usually nouns,
0 What after-school activities does Lena like doing on Mondays?
adjectives, verbs, adverbs and question
1 What day does Tom prefer playing tennis with his brother? words. Underlining these words in
2 Why does Mason think art classes are difficult? questions can help you to focus on the
3 Who prefers studying alone to studying with other people? information you need to find in the text.
4 How did Eva feel on the morning of her exam?
5 What, accordingto Josh, is the best thing about eating lunch at home?

Underline the key words in questions 1-5. Then match 1-5 with A-E.
What’s Ben doing with his friends now? A He met him in the park on Friday.
2 What did Ben do last weekend with his aunt? He plays basketball during the week.
3 Where did Ben arrange to see his friend last week? Today, they’re at the sports centre.
4 What does Ben do Monday to Friday after school? D He goes to computer club every weekend.
5 Where does Ben go on Saturdays? E On Saturday, he went to the cinema with her.

Choose the option, A, B or C, which

Look out for words or phrases which look different in the
has the same meaning as each
questions and text but have the same meaning, for example,
sentence (1-3). Then underline the
synonyms, or antonyms with a negative verb.
words and phrases which helped
you to match the sentences.
0 Lily hates going to her grandma's afterschool. 2 We were tired after the journey.
® Lily really doesn’t like going to her grandma’s after A We didn’t have much energy after the journey
school. B The journey was tiring, but we felt OK after it.
B Lily doesn’t mind going to her grandma’s after school. C We were full of energy after the journey.
C Lily likes going to her grandma’s after school. 3 My parents are upset with me.
1 Harry was nervous about the exam results. A My parents aren’t unhappy with me.
A Harry wasn’t worried about the exam results. B My parents aren’t angry with me.
B Harry felt worried about the exam results. C My parents aren’t very happy with me.
C Harry was excited about the exam results.

4 Read the text and match the words in bold with the synonyms 1-5.
Last night our neighbours were on a game show on TV! Mr and Mrs Jackson seemed quite worried at the
beginningof the show because they were losing. Mr Jackson looked scared and couldn’t answer his questions
very well, but Mrs Jackson answered her questions with no difficulty. The final question was for the Jackson
team, and they thought about it with care before answering. They got the answer right and won the game in the
end, which was fantastic!
0 nervous worried
1 e a s i l y 4 correct
2 c a r e f u lly 5 afraid
3 programme

EXAM TIPS: Reading skills

R eading: O p e n c lo ze
You will complete six gaps in a short, simple text using one word only per gap. All words must be spelled correctly.
This task tests your knowledge of parts of speech such as verbs, determiners, prepositions and pronouns. There is
one example in the text, marked ‘O’.
Have you ( 0 ) the new Fantastic Beasts film?

Exam g u id e : O p e n c lo z e
• First, read the text quickly to find out the topic and understand the general meaning.

• Think about the possible words that might go in the gaps as you read through.

• Look carefully at the words before and after each gap, and read the whole sentence before deciding on a
suitable answer. Underline any important words.

• Remember that you must write only ONE word per gap.

• If you are not sure of an answer, move on to the next item. You can do the ones you find easiest first and come
back to the more difficult ones at the end.

• For difficult items, use the words before and after the gap to try to work out the part of speech. For example,
if the gap is preceded by a subject pronoun, the missing word is probably a verb. If it comes after a verb or a
noun, it may be a preposition.

• If you think that more than one answer is possible, think very carefully about the sentence and the structure
again. Read the sentence over in your head with both alternatives. Choose the word you feel fits best.
Sometimes there is more than one possible answer, but remember you can write only ONE of these correct
words in the gap.
Have you (0) seen the new Fantastic Beasts film?
Have you (0) watched the new Fantastic Beasts film?

• When you have completed all the gaps, read the whole text again carefully to check your answers and spelling.

• You don’t lose points for a wrong answer, so always write something for each gap. If you aren’t sure, guess.

The most common parts of speech which are tested in this exam part are pronouns (e.g. her), determiners (e.g.
some), conjunctions (e.g. because), time expressions (e.g. since), auxiliary verbs (e.g. would) and prepositions
. (e.g. in).

R ead in g p ra ctice : O p e n c lo ze
Look at the words before and after the gap to
What type of word is missing in each sentence? decide what part of speech the missing word is.
(£ircle)the correct parts of speech.
0 We sa w great film last night. (article)/ verb
1 Noel fell his skateboard and hurt his knee, preposition / verb
2 He bought girlfriend a new pair of shoes. preposition I possessive adjective
3 You don’t to come if you don’t want to. verb / determiner
4 She’s put to o salt in the food. determiner I conjunction
5 does Lisa live? time expression I question word
6 Let’s buy Lucy a present it’s her birthday. conjunction / pronoun

Complete the sentences in Exercise 1 with the correct missing words.

3 Read the text and correct the words in bold. Rememberto read the
whole text again when you
°Does you know Corey’s cousin, James? He’s : a athlete! He 12win two gold
finish. Check that you have used
medals for 34her school last year, and he wants to Running in the county
the correct verb forms, e.g. She
championships next month. He exercises five times a week 5on the sports
have has never been to London.
club, and he always tries to do 6best each time. He’s 7so talented as the
other athletes, and I believe he can win the championships 8on the future.
0 Do 2 ________ 4 ________ 6 ________ 8
1 ________ 3 ________ 5 ________ 7 ________

4 (Circle) the correct missing words to complete the sentences.

... it rain last night? a Has y Did c l/l/as
1can’t do this question. It’s ... hard! a too b enough c as
Kerry did v e ry ... in the exams. a good b bad c well
The alarm went o ff... our maths class. a at b during c while
You ... run in the school corridors. a don’t b must c shouldn’t
Were you ... to call me just now? a trying b tried c try

Match one word from each box with each gap.

Sometimes more than one word can fill a gap -
though this isn’t very common. When you think
there is more than one possibility, write only one in
the gap. Try to choose the answer which you think is
the most common.
0 ... you heat ice, it melts. ___ If When
1 I thought I did badly in the test, but I got a ... good score!
2 ... country did you go to on holiday?
3 We ... to get to the station by ten o’clock to catch the train.
4 ... you open the window, please?
5 Do you know how to turn ... this computer?

EXAM TIPS: Listening skills

Listen in g: M a tch in g
You will listen to a conversation between two people who know each other and match information in two lists
of items. You will hear the conversation twice. This exam task tests your understanding of detailed information.
Before you listen to the conversation, you will hear instructions explaining who is speaking and what they are
talking about.
You will hear Josh and Stella talking about the band for a new school musical.
To complete the task, you need to match the items in the first list with the correct items in the second list. There
are five items in the first list and eight in the second: there are three extra items you don’t need.
You will hear Josh and Stella talking about the band for a new school musical. Which musical instrument is each
person going to play?
1 Josh A bass guitar
2 Stella B drums
3 Kristie C guitar
4 Ella D keyboard
5 Adam E piano
F saxophone
Q trumpet
H violin

Exam gu id e : M a tc h in g
• You will have time before you listen to read the question and look at the lists. Read them carefully and think
about the context so you know what you can expect to hear.

• You will see that all the words in each list belong to the same vocabulary group. The first list is usually people and
the second list is a group of nouns such as sports, food or musical instruments. In the recording you will hear the
items in the first list in the same order in which they appear on the page.

• When you listen the first time, try and understand the general meaning of the conversation and think about
the best option for each answer. If you aren’t sure, don’t worry. The second time you listen you can check your
first answer or make another choice.

• The first time you listen, you can also try to identify the items in the second list that are not needed. You can
then cross these out so you can focus only on the other items when you listen the second time.

• When you listen the second time, focus more on specific information and check your answers carefully.

• You don’t lose points for a wrong answer, so always write an answer for each item. If you aren’t sure, guess.


It’s important to know when to stop focusing on a question you’re not sure about, so that you don’t miss the
next question. Don’t spend too long on one item - try and follow the conversation. You can revise your answers J
when you listen the second time or at the end of the task. :
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ••

84 E X A M T IP S
A2 Key (for Schools)

Listening practice: M atching p

Always read the instructions and
H1 Read the instruction and question, and answer the question carefully before you listen to
questions below. Then listen and check your ideas. the conversation. This will help you to
think about the context and anticipate
You will hear Josh and Stella talking about the band
what you are going to hear.
for a new school musical. Which musical instrument is
each person going to play?
1 Why do you think they’re talking aboutthe band forthe school musical?

2 What kinds of words do you think you w ill hear in the conversation?

3 Where do you think they are having their conversation?

Listen to the conversations. p
Which item is mentioned but When you listen, you may hear an item from the second list
isn’t the correct answer in each mentioned in the conversation that isn’t necessarily the correct answer.
conversation? Put a cross (X) Listen carefully and try to eliminate items which aren’t the correct option.
next to the incorrect options.

1 Sally enjoys watching ... a comedies. b dramas. c soap operas,

2 Forthe picnic, Joe needs to bring ... a a cake. b fruit. c sandwiches,
3 Pippa wants to volunteer as a ... a nurse. b carer. c paramedic,
4 For sports day, Marcus is going to compete in ... a swimming. b tennis. c volleyball,
5 Jessie’s favourite subject is ... a maths. b science. c geography.

3 Look at the lists of words (a-d). Which vocabulary group does each list belong to?
1 Where did Martin go on Saturday?
a swimming pool b park c theatre d restaurant places in a to wn
2 What did Monica’s grandfather do when he was younger?
a paramedic b police officer c vet d firefighter
3 What did Tim have after his accident?
a bruises b a cut head c a broken leg d a sprain
4 How does Luke get to school?
a bus b on foot c car d bike
5 What things has Mina got in her bedroom?
a armchair b cupboard c desk d wardrobe

4 Listen and (choose) the correct options in Exercise 3. You will hear all the options (a-d) mentioned
. . --------- .
in each conversation, but only two are correct.

E X A M P R A C TIC E 85
P re se n t s im p le • Adverbs of frequency say how often we do something.
They go after the verb be but before all other verbs.
Affirmative Negative She's always late. He sometimes chats online.
1/ You / We / They play the 1/ You / We / They do not • In questions, adverbs of frequency always come after
piano. (don’t) play the piano. the subject.
He / She / It plays the piano. He / She / It does not Do you always watch TV online?
(doesn’t) play the piano.
love, like, d o n 't m ind, h a te + -ing
• We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits • We use the -ing form of the verb after like, don’t like,
and routines. don’t mind, love and hate.
I speak Italian. He goes to university. She loves making cakes. (NOT Shedoves-makeca-kes.)
• The third person form (he / she I it) of the present • We can also use nouns after these verbs.
simple ends in -s. He doesn't mind basketball, but he loves athletics.
eat - he eats read - she reads
have g o t
• With verbs ending in consonant +-y, we replace the -y
with -ies for the he I she I it forms.
Affirmative Negative
study -sh e studies
1/ You / We / They have 1/ You / We / They have not
• The he I she I it form of verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x (’ve) got a phone. (haven’t) got a phone.
and -o is -es.
He / She / It has (’s) got a He / She / It has not
kisses finishes teaches relaxes goes
phone. (hasn’t) got a phone.
• Some verbs have got an irregular spelling in the third
person. • We use have got to talk about possession and
hove - she has be - he is relationships.
• We form the negative of the present simple with the I've got five brothers.
subject +don’t/doesn’t +infinitive. • We usually use contractions in conversation.
They don't speak Italian. He's got on uncle in the UK.
• We use doesn’t in the third person (he / she I it). • We use the full form of the verb have got to be more
He doesn't play in the school team. formal.
He has got an uncle in the UK.
Question Short answer
• To make the negative, we put n’t (not) after have and
Do 1/ you / we / they like Yes, 1/ you / we / they do.
before got.
rugby? No, 1/ you / we / they don’t.
l/l/e haven't got a portable charger.
Does he / she / it like rugby? Yes, he / she / it does.
No, he / she / it doesn’t. Question Short answer
Have 1/ you / w e/ Yes, 1/ you / we / they have.
• We form present simple Yes/No questions with do/
they got a laptop? No, 1/ you / we / they haven’t.
does +subject +infinitive.
Do you read magazines? Has he / she / it Yes, he / she / it has.
got a laptop? No, he / she / it hasn’t.
• We use short answers with do/does to reply. We don’t
repeat the main verb. • We use have +subject +got +object in questions.
A Do you write a blog? B Yes, I do. (NOT Yes, I write.) Have you got headphones?

A d v e rb s of fre q u e n c y • In spoken English, we reply to questions with short

always usually often som etim es never
A Have you got a tablet?
100% <--------------------------------------------------------- > 0%
B Yes, I have. (NOT Kes, I have got.) / No, I haven't. (NOT
No, I haven't got.)


P re se n t s im p le A d v e rb s o f fre q u e n c y

Complete the table with the third person form of the verbs 5 Circle)the correct options.
in the box. 1 DanCqlways does)/ does always his homework
in front of the TV.
2 They often are / are often in the park at the
-s -es -fes
3 Gina and Martin usually go / go usually to the
1 ___ plays 3 _______5___ ________
cinema on Saturdays.
2 __________ 4 _______6___ ________
4 I sometimes get / get sometimes DVDs from
2 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the library.
the verbs in brackets. 5 My sister never is / is never late for school.
1 Marta and Matt like sport, (like) 6 Alex usually listens / listens usually to music in
2 I do my homework during the week, but my best friend the evening.
_____ it on a Sunday, (do)
3 They_______ hockey on Saturdays, (play) love, like, don't mind, hate +-ing
4 My sister_______ English at university, (study)
g Write sentences with love, like, don’t mind, hate
5 My dad the bus to work every day. (catch)
3 Write sentences with the present simple. 1 I / love/w atch/film s
1 I/ not like/athletics I lovewatchingfilms.__________
Idon’t like athletics._______________________________ 2 Molly / not mind / get up / early
2 Harry / read / the school magazine / every week
3 W e /lik e /g o /to the cinema
3 My sister / not hang out / with friends in the evening
4 My dad / hate/listen/to the radio
4 My friends/love/m y new blog
5 Rosie/not mind / do/homework
5 Laura and Dan / not play / hockey on Saturdays

6 We / do / homework/ at the homework club have got

7 Complete the text with the correct form of

4 Write Yes/No questions and short answers. have got. Use contractions.
I1 Vegot a new friend in my class. Her name’s
1 Molly I get up / at 6 am / every day / ? (/)
Maria. She 2 brown hair and blue eyes.
Docs Molly get up a t 6 am every day? Yes, she does.
She 3_______ (not) any brothers, but she
2 Dan/ read/your b lo g /? (X) 4_______ three sisters. Her mum and dad

5_______ a house next to ours! I really like her

3 you I play computer games / with your friends / ? (/) because w e 5_______ the same hobbies and we
like the same things! What about you?
7_______ you________a good friend in your
4 your sister I write / good stories I ? (X)
class? 8_______ your friend________the same
5 Rabia and Fatima / go to / the same school / ? (/) hobbies as you?


P re se n t c o n tin u o u s P re se n t s im p le and p re se n t c o n tin u o u s
• We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits
A ffirm a tive Negative
and routines.
1am (’m) watching TV. 1am (’m) not watching TV.
Water freezes at 0 °C.
You / We / They are (’re) You / We / They are not I listen to music when I walk to school.
watching TV. (aren’t) watching TV. She always goes shopping on Fridays.
He / She / It is (’s) watching He / She / It is not (isn’t) • We use the present continuous to talk about actions in
TV. watching TV. progress at the time of speaking.
• We use the present continuous to talk about actions in / watch a lot of TV. At the moment, I ’m watching a great
progress at the time of speaking. on-demond series.
You are learning about the present continuous. He usually works in an office, but he’s working at home
• For the affirmative, we use subject + be + verb + -ing.
Tom’s watching a reality show. We’re reading a blog. • Some verbs are not usually used in the continuous
form: hate, know, like, love, need, prefer, remember,
• For the negative, we put not after be.
think, understand, want.
She is not (isn’t) downloading songs.
I like this programme. (NOT I’m liking this programme.)
Question S hort answer • We use expressions like at the moment and right now
Am 1watching TV? Yes, 1am. with the present continuous.
No, I’m not. He’s doing his homework at the moment.
Are you / w e/they Yes, you / we / they are. • We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple.
watching TV? No, you / we / they aren’t. He always does his homework after dinner.
Is he / she / it watching Yes, he/she / it is. A d v e rb s o f m a n n e r
TV? No, he / she / it isn’t.
• We use adverbs of manner to say how we do
• To form questions, we use be + subject + verb + -ing. something.
Are you watching cartoons? Carl can run very fast.
• We don’t use the verb + -ing in short answers. • Adverbs of manner come after the verb or the object if
Yes, I am. (NOT Vos, I am listening.) the sentence contains one.
• We form information questions with the Wh- question They don’t speak clearly.
word before be. Lia can draw animals well.
Who are you reading about? • To form regular adverbs we add -ly to the adjective.
What ore you watching on TV? nice - nicely loud - loudly
• With most verbs, we add -ing to the infinitive. • For adjectives ending in -y, we remove the -y and
speak - speaking read - reading drink - drinking add -Uy.
• For verbs ending in -e, we remove the -e and add -ing. happy - happily noisy - noisily
write - writ ing have- having give- giving • For adjectives ending in -I, we add -ly.
• For verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant, we careful - carefully beautiful - beautifully
double the final consonant and add -ing. • Some adverbs of manner are irregular.
stop - stopping shop - shopping plan - planning good - well hard - hard late - late


P re se n t c o n tin u o u s P re se n t s im p le and p re s e n t c o n tin u o u s

Complete the table with the -ing form of the 4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in
verbs in the box. the present simple or present continuous.
1 isn’t I She / documentary I watching I the
de run take travel walk write
She isn’t watching the documentary.
2 makes I My mum / always / for the show I the costumes
add -ing remove the double the
-e and add consonant
-ing and add -ing 3 English / We / studying / aren’t I today
1 doing 3 ________ 5 __________
2 _________ 4 ________ 6 __________ 4 to / the I best friend / to go / doesn’t / want I cinema / My

2 Complete the sentences with the present 5 weekend / I / to / friends / at / the / chat / my / online
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My best friends are reading in the library, 6 moment / I’m / helping / my / mum / the / at
2 I for a new camera, (look)
5 Complete the sentences with the present simple or
3 My m um in the cafe, (sit)
present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
4 She coffee, (not drink)
5 My d ad a chocolate cake in the listen make not do not talk visit watch
kitchen, (make)
1 W e___re watching a comedy show right now.
6 Rosie and Dan online, (not chat)
2 I my homework at the moment.
3 Write present continuous questions and short 3 They often their aunt on Saturdays.
answers about the people in the table. 4 My grandma usually to the news on
the radio in the morning.
watch a study
film grammar 5 My mum sometimes the food we see
(4)/ on cookery shows.
Jack (l)x
Rory and Holly (5)X 6 Ja ck on his mobile phone to his best
friend at the moment.
Alba (3)X (6)/

1 Is Jack watching a film? A d v e rb s o f m a n n e r

No, he isn’t._
6 Complete the text with the adverb form of the adjectives
2 ________________________________
in brackets.
My brother doesn’t make friends 1 easily (easy). He’s
3 ______________________________________
only got two really good friends. They usually play
computer games at home. I don’t play with them because
4 ______________________________________ they do everything really 2 (quick), and I play
3 (slow) and 4 (bad)!
5 ________________________________
My brother loves drawing and he can draw 5
(good). Sometimes he teaches me how to draw. I think
6 ________________________________ he’s a good teacher because he explains everything
6 (ca refu I).


Past s im p le • To form past sim ple questions, we use Did + subject +
infinitive w ithout to.
Affirm ative Negative Did Tom enjoy the concert yesterday?
1/ You / He / She / It / We / 1/ You / He / She / It / We / • We put question words before did.
They went to a museum. They did not (didn’t) go to a What did you do last weekend?
• To form past questions with be, change the word order.
be Were you late to class this morning?
1/ He / She / It was bored. 1/ He / She / It was not
(wasn’t) bored. th e re w a s /th e r e w e re
You / W e /T h e y were You / We / They were not Affirm ative Negative
bored. (weren’t) bored. Singular There was a b o w l/ There was not (wasn’t)
som e food. a bowl / any food.
• We use the past sim ple to talk about com pleted events
and actions in the past.
He watched a history docum entary last night. Plural There were som e There were not
M/e were tired after the journey. forks. (weren’t) any forks.

• Most verbs in the past sim ple end in -ed. • We use there was and there were to talk about what
want -w a n te d need - needed show - showed existed in the past.
• For verbs ending in -e, add -d. • We use there was with singular countable and
live - lived hate - hated phone - phoned uncountable nouns.
• For verbs ending consonant + -y, we remove the -y There was a book here. There was m ilk in the cup.
and add -/ed. • We use there were with plural countable nouns.
study - studied carry - carried m arry - m arried There were a lot o f tourists in our town last weekend.
• For verbs ending consonant + vowel + consonant, we • We use some after there was/were with uncountable
double the final consonant and add -ed. and plural countable nouns.
shop - shopped travel - travelled stop - stopped There was some water in the bottle.
• Som e past sim ple verbs are irregular. There were some houses here years ago.
become - became come - came p u t-p u t • We use any after there wasn't/weren't with
• See the irregular verbs list on page 111. uncountable and plural countable nouns.
There wasn't any money in the purse.
• To form the past sim ple negative, we use subject + did
There weren’t any cups.
not (didn't) + infinitive w ithout to.
Borja didn't finish his homework last night. Question Short answer
• To form the past sim ple negative of be, add not (n't). Singular Was there a bowl / Yes, there was.
Mum wasn't very happy about my exam results. any food? No, there w asn’t.
Plural Were there any Yes, there were.
Question Short answer
forks? No, there w eren’t.
Did 1/ you / he / she / Yes, l/ y o u / h e /s h e / it /
it / w e / t h e y go to a w e /th e y did. • In questions, we usually use any with uncountable and
museum? No, 1/ you / he / she / it / we / plural countable nouns.
they d id n ’t. l/l/os there any bread at home?
be Were there any interesting objects at the museum?
Was 1/ h e / s h e / it Yes, 1/ h e /s h e / it was. • We d o n ’t repeat any in short answers.
bored? No, 1/ he / she / it w asn’t. A Was there any news about Lauro?
Were you / w e /th e y Yes, you / we / they were. B No, there wasn't (NOT No, there wasn't any.)
bored? No, you / we / they w eren’t.


P ast sim p le 4 Complete the question for each answer.
1 A What did you drink?
Complete the table with the past simple form of the
B I drank some cola.
verbs in the box.
2 A W h e r e ?
cry like plan smile stay stop tidy wait B He went to a concert.
3 A W h e n ?
add -ed ending in remove -y, double final
B They started school in January.
-e, add -d add -ied consonant,
4 A W h o ?
add -ed
B She met her sister.
1 waited 3 5
2 ______ 4 ______ 6 ______ 8 ______ 5 A W h a t ?
B He ate a hot dog.
2 Write sentences with the past simple.
6 A W h y ?
1 Tom /w ait/three hours / for the train
B They stayed at home because it was foggy.
Tom waLteddJireeihoursiTomthe train.
2 Joanna/not g o /to school/last week th e re w a s /th e r e w e re

3 Rosie and Sarah I not feel / tired after the journey 5 Complete the text with there was(n’t)/there were(n’t).
When I was at primary school1 there weren’t a lot
4 The journey/take/ten hours! of exams and 2 a lot of students
in my class - I think 3 only nine
5 I/ buy / som e/new shoes or ten of us. In my classroom 4 an
internet connection or an electronic board, but it was
beautiful.5 pictures and stories
3 Write past simple questions and short answers on the walls and 6 a storytelling
about the people in the table. hour every day.7 any computers or
laptops in our class, but we loved writing on the little
Holly Maria Ivan green board!
and Sam
go cinema (i)x (2)/ (3)/ g (£ircle)the correct options.
eat pizza (4)/ (5)X (6)X 1 Were there a / some /(ony) posters on the walls?
2 There wasn’t an / some / any exam every week.
1 Did Holly go to the cinema?_____________________
3 There weren’t a / some / any computers.
4 Was there a / some / any board in the classroom?
2 __________________________________________
5 There wasn’t a / some / any window in the
3 ___________________________________ classroom.
6 There were an / some / any interesting storybooks.
4 ___________________________________
7 Complete the questions with l/l/asthere or Were there.
1 Were there many people at the party?
5 ____________________________________
2 any good TV programmes on last night?
3 a party at your house last night?
6 ___________________________________
4 an exam at school last week?
5 three or four students in the library?


Past c o n tin u o u s : a ffirm a tiv e an d n e g a tiv e Past s im p le and p a st c o n tin u o u s
• We often use the past simple and past continuous
Affirmative Negative
together. We use the past simple for shorter actions
1/ He / She / It was 1/ He / She / It was not
which interrupt longer actions in the past continuous.
travelling. (wasn’t) travelling.
Past simple
You / We/They were You / We / They were not
travelling. (weren’t) travelling.
Past continuous
• We use the past continuous to talk about actions
in progress at a specific time in the past, or actions I was cycling to school when I saw Lily.
interrupted by another action. He was walking through the park when he fell and hurt
l/l/e were doing homework at 5 pm yesterday. his knee.
Chloe was reading when James texted her. • We often use when, while and as with the past
• We form affirmative sentences with subject +was/
were +verb +-ing.
Their computer broke when they were studying.
He was walking to school. While she was having breakfast, she got a text from
• To form the negative, we put n’t (not) after was/were
As we were leaving the party, Lucas arrived.
and before the verb +-ing. Not is usually contracted.
• We use when with the past simple for shorter actions.
They weren’t listening to the teacher.
When I saw Tom, he was arguing with Adele in the street.
Past co n tin u o u s : q u e s tio n s (NOT While I saw Tom ...)

Question Short answer

Was 1/ he / she / it Yes, 1/ he / she / it was.
travelling? No, 1/ he / she / it wasn’t.
Were you /w e/th ey Yes, you / we / they were.
travelling? No, you / we / they weren’t.

• We form questions with Was/Were +subject +verb

Were you reading in bed last night?
• We don’t use verb +-ing in short answers.
A 1/1/czs he chatting online?
B Yes, he was. (NOT Yes-he-wa^-oha-t-t-in-g.)
• For information questions, we put the Wh- question
word before be.
What were you doing this morning?


Past c o n tin u o u s : a ffirm a tiv e an d n e g a tiv e 4 (Circle the correct options.
1 A Was he reading the story?
Complete the sentences with the past continuous B Yes, he(wos)/ were.
form of the verbs in the box.
2 A Were they playing football at 4 pm?
chat get have hide play watch B No, they was I weren’t.
3 A Were you talking on the phone to your friend at
At 5 pm yesterday afternoon ... 10 pm last night?
1 Peter wasplaying the piano. B No, I wasn’t I weren’t.
2 Ja ck a shower. 4 A Was your mum making breakfast at 7 am?
3 Rosie and Dan to friends. B Yes, she was I were.
4 We a drama series on TV. 5 A Were you watching TV at 9 pm yesterday?
B Yes, we was I were.
5 My sister dressed.
6 A Was Susan doing her homework at 6 pm?
6 The children under the bed!
B Yes, she was / were.
2 Complete the sentences with the negative past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Past s im p le and past c o n tin u o u s
1 Peter wasn’t playing football, (play)
5 Complete each sentence with the past simple or the
2 Jack emails, (write) past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
3 Rosie and Dan in the garden, (sit) 1 Whilewe werewalking (walk)homewe
4 We our bikes, (ride) saw (see) eight or nine cats crossing
5 I a sandwich, (eat) the road!
6 The children any noise, (make) 2 He (go) to bed when the phone
____________ (ring).
Past c o n tin u o u s : q u e s tio n s 3 I ( f a l l ) over while I
(walk) to school.
3 Write questions with the past continuous. 4 When I ( a r r i v e ) home, my dad
1 W hat/you/do/yesterday/? (dance) in the kitchen!
What were you doing yesterday? 5 In the story, the m a n ( s t e a l ) the
2 W here/they/go/last night/? money when the p o l i c e ( a r r i v e ) .
6 While I ( c h a t ) online, my mum
3 W ho/she/ talk to /? (come) into my room to turn the
light off.
4 Why / he / laugh / at me / ?
6 Complete the story with the past simple or the past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
5 Where/you and your mum / stay/?
11 was g e t t i n g (get) into bed last night when I
2 (see) a light in the garden.
6 W h at/you r/frien d s/say/?
While 13 (go) downstairs, I
4 (hear) someone at the door! I
5 (try) to close the door when my
dad 6 (shout), ‘Let me in! It’s me,


co u ld Superlatives
Affirm ative Negative Short adjectives: smart add -est: the smartest
11 You I He / She / It/ 11 You / He / She / It / We / Short adjectives ending double the final consonant
We / They could swim. They could not (couldn’t) in vowel + consonant: and add -est: the biggest
swim. big
Adjectives ending in -e: add -st: the safest
• We use could/couldn’tto talk about ability and safe
possibility and to ask for permission in the past. Adjectives ending in -y: remove the -y and add -iest:
When I was four I could swim ten metres.
easy the easiest
He couldn’t call earlier because he was at work.
Long adjectives: put the most before
• Could is the same for all persons. The third person interesting the adjective: the most
(he I she / it) form doesn’t end in -s. interesting
She could sing Happy Birthday in three languages.
Irregular adjectives
• To form the negative, we put n ’t (not) after could. good bad the best the worst
He couldn’t pay for his university books.
• We use superlative adjectives to say a thing or person
Question Short answer has got the most of a particular quality.
Could I / you / he/ Yes, 11 you / he / she / it / we / • We use the with a superlative adjective.
she / it / we / they they could. Riley is the tallest person in her family.
swim? No, 11 you / he / she / it / we /
they couldn’t. too, too m uch, too m a n y

• To form questions, we change the order of could and • We use too, too much and too many to say that there
the subject. is an excess of something.
Could you speak English in primary school? • We use too with adjectives.
I ’m too excited to sleep - it’s my birthday tomorrow!
C o m p a ra tiv e and s u p e rla tiv e a d je ctiv e s
• We use too much with uncountable nouns.
Comparatives I ’ve got too much homework so I can’t go out tonight.
Short adjectives: smart add -er: smarter • We use too many with plural countable nouns.
Short adjectives ending double the final consonant Daniel’s got too many plans for the weekend - he
in vowel + consonant: and add -er: bigger doesn’t know which one to choose.
big (not) enough + noun
Adjectives ending in -e: add -r: safer
safe • We use enough when we have the right amount of
Adjectives ending in -y: remove the -y and add -ier: something or something is sufficient.
easy easier My brother has got enough experience to work there.
Long adjectives: put more before the • We use not enough when we need more of something
interesting adjective: more interesting or something is insufficient.
I haven’t got enough time to do charity work at the
Irregular adjectives
good bad better worse

• We use comparative adjectives to compare one thing

or person with another.
• We use the verb be + comparative adjective + than.
Riley is taller than Amelia.


c o u ld 4 (Circle)the correct options.
1 A I think being a firefighter is more dangerous/
J Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t
mostdangerous^ob in the world!
and the verb in brackets.
B I don’t agree. I think a police officer’s job is
1 I could speak French when I was five, (speak)
more dangerous / the most dangerous than a
2 She a shower because there wasn’t firefighter’s job.
any water, (not have)
2 A What is the best/ better way to travel?
3 My grandparents a house when
B People think it’s travelling by plane, but I think
they were young because they were poor, (not buy)
going by train is better / the best than travelling
4 Jack all the questions in his by plane.
English exam because they were easy, (answer)
3 A I think history is easier/ the easiest subject.
5 We him because he spoke very
B I don’t agree. I think science is easier /
quietly, (not hear)
the easiest than history.
6 Lynn a bike when she was six, but I
couldn’t, (ride)
too, too m u c h , too m a n y ; (not) e n o u g h
+ n oun
2 Put the words in the correct order to make
questions with could. 5 Put the words in the correct order to make
1 five I read I Could I were I you / when / you / ? sentences.
Could you read when you were five? 1 to / go / to / I’m / too / park / busy / the
2 his I brother/ Could / Spanish I speak I ? I’m too busyitoLgod2?d±e park
2 w o rk / M y / to o / d a d / h a s / m u c h
3 his I understand I Maria and David I accent I
Could / ? 3 clothes / got / I’ve/ too / in / many / wardrobe / my

4 six / Mason /sk a te /w a s / he/w hen /Could /? 4 enough / haven’t got / money / I / buy / to / a /
myself / new laptop
5 yesterday/you I understand / Could I science /
the / class / ? 5 hasn’t got / enough / to / study / She / time

C o m p a ra tiv e and s u p e rla tiv e a d je ctiv e s g Complete the text with the words in the box.
/--------------------------------------------- \
3 Complete the sentences with the comparative form enough not enough too (x2)
of the adjectives in brackets. too many too much
k_____________ _________________ /
1 Mathsis more boring (boring) than history.
I went to my first concert last week. I didn’t like it.
2 Ava’s homework is (good) than It w a s *12 too noisy and there were
Tim ’s homework. 2 people there. I wanted to have
3 Our new house i s ( b i g ) than the old something to eat, but there w a s 3 food
one. for everybody. After two hours I w a s 4
4 The weather in December i s ( b a d ) hungry to stay and I asked my mum to take me home.
than the weather in August. When we arrived home, Dad h a d 5
work and didn’t have 6 time to cook
5 I think my brother i s ( i n t e l l i g e n t )
dinner, so we had a pizza and then I went to bed!
than me.


(not) a s + a d je c tiv e + a s Question Short answer
• We use (not) as ... as to compare one thing or person Do 1/ you / we / they have Yes, 1/ you / we / they do.
with another. to do the ironing? No, 1/ you / w e/they
This tablet is as expensive as a laptop. don’t.
• We use not as + adjective + as to say that two things Does he / she / it have to Yes, he / she / it does.
or people are not equal in some way. do the ironing? No, he / she / it doesn’t.
Being a carer isn’t as dangerous as being a firefighter.
(= Being a firefighter is more dangerous than being a • To form questions, we use Do/Does + subject +have
carer.) to + infinitive.
• We use as + adjective + as to say two things or people Does your mum have to work at the weekend?
are the same. • In short answers we repeat do or does, not have to.
Being a nurse is as hard as being a doctor. (= Being a A Do you have to go to bed early during the week?
doctor is as hard as being a nurse.) B Yes, Ido. (NOT Yes, I have to.)

(not) + a d je c tiv e + e n o u g h
• We use not + adjective + enough when we need more
of something or something is insufficient.
I ’m not old enough to work there. You need to be 16 and
I ’m only 15.
• We use adjective +enough when we have the right
amount of something or something is sufficient.
This carpet is big enough to cover the floor.

h a v e to /d o n ’t h a v e to

Affirmative Negative
1/ You / We / They have to 1/ You / We / They do not
do the ironing. (don’t) have to do the
He / She / It has to do the He / She / It does not
ironing. (doesn’t) have to do the

• We use have to to say that something is necessary.

My sister has to empty the dishwasher every day.
You have to drive on the right side of the road in Turkey.
• We use don’t have to to say that something isn’t
I don’t have to help at home, but it makes my parents
They don’t have to do after-school activities at their


(not) a s + a d je c tiv e + a s 3 Complete the text with the phrases in the box.

Complete the second sentence so it has the as big as as comfortable as as small as

same meaning as the first sentence. Use (not) as as w id e as big enough
+... +as and the adjectives in brackets.
I got a new bed last week because I wanted a big,
1 Her new computer is smaller than her old comfortable bed that was 1 as wide as my parents’
computer. bed. We bought one that w as 2 for five
Her old computer isn’t as small as her new people to sleep in! My bedroom isn’t 3
computer, (small) my parents’ room (theirs is huge) and it’s also smaller
2 This red carpet is the same size as the blue than my brother’s, so my new bed is too big for my room
one. really. I sleep well in the bed because it’s
This red carpet the blue my parents’ bed, but I can’t have any
one. (big) furniture in my room now! My brother wants to have the
3 This chest of drawers is prettier than my new bed because he says his room isn’t
wardrobe. mine, so there’s more space! No way!

My wardrobe this chest of

h a v e to/do n ’t h a v e to
drawers, (beautiful)
4 These armchairs are the same price as the 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
chairs. have to.
The chairs the armchairs. 1 My teacher has to correct a lot of homework. /
2 To send a text message, you have a
5 This camera is lighterthan my phone. phone. /
My phone this camera. 3 My brother go to school by bus because
(light) my dad takes him in the car. X
6 The rooms in our apartment are wider than the 4 Dan and Maria do a lot of homework at
rooms in your apartment. the weekend. X
The rooms in your apartment 5 They wear a uniform at my sister’s school. /
the rooms in our apartment, (wide)
6 We cook dinner on Mondays and Fridays
because Dad does it. X
(not) + a d je c tiv e + e n o u g h
5 (Circle)the correct options.
2 Match 1-5 with a-e.
1 Jake has to /(gpesn’t haveTg)\i\iash the dishes because
1 My bedroom is too small. there’s a dishwasher.
2 You’re too young. 2 Do I Does Cindy and Tim have to clean the bathroom?
3 My shoes are too dirty. 3 Kim has to I doesn’t have to do the shopping because
4 This game is too easy. her mum is too busy.
5 It’s too cold to go swimming. 4 Oily has to / doesn’t have to wash his own clothes
because there is a washing machine.
a It isn’t difficult enough.
5 Mum and Dad don’t have to I have to clean the kitchen
b You’re not old enough.
because we do it.
c The weather isn’t hot enough.
6 A Do/ Does Lauren have to do any chores at home?
d It isn’t big enough.
B Yes, she do / does.
e They’re not clean enough!


s h o u ld / s h o u I d n ’t Z e ro c o n d itio n a l

should/shouldn’t Action/Situation: Result:

Affirmative Negative present simple present simple
l/ Y o u /H e / S h e /lt/ W e / 1/ You / He / She / It / If a bee stings you, it hurts.
They should be careful on We/They should not Result: Action/Situation:
the beach. (shouldn’t) swim in cold present simple present simple
water. It hurts if a bee stings you.

• We use should and shouldn’tto give advice and say • We use the zero conditional to talk about situations
that we think something is a good or bad idea. and their results that are always true.
You should put cold water on a burn. Ifyou heat water to 100 °C, it boils.
• Should is the same for all persons. We use an When you sprain your ankle, it usually bruises.
infinitive without to after should. • We use a comma to separate the two clauses when the
He should help his parents with the housework. action/situation clause comes first.
Ifyou work hard, you get results.
m u s t / m u s t n 't
First c o n d itio n a l
Affirmative Negative Action/Situation: Result:
l/ Y o u /H e / S h e /lt/ W e / I / You I He / She/ It/ present simple will + infinitive
They must drive on the left We/They must not If we see a jaguar, we’ll take a photo.
in the UK. (mustn’t) swim when there Result: Action/Situation:
is a red flag. will +infinitive present simple

• We use must and mustn’t to give strong advice and We’ll take a photo if we see a jaguar.
talk about rules. • We use the first conditional to talk about possible
You must watch this TV programme; it’s great. situations in the future and their results.
You must be 17 to drive a car. If we pass all our exams, we’ll have a party.
• Mustn’t means that something isn’t allowed. You’ll lose your teeth if you eat too much sugar.
You mustn’t use your phone in the cinema. • We use a comma to separate the two clauses if the
• Must is the same for all persons. We use an infinitive action/situation clause comes first.
without to after must. If it’s good weather tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.
He must remember to take his medicine every day.


s h o u ld / s h o u ld n ’t a n d m u s t / m u s t n ’t Z e ro c o n d itio n a l

Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t 4 Match 1-6 with a-f.
and the verbs in the box. 1 If it rains,

go (x2) open stay wear(x2) 2 When you read books,

3 If my friend is feeling sad,
1 It’s cold today. You should wear a warm coat. 4 When a snake bites you,
2 People say there are sharks in the sea. You 5 You make the colour green
6 If I don’t understand something in class,
3 It’s raining. You your umbrella.
4 I’ve got an exam tomorrow. I up a I try to make her laugh.
late. b if you mix yellow and blue.
5 A I’ve got toothache. c the grass gets wet.
B You to the dentist. d you learn things.
6 A These new shoes are too small for me. e I ask my teacher for help.
B You them! f you need to go to hospital.

2 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t and First c o n d itio n a l

the verb in brackets.
1 You mustn’t laugh at other students in class, (laugh) 5 (Circle)the correct options.
2 You early to get to school on time, 1 If(you go)/you’ll go online, I /(/7/)show you my
(getup) new website.
3 You sandwiches in the classroom. 2 l/l/e / We’ll learn about which plants are dangerous
It isn’t allowed, (eat) if we go / we’ll go to the classes.
4 You loudly in the cinema, (talk) 3 If they swim / they’ll swim in the sea at night,
5 You on the chairs, (stand) they are / they’ll be in danger.

6 You your teeth every day. (clean) 4 If you don’t come / won’t come, I’m not / 1won’t be
your friend any more!
3 Complete the text with must or mustn’t and the 5 If he sees / he’ll see a tarantula, he’s / he’ll be
verbs in the box. frightened!

g Complete the conditional sentences with the

correct form of the verbs in the box.
My grandma always thinks of the bad things that can
happen to me! When I go to the beach, she says I call eat not go not have got take
1 mustn’t swim in the sea because it’s dirty, I

2 sandals on the beach because 1 If the computer doesn’t work, I ’ll take it to
there’s a lot of broken glass and 13 out the shop.
for sharks in the water! When I go to the mountains, 2 Sally will play games online if she
she says I 4 near animals that bite or any homework.
sting, 15 my phone with me so she can 3 They us if they are late.
ring me and 16 any mountains in case
4 If Harry doesn’t get the job, he
I break my leg!
on holiday.
5 If you something, you’ll feel better.


P re se n t p e rfe ct: a ffirm a tiv e and n e g a tiv e w ill/ w o n ’t, m a y and m ig h t

Affirmative Negative will/won 't

11 You / We / They have (’ve) I / You / W e /T h e y have Affirmative Negative
finished. not (haven’t) finished. 1 /Y o u / H e / S h e / I t / W e / I / You / He / S h e / It/
He I She / It has (’s) He I She / It has not They w ill (’ll) survive. We I They w ill not (won’t)
finished. (hasn’t) finished. survive.

• We use the present perfect to talk about actions with • We use will and won't to make certain predictions
a present result and actions w ithin an unfinished tim e about the future.
period. Computers w ill control our lives in the future.
/Ve found my favourite hat! The laptop will help me with my homework.
Logan hasn’t been to the dentist this year.
• To form affirm ative sentences, use subject +have/has
Question Short answer
+ past participle.
I’ve burnt my hand. Will I / you I he / she / i t / Yes, 11 you / he / she / it /
w e /th e y survive? we I they will.
• To form negative sentences, we put n't (not) after
No, I / you / he / s h e / it /
have/has and before the past participle. Not is usually
we / they w on’t.
Sm artphones haven’t replaced human interaction • To form questions, we change the order of will and the
completely. subject.
• Most verbs in the past participle form end in -ed. Will we travel in cars in the future?
want - wanted need - needed p lay - ployed
may and might
• For verbs ending in -e, odd -d.
Affirmative Negative
love - loved hope - hoped phone - phoned
1/ You / He / She / It / We / 1/ You / He / She / It / We /
• For verbs ending in consonant +-y, remove the final -y
They may have a flying They may not have a flying
and add -/ed.
car. car.
study - studied try - tried copy - copied
1/ You / He / She / It / We / 1/ You / He / She / It / We /
• For verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant,
They might have a flying They might not have a
double the final consonant and add -ed.
car. flying car.
slip - slipped travel - travelled drop - dropped
• Som e past participles are irregular and d o n ’t follow • We use m ay and might to make uncertain predictions
any pattern. about the future.
see - seen find - found put - put Rhinos m ay become extinct in the future; no one knows
• See the irregular verbs list on page 111. for sure.
I m ight go to B rid g et’s house this weekend; I don’t know

In fin itive of p u rp o se
• We use to + infinitive to express a purpose for doing
som ething.
I use a car to get to work.
She bought a tablet to watch videos when she travels.
They saved money to pay for the wedding.
(NOT They saved money for pay for the wedding.)


P re se n t p e rfe ct: a ffirm a tiv e and n e g a tiv e w ill/ w o n ’t, m a y and m ig h t

Complete the table with the past participle of the 5 Complete the text with will and the verbs in the box.
verbs in the box.
be (x2) do go study work
change drop plan study try upload
\_______________ .________________________/ In the future, I think 11 ’ll go to university and I
remove -y, 2
add -d or-ed double final computer technology. I think that
add -ied consonant, computer technology 3 very important
add -ed in the future because there 4 a lot
1 uploaded 5 __________
3 _________ of new developments in science and technology.
2 __________ 4 __________
6 __________ Then I think 15 research at a
university in America or Australia. Afterthat, I think
2 Write the past participle of the verbs. 16 in a company which invents new
1 have had 4 write technology.
2 do _______ 5 forget
6 (Circle the correct options.
3 ride 6 see
1 In the future, children will / (yyon’t) go to school
because they’ll study at home.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of have. 2 Luke might / will be in his bedroom, but I don’t
know. Go and look.
1 I ve joined an online club at school.
3 We w ill/ won’t all have electric cars in 100 years
2 Ava_______ fallen off her bike.
because there won’t be any petrol.
3 Luke_______ broken his wrist.
4 I will / may meet Tom tonight, but I haven’t
4 We_______ sent them a message.
decided yet.
5 My brother_______ won an internet competition.
5 The library won’t /m ay not let you borrow more
6 Laptops_______ made homework easier! than four books - I’m not sure. Let’s ask.
6 People won’t work in factories in the future
4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
because robots will / won’t do all of the work.
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I think I Vo lost my new phone, (lose)
In fin itive of p u rp o se
2 I can’t use my laptop because I my
password! (forget) 7 Complete the text with the infinitive of purpose. Use
3 My brother his bed this morning, the verbs in the box.
(not make)
buy change have show speak take
4 Ruth her ankle! (break)
5 My grandad me a new computer! Yesterday my mum went shopping 1 to buy anew
(buy) phone. I went with her 2 my new
6 My teacher says smartphones how tablet for a different one because it was broken.
we speak to each other, (change) When we were going home, we stopped at a cafe
3 a coffee andthenwe stopped again
4 to some neighbours we saw in the
park. Mum used her new phone 5
some photos of u s 6 my dad at home.
It was really late when we got home, but my dad
loved the photos!


P re se n t p e rfe c t for e x p e rie n c e • When we ta lk about experience, we can use ever
in questions to mean ‘at any tim e ’, and never in
Affirmative Negative
affirm ative sentences to mean ‘at no tim e ’.
11 You / We / They have I / You / We / They have not Have you ever seen a crocodile in real life?
(’ve) seen this film. (haven’t) seen this film. I've never travelled outside of my country.
He I She / It has (’s) seen He I She / It has not
this film . (hasn’t) seen this film. R e fle x ive p ro n o u n s

1- myself 1saw myself on TV.

• We use the present perfect to talk about experiences.
He's visited every country in Europe. you - yourself You saw yourself on TV.
Jayden and Layla haven't met Mia. he - him self He saw himself on TV.
she - herself She saw herself on TV.
Question Short answer
it - itself It saw itself on TV.
Have 1/ you / w e / Yes, 1/ you / we / they have.
they seen this film? No, 1/ you / we / they haven’t. we - ourselves We saw ourselves on TV.

Has he / she / it seen Yes, he / she / it has. you (plural) - yourselves You saw yourselves on TV.
this film? No, he / she / it hasn’t. they - them selves They saw themselves on TV.

• We form Yes/No questions with have/has +subject + • We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the
past participle. object of a sentence are the same, or to em phasise the
Has your mum been to Spain? subject of an action.
My dad talks to him self when he's nervous.
• We repeat have/has in short answers.
I m ade dinner m yself in the end because Dad was late.
A Have you tried Turkish food?
B Yes, I have. • The pronoun usually goes directly after the verb,
l/l/e enjoyed ourselves at Liam's birthday party.
(N OT l/l/e enjoyed at Liam's birthday p a rty ourselves.)

In d e fin ite p ro n o u n s

People Things Places

Some-: to talk about one person / Someone / Somebody 1w ant something to 1w ant to go somewhere
thing / place in a positive sentence called me earlier. eat. hot on holiday.
Every-: to talk about all people, Everyone / Everybody Everything in your flat I’ve been everyw here in
things or places likes chocolate. is beautiful. London.
Any-: to talk about one person, 1d o n ’t know anyone / 1d o n ’t have anything to 1d o n ’t w ant to go
thing or place in a negative sentence anybody at this party. wear to the party. anywhere tonight.
or question
No-: to indicate no people, things or No one / Nobody called Nothing happened last Nowhere is open for
places me yesterday. night. dinnertonight.

• We use indefinite pronouns to talk about people, things and places w ithout specifying those people, things and
• Indefinite pronouns take a singular verb.
Everyone is excited about the wedding. (NOT Everyoneare excited about the wedding.)
• We usually use an affirm ative verb with no one, nothing and nowhere.
There's nothing to do here! (NOT There isn't nothing to do here!)
• We usually use a negative verb with anyone, anything and anywhere.
I haven't got anything to do today. (NOT IA^-geL^oyLhiug-to-do-todey.)


P re se n t p e rfe c t fo r e x p e rie n c e R e fle x ive p ro n o u n s

Complete the sentences with the correct words. 4 (Circle)the correct options.
1 She wrote the so ng (nerse/f)/ himself.
^ve ever has have haven’t never
\ > 2 He only thinks a bout herself / himself.
1 I ve flown on a plane. 3 People with talent usually believe in yourself /
2 He’s been to Iceland, but he themselves.
wants to go in the future. 4 My dad says we should always defend ourselves I
3 A you ever ridden a camel? themselves.
B No, I . 5 I taught myself/ himself how to play chess.
4 A Has your grandad used a 6 The laptop switches itself/ himself off when you
laptop? stop using it.
B Yes, h e !
5 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive
2 Write questions and short answers with the present pronouns.
perfect and ever. 1 Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror?
1 you / clim b /a mountain/ ? 2 Monica taught to play the guitar.
Have you ever climbed a mountain? 3 I don’t like taking photos of
No, I haven’t . because I look terrible in them!
2 Christina / sprain / her a n kle /? 4 These lights turn on when it’s dark.
5 Jack hurt when he was climbing.
Yes, s he . 6 We enjoyed at the concert.
3 Tony/eat/Japanese fo o d /?
In d e fin ite p ro n o u n s
No, he .
g (Circle the correct options.
4 your parents / travel/to a different country / ?
1 Someone /(No one) lives in that house - the last
family moved out two weeks ago.
No, t h e y .
2 There’s something / nothing better than helping
5 your sister / learn / a new language I ? other people.
3 My uncle loves travelling. He’s been every where /
Yes, s h e . no where except Australia and New Zealand!
6 you / spend/too much money / ? 4 Somewhere / Someone told me it’s better to d ress
smartly if you want to make a good impression.
Yes, I . 5 I’ve got nothing / no one to tell you.

3 Underline and correct one mistake in each 6 She hasn’t got anywhere / nowhere to stay when
sentence. she begins her new job in London.

1 Have ever you driven a car? you ever

2 I’ve never invent anything!
3 Has your brother ever win a prize?
4 She haven’t been to a different country.
5 I haven’t never seen a waterfall.


g o in g to P re se n t c o n tin u o u s for fu tu re
• We use the present continuous to talk about fixed
Affirmative Negative
arrangements in the future, especially plans we’ve
1am (’m) goingto dance. 1am (’m) notgoingto
agreed with other people.
I’m meeting my friends at 8 pm tomorrow. We’re seeing
You / We / They are (’re) You / We / They are not a concert.
goingto dance. (aren’t) going to dance. We’re having lunch with my aunt next Saturday.
He / She / It is (’s) going to He/She / It is not (isn’t) • We often use future time expressions such as tonight,
dance. goingto dance. tomorrow, this weekend, this summer, next week,
• We use going to to talk about future plans and next month and after dass/school with the present
intentions. continuous for future.
I’m going to work in another country in the future. Aria and I are practising for the school show this
• To form the affirmative, we use be +going to +
infinitive. P re se n t s im p le fo r fu tu re
l/l/e're going to travel around Europe before university. • We use the present simple to talk about scheduled
• To form the negative, we use be +not +going to + events in the future.
infinitive. The concert starts at 10 pm tomorrow. It finishes at
Ryan isn't going to study French in France. midnight.
My plane leaves tomorrow morning at nine.
Question Short answer
Their train arrives at 8.45 in the morning.
Am 1goingto dance? Yes, 1am. Our summer holidays start on 24 June.
No, I’m not.
Are you / we / they going Yes, you / we / they are.
to dance? No, you / we / they aren’t.
Is he/ she/ it goingto Yes, he / she / it is.
dance? No, he / she / it isn’t.

• We form questions with be before the subject.

Are they going to get married this year?
• We repeat be in short answers.
A Are you going to learn the keyboard?
B Yes, I am.

w ill and g o in g to
• We use will for predictions and going to for future
plans and intentions.
Lidia will be the best singer in the school show.
We’re going to write the school ploy next year - Mr
Newsome has decided.


g o in g to P re se n t c o n tin u o u s for fu tu re

Complete the sentences with the correct form of 4 Write present continuous sentences about the
going to and the verbs in the box. people in the table.

buy not go not work perform study Jess Marta and Adam
tonight (1) study for a (2) go for a pizza with
1 I ’m going to study music and dance at university. test theirfriends
2 Agnieszka in her dad’s shop this this weekend (3) watch ballet (4) go to a concert
1 Jess is studying for a te st tonight.
3 My brother in a musical next
4 My parents a new house
next year.
5 We to summer camp this year.
5 Complete the conversation with the present
2 Write questions with going to. Use the words in continuous form of the verbs in the box.
de go (x2) have make meet
1 What aroyou going to do (you / do) this summer? \ /

2 W h e r e ( T i n a / work) Mia W hat 1__ are yoiLdoing__ tonight?

next year? Mason 12 dinner at Joss’s house
3 W h e n ( y o u r pa re nts / at about six, but nothing after that. Why?
start) their salsa classes? Mia Ava and 13 breakdancing in
the park.
4 W h a t ( b r o t h e r / do) at
the weekend? Mason Sounds interesting. What tim e 4
you to the park?
5 (you I learn) the guitar
next year? Mia Well, the first dancers are always there at
eight, but 15 Ava at 7.30 in
6 (your sister / buy)
the cafe in front of the park first. Why don’t
tickets for the pop concert tomorrow?
you ask Joss to come, too?
Mason He can’t. He 6 a video with
w ill and g o in g to
his classmates for a school project.
3 Decide if the sentences are predictions or P re se n t s im p le fo r fu tu re
intentions. Then(circle)the best options.
1 I think you (vv/77)/ are going to need an umbrella g Complete the sentences with the present simple
today because it might rain. form of the verbs in brackets.
2 We will I are going to buy the tickets for the show 1 The bus leaves at 3 pm this afternoon, (leave)
tomorrow. 2 When_______ this year’s opera programme
3 They will / are going to watch ballroom dancing _______ ? (begin)
tomorrow night. 3 The tap dancing class tomorrow_______ formore
4 I think it will/ is going to be difficult to find a good than three hours! (last)
job in the future. 4 My brother_______ his first concert next week!
5 I’m sure you will / ore going to pass the exam - with (have)
a bit of luck. 5 The show_______ at about 10 pm. (finish)
6 When_______ the new theatre________? (open)


106 L A N G U A G E B A N K
LA N G U A G E B A N K 107
108 L A N G U A G E B A N K
LA N G U A G E B A N K 109
110 L A N G U A G E B A N K

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle
be was/were been know knew known
beat beat beaten leave left left
become became become lend lent lent
begin began begun lose lost lost
break broke broken make made made
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built pay paid paid
burn burnt / burned burnt / burned put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
drink drank drunk set set set
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten shut shut shut
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feed fed fed sit sat sat
feel felt felt sleep slept slept
fight fought fought speak spoke spoken
find found found spend spent spent
fly flew flown stand stood stood
forget forgot forgotten swim swam swum
get got got take took taken
give gave given teach taught taught
go went gone tell told told
grow grew grown think thought thought
hang hung hung throw threw thrown
have had had understand understood understood
hear heard heard wake woke woken
hide hid hidden wear wore worn
hit hit hit win won won
hold held held write wrote written
keep kept kept

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