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2. Introduction

3 Analysis

4. Conclusion

I think that what the article tells us is true, I know many times, I have seen and

experienced taking medications that are already expired and continue to do their job

perfectly and without apparent side effects, so I totally agree with the article that

medications They can have a longer and more effective life than what the pharmaceutical

companies tell us and it should become a practice for many to consume medications that

are already expired, of course, with due precautions to avoid possible adverse side

effects in the body.

The myth of drug expiration dates
As the article informs us, the money that is wasted when discarding perfectly functional

medicines is abysmal and this is something that in my opinion can be used in other ways

for uses of the medicine itself and that could benefit other sectors of health and so on. to

be able to help the population in another way or simply use that same money to create

more and better medicines that can be put on the market at an affordable price for the


This article tells us about economic issues in the United States and its expenses on

medicines, but in Mexico we also have rules for this type of situation. In Mexico, the

regulations for the management and disposal of expired medicines are regulated by the

Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-052 -SEMARNAT-2005 belonging to the Secretaria del

Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) and this standard establishes the

characteristics of hazardous waste, it also mentions that expired medicines are

considered hazardous waste and therefore must be finally disposed of responsibly And

as we can see, the unnecessary expense that is made by throwing away medicines that

still work is something that should be corrected if possible in order to be better used in

other areas.

I believe that it is good that more research is done on this subject, since in this way the

necessary measures can be taken so that this unnecessary expense of medicines is

gradually reduced, and the money destined for that is redirected to another sector that is

most in need or that needs more development and thus take better advantage of the

drugs and not waste them so much.

In conclusion, this article helped me to realize that we should not rely too much on the

expiration date set by pharmaceutical companies and that medicines can indeed be

consumed even after they have expired and this will save us a lot of money that we can

use for other things and At the same time, it teaches us that there will be no adverse side

effects that can harm our health in the long or short term, which makes expired

medications an option to continue consuming.


The Myth of Drug Expiration Dates Hospitals and pharmacies are required to
toss expired drugs, no matter how expensive or vital. Meanwhile the FDA has
long known that many remain safe and potent for years longer. by Marshall
Allen July 18, 2017, 5 a.m. EDT

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