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Monolit 300x100x100cm

Cilj je da skulptura simboliše monolit,

kao arhetip koji se kroz prošlost pojavljuje i aludira na neko zaboravljeno znanje.
Sam monolit ima svrhu da probudi podsvesna znanja koja nosimo u sebi a dio su
našeg kolektivnog nasljedja.
Monolit treba da nas podsjeća ko smo u suštini, jer kako egzistiramo na planeti
ponekad zaboravimo sopstvenu suštinu.
Simbol poput monolita dovodi u balans naše nesvjesno,
što ima za posledicu da naše svjesno ima osjećaj svrhe i ispunjenosti .
Skulptura bi bila napravljena iz šest djelova koji bi se nanizali na metalnu konstrukciju unatar skulpture.
Cijena skulpture sa prevozom i instaliranjem 17000 eura.
The goal is for the sculpture to symbolize a monolith,
as an archetype that appears through the past and alludes to some forgotten knowledge.
The monolith itself has the purpose of awakening the subconscious knowledge
that we carry within us and are a part of our collective heritage.
The monolith should remind us who we really are, because how we exist on the planet
sometimes we forget our own essence.
A symbol like a monolith balances our unconscious,
which results in our conscious having a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
The sculpture would be made of six parts that would be strung on a metal structure inside the sculpture.
The price of the sculpture with transport and installation is 17,000 euros.
Reljef 300x100 cm recepcija 7000

Sama kompozicija svojim formatom asocira na pučinu otvorenog mora.

Reljef je je gradjen tako da su jasno istaknuti prvi drugi i treći plan.
U odnosu na svijetlo koje bi bi bacalo sjenke na njegovu povrsinu reljef bi bio efektniji.
Reljef moze biti patiniran koloritom u odnosu na prostor.
Cijena reljefa dimenyije 300x5x100cm sa prevozom i instaliranjem 6000 eura.

The composition itself is associated with the open sea.

The relief is built so that the first, second and third plans are clearly highlighted.
In relation to the light that would cast shadows on its surface, the relief would be more effective.
The relief can be patinated with color in relation to the space.
The price of the relief measuring 300x5x100cm with transport and installation is 6000 euros.
Reljef 100x100x5cm pojedinacno 1500

Reljefi predstavljaju multidimenzionalne kompozicije.

U kojima se preplicu razlicite suptilnosti materije.
Sve dimenzije su u interakciji jedna sa drugom i na neposredan nacin zavise jedna od druge.
Kompozicije i ako po simbolici su dio jednog jasno definisanog poredka ,
same kompozicije su kadrirane da daju utisak apstraktnog prostora.
Kolorit reljefa moze se prilagoditi u odnosu na prostor.
Cijena pojedinačnog reljefa dimeznija 100x5x100cm iznosi 1500e

Reliefs are multidimensional compositions.

In which the different subtleties of matter intertwine.
All dimensions interact with each other and are directly dependent on each other.
Compositions, even if they are symbolically part of a clearly defined order,
the compositions themselves are framed to give the impression of abstract space.
The color of the relief can be adjusted in relation to the space.
The price of a single relief measuring 100x5x100cm is 1500e

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