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Read the text carefully and choose the best answer for each question!

1. The best word to complete the blank is...

a. 17 August
b. 17st August
c. August 17
d. August 17th

2. The best word to fill the blank is...

a. Thursday and Friday

b. Friday and Saturday
c. Monday and Tuesday
d. Monday and Wednesday

3. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the following text ?

a. To tell readers about his thrilling experience

b. To inform reader about the Ondel-Ondel show
c. To tell readers about how to get to his home
d. To entertain readers about the story of Ondel-Ondel

4. The second paragraph mainly tells about...

a. the writer’s quiet neighborhood.
b. the situations on the street.
c. the writer’s trip home from work.
d. the encounter with Ondel-Ondel

5. The text tells that the writer... his steps because he felt scared.
a. slowed down
b. stopped
c. speeded up
d. suspended
6. The writer uses the camera on his smartphone to ...
a. post his picture
b. make a voice call
c. record his activities
d. watch a music video

7. The writer installs Google Classroom application in his phone in order to ......*
a. keep up with his study
b. share and store his files
c. chat with his classmates
d. search for information
8. From the text, we can infer that smartphone is important for the writer,
a. It has many installed applications
b. It can perform many useful tasks
c. It stores important data and information
d. It is connected to private account

9. From the text we know that...*

a. Mrs. Susanti and Mr. Susilo are friends

b. Ratna and Mr. Susilo know each other
c. Mr. Susilo is a new Biology teacher
d. Fitria is a new student in grade 8

10.What is the text about?*

a. Introducing oneself
b. Starting a new lesson
c. Getting into new class
d. Meeting a new friend
11.The purpose of the text is to...*

a. Announce the graduation ceremony

b. Congratulate on students graduation
c. Invite students to come to graduation
d. Promote admission to high school

12.The text might probably be written to...

a. the graduatees
b. the alumni
c. the students
d. the winne

13. “follow your path and AIM high” │ The synonym of the capitalized word is...

a. Fly
b. Go
c. Try
d. Reach
14.What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

a. To share his experience in growing Gardenia

b. To persuade the readers to grow Gardenia
c. To inform the readers about how to grow Gardenia
d. To tell the readers information about Gardenia in general

15.It flourishes in acidic soil with good drainage and thrives on 20° – 23° C during
the day and 15° – 16°C in the evening. │According to the sentence from the
following text , Gardenia...

a. grows well in place with low temperature.

b. can survive in the harsh and arid condition.
c. will not grow in a contaminated area.
d. needs a well-conditioned soil to grow..
16. What’s the benefit the text would provide to the readers?

a. Sufficient tips to maintain the growth of gardenia

b. Elaborated method to grow Gardenia step by step.
c. Detailed information about the characteristics of Gardenia.
d. Simple directions about how to get Gardenia plant from its habitat

17.What is the best expression to complete the sentence?

a. It’s going nowhere

b. All is going fine
c. I’m going home
d. I’m not sure

18.What is the best expression to complete the sentence?

a. don’t forget about me.

b. have a safe trip.
c. have some fun
d. I will be fine
19.What is the best expression to complete the sentence?

a. Thank you
b. My pleasure
c. It doesn’t matter
d. You are welcome

20.From the text we can infer that  Farhan ..

a. just become a champion

b. is a captain of a football team
c. got second place in a championship
d. made to the final round

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