writing-II Homework I

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Password: 0613

War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, and insurgents which
impoverish countries, destroy people and damage the world on a global scale. The cause of
almost all wars is known as economic problems. A war leads to the collapse of societies,
causes serious damage and destruction, creates insecurity, and has a significant economic
impact. The most essential consequences and effects of the war occurs with the explosion of
bombs that blows up heavy metals, cables, and pipes on roads, and buildings in industrial
areas. Millions of people are forced to migrate from their homes due to war, drinking and
underground water sources are at risk of contamination due to war, and women, children, the
elderly, and the disabled are often the most in need of assistance during wars. What the people
need is peace, not war, so people should do their best for their freedom because every human
being deserves to live in peace.

NOTE to teacher: I tried to use definition, LSD method, and I got some help from internet for
words that I didn’t know. If I didn’t do right please let me know.

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