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Phrasal Verbs about House and Home

Phrasal verbs often Be aware that many of

include another these phrasal verbs
preposition if they take also have other
an object. meanings.

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) back onto a) to decorate or refurbish a home

2) camp out b) to consume food at home

3) do up c) for a building to face something from the rear

4) eat in d) to close a door with a key

5) lie in e) to live or sleep in a tent

6) lock up f) to make a home untidy or dirty

7) mess up g) to spend time doing small, unimportant things around the home

8) move in/into h) to lease property

9) pop out i) to provide beds for guests, to accommodate

10) potter about j) to get out of bed later than normal

11) put (somebody) up k) to momentarily leave home

12) rent out l) to begin to occupy a building or home

13) stay in m) to buy provisions and groceries for the home

14) stock up n) to clean cutlery, crystal and crockery

15) throw away/out o) to remain at home instead of going out

16) tidy up p) to not go to bed until somebody has returned home

17) wait up (for someone) q) to treat as rubbish and remove from the home

18) wash up r) to put the home in order and return things to their correct place


Play the Kahoot game from the link below
Phrasal Verbs about House and Home
back onto camp out do up eat in lie in lock up mess up move in/into pop out potter about
put up rent out stay in stock up throw away/out tidy up wait up (for someone) wash up

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the sentences below.
You will need to conjugate them appropriately.

1) My daughter was planning on going to the cinema but in the end she decided to _________ _______
and watch TV.

2) I don’t like having dinner parties ever since the dishwasher broke. It now takes almost as long to
_________ _______ as it does to cook the meal.

3) I don’t like the amount of salt they put in food in restaurants nowadays. I much prefer to _________

4) We are running low on food and toiletries. Perhaps we should go to the supermarket and _________
_______ on a few things.

5) They let their 11-year-old son and his friends _________ _______ in the back garden for the night.

6) There have been a lot of burglaries in the neighbourhood of late. The police are advising everybody to
double check that they have _________ _______ properly before going to bed.

7) When she _________ _______ 10 years ago, her neighbourhood was quite quiet. Now that the new
shopping centre has been built close by, there is a fair bit of traffic and noise.

8) She works very late but her husband always _________ _______ for her and won’t go to bed until
she is home.

9) At Christmas time, he normally _________ his mother _______ for a few days so that she can spend a
little time with her grandchildren.

10) On Sundays, Susan usually _________ _______ until 10am, and then spends the rest of the morning
in her pyjamas.

11) I don’t like it when my sister brings her children with her when she visits me. They always _________
_______ the house and frighten the cats.

12) After my sister and her children have visited me, it takes me about three hours to _______ ______.

13) After he has breakfast, my father likes to _________ _______ for a short walk. He usually gets back
about half an hour later.

14) I inherited the family home from my parents when they died. I have since _________ it ________ to
a nice, young couple.

15) The TV has stopped working and we had to __________ it _________.

16) She wanted to _________ _______ the flat so she went to the local DIY shop and bought some
paint and other supplies.

17) When you see my brother’s house from the front, it looks very beautiful and is quite impressive.
Unfortunately, it _________ _______ a rubbish dump and the smell is really quite overwhelming,

18) I don’t go out very much on Saturdays. I prefer to _________ _______ the house and garden, doing
any odd jobs that require my attention.
My Ideal Home
Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the story below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.

back onto camp out do up eat in lie in lock up mess up move in pop out potter about
put up rent out stay in stock up throw away/out tidy up wait up (for someone) wash up

Buying a house is a serious business. For the majority of us, it will be the most expensive thing we will
ever buy in our lives. Unfortunately, the house that we eventually _________ ______ will not be the house of
our dreams. We have to lower our expectations considerably due to price, work, family and other pressures
before the purchase is made. However, putting reality to one side for a moment, what kind of home would
you like to buy in a perfect world?
For my part, the kind of house I would like to spend my life in is very clear. It would be a house, not a
flat. It would be close to both the countryside and the city, if not in both places at once. It would have an
enormous garden with a tent for _________ ______ on summer evenings. While the front would have a view
of a street, with at least one shop nearby, my ideal home would _________ ______ the countryside with
views of either some mountains, a valley or some kind of water feature such as a lake or river.
Having a shop close at hand would allow me to _________ ______ for a few minutes to buy some
essentials when I run out rather than driving all the way to some soulless shopping centre. Nonetheless,
having a major road nearby would allow me to visit said shopping centre whenever necessary, to _________
______ on the month’s groceries. Being able to get onto a major road to drive to holiday spots for the
weekend would also be pretty important for one’s quality of life.
A large, fully equipped, state-of-the-art kitchen would be vital to me. I love to _________ ______ and
I regard cooking as one of my favourite hobbies. Obviously, a roomy dining area would also be essential for
when I have people over to dine but although those imaginary dinner parties in my luxury home would be fun
to do, _________ ______ the pots and pans afterwards would not be so enjoyable. The latest dishwasher
would be fundamental.
On the subject of cleaning, there are a number of gadgets and apps to help a person to _________
______ the home nowadays. I am not a very tidy person and have an annoying habit, according to my wife, of
_________ ______ the house without even trying. Robot cleaners do really irritate me, I have to say, but
looking on the bright side, these devices are programmable and can come out and do their work when I am
not around. Besides, I would rather _________ ______ in the garden looking for odd jobs than clean the
house. The fresh air is always preferable, no matter how wonderful the home is. But a really efficient, eco-
friendly and futuristic home, for me, would have to have some kind of device that can recycle all the
household waste that we _________ ______. I would happily pay top-dollar for something like that.
Automatic Persian blinds would be indispensible for me. I’m not an early-riser and blocking out the
early-morning daylight would be necessary if I were to _________ ______ for a while longer rather than
getting up with the lark, as my wife is wont to do. These kinds of blinds are also an advantage in terms of
security and when closed completely are very effective in keeping out intruders so that when _________
______, pulling these down too will make for a more secure home, especially if they are alarmed.
My ideal home would absolutely have a small guest house at the end of the garden for _________
______friends and relatives. It would have its own bathroom and toilet facilities as well as a small utility room
equipped with a washing machine and tumble dryer. Perhaps it could be _________ ______ to students
during term time to make a little ready cash on the side. Either way, for me it would be preferable to have it a
short distance away from the main house for privacy. And if the imaginary residents had their own key, they
could stay out late without myself or my wife having to _________ ______ for them so that we can let them
into the house.
Talking of privacy, a nice little office for both my wife and myself would be a basic requirement, as
would a den for any children, should we chose to start a family. A gym would also be nice although I don’t
think it would be necessary for us to have a separate his-and-hers version. And, just in case, perhaps a little
workshop of some kind, next to the garage. If we ever wanted to _________ ______ the house on our own,
you know, a lick of paint here and there, build a small shed, repair a door or two, sorting out some shelves or
furniture, a small but functional workshop would be vital.
However, there is one drawback to owning the ideal, dream home; if I had all of this, I would probably
never go out. Mind you, if I did live in such a house, I don’t think that _________ ______ would be a problem
for me personally, to be fair.
Dream Home Debate

Read the memo below and then prepare a short presentation with your
partner on what your idea of a dream home should be. The presentations
should be prepared in English and given in the same language. The
preparation time is 10 minutes and the presentation time is 5 minutes.

Indicate which word is correct in the memo below. Sometimes both options are possible.

Walton Construction
To: Senior departmental officers
From: Director of Marketing
Date: 17/02/2020
Re: Dream home ideas
Dear colleagues,

As I am sure you are all conscious/aware, our company is down to the last three to be chosen in the
bidding for a social housing project by central/middle government. If chosen/selected, we would be given a
large contract to design and build social/socialist housing for several different regions, up and down the UK.
We would also be awarded the contract for luxury houses that would be built by the government to help raise
money to subsidise the social/socialist projects that are so sorely needed.
We have been asked to contribute to the design of the luxury housing projects as part of the
quiz/tender for the contract. As such, we need ideas for luxury housing in semi-rural locations in the East of
England. I would like all heads of department to join forces/resources and work in pairs to come up with
basic designs for our architectural team for a dream home.
Below are some things that I would like you all to remember/remind when thinking up your dream

Location – Obviously, we will need to consider just how rural or urban a place needs to be. We
should also consider local services and the access that the site/location would enjoy. Would public
transport be a consideration? And how near to major roads and motorways should the house be
Size – The quantity of rooms and the size of the rooms as well as the land, on which the house is built,
are important factors/facts to consider.
Facilities – The kinds of rooms also need careful deliberation. Do we need to provide a swimming
pool? How about a gym? Or a guesthouse? How big should the yard/garden be or is that kind of
thing even desirable in the first place.
The environment – Sustainability is on everybody’s brain/mind nowadays. As a result, this is
something that is always taken into account when planning a modern dwelling. How would waste be
dealt with? Can the energy used to power the house be 100% renewable/recyclable? Could the
material used to construct the house be recycled? All of these questions should also be addressed.

Hopefully, the above points should provide ample food for thought in relation to the meeting so
please bare/bear those points in mind/awareness while preparing your presentations.
The meeting will take place next week on Monday afternoon in my office.

Yours sincerely
Hugh Builtit
Director of Marketing
Phrasal Verbs about House and Home
back onto camp out do up eat in lie in lock up mess up move in pop out potter about
put up rent out stay in stock up throw away/out tidy up wait up (for someone) wash up

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the story below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.




















Phrasal Verbs: Bingo Game
Cut out and place the definition slips in a cup or envelope. Cut out the bingo cards and give to the students. Take a definition
slip from the cup one at a time and read the definition. Students tick off the corresponding phrasal verbs. Once a student has
crossed out 5 words on a card they shout “bingo” and the round starts again with fresh cards. Repeat the process 3 times.

Definition Slips
back onto = camp out = do up = eat in = lie in =
for a building to face to live or sleep in a to decorate or refurbish a to consume food to get out of bed later than
something from the rear tent home at home normal
lock up = mess up = move in = pop out = potter about =
to close a door with a key, to make a home to begin to occupy a to momentarily to spend time doing small,
to make secure untidy or dirty building or home leave home unimportant things around
the home
put (somebody) up = to rent out = stay in = stock up = throw away/out =
provide beds for guests, to lease property to remain at home instead to buy provisions to treat as rubbish and
to accommodate of going out and groceries for remove from the home
the home
tidy up = wait up = wash up =
to put the home in order to not go to bed until to clean cutlery, crystal
and return things to somebody has and crockery
their correct place returned home

Bingo Cards Bingo Cards

back onto camp out rent out stock up
do up camp out
lie in eat in stay in back onto

lie in mess up tidy up do up

lock up wash up
back onto move in wait up rent out

pop out potter about lock up wash up

put up eat in
lie in camp out throw put up
potter about do up
eat in stock up move in
put up rent out potter about
mess up do up
do up pop out
lock up mess up
move in
lie in rent out
put up wash up
move in eat in
stay in camp out throw away/out
pop out tidy up
wait up
eat in lie in
throw lock up
do up mess up
stock up
rent out
potter about stay in
pop out camp out

wait up potter about

put up lock up
tidy up
back onto
stock up move in
stay in pop out

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) back onto a) to decorate or refurbish a home

2) camp out b) to consume food at home

3) do up c) for a building to face something from the rear

4) eat in d) to close a door with a key

5) lie in e) to live or sleep in a tent

6) lock up f) to make a home untidy or dirty

7) mess up g) to spend time doing small, unimportant things around the home

8) move in h) to lease property

9) pop out i) to provide beds for guests, to accommodate

10) potter about j) to get out of bed later than normal

11) put up k) to momentarily leave home

12) rent out l) to begin to occupy a building or home

13) stay in m) to buy provisions and groceries for the home

14) stock up n) to clean cutlery, crystal and crockery

15) throw away/out o) to remain at home instead of going out

16) tidy up p) to not go to bed until somebody has returned home

17) wait up (for someone) q) to treat as rubbish and remove from the home

18) wash up r) to put the home in order and return things to their correct place

1) = c)
2) = e)
3) = a)
4) = b)
5) = j)
6) = d)
7) = f)
8) = l)
9) = k)
10) = g)
11) = i)
12) = h)
13) = o)
14) = m)
15 = q)
16) = r)
17) = p)
18) = n)

1) My daughter was planning on going to the cinema but in the end she decided to stay in and watch TV.

2) I don’t like having dinner parties ever since the dishwasher broke. It now takes almost as long to wash
up as it does to cook the meal.

3) I don’t like the amount of salt they put in food in restaurants nowadays. I much prefer to eat in.

4) We are running low on food and toiletries. Perhaps we should go to the supermarket and stock up on
a few things.

5) They let their 11-year-old son and his friends camp out in the back garden for the night.

6) There have been a lot of burglaries in the neighbourhood of late. The police are advising everybody to
double check that they have locked up properly before going to bed.

7) When she moved in 10 years ago, her neighbourhood was quite quiet. Now that the new shopping
centre has been built close by, there is a fair bit of traffic and noise.

8) She works very late but her husband always waits up for her and won’t go to bed until she is home.

9) At Christmas time, he normally puts his mother up for a few days so that she can spend a little time
with her grandchildren.

10) On Sundays, Susan usually lies in until 10am. And then she spends the rest of the morning in her

11) I don’t like it when my sister brings her children with her when she visits me. They always mess up
the house and frighten the cats.

12) After my sister and her children have visited me, it takes me about three hours to tidy up.

13) After he has breakfast, my father likes to pop out for a short walk. He usually gets back about half an
hour later.

14) I inherited the family home from my parents when they died. I have since rented it out to a nice,
young couple.

15) The TV has stopped working and we had to throw it out/away.

16) She wanted to do up the flat so she went to the local DIY shop and bought some paint and other

17) When you see my brother’s house from the front, it looks very beautiful and is quite impressive.
Unfortunately, it backs onto a rubbish dump and the smell is really quite overwhelming, sometimes.

18) I don’t go out very much on Saturdays. I prefer to potter about the house and garden, doing any odd
jobs that require my attention.

Buying a house is a serious business. For the majority of us, it will be the most expensive thing we will
ever buy in our lives. Unfortunately, the house that we eventually move into will not be the house of our
dreams. We have to lower our expectations considerably due to price, work, family and other pressures before
the purchase is made. However, putting reality to one side for a moment, what kind of home would you like to
buy in a perfect world?
For my part, the kind of house I would like to spend my life in is very clear. It would be a house, not a
flat. It would be close to both the countryside and the city, if not in both places at once. It would have an
enormous garden with a tent for camping out on summer evenings. While the front would have a view of a
street, with at least one shop nearby, my ideal home would back onto the countryside with views of either
some mountains, a valley or some kind of water feature such as a lake or river.
Having a shop close at hand would allow me to pop out for a few minutes to buy some essentials
when I run out rather than driving all the way to some soulless shopping centre. Nonetheless, having a major
road nearby would allow me to visit said shopping centre whenever necessary, to stock up on the month’s
groceries. Being able to get onto a major road to drive to holiday spots for the weekend would also be pretty
important for one’s quality of life.
A large, fully equipped, state-of-the-art kitchen would be vital to me. I love to eat in and I regard
cooking as one of my favourite hobbies. Obviously, a roomy dining area would also be essential for when I
have people over to dine but although those imaginary dinner parties in my luxury home would be fun to do,
washing up the pots and pans afterwards would not be so enjoyable. The latest dishwasher would be
On the subject of cleaning, there are a number of gadgets and apps to help a person to tidy up the
home nowadays. I am not a very tidy person and have an annoying habit, according to my wife, of messing up
the house without even trying. Robot cleaners do really irritate me, I have to say, but looking on the bright
side, these devices are programmable and can come out and do their work when I am not around. Besides, I
would rather potter about in the garden looking for odd jobs than clean the house. The fresh air is always
preferable, no matter how wonderful the home is. But a really efficient, eco-friendly and futuristic home, for
me, would have to have some kind of device that can recycle all the household waste that we throw out. I
would happily pay top-dollar for something like that.
Automatic Persian blinds would be indispensible for me. I’m not an early-riser and blocking out the
early-morning daylight would be necessary if I were to lie in for a while longer rather than getting up with the
lark, as my wife is wont to do. These kinds of blinds are also an advantage in terms of security and when closed
completely are very effective in keeping out intruders so that when locking up, pulling these down too will
make for a more secure home, especially if they are alarmed.
My ideal home would absolutely have a small guest house at the end of the garden for putting up
friends and relatives. It would have its own bathroom and toilet facilities as well as a small utility room
equipped with a washing machine and tumble dryer. Perhaps it could be rented out to students during term
time to make a little ready cash on the side. Either way, for me it would be preferable to have it a short
distance away from the main house for privacy. And if the imaginary residents had their own key, they could
stay out late without myself or my wife having to wait up for them so that we can let them into the house.
Talking of privacy, a nice little office for both my wife and myself would be a basic requirement, as
would a den for any children, should we chose to start a family. A gym would also be nice although I don’t
think it would be necessary for us to have a separate his-and-hers version. And, just in case, perhaps a little
workshop of some kind, next to the garage. If we ever wanted to do up the house on our own, you know, a lick
of paint here and there, build a small shed, repair a door or two, sorting out some shelves or furniture, a small
but functional workshop would be vital.
However, there is one drawback to owning the ideal, dream home; if I had all of this, I would probably
never go out. Mind you, if I did live in such a house, I don’t think that staying in would be a problem for me
personally, to be fair.
Walton Construction
To: Senior departmental officers
From: Director of Marketing
Date: 17/02/2020
Re: Dream home ideas
Dear colleagues,

As I am sure you are all aware, our company is down to the last three to be chosen in the bidding for
a social housing project by central government. If chosen/selected, we would be given a large contract to
design and build social housing for several different regions, up and down the UK. We would also be awarded
the contract for luxury houses that would be built by the government to help raise money to subsidise the
social projects that are so sorely needed.
We have been asked to contribute to the design of the luxury housing projects as part of the tender
for the contract. As such, we need ideas for luxury housing in semi-rural locations in the East of England. I
would like all heads of department to join forces and work in pairs to come up with basic designs for our
architectural team for a dream home.
Below are some things that I would like you all to remember when thinking up your dream

Location – Obviously, we will need to consider just how rural or urban a place needs to be. We
should also consider local services and the access that the site/location would enjoy. Would public
transport be a consideration? And how near to major roads and motorways should the house be
Size – The quantity of rooms and the size of the rooms as well as the land, on which the house is built,
are important factors/facts to consider.
Facilities – The kinds of rooms also need careful deliberation. Do we need to provide a swimming
pool? How about a gym? Or a guesthouse? How big should the yard/garden be or is that kind of
thing even desirable in the first place.
The environment – Sustainability is on everybody’s mind nowadays. As a result, this is something
that is always taken into account when planning a modern dwelling. How would waste be dealt with?
Can the energy used to power the house be 100% renewable? Could the material used to construct
the house be recycled? All of these questions should also be addressed.

Hopefully, the above points should provide ample food for thought in relation to the meeting so
please bear those points in mind while preparing your presentations.
The meeting will take place next week on Monday afternoon in my office.

Yours sincerely
Hugh Builtit
Director of Marketing
Bingo Cards Bingo Cards
wash up camp out put up back onto
put up stock up
lie in stay in lie in stay in

eat in mess up lie in mess up

lock up put up
pop out move in pop out stay in

pop out potter about camp out potter about

lock up lock up
stay in rent out eat in rent out

potter about do up potter about lock up

lie in lie in
put up rent out wash up pop out

lock up pop out lock up camp out

move in eat in
stay in rent out lie in rent out

move in mess up eat in lock up

stay in move in
pop out tidy up pop out tidy up

throw wait up throw tidy up

away/out away/out
stock up lock up
potter about stay in potter about lie in

wait up potter about mess up potter about

wash up wait up
stock up throw tidy up throw
away/out away/out
Work FCE Practice Reading and Use of English
Part 4
For these questions complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, INCLUDING the word given.
Here is an example (0).
0 His doctor advised him to stop smoking.
His doctor told him ________________________________cigarettes.
The gap can be filled with the words “to give/pack up,” so you write:

Example: 0 TO GIVE/PACK UP
Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

1 Sharon spent the summer refurbishing the house with her husband.
The house __________________________________________ Sharon and her husband during the summer.

2 This house can accommodate six people comfortably.

It is possible to ______________________________________ in this house.

3 Brian cooked the meal and his wife took care of the dishes.
Brian cooked the food but his ______________________________________.

4 It was 9 o’clock when he finally got up.

He ____________________________________________ 9 o´clock.

5 She told me she didn’t want to go to a restaurant that evening but preferred to eat at home, instead.
“I would rather ____________________________________________ a change,” she said.

6 They did not go to bed until their daughter got home.

They __________________________________ their daughter arrived home before going to bed.
1 Sharon spent the summer refurbishing the house with her husband.
The house WAS DONE UP BY Sharon and her husband during the summer.

2 This house can accommodate six people comfortably.

It is possible to PUT UP SIX PEOPLE in this house.

3 Brian cooked the meal and his wife took care of the dishes.
Brian cooked the food but his WIFE WASHED UP.

4 It was 9 o’clock when he finally got up.

He LAY IN UNTIL 9 o´clock.

5 She told me she didn’t want to go to a restaurant that evening but preferred to eat at home, instead.
“I would rather EAT IN FOR a change,” she said.

6 They did not go to bed until their daughter got home.

They WAITED UP UNTIL their daughter arrived home before going to bed.

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