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This script was written by Noble Cliff Hartmier and was first conferred on over 20 men and 1 lady at the
2016 mid-winter convention of the International Shrine Clown Association held in Sioux City Iowa, USA
on February 20th, 2016. The cost to join is a onetime fee of $20.00 with all profits going to the sneaker
Fund of the ISCA.

The officers that compose a quarry of Water Buffaloes are as follows:

GRAND POO-BAA (sits in the East)

HONOURARY GRAND POO-BAA (sits to the left of the GPB)
JUNIOR BOULDER CARRIER (sits in the South)
QUARRY SLATE CHIPPER (sits in the secretary's post)
QUARRY CRUSHER (sits at the Senior Deacon's post)
QUARRY GUARD (sits at the Inner Guard's post)
QUARRY PROTECTOR (sits at the Tyler's post)

1 Bam - all sit,

2 bams - officers only stand,
3 bams - all raise.

- WATER BUFFALO HATS (see picture above? Ebay or fur hats with holes cut
out to accept a Viking hat inserted from inside.

- CLUBS X 7 (one for each officer)

- BARNEY DOLL (Stuffed Barney plush animal)

- BOWLING SETS (to go by the promise center)

- Bowling Ball (Kijiji or a bowling alley)

- BUFFALO BERRIES (juicy fruit berries candies)
- MEMBERSHIP CARDS (provided by me in pdf form.
- String or hold hands
- Plastic Wood looking stool. (Promise center)
- Plastic “Flint mobile” Might be hard to find. Found my on ebay or make one
from two roling pins and a fram?
- Promise center in the middle (Similar to an altar)
- Wooden slapping paddles I used wooden oars and a hinge that springs back
to closed position.

Percussion instrument Hardwood Slapstick with Authentic Whip


GPB Welcome Earthly Buffaloes to the Quarry. Let the Quarry now
be opened.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, is the Quarry Protector

guarding our Quarry?

JBC Buffalo Quarry Guard, is Buffalo Quarry Protector roaming

outside the Quarry?

QG (Opens the door) Buffalo Quarry Protector are you roaming out

QP Yea I’m here. (In a whisper “It’s lonely out here too”)

QG (Closes the door) Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, Buffalo

Quarry Protector is out there and he also said that “It's lonely
out there too”.

JBC Grand Poo-Baa, Buffalo Quarry Protector is out there and he

also said, “He’s lonely out there”.

GPB Senior Boulder Carrier, are you satisfied that we have

buffaloes present?

SBC Good healthy herd of buffaloes in attendance GPB.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, when do we meet?

JBC We meet when the Grand Boo-Bah sounds the whistle GPB.

GPB Buffalo Senior Boulder Carrier, how is the whistle sounded?

SBC By yanking the tail of the Bufflehead GPB.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, what is a Bufflehead?

JBC A North American Duck with a seemingly over-large head


GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, what does the whistle of the
Bufflehead sound like?

JBC (Using a wooden duck call) (Makes a two second bird whistle)

GPB Buffalo Senior Boulder Carrier, why do we meet?

SBC To crush boulders into rocks, rocks into gravel, gravel into
sand, and sand into dust GPB.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, how are we paid for all the
crushing we do?

JBC New specimens receive peanuts upon their excavation into the
Quarry. Full fledge Buffaloes each receive one Buffalo Berry
for their labors. Quarry Officers each receive two Buffalo
Berries while the GPB receives three. While the Honorary
Grand Poo-Baa receives nine Buffalo Berries. GPB.


GPB Buffalo Senior Boulder Carrier, what is the first letter of our
secret word?


GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, what is the second letter of our
secret word?
JBC “2” GPB.

GBP Buffaloes present, I will complete our secret word. The last
letter is “O”.

GBP Buffalo Senior Boulder Carrier, when we toast on special

occasions, what do we drink?

SBC Dehydrated water GBP.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, why dehydrated water?

JBC Water has no fat content and will not ruin our gorgeous
hindquarters GBP.

GPB Buffalo Senior Boulder Carrier, Command the Buffaloes to

prove themselves.

SBC All present are to stand up and prove their pride by placing
their hands on their hindquarters and moving their hands up
and down five times and saying "YA-BA-DA-BA-DO". (The
Posterior Sign)


GPB I declare all present are Water Buffaloes. Senior Boulder

Carrier before the Quarry is opened, place our sacred mascot
placed on the altar.

(Buffalo Quarry Crusher places "Dino" on alter as SBC speaks)

SBC Our sacred dinosaur named "Dino" is placed on the Promise

Center as a symbol of our reverence to the other fraternity
known as the Stonecutters. The Stonecutters have built great
fortresses with the boulders, rocks, gravel and sand that we
GPB The Quarry is now open for crushing.

All recite the opening Ode

Opening Song
Meet the Flintstones
They're the modern stone age family
From the town of Bedrock
They're a page right of history
Let's ride with the family down the street
Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet
When you're with the Flintstones
you'll have a yabba dabba doo time
a dabba doo time
You'll have a gay old time.

Closing of the Quarry

GPB Brother SBC and JBC, do you have anything for the good of
the Quarry?

SBC (Provides some remarks), then repeats “I am finished.”

JBC (Provides some remarks), then repeats “I am finished.”

GPB “Buffaloes present, have any of you have any to say for good of
the order?”

GPB Earthly Buffaloes, outside of the Quarry is a

group of specimens waiting to be rounded up to
learn the history, experience the aroma, and
discover the mysteries of the buffalo chip.

Buffalo Slate Chipper, read the names on the list

of specimens waiting to be excavated into our
Quarry of Water Buffaloes.

SC (Reads Names) GPB

GPB Buffalo Quarry Crusher, It will be your pleasure

to conduct our specimens through Buffalo Chip

Retire and prepare the specimens.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, permit Buffalo

Quarry Crusher to leave our sanctuary.

JBC Buffalo Quarry Guard, permit Buffalo Quarry

Crusher to leave our sanctuary.

QG (Opens door and permit Buffalo Quarry Crusher to


QC Prepares all specimens by having all specimens

with no shoes or ties. All Specimens form up in a
line holding a continuous piece of string. When
ready, QP hits the door with Bam-Bam / Bam-

QG GPB, there is a noise.

GPB Buffalo Quarry Guard, if it is Buffalo Quarry

Crusher with the specimens, let them in to be
excavated into the quarry.

QG Buffalo Quarry Crusher and specimens, by the

grin of the GPB, you are fortunate to enter into
this Quarry of water Buffaloes.

All enter into the Quarry.

QG Buffalo Quarry Crusher, who are these specimens

with you?

QC Buffalo Quarry Guard, these specimens desire to

learn the history, experience the aroma and
discover the mysteries of the Buffalo Chip. The
specimens are desperate for membership into the
Exclusive Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes.

QG This is "Dino" who is our sacred mascot. As

Dino kisses you on the cheek, let his kiss be a
lasting memory of this occasion and to have
everlasting respect for Dino. In Bedrock times,
Dino was a Snorkasaurus as learned in season 1
episode 18.

GPB, the specimens are here awaiting their


GPB Specimens, as each of us were desperate to join

this exclusive Order, it is customary for the
members here assemble who all want to hear your
answers as loud as possible to the following
questions. “Remember, Fred was known as a

Do you love to smell Buffalo Chips? Specimens

yell “YES”.

GPB Specimens, the Water Buffaloes here assembled

want to see if you are barefoot and properly
prepared to be excavated into this the Premier
Quarry of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes.
Considering this, you are all required to pretend
to drive the “FLINTMOBILE” around the Quarry.
Beginning with the first two Specimens in teams
of two, you will let go of the rope and making lots
of sounds with your voice and the big foot sounds
trying to outdo the each other, go around the
Quarry room once. When you pass the Junior and
Senior Boulder Carriers, you will make the sound
of a prehistoric car horn similar to a bird. After
your lap is finished, you pass the “FLINTMOBLE”
to the next two specimens and then take hold of
the string again. Once everyone has driven
around the Lodge room in a Flintstone manner,
we’ll carry on to the next re-enactment of pre-
Historic lifestyle or a scene.

GPB Trivia Moment Break Did you know that all

throughout the series that the cars were run by
feet but if this is the case, why did gas stations

GPB Prior to advancement within this Mostest

Rightious Veriest Grandest magnificent,
Honorable Order, a promise is required by each of
you specimens. Are you willing to proceed?


GPB Brother Quarry Crusher, it will be your job to

have each specimen approach the Promise Center
of the Quarry by the historical Fred Flintstone
Bowling approach.

QC Specimens, historically MOSTEST RIGHTIOUS

Flintstone discovered that he was off on his
bowling game right before the big match. After
hearing in a television commercial that rhythm is
"the secret of success in many activities, including
bowling," he rushed off to the Bedrock Dance
Academy to sign up for ballet lessons in order to
beat the opposing team during a big bowling
match. This was depicted in the episodes called
“Bowling Ballet which aired on October 5, 1962
and was from season 3 episode 4.

Show picture of Fred doing ballet with the bowling ball

Approaching the Promise Center provides each
Water Buffalo wanna-bee with an opportunity to
re-enactment a Historic scene of our Honorary
Grand Poo-baa. Thus, if you know the name of
the team which Fred beat, you get to take the
shortcut to the Promise Center with the bowling
ball. If not, you get to take the long route around
the Quarry to the Promise Center while enacting
this historical scene.
ANSWER The ballet lessons helped Fred beat what team in the big bowling match?
The Rockland Rockets
The Rockland Rockets

All Specimens approach the GPB and is tested to see if they

are in possession of the correct answer.

All approach the center and wait for the Buffalo


The specimen closet to the Promise Center will
kneel and grasp the sacred Dino with both hands
while everyone else places a hand on another’s
shoulder in front of them.

For you are about to repeat is a promise to keep

the secrecy of this group to better enable it to
entice specimens to join and to further raise funds
for charity. “Do you agree?”

Specimens say “YES”

Say I and state your nickname one at a time

individually and repeat after me.

Do hereby promise to keep the secrets and the

contents of the degree of this degree to myself and
to only discuss it with another Brother or sister
Water Buffalo upon receiving the initials of the
sacred word and demonstrating the Posterior sign.
I promise to uphold the good name of Barney the
Dinosaur with very positive remarks even when
talking to others who are not Water Buffaloes? I
further promise an on annual basis to watch at
least 1 minute of Barney with a young child at
least once a year? I also promise to watch at least
1 episode a year of the Flintstones? Lastly, I
promise to uphold the clean record of the
Exclusive Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes?
Should I violate this promise, the traditional
penalty is to consume in one sitting the following:
1 can of beans, 6 cabbage rolls, 1 big bowl of chili,
60 ounces of prune juice, and become the most
sociable person on this planet for the next 24
hours. Or the traditional ISCA way of being pied
in the face continuously 100 times over 5 minutes.

To make this a promise complete, you will all pick

up Dino and give him a hug and say “I respect

GPB Specimens you will all leave the Quarry and re-
enter one by one for another historical re-
enactment of season 4, episode 22 where Wilma
and Betty are curious about what goes on at Fred
and Barney's Water Buffalo meetings so they
sneak in wearing disguises but to only find out
that they are now Specimens for the initiation.

Buffalo Quarry Crusher, you will leave the

Quarry with the Specimens and bring them in
individually for the next sections.

GPB Buffalo Junior Boulder Carrier, permit the

Quarry Crusher and the Specimens to leave for a
further experience of a historical Flintstone scene.
JBC Brother Quarry Guard, permit the Quarry
Crusher and the Specimens to leave for a further
experience of a historical Flintstone scene.

Quarry Crusher and Specimens leave to come

back individually for the paddling scene in Lodge.

Prior to the enactment, all of the officers are

required to be space 10 feet apart on the outside of
the perimeter of the Lodge a line for the
Specimens to enter.

As the Quarry Crusher enter with a Specimen or

pair, the first officer pretends to paddle the
specimen and they advance thru all officers until
paddled 6 times.

After a Specimen(s) has been paddles, they take a

wait on the south side of the Quarry and make
sounds of pain whenever another specimen comes
in to get paddles and all wait for the secrets and
the historical speech afterwards.

The Secrets

Article 219 Section 4

When two or more Buffaloes meet, they stand facing each
other with their hands up in the air while the phrase
must be made with a handshake.
The water buffalo handshake is made by extending
thumbs, flapping feet causing handshakes to float in the
air and the cry “Woo ah Wah! Woo a Wah!”
A Woo, La Woo La Woo Woo!

The password for a Water Buffalo is:

Ack Acka Dak
Dak Daka Ack

Water Buffalo Creed (rise & remove hats):

GPB: “We are proud to be a buffalo, the kind that likes
the water.”

Members: “We joined the Water Buffaloes because we

know we ought to!”

To become a full time water buffalo,

1) Water Buffaloes must have tender hearts.” The
spanking scene in a line

2) A Water buffalo must be strong

The tug of war with the Lodge buffaloes with a
pool of dirt and the new buffaloes lose. After
wards, the new buffaloes are spray done with
water from the elephant

3) A water buffalo must have endurance

The wheelbarrow race where Wilma and Betty
race against Fred and Barney but leave the Lodge
hall knowing that they do not belong.

motto "Ackus Ackus Adackus

Brother Buffaloes, honored Herdmaster, Junior

Bucks and Apprentice Antlers
Grand Poobah

Grand Poobah is a term derived from the name of the haughty character
Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado(1885). In this comic opera,
Pooh-Bah holds numerous exalted offices, including "First Lord of the
Treasury, Lord Chief Justice, Commander-in-Chief, Lord High Admiral
Archbishop of Titipu, and Lord Mayor" and Lord High Everything Else. The
name has come to be used as a mocking title for someone self-important or
high-ranking and who either exhibits an inflated self-regard or who has
limited authority while taking impressive titles. The formal term for the
practice of holding multiple offices is "dual mandate".

In popular culture

The term "Grand Poobah" was used on the television show The Flintstones as
the name of a high ranking elected position in a men's club. Fred Flintstone
and his friend Barney Rubble were members of the Loyal Order of Water
Buffaloes Lodge No. 26. The lodge is a spoof of men's clubs like the
Freemasons, the Shriners, the Elks Club and the Moose Lodge.
 The character Howard Cunningham on the TV series Happy Days was a Grand
Poobah of Leopard Lodge No. 462 in Milwaukee.
The Historical Flintstone Lecture (time permitting)

Fred and Wilma were originally supposed to be parents to a son,

named "Fred Flintstone Junior". This son appeared in an early
press release book, and in a Little Golden Book, "The Flintstones".
However, this was changed from the cast before the series went
into production. Later, when the Flintstones did have a child, it
was decided that the baby would be a daughter, instead of a son,
for merchandising reasons, as girl dolls especially Barbie,
supposedly sell far much better than boy dolls, like the G. I. Joe,
approximately a 50 to 1 ratio.

Originally, Fred was to regularly shout "Yahoo!" to express his

excitement. Alan Reed personally felt that "Yahoo!" was too
ordinary and weak & did not draw much attention, when in
extreme excitement. An improvising meeting resulted in the
origination of Fred Flintstone's trademark catchphrase, "Yabba-

The phrase "Yabba Dabba Doo!" was thought up after Alan Reed
told Hannah & Barbera creators, William Hanna & Joseph Barbera
that his mother was once fond of the long running (now expired)
Brylcreem's hair-styling slogan, "A little dab'll do ya!"

The Flintstone's had three addresses, as the series went on. First:
222 Rocky Way. Second: 345 Stonecave Road. Third: 301
Cobblestone Way. The final ("official") address given was 301
Cobblestone Way, Bedrock 70777. 70777 is the real ZIP code for
Slaughter, Louisiana.
Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes
Created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, The Flintstones
ran for six seasons from 1960 to 1966. Fred Flintstone and his friend
Barney Rubble were members of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo
Lodge No. 26. Originally called the Loyal Order of Dinosaurs, the
fraternity appeared in twenty episodes. At least five different lodge
halls are depicted.
Season 1 (1960-1)
Hot Lips Hannigan The first appearance of the Loyal Order of Dinosaurs. Their hats, similar to
those worn by members of the Knights Templar of America, are also shown.
The Golf Champion When Fred wins the annual Order of Dinosaurs golf tournament, Barney
refuses to give him the trophy until he pays his lodge dues. A different lodge hall exterior is shown, as
well as a variation on the lodge uniform hat.
Voice-over announcer: "The finalists, Ben Boulder and Fred Flintstone. It’s been a nip and tuck battle
all the way with Fred Flintstone leading by two strokes. The winner will get the trophy and be the
champion of the annual tournament given by the Loyal Order of Dinosours."
Voice-over announcer: "Barney Rubble, president of the lodge, apparently wants to take the cup
away from Fred Flintstone."
The Long, Long Weekend The Flintstones and Rubbles visit a seaside resort just as a Water
Buffalo convention is about to arrive. This episode features the first appearance of the horned hat, worn
by the "Grand Exalted Imperial Poobah"
Season 2 (1961-2)
The Beauty Contest Fred and Barney are railroaded into judging the Water Buffalo annual beauty
contest. In this episode all the Buffaloes are wearing the new hat, the secret handshake and password
are revealed, a third lodge hall is seen the leader is styled the "King Buffalo".
The Picnic Barney and Fred participate in the Water Buffalo Lodge picnic competitions.
Fred Strikes Out The eighth anniversary of Fred’s marriage proposal to Wilma coincides with a
Water Buffalo bowling championship game.
Season 3 (1962-3)
Bowling Ballet
Mr. Slater and his employees have wagered on Fred’s Water Buffalo bowling team although Fred is
experiencing a losing streak.
Here’s Snow In Your Eyes
Fred and Barney are sent as Water Buffalo Lodge representatives to a convention weekend at Stone
Mountain Ski Resort.
The Buffalo Convention
The Water Buffalo assemble at a larger lodge hall this one with a stage to hear their "Mystic Imperial
Poobah", sporting a new hat, give them "the exalted word." He will "draw back the veil to reveal the
ancient mysteries of Water Buffalo ary." The hat emblem is clearly seen.
The Hero
Fred, while returning home from a Water Buffalo lodge meeting, is mistakenly credited with saving a
baby’s life. After he admits his deception he is rewarded for his honesty by being elected Grand Imperial
Mother-In-Law's Visit
Fred, moonlighting as a disguised taxi driver, takes his mother-in-law to his lodge hall.
Season 4 (1963-4)
Groom Gloom
In an extended dream sequence Fred’s newspaper delivery boy, Arnold, is elected Grand Poobah of the
Loyal Order of Water Buffalos.
Peek-A-Boo Camera
The Water Buffalo Lodge’s Grand Poo bah orders a special Water Buffalo meeting on Fred and Wilma’s
wedding anniversary.
Ten Little Flintstones
When an alien creates multiple copies of Fred, he assumes it’s a practical joke by his Water Buffalo
Room For Two
Barney’s decisive vote against Fred in the Water Buffalo of the Year campaign results in a property line
Ladies Night at the Lodge
Wilma and Betty insist that Fred suggest a change in Water Buffalo by-laws to permit wives to accompany
lodge brothers to the meetings and when this fails, then disguise themselves to attend.
Reel Trouble
Fred brings his home movie, 'A Day in the Life of Pebbles Flintstone', to the Water Buffalo Lodge.
Season 5 (1964-5)
Pebbles’s Birthday Party
A caterer accidently mixes up the entertainment for Pebbles' birthday party and a Water Buffalo Lodge
The Most Beautiful Baby In Bedrock
Pebbles and Bamm Bamm are both entered in the Water Buffalo Lodge’s baby beauty contest.
Adobe Dick
Fred and Barney go on the Water Buffalo Lodge fishing expedition.
Fred’s Flying Lesson
Fred wins a free flying lesson from the Water Buffalo Lodge.
Season 6 (1965-6)

The Masquerade Party

The Water Buffalo Lodge’s masquerade party leads to a contest between Barney and Fred, and Fred being
mistaken for an alien.
Fictional fraternities on TV
Beavers Newhart, was an unwilling member in a club that required
new members to wear a beaver tail off the back of their pants.

Benevolent Order of the Bison Lodge The Many Loves of Dobie


Brooklyn Patriots Life of Riley

Brotherhood Club Car 54
Brothers of the Forest Lodge 202 The Ant and the Aardvark
Loyal Order of Caribou Lodge Blondie
Cobra Lodge Mama’s Family Those who violated the Cobra oath
were hissed out of the organization along with the chant "He’s not fit
to be a snake/Chop him up with hoe and rake/Known to all as a
disgrace/May the mongoose chew your face." Their secret handshake
resembled a weaving, hissing cobra snake. The Cobra’s highest
ranking officer was the Grand Viper.
Delta Gamma Happy Days A University of Wisconsin fraternity.
Delta House Delta House Faber College, Pennsylvania, fraternity.
Based on the movie National Lampoon’s Animal House.
Fraternal Order of the Bass Laverne and Shirley
Glorious Guardians of Good Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman The
head of the lodge was the Keeper of the Keys, also known as
International Possum Brotherhood, Chapter 11. Red Green ran a
hunting lodge called Possom Lodge. Their motto was Quondo Omni
Flunkus Moritati (When all else fails, play dead.)
Kings of Queens All in the Family The head of the New York
brotherhood was called the Grand Potentate. All members received
prepaid burial insurance after twenty years. Their lodge hat was a
golden fez with blood red lining. The lodge phone number was 555-
Knights Of The Scimitar Cheers An alcohol-free lodge.
Leopard Lodge Happy Days. Howard Cunningham (Tom Bosley)
was a Grand Poobah of Leopard Lodge No. 462. The lodge regalia was
a leopard skin covered fez with a red top and black tassel.
Loyal Order of Dinosaurs Hot Lips Hannigan. Before Fred
Flintstone an Barney Rubble belonged to the Loyal Order of Water
Buffaloes they were members of the Loyal Order of Dinosaurs.
Loyal Order of Water Buffalos The Flintstones First called the
"Loyal Order of Dinosaurs," members included Fred Flintstone (voice
of Alan Reed) and Barney Rubble (voice of Mel Blanc). Lead by the
Grand Pooh-Bah, their headdress was a large furry hat with a set of
horns and the password was "Ack, Ack, A-Dak."
Mallard Lodge Step by Step
Moron Union The Three Stooges. Larry, Moe and Curly Joe belonged
to the Moron Union whose theme song was: "We are Morons, through
and through, Let us sing our song for you'
Mystic Knights of the Sea The Amos 'n' Andy Show George
Stevens (Tim Moore) was the lodge’s head "Kingfish".
Mystic Order of Whelks Wodehouse Playhouse "This is a photo of
him taken in the regalia of a Grand Exalted Periwinkle of the Mystic
Order of Whelks."
National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood.
Married with Children Al Bundy (Ed O'Neill) was a member of this
misogynist fraternity.
Raccoons The Honeymooners
Regal Order of the Golden Door to Good Fellowship The Andy
Griffith Show The group’s password was "Geronimo."
Royal Order of Camels. Petticoat Junction
Royal Order of the Mystic Nile Lodge. The Real McCoys
Sacred Order of the Stonecutters The Simpsons Homer Simpson
was elected the group’s supreme leader.
Scorpions Dennis the Menace Dennis Mitchell tried to join a club of
older boys called the Scorpion Club, later forming his own club called
the "Buzzards" with members more his own age. His father, Henry is
once referred to as a "32nd degree mason".
Seals The Dick Van Dyke Show A fez-wearing fraternity whose
recognition sign involves barking like seal while clapping the backs of
the hands together.

Secret Order of the Beavers One Day at a Time

Smiling Sons of the Friendly Shlllelaghs The Jackie Gleason Show
Sons of the Tundra Northern Exposure The members of this "Men’s
Only Club,", called Fraters, hosted an annual dinner that distributed
Stonecutters Simpsons Homer Simpson is initiated into this
fraternity in Episode 2F09: Homer the Great.
Wildebeests The Drew Carey Show Drew’s father, George is a
member of what is revealed to be a group of bigots.

See for more information [2004/03/28].
The Bedrock Anthem
Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation
Sometimes I feel like I wanna go to the city of cavemen
The city of Bedrock
I'd be a Flintstone
Now I'll tell you why.

Well, I've got I've got a woman named Wilma

Well, I've got I've got a baby named Pebbles
Well, I've got I've got a doggy named Dino
We do a little bowling and we drink a little vino

Well, I've got a little buddy, Barney Rubble

Got a neighbor by the name of Barney Rubble
He's a midget but he makes a lot of trouble
Doesn't like to shave, he got caveman stubble

Me and Barney, Loyal Order Water Buffalo

Lodge brothers, Loyal Order Water Buffalo
There's a handshake everybody gotta know
How come grand Poo-Bah always gotta run the whole show?

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
I get by on all my prehistoric knowhow

Betty and Barney got a baby named Bamm-Bamm

Little Pebbles is his number one fan
He's the strongest toddler in the whole land
Tear your arm off if he shakes your hand

Got a car, gonna push it with my feet now

Gonna take my family out to eat now
Jumbo ribs at the drive-in can't be beat now
Made from brontosaurus, baby, not a moo-cow

Wanna chill with a Sabretooth Tiger

Wear a loincloth, natural fiber
Be the first Rolling Stone subscriber
Got a pterodactyl for a windshield wiper

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
Don't know what it means but I say it anyhow

Lucky me, workin' down in the gravel pit

Movin' rocks, on a big dinosaur I sit
Mr. Slate gets mad and he throws a fit
Pull the birdie's tail, everybody knows it's time to quit

I realize I'm living in the Stone Age

No fax, no cellular phone age
Pick my teeth with a dinosaur bone age
Liftin' heavy boulders every day for my wage

Barney Rubble, laughin' like a hyena

Barney Rubble, what a little wiener
Where's Wilma? Anybody seen her?
Got a baby elephant vacuum cleaner

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now

Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
Yabba dabba, yabba dabba dabba doo now
The Twitch
cow belly, pot of beans
tie a rope around your jeans
tell your mama not to wait
you ain't getting home till late
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
we're gonna Twitch!

verse 1:

Theres a town I know where the hipsters go

they call it Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!
And when you get an itch to do the Twitch
in Bedrock
it's a twitchin' town so I'll see you down in Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!

verse 2:

Well, we'll twitch around the clock tonight

in Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!
And Rock is gonna roll with all his might
in Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!
It's a twtichin town, so I'll seee ya down
in Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!
Yeah the twitchin's fine, have yourself a time
in Bedrock
Twitch! Twitch!
The Lodge Anthem
We Stand for freedom and justice for all;
We tip our hats and look very tall;
All thru the years, our brotherhood will grow;
We are the loyal order of water buffaloes;
Why did Fred take Ballet Lessons?

to help his bowling game

Who was his ballet instructor?

Ms. Cobblehoff

What is Fred's bowling nick name?

Twinkle Toes

The Flintstones and Rubbles take a vacation to what was promised to be an isolated spot, but what event was
taking place at the same time?

a Boy Scout Jamboree

What was the name of the vacation spot?

Shangri-La-De-Da Valley

What is the name of the place where Fred and Wilma were married and renew their vows?
Rock Mountain Inn

Although Fred never graduated from High School, in one episode he attends college. What college did he attend?
Prinstone University

Why did he attend college?

in hopes of getting a job promotion

One of the times in which Fred was fired, he becomes a school bus driver for what route?


When Fred and Barney try to go in the songwriting business, who do they hire for help?
Hoagy Carmichael

When Barney and Betty adopt Bamm-Bamm, who is their opposing attorney?
Perry Masonry

In the episode where Fred drives Barney's car in the Indianapolisrock 500, what was Fred's driving name?
Goggles Pizano
What product did Fred and Barney do an ad for at the end of the race?

Flintrock Radials

What planet was Gazoo from?


Why was Gazoo exiled from his planet?

He invented a divice that could destroy the universe

Besides being sent to prehistoric Earth, what was Gazoo's


to serve the dumb dumbs

Who was Gazoo's Master?

The Great Gazam

What color are Fred's eyes?

although they appear black in every episode, Fred once said they were "Robin's Egg Blue"

Even though it was never shown, what was Fred's license plate number?
XYZ 643, from the episode P-19 when Fred and Barney are mistaken for bank robbers

Fred was once appointed Sheriff of what town?

Rocky Gulch

To receive an inheritance, Fred and the gang must spend a night in his uncle's haunted mansion. What was his
uncle's name?

Uncle Giggles

Fred's other rich uncle came to visit expecting Fred and Wilma to have a baby, so Barney played the part. What
was this uncle's name?

Uncle Tex

But before we knew him as Fred's uncle, the same character was seen in an earlier episode where he was the
interested buyer of Barney's house. What was his name then?

Mr. Yippyio Rock

This character was also seen in an episode where he was fixed up with Wilma's Mother. What was his name in
this episode?

Mr. Melville J. Muchrocks

Who was Barney's Uncle?
Mr. Slate - Fred's Boss

What is the name of the club that Fred and Barney belonged:
"The Loyal Order of Dinosaurs", "The Loyal Brotherhood of Water Buffalos", "The Loyal Order of Water Buffalos", or "The
Royal Order of Water Buffalos"?
all of the above!

What is the Royal Order of Water Buffalo's password?

Ack Acka Dak, Dak Daka Ack

What is the Flintstones address:

301 Cobblestone Way, 301 Cobblestone Lane, or 345 Stonecave Road?
all of the above!

What was Wilma's Maiden name:

Slaghoople, Sufflehooper, or Pebble?
all of the above!

What was the name of the quarry where Fred worked:

The Slate Rock and Gravel Company, The Slate Gravel and Sand Company, The Bedrock Gravel Company, The
Rockhead Quarry, or the Cave Construction Company?
all of the above!

What is the slogan of the Slate Rock and Gravel Company?

Top quality stone at rock bottom prices

Who was Fred's boss at the quarry:

Mr. Boulder, J. J. Granite, Joe Rockhead or Mr. Slate?
all of the above!

What are the names of Fred's four Dino-Cranes at the quarry?

Mildred, Lulu Belle, Rocky and Hugo

In the episode where Fred wins an appearance on the Larry Lava show, what was his sole line of dialogue
supposed to be?
"Please pass the poi"
In the episode where Wilma became a TV star and consequently angered Fred because she was unable to have
diner ready for him, what was the name of the TV show in which Wilma stared?
"The Happy Housewife Show"

Who was the sponsor of the show?

"Rockenschpeel Fine Foods"

When Fred shrunk, he and Barney put together a ventriloquist act on what show?

The Ed Sullystone Show

Dino once stared in what TV show?

"The Adventures of Sassie"

Fred's Barber Shop Quartet Appeared on what TV show?

"The Humm Along with Herman Show"

What was the name of the Barber Shop Quartet?

The Flintstone Canaries

Who does Fred try to get to perform at Wilma's ladies club benefit?

Rock Roll

Fred invented a potion that cured Barney's hiccups, but what was the side effect?

it made Barney invisible

At an attempt for a men's only Water Buffalo convention, every member came down with a disease. What was
the cure for the disease?

3 days away from their wives in Frantic City

What was the name of the disease?


Fred hired a housekeeper that turned out to be a notorious bank robber. What was her name as known by the

Grandma Dynamite

Fred plays Gary Granite's stunt double in what motion picture?

"The Monster from the Tar Pits"

Where did Barney get Betty's wedding ring?

The Buddy Buddy Credit Jewelers

What is the movie playing at the theater in the opening sequence?

The Monster

How many nights is it playing?

one night only

What was the name of the cake that Wilma and Betty entered into the Tasty Pastry Contest?

Upside Down Flint Rubble Double Bubble Cake

Why did Fred and Barney have to bake the cake at the bake-off?

because Wilma and Betty had the measles

Fred briefly became a rock star after recording a song in a do it yourself recording booth at an amusement park.

What name did he go by?


What was the name of the Flintstones cat?

Baby Puss

In 1960-1961 "The Flintstones" aired on Friday nights on ABC at 8:30 p.m. and was followed by what show?

"77 Sunset Strip"

At the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo Picnic, Fred dumped Barney as his partner in the field races to team up with


Joe Rockhead

Then when Fred was dumped, he and Barney teamed up to win the trophy by winning what race?

the wheel barrow race

What is the population of Bedrock? Answer 2,500.

Meet the Flintstones
It was the perfect mix of satire, slapstick and distinct personalities --
all wrapped up in prime-time's first animated series. Produced by
William Hanna and Joseph Barbara, The Flintstones burst onto the
screen on September 30, 1960 and has been there in one form or
another ever since!
Who would have thought that a loud-mouth in a leopard tunic could
create such a national phenomenon? With his faithful buddy Barney at
his side, Fred Flintstone would entertain television audiences week after
week with some outrageous scheme or other form of general mischief
that grown men can get themselves into. Of course, Barney would follow
along, and the two would ultimately have to answer to the true voice of
authority -- their wives.

Living in the stone-age didn't keep the Flintstones from enjoying the best of modern conveniences. From a
ram's horn telephone (a must for Wilma's gossip sessions) to a skin-topped convertible with stone wheels, the
series was constantly showing today's nifty gadgets with a stone-age twist. Even something as simple as the
paperboy throwing Fred his Sunday edition was a major hoot -- especially when the oversized stone tablet
nailed him in the head.

Fred, in general, showed little tolerance for incompetence -- save maybe his own. He could turn from jovial to
grouchy and back in an instant. But even this burly bear of a man had his soft side, and never did it show
through as much as with his baby daughter Pebbles. Fred was definitely a family man at heart, and his antics
appealed to all ages.

Fred Flintstone
Wild-mannered Fred Flintstone, Dino operator by day, devoted hubby by night, is a man of many facets. He
appears to be a simple blue-tie worker, but a wealth of other personae also lie buried beneath his big belly.
He's been a beverage formulator --inventing soft drinks with disastrous results-- as well as a carnival
operator, restaurateur, and private investigator, to name only a few of his temporary careers. Not one to
pass up on the opportunity for easy money, Fred has never let incompetence stand in his way.
A big bear of a man with an expressive face that can turn from jovial to grouchy and back in an instant, Fred
is instantly recognized by the black-spotted, orange tunic he favors as daily wear and the severe cowlick that
gives him a perpetual "bad hair" day. He describes his eyes as "robin's egg blue," although they appear black;
his hair is raven; and despite a daily shave with a bee-powered razor, his cheeks sport the stubbled look later
adopted by the men of "Miami Vice."

Along with his childhood pal, Barney Rubble, Fred attended Bedrock high school and served a stint in the
Army. After marrying Wilma Slaghoople, he began a career as a dino (dinosaur) operator at the Bedrock
Gravel and Quarry Company (also know as Slate Rock and Gravel, and sixteen other variations). Although he
has an excellent working relationship with the dinosaurs, his dealings with his boss, Mr. Slate, are fraught
with tension. This could be because Fred has no compunctions about playing hooky from work --any reason will
do; it doesn't have to be a good one.

At home, Fred and Wilma epitomize the lifestyle of the Modern Stone Age family. Occasionally Fred and
Barney slip out for a meeting of the Royal Order of Water Buffalos --a men's-only haven of boisterous guys
in silly hats-- or for an evening of pin tumbling down at the bowling alley. But Fred is just as happy at home
with his wife and daughter, Pebbles, to whom he reveals endless patience and a surprisingly gentle nature.
With adults, however, Fred has little tolerance, a trait that bothers everyone but him. But when you're a big,
burly guy like Flintstone, you have to throw your weight around --there's not a whole lot else you can do with

Wilma Flintstone
Although Wilma Flintstone worked as a waitress before her marriage, and was briefly the hostess of an early
evening television show, "The Happy Housewife," she is known chiefly as the better, more sensible half of
Fred Flintstone (someone has to be) and the mother of Pebbles. Generally Wilma is the steadying force,
providing a balance for Fred's impulsiveness. And while some would call her sly guidance manipulative, she
prefers to think of is as "husband management."
A model housewife, Wilma even dusts Fred's bowling ball on a regular basis (she discovered that it's Fred's
favorite place to hide his extra cash). Although she's usually thrifty, Wilma does have a weakness for
shopping sprees and wishes she didn't have to return things after "taking them on approval." The orginal mall
maniac, she often disappears into the heart of the Macyrock Department store, wielding a credit card and
yelling, "Chaarge--it!"

Wilma has learned to live with Fred's frequent money-making schemes, which generally blow up in his face.
And although she would never dream of wearing the pants in the family (they haven't even been invented yet),
she's always there to set things straight after disaster strikes.

Barney Rubble
With his infectious chuckle, sunny outlook on life, and ability to overlook the grumpiest disposition (i.e., that
of longtime pal Fred Flintstone), Barney Rubble is Bedrock's quintesential good neighbor. Born in Graniteville,
Barney grew up in Bedrock alongside Fred. The two attended Bedrock High together, met their wives
together, and mutually spend a great deal of time evading their wives' ire --in short, sharing all the ups and
downs of Modern Stone Age male bonding. Most people find Fred to be overbearing and difficult, but Barney
doesn't let these flaws stand in the way of true friendship.
Initially wary of Fred's enthusiastic and impulsive schemes, Barney usually ends up throwing caution to the
wind and enjoying himself, even though, when the plans backfire --as they always do-- he is the one blamed
for their failure. The important thing in Barney's mind is to be a loyal buddy, and this he performs flawlessly.
Left to his own devices, he would be just as happy staying at home and spending the evening with his lovely
wife, Betty, and their super-strong son, Bamm-Bamm.

The great mystery that continues to puzzle Flintstonephiles is the buring question of what Barney does for a
living. Barney's career has long been a matter of speculation. Leaving the house every weekday morning with
Fred, he appears to head for a regular nine-to-five job. But what he does every morning after Fred drops him
off at the corner is anyone's guess. He's been seen entering the offices of Pebbles Co. Rock and Gravel, as
well as those of Slate Rock and Gravel. He has worked temporarily as a furniture repossessor, a travel agent,
and has joined Fred in an entrepreneurial stint as co-owner of a drive-in restaurant. These are all matters of
public record. But why does he never stay at one job? And why is his position so rarely referred to? His wife,
Betty, once let slip to an acquaintance that he is in "top secret work."

Betty Rubble
A slim brunette with a lively sense of humor and a ready giggle, Betty likes to rhapsodize over film hunks like
Stony Curtis, but the real love of her life is her husband, Barney. They met shortly after high school, and his
Mel Torme magnetism and rakish Neolithic looks soon swept her off her feet. For his part, Barney was
entranced by Betty's breezy girl-next-door charm, and before long Betty Jean McBricker became Mrs.
Barney Rubble.
Betty and her new husband stepped easily into suburban life in Bedrock, making a cozy home out of their cave
on Cobblestone Lane. Clever and well as considerate, she lets Barney believe he's the head of the house while
she manages everything --including Barney himself-- from behind the scenes.

When Fred steps over the line and insults Barney once too often, it is Betty who encourages him to stick up
for himself. Barney may not be proud, but his wife is. She is also a terrific mother and manages her son and
his pet, Hoppy the hopparoo, as easily as she does Barney, enjoying every moment she spends with her family
and friends.

With Wilma living right next door, Betty never lacks for activity. Sharing magazine hubby quizzes, trips to
the beauty shop, and even camping expeditions with her comrade in arms, her days are full.

Pebbles & Bamm-Bamm

At precisely eight o'clock on the evening of February 22, 10,000 B.C.,
Pebbles arrived at Bedrock Rockapedic Hospital, born to parents Fred
and Wilma Flintstone of Cobblestone Lane. With her turned-up nose, big,
wonder-filled eyes, and sweet smile, it's no surprise that she charms
everyone she comes in contact with. Her father gave her the nickname
Pebbly-Poo the moment he laid eyes on her, and he has been under her
spell ever since, along with Wilma, Barney, Betty, and even Arnold, the
The joy of Pebble's life, other than Mom, Dad, and of course, Dino, is her next-door neighbor and best friend,
Bamm-Bamm Rubble. Most parents must baby their babies, but in Bamm-Bamm's case it sometimes seems as
if it's the other way around. His superhuman strength comes in handy around the house, whether it's moving
furniture or lifting the car so Dad can change a tire. And how many parents can claim their baby bounces

Bamm-Bamm is the pride and joy of his parents, Barney and Betty, who remember vividly the day they found
him on their doorstep. Wielding a little club, the tow-headed tyke looked up at them and exclaimed, "Bamm!
Bamm! Bamm!" The Rubbles were captivated, and taking the child into their hearts and home, they
immediately began adoption proceedings, and have never regretted it.

Whether banging on musical instruments in the family den or playing in the backyard, Pebbles and Bamm-
Bamm make a special team, and one gets the feeling that one day Fred might actually have to think about
walking down the aisle at their wedding.
From : The Flintstones
(William Hanna / Joseph Barbera)

Here we come on the run

With a burger on a bun
And a dab of coleslaw on the side,
Oh your taste we will tickle
With a great dill pickle
And all of our potatoes are french fried, fried,
Our burgers can't be beat,
'Cause we grind our own meat,
Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind,

When you drive away,

You'll really hear us say,
We bid you bye, bye, bye, bye, bye,
We bid you bye, bye, bye, bye, bye!

And as your on your way,

A tip upon our tray
We hope to find, find, find, find, find
We hope to find, find, find, find, find.

Reprise by Wilma and Betty ~

Here we come on the run

With a burger on a bun
And a dab of coleslaw on the side
Oh your taste we will tickle
With a cold dill pickle
And all of our potatoes are french fried fried fried
Our burgers can't be beat
Because we grind our own meat
grind grind grind grind grind

If Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble

Think that they're not in a lot of trouble
They're out of their mind mind mind mind mind
They're out of their mind mind mind mind mind

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