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April 3, 2022

STEM High School for Boys–6th of October
Tutor: Mrs. Phoebe Barsoom
Grade 12 – Group 42 - 12/B – English subject
Omar Khaled Ahmed – (
Mohamed Yassin Hassan -
Mostafa Ahmed Lofty -
Mohamed Abd- El Hamid Shamly

Table of content
Table of Content
Executive summary........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
The problem:.................................................................................................................................................4
Body........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Summary of findings....................................................................................................................................8
References............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Appendix............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Questionnaire Draft 1:...............................................................................................................................10
Revised Questionnaire:..............................................................................................................................11

Executive summary
Sleep is a necessary biological activity for neuronal growth, learning, memory, emotional control,
cardiovascular and metabolic function, and cellular toxin clearance. Quality sleep is essential for nutritional
health and general well-being. This research is on the disease of Insomnia. Insomnia is described as
difficulty beginning or sustaining sleep or waking up early in the morning, associated with poor daily
functioning, such as decreased cognitive performance, exhaustion, or emotional disorders. Insomnia is a
common disorder that may affect anybody, including children, adults, and the elderly. An experience is one
of the risk factors for having Insomnia. A past bout of Insomnia, a family history of Insomnia, and a
proclivity to be readily woken from sleep are all risk factors for developing Insomnia. Noise, temperature,
light, technological gadgets, and awkward sleeping postures are all environmental causes of Insomnia.
Insomnia is exacerbated by substance misuse and reliance on cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. One of
the significant variables connected with changes in sleep is aging. Insomnia is common in pregnant women,
probably due to pain, sadness, and other pregnancy-related issues. Cancer, gastrointestinal disorders,
respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, and some medications used to treat these
ailments can all disrupt sleep, resulting in Insomnia.
A survey was undertaken to determine the elements that contribute to Insomnia, such as age, gender,
work type, and the activities that assist minimize Insomnia. We may conclude from the 92 replies that more
than half of the people took more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. Furthermore, a lack of sleep makes
individuals tired and worried. It impairs their mood, memory, capacity to function, and attention. The
average number of respondents was 3.34, with 47 percent rating the level of their sleep disturbance as "4-5."
Finally, we discovered that most individuals had difficulty falling asleep regularly based on the poll results.
In conclusion, the burden of Insomnia is significant and can have a severe impact on an individual's well-
being. Insomnia, despite its widespread occurrence, is an underdiagnosed and undertreated illness. 

The problem:
Humankind has faced many problems and challenges with various manifestations and influences from
birth to death. Among these manifestations are poverty, ignorance, diseases, and others. It is widely known
that diseases vary significantly in terms of areas of infection, their causes, and symptoms, which may be
fatal in some cases. Among these diseases, which affect a huge part of our societies so that no one can
imagine, is a disorder called Insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard
to stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. It is worth noting that
this disorder has spared no one. It is widely known that Insomnia mainly affects adults due to heavy daily
chores and extensive work hours. However, it is hypothesized that teenagers contribute to a majority who
suffer from Insomnia. Nowadays, the excessive use of smart devices has caused exhaustion in teenagers'
bodies as they engage in less healthy activities daily. Also, the social pressure from the social media
platforms pushes youngsters to be in continuous competition with others. As a result, they would spend
hours comparing their lives to fake ones they observe online. This stresses them and drains them into cycles
of overthinking that affect their sleep quality. In addition, some students suffer from severe academic stress
that can affect their sleeping habits.

In most cases, the disorders impact a certain age range or a specific location, but this is not the case
here, as we find that this condition affects all age groups with various influences. Insomnia may impact
practically every part of a person's life; it leads people to be irritated, worried, weary, or run down during the
day. Furthermore, it creates memory issues, impacting work performance and overall quality of life. As a
result of this sickness's current expansion and impacts, without a question or exaggeration, it will play a
massive part in destroying our history and future, and therefore our planet, which means our life. Therefore,
shedding additional light on this illness through this study was essential. As the name suggests, this study is
about the unfolds of sleeping and Insomnia disorder; it suggests that our new fast life has affected our sleep
quality and led to an increase in Insomnia disorder. Eventually, this study aims to propose a solution for
Insomnia by asking people what helps them sleep when they have Insomnia.

The population sample mainly included students from STEM high schools in Egypt. 92 individuals
were chosen for this study. Among the 92 respondents, 65 were males, and 27 were females. Most of the
participants were aged 16-25, and the mean age was 18.5. The questionnaire and data collection were
conducted on Mars, 2022. A Microsoft form containing a set of 8 questions was prepared and distributed.

The first two questions about age and gender were designed to reasonably analyze the rest of the questions.

A) Out of 8 questions, two are designed to analyze the frequency of getting trouble with sleeping based on
age and gender.

Q3: If the period spent falling asleep exceeds 30 minutes:

Around 56.5% of individuals indicated that they take more than 30 minutes to begin sleeping. The other
43.5% indicated the opposite. It is shown in fig. 1 as follows:

Q4: The frequency of getting trouble while falling asleep

When the respondents were asked to choose the number of times they got trouble falling asleep, the majority

chose many times a week, and 34.4% chose the two to four times a month option. However, 8.7% of
participants said they get into trouble while falling asleep daily. Details are illustrated in fig 2.

B) Another two questions are conducted about the effects of a poor night's sleep (respondents can choose
more than one option).

Q5: The consequences of a poor night's sleep on the respondent's mood.

The data is interpreted in fig 3. It is shown that depressed mood was chosen 33 times. An anxious mood
option was chosen 47 times. The irritable option was chosen 27 times. And the most chosen one was the
tired option with 62 times.

Q6: The consequences in the daily life routine

It is shown that the concentration option was chosen 54 times. The memory option was chosen 30 times. The
ability to work option was chosen 59 times. And the most chosen one was the mood option with 82 times.
The data is interpreted in fig. 4.

Q7: The interference of sleep with the respondent's daily life.
In this question, the respondents were asked to determine to what extent the sleep problem affects their daily
lives from 1 to 5. The average number was 3.34, which is slightly nearer to being interferer. Thus, insomnia
and sleep problems are significant problems that face the majority of the population sample.

C) The relationship between post-sleeping activities and their effect on sleeping ability.

Q8: engaged activities that may help to make sleeping harder.

The data collected from respondents' answers show that the typical activities that negatively affect the
sleeping ability are related to stress: Studying, listening to horror storytellers, and overthinking.

Q9: engaged activities that may help to make sleeping easier.

From the data collected from respondents' answers, it can be inferred that ordinary activities positively affect
the sleeping ability and are related to reducing stress. The most repeated ones were reading the holy Quran,
calm music, and a warm shower.

Summary of findings
In the light of the above, the weight of sleeplessness is heavy and can severely impact an
individual's well-being. Insomnia, despite its widespread occurrence, is an underdiagnosed and undertreated
illness. Chronic Insomnia has been linked to an increased chance of acquiring chronic illnesses; thus, the
underlying reasons must be addressed and treated. Insomnia treatment involves pharmaceutical therapy,
cognitive behavioral therapy, and the treatment of co-morbid disorders. The primary objective of treatment
is to enhance sleep quality and duration and daily function, and anxiety reduction. Depending on the severity
of Insomnia, cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmaceutical treatment may be used alone or in
combination; however, behavioral therapy is typically suggested as the first line of treatment. The patient's
interests and values should be considered when deciding on treatment alternatives. To avoid establishing
dependency and tolerance, hypnotics should be administered for the shortest possible time and at the lowest
possible dose. The pharmacist must give patients information and counseling on the various treatments
available for Insomnia and any side effects that may occur. The pharmacist can also assist in discovering
underlying causes of Insomnia and give valuable suggestions on improving sleep patterns.

After conducting the questionnaire , we found that most people listen to music before sleeping, which
helps make their sleep easy. Music improves sleep by calming parts of the autonomic nervous system,
leading to slower breathing, lower heart rate, and reduced blood pressure. Many people with poor sleep
associate their bedrooms with frustration and sleepless nights. Listening to Quran and holy books in general
also were selected by most people as they have many healing properties, it soothes the heart, mind, body,
and soul.

1- Morin, C. M., Drake, C. L., Harvey, A. G., Krystal, A. D., Manber, R., Riemann, D., & Spiegelhalder, K.
(2015). Insomnia disorder. Nature reviews Disease primers, 1(1), 1-18.

2- de Zambotti, M., Goldstone, A., Colrain, I. M., & Baker, F. C. (2018). Insomnia disorder in adolescence:
diagnosis, impact, and treatment. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 39, 12-24.
3- Espie, C. A. (2002). Insomnia: conceptual issues in adults' development, persistence, and treatment of
sleep disorder. Annual review of psychology, 53(1), 215-243.

4- Winkelman, J. W. (2015). Insomnia disorder. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(15), 1437-1444.

5- Baglioni, C., Regen, W., Teghen, A., Spiegelhalder, K., Feige, B., Nissen, C., & Riemann, D. (2014).
Sleep changes in the disorder of Insomnia: a meta-analysis of polysomnographic studies. Sleep medicine
reviews, 18(3), 195-213.

Questionnaire Draft 1:
1- Does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep?
A) Yes
B) No

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2- How often do you have trouble getting off to sleep?
A) Never
B) Less than once a month
C) About once a month
D) Two to four times a month
E) Many times a week
F) Daily

3- A poor night's sleep makes you…

A) Depressed
B) Anxious
C) Irritable
D) Tired

4- A poor night's sleep affects your…

A) Concentration
B) Memory
C) Ability to work
D) Mood

5- To what extent do you consider your sleep problem interfering with your daily
functioning (e.g., daytime fatigue, ability to function at work, daily chores,
concentration, memory, mood, etc.)?

6- What activities do you engage in before you go to bed that makes it hard to fall
*Free Answer*

7- What things help you sleep when you have a lot on your mind?
*Free Answer *

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1- What's your age group?
A) Under 16
B) 16-25
C) 26-35
D) 35+

2- What is your gender?

A) Male
B) Female

Revised Questionnaire:
1- Does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep?
C) Yes
D) No

2- How often do you have trouble getting off to sleep?

G) Never
H) Less than once a month
I) About once a month
J) Two to four times a month
K) Many times a week
L) Daily

3- A poor night's sleep makes you…

E) Depressed
F) Anxious
G) Irritable
H) Tired

4- A poor night's sleep affects your…

E) Concentration

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F) Memory
G) Ability to work
H) Mood

5- To what extent do you consider your sleep problem interfering with your daily
functioning (e.g., daytime fatigue, ability to function at work, daily chores,
concentration, memory, mood, etc.)?

6- What activities do you engage in before you go to bed that makes it hard to fall
*Free Answer*

7- What things help you sleep when you have a lot on your mind?
*Free Answer *

1- What's your age group?
E) Under 16
F) 16-25
G) 26-35
H) 35+

2- What is your gender?

C) Male
D) Female

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