Future of Automotive Industry - Electric or Electrified

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Slide 1: Introduction

• The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation as it moves towards

• This presentation will discuss the future of the automotive industry and the
potential of electric and electrified vehicles.

Slide 2: Electric Vehicles

• Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered solely by electricity and have no internal
combustion engine.
• EVs are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits, cost
savings, and convenience.
• EVs are becoming more affordable and have a range of up to 300 miles on a single

Slide 3: Benefits of Electric Vehicles

• EVs are more efficient than traditional vehicles, resulting in lower fuel costs
and fewer emissions.
• EVs are quieter and require less maintenance than traditional vehicles.
• EVs are more convenient, as they can be charged at home or at public charging

Slide 4: Challenges of Electric Vehicles

• EVs have a limited range, which can be a problem for long-distance travel.
• EVs require a large upfront cost, which can be a barrier for some consumers.
• EVs require access to charging infrastructure, which is not always available in
rural areas.

Slide 5: Electrified Vehicles

• Electrified vehicles are powered by a combination of electricity and an internal

combustion engine.
• Electrified vehicles are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental
benefits, cost savings, and convenience.
• Electrified vehicles have a range of up to 500 miles on a single charge.

Slide 6: Benefits of Electrified Vehicles

• Electrified vehicles are more efficient than traditional vehicles, resulting in

lower fuel costs and fewer emissions.
• Electrified vehicles are quieter and require less maintenance than traditional
• Electrified vehicles are more convenient, as they can be charged at home or at
public charging stations.

Slide 7: Challenges of Electrified Vehicles

• Electrified vehicles have a limited range, which can be a problem for long-
distance travel.
• Electrified vehicles require a large upfront cost, which can be a barrier for
some consumers.
• Electrified vehicles require access to charging infrastructure, which is not
always available in rural areas.
Slide 8: Conclusion

• Electric and electrified vehicles are becoming increasingly popular due to their
environmental benefits, cost savings, and convenience.
• However, both types of vehicles have their own challenges, such as limited range
and high upfront costs.
• The future of the automotive industry will depend on how these challenges are

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