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It is a common opinion that reading fiction books lead you to learn a great deal about people

and helps you with relationships and that is important for the society, but we have to
consider that nowadays our style of leaving is based on scientific advances, in order to
improve as humans we have to know about science and the best way to do it is reading that
type of books.

Firstly, we have to take into account that reading those type of books can be difficult, mostly
for kids and young adults; It might be boring and tedious, but with a little bit of practice,
people can get surprise about the opportunities that science books can bring to their lives.

However, reading a fiction book can sound more interesting for spend time, but if we deeply
analyze the benefits of knowing the bases of our world, “science”, we can see the
importance of reading science books, that will help us in our day by day.

In light of the above, we can all agree that knowledge is power everyone should take up
reading as a hobby it feeds people’s mind and let’s people acquire knowledge in an
interesting way, and as more as we know about science, more we can improve as society,
we can have ideas or create new things that help the humanity, based on what we read on
science books.

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