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Measurement Report 4

Oscilloscope measurement

Muratbekov Miras

Checked by: LAJBER Kristóf

Table of content:
1. Aim of the measurement………………………………………………………………2
2. Main principles and working procedures………………………………………………2
3. Basic steps and characteristics…………………………………………………………3
4. Measurement results and comparisons…………………………………………………4
4.1. Calculations…………………………………………………………………………..5
4.2 Measurement results…………………………………………………………………..6
5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………7

1. Aim of the measurement:
The aim of this measurement is determination the values for alternating current and
make a comparison with previous measurements held by multimeter and FESTO- measuring

2. Main principles and working procedures:

Figure 1 Main components of oscilloscope

Oscilloscopes allow us to see your electrical signal in real time. Oscilloscopes, at their
most basic level, show a plot of voltage vs. time for one or more signals. The graph of voltage
vs. time is known as a "waveform." Although measuring the voltage using an oscilloscope offers
basic information about the signal, oscilloscopes often have a plethora of additional options for
further signal analysis. Understanding how to measure voltage using an oscilloscope is the first
step toward discovering the oscilloscope's extensive measurement capabilities. In our
measurements we are measuring the voltage from AC signals.

In the figure 2 we can see voltage of one peak V[p] and the peak-to-peak voltage, which is
usually 2 V[p]. Using RMS (root-mean-square) voltage we can calculate the power of the AC

Figure 2 Waveform sample shown on display of oscilloscope

We make voltage measurements by counting the number of divisions a waveform spans

on the oscilloscopes vertical scale. According to the values we connect our Chanel1 from the
source, we can adjust the signal to cover most of the screen vertically. The more screen and
accurate full-size waveform we use, the more accurately we can read from the screen and make
conclusions accordingly.

3. Basic steps and characteristics:

Step #1 : Turn on oscilloscope and press the front panel key labeled "Default Setup."

Step #2 Plug in the probe from FESTO to Channel 1.

Step #3 Put first value(from 1st measurement)in FESTO and connect to oscilloscope.

Step #4 The voltage of our signal is now being sampled by the oscilloscope and displayed as it
fluctuates over time. If we don’t t see entire signal on the screen, we can press the "Auto Scale"
front panel key to center and scale our waveform

Step #5 Using vertical and horizontal knobs, we can adjust fine-tune. Using this knobs we can
zoom in and out, move cursor to right, left, up and down. The scale should be set according to
input voltage and time.

Step #6 We set, what we are looking for in the result of this measurement. In our case it was
Peak-to-peak value, frequency and RMS

Step #7 Change the input value for Channel1.

4. Results and comparisons:

4.1. Measurement results:

Table1: Measured values using multimeter, FESTO1 and FESTO2.

Source Set value (V) Multimeter FESTO1 FESTO2
(V) (V) (V)
Square 3-5V 3.5 3.86 3.7 3.7
triangle 3-5V 3.5 1.93 1.8 1.9
sine 3-5V 3.5 2.45 2.4 2.4
Square 0.5-1V 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5
AC DDS triangle 0.5-1V 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3
sine 0.5-1V 0.6 0.38 0.3 0.4

Table2: Measured values using oscilloscope.

Source Set value (V) Frequency PK-PK Cycle RMS

(Hz) (V) (V)

Square 3-5V 3.5 1000 7.24 3.46

triangle 3-5V 3.5 1000 7.20 2.01
sine 3-5V 3.5 1000 7.24 2.47
Square 0.5-1V 0.6 1000 1.52 0.66
AC DDS triangle 0.5-1V 0.6 1000 1.48 0.39
sine 0.5-1V 0.6 1000 1.52 0.47

Table3: Measured values from different measuring devices

Wave Set value [V] Multimeter [V] FESTO 1 [V] FESTO 2 [V] Cycle RMS [V]

Square 3.5 3.86 3.7 3.7 3.46

Triangle 3.5 1.93 1.8 1.9 2.01

Sine 3.5 2.45 2.4 2.4 2.47

Square 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.66

Sine 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.39

Triangle 0.6 0.38 0.3 0.4 0.47

To compare the values obtained from the various measurements, we put it one chart, where
we clearly see that, the difference are not so high, which means directly says that our measurement
was quite accurate.

Once, we got different values from different measuring devices, we can compare their
relative errors compared to nominal values which 3.5 and 0.6V.
Table4: Relative error of Multimeter values

Measured value [V] Nominal value [V] Absolute error [/ ] Relative error [%]
3,86 3,5 0,36 10,29
1,93 3,5 -1,57 -44,86
2,45 3,5 -1,05 -30,00
0,6 0,6 0 0,00
0,3 0,6 -0,3 -50,00
0,38 0,6 -0,22 -36,67

Table5: Relative error of Oscilloscope value

Measured value [V] Nominal value [V] Absolute error [/ ] Relative error [%]
3,46 3,5 -0,04 -1,14
2,01 3,5 -1,49 -42,57
2,47 3,5 -1,03 -29,43
0,66 0,6 0,06 10,00
0,39 0,6 -0,21 -35,00
0,47 0,6 -0,13 -21,67

Comparing the relative errors for multimeter and oscilloscope with respect to the nominal
value, we can see the at 3.5 V, both multimeter and oscilloscope generally shows almost quite
similar values, however multimeter showing little high relative error comparing to the
oscilloscopes value. At the nominal value of 0.3V the difference between relative error is high,
and again multimeter showing higher relative error.
Table6: Relative error between 2xSET and PK-to-PK
PK- PK [V] 2x SET [V] Absolute error [/] Relative error [%]
7,24 7 0,24 3,43
7,2 7 0,2 2,86
7,24 7 0,24 3,43
1,52 1,2 0,32 26,67
1,48 1,2 0,28 23,33
1,52 1,2 0,32 26,67

Comparing the relative errors between 2xSET which are 2x3.5 and 2x0.6 with Pk-to-Pk
vales obtained from the oscilloscope readings, we can observe that for 7V relative error of Pk-to-
Pk value is lower than at 1.2V.

5. Conclusion:
The oscilloscope's results are comparable to those of the multimeter and the FESTO
measurement systems, even though the oscilloscope is more accurate than the FESTO systems.
After accurate measurements, we can make conclusion that relative error between given
measurement devices is not so high, showing little difference, however this comparison may
differ with different voltage value, as it was observed from the comparing tables, where the
relative error of 3.5V was smaller than 0.6 V.

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