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Enyhsh WorKboeK Class: 3°1 y 3°2 de Ciclo Superior EEAT 3158 “Soberania Nacional” Teacher: Cecilia Farfan Activities: 4. Look up the words in the dictionary. ‘Chemical make up ~ structure ~ smart — nanoengi ~ fiberglass ~ bone ~ biomaterial ~ tissu analogous ~ viscocity ~ cockpit ~ blade. 2, Translate the text 3. Answer a) Which is the basic classification of materials? ) What isa composite? ) What are metals composed of? 4) What are ceramics? 2) What do polymers include? 4) What are advanced materials? 8) Complete the chart with examples tals | ceramics Apple ‘0 apples an ele fut produced by an appl tree (Malus domestica) ‘pie recs are culated worlwide and are the most widely grown species in fhe genus Malus The Yee ongnated in Cental Aaa, where wid Sncestor, Mus slveri i stil found today. Appes have been grown for ‘Tousards of years in Asia and Europe and were brought to Noch America by Eurogean colonists. Apres Nave religious and mithologicalsigifeance in ‘many callus, Icuding Nove, Greek, and European Ghastanaditon ‘Ale ta0s a large if grown from seed. General, apple ctivars are propagated by azafing ono cocstoks, which convl the size ofthe resting {tee There are more than 500 known eulbvas ot apples, resulting ina range (of dested characterises Diferertcuvars ae bed for various tastes and Use, including cooking eating raw and ier procuction Trees and tut are prone to ‘numberof fungal bacterial an pest problems, which canbe consoles by @ numberof orgarse and non-rgante means n 2010, the {fats genome was sequenced ae pat of research on cease conl and selective breeding in apple production ‘Workdwide production of apples in 2018 was 86 niin on ‘ih Ching eccountng for nearly half of he total iG Description “The apple a deciduous tree, genaralystaning 2 to 45 m (S16 15 ) fallin cultivation ar up to 9m (30 fm the wid. When culivated, te size, shape and branch densi ae determined by coostack selecion and trimming method. The leaves are aternatly aranaed dark gteen- German France — French Greece — Greok Switzerland —+ Swiss Ireland — trish Adjetivos anténimos. Prefijos a, in, un- Muchos adjetivs en inglés tienen un anténimo; es decir, un adjetivo con significado opuesto: big/small, hoUold,tal/short, good/bad etc. También se pueden formar anténimos afiadiendo un prefio a un adjativ con significado positive. Los prefios mas comunes son: un, dis, in: Esta tabla incluye ejemplos de los anténimos mas comunes formados con estos prefijs. une unlucky Jertyis very unlucky person. comfortable uncomfortable This chair is uncomfortable. honest _dishonest__ I's dishonest tole about something dis: Janice was disrespectiul to. respectiul disrespectful Janice was dlisrespectulto the correct. incorrect. The answer is incorrect, ine humane inhumane Torture is inhumane, Prefs i, im, r= Los prefios i, im, ir, solo pueden emplearse delante de determinadas letras, El pref i- se afiade a palabras que empiezan con la letra | im aparece antes ‘demo, y en el caso de ir- ge utliza con agjetvos que comienzan por r legal egal It's legal to bring frit into this country logical logical His thought process was ilogical. im. Patient impatient Matthew is an impatient man, mature immature My tle sister is so immature, ‘The vetbs be, do and have are regular regular, ewe Its iresponsible to drive if you have responsible responsible. ys, /"eepenet Cis atte US standard aoe ‘cm? square centimetre ame eee 2S ee. Se ee my gallon @ em seen fom | oS ae = nr & le fe | Se Tomporature “C degiees Celsiua | “F dogrees Fatweneit Invostigar cual es el equivalente métrico de las medidas norteamericanas. (inch, foot, yard, etc) de nuestro sistema de medidas y copiarlas on la carpeta. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct information, A cabic inch is... Aton is. ‘A degree Fahrenheit is “Two pints are Four square inches are Apint i. ‘Three gallons are GRAMMAR: COMPARISONS WITH ADJECTIVES: Gramética: Comparaciones con adjetivos En ingles, pars la forme comparative de las adjatios dle una a das silsbas hay {que agregar st suljo-er a adjetvo: Cheap (chil: barsta. Cheaper (cipel: mis barsto, Aquelios que terminan en @ agregan sélo a letra: Nice (ais: inc. Nicer nticar: ms lind. Aquelios que terminan an y sacan la y y agregen “er: Direy (cer) sucio, Dirtior(aérsan: mas sucio, Aquellos que terminen en ciertss consonantes como lst, duplican la consonant finaly afaden -er Hot (jot: calante, Hotter (ter: més calenta Para la forma superlative se agraga el sufjo eat 9 los adjetivs do Lune 0 dos sito: Cheap - cheapest [hpast: el més harato, Aquelos adfetivos que terminan en @ agregan -st: Nice - nicest invest: ef mas indo. Aquellos adfetivos que terminen en y, sacan la y y agregan est: Dirty - dirtiest (irist!: of mas sucio, Aguellos que terminan on eiertas consonance como lst, duplican la consonarta final y anaden -est Hot - hottest (ores): el mas caliente, KEY VOCABULARY Vocabulania clave apscorives (ajc: anemia osscrives (Sivek: aDueTos lexoénexd tena ‘gua ‘a ars (ong! : ‘ow ue Tiinent) (amiraberd) ng (oie! (popiddiior reed (siont (epeshiitd (ens (uefa (vides Unit 14: Rome is bigger than Ucnice Unidad 14: Roma es mas grande que Venecia @ compare the profiles of Lisa and Elizabeth. Use comparative forms of adjectives. Compara los perfies de Lisa y Elizabeth. Usa formas comparatvas de adjtine TSA sm 17 years old ‘frm 1 meter 70 tal ' I weigh 66 fos. ‘fra not good at math ‘Tm # good tennis player ‘= Vstudy hard. * | just have one goed friend = My house is big ‘1 have two pets: 8 cat and a dog, ‘1 ve in a quiet neighborhood, Im not very sociable. ELIZABETH “Tent study very hard, rm 419 yaar ol, «= | have many good friend, ‘elim 1 moter 75 tall ‘My house ie smal “1 weigh 60 ilo. * just have ene pet: 9 canary. +live downtawn. t's very noisy, 1m very sociable 1) Lisa is 2) Sizabeth is 3) Lisa is 4) Eizabeth is : 5) Lisa is 8) Lisa 17) Slzabeth has 8) Lisa's house is 8) Lice hos 10) Lisa's neighborhood is 11) Elizabeth is 112} Elizabeth's house is ees @ Complete the sentences. Use a comparative adj Complete las oraciones. Usa un adjetiv comparativo 11) Peter’s neighborhaad jt very safe. He wants to Wve in @ one, 2} My English classes ore nat interesting all. | wish they were 13} Susen is very intaligant. She is her brother 44) My present job is not eo busy. My last job wes '5) A: These roses are so prety! 1B: | dont think 60, | think tha camations are 6) I's no 0 cold today, was much yesterday, Ty Roma is ‘than Venice. £8) Thomas is not very strong. fin '9) This town ie not eo racer. My hometown is 90} The dowiown area is much than the suburbs. “Tha auburbs are not noisy. 441) A: My grendmather is very old. She's BO years old 1B: Mine is evan She is 89 yoors old 112) My position in the company is not very important. His postion is He's the boss, Write the comparative and superlative form of these adjectives. scribe la forma comparativa y superistiva de estos adjetvos. Now complete the following sentences with ane of the superiatives jn the box. ‘Ahora completa las siguisntes eraciones con uno dé los superitivos del cusdo. 1) Siberia is one of regions in the wort, 2) A: Airplanes ere the one of ‘means of trengort “They ara safer than care, B: Yas, but they are 00, Thay are much noisier than cars. 3) A: | think Rome is one of cites in the wart, BB: I disagree. | think Paris is protien” 4) Brasilia is city in Brazil tes more ‘modern than Pio or Sao Paulo. 5) Heathrow Airport in London ié one of sirpores in the world, W's 80 busy that an airplane lands every minute! 6) The Sshara desert is one of regions in the world. 71 Togo is one of cities in the wortd “The food there is mare expensive than in Europe or Americe. 8) Mexico city is one of ties in the workd Ive much mare crawsed than New York 9) Olympic weightters are athletes i the world They are stronger than wrestlers. 410) Rome is one of cities in the word. t's much ‘alder than Paris ar London, 411 Picasso is paintar of the 20th century He's considered more important than Dali or Matisse. 4 Put the adjectives in brackets in the ‘06 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in Correct fomm--comparatv or euperatve, "braces 1 yrs ge. than ours, ut Seeys 1 THe Boks eter tan he fi.) isi inthe 1h lm srs thon eb (long) 2 Jan is more beautiful than Alice. (less) 2 amis than erste but hr oak ilinte 3 Acie et cag poco the om fey, et (otng 5 asso ois than ste, but ars Sect 4 So wore hw Ooi at maths ete fenes 4 Your caste was 5 ‘Tis jt more exper than all te shana te thes. vas others ate Shon es nein he ly. pare] 6 openness ior than personaly 5 My brothers feet are huge. They're. = tha our as et Theyre etn theta i 6 John wears terrible clothes. They're Your Tort ‘han on nfo tyre BST” compat te sentences Use tes tad) Gompartven er nuperaver: Use te words In the box or your own fe 7. My sister always buys in the shop. Her clothes belt ae ceties i theton, eae most "Teast than xe than mum's! (good) Test more best, rae hex don «| ee “neiget alae aes ; | attractive delicious than ou eat ganguen eee Clothes. craortabl) 125. Find and correct one mistake in each sentence. : 1 is Thief epee tan ht on Beit talent ds 2 Ion is canyer than his rather. 2 Engishis ny language 3 Tom Cwise sone of mast famous starsin 5 Footballs ever Hothwood o cirbae bas 4 Toc is the aes fl ever ae ee ' Yesterday was the better day in my ie! In the wort 15 Tha’ the bovingest book inthe library. ied Maris ordinacy 7 Is your mobile more new than mine? 18m itsigenter than ey brother Present perfect Formaci j6n del “present perfect” El"present perfect” de cualquier verbo esta compuesto por dos elementos: la forma apropiada del verbo auxilar have (en presente) y el "past participle" de! ‘verbo principal. La forma del ‘past participle” de un verbo regular es ralz+ed, 2g. played, arived, looked. En cuanto alos verbos irregulares, consulta la Tabla de verbos irregulares. Afiemativa Sujeto to have She Has Nogativa Sujeto to have + not ‘She has not (hasn't Interrogativa tohave Sujeto Hes She past participle visite. past participle Visited. past participle Visited the city? We have just seen her. Has he just let? ‘Cuando Ia dimension temporal no es refevante o conocida ‘Someone has eaten miy soup! “Have you seen 'Gone with tne Wind’? {She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English. <= ziS Lok atrcure Bags Campi compa tn sentences mh rset ete cere tic aan aoe 1 They (put). heat ae. some 1 Look! My litte brother... a ailt___a tree house in the garden. 2 The 0 2st tins pid Siemans 2 thy tn tecatur 5 heyou lng yr rie ‘of the walls. 3 Are you looking fr ye “ 4, Somebody (make) new m ae —— 4 This room looks diferent you 5 They (nat/buy) anew eee mae 5 theteen ames hoy 6 senso te thes bonis 6 I can't phone Tom. He. 4 complete the sentences in the Present this umber and | don’t know Perfect. Use the verbs in the box. ‘the new one. —ee 2 atin tt ae Wh = vom eho? 1 themed. op pes : fea is nr in i ion birthday. ‘ nae {S18 completo the dlalogues. Use te verbs In cect tet utes 05 Match the questions (1-5) and the short mawars,, Somes) se Yurom ligt 1 acs ered yr? Teese emt 1 hyn ee te wm 3 too opt te melt sit 1 feo tron et pte sive $ tom ner let a 2 we he dovesone eth di se wir unr doen $s mynd hie ‘toute Es ¢ fe te pten sn ee oie 4 ect te pated hwo a = fe lesisen tam betray ak es ‘a6 Write the verbs in the correct list ee a] A Ae yu ready to go ou “pail buy change cat do ge ee eel ise _move Sint i tyouriis), your \ ack paint play tidy “touts regular build — bale No, 18 1 3(oovd). the maths Regular s1ys2cs Complete the sentences withthe verb into the correct form of the present perfect 4 (ead) your book several times, te 2.Shel (wear) that skit many times. 3. My famiy (sty Braz ew ses. ail (ea sendy S. Maral (High) er omework .Youl (rea) the glass apan 7. they! (pay) for everything @.kl (never snow ke tat a.) (meet Anna vce 10. wel (see) him before. 1. You (ou) 4 cars sof 12. Thare!___ (be problems 131) ave) a snake 4 Maral (aise) monkey 16. The de! (grow) so much 16. The students! (prove) 17.She|___(oscome ely beat 1. Man! (avert) many great ivertons 12. People! (cause) much destction othe planet. 2.1! dean to sur. 21.The dass! (do) tests is month 22. Nison| (i) afew problems wth your lan. 23.Wel (consult) some doctors about this. 2a (meet) Debbie in the ast week, 25. In the previous year, we (double) our income,

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