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The Greek gods

The number of Greek Gods is huge
since the ancient Greeks believed in
many deities and spirits. Because
knowledge of the world was limited in
antiquity, the Ancients were attributing
natural phenomena to higher powers.
Gods and goddesses could be found
everywhere and defined the lives of the
people. The twelve gods of Olympus are
the most famous ones and were indeed
at the center of the ancient Greek
religion. However, there were many
more than the twelve, and many of them
were rulers of the cosmos before the
well-known Olympians.

1: Aphrodite
The goddess of beauty and love, born when
Cronus castrated his father, Uranus, and
threw his genitalia into the sea. Her Roman
counterpart is Venus. A female given name
from Ancient Greek. 2:Apollo
 is one of the Olympian deities in classical
Greek and Roman and Roman mythology.
The national divinity of the Greeks, Apollo
has been recognized as a god of archery,
music and dance, truth and prophecy,
healing and diseases, the Sun and light,
poetry, and more.3:Ares
is the Greek god of was and courage. He is
one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son
of Zeus and Hera. The Greeks were
ambivalent towards him. He embodies the
physical valor necessary for success in war


but can also personify sheer brutality and

bloodlust, in contrast to his sister, the
armored Athena, whose martial functions
include military strategy and
is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek
religion, who rules as king of the gods of
Mount Olympus. His name is cognate with
the first element of his Roman equivalent
Jupiter.His mythology and powers are
similar, though not identical, to those of
Indo-European deities such as Jupiter,.Zeus
is the child of Cronus and Rhea, the
youngest of his siblings to be born, though
sometimes reckoned the eldest as the
others required disgorging from Cronus's
no full name Last age


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