Week 4 Lesson Plan

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[Group Investigation Model]

Lesson Title: [Music Genre Study]

Targeted Grade Level: [5th grade]

Academic Subject: [Music ]

Lesson Goals:

Student’s will give a presentation on a genre of music.

Lesson Objectives:

 Student’s will be able to present information on how their chosen musical

genre evolved into its own category
 Students will be able to provide examples of artist from their chosen genre
 Students will be able to articulate and provide examples of how preceding
musical genres influenced the genre of their choice.
 Students will be able to articulate the factors that make their genre unique
from other genres.

Materials/Resources Needed:

 Musical examples of different genres

 Musical genres written on cards or on the board
 Computers
 Headphones
 A list of online resources

Lesson Components:

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Phase One Students encounter puzzling situation (planned or unplanned).
The teacher plays two differing styles of music. Afterwards the teacher will
ask a question, such as “What differences did you notice in these two songs?” “How
would you be able to tell them apart?” “Did they have anything in common?” “If you
were to classify different types of music into genres, what types of elements would
you consider when categorizing?” “Did these songs remind you of anything you
have heard before?”

Phase Two Students explore reactions to the situation.

Students would break into small groups and discuss what they heard. Some
students may choose to takes notes and write down lists of differences and

Phase Three Students formulate study task and organize for study
(problem definition, role, assignments, etc.)
The teacher would then present the idea of musical genres and and how
music can influence artists and composers, and how music can evolve overtime.
The teacher would then assign students to choose a genre from the provided list or
cards, and match with a classmate who also chose that genre. In this way, students
get to choose a genre that they like and find interesting, and match with a
classmate who also has a similar interest. Parameter for presentations will be
given. Students must create a presentation and present their findings to the class.
Their results must include : Time period that the genre was created, examples of
main artists and songs from this genre, influencing genres, what makes this genre
distinct or different from other genres. (Musical examples must be school
appropriate and not contain any explicitly adult language, content or topics
including drugs, sex etc.)

Phase Four Independent and group study.

At this stage the teacher gives time for students to work on their projects and
collect information. The teacher would assist when help is needed or guidance is
required, and would actively monitor to make sure that students are on task and
using appropriate resources.

Phase Five Students analyze progress and process.

At this stage the students would give their presentations to the class. The students
that are watching presentations would be given some note taking graphics so that

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they may organize and evaluate the information being presented to the class and
the groups that are presenting.

Phase Six Recycle activity.

At this point of the lesson, once every member has presented, the students would
be presented with another question, “What genres were, or are being, influenced
and created out of the genre that your group presented?” The students would then
begin the process again, continuing that linear evolution to explore genres that
came after their original genre.


Students would be evaluated by the teacher and their peers, using a rubric
provided by the teacher. Did they cover all over the required information?

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