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Towards the end of international conflicts certain new blocs generally emerge, owing to

the long-term economic interests of global powers. Today, a whole new set of
geoeconomic issues has come out in the open to face the ongoing geopolitical realities.

Analysts are yet to see whether geoeconomics will have any influence on geopolitics or
vice versa. The economic and social impact of new geopolitical realities is huge,
especially after the Ukraine war. For Pakistan, the conflict coupled with the effects and
after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has multiplied its economic woes, pushing it
towards a horrible recession and ringing the alarm bells for sovereign default.

The World Economic Forum in Davos has spelled out a theme of cooperation in the
politically fragmented world, facing the challenges of extreme weather conditions to
achieve energy and food security with the affordable cost of living. Advancements in
technology know no boundaries, contributing towards economic growth and prosperity.
But the ongoing geopolitical conflicts have paused such developments.

Energy and food security can easily be achieved through political consensus and
economic cooperation using hi-tech methods and transfer of technology. The world
desperately needs this kind of cooperation as it is facing challenges of rising inflation and
the high cost of living. It is absolutely necessary to get rid of political conflicts — the
Ukraine war — to save humanity from hunger and starvation.

Regional conflicts all over the world have marred economic prosperity by further
disturbing any future prospects of social cohesion among the international communities.
World leaders need to reach a political consensus to deal with the ongoing global
economic issues. South Asia has been hit the hardest by such conflicts. India’s attitude
regarding the Kashmir issue is a major roadblock. Human rights violations in the valley
and the denial of the right to self-determination to the people of Kashmir have created
serious problems that need to be addressed by the political leadership of India and

The universal fact that geographical neighbours cannot be replaced must be realized in
all its essence and necessity to improve relations in the larger interest of the people.
South Asian people are suffering from regional conflicts, especially the Kashmir issue.
Pakistan’s economic conditions are similar to that of pre-default Sri Lanka. If Pakistan
defaults, it will have devastating effects on the financial conditions of the people.
Millions of Pakistanis are living below the poverty line. The crime rate and violence in
society is alarmingly high partly due to rising inflation and the high cost of living. Opting
for conflict resolution would be in the best interest of the people and such responsibility
lies with India more than any other country of the region.

Trade and commerce in the region can expand and benefit all in South Asia, if we focus
specifically on Saarc countries. It is one of the most populated regions of the world,
where the market of almost 22 per cent of the world population exists. It is also true
that trade among Saarc countries can bring prosperity and growth through cost-cutting
measures, reducing the carriage and transportation cost at least. The global recession
can better be averted through integration and regional cooperation. Hyperinflation and
food security can better be achieved through regional trade if India is willing to promote
a development paradigm in place of its hegemonic designs. Efforts by India and Pakistan
can bring down inflation in the South Asian region through mutual trade and commerce.

Pakistan previously offered talks with India, realizing the importance of geographical
realities. But the Indian response was disappointing. Terrorism in the region is a common
problem for all countries including, but not limited to, Afghanistan and needs to be
addressed at the earliest. India must realize that terrorism and terrorist networks could
only be uprooted through mutual efforts of cooperation and coordination at all levels.
The Kashmir issue is to be addressed first to combat headwinds of terrorism and human
rights violations.

India-Pakistan relations have a history of lows, which include multiple wars. This
relationship needs to improve through confidence-building measures. The main problem
with India is that it is being ruled by Modi, who has a record of extremist tendencies in
dealing with regional issues. The recent past has witnessed alteration of the status of
Indian-held Kashmir against the spirits of the UN resolution and the wishes of Kashmiris.
Given these circumstances, the dialogue proposal by PM Shehbaz Sharif should have
been a welcome move and taken positively. We can only hope that sanity will prevail and
the two countries will start the dialogue process for the betterment of one of the world’s
most sensitive and important regions.

Pakistan is already dealing with the challenges of terrorism, especially at its western
border. Its eastern border has always been sensitive due to its proximity to Kashmir and
conflict with India. Pakistan needs to address its issues with all its neighbours for conflict
resolution, getting rid of terrorism and improving trade and commerce for the overall
development of the South Asian region. Pakistan can engage friendly countries like Saudi
Arabia and the UAE to resolve the Kashmir issue and the general state of relations with

Since the economic and social impact of geopolitical realities is huge, the issue of
terrorism is most deadly, and should be addressed at all levels by engaging neighbours,
especially Afghan- istan, for the betterment of the region. India must realize the fact that
no country could progress without conflict resolution.

The visionary leadership of India and Pakistan can bring prosperity to the region through
dialogue and cooperation in all fields, especially commerce and trade. But good faith is
urgently needed on the part of India, which is apparently unfortunately lacking, for
initiation of dialogue process. This needs to be improved.

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