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First of all the researcher really says thanks to Almight God for His
blessing,mercy, and that has given to her life especially in her study at HKBP
Nomensen University Pematangsiantar and also during in writing this thesis
which entitled “An Analysis of Implicit Meaning in William Shakespeare’s
This thesis is intende as final Project that Submitted to The Teacher
Training College of HKBP Nomensen University in Partial fulfillment of The
Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd).
In the process of writing this thesis, the researcher realizes that this thesis
can be finished through any help from all the related people around her.The
researcher says thanks and sincerest appreciation due to:
1. Dumaris E. Silalahi, M.Pd. as her first consultant and also to her second
consultant, Christian Neni Purba, M.Hum.Thanks a lot for the valuable
guindace, motivation and idea from the beginning till the end. There
researcher hopes God bless them in all during life.
2. Pdt. Partohap Sihombing, M.Pd. as the first examiner and Yanti K.
Sinaga, M.Pd. as the second examiner who have examined, checked,
suggestion, recommendations, and appreciation for this thesis.
3. Dr. Herman, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Chairperson of English Department and
Dumaris E. Silalahi, M.Pd. as the Secretary of English Department of
Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) Medan for their permission and
guidance in writing this thesis completely.
4. Dr. Mula Sigiro, M.Si., P.hD. as the Dean of the Faculty of Education
and Teacher Training of Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) Medan
for this permission in writing this thesis completely.
5. Dr. Haposan Siallagan, SH., M.H. as the Rector of Nommensen HKBP
University (NHU) Medan.
6. All Lecturers in Nommensen HKBP Universty (NHU) Medan especially
for the lecturers of Department of English Education who cannot be

mentioned one by one for their education, guidance, knowledge,
motivation, and inspiration during the study time.
7. All the staff in Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) during 4 year
gave her the chance to get more knowledge and information.
8. Her dearest support system, her beloved father Maruahal Simaremare
and super mom Mrs. Linda Rajagukguk who always give love, advice,
always educate to be a child who shows goodness, and her constant
prayer are invaluable.
9. All friends in campus especially for Group C English Department 2017
who cannot be mentioned one by one in this paper who always motivate
and support the researcher during her study.
Finally, the researcher also realizes that this thesis is still far from
being perfect. Last but not least, the researcher hopes that this thesis will
give some good and beneficial contribution and information to readers.

Pematangsiantar, October 2021


Parulian Simaremare
Ac. Number 17120119

An Analysis of Implicit Meaning in William
Shakespeare’s Poetry
Name : Parulian Simaremare
NPM : 17120119
Consultants : (I) Dumaris E. Silalahi, M.Pd.
(II) Christian NeniPurba, M.Hum.

This research was to analyze the types of implicit referential meaning in

the poetry by William Shakespeare. This research was a qualitative research
applying content or document analysis. The subject of this research was poetry by
William Shakespeare. Theories used in this research were Halliday and Hasan’s
(2014), the reference into three types, namely; personal referents, demonstrative
referent, and comparative referent. Collected the data, the researcher searching the
lyric of poetry from the internet, downloaded the lyrics of poetry, reading the
poetry of William Shakespeare. After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed
the data based on some steps, the researcher identify some implicit referential
meaning in poetry by William Shakespeare, the researcher classified the data in
order to make a data easier to be analyze, the researcher describes the types of
implicit referential meaning found in poetry by William Shakespeare, the
researcher explained the implicit referential meaning of the word found in poetry
by William Shakespeare, making the conclusion after all the data had been
analyzed, describe and explain the research, the researcher made the conclusion of
the research The findings of the research were as follows: in poetry by William
Shakespeare, all Halliday and Hasan’s three types of implicit referential meaning
are found. Those three types of implicit referential meaning there are personal
reference consist of 6 data (29%), demonstrative reference consist of 12 data
(57%), comparative consist of 3 data (14%). From the result of the percentage that
personal reference is the most dominant than other types. In the second position
demonstrative reference and the last position is comparative.

Key words: Literature, Poetry, Meaning, Implicit Meaning

Pematangsiantar, October 2021


Parulian Simaremare


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