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Case 1

The resources that supply our daily needs come from the environment. The amount of resources that we demand
affects environmental condition increasing our demand affects environmental condition. Conversely, the condition
of environment influences the quality of life that we have. An environment in good condition sustains life. While
degraded environment brings forth social problems. What kind of treatment should we accord to the environment
that supplies our needs then? What Philosophical perspective or branch of Philosophy can best explain?

Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials,
and many other things they need to survive. However, we humans have exploited the environment for our
benefits. Because of our reckless and irresponsible actions, we have destroyed the only planet that nurtured
us. As we destroy our environment, we are also putting ourselves and our future in danger. In fact, we are
now facing the consequences of our actions. Innumerable catastrophic events visit us frequently and pose
dangers to our properties and loved ones. We must wake up and put an end to our reckless deed s to save our
home and ourselves. We must take good care of our environment just as she takes good care of us all.

To answer the question, the philosophical perspective or branch of philosophy that can best explain this case
is the branch of ethics. Considering that ethics tells people what to do, you will come to realize the
wrongdoings of humankind that have caused our environment to be destroyed as a result of our careless
activities as you reflect on what is currently happening. People will learn the proper and wrong things to do
with the help of ethics. Ethics will greatly help us in seeing that we have destroyed the planet that has
nurtured and protected us.

Case 2

For some reasons, there has been an increasing incidence of teenage pregnancies. Despite efforts, exerted by
stakeholders of school community in preventing such phenomenon to happen, still exists. Why do teenagers engage
to this kind of issues? What Philosophical perspective or branch of philosophy can best explain?

Teenagers engage in these kinds of acts out of curiosity, peer pressure, media influence, etc. I believe that
since ethics is concerned with human behavior and social behavior, it is the philosophical perspective or
branch of philosophy that can best explain this. Some may argue that adolescent pregnancy is ethically
acceptable since the human body is designed to procreate, which is as conventional as morality. The existing
teen problem may also be explained by logic, another branch of philosophy. Teenagers engage in such
behavior to make money because they're experiencing poverty without taking into account that their actions
would cause them to have a more serious problem. Needless to say, teenage pregnancy must be prohibited,
as such will only lead to more serious problems. Teenage pregnancy and the reasons why minors do it may
not be entirely their fault, but it is the responsibility of what a teen is exposed to and what information they
absorb. The next generation has to be protected and taught moral behavior. Sex education must be taught in
schools in order to educate our children and protect them from far more serious problems.

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