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Artificial Intelligence is evolving with a great speed and right now there are no approved and

implemented regulations concerning AI, except for the proposed European law on artificial
intelligence, called AI Act, main aim of which is to make Artificial Intelligence trust-worthy,
beneficial in its use and minimise the risks, connected to the existing laws concerning one's
privacy or non consensual use of intellectual property.
Recent controversy that I met, concerning AI, was regarding AI Art generators. Especially on
Twitter, illustrators and artists were very frustrated with claims that AI Art Generators can
replace them as it can produce unlimited art in seconds. The thing is that since those generators
usually use unsupervised learning, processing a great amount of art that they can find online to
produce imitations, they use a lot of copyrighted art or art that is displayed without the right of
use. This means that the programs are trained on uncredited and stolen works of actual working
artists and illustrators. Furthermore, some AI generations can copy a specific artist’s style if they
are fed their artworks to train, so when people in charge of these AIs are trying to sell the art, it
essentially can be thought as illegal and simply, as a theft.
Also, a lot of controversies around AI surround the privacy aspect. Deepfakes are artificial
intelligence softwares, that use deep learning to create realistic images, copies of someone’s
voice or fake news, creating problems such as manipulation of the public, attacks on personal
rights, violations of rights of intellectual property and personal data protection. Earlier, such
softwares was only about celebrities, but as AIs become more common and widespread,
ordinary users can use it for their own interest, which often can be quite malicious. For example,
deep fake softwares can be used to generate pornographic content with the people, who didn’t
consent to participate in it, which is legally an invasion of privacy. It can also be used to spread
fake news by imitating politicians' voices and making them say controversial things.
And for the last, I just want to mention that AI don’t only take human jobs and make then
unnecessary in some cases, but also, can alter the whole education system and experience for
users with evolving application like ChatGPT, that became drastically popular in a very short
period of time, stirring up the visible demand and necessity for more similar technologies being
produced in nearest future.

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