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An Analysis about Anti-Bullying 2013 (Republic Act 10627)


According to the research, R.A. 10627- Anti-bullying Act of 2013 refers to rules, regulations,

groups, and campaigns intended to put a halt to or prevent bullying. Bullying occurs when a person,

referred to as a bully, verbally or physically threatens or assaults a person, giving the victim the

impression that they are in a position of power they are not. A victim of bullying may experience

severe distress. It might cause alterations in eating and sleeping patterns. It may even make someone

more likely to commit suicide. This is why it's crucial to stop bullying.There are no imprecise or

ambiguous clauses contained. The legislation stated clearly and emphatically what was required.

However, there may have been a bullying event, and so a modification is required. Poor parental

monitoring and the existence of violence in the home, personal traits of the victims, and a dangerous

school environment, according to the experiencing bullying, are variables that contribute to the

school's difficulty in dealing with bullying incidents. Razonales, L. B. (2018)

The 'Anti-Bullying Act' (RA 10627) was enacted into Philippine legislation in 2013, with the goal of

preventing bullying and protecting students' rights. Despite the restrictions put in place, a growing

tendency in school bullying emerged after its implementation, with social media playing a role. This

state of affairs may give the impression that the Philippine society as a whole is still trying to grasp

the situation and find answers to this growing crisis. This research examines the conceptual obstacles

that bullying presents for undergraduate students in assessing its impact. Bullying is also a

cross-reference to RA 10627. Bullying is described as hostile behavior intended to cause harm to

another person. Produce discomfort is defined as a persistent power or strength imbalance between the

perpetrator and the victim. (Olweus 2014)

In addition, bullying affects the self-esteem of the student, making him/her metally depressed and

anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of

interest in activities they used to enjoy. That's why we need to know what are the concerns they need

to help them. According to the definition of bullying, it is any severe or repeated use of written,

verbal, or electronic expression, a physical action gestures, or a combination of these directed at

another student that results in or reasonably induces the latter's fear of physical or emotional harm or

damage, fosters a hostile learning environment, and violates the rights of other students on campus.

The two most prevalent problems in contemporary society are bullying and harassment. In fact, it

has been minimized to the idea that bullying is a developmental stage that most youth encounter in

getting past and is pervasive in schools rather than being seen as a threat to people. However, both the

victim and the bully experience trauma. Adults observe it happening because of this in their homes,

places of employment, and communities. These actions against another youngster can take the shape

of teasing, name-calling, and other forms of bullying. Since the victim of bullying is protected from

such actions by law, this should be avoided. Bullying and harassment are the two issues that are most

common in modern culture. Bullying has really been downplayed to the notion that it is a stage of

development that most young people go through and that it is common in schools rather than being

viewed as a danger to individuals. However, trauma affects both the bullied and the sufferer. Because

of this, adults witness it occurring in their residences, places of employment, and communities.

Teasing, name-calling, and other sorts of bullying are examples of behaviours towards another young

person. This should be avoided because the law protects the bullied person from such activities.


The researcher chose this topic because we were interested in learning how bullied individuals

handle their circumstances and the effects bullying has on them. In addition, we want to encourage

everyone who reads this to learn more about bullying, especially those who have been bullied and

need to be shown that bullying of any kind has real consequences and that victims of bullying will be

protected. This may also help individuals who have never been bullied become aware of what they

should do in a similar circumstance.

The researcher did a survey on 30 respondents between 15 to 18 years old. As a result, 41.9%

answered receive hurtful and devastatingly harsh word, 51.6% answered think that bullying is fun,

74.2% answered talk them to help the person being bullied to cope up, 93.5% answered report to

school authorities if they saw someone being bullied, and 42.2% answered Lack of confidence effects

of being bullied.
Conclusion: In conclusion, bullying has a dramatic impact and after effect on individual life. In some

worst case scenarios, people have hurt themselves or took their own lives to escape from their bullies.

In order to combat the culture of bullying, we need to enact and enforce an anti-bullying culture

strictly. Recognize how you are being bullied and take actions by resolving the issue, you can just

breathe and ignore the bully, or talk to them. Speak up for yourself, don’t be afraid to stand up for

yourself, most bullies choose their targets who are weaker or easily swayed by them. Maintain a

positive attitude, be confident, do what you love and what makes you happy. Don’t let the bullies

bring you down just because they don’t like what you were doing. You are an individual, it doesn't

matter what anyone else likes or says about you. You do you, that's what matters. If you’ve tried

everything and they continue to bully you or if it is getting worse, talk to someone trusted like adults

or get the school involved, don't be afraid to ask for help. If you also witness a bullying incident, don’t

hesitate to report it to your teacher or principal. So they can immediately take proper action about it.


Fader, S. (2022, May 13) Coping with Bullying in Schools. Retrieved June 24, 2022, from

Gavin, M., L. (2019, February) Dealing With Bullying, Retrieved June 24, 2022, from

A Case Study with an Identified Bully: Policy and Practice Implications by. Lillie B. and Catherine
Cadenhead, PhD

An Overview Of Republic Act No. 10627 Anti-Bullying Act (September 2015) by. Pinoy

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