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Gamini Weerasinghe,1 Karthik Soundararajan2 and Janaka Ruwanpura, Ph.D, PQS.3

Green buildings help in sustainability, in terms of achieving energy efficiency and minimizing the utilization of natu-
ral resources. Additional benefits include long-term sustainable building management and maintenance. There is, there-
fore, compelling motivation for the building of sustainable projects. This inspiration has led to the development of the
leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) rating systems and projects by the United States Green Build-

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ing Council and the Canadian Green Building Council. Proper building project management (BPM) of such projects
is warranted. Pre-project planning is a crucial part of BPM that ensures delivery and performance of construction proj-
ects. Pre-project planning is defined as the process that encompasses all the tasks between project initiation and detailed
design. There is a positive relationship between comprehensive pre-project planning and enhanced project performance.
Given the motivation for environmentally sustainable projects and proper management of constructing such projects,
diligent pre-project planning for such projects is required. This paper investigates the use of the LEED rating system in
pre-project planning of sustainable construction projects by developing a matrix that combines the LEED and the Pro-
ject Definition Rating Index (PDRI) developed by the Construction Industry Institute. The conceptual matrix and its
application to a case study demonstrates that the value of linking pre-project planning with LEED to improve the deci-
sion making process during planning and designing of building projects to improve sustainability.

INTRODUCTION execution of such projects. Best practices for building

Engineers, designers and project managers are pre- project management (BPM) will ensure better project
vented from proactively adopting sustainable devel- planning and execution and also reveal the impor-
opment principles in project development and imple- tance of thorough pre-project planning in ensuring
mentation, due to a lack of awareness of a project’s enhanced project performance. Therefore, there is a
societal and environmental impacts or the unavail- necessity to develop best practices for BPM that aids
ability of standardized procedures and techniques to in comprehensive pre-project planning of these
ascertain these impacts. Some of the current methods unique projects. This paper investigates how LEED
to mitigate project impacts are: environmental impact aids in diligent pre-project planning of environmen-
assessments, environmental management system, and tally sustainable projects.
leadership in energy and environmental design The work presented in this paper begins by de-
(LEED) certification systems. However, there are scribing sustainable projects and the motivation for
challenges in managing and implementing these sys- such projects. An investigation of best practices in
tems. The nature of sustainable projects necessitates BPM and what pre-project planning encompasses for
additional efforts during the planning, design, con- construction projects are described next. The LEED
struction and maintenance phases, resulting in in- rating system and the requirements for achieving
creased complexity during the planning, design and LEED certification for sustainable building projects is

Ph.D. Candidate, Project Management Specialization, Department of Civil Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, 2500, University
Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N 1N4, Tel: 403-220-6185, Fax: 403-282-7026, email:
Project Engineer, Onquest,Inc./Born Heaters Canada ULC, 3582-118th Avenue, S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2Z 3X1. Tel: 618-8047,
Canada Research Chair in Project Management Systems, Director and Associate Professor, Project Management Specialization, Depart-
ment of Civil Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, 2500, University Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N 1N4, Tel: 403-220-6892, Fax:
403-282-7026, email: (Corresponding Author)

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briefly introduced. These steps form the background signing sustainable projects pose new challenges to
of this paper and provided motivation for the re- the project management of green building construc-
search, which is the investigation of how the LEED tion. There is, therefore, a need to develop best prac-
rating system is complementary to pre-project plan- tices for BPM in the development of green building
ning of sustainable projects. The research methodol- projects.
ogy undertaken for this project is outlined; and, the
challenges in pre-project planning of sustainable proj- Best Practices in BPM
ects are described. A procedure is then proposed for Principles of management as applied for the success-
using the LEED rating system in conjunction with ful implementation of a building project constitutes
the major steps of pre-project planning. The analysis, building project management, which is carried out
design and demonstration of the proposed solution through pre-project planning, detailed design, con-
reveal how the LEED rating system, along with the struction and startup phases of a project. Proper BPM

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project definition rating index [Cho and Gibson Jr. is required to ensure successful project performance,
(2001)], for buildings, aids in pre-project planning of which is measured using the criteria that are of im-
sustainable building projects. The paper concludes portance to the client, namely time, cost and quality.
with the findings and recommendations from the re- The goal of best practices in BPM to ensure that
search conducted. building project delivery is 100% predictable in terms
of specified time, cost and quality. Ineffective BPM
BACKGROUND practice would result in cost overruns, delays and
“In the context of global population growth and the buildings of poor quality, thus making project deliv-
earth’s finite resources, the way in which human be- ery unpredictable.
ings are sheltered is a major integral part of the imper- “BPM has two principal purposes; first, to identify
ative to maintain a global environmental equilibrium” the most appropriate project objective, typically ex-
[Klinker (2004)]. Truly sustainable construction sup- pressed in relation to time, cost and quality, having
ports human dignity, while minimizing negative im- taken due cognizance of the project’s intended pur-
pacts on the natural environment. Appropriate con- pose, its client and its environment. Second, the proj-
struction techniques can result in buildings that ect management must establish an organizational
mitigate environmental damage and, through proper structure which allows a project to be managed by its
design, save energy by utilizing renewable resources. agreed objectives with respect to its technology, its
The concept of green buildings offers alternatives on contributors and the environment in which it takes
dealing with sustainability and buildings and, at the place” [Brown and Adams (2000)].
same time, meets occupants’ expectations in the levels According to Barnes (1988), the analysis of the
of comfort and quality. process of cost control demonstrates that completing
Recent developments in this area have led to the within budget depends upon a combination of three
emergence of the LEED system, which was developed principal factors, which are: (i) a well developed abil-
by the United States Green Building Council ity to prompt control decisions, (ii) an ability to make
(USGBC) and the Canadian Green Building Council good cost forecasts, and (iii) an effective policy for
(CaGBC). The LEED rating system was created to setting and controlling contingencies. All three fac-
transform the built environment towards sustainabil- tors are made easy to put into effect when decisions
ity, by providing the building industry with consis- are made early.
tent, credible standards for what constitutes a green Time management involves having a proper pro-
building. It is the nationally accepted benchmark for gram in place and determining what tasks lie ahead.
the design, construction and operation of high-per- The decisions on the tasks that lie ahead must be
formance green buildings in the USA and Canada. taken by using a forecast of the time effect of the op-
LEED helps to assess the environmental sustainabil- tion on which a choice is to be made. Tasks must be
ity of building designs [USGBC (2006)], thus pro- controlled with tight contingencies with possible
viding motivation for sustainable development. This floats to deal with uncertainties, and the progress on
inducement and the complexities associated with de- remaining activities must be tracked and managed.

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Quality management involves having a proper ect planning forms the core of these practices and,
specification and carefully making the arrangements therefore, plays a vital role in project performance.
for working to it. Quality is to be managed, much Pre-project planning establishes what is to be done
like cost and time management, and applied across all and paves the way to make it happen. It is an impor-
project interfaces. It is essential to ensure that all par- tant facet of planning, which reduces uncertainty and
ticipants are subject to the project quality policy and improves efficiency. Once the work to be done and
procedures [Dingle (1997)]. the resource needs are defined, it is possible to sched-
Similarly, BPM best practices during the briefing, ule the work to take advantage of resource availability
design, construction and commissioning stages in- and in parallel rather than in series. Thus, it is possi-
volve proper design management through design con- ble to maximize the use of resources and complete the
trol, cost control during the design stage, financial project work in less time than alternative approaches.
control during construction, and proper policies for Pre-project planning also provides a basis for measur-

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dealing with new instructions and unexpected events. ing work planned against work performed [Wysocki
During the design stage, specific design decisions et al. (1995)].
must be taken regarding the performance, cost and Previous research has shown the importance of
time forecasts for the project. The management of the pre-project planning on capital projects and its influ-
design process itself, especially when several design ence on project success. Research results show that ef-
agencies are involved, is crucial for the success of the fective pre-project planning on building projects leads
project since effective exchange of information pre- to improved performance in terms of cost, scheduling
vents unnecessary delays. Further, “continuous refer- and operational characteristics. Specifically, a research
ence should be made to the performance objectives study that categorized 53 capital facility projects into
set for the project and the quality standards of the three different intensities of pre-project planning ef-
components which these imply.” [Barnes (1988)] forts and compared the total potential cost and sched-
As most of the decisions affecting the cost of the ule performance differences as follows [Cho and Gib-
project are made during the design stage, the estab- son Jr. (2001)]:
lishment of effective cost control during this stage is
• A 20% cost savings with a high level of pre-proj-
important. The cost implications of each design deci-
ect planning effort
sion must be continually compared with the budget
• A 39% schedule savings with a high level of pre-
to assess the decision’s effects during construction.
project planning effort
The establishment of a proper monitoring and feed-
back mechanism will allow key personnel to compare Success during the design, execution and startup
the initial projections during implementation. It will phases of the project depends highly on the level of
also serve to monitor the performance of members of effort expended during the scope definition stages of
the team [Pinto et al. (1998)). During the construc- pre-project planning [Gibson Jr. et al. (2006)]. Thor-
tion stage, financial control can be achieved by mini- ough pre-project planning also reduces change orders
mizing significant changes and the occurrence of un- and rework costs. Studies have also shown that, when
expected events. This can be achieved by the prioritizing the contribution of capital to reduce re-
application of procedures that monitor expenditures work, the major root causes for such rework were
and performance against the progress of the project identified as: errors and omissions in engineering
with the estimated completion, in order to measure work packages, late design changes, document con-
variances from authorized budgets and allow for ef- trol, and scope changes. Proper pre-project planning
fective action to be taken to achieve minimal costs can minimize the errors due to rework, as docu-
[Martin, (1992)]. mented by Ruwanpura et al. (2003). The additional
efforts and complexities associated with sustainable
Importance of Planning projects makes the importance of pre-project plan-
and Pre-Project Planning ning even more pronounced. This raises the question
The aforementioned BPM best practices are decisive of what comprises a thorough pre-project planning,
in the management of sustainable projects. Pre-proj- particularly for sustainable BPM.

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PDRI and Thorough Pre-Project Planning Thorough pre-project planning must include sys-
Pre-project planning is defined as the process that tems and procedures that encompass the following
encompasses all the tasks between project initiation recommendations for project management profes-
and the beginning of the detailed design. It could be sionals, according to [Gibson Jr. et al (2006)]:
summarized into four major steps: (i) organizing for
• Commitment to follow a standardized pre-project
pre-project planning, (ii) selecting project alterna-
planning process using experienced, technically
tives, (iii) detailed scope definition, and (iv) deciding
proficient personnel, with the facility owner organ-
whether to proceed with the detailed design [Gibson
ization being integrally involved in the process.
Jr. et al. (2001)].
• Ensure that the project team is pursuing the
The development of the project’s scope definition
‘right’ project in its work and that the project is
is one of the major tasks in the pre-project planning
aligned with business drivers. An understanding
process. Research has been performed with the objec-

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of organizational behavior, as well as sound tech-
tive of developing effective and easy-to-use pre-project
nical skills and business acumen, are critical at
planning management tools. This effort has led to the
this stage for successful planners.
development of the project definition rating index
• Generating of the ‘right work product’. Studies
(PDRI), a scope definition tool by the Construction
must be performed and scope definition docu-
Industry Institute [Cho and Gibson Jr. (2001)]. PDRI
ments prepared, in order to facilitate a smooth
is a weighted matrix with scope definition elements
transition from planning to design and construc-
grouped into categories and further summarized into
tion. Using a PDRI checklist, or other planning
main sections. The PDRI allows for the quantification
tools, is essential to ensuring that the critical
of the completeness of the project’s scope definition.
project scope risk issues are addressed.
PDRIs for both industrial construction and build-
• Choosing the ‘right approach’ to project execution
ing projects were developed to aid in pre-project plan-
during pre-project planning. This task involves
ning [Cho and Gibson Jr. (2001)]. PDRI-buildings
setting adequate cost and schedule baselines,
consists of 64 scope definition elements in a weighted
choosing the right contracting strategy, focusing
checklist format, which are grouped into 11 cate-
on the procurement process for long-lead items,
gories and further summarized into three sections.
and setting up a project control system.
There are 37 detailed descriptions that define the 64
scope definition elements. Table 1 is an illustration of These recommendations are even more impor-
the PDRI-buildings score sheet for category D: site tant for sustainable projects, due to the complexities
information. The maximum score is 1000 points, and involved in such projects. Therefore, a logical struc-
a lower score represents a more complete scope defi- ture/system is needed that aids in detailing the scope
nition. Project performance and PDRI data collected definition and checklist assessments and, perhaps, in
from sample projects show that the PDRI score and developing a unique, effective and easy-to-use pre-
project success are statistically related; that is, the project planning tool for sustainable projects. A sys-
lower the PDRI score is, the better the project per- tem that fulfills this objective and assists in the
formance [Gibson Jr. et al. (2006)]. process is the LEED rating system developed by the
The planning process is iterative in nature, and United States Green Building Council. A discussion
any changes that occur in assumptions or planning of this system follows.
need to be resolved with earlier planning decisions.
Therefore, PDRI can be used as an effective tool that LEED Rating System
allows a planning team to assess the probability of LEED green building rating system was originally de-
achieving project objectives during pre-project plan- veloped by the United States Green Building Council
ning. However, PDRI alone does not guarantee en- (USGBC) to provide a recognized standard for the con-
hanced project performance, but should be coupled struction industry to assess the environmental sustain-
with sound business planning, alignment and good ability of building designs. The Canadian Green Build-
project execution, in order to achieve project objec- ing Council (CaGBC) has since adopted the USGBC’s
tives [Cho and Gibson Jr. (2001)]. LEED rating system to meet the requirements of build-

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ings in Canada. LEED is now the nationally accepted A total of 70 points can be achieved by adhering
benchmark for the design, construction and operation to the above mentioned six performance categories
of high-performance green buildings. and there are four performance ratings that a building
The LEED rating system consists of specific can achieve according to the points scored on the rat-
guidelines within the 6 categories that entail specifics ing system. They are, Platinum (52 points or more),
of green building design requirements. In addition to Gold (39 to 51 points), Silver (33 to 38 points) and
the guidelines, LEED consists of checklists for each Certified (26 to 32 points).
category. A sample checklist for the Materials and Re- The costs of LEED buildings have been compared
sources category is illustrated in Table 2. to similar structures that do not have sustainability

TABLE 1. Example PDRI-buildings score sheet for category D [Cho and Gibson Jr. (2001)].

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TABLE 2. LEED checklist for the materials and resources category [CaGBC (2006)].

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goals. The previous studies show that the cost varia- and, it does not provide clarity and visibility on sus-
tion varies greatly due to many factors and types of tainable requirements and design decisions for clients.
buildings. There are so many dynamic variables that This paper investigates how the LEED rating system
make it difficult to quantify exactly how much more alleviates these deficiencies.
a LEED project would cost (Da Silva and Ruwan- As such, the main research objective of this paper
pura, 2007). Some studies show that LEED buildings is to investigate into how the LEED rating system
cost 10% to 25% more than conventional construc- aids in comprehensive pre-project planning of sus-
tion (Reed, 2003). This may be due to lack of inte- tainable projects. This objective is expected to be
gration of LEED credits with each other at the plan- achieved through identification of contributions
ning and design stages. In general, it is believed that if made to project scope definition—measured using
a team effectively integrates design expertise, project PDRI-building tool—by LEED rating system.
teams can achieve LEED certifications at 1% to 6.5%

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higher costs than comparable projects without sus- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
tainable goals (Syphers et al, 2003). Of course, one The study has been conducted as a single case study
can spend significantly more if the credits being research, so as to provide in-depth investigation. In
sought are not able to be optimized as a result of ex- selecting the case, an “exemplary” case, defined by Yin
ternal conditions (Reed, 2003). This shows that there (2003) as a case reflecting strong, positive examples of
are several project management related issues for de- the phenomenon of interest has been given prece-
signing and implementing LEED projects. The dence. The important criteria in selecting the case is
sources of the cost increase, great or small must be that it should altogether add up to as many LEED
identified and mitigated at the pre-project planning credits as possible. As such, a LEED project with a
stage. Dynamic Schedules are also required to make high rating had been selected as the case.
sure that LEED aspects are properly identified and in- The research methodology for this investigation
corporated. It is assumed that the percentages of cost comprises of the following steps:
increase can then in turn be reduced while developing 1. Each LEED credit is analyzed to determine the
project management best practices to LEED projects. sustainable requirements and when, during pre-
project planning, the appropriate decisions need to
Research Objective be made. These decisions are presented in a matrix
The identification of sustainability goals during the to determine the relationship between LEED and
preplanning stage ensures scope definition for green PDRI-buildings decisions. This matrix, in con-
buildings. The criteria for achieving sustainability junction with PDRI and the LEED rating system,
goals and making design decisions have to be taken provides a logical and consistent framework detail-
into consideration while planning green building ing the scope definition of green buildings.
projects. In the absence of LEED, attempts to make 2. Then the scope definition, aided by this frame-
building designs green during the detailed design work, is explained in detail for section II: basis of
stage, or afterwards, are known to be expensive exer- design of PDRI-buildings. This section has been
cises or even failures as outlined above. The absence chosen for detailing, due to its significance in
of proper guidelines and of the means to verify or PDRI-buildings scores and green building design
quantify whether or not a building has achieved sus- decisions. Section II accounts for 42.8% of the
tainability have been major challenges faced by de- 1000 points of PDRI-buildings.
signers. The PDRI-buildings tool, though providing 3. This procedure is demonstrated with a case study,
a good framework for the planning of building proj- which forms the basis for a comprehensive pre-
ects, does not specifically address the goals of green project planning of sustainable projects.
buildings or the criteria for attaining them, and does
not assist in design decisions. ANALYSIS
Although PDRI-buildings follow a standardized Detailed information on the PDRI-buildings tool
pre-project planning process, it does not necessarily and the LEED rating system can be obtained from
ensure a standardized basis for sustainable design; [Cho and Gibson Jr. (2001)] and [CaGBC (2004)].

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From the analysis of these systems, Table 3 has been parking facilities for fuel-efficient vehicles. The
devised to illustrate the proposed incorporation of the decision regarding this credit is made under E2.
green building decisions under project life cycle and f ) Parking capacity: minimizing parking lot/garage
the scope definition of PDRI-buildings. The boxes sizes to meet local zoning requirements and shar-
marked ‘X’ represent the LEED related decisions cor- ing parking facilities with adjacent buildings re-
responding to PDRI-buildings and pre-project plan- quires decisions under D1, E1 and E9.
ning, as well as the execution phase of a project. g) Protect or restore open space: selection of a suit-
able building location and design the building
LEED Credits and Section II with a minimal footprint to minimize site disrup-
of PDRI-Buildings Framework tion and to conserve existing natural areas re-
This section explains in detail the matrix presented in quires decisions under D1, D2 and E6.
Table 4 for section II: basis of design of PDRI-build- h) Development footprint: reduction of the devel-

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ings, providing insight into how the framework aids opment footprint to exceed the local zoning’s
in scope definition and thorough pre-project plan- open space requirement for the site by 25%, after
ning. This section of PDRI is comprised of four performing a site survey to identify important
major categories, namely: site information, building site elements. It requires decisions under D1, D2
programming, building/project design parameters, and E6.
and equipment. These major categories with their i) Storm water management rate and quantity:
scope definition elements are found in Appendix 1. managing storm water runoff by maintaining
The analysis of LEED’s sustainable sites category and natural storm water flows and reusing storm
its credit ratings, follows. water for non-potable uses, such as landscape irri-
gation, toilets and urinals. This requires decisions
a) Erosion and sedimentation control: design of a
under D2, D8 and F1.
sediment and erosion control plan specific to the
j) Storm water management treatment: designing
site, to reduce negative impacts on water and air
mechanical or natural treatment systems to limit
quality. This credit entails decisions under the
disruption of natural water flow by eliminating
scope definition elements D2, D8 and F1 of
storm water runoff. Decisions have to be made
PDRI. The LEED requirement to adhere to ero-
under D2, D8 and F1.
sion and sedimentation and control standards re-
k) Heat island effect non-roof: shading constructed
quires decisions under D4.
surfaces on the site with landscape features to re-
b) Redevelopment of contaminated sites: develop-
duce heat islands and minimize impact on micro-
ment and implementation of a site remediation
climate, and on human and wildlife habitat. A
plan, and an environmental assessment for con-
decision is required under F1.
taminated sites. The decision for this credit can
l) Heat island effect roof: installing high emissivity
be made under D2 and D5 of PDRI.
roofing for a minimum of 75% of the roof ’s sur-
c) Public transportation access: performing a trans-
face, or installing a green (vegetated) roof for at
portation survey of future building occupants to
least 50% of the roof area, to reduce heat island
identify their transportation needs, so that the
effects from roof. It requires decisions under E10,
building can be sited near mass transit. This
F2 and and F8.
credit requires decisions under D1, D2 and F2
m)Light pollution reduction: adoption of site light-
of PDRI.
ing criteria to maintain safe light levels, while
d) Bicycle storage and changing rooms: incorpora-
avoiding offsite lighting and night sky pollution.
tion of transportation amenities, such as bicycle
Such elimination of light trespass from the build-
racks, assists in reducing pollution from automo-
ing and the site can be achieved through deci-
bile use within the building. The decision regard-
sions under F5.
ing this credit is made under E2, E3 and E7.
e) Hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles: provision of This detailed analysis for all the LEED require-
transportation amenities, such as refuelling sta- ments is presented in Table 4. This table illustrates
tions for alternative fuel vehicles and provision of all the sustainable requirements of the LEED rating

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TABLE 3. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED matrix.

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TABLE 3. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED matrix (continued).

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TABLE 3. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED matrix (continued).

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system pertaining to section II of PDRI-buildings. includes thirty-five square kilometers of land and in-
Each sustainable requirement has been analyzed, tertidal area, spread over 15 islands and numerous
and the PDRI scope definition elements correspon- islets and reefs and approximately twenty-six square
ding to these requirements have been identified. kilometers of marine areas.
This analysis signifies that, while performing the The design and construction of an operations cen-
scope definition using the PDRI-buildings tool, the tre for this new national park presented Parks Canada
LEED rating system aids in consistently detailing the with an opportunity to develop an environmentally
scope definition of green buildings. A published case friendly facility. With its successful completion, this
study, the Operations Centre for the Gulf Island Na- building was the first to be awarded the LEED Canada
tional Park in Sidney, BC [Gulf Island Project for New Construction Platinum rating for its vision
(2006)], has been used to illustrate this framework. and achievement. The operations centre of the Gulf
The Gulf Island National Park Reserve was estab- Island National Park Reserve demonstrates how the
lished on May 9th, 2003 to protect the ecological in- framework presented in this paper can aid in compre-
tegrity of a representative portion of the Strait of hensive pre-project planning of a sustainable building
Georgia Lowlands natural region. It is the first new project. For this case study, the devised framework was
national park reserve of the twenty-first century and applied to the basis of design section of PDRI.

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TABLE 4. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED.

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TABLE 4. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED (continued).

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TABLE 4. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED (continued).

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During the pre-project planning stages, the design d) Bicycle storage and changing rooms: bicycle racks
for what is to be built or done is clearly one of the and showers have been provided for staff use (E2
most critical decisions of the project; and, it covers and E3) and accommodate five percent of the
several stages of the overall project life cycle. Design building use. These facilities were integrated with
begins at the very early stages in life cycle. Early de- the overall design of the building (E7).
sign work involves defining the client requirements e) Hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles: Parks
and investigating them within the context of the Canada has invested in a hybrid vehicle to reduce
overall project strategy. Even at the feasibility stage, its consumption of fossil fuels, which will help in
different configurations/alternatives will be developed reducing pollution from automobile use (E2).
and explored. It involves not just shape or aesthetics f ) Development footprint: the new facility is lo-
but also choice and management of technology, in- cated on the waterfront at the rear of the prop-
cluding technical risk management, selection of ma- erty. This location was selected after performing a

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terials and systems, and so forth [Morris (1998)]. site survey to identify site elements and after the
The sustainable design vision for the operations preparation of a master plan for the development
centre was to demonstrate how, in the isolated island of the project site (D1 and D2). By adapting this
ecology of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, a strategy, the building was designed with a mini-
building can be designed to respond to its site and en- mal footprint to minimize site disruption (E6).
vironment, in order to minimize dependence on out- g) Storm water management rate and quantity: rain-
side sources of energy and its impact on the environ- water falling on the roof is collected and stored
ment. Section II of PDRI-buildings, in conjunction for non-potable uses, such as in flushing toilets
with the LEED credit ratings for the operations cen- and washing equipment (D8). This was achieved
tre, are as follows [Gulf Island Project (2006)]: after a site survey to determine natural storm
water flows (D2) and the preparation of necessary
a) Erosion and sedimentation control: strict erosion
site development drawings (F1).
and sedimentation control measures were fol-
h) Storm water management treatment: Before dis-
lowed throughout the construction process, as
charging rainwater into the ocean, sediments and
the prevention of damage to the existing shore-
oils are removed (D8). This credit was obtained
line and marine habitat was a priority for Parks
after a site survey to determine site conditions
Canada. This required the analysis of site condi-
(D2) and the adoption of a site development plan
tions through site surveys (D2 of PDRI-build-
ings), special water treatment requirements (D8),
i) Heat island effect non-roof: The site is land-
design of a sediment and erosion control plan,
scaped with drought resistant planting, so as to
and the incorporation of the appropriate civil/site
shade constructed surfaces on the site and mini-
design parameters (F1). The plan had to conform
mize the overall building footprint. This strategy
to the necessary standards and codes for erosion
helps in reducing heat islands and in minimizing
and sedimentation (D4).
impact on microclimate and human and wildlife
b) Redevelopment of contaminated sites: contami-
habitat. The landscape design for the site indi-
nated material discovered on the site was re-
cated the planting plan (F1).
moved, in accordance with federal standards and
j) Light pollution reduction: this credit requires
procedures. This credit was achieved after the site
elimination of light trespass from the building
survey (D2) and environmental assessment (D5).
and site. In this facility, all exterior lights do not
c) Public transportation access: the building was lo-
allow light to shine upwards and restrict lighting
cated close to public transit (D1) to reduce pollu-
to prevent trespass across property lines (F5).
tion from automobile use. This objective was
achieved after performing a transportation survey This detailed analysis of the LEED requirements
of future building occupants to identify their for this case study are presented in Table 5 (Project
needs (D2). This decision had an effect in the ar- Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED for Gulf Is-
chitectural design as well (F2). land Park Operations Centre) and Table 6 (PDRI-

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TABLE 5. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre.

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TABLE 5. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre (continued).

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138 Journal of Green Building

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TABLE 5. Project Life Cycle with PDRI-buildings & LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre (continued).

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buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED for clarity and improves owner involvement. The rating
Gulf Island Park Operations Centre). These two ta- system ensures that the ‘right’ project is pursued in
bles illustrate all the sustainable requirements of the proper alignment with the business drivers. The
LEED rating system pertaining to project life cycle framework presented in this paper generates the ‘right
and specifically section II of PDRI-buildings . work product’, as it aids in a detailed scope definition
This study demonstrates the use of the LEED that facilitates a smooth transition from planning to
credit rating system in describing the scope definition design and construction. The process reduces uncer-
of the Gulf Island National Park project. The frame- tainty, thus reducing risks associated with the project.
work guides the design decisions and aids in detailing The pre-project planning facilitated by this frame-
the PDRI-buildings scope definition. work allows the project managers to set adequate cost
and schedule baselines and helps ascertain procure-
CONCLUSIONS ment requirements. The framework forms a coherent
This paper explains how the LEED rating system aids baseline for project control.
in identifying the scope definition of PDRI-build- Furthermore, the LEED rating system aids in
ings. Furthermore, LEED aids in the thorough pre- quality assurance and facilitates quality management,
project planning of sustainable building projects, as it offers four levels of green building certifications.
since it alleviates the deficiencies of PDRI-buildings. LEED helps early decision-making, since it provides
The LEED rating system provides a standardized pre- visibility of project requirements. This, in turn, may
project planning process, which allows for increased reduce change orders, as it provides a good plan in

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TABLE 6. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre.

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TABLE 6. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre (continued).

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TABLE 6. PDRI-buildings for section II, basis of design and LEED for Gulf Island Park Operations Centre (continued).

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working towards specifications. The LEED-PDRI PDRI with LEED is just one step in the intensive
framework organizes design decisions and the associ- process of ensuring project success. Overall success of
ated requirements. It also aids in the overall pre-con- LEED building projects requires the investigation of
struction planning process for the principal contrac- how all the phases of BPM can complement LEED
tor. Therefore, from the research findings in the area requirements, which can be accomplished by scruti-
of PPP and from the framework presented in this nizing the BPM process in detail. Such investigation
paper, it is established that the two systems, the will open up numerous avenues for further research
LEED rating system and PDRI-buildings, comple- in the incorporation of LEED with BPM. For exam-
ment each other; and, their amalgamation forms a ple, providing for the LEED standards in bidding
comprehensive framework for pre-project planning of documents would entail several research studies based
sustainable projects. The framework presented in this on the type of contract to be adopted. The same can
paper also forms the basis for the development of be done for every stage of the project management
PDRI-green buildings, i.e. a scope definition tool life cycle.
customized for sustainable projects.
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