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Halland Instruments AS

Operating Instruction Manual

PH-13-S pH Measuring Station

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 1


1. FUNCTION. ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 How it works. ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Remote start and stop via the Modbus interface. ...................................................................................... 3
1.3 Program, sequence.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Starting and stopping the instrument manually......................................................................................... 4
1.5 The Modbus calls. ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Transmitter mode ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Stopping of washing if there is solution in the measuring bowl. ............................................................... 5
1.8 Manual washing. ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. INSTALLATION. ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Mechanical................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Electrical connections............................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Preparations before the instrument are started for the first time.............................................................. 8
2.4 PROGRAMMING. ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 How to change the period of time for the different steps in the program.................................................. 9
2.6 How to set the measuring range................................................................................................................ 9
2.7 How to change the Modbus address.......................................................................................................... 9
2.8 How to change the frequency of acid wash. .............................................................................................. 9
2.9 The ”intelligent” warnings. .................................................................................................................... 10
3. OPERATION. ................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Checking of accuracy. ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Checking procedure. ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Calibration. ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Replacing of the electrode....................................................................................................................... 12
4. MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING. ....................................................................................... 13
4.1 Preventive maintenance. ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Schematic diagram water/air/process..................................................................................................... 13
4.3 The most common operating problems. .................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Test procedure......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.5 ERROR MESSAGES. ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Suction fault. ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.7 Drain fault............................................................................................................................................... 16
4.8 Warning, no acid..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.9 Temperature error................................................................................................................................... 16
4.10 Calibration error................................................................................................................................... 16
4.11 Internal wiring diagram ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.12 The electronic unit................................................................................................................................. 17
4.13 Manual steering of the valves................................................................................................................ 17
4.14 Arrangement, wet cabinet. .................................................................................................................... 18
5. SPARE PARTS. .............................................................................................................................................. 20
6. DATA SHEET. ................................................................................................................................................ 21

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 2

1. Function.

1.1 How it works.

The instrument measures pH intermittently.

The instrument sucks a sample from the process, to a measuring chamber (bowl), where the
pH is measured. The sample is then returned to the process. The instrument then sucks up 19
ml of a suitable detergent from a container (container not included). The bowl and the pH
electrode are sprayed with this solution. After an interval the pH combination electrode and
the bowl are washed with water, then the water is drained to the process and then the cycle
repeats itself. The longest times are usually the suction time and the stabilizing time. (The
time the pH electrodes take to measure pH correctly). A short suction time is achieved by
mounting the instrument close to the measuring point. The stabilization time is mostly a
function of the temperature difference between the washing water and the solution, the higher
difference the longer time.

Acid wash is normally once per cycle, if there is no need for acid wash, it is possible to
change one of the setup variables to zero, then the instrument skips the steps 'Acid suction',
'Acid wash' and 'Interval', the parameter is called; ' Freq. acid wash'. See point 2.8.
By removing the “spade” in the acid dosing cell, the acid consumption is reduced from 19 ml
per sample to 4 ml per sample.
Acid wash is a shock for the electrode and it can take several minutes for the instrument to
measure accurately after acid wash.
The functioning of the intelligent warnings is described under point 2.9.

During operation the display shows program step in line one and pH and temperature in line
two. If warnings are activated the display shows a number to the right in the first line. This is
described under point 4.5. If the instrument stops because of a fault condition, the display
shows the error message as text.

During calibration, stop and setup, the outputs are “frozen” to the last measurement before the
instrument was stopped.

1.2 Remote start and stop via the Modbus interface.

The instrument can be started and stopped from a supervisory process control computer,
through the Modbus interface (force single coil). When the instrument receives a stop
command, it will finish the cycle and stop after step 7, 'Draining'. A start command functions
as a reset and will always start the instrument instantaneously with step 1. The pH,
temperature, step in operation, errors and warnings can be read with the Modbus call ‘read

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 3

1.3 Program, sequence

Step Action Valves on: Standard Comments, (locks)

No. time
1 Emptying SV1 10
2 Acid SV7, SV6 maximum When the acid reaches the acid electrodes in the acid dosing cell,
suction SV4 open 35 not the program continues with step 3. If 35 seconds passes without
after 1 s. adjustable the acid reaching the electrodes, the warning message 'No acid'
appears in the LCD, the program then continues with step 3.
3 Acid wash SV3, SV1 3
4 Interval SV1 10
5 (Spraying of 0 Not used
6 Spraying of SV3, SV1 10 The valves closes if the level electrodes measures that it is
the cell solution in the measuring cell SEE 1.7
7 Draining SV1 16
8 Suction of SV7, SV6, 240 If the level is reached before 5 seconds has passed the error
solution message 'Drain fault' appears in the display, if the level is not
reached within 240 seconds the error message 'Suction fault’,
appears in the display. In both cases the instrument stops.
9 Stabilization 20 If the level in the measuring cell falls below the level electrode
SV7, SV6 and SV5 opens, until the level is reached again
10 Measuring 1

1.4 Starting and stopping the instrument manually.

If the instrument has stopped because of a fault condition, for instance ‘Suction fault’,
pressing the 'RESET' button, or a Modbus start command will start it again.
If the instrument has been stopped by pressing the 'MENU' button, in connection with
checking/calibration, or changing of the setup variables, the instrument should be started by
selecting 'Start instrument?' in the main menu and then pressing 'ENT'.

Fault conditions as for instance 'WARNING!! NO ACID' or the intelligent alarms, will not
stop the instrument. The warnings disappear when the error condition is gone. The warnings
are transmitted through the Modbus line and by the alarm relay contact until the 'RESET'
button is pressed, or the instrument receives Modbus start command from the supervisory

1.5 The Modbus calls.

The following Modbus RTU functions are used:

03 Read holding registers.
05 Force single coil.

Function 03 is used to read: pH value, temperature, current program step and error/fault no.
Function 05 is used to start and stop the instrument.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 4

1.6 Transmitter mode

This function is called from the main menu, press ’Menu’ used the up/down buttons to find
’Transmitter mode’ press ’Ent’. The instrument will then measure pH continuously and the
mA output and the Modbus line transmits the continuous measurement.

1.7 Stopping of washing if there is solution in the measuring bowl.

This function is called from the main menu, press ’Menu’ used the up/down buttons to find
’Level=No wash’ press ’Ent’. Press ‘1’, this inhibits washing if there is liquid in the bowl.
Press ‘0” to wash regardless of the level of liquid in the measuring bowl. Normally this
function is of, ‘0’.

1.8 Manual washing.

This function is called from the main menu, press ’Menu’ used the up/down buttons to find
’Manual wash’ press ’Ent’. The instrument sprays the measuring bowl for one minute or until
the ‘Menu’ button is pressed.

2. Installation.
2.1 Mechanical.
The instruments are delivered with four fastening lugs, this lugs (fastening-ears) must be
fitted to the cabinets according to the instructions delivered with the instruments.
The fastening-ears shown in the corners of the instrument is used to bolt the instrument to a
frame or on a wall.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 5

Connection drawing for PH-13, PH-13-S and CON-13.

Bottom view.

From Left to Right:

Cable glands: Tube connections:

1. 110 VAC, cable glands 4. Sample in/in out

2. mA and Alarm signal, cable gland 5. Acid in.
3. Modbus, cable gland 6. Atmosphere only
7. Water in
8. Ejector exhaust
9. Air in

All connections are for 8 mm tubing, except solution in/out, which is for 12 mm tubing.
For specifications of max. suction height, water pressure etc. see Chapter 6, datasheet.

Sampling point.

The instrument should be mounted higher than the process connection (preferably), the
distance between the instrument and the sampling point should be short (preferably). The
connection is made with a 12 mm flexible Teflon (or PVDF) tube. The measuring point
should be located in a position where the solution is not containing a lot of air, as this will
prolong the suction time and in the worst case disturb the measurement.

Drain. (Ejector exhaust)

Always connect a short 8 mm tube to this union to lead the exhaust away from the operators.

The instrument should be connected to the acid container with an 8mm teflon tube. The
instrument sucks acid from the acid container. However the acid container should preferably
be placed at the same height as the instrument. (level of acid in container; approximately at
the same height as the bottom of the instrument)

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 6

2.2 Electrical connections.

The cable gland to the right (see picture below) is for connection to 110 VAC, this connection
is secured by a glass fuse 0,630 mA (slow). The fuse is easy to access.
The cable gland in the middle is for connection of 4-20 mA signal and alarm. The 4-20 mA
output is passive and must be fed by an external power supply (24 VDC typ.). The alarm
connection is a changeover relay contact (NO-C-NC).
The cable gland to the left is for the Modbus connection. A cable suitable for RS485
communication (one twisted pair with screen) should be used, the maximum distance is ca 1.2
km, the cable may be terminated with a 120 ohm resistor.

Terminal Signal description: Drawing,

no. ref.
15 +24 volt dc in, 4-20 current loop feeding +
16 Return, 4-20 mA, load connected from this terminal to earth of 24 Ret
VDC supply
19 Connect to screen of RS485/MODBUS cable Screen
34 Alarm relay contact, normally closed NC
35 Alarm relay contact, common C
36 Alarm relay contact, normally open NO
37 110 VAC L
38 110 VAC N
39 Earth, is connected to the common ground point in the cabinet. Earth
Earth wire from the 110 VAC supply should be connected to this
common grounding point.

It is important that the instrument is connected to earth, use the common grounding point
down to the left in the right cabinet.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 7

2.3 Preparations before the instrument are started for the first time.

Adjust the pressure regulator for the ejector to 1 bar. Install the pH combination electrode.
Set power on the instrument, the instrument will now start automatically using the factory-
default setup variables. Press reset.
Wait for the program step ‘Suction of solution’, adjust the pressure regulator for the ejector
for a smooth suction, NB! There shall not be a “fountain” in the measuring bowl during
Set the stabilization to 75 seconds (see point 2.5) for instructions.
Let the instrument run some cycles. Check the measurement during stabilization and find how
long time it takes for the measurement to stabilize. Stop the instrument and adjust the
stabilization time accordingly. Set the measuring range, see point 2.6 for instructions.
Start the analyzer and check that the draining times are sufficient long for the sample to be
returned to the process, adjust if necessary. Let the analyzer run for some hours before
checking of accuracy/calibration, see point 3.1.
If the measuring point is in a tank with variable level it can be necessary to use pressure to
drain the solution tube. To do this; connect the drain tube “atmosphere” on the drawing to
“Pressure regulator for draining”, see picture point 4.14. Adjust the pressure to 0-0.5 bar, use
only as high pressure as necessary.

2.4 Programming.

When a parameter shall be changed, the ‘CLR’ button is used to zero the parameter. Then the
new value is entered with the number buttons or use the arrow buttons to increase/decrease
the value. Press ‘ENT’ to terminate.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 8

2.5 How to change the period of time for the different steps in the program.

Press 'MENU' the display shows 'Start instrument?'

Use (press) the arrow-buttons until the display shows 'Setup variables?'
Press 'ENT' the display shows 'Draining time =xxxx '. Where xxxx is the draining time in
Use the arrow-buttons to find the time you want to change.
Press 'ENT' and the '=' changes to '?'.
Enter new value. (use the procedure; point 2.4)
If you want to change more times, use the arrow-buttons to select the time you want to
You can always go back to the main menu by pressing 'MENU'. (min 1 second)

2.6 How to set the measuring range.

The maximum measuring range is 0-14 pH units, (Zero=0, Range=14) minimum measuring
range is one pH unit, for instance 7-8 pH, (Zero=7, Range=1). The measuring range can only
be set in whole numbers.

Press ‘MENU’ the display shows 'Start instrument?'

Use (press) the arrow-buttons until the display shows 'Setup variables?'
Press 'ENT'.
Use the arrow-buttons to find 'Zero point meas. = xxxx'. Press 'ENT' and the '=' changes to '?'.
Enter new value.
Use the arrow-buttons to find 'Measuring range=xxxx', this value is changed in the same way
as 'Zero point meas. = xxxx'.

2.7 How to change the Modbus address.

Press ‘MENU’ the display shows 'Start instrument?'

Use (press) the arrow-buttons until the display shows 'Setup variables?'
Press 'ENT'.
Use the arrow-buttons to find 'Device address = xxxx'. Press 'ENT' and the '=' changes to '?'.
Enter new value.

2.8 How to change the frequency of acid wash.

Press ‘MENU’ the display shows 'Start instrument?'

Use (press) the arrow-buttons until the display shows 'Setup variables?'
Press 'ENT'.
Use the arrow-buttons to find 'Freq. acid wash = xxxx'. Press 'ENT' and the '=' changes to '?'.
Enter new value.

1 means washing with acid every cycle, 2 means washing with acid every second cycle, etc.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 9

2.9 The ”intelligent” warnings.

There are four limits; two of them check the electrode response during measuring. The other
two check the measurement value. The warnings are given over the Modbus line and by the
alarm relay. The warnings disappear when the error condition is gone. The alarms can also be
reset by resetting the analyzer from the panel or over the Modbus line.


After the sample has reached the electrodes, it takes some time “Stabilization time” before the
electrodes measures correctly. The instrument calculates the difference between the
measurement after two seconds and after the stabilization time is finished. If the difference is
large then the response of the electrode is slow, and the instrument is probably not measuring
correctly – and the pH electrode should be replaced. The alarm limit can be set in the range 0-
7 pH. If the change in the measurement during stabilization is higher than the limit the
instrument gives warning over Modbus and the alarm relay falls out.
This warning function is disabled by setting the limit to 7 pH.
After the sample has reached the electrodes, it takes some time “Stabilization time” before the
electrodes measures correctly. The instrument calculates the difference between the
measurement after two seconds and after the stabilization time is finished. If the difference is
small then the electrode has low sensitivity, the instrument is probably not measuring
correctly – and the pH electrode should be replaced. The alarm limit can be set in the range 0-
7 pH. If the change in the measurement during stabilization is lower than the limit the
instrument gives warning over Modbus and the alarm relay falls out.
This warning function is disabled by setting the limit to 0 pH.


The analyzer remembers the last 8 measurements and calculates the average. The program
than calculates the difference between the new measurement and the average. If the difference
is greater than the alarm limit the instrument gives warning over Modbus and the alarm relay
falls out.
This happens if an abnormal process state occurs.
This warning function is disabled by setting the limit to 7 pH.


The analyzer remembers the last 8 measurements. The program then calculates the difference
between the highest and the lowest measurement of these eight. If the difference between
highest and lowest value is smaller than the alarm limit the instrument gives warning over
Modbus and the alarm relay falls out.
The cause may be that the glass is broken or the process is very (abnormal) stable.
This warning function is disabled by setting the limit to 0 pH.

1. Chose ‘Set, alarm limits’ in the main menu.
2. Use the arrow buttons to find the limit you want to change.
3. Press ‘ENT’
4. Press ‘CLR’, enter new value, press ‘ENT’
5. Press ‘MENU’

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 10

3. Operation.
3.1 Checking of accuracy.

We recommend that the accuracy be checked once a week using buffer solution.
Usually it is not necessary to calibrate, calibration shall not be performed as a routine,
calibrate only when necessary.
Calibration is done using two buffer solutions, buffer value high shall have the same pH as the
high endpoint of the measurement, and the buffer value low shall have the same pH as the low
endpoint of the measurement.
(Example, 'Zero point meas. = 0002', 'Measuring range=0003', 4-20 mA equals 2-5 pH, use
buffer 2 pH, and buffer 5).

(Merck manufactures buffer solutions with pH values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8......)

3.2 Checking procedure.

Wait until the display shows 'Draining'. Stop the instrument by pressing 'MENU'.
(Pressing ‘ENT’ starts the instrument)
Use the arrow buttons to find 'Continuous measuring', press 'ENT'.
The display shows the current pH and temperature.

Put the pH combination electrode and the temperature probe in low value buffer.
Read the pH after 40 seconds and 60 seconds. The difference should be less than 0.2 (0.1) pH,
if higher the pH electrode should be changed.
Repeat this step using high value buffer.

If the readout of any of these two measurements differs more than 0.2 (0.1) pH (after 60
seconds) from the nominal pH buffer values, the instrument should be calibrated.

3.3 Calibration.

This analyzer uses two point calibration only.

Put the pH combination electrode and the temperature probe in low value buffer. Press
'MENU' find ‘Calibration?' (use the arrows), press 'ENT', find 'Calibration / Buffer low’, press
'ENT', wait one minute, check the readout, if you want to proceed press, 'ENT' if not press
'MENU'. Wash the electrodes in water. Put the electrodes in high value buffer, press 'ENT',
wait one minute, check the readout, if you want to proceed press, 'ENT' if not press 'MENU'.
Now the instrument is calibrated.
If the display shows 'Calibration fault' the glass electrode should be replaced, see section 3.4.
Put the electrodes back; do not use tools on the nuts that keep the electrodes in place.
Press 'MENU', the display shows 'Start instrument?' press 'ENT' to start the instrument.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 11

3.4 Replacing of the electrode.

pH combination electrode.
If the pH combination electrode is changed it is important that the connector is put properly
into the electrode, and that the cable and electrode are treated with care.
Carry out the checking procedure, see section 3.2.
Calibrate only if the deviation is greater than 0.2 pH.
After 6-24 hour this procedure should be repeated and the instrument calibrated if the
deviation is greater than 0.1 pH.
The pH combination electrode should be replaced when the response is slow or if you get the
error message 'Calibration fault'.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 12

4. Maintenance and troubleshooting.
During trouble shouting and maintenance the frequency of acid wash should
always be set to zero. To avoid acid wounds etc.
4.1 Preventive maintenance.

Recommend that you replace the diaphragms in solenoid valves 2, 4, 5, and 6 minimum twice
a year. Replace all valves (including valve seats) and ejector every year.
Bowl, nozzles, cover (underside) and ejector should be cleaned once a year.

4.2 Schematic diagram water/air/process.

4.3 The most common operating problems.

Usually the problems are outside the instrument, especially the suction tube. It can be closed,
or periodically blocked, not properly down in the liquid in such a way that the instrument
sucks air
The drain tube (ejector exhaust) is also a week point, it can be blocked if it is put into the

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 13

4.4 Test procedure.

During trouble shouting and maintenance the frequency of acid wash should always be set to
zero. To avoid acid wounds etc.

The first you should do is to find out if the problem is outside the instrument.
Disconnect the 12 mm suction tube at the union under the instrument. Stab a screwdriver up
through the union to check that it is open.
Start the instrument. (press 'RESET')
When the program is in the steps: 'Draining', 'Emptying after meas.' or 'Interval', Air shall
blow out of this union.
When the program is in the step 'Suction of solution', air shall come out of the drain tube
(ejector exhaust).
By closing the union with a finger (use rubber gloves), when the instrument is in the step
'Suction of solution', you should feel that vacuum builds up in the bowl.
If these things are as described, the error is most probably outside the instrument.

4.5 Error messages.

Usually you will be called after the instrument has sent an error message to the control
system, normally this error message is shown in the LC Display on the electronic unit.

Error messages

1. Suction fault. The analyzers stop

2. Draining fault. The analyzers stop
3. Warning!!! No acid. Warning only, “5” is shown to the left in the
first line of the LCD
4. Temperature fault. The analyzers stop
5. Calibration fault. Warning only
6. High alarm, electrode response Warning only, “8” is shown to the left in the
first line of the LCD
7. Low alarm, electrode response Warning only, “9” is shown to the left in the
first line of the LCD
8. High alarm, measurement change Warning only, “6” is shown to the left in the
first line of the LCD
9. Low alarm, measurement change Warning only, “7” is shown to the left in the
first line of the LCD

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 14

4.6 Suction fault.

Possible causes:
Outside the analyzer:
Closed or partially blocked suction tube.
The instrument sucks air; the suction tube is not in the solution, or there is a leakage in the
solution tube or the union.
The drain tube is blocked.
Very low air pressure.

We recommend that you carry out the test procedure, see section 4.4, to find out if the
problem is outside of the instrument.

If there is not blowing air out of the ejector exhaust during ‘Suction of solution’, the valve
‘SV7’ should be checked, disconnect the ejector and try operating the valve manually (see
4.13 for instructions). Clean or replace the valve if it does not work.

(Reconnect the suction tube.)

Check that the spray nozzle is spraying water during ‘Spraying of cell’. If not take out the
spray nozzle, clean or replace it.

Shut of the water supply. Disconnect the tube to the spray nozzle in the middle of the cover,
start the analyzer and wait for ‘Suction of solution’. Hold a finger over the tube end and check
for vacuum. If you cannot feel the vacuum, proceed with point 3. If you have vacuum the
problem is leakage in the bowl lid assembly for instance in;

Cover, unions.
Cover, O-ring between ring and cover.
Bottom union and bowl.
Bottom union and tube.

Look over the unions (dismantle-clean-assemble).

If this doesn't work, you will have to put pressure on the bowl. Take out the spring and
plunger in SV1, disconnect the 12 mm suction tube and plug this union.

The bowl now gets pressure via SV1 (do not use higher pressure than 0,7 bar, do not start the
instrument), use soap water to find the leakage.

No vacuum from the manifold plate. Disconnect the tube from the ejector side to the manifold
plate, start the analyzer and wait for ‘Suction of solution’. Hold a finger over the connection
to the ejector. If you have vacuum here the problem is SV6, replace it. If there is no vacuum
from the ejector then the ejector should be rinsed or replaced.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 15

4.7 Drain fault.

This error message can have two causes, either there is an electrical shorting because of
dirt between the level electrode and the temperature probe, or there is a real drainage
a) The error message appears at once when the program comes to the step 'Suction of
solution'. If there is no solution in the bowl the problem is dirt. Try 'Manual wash' in the main
menu, see 1.8.
If this doesn't clear the problem the cover must be taken of and cleaned by hand. Be very
careful when you put the cover on, the O-ring must have a stable position, fasten the screw
gradually one by one.
b) The bowl is not emptied, before the step 'Suction of solution'.
Carry out the test procedure; see section 4.4, to find out if the problem is outside the
Disconnect the tube at the union on the upper left side of the manifold plate, the drain tube.
Start the instrument. In the steps 'Draining' and 'Emptying after measuring' air shall blow out
of this connection. If not there is something wrong with SV1, replace it.

4.8 Warning, no acid.

(check that acid is available)

Disconnect the acid-tube, wait until the step 'Acid suction' for the second time.
During the step 'Acid suction', you shall see bubbles in the acid dosing cell.
If not (no bubbles) replace SV4, also if the problem is periodically the problem is probably
that this valve is not working properly.
(Problems with the suction parts will result in a 'Suction fault'.)

4.9 Temperature error.

Press 'MENU', choose 'Continuous measuring?' and press 'ENT'. The display shows current
pH and temperature. If the temperature is outside reasonable limits, try to replace the
temperature probe. If the error disappears the old sensor is destroyed.
If not try to recalibrate the instrument, connect a 100 ohm resistor instead of the temperature
probe, choose 'Calibration?' in the main menu and press 'ENT', choose 'Calibration / Low
temperature', press 'ENT', press 'ENT' once more.
Replace the 100 ohms resistor with a 138,5 ohms resistor, choose 'Calibration / high
temperature', press 'ENT' twice.

4.10 Calibration error.

Most often an old and degraded glass electrode causes this error message; try a new one. (See
section 3.3 Calibration.) It is not unusual that new electrodes do not work properly.
If you use wrong buffer solutions you will get this warning too.
The cable from the glass electrode to the electronic unit is a weak link: a small shorting, a
little moisture, or if the cable has been stretched, it will be destroyed. Try to replace it with a
new one.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 16

4.11 Internal wiring diagram

4.12 The electronic unit.

The electronic unit is constructed with very reliable components. If you are suspicious that
there is something wrong, you can check that the operation of the valves is in accordance with
the program (see next page).
If the display is blank the cause may be that there is no power, check the 630 mA fuse on the
110 VAC input, see; section 2.2 to localize it.

4.13 Manual steering of the valves.

It is possible to switch the valves one and off one by one. This is intended as a tool for trouble
shooting and testing of the valves.

Choose ”Manual steering” in the Main Menu.

Press 1 to switch on/off (toogle); SV7
Press 2 to switch on/off (toogle); SV6
Press 3 to switch on/off (toogle); SV5
Press 4 to switch on/off (toogle); SV4
Press 5 to switch on/off (toogle); SV3
Press 6 to switch on/off (toogle); SV2
Press 7 to switch on/off (toogle); SV1
Press 8 to switch on/off (toogle); Alarm relay

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 17

4.14 Arrangement, wet cabinet.

Step Action Valves on: Standard Comments, (locks)

No. time
1 Emptying SV1 10
2 Acid SV7, SV6 maximum When the acid reaches the acid electrodes in the acid dosing cell,
suction SV4 open 35 not the program continues with step 3. If 35 seconds passes without
after 1 s. adjustable the acid reaching the electrodes, the warning message 'No acid'
appears in the LCD, the program then continues with step 3.
3 Acid wash SV3, SV1 3
4 Interval SV1 10
5 (Spraying of 0 Not used
6 Spraying of SV3, SV1 10 The valves closes if the level electrodes measures that it is
the cell solution in the measuring cell SEE 1.7
7 Draining SV1 16
8 Suction of SV7, SV6, 240 If the level is reached before 5 seconds has passed the error
solution message 'Drain fault' appears in the display, if the level is not
reached within 240 seconds the error message 'Suction fault’,
appears in the display. In both cases the instrument stops.
9 Stabilization 20 If the level in the measuring cell falls below the level electrode
SV7, SV6 and SV5 opens, until the level is reached again
10 Measuring 1

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 18

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 19
5. Spare parts.

Order Description Drawing designation. Recommended

no. number for
3-1 Valve operator V5 SV1, SV3, SV7 2

3-2 Valve seat V5 SV1, SV3, SV7 2

3-3 Valve operator V42 SV4, SV6 2

3-4 Valve seat V42 SV4, SV6 2

3-6 Acid dosing cell 1
3-7 Ejector 1
3-8 Level electrodes, acid 0
3-9 Manifold plate 1
3-10 Level electrode, bowl 0
3-11 Bowl 1
3-13 Temperature probe 1
3-14 pH - cable 1
3-15 Pressure regulator 1
3-16 Manometer 1
3-20 Set fittings 0
3-21 Set O-rings 1
3-22 Set diaphragms for V42 SV4, SV6 1

3-23 Set of screws 0

3-32 Electronic unit HIAS-3-PH- 1
3-27 Spray nozzle SS 1
3-33 Cover and ring 1
3-36 Set of teflon ferrules 1

The recommended number of spares for reserve is per unit in operation. It is a suggestion for
what you should have in stock locally.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 20

6. Data sheet.

Halland Instruments AS

PH-13-S Automatic pH measuring station PH-13 simplified version

PH-13-S is an automatic on-line pH measuring and cleaning system. The pH is measured intermittently at 1-3
minute intervals. The instrument is a complete unit: For sampling, washing of the pH electrode, measuring
chamber, dosing and washing of the electrode with a suitable detergent, with an electronic output of 4-20 mA
and a Modbus RTU computer interface. This a "back to basics" design, built on 30 years of experience with
sampler - proven technology.

The instrument sucks a sample from the process, to a measuring chamber (bowl), where the pH is measured. The
sample is then returned to the process. The instrument then sucks up 19 ml of a suitable detergent from a
container (container not included). The bowl and the pH electrode are sprayed with this solution. After an
interval the pH combination electrode and the bowl are washed with water, then the water is drained to the
process and then the cycle repeats itself. The instrument is equipped with an air driven vacuum pump (ejector).

The primary use of this instrument is in automatic process control,
where the measured pH is used to control the addition of
chemicals to keep the desired pH value.

Zinc plants, chemical processing, paper and pulp, food and beverage
effluent treatment, waste water treatment plants, precipitation of
heavy metals in waste water treatment plants, mining and metal
plating effluents.

Key features.
1. Fast, in nearly every application the measuring frequency is much higher than the disturbances.
2. Efficient washing of the electrode increases lifetime of the sensor, and increases the time between
3. Unique sampling system, there is no valve between the measuring point and the electrode.
4. Very fast and easy to calibrate, using standard buffer solutions, this work takes only 2-4 minutes.
5. Sophisticated intelligent monitoring; of measured value and electrode response. The instrument gives
diagnostic messages on faults; if the response of the electrode is abnormal, if the measured value is changing
faster than the time constant of the process or no change at all.
6. Diagnostic messages on fault conditions; suction fault, drain fault etc.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 21

Your payback will come from process optimizing, and will normally give you: Product quality and high efficient
production, reduced consumption of expensive chemicals. Lower maintenance costs due to longer sensor life

Important design factors.

PH-13 is designed to operate with solutions with suspended particles up to 6 mm in diameter, with temperatures
from 0-100 degrees centigrade. The wetted parts are resistant to most acids and bases. The instrument is
designed to operate in a harsh environment, indoor or outdoor. Designed for high accuracy, reliability and low
maintenance requirements. Simple setup with menu driven push-button programming of measuring range and
times. The LCD display guides the operator through the setup program.

Technical data.

Water consumption (typ.) 5 liters per hour.

Air consumption 100-250 ln per hour
Air pressure 3-7 bar

Suction height (from vessel, duct etc to cabinet) 6 meter water column.
Detergent consumption (washing freq. is programmable) 10-19 ml/wash.

The container for acid must be placed higher (absolute minimum one meter) than the measuring point.

Water pressure 3-5 bar.

pH range 0 to 14 pH Span 1-14 pH

Temperature 0-100 °C
Accuracy, transmitter 0.01 pH

Power supply 110 or 230 volt AC

Power consumption 35 Watts.

Internal tubing Teflon

Cabinet (two compartment stainless steel) IP 65.
Electronic enclosure IP 65.
Outer dimensions 835x480x245 mm.

Weight 29.5 kg.

4-20 mA loop powered, maximum load 950 Ω at 24V dc, linearity and offset error max 0.1 %
1 alarm relay, SPCO contacts, rating 8A @ 250V ac/30V dc.
RS485 (Modbus RTU) computer interface (1 start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, 9600 baud).

All outputs are galvanic isolated from measuring circuits and from each other.

Operating Instruction Manual PH-13-S © Halland Instruments AS 22

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