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STS CR LT Ra eens RUSSBROWN.COM TakinitEasy Cookies from the Grave Did you know that you can get recipes off of tombstones? Ie true. A vioman named Rosie Grane of Takoma Park, Maryland and become quite an expert at ferreting nue and trying long dead recipes thar she ave markers. See, Rosie is into Is finds on cemeteries and found like-minded g fon social media. On one sch site discovered a tombstone in Brooklyn that is ecched with an actual cookie recip she heavenly. This led her to researching other ita try. She says the results were such gravestone recipes. She says that there are several here in America, wo in Israel, and all are from women. “Cooking these recipes has shown me an alternative side to death.” Could a Gravestone Cookbook be far off Worse than your Morning Commute You th be the 54-yea k you've got problems? You could woman in Sumatra who was eaten by a python. Yep, even in this day and age, there are places in the cn alive isa thing. a named Jahrah, who worked world where bei at a rubber plantation, lost her life at work a few months ago after being swallowed by a 22-fooc-long python snake. Her husband reported her missing shen she didn’ retum home from work while searching for her, he f sandals, headscarf, jacket Authorities caught a python thar bad been spotted nearby and found Jalal’ body in the snake’ stomach, See? My worst problem t wait in line for coffee. Kind of purs things ay’ was that I h erspective, doesnt it When Death Comes Knocking A Florida neighborhood is on high alert nF overnight visits from a well-dressed man wielding a machete, On October 17, around 5:30 ama, residents heard a knock at the do man on their doorbell camera, but he after a sr walke c the machete. Other neighbors in Lauderhill had the same experience. “He didn seem like someone lost or confused,” one resident said. “He seemed very intentional, very businesslike, ike he was dressed for business, just with a machete.” Police have stepped up pat lof the area but say no crimes have bec committed... yet. That mofo better not stroll into a bikers ncighborh The Queen's Goats The town of Llandudno in Wales has set up a task force to address one of its most pressing local problems, n 1g goats. The Kashmini ‘mountain goats, which normally reside on che Great Orme headland near the own, got bold during the pa into the community and bey mely hedges, sleeping in bus shel bumping heads in the supermarket lor. The new task force's main oal is protecting the animals from injury or death. “We should be very proud to have these wonderfil animals on our doorstep.” said councilor Geoff Stewart cendants Aficr all, the goats are de those presented to the town by Queen Good thing hhor majesty didn’t present chem wit pythons, Victoria about 100 years Tumbleweed Terror Marlies Gross of trapped in her home recently, not by a ‘menacing bea of tumbleweeds chat surrounded her we after a windstorm. “I opened the ie was full of cumbleweeds.” When she tried to drive untain, Colorado, was or a snowstorm, but by a front door, an ncighbor's where I was" she know, you fel helph b fence because | didn’t know Id local news, “You - Fthoughe it was a iream. I don't know whae we'e going to do, how we get rid of those tumbleweeds. Oh, irs horrible.” Good thing ie wasnt pythons, Don’t take a Bath! Amou Haji, 94, of Dezhgah, Iran, also known as the World’ Dirtiest Man, refused co bathe for more chan 60 years recause he was afraid doing so would make him sick, according to Fox News. Apparently he wa “villagers had reeendy taken him toa bathroom ro wash,” the Islamic Repul News Ag fall ill and Finally... he gave up his life,” the report concluded. Let that hea lesson to. ight, For the firs time ney reported. “Noc long after, he you brothers and sisters. Never bathe Real Life Country Western Song with a herd of “When your horse runs o wild mu lt him go, because man, he's gone.""That was the reality Shane Adams of Fielding, Utah, had to accept when his 10-year-old horse, Mongo, joined a passing herd in the middle night du ago. But the Bureau of Land Ma ing a camping trip eighe years dl Adams with incredible news: Mongo had been found. The horse is seriously underweight due to the scarcity of food in the rogion where he and the herd were roaming, but Adams said Moi forgotten his training. Adams said his life had taken a do since Monge disappeared. Just like a is in good health and has not are turn in the years country song, he and his wife divoreed an auto accident in 2021 left him disabled, and his horse ran off At least he wasnt eaten by a python, Now things are looking up, he says. “My life was like down in the dumps, like the ear accident. my horse back though.” Yee Hav Biker Saying of the Month You do not need a therapist if you own a motoreyele, any kind of motorcycle! Dan Ayroyd 3 toe Easyriders January 2023 * Issue 568 nly et 7 PUBLISHER AMERICAN V-TWIN PRODUCTS vara Inthislssue . , hi DESIGN AND PRODUCTION _ Smash Stutio Franklin Lussier ea Sketchy 1940 Knucklehead Chopper....6 KEEPER OF THE FLAME Ben Stuck Barry Sharman 1957 Panhead Stoker 14 TECH EDITOR Bery Wardlaw Joe Marshall SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER Bulletproof 1977 Shovel 20 Billy Toney LEAD PHOTOGRAPHER Fe ec Michael Uchter Fara ae PHOTOGRAPHERS Southern Country Customs 4obn Covington, Mike Chase, Rusty Wallace's Rad Road Glide 58 Brad Patton, Dino Petrocell Don Rogers Tom Stine ConrmnroRs 1972 lronhead XLCH m4 Jeff Moore, ake Roca, Michael MeCabe, Del Hickey SOUTHEAST CONSULTANT Best Bikes and Babes Ron Gale Proviow 3a ROVING REPORTER fade sae Com Free Campout Choppers, Coppers and Com 66 ARTISTS David Mann (1590-20), Easyriders Bloomville Rodeo George Jats (1943-2016 Wie cal the thing rodeo 80 Cover: Jayden Kunze; Photo by Micha! Lcher OFFICE DOG Rufus CCHIEE MARKETING OFFICER, ano Takin’ It Easy 3 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Russall A. Broun Garage Tech: Leamin’ with Legends... 28 22220.851 russ@lassiceasyescom Fiction: X-Ray 32 NEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTION David Mann 50 Comag Marketing Group 1955 Lake Pak Dig hoor int Sn, GA 30080 ae a PUBLISHED BY sho inthe Win. Ss ; EVSTAND CROUATN one a ater nest TE SMSC onesie en 0, Box e048 SIS ae ing Mini Boards and Rider Boards Available ‘Brook NY 11218-0482 Bom To Ride 96 Down The Road 98 i DNRC] AVN long bike rears FRANKLIN LUSSIER’S SKETCHY 1940 KNUCKLEHEAD CHOPPER: reyeles over the laste it ea i ideas rene ee ee ree Secon ee seen tion emer ci eee ae “After working on an eclectic number neal os a og nik the Seed Ce era (otcteecrceay cars oes reat etna ents Assembly: Lussier Bult Customs cated frend Pere) ere peered Ignition: mag Ee eens ceed freer) co) Cord rec ota ripest ena Pipes: Lussier Bult Customs stainless aoe cone naeststo) eae ry Cerny PAINTING oad Cuneiel ord Seer eter} eer y eect Serge rete eran ered eee eer cece td Cte era Cee cy Cicer ona Dad peated Coherent fate ead CO od Crd Wheels Seed certs pets) Cet Dereon al model of the highest caliber. But she bi a dark sasquatch. Please understand, wasn't her fa Originally bomn om a fara planec that earth astronomer that orbits a red dwarf star in the Vin constellation, Jayden has the uncanny abiliy to mak men wet themselves thanks by ly, tl Soy cig ea They ght here nein biden een os Th ced Fei oar on photographer Mikal ich dsrvred bet ‘hs exping ont et shave her legs, and a modeling ut Jaye much more, but certain nizations within ou government have clasitied ruich of her stor In face, it already ae nas Protect your escape with Progressive. | a Aan Ge eee eer eater eee anal 7 Tei jeoltyou could tave by switching to Amerees eI moteryeie newer. | PROGRESSIVE PETA SULA IS eV awl irl UK0) al = gods a Tewas and fl days bef Aywheel timing marks hearin pleon areal be the poi Flander ine back in the bike «but properly with the then in and vas forever making adjustments ic running correctly, I finally took i eo Matt’s machine shop in up on their Dyno and itn Wale row (who works for Matt) set the bike perfectly. Great guys and great service Mate id he'd fore and puts in between all th lash nto back agine gears and th hhad ch different diffcrent paint schemes, two arboxes, two sets of fork han s four different sift, then a hand > foot siftand I'm three seats. I's b build and tide the is the challengs old bike bike fr 1 parts a new leas lie with ind then riding giving th my ovn spin on styling and keeping that bike running with the help of likeminded friends people who mindset and auitade as ime. Ive heard the passion for my alle a diseas tha, because once it's in your blood you oreyeles and I'd have to agree with can’t get rid of it~ but I'm in no rush to find 4 cus ‘Owner: Bary Sharman, over the Pond Fabrication: Bary Sharman arene eter enn) Assembly: Bary Sharman cect Pare ee em Preeestog ) en opener) enc oer Yael tate) Poa ey eee Balancing: Baz Church renter) eee eee) eer eel eretona riper) ere cy Cation Sees ta Aner Ce toy PAINTING Painter: Dave Addis Ces ones eeerced Ng Sec eet) Ce eee ACCESSORIES tad eet GunaLt ena rane Cee eri ents cere etl Pegs: Anderson Ce ai eed ee Cro ete) Rout! Se cco ene) Cte FRONT END Demis ens Dire hes roi perre ec g cee cee ees poetry Cen e Cn aa an! Ponca eer Peet cret and Cet te JOE MARSHALL'S BULLETPROOF 1977 SHOVEL months. The next Joe i more rake for just Coreen’ een eye ret o) Beery ered fale iy ary ated Pre tre re ta Lene pemettg ens Ce ae ea ma) Ercuiy ope O ed encore yea Pets racy on ceemirired fot i rs Liters: S&S enters Peers Lead UST errr eC Tees Veer aetna) eee ving Cy ere time eter] con eeeLccd id Se een eco bears) ans eed Reid eomeren (Other mods: arched backbone, speed sts, Poe ea hoe) Recs ae Handlebar controls: Kustomtech epee Peed cya Pegs MC Pe ee Ronny aad oer? ee oe at Perdana Gips: Vans aonaar) Sean ent Pian Woes Make: Back Bike ey een Ter eames cere Brakes Perfomance Machine Caton ee ear) DENVER’S CHOPPERS & PAUGHCO HAVE TEAMED UP TO BUILD A LIMITED EDITION RUN OF EASY RIDER REPLICA CHOPPERS USING GENUINE VINTAGE REBUILT H-D PANHEAD MOTORS Suicide by biker: OURO R Ce OR RCE oy LACE Cyr] Tech Ector’ nove: Ii with rent sadness that 1 ast announce that my dear friend for over 30 years, Ben Seuck has decided to step back From writing his delightful ane informative ‘monthly column bere ins Easyriders. Ben Learnin’ with Legends My last at Bat fs Monday, November 11, 2 Veterans Day. Thar’ right, these articles ae written about rwo months ahead of time and chis article sin the January issue of Easyriders, the one you are reading now, As sit here thinking abou whar Ver- trans Day means to me, the people in my life that have been affected by war in one way or another, I decided to research just whete this national holiday originated fiom and ies incent, Armistice Day was fire observed in 1919 which was the fist anniversary of he signing ofthe cease fire and marked the to the end of World War |, The Great War. The Armistice was agreed t0 at 5:10 a.m, and went into effect at 11:00 am, on the eleventh day of the eleventh ‘moneh, November, 1918. Tens of millions died, mostly civilians, in this horrific con lates the world would do itall over agtia and on a fli bur just a seant 20 ye Rob Schwelinger of R&R Cycle fame. 28 rows more in too of is tle fingr and ‘ha probably forgoten more about the macor ‘gel clere ane many her fscinating topics ‘than yon or Tell ever kno, He hax died that wrting a column every mont ius 00 much larger scale, World War U Aer the surrender of frsc che Germans and then the Japanese in 1945, the world ‘would be at peace once agi nately, not for long, [n 1947 a homeboy and World War II veteran from Birming- ham, Alabama, organized a celebration and called it National Vecerans Day and I bet you already know when it was held. Yep. {you got it, November 11. In 1954 Con: gress passed a bill and President Eisenhow- cr signed that bill into law prodaiming November I1 as Veterans Day. Congress {gor that one right, There is so mich more todd aboue this importanc day of recog: nition, bur my space and knowledge is im: ited, les certainly worth a person's time co read about i, | know I learned a heck of a lot just preparing for this article Ido so love my counery and have at remendouis amount respect for our Vererans. When it comes from the heart, said with real sincerity, there are two words, often ‘overused, thac carty alot of weight, [use but, unforeu- those two words in ete truest sense, thank you. Thank you so very much, To those mucho coed at presen, so hough tis is be las episode of Learn’ with Legends we hope Ben will conte to conde as his time sara energy allows. A fell in pet yom, ny brother —Dave Nichols that gave all, May Godspeed. These sentiments are noc how L intend: ced this, my last article to go, but while studying che Armistice, Veterans Day, and things connecced, it reminded me of che family story of one of our own, A fellow biker, racer, engine builder, Easyriders Rodeo competivor and Champion. He's built bikes or celebricies as well as us com: ‘mon folk, and heck, I even worked with him during Billy Lane’ Son's of Speed. le was during this time of 18-hour days while preparing race bikes, char my friend shared some of his family history with me and ic Fis sigh ineo his Veterans Day topic. Yep, my buddy Rob Schwellinger has a hell oF story That diry lt bastard Hider invaded Yageslavia in 1941, the year of my beloved Knucklehead. During the ensuing chaos, Robis Family was dispersed and became sp araxed fiom one anothet. His mom, eight years-old at che time, managed to stay with her grandmesher, Robs great grandmodher As fate would have it, hey were carted ofF toa concentration camp. Robs Uaele Frank Rob at work Jay Allen, promoter land speed racing champion ‘and stauch supporter of US. veterans Greg Lew The Prince of Panheads. RedFox ols reflectors Classic Parheads on Facebook and DAV ‘uetons. vas snc to work in dhe coal camps fie the fron faeovies. ‘This work was around the clock, slave labor. Rb’ granicher was sent ro the Russian front asa sniper. Gee inthe mix or be shor. He was wounded in the ankle, requiring owo amputations, and then given up t the Rus was intcesting. Then 1945 war was nally vet “The Russians sent Grandpa back to Yugoslavia, Grandma and Robs mom sur vived the hellish concentration camp and were saved by the invading Russians Kind of, Gakava, Yugoslavia now belonged tothe Russians and cluding grandma and Rob's mom, were placed on tain and sene to everyones favorite wcation spot, Siberia. Here, chey were placed in a Rusian work camp, slave Jabor again, Man, I hope tis has a happy ending. Near the end of 1952, wih Sealin inill health (couldnt have come soon enough), dhey le al che prisoners go, Uncle Frank ended up in Seaegart, Germany and gota licde help from the Red Cross. The Red Cross in turn, helped him find and reunice grandpa, grandma, and Rob's mom ‘Together again, feedom a st. Un 1956, the same year yall were blessed c, Old Unele Frank gor a g Volkswagen and the opportunity to.come to the good old USA, sponsored by the Busch family Yes, those bee folks. Hell yeah. St Louis, Misous. Two yeas later Rob’ parents with three-year-old Herb and the grandparents immigrated to America and als landed in Se. Louis. Thae samme 1 Rob was bora, maki American born in his family: The Busch family went onto sponsor hundreds of families, put them to work and afford op porcunities. Rob’ family were fortunate enough ro be one of thet. s. Man, I bee that ved and the re work camp survivors, in with n gwith hhim the Fire Rob moved to Florida in 1984 and he rest is mororeyee history, winning Easyriders Rodeo Championships with the likes of Tampa Bay Ray and Gary Free Rob's wife was the first lady sled puller. Man, he’ even won The Rae's Hole Show. Rob is sill doing custom engine, rebuild and restoration work as well as bike building and we'e still good friends. ‘Wow fiom concentration camps co Easyriders, Man, you never know where lifes roads will eke you. Those experiences cof Rob’ Family are just one example of hundreds of thousands of families affected by war. We owe so much to our veterans. 29 ‘There are many people that come ro id when I chink of those thar sponsor oF manage special ev pro vide healthcare, services, food, clothing and ‘opportunities to our veterans. Far too many ro list here buc Il include a few, Jay Allen is ‘a saunch supporter of our veterans, very involved with di money and other benefits. Jay's record rent programs to raise setting mocoreyce land speed race team, Vererans of America Racin bring awareness and funding for our Then there's Greg Lew and his succesful ChasicPanheads Thanksgiving Auction o benefit DAV on Facebook. This is super auction that you should realy get involved in, Great parts fora grese purpose. Ifyou like old motoreyles, expecially Panheads you should check out Classic Panheads on Facebook. One ofthe best monitored pages on Facebook. People you ean trust “There is another person I would like to mention before I wip this article up, his ‘de culture, the vintage motorcycle com- rnumnity and even those falar with solo hhuncing which I can certainly relate co. His name i Jim Wear and he is dhe owners tor of the famous Rocky Mountain. Motor- ‘ele Museum and Hall of Fame, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Established in 1992, the museum is fee of charge. What? That’ right fre of charge and is publicly supported chrough donations and souvenir purchases which ‘ean ako be taken cae of online. Order shige today, because asthe song sys ‘very lady likes a sharp dressed man. The museum is appointed with beauiflly ce- sored and completly original bikes of many different marquees Indian, Hatley Davidson, Panther, Reading Seandaed, Mustang, Excelsior and Honda, to name a few, Please, take the time to visit the Rocky Mouneain Morarcycle Museum and for Peres sake, take a young person with you. “Tell Jim, Ber Stuck sene you. You'll gee in for free if you do! Promise The other reason I mentioned Jim has to do with the original pic of this article, ‘our veterans, and Vererans Day: In one way ‘or another, Jim has long been involved wich asistng our veterans. His primary contribution has been thr Rally. Beginning in 1992 and concinuing until 2006, the event was held in Cripple Creek, Colorado, a small town [love 10 gh his Vererans 30 vist. As with many things weal love, here ‘ame the polities to sew i all up and the rally was moved elsewhere from 2007 «0 2009 but then some common sense re- turned to the political establishment and ‘once again Cripple Creek was ground 2e10 forthe rally The years 2010 thru 2019 were fantas= tic for the Veterans Rally until ehe scaim- demic hic in 2020 and the rally was celled. Not to be deterred, Jim and supporters searched and found a city that encouraged and supported the veteran's cause. Woodland Park, Colorado now only the POW/MIA, as they have for-25 years, but also the Salute to n Veterans Rally: That ra now held in Memorial Park and includes live music, vendors, great food, a beer garden, bur most importantly, it hosts a Veterans Remembrance Ceremony. Job Ameri is well done, Jim, In closing, I would like to thanle Jim, Jay, and Greg far their selfless contribu tions ro our veterans, There is so mitch more I could say; I just hope I have pro- vided some amoune of helpfialinforma- tion and exposure for yall’s efforts. Here are just a few damn good legends we could all learn alittle someching from, L in’ with Legends, my last at bat. 1 not have hic a homerun for everyone, but U hope you fee I atleast got on base. Uni such cime, Bien Stuck Just asample of what’ Inside Jim's museum, 1 ke one ofthese and one of those, and.. sim Wear with a beautiful example ofan original Panhead, 31 thought he was still runnin’ coast to coast on that old '79 Lowtiden” said Spook. ‘Al 1 now is he bought chat horse farm for his‘ol lady and moved up there justo shut her up.” Riek’ answer was tinged with annoyance. “Yeah, but Tony saw him out in Oalee land like four yeats back.” Ralph chimed in, “And he had a small crowd around that Lowrider. You know how pristine he kept that bike. Always locked shovstoon new.” “Bor sure,” said Spook. “Always clean as whistle and loud asa cannon with those ‘open 42-inch drag pipes screamin’. His of lady bitched about that, too.” “L sve year just to get away fiom her gripin’ but ic stayed a habit long after she split,” Ralph said. he did the coast to coast ev 94 “You kiddin’ me? She split the poor bastard?” asked Danny. “Yeah, she took off and left him the whole place to take care of horses, barns, house. It was just him up there for the Jase wen years.” “Wonder why he never cruised back down to hang here2” asked Danny. “ahhh, you know X-Ray. He was a proud man. He probably didnt even want tus to know about his trials. He was an in- dependent cus,” said Ralph. “One thing’s fer sure, he loved that bike as much as he loved his son. That's why he made the plans he did The boys were all sitting around the King’ table at Bite’ place as they traded memories of X-Ray Mike. A good man, an avid bikes, and a gentle soul with a hasd- core exterior. X-Ray could be a hardass when he had to be, but for the most part he was just a giving soul who loved to ride. Back in the day when he rode aniongst The Northside Boys (s0 named for the fit thae they practically owned the North Shore of Long Island back in the AMF yeats) he was known for his generosity his ‘womanizing, his hardcore riding abilities con and offroad, and for being a devoted father to the son he loved. X-Ray rode the wheels off his "79 Low- rider. He loved the early 80-inch shovels and loved the sometimes called his bike. X-Ray missed more than a few club runs and meetings because he was off galavanting on that shovel, IFhe wasn in New Mexico with Carly, he was in Oregon with Gina, Cary’s ‘estranged sister. When it wasn't Gina, it sas Tish, when it wasn't Tish it was Paty, Silver Shadow” as he and on and on ad infinitum, Not that X-Ray was a handsome dude. IF anything he was a bedraggled looking scooter tramp. We all know the type. The sort of guy who just doesnt look the part of the swe saw him, he had a new beauty om his P-pad. That is, until a mouthy wife slowed his roll a bic. He was fun guy on and off his bike, and was always up fora long trip. He once got the urge for Cioppino and talked a few of the boys into riding all the way to San Francisco fora big howl oft. A long way to travel for some damned fish stew. They took off the spur ofthe moment with no leathers, no changes of clothes or under swear They just hopped on their bikes and split for the Golden Gate Stateand Sant Gril where the staffall knew him and treated X-Ray and the boys ike family. Ie wasn the ist time he pointed the Shadow" toward che sunset. The boys that tuapsed along with him said he never tired icwas ust “Gas n Go" until they got there Spook said X-Ray hopped off the bike in Frisco like he'd only gone around the bloc. ‘The boys at Bird's ordered a few more rounds and continued telling tales about X-Ray. “Hey, anybody remember how he got his nickname?” asked Ralph. “Yeah, you gave it him,” replied Danny. “Nor all that clever when you consider he was an X-Ray tech,” “Tiue tha,” Ralph recalled. “But never called him that until the flight 800 stories started fiterin’ out ofthe hospical hhe worked a.” ‘Yeah, that was some horrendous shit said Danny, X-Ray worked himself through school by the skin of his teeth. At the time he rode a beat up old Sporty back and forth to school and that included winter days with temps in the teens. On snowy da he took cabs. He lived in a one room apartment with lousy heat and the occa sional cracked pipe, and his Sporty was parked outside witha ratty tarp chrown over it. He lived like that for the wwo yeats it took him to complete school and work parc time. There were times when hed call one of che boys to help wrestle the bike into his room so he eould wrench oom it, He graduated atthe top of his clas and began working atthe largest hospital in the region. XR in ao time and was able to buy his Lowrider in late 1979. Held ride the back. roads of Long Island with the boys, serap- ing pegs and sending up sparks. He had the habit of power downshifing and tearing up his rea tre as he accelerated out of every turn. He went ehrough a chain a season after having stretched them all past adjustment, yet tha damned Lowrider just kepr on ticking Eventually, Mike came as close to set- ding down as any true biker can. His wife Katrina gave him a baby boy to be proud ofand Mike tssed him in the tradition of reycles and brotherhood. He caries ‘on Mike’ name proudly: The boys all called him “Litle Mike” from the pet and nowadays some people are confused when they frst hear his nickname, as “Lil ico a six-foot-wocinch, Silver worked his way up to chief tech powerlifting giant ofa man, Ie was Little Mile who first brought the news about Ray's passing to Birds place. Amidst the cigar smoke, haed rock music, and gyrating topless dancers, he sat at the King’s rable and reminisced with the boys. ‘He was a good man and a great father and U'll miss him every day until ies my turn for the urn.” Said Mike when he frst broke the news, The boys all continued swapping tales about the man. “He was a great guy and an interesting character. We wete proud to ride with him,” said Spook. "And he loved all his good times with you guys.” said Little Mike, “Weld like to ” said ddo somethin’ special for the m Spook. ‘Wall, there is somethin’ I'd like to request on my Dad's behalE” Little Mike became serious. “My Dad requested that a portion of his ashes be placed in the seat ddowncube in the frame of that old "79. Held like Spook to do the work. Maybe weld a plug in place eop and bottom of the tube to hold him.” Little Mike con: tinued, “He left the bike to meand Id like to ride it down to Port JefFand spread ‘the remainder of his ashes on the lawn in front ofthe boat museum, and Il like you all co be there, if that’s okay.” "said Ralph. “We'll “OF course, 1 ALL be there.” Thanks, hoys,” sai Little Mike, “I knew F could councon you ‘The following Saturday a loud, ewisting snake of metal and leather proceeded down the main sreet ofthe old port town, There were over 60 bikes in al Windows rattled and the rownfalk stopped wo stare asa bright silver Lowrider led the procession of Hatley-Davidsons to the expansive lave of the Boat Museum over- or. Mote stories were told, bottles were passed around, even a few prayers were said. As the shart core- mony wound toa close, Little Mike spo up and thanked everyone Special thanks ro you, Spook. You did a great job. Looks fctory Onished.” Lice ike smiled a he shook Spook’s hand Now Pop and I are gonna head to Frise, For some reason Thave an urge for fh stew and a ride west” A cheer went up as Mike kicked over his inheritance and aimed her toward the setting sun, 2. jabh 5 PECT DIVEC 6 BES BIKES ke Jazzy Jennifer on John Covington’s Big Wheel Surgical Steed Angela on Greg Rath’s Chopper Kings Ride Passi’ Gas, Cover Model Leanne on Kurt Wohldmann’s S&S Shovelhead Awesome Emily Marie on John Franco's Wicked Bros. Panhead Chelsea on John Shope’s _Timisne dant ate aig dal aco Ravishing Road Rocket 40 a Fox Hunt Winner Zandra on Daniel Sosa's FLH Shovelhead « — Ton Cover Model Lisa on Jim Nasi’s Badass Afterlife Signature Series Cover Model Sarah with a Chandler Custom Cycles Showstopper 46 a7 V-twin Tribute vfatiavoon RNA Gd ee TN ED EDITION PRINTS material. Just imagine them with theie cops ory oftheir massive meat pels! Easyriders is proud of its long association with David Mann. From 1971 until his death in 2004 hn Gre Cn Ae aes rece Resco eC Aree en a ae er er Rea ee tem trce fe mcr Ur eC Rue EL (CLUS! Deri maaey Ty Re ime oe limited edition reproductions Coal Each high quality paar eck ie) (ee tiile-t coe Authenticity! rie OUT AVAILABLE PRINTS, SIZES, FINISH OPTIONS AND PRICING AT: Hh Cody Murchand’s Ul NUS ie iO) i rp \j ) Pe eo T: repainted nade. Thar’ vn ie and realy Engineering, the Cera] ity Hollister, CA Cort Designes: owner, Kenny ise, Richard Barbee ec eu to) ee cr Ty Model: FL eed ce er ae rs Ea See ron) Ce eey ioe eee ten) oe a feted em omy eet) ee tener Cee Me crest) Ceci) PAINT ey renee eee ond nc See ror) eet aes ed Stretch: just enough ere ere sy Peete eee Headlight: Headwinds perce Pegs: PM ree eter) on een) imary cover: open Sr Cs FRONT END Sed ed pore Mn Pec ecg “Types spokes reat coer Cea) guy from France, a guy from California and a guy from New York got captured by cannibals, said to the guy fi ng 0 boil you and eat France, “We'e g To this the Frenchman said, “Sacre bleu! Zis is rerible! You cannot boil me and eat me! Sacre bleu! Then the cannibals said to the Californian, "We're goi nes to make weapons, ‘Oh, wow, man, You cank do that, man. You can't ext me up. That’ be dudes,” che Californian sai. Then the cannibals turned to the New Yorker, “And you, we'te going to peel off all your skin and use i t9 make a canoe.” The New Yorker grabbed tone of the cannibals, stare stabbing hhimseif all over and said, “Oh yeah ou asshole T there. Here’ Your mother Here’s your fuckin’ ean got your fucking canoe your fucking canoe, pal should take a trip in this can fickin’ mook! —Greg Cook Nat. City, C college student who moved back with his parents for the summer nervously walked into he kitchen. “Mom,” he sai, lost abortle of pills that said ECSTACY ton the cap. Have you seen anything like Forget the pills." she answered. “Have you seen the zebra-striped singing dragon David Vide Pontiac, Mtinois blo de walked in alibrary, sk and cheerfully exclaimed, “Ta here for the porn video try outs!” “This is library, young lady.” croaked the disgusted elderly librarian. ‘Oh, Tim sorry.” sid the blushing blonde, She then ined in clase and whispered, “Tim here for the porn video Big D Fun Town wo old bikers were about co enter a bar when a funcral procession went by: The first biker earned and whipped his cap off of his head as a sign of respect. ‘Say, man,” the second bro said, *thae’s the nicest thing I've ever seen you do! ‘Well, Dawg,” responded the firs as he headed inside, “after all, she was my of ledy for 25 years, Sim W Tenmetsee Colo, Tests ley “m having problems wich my hearing Mad Dog yelled to his doctor. “You know, loud Harley exhaust pipes and wind can damag. hearing,” said the doctor. “Can you describe the symptom 'No problem,” said Mad Dog, “Homer is fat and yellow, Marge has tall blue hair. —BigD Far Town ac goes in and out and smells like pee? Grandpa d Pokey Greg Cook Natl. City, California ng the F if redhead sat dwn at the pub and gestured seductively to the bartender. When he came over signaled for him to being his face closer to hers. "Are you the manager?” she asked softly, stroking his face wich boch k Gas "Actually no,” he replied. ‘Can you get him for me2” she purred, running her hands up into his har. Tm affaid I cant,” the bartender answered hoarsly, “Is there anything I cean do for you? Yes, there is. I need you to give h mestage” she continued huskily into his mouth and tw suck chem gently. “Tell him paper in the ladies room Tom Cook Crescent City California illie and Waldo were drunk as fuck, crawling down the railroad tracks when Willie said, “Goddamn, this is the longest set of stairs cen in my life ‘Waldo replied, “Ie aint the stairs that's killing me, its this low han: James Brun Monroe, Washingzon they were Tee wo bikers were drinking in a bar. One said, "Did you know that Elks hhave sex 10 to 15 times a nigh?” Aw fuck,” says his fiend, “and I just joined the VFW!" —Cuzin Ina Sharps Town ar did che blonde say when she was brushing her teeth and her gums started to bleed? Thank God—safe for another month. Tom Cook Crescent Cis California ave you heard the slogan for the tampon? ‘We mi but wee stil up there! ole Lif ill, California 57 Ce sea Moorevill, North Carolina Souther Country Customs (SCC) ree Pe eet ee eo GENERAL ont opus ork enduro Assembly: Steve Wallace cre eesti ENGINE Year and make: 2022 T-Man Performance ets Peet este Lower end: T-Man with Dartorse crank Pistons: -Man ere eee oer) eae ese et ees ROSES Year and make: 2022 BAKER ee) PAINT ern oe eae en ene Cg iio rele rie) Modified: Steve Wallace Shocks: Walker Evans coil over shocks ACCESSORIES Bars: AF Kustoms eee oy Pee eS paint en Speedo: Dakota Digital ere een a cnt Car) peer oad Seat: Red Stitch ee al cea) Windshield: Klock Werks acu) rena this bagger ater) weight : Tm a eubi ee eal eta Miers eC ears eae Net te (ere Seeey ei hic che Dyno with 168 horsepower and 1 oft \ce perfection. at the tech chart, about the only thing let on this Road Glide that is stock is the Harley-Davidson fram 0 TMAN for the wanc a bike thac i cubic inches to make a lot of power.” This fire-breathing Road Glide Cee cen racing since I was just focus on building Harleys. I's me an he builds. “Thar o ns our customers come back into have us bull m them,” Steve concludes. for the long haul.” And that, my friends, is the way we do it in the south, TEN TAR Ue Aa 4 UT aie HEM LE Classic Easyriders Complete Digital Magazine Collection Contains 559) digital magazines) published by Easynders from Jline 1974) through April| 2022) on) ZDVDS Disc with DRM sectinity. protection) technology, and) instant digitall download to any device. ffir With over 70\000 pages of cool| 50 Yoars | MeUstonniumotorcycles) ToWay tins, or eine) ieiiiicss, Bite) eine) inven, Zinl Oe Feisy ees cll is) Gassic Easyiders adass BVenvecistilat ERT hn Monthly jSsue: Updates, for easy. download) Keeping your mag Callseronetinrse Product= Windows; Mac; JOS; and Android compatible, Each) product contains 2 D\/D9 backup disc (for collectibles) and’ licenses to work With\Up tols/devices; View On your favorite GeVICeS) UpeiesonVelsVemeonsy der issues Whata\kiler deal! Instant download on any device “Very interesting. The machine is fu asoline, and the being seems to be fueled by alcohol. V2 Ny PUTS | a rs) 4 % - aud ee) ae) ae a ? r * Se SY | SU ee ; SGC Wah) ATES PAY Tas rs TRIED AND TRUE TOM STINE'S 1972 IRONHEAD XLCH chopper look and be tue to the history of choppers” They came theough in style ‘We actually featured this bike before in a but red the previous incamati m had a few ideas om how he w 0 look, The motor is the only ching lft from that ginal build,” Bill recalls. “Av fies, we were just gonna do a few minor changes, but you know how ie goes” Tom waned this changed and chat changed and pretey soon, they realized the only way co make his dream come true was co build a new frame and put ic together fiom the ground up. "We ended up rappin’ everything, sme and everything ele. ‘Whe asked ahout the sweet long and often lowe seance of the bike, Bill sa sketch scuff out co show cust in my head ind to get inside their head a ideas, and we did our best ro turn his ideas into a reality One of the original Sportster shife configuration that dates back to the 1952 K M asthe first Harley to have a hand clutch things they talked about was and foot shift, but che shifter wason the fight side and che back brake pedal was on the left. The primary and rear chain was also on the right side The crowning glory of this chop is the ificont blue hues provided by pain ara Mr. Or, He was working for Paul nge County Choppers at he cime,” Bill says. “We had to kinda sneak in our paint job beeween OCC bikes.” Tom also wanted to include brass 8 throughout the bike like on the hhead bolts, exhaust tips, and footpegs. Then he realized that thote brass part all need be polished to keep them shiny. “I tried to Bill laughs. ike them so mu warn hit Now he doestt Unfortunately, oP number 72 here got finished just as the pandemic hie and the hoys havent had he opportunity co show it at major mororeycle shosis around the country, but this feature in Easyriders is Dave Nichol CUR em) ey Ue End aie nenees ars eRe Year and make: 1972 Harley-Davidson Deen e i eee oe ea caeTy ois Chroming: Precision Polishing Eons reer Model: XLCH cost eens Pes Send Lower end: H-D pee oto co ern erred leaner: Tried and True Garage Pipes: Tried and True Garage SRS Year and make: 1972 H-D Con) ad rere) Md oeecos cee aCe Type: custom rigid eet Pee trons Handlebar controls: Tied and True Garage Fender: Casper Smithing Teme Ler ace rng) ere acres een) Gas tank: Tied and True Garage rebar Seat: Jordan Pickerson Dae tccrd Grips: Tred and True Garage a) Seg Cre CES ron Size 21-inch front, 16-inch rear Type: Wargasser erie) Brakes: Ultima 4-piston Cee oe PNET ong before country singer Garth Brooks took to eraoning abou “bulls Harley-Davidsons in place of horses. The st and mad iron cowhoy performances included great like Ty Murcay 20 infectious, and Rob is perfectly suited for what he considers his dream. Tovimately fail with the at J huge buckets over 2. The track immediate ‘0a slick, muddy swamp. jin-or-shine event, Folks cried C0 nastiness and Kept right amd despite the st cs upright A perfece example of chs was when ‘on down and kick up some dust. And we certainly did, The place was packed. By ray, the cor mnity’s voluneer fire gle t0 keep che everyone cheered encouragement from under cover as they watched barrel racer Bruce Veres fi bike 1 course, The rear fencer and from support and collective ef turned out to be a perfect fit and i looks like Bloornville will be on the rodeo circuit lian butle co keep his for future events 28 well, which seems to forkcs were both packed with mad, which caused the wheels to seize up. Eventually the ‘mocor died and the bike fell co the ground and absolutely reused to be revived Unlike at eraditional cowboy rodeos, smile plastered to his fice in between the gimme heats. lesa prety however, the downed steed not get, indication chat your host is having ‘ime when you see him partying ri de the res ofthe rowdies. ‘over Labor Day weekend d to change things up pon. Just as the final ated ied fi fag tothe hone, ake in mud and exhausted he finally dropped the anachine in puddle juse shy of the l barrel an lt i ie. Ie ry hata barrel race, whether on horseback or horsepowe was measured in distance rather chan speed. Veres did not win the ban rook that honor Top riders forthe sled Ted Grummet in the C who is no stranger to the wintne Corey Rackafellow, however, celebrared frst time win in the Trike uel class with absolute elation, Loran Whitaker took Ist in the Solo slos, and ina show of great sportsmanship, everyone congratulated cach other for their vatious wins. hat were our overall thoughts om the line, ifyou cant find Rodeo, you need to check your pulse. This ‘event is one of the few biker parties left that teuly is off the chain, so keep an eye ‘out for tae 2023 Rodeo.” Just ask Elmer Felicia Morgen In‘eWind seman teen ard th plac wr 9 rons eee Antique motoacertime traveler Brittney Olsen and her'23 HD ‘remind us that all time is relative 90 THE ULTIMATE BIKER RALLY 7 4 e ma 7 ce 82nd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2022 en ON Pan a Sars eg PTT 2022 Pr escrore sry [3 OMMEMO RATIV ety ee tarrpie Our “Ground Zero” is the expansive Sturgis Buffalo Chip campgrounds and concert venue that produces the Dee ee CE eee Cn CRNA Ree CU ee La were at Sturgis 2022, you might just see yourself in eee een ee ee ee ROR Sen ee ne Seen ea ay Seno een Cat rally. It’s the 82nd running of the Ine OCs cae coon Bem Ca eRe Ete ee COR Oar) Pees eee Drea eco et) CORR eR a CeCe LeU aero realy Ceteee Ree CLECs CeCe RELL? ride to the Black Hills. From Deadwood a RET Ce a een ean RTS Coe LeeLee customs, the wildest parties, the races, the runs, the rowdy times that only eu Or eT eRe eee Gree cL eee) Cana DOES LI°8 RoI oo peau OSS Tar Ree LU ed BT Clase ns 0 eT TL Eta CU UROL Classic Easyriders magazine. That first er famous December issue featured gorgeous ‘ ee Kiley Garcia on the cover. Now you can help Pees emo ee RT od David Mann's Ghostrider PUR Ui Ce LCM Lele oe Fy yr SUR CET et ROR CRM UR (Ed * Cigars eee eR — 2 eS PRC cme Re Sees fi M4 ‘3 or RUC CRG ais custom bikes as only Classic Easyriders can bring it to you. PLUS, you'll get the Cmte RR URC Le How Rew ROMEn gets high. PIT lara ol ee SC oem tena ecru eur Kiley on Stacy McCleary’s perfect Panhead AND a large 24-inch by 36-inch collectable Fey eee RNC RC ric em ee SUM alg emt Oe Ra CTU It'sa and yours when you subscribe to the world’s best biker magazine, Classic Easyriders! But subscribe right away because this Ca tec ay EVE CL on lee) Tithe MCT Nae Basyriders wwacch as the couple snuggled up on the wweacher be particulars of sheir frozen teats. Titan, the 9-yeut-old German Shepard pound puppy, sits paclenely waiting foe hi share fen bench discuss the as they ty to guess which See ersam he'll Tike hes. Afzer a spoonful af exch, ie devertnined thatthe special prickly pear cactus flavor is definitely not ie as he turns bis nose up and shoots the gel a ‘Uh, really?” look. The Ca the warmch of the Sonoran Desert and share that they scooted ouc of Manitoba ‘with snow on their Reels Ir was a balmy 28-degrees when th day, they're enjoying Arizona's tempers autumn with « 68-degree san-soaked ride tlirough the rwisties along che Apache ‘Teall. The desert is alive with ts own brant version of fll colors: yellow, gre and browa lichen covered the rocks. Var: ‘ous wildflowers carpet the desert floor ‘with purples, yellows and pinks. Our Norchem neighbors snap photos and chatter about the resident scorpions, rat- tlesnakes and earantulas that scare the total hell our of them, yer they express their awe of the desert with cation, “All chis time, Ive been doing things ‘wrong! Id work all winter so I could have the summers off for travel, bue man it gees HOT down here! Finally Agured thar out and here Lant, heading to Mexico while ies snowing back home! Man, 1 LOVE palm erees in the winter. They make adian riders have mace ie co rolled out. On this EAT Christmas trees.” Don chuckles. The last ime Don vacationed he gor stuck south of the Mexican border due «0a bout of the virus. Ie was an exercise in frus- tration rempered by patience. For this rip he stopped by co celebrate his 49th bireh- day with friends and has brought along bis best buddy, Titan, and his new gil, Micha, as the enthusiastic trio motors towards the Baja Peninsula and the Sea of Cortez. Micha gigeles and makes googly-eyes at Dow as she shares that they've been cogeth- cr for exactly 101 days. Both mention how ir seems like they've known each other for ever and irs incredible that they have so much in conmon, including mororey= cry and their deep faith in God. They easi- ly use the “L” word. ‘On their collective to-do lise for this ad venture isthe goal to be dive certified then spend as much time as possible floating around the ocean and scuba diving. Sandy tropical beaches, fresh food and sal air while living the good life is a given. Leam- Jing more about each other i also a given 1 get pani attacks in eats, they abso- crfy me,” Micha shares with wide «yes. “But as son as Tclimbed on behind Donny all thar disappeared! As long as Tim on the bike, everything is just per- fect." I smile and nod but don’ point out much the way iis forall of us scoorer tramps. Mororeycles ‘make life worth living in unimaginable ways and can fx most ills. "T use love that bike,” she pues. Micha’s sharing a daily journal oftheir adventures on social ‘media which includes playing with weap- ons in he desert and enjoying evening, fires with fiends when suddenly, by day seven, the posts take a change in tone The 2017 Indian Roadmaster has bbumed dough the header pipe and heat shield. Ie the second time the bike has been taken in for the same ailment and the local dealership seems bogged down wich whae co do about it Sell under warranty tour dealing with a myriad of rela issues, repairs may require a complete engine re- placement. The gleeful travelers have been Ihe with che somber reali tae they will tha I think ie’ pret not beable to click into the Mexico beach swonth, They discuss all dhe possible se- narios in order o continue with their wip astheyte held in Kimbo waiting, fora call feom the dealership. Alice five days, the bike has yer to be torn into, fa new powerplant is required, who knows how long before theyre back on the road. Renting mororeycles to cross the Mexican/Ametica border ia huge no-no aud buying a new bike in America means impossible paperwork grief due to Cana- dian import laws. Watching months of careful planning and preparing complese ly evaporate consuames tem, yec they work to stay positive while waiting vo see what the future holds, Meanwhile, Arizona fiends offer everything from a shoulder o cry on to meals, housing, and a car to get around in, Stay tuned until next month o see how this cliffhanger plays oue. Wl Indian step. up? Will chey make it to Mexico? Will Titan like cactus gelato afterall? Flea Phot: Falkia Morgan BorntoRide Milan Stocking 1947 EL Knucklehead Findlay, Ohio his impressively elegant 1947 EL Knuicklchead comes to you from the Midwest. The lor with crowds clameri We witnessed the ph when he pulled in to get his rodeo tickers in Bloomille lase September when we pestered the owner about the details of his Navy; the machine has been with Milan since 1976. After 40 years of bei in boxes, ifs only returned to the asphalt a g stashed “My wife a the time vold me it was either her or the bike,” owner Milan Stocking shares. “I chose to stay and raise my sons, i all apart and stashed it in the retirement after 43 years at encral Motors, [ looked around and told myself I needed a project, 0. He beams as he watches the adulation the atall. The iginally designed actually not a motorg 175 Airheare that ws for use on go-karts have been found w bea perfect fit forthe rear brake on custom builds. Chopper guys have utilized Air hearts for decades, The Gea. engine and tranny are ll original with matching numbers. However, what's not original is the primary cover but Milan still has the stock stamped carbon. Jaen he wants to show off a bie a big ows. The oil tank i From Triumph, >is a M35 Linkert, Electronics the of Knick is sill kickstart only. Stocking’ current wife made one request when he started reviving the bike. “She just unique machine coveted by chop wanted to be sure I eoul 8:inches over-stod ont cums out, just a inter ‘sting asthe hike if. Purchased from ‘original owner/designer Michael McCullough, for shrugs. Consequentia bike is LED. "I bo sion [could and b Girder setup on first also from 1974, A Helleraft drum b 200 when he re-listed in the te, I did that light Milan respected his nse of humor, however, in the rear brake light and pot leaf bolts on the license plate mounts. As for int, the Greck mythology char fender. Stocking’ artist original art in 1975 using acrylies, which didnt age well, Pamela sar-old Millan shares introspectively, “I've lost friends on motorcycles. Every time I get on the bike, leaeus reminds me to keep my wits abou Felicia Morgan DowntheRoad We got your Classic Easyriders SWAG. Available Now! Best Prices on over 8,000 MCU Gag Onno Sete American Customs! 877-681-0448 Sign up for our a Pen Peon pea

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