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Subjects for the oral exam new activity?

1. You and your family ▶ Speak about hobbies around you (friends, family).
▶ Introduce yourself: name, age, nationality, where you are from, where you live (address)
▶ Speak about your personaliy (good and bad points) Critères: Points: 4 3 2 1 0
▶ Speak about your hobbies, your activities outside school, the sports you practice
(where, how often, since when...), what you like and don't like, what you are good at... Prise de parole en continu :
▶ Speak about your family (same questions as for you) and make comparisons with yourself ▶ le contenu est facile à comprendre et respecte le sujet
2. Your school ▶ l'intervention contient de nombreuses informations
▶ Describe a typical schoolday from the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed. ▶ le contenu est clairement organisé à l'aide de mots de liaison
Explain what you do, at what time. Say what subjects you have, what you do during breaks... ▶ le temps de parole est respecté
Use sequencers (first, then, afterwards, finally...) Interaction orale :
▶ Speak about your school: give a description, say what you like or don't like and why. ▶ les questions sont comprises
▶ Speak about your school subjects: what you study, how many lessons a week, the subjects ▶ les réponses sont suffisemment riches et développées
you are good at or not good at, the subjects you like or don't like and why. ▶ Rythme d'une conversation naturelle, fluidité
▶ Compare this schoolyear with last year.
3. Your weekends Prononciation, phonologie :
▶ Describe a typical Saturday and/or a typical Sunday from the moment you get up to the ▶ anglais audible et articulé clairement
moment you go to bed; Say what you do, where, at what time, what your favorite moments ▶ un effort de pronociation est fait du début à la fin
are... Use sequencers (first, then ...). ▶ effort régulier d'intonation la plus authentique possible
▶ Give examples of weekend activities for you and your family, say how often you do them... ▶ débit de parole qui respecte les groupes de sens de la phrase
Speak about your last weekend: weather, activities, if you enjoyed it and why or why not...
Richesse lexicale :
▶ Speak about your plans for next weekend.
▶ le vocabulaire est suffisemment riche, varié et précis
4. Your trips and holidays
▶ aucun recours au français, y compris dans les salutations et les
▶ Do you often travel? Do you like travelling? Why or why not?
demandes d'aide
▶ Where have you been to? What countries have you visited?
▶ Give a detailed example: say where you went, when, how, how long, who with... Speak Correction grammaticale :
about your activities, the weather, the people, the landscape, the souvenirs you bought, the ▶ phrases correctement construites
photos you took... Say if you enjoyed this trip. Why or why not? ▶ tous les verbes sont conjugués
▶ Speak about your plans for the next summer holidays. ▶ pas de confusions entre le passé, le présent, le futur
▶ Speak about the trips you would like to make if you had the opportunity, say why you ▶ les pronoms sont correctement utilisés (pas de confusion
would choose this destination... ▶ singulier/pluriel, masuclin/féminin)
5. Your environment ▶ prépositions correctement utilisées
Speak about the place where you live:
▶ First about your room: location, view, decoration, furniture, equipment... Do you like your
room? Why or why not? Did you add a personal touch? Is there something you would like to
▶ Then speak about your house: description, rooms, garden... What rooms do you prefer?
▶ And your street: What is there around your house? Do you get on well with your
▶ Finally, speak about your town: size (number of inhabitants), location, shops, places of
interest... What is there in the town? What is missing? Do you like it? Why or why not?
What are your favorite places? Would you like to live in a big city? Why or why not?
▶ How often have you moved? Where did you live before? Compare.
6. Your future
▶ Speak about your studies. What will you do next year? Do you expect a big change?
▶ Speak about your work experience. Say where you went, what you did...
▶ What sort of job would you like to do when you are older? Why? Describe it: what you will
have to do, who with, where, good points, bad points, what you will have to be good at...
▶ Speak about a job someone does in your family.
▶ How do you imagine your life in the future? (family, place to live, activities ...)
7. Your hobbies
▶ What are your hobbies, what do you do in your spare time? (sports, music, other artistic
activities, games ...)
▶ Practice: say how often, when, where, who with? When did you start? How good are you?
▶ What were your hobbies when you were younger? What about next year? Will you start a

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