All Around 1 NE SS

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UNIT Language Key Vocabulary Page

1 Hello! / Hi! / Good morning / Good

afternoon / Goodbye
Numbers: 1 - 10.
Colours: red, pink, yellow, orange, brown,

What’s My name’s… I’m + name green, blue.

How old are you? I’m + age School objects: pen, school bag, pencil,
your My favourite colour’s… My (school bag) pencil case, notebook, sharpener, ruler,
name? is (brown). eraser, scissors.

2 I’ve got a (nice family). Look! Here is

my (brother).
Family: mother, father, grandmother,
grandfather, sister, brother…

What do I’ve got (blue eyes). My hair is… Pets: cat, dog.
(She / This) is my (sister). (Her) name Parts of the body: eyes, hair.
you look is (Lucy). (She) is eight. Numbers: 11 - 19.
like? Have you got (a pet) / (blue eyes)? Descriptive adjectives: big, nice,
beautiful, long, blonde, fair, curly…

3 This is my (bedroom). He is in (the

kitchen). (My) favourite room is... The
The house: attic, bedroom, bathroom,
living-room, dining-room, kitchen…

Where is (table) is in the (kitchen). It isn’t a (fridge). Pieces of furniture, electrical appliances
It’s a (cooker). and household items: bed, table, armchair,
my pet? This is my (pet dog). (Nala) is small and fridge, cooker, bathtub, carpet…
brown. She has got (long ears). (Her tail) Prepositions of place: in, on, under.
is (long). (Kitty) is one year old. Parts of the body: legs, ears.
Pets: hamster, rabbit, fish, bird…
Adjectives: favourite, naughty

4 (He) is (ten) years old. (He) has got (long

hair). I can (run fast). (She) can (cook)
Numbers: 20 - 99.
Actions: play football, swim, sing, cook,

What and (he) can (cook), too. (Tess) can’t paint, skate…
(drive a car) but (she) can (ride a bike). Adverbs: well, excellently, fast.
can you Can (you / your sister) (run)? Yes, (I / she) Shapes: triangles, squares, stars, circles.
do? can. / No, (I / she) can’t. How many (stars)
can you see?

5 I like (carrots) and (eggs). I like (chicken)

but I don’t like (fish). (Apples) are my
Food: cereal, bread, apple, banana, egg,
fish, broccoli, chicken…

What’s favourite fruit! I haven’t got (any food). Games: chess, hangman, dominoes,
I’ve got (potatoes). What day is it? tic-tac-toe, snakes and ladders.
your It’s (Friday). What’s for lunch? Do you like Days of the week
favourite (chess)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Can you
play (chess)? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

6 (Monkeys) live in the (jungle). (They) eat

(fruit). (They) have got (a long tail). (I) have
Animals: monkey, wolf, eagle, ostrich,
giraffe, hippo, lion…

Where got a (big mouth). (Elephants) have got Habitats: jungle, mountains, river, forest,
(big ears) and (big teeth), too. (Eagles) grassland, sea…
do wild can (fly) but (penguins) can’t. Actions: dive, swim, lay eggs, jump, run…
animals Parts of the body: teeth, mouth, wings,
live? Adjectives: beautiful, amazing, dirty.

Workbook 76

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