900 Spanish Verbs

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Abrazar to hug
Abrir to open
Aburrir. To bore
Acabar. To finish
Aceptar. To accept
Acompañar to go with
Aconsejar to advise
Acostar. To lay dow in bed
Actuar. To perform
Adivinar to guess
Afilar to sharpen
Agarrar to grab
Aguardar to wait for
Ahorrar to save
Alcanzar to reach
Alegrar to cheer
Almorzar to have lunch
Alquiler to rent
Amor to love
Amueblar to furnish
Analizar to analyze
Andar to walk
Anotar take notes
Anticipar to anticipate
Aplaudir. To clap
Apagar. To turn off
Apartar to separate
Aprender to learn

arreglar Tidy, fixed, repaired neat. (Está bien

arreglada looks very neat, nicely fixed up
Asar to roast
Asistir. To assist
Aspirar to vacuum
Atrapar to catch
Aumentar to increase
Ayudar to help

Bailar to dance
Bajar to lower, decrease
Bañarse to bathe
Barrer to sweep
Bebir to drink
Besar to kiss
Borrar to delete,erase
Botaste you spilled
Brillar to shine
Burlaste you made fun of
Buscar to look for

Caber to fit
Caer to fall
Calcular to calculate
Calmar to calm
Cambiar to change
Caminar to walk
Cancelar to cancel
Cansar to tire
Cantar to sing

Cargar to charge
Casar to get married
Causar to cause
Cavar. To dig
Cenar to have dinner
Cepillarse to brush
Coger to pick up or catch
Comer. To eat
Comenzar to begin
Compartir. to share to
Comprar to buy
Comprender. To understand
Conducir to drive
Congelar to freeze
Conocer to know to meet
Conseguir To get receive
Construir to build
Contar to count to tell
Cortar to cut
Costar to cost
Correr to run
Cortar to cut
Crear. To creat
Crecer. To grow
Creer to think
Cruzar. To cross
Curar To cure

Dañar to damage
Dar to give

Decir to say tell

Degustar. To taste
Dejar to leave , quit
Depositar to deposit
Derramar. To spill
Desayunar. To have breakfast
Descansar to rest
Desear to desire
Despertar to wake
Dibujar. To draw
Disfrutar to enjoy
Dividir. To split
Doblar to double, bend
Donar to donate
Dormir to sleep
Duchar to shower

Ejercitar to exercise
Empezar to begin
Empujar to push
Encender to turn on
Encontrar to find
Enojar to excite
Enrollar to wind,roil, coil
Enseñar to teach
Entender to understand
Entregar. To deliver
Escuchar to listen
Esperar to wait to hope for
Estar to be

Estar de pie standing

Estimar to estimate
Estudiar to study
Evitar to avoid
Expirar to expire
Exportar to export

Fumar to smoke

Ganar to win to earn

Gastar to spend
Gatear to crawl
Girar to turn
Golpear to hit, strike
Grabar to record
Gritar. To shout
Gustar to like

Haber to have
Hablar to speak
Hacer to make to do

Ignorar to ignore
Imaginar to imagine
Importar to import
Incrementar to grow increase
Infectar to infect
Inhaler to inhale
Iniciar to start
Inspirar to inspire

Instalar to install
Insultar to insult
Intercambiar to exchange
Inventar to invent
Invitar to invite
Ir to go
Irritar to irritate annoy

jalar or halar - To pull, tug

Jugar to play
Juntar to join
Jurar to swear, vow

Ladrar to bark
Lamer to lick
Lastimar to harm, injure
Lavar to wash
Leer to read
Levantar to get up
Levar to weigh
Liberar to release
Limitar to limit
Limpiar to clean
Llamar to call
Llegar to arrive to get to
Llenar to fill
Llevar to carry
Llorar to cry
Llover to rain
Lloviznar to drizzle

Lograr to reach, achieve

Madurar to mature
Manchar to stain
Mandar. To send
Manejar to drive,ride
Manipular to manipulate
Matricular to register, sign up
Mejorar to improve
Mencionar to mention
Mezclar ro mix
Mirar to look
Molestar to bother
Morder. To bite
Morir to die
Mostrar to show
Motivar to motivate
Mudarse to move
Multar to fine, ticket

Nadar to swim
Necesitar to need
Negociar to negotiate

Objetar to object, refuse

Obrar to work
Observar to observe
Odiar to hate
Oír to hear

Ofertar to offer
Oler. To smell
Olfatear to smell
Olvidar to forget
operar to operate
Opinar to voice, comment
Optar to choose select
Ordinar to order

Pagar to pay
Parar to stop
Parecer to seem like
Participar to participate
Pasar to pass
Pasear to walk
Patinar to skate
Pausar to pause
Pedir to ask
Peinar to comb
Pelear to fight
Pensar to think
Perder to lose
Pesar to weigh
Pintar to paint
Pitar to honk, beep
Planchar to iron,press
Podar to prune
Poder to be able to
Poner to put to place to put on to wear
Practicar. To practice

Preguntar to ask
Preocupar. To worry
Presentar to submit
Preservar to preserve
Probar to test to taste to try
Procrear to breed

Querer to want
Quedar to fit

Reír to laugh
Recordar to remember
Reparar. To repair
Romper To break

Saber to know
Sacar to take out
Salir. To go out
Secar to dry
Seguir to continue
Sentir to sit
Ser to see
Sonreír to smile
Sorber. To sip
Subir. To climb. To go up
Sustituir. Substitute

Tener to have
Tocar to touch or to play
Tomar to take

Trabajar to work
Traer to bring
Tratar to try
Trapear to sweep

Vender to sell
Venir to come
Ver to see
Viajar to travel
Visitar to visit
Vivir to live
Volver to return
Volar to fly

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