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Thirty years of monitoring traditional fish trap

catches at Kosi Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and
management implications
R Kyle
Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife , PO Box 43, KwaNgwanase , 3973 , South Africa
Published online: 09 May 2013.

To cite this article: R Kyle (2013) Thirty years of monitoring traditional fish trap catches at Kosi Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa, and management implications, African Journal of Marine Science, 35:1, 67-78, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2013.769905

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African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 Copyright © NISC (Pty) Ltd
Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved AFRICAN JOURNAL OF
ISSN 1814-232X EISSN 1814-2338

Thirty years of monitoring traditional fish trap catches at Kosi Bay,

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and management implications
R Kyle

Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife, PO Box 43, KwaNgwanase 3973, South Africa


The catches of the traditional fish traps in the Kosi Bay estuarine lakes were monitored over a 30-year period from
1981 to 2010. Monitoring data were used to provide estimates of, and insights into, catch size and species composi-
tion as well as seasonal and annual cycles of catch abundance. Over 1.2 million fish, comprising 43 species and 23
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families, were estimated to have been caught during the study period. Tag-and-release data were used to estimate
the impact of trap fishing on fish stocks and comparisons were made with recreational fishing to indicate overall
fishing pressure and the sustainability of the fishing. Trap numbers remained fairly similar from the first year of
monitoring (1981) until 1994, but thereafter they more than trebled by 2001; although numbers decreased after this,
they remained well above earlier levels. During this period, recreational angling was an important factor, and gillnet-
ting — both legal and illegal — added to the fishing pressure. Information from the fish trap monitoring, together
with results from fish mark and recapture studies, suggest a very high, and possibly unsustainable, catch rate that
requires management intervention to return them back to historical and sustainable levels.

Keywords: catch monitoring, estuarine, fisheries, fish marking, fish traps, iSimangaliso, overfishing, South-East Africa, World Heritage Site


Semi-permanent traps are used in many shallow marine, Study area

freshwater and estuarine areas of the world to catch fish and Situated on the east coast of South Africa, just south of
invertebrates (Mahon and Drayton 1990, Shaul and Reifsteck the Mozambique border, the Kosi Bay lakes are a series of
1991, Beliaef et al. 1992, Russ and Acala 1996, Mwatha and water bodies about 10 km long, running parallel to the Indian
Orembo 1998, Siddeek et al. 1999, Copes 2000, Koranteng Ocean immediately behind high vegetated coastal dunes
et al. 2000). Some of these are traditional practices that (Figure 1). In the north, the system opens to the ocean
have remained fundamentally unchanged for many genera- through a permanently open mouth situated at 26°53′44″ S,
tions (Mwatha and Oremba 1998, Copes 2000, Koranteng et 32°52′49″ E. From seawater conditions in the mouth of the
al. 2000). Despite this, little work has been carried out on the system, the lakes become progressively more fresh water
traps, their catches and impact on the stocks of target popula- upstream; lake Amanzamnyama being completely fresh
tions. Traditional fish traps have been in operation in South water as it is not affected by tidal action. The lakes are fed
Africa in the Kosi lakes for many generations (Felgate 1965). by two small streams, the Nswamanzi in the west and the
They have been described (Tinley 1964) but no comprehen- Siyadla in the south. Various aspects of the system and
sive long-term account is available of their catch, either in terms its fisheries have been described (Tinley 1964, Hill 1969,
of species composition, overall size or their impact on stocks. Begg 1978, 1980, Blaber 1978, 1981, Cyrus 1980, Kyle
This study records the Kosi Bay traditional fish trap catches 1981a, 1981b, 1986, 1996, Cyrus and Blaber 1984a, 1984b,
from 1981 to 2010, and represents one of the first long-term Mountain 1990, James et al. 2001). Most of the fish species
datasets for fish traps in an estuarine lake system. It was of importance to humans are either estuarine or of marine
initiated because of the perception of environmental managers origin (Blaber 1981, Kyle 1986, Fennessy et al. 2001). The
of the area, Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife (Ezemvelo), lakes were proclaimed a nature reserve in 1988, listed as
that there was conflict between traditional, rural, subsistence a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar
trappers and the increasing numbers of relatively affluent Convention in 1991 and became part of the iSimangaliso
recreational anglers. During the study, the conservation status World Heritage Site in 1999.
of the area has been enhanced several times but, due to the Fish traps presently occur from just inside the Kosi
initial and apparently sustainable nature of the trap catches mouth into lakes Makhawulani, Mpungwini and Nhlange,
(Kyle 1986), fish trapping was allowed to continue unaltered. though there were none operational in Lake Nhlange
Monitoring of trap catches not only produced a long-term during the study until 2010. (Figure 1). The Kosi Bay traps
dataset but also, through an associated tag and recovery are semi-permanent structures, made from branches and
experiment (Kyle and Robertson 1997), provided important other plant material that are collected in the area around
insights into the impact of trap catch on fish stocks. the lakes. They are described in detail by Kyle (1981a)

African Journal of Marine Science is co-published by NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis
68 Kyle

fish to the bank. In the past, all the materials used were

collected from the surrounding indigenous bush; however,
in recent years, people have begun using gumpoles, nylon
AFRICA rope, gillnet and other modern materials. A 30 m wide
SOUTH KZN channel, from the lakes to the ocean, is kept clear of traps.
AFRICA Historically, the binding material used in trap construction
INDIAN was generally dried leaves of the wild banana Strelitzia
OCEAN nicolae and as these leaves are quite thick, there was a
Lake substantial gap between two neighbouring sticks, allowing
0 2.5 5.0 km Zilonde fish narrower than about 3 cm to escape. As the trap fences
Kosi Mouth curved upstream from the banks, they tended to catch
primarily fish moving out from the lakes towards the ocean.
The local residents who carry out the fishing are members
of the Tembe/Thonga tribe of southern Mozambique and
northern KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in South Africa (Felgate
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014

Lake 1965). They live around the lakes in individual homesteads

SOUTH AFRICA Makhawulani and have access to the fish traps on a daily basis. The region
KWAZULU-NATAL Lake still has strong traditional tribal structures although elected
officials and central government influence is increasing.
Kosi Bay The surrounding area is very rural, with little formal employ-
Camp Site
ment, and the community is heavily dependent on natural

26°58ƍ S resources for their basic needs of food, shelter, medicines


and warmth.

Lake Nhlange
Material and methods

KwaNgwanase The consultation process and preparation for monitoring

(Manguzi) Banga As a precursor to trap catch monitoring, the concept of
numbering and monitoring the traps was carefully explained
to the local Induna (Headman) and Nkosi (Chief) in order
to obtain their support to conduct the monitoring. This
Lake formal approval had the benefit of publicising the scheme,
Lake Amanzimnyama
Shengeza which was essential if complete catch monitoring was
to be achieved. It also ensured the compliance of all the

trap owners, which may otherwise have been a problem


as measuring each fish caught would result in delays to

the trapper. Peer and community pressure was important
in ensuring the co-operation required for the monitoring
process. The local Induna provided candidates for
monitors from among the trap operators. These men were
32°50ƍ E interviewed and five of them who knew how to identify all
the fish species and could read and write were selected
and appointed. They were trained in the completion of daily
Figure 1: Map of the Kosi Bay lakes, South Africa, showing catch returns detailing the date, trap number, fish species,
features important to the Kosi Bay traditional fish trap fishery number and total length of each fish caught. Monitors were
issued with metre-long measuring boards, datasheets,
pens and clipboards. Trap owners were generally found
and Tinley (1964). In brief, two parallel rows of branches to have a sound knowledge of most species of fish caught
are pushed into the sand about 50 cm apart. They usually and identifications were made based on Zulu names.
start at the bank and lead out into the channel, histori- Problems were initially encountered with the identification of
cally curving almost exclusively upstream. These are some mullet species, but older, more experienced, fishers
packed with brushwood to form a fence to partially block were interviewed and Zulu names for all important species
fish movement. At the apex of the fence is a heart-shaped were obtained. The only identification problems — which
palisade to guide fish to a terminal basket with fish-proof remain unresolved — were the ‘lumping’ of Carangidae
walls and a valve constructed in such a way as to allow and Sphyraenidae and some minor species (Table 1) as
fish to enter but not leave. Fish, usually migrating from the local fishers considered these two families to represent
lakes to the ocean, travel through the lakes and channels one species only and they would not easily accept other
mostly at night and passively move into the ‘baskets’. In identifications.
the morning, the trap owner, usually a male living nearby,
spears the fish in the basket, threads them onto a vine Monitoring methods
(or more recently a piece of fencing wire), and drags the In order to record all catches, the traps were numbered,
African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 69

Table 1: The monitoring intensity and proportions of total catch

recorded in the Kosi Bay fish trap catch monitoring programme Baskets
700 Traps
from March 1981 to February 2010
Number of Approximate 500
monitors coverage (%)
March 1981–February 1985 5 100 400
March 1985–February 2000 1 12.5
March 2000–February 2010 2 30 300

mapped and then divided into five areas, the sizes of which 100
were such that they could easily be covered daily by a
monitor. Fish were recorded against the trap number but

most traps consisted of several fish-catching baskets. The

Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014

number of working baskets in a trap could be increased or YEAR

decreased by the trapper at short notice and so the number
of traps is probably a better overall longer-term gauge to the Figure 2: Numbers of traps and catching baskets in the Kosi Bay
size of the fishery. Early each morning, monitors stationed traditional fish trap fishery from 1950 to 2010. Data points prior to
themselves at a site from which they could see all the traps 1980 were obtained from aerial photographs and thereafter from
in their area. When a fisher left his trap he was intercepted ground counts
and details of his catch were recorded. Data sheets were
collected regularly and monitors were strictly supervised to
avoid circumstances (e.g. absenteeism) that could lead to of 58 611, though it varied from 28 696 in 1986 to 100 448
inaccurate results. From March 1981 until February 1985, in 2006 (Figure 3). The annual number of fish caught in
all traps were monitored (Table 1) and initial results were the traps in the focal study, between 1981 and 1985, was
reported by Kyle (1986). From March 1985 to February remarkably constant at around 40 000 and remained close
2000, due to financial constraints, monitoring continued to this number until 1994 (Figure 3). Subsequently, there
in only one of the five areas, which had accounted for followed a period of erratic but generally much greater
approximately 12.5% of the total catch by numbers over catches until the end of the study.
the intensive investigation period. In March 2000, another Although the fish species varied in individual mass, the
monitor was added to increase the proportion of traps 165 409 fish caught during the period of intense monitoring
covered. From 1985 to 2010, total catch estimates were weighed an estimated 161 014 kg, giving a mean fish mass
generated by extrapolation from the estimates of the for this multispecies fishery as 0.97 kg. The mean annual
proportions monitored (Table 1). The first year of monitoring catch in the early monitoring period was about 40 t.
(1981) consisted of data from March 1981 to February 1982 Fish comprising 43 species from 23 families (Table 2) were
and subsequent years followed the same pattern. recorded in fish trap catches, but during the study period the
Fish total lengths were analysed for the period 1 March seven most common species were Pomadasys commer-
1983 to 30 April 1994 to give information on the length sonnii, Mugil cephalus, Acanthopagrus vagus, Valamugil
distribution of the important species. Estimates of fish buchanani, Liza macrolepis, Rhabdosargus sarba and Gerres
mass were calculated from weight/length relationships methueni (Table 2). These combined accounted for almost
provided by van der Elst (1988), Mann (2000) and from data 95% of the catch by number and 96% by mass (Table 2).
collected during this study. Historical data on the numbers Pomadasys commersonnii and M. cephalus dominated
of traps in operation were obtained from aerial photographs catches during most of the study period, together contrib-
for the period 1949–1978, and thereafter by ground counts uting 57.94% by number and 69.71% by mass of the initial
from 1981 to the present. period monitored (Figure 4). Throughout the intensive
monitoring period and in nine of the 11 subsequent years,
Results P. commersonnii and M. cephalus were the most important
species and this pattern continued up until 1995 when R.
Fish trapping effort sarba abruptly increased in importance. From a mean of
Information from 1950 to 1994 (Figure 2) shows that the 4.7% of the catch by numbers in the preceding 14 years,
number of traps and baskets appears to have changed little R. sarba rose to 34.7% of the catch in 1995 and, errati-
during this period, but thereafter there was a substantial cally, mostly remained a more important component of
and sustained increase during the late 1990s, particularly trap catches. Liza macrolepis also changed its contribu-
in the number of fish catching baskets, to a peak in 2001. tion markedly during the study, from being important in the
Subsequently, both trap and basket numbers declined but intensive period to almost disappearing for several years
remained well above the previous peaks. before returning in numbers in 1999 and becoming the most
important species (by number) at the end of the study.
Catch size and composition Although little detailed information is available on
During the study period a total of 1 759 822 fish was what factors affected annual species catches, Valamugil
estimated to have been caught with a mean annual catch buchanani showed a strong negative relationship with
70 Kyle

All other species/ Rhabdosargus sarba Acanthopagrus vagus Gerres methueni Liza macrolepis Pomadasys commersonnii Mugil cephalus





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1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009

Figure 3: Yearly catch totals and species composition, by numbers of fish, of the Kosi Bay traditional fish traps from 1981 to 2010. Data for
the period 1981–1984 are total counts and those for 1985–2010 are extrapolations. Note that no data were available for 2001 and 2002

Table 2: Fish catch and species composition, by number and mass, of Kosi Bay fish traps from March 1981 to February 1985 (n = 165 409 fish,
equivalent to 161 014 kg). Field identifications were by Zulu name, other names indicate which species had to be ‘lumped’ within each Zulu name.
The most important five species, in terms of mass, are shown in bold text

Family Species Common name Zulu name Number (%) Mass (%)
Anguillidae Anguilla bicolor Shortfin eel Mbokwane 0 0.01
Anguilla marmorata Mottled eel Ibalane 0.01 0.03
Belonidae Strongylura leiura Garfish Umhlanga 0.11 0.03
Carangidae Caranx ignobilis Giant kingfish Ikomane 1.96 2.36
Caranx papuensis Brassy kingfish Ikomane
Caranx sem Blacktip kingfish Ikomane
Caranx sexfasciatus Big eye kingfish Ikomane
Scomberoides tol Queenfish Umkwandla 0.17 0.13
Chanidae Chanos chanos Milkfish Umnonzi 0.70 1.76
Clariidae Clarias gariepinus Sharptooth barble Ubabule 0.03 0.05
Cichlidae Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique tilapia Ikwamba 0.92 0.47
Elopidae Elops machnata Springer Ishange 0.33 0.60
Eleotridae Eleotris fusca Dusky sleeper Isimumumu 0.02 0.01
Eleotris melanosoma Broadhead sleeper Isimumumu
Gobiidae Glossogobius giuris Tank goby Isimumumu
Gerreidae Gerres acinaces Smallscale pursemouth Isihlengane 0.35 0.08
Gerres methueni Evenfin pursemouth Inshuludla 9.13 2.57
Haemulidae Pomadasys commersonnii Spotted grunter Inkolonkolo 32.60 36.95
Labridae Thallasoma herbraicum Wrasse Mazinyo 0.03 0.01
Lutjanidae Lutjanus argentimaculatus River snapper Umwali 0.93 2.27
Lutjanus fulviflamma Blackspot snapper Isigalijozi 0.01 0
Monodactylidae Monodactylus argenteus Natal moony Isiphasi 0.04 0
Monodactylus falciformis Cape moony Isiphasi
Mugilidae Crenimugil crenilabris Fringe-lip mullet Isithonga 0.04 0.01
Liza alata Diamond mullet Ibangwa 1.57 2.03
Liza macrolepis Largescale mullet Itefa 10.65 3.41
Mugil cephalus Flathead mullet Intulu 25.19 32.56
Myxus capensis Freshwater mullet Umsiva 0.33 0.11
Valamugil buchanani Bluetail mullet Imbulakazi 2.20 4.27
Valamugil robustus Robust mullet Umacijane 0.10 0.03
Platycephalidae Platycephalus indicus Bartail flathead Umkhokhoba 0.24 0.29
Pomatomidae Pomatomus saltatrix Shad Umuyende 0.19 0.07
Sciaenidae Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky kob Uhlonzi 0.04 0.04
Scorpaenidae Pterios volitans Devil firefish Ugezi 0.01 0
Serranidae Epinephelus andersoni Spotted rockcod Ilondwa 0.07 0.06
Epinephelus gauza Yellowbelly rockcod Ilondwa
Epinephelus malabaricus Malabar rockcod Ilondwa
Sparidae Acanthopagrus vagus River bream Ikula 6.58 4.80
Rhabdosargus holubi Cape stumpnose Isigobolo
Rhabdosargus sarba Natal stumpnose Isigobolo 4.68 3.41
Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Indobolo 0.74 1.57
Sphyraena jello Pickhandle seapike Indobolo
Theraponidae Therapon jarbua Thornfish Imata 0.02 0
African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 71

By number By mass 1985 2010

35 30


5 5

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M ers









Figure 4: Percentage species composition of the more important Figure 5: Catch species composition, by number, of the Kosi Bay
species, by number and mass, of the Kosi Bay traditional fish traps traditional fish traps for 1985 and 2010
from 1981 to 1984

Table 3: Mean salinity in Makhawulani Lake and yearly trap catches Baskets
of Valamugil buchanani. Correlation coefficient r = 0.988, significant at 1000
p < 0.02

Mean salinity in Catch of
Makhawulani V. buchanani 600
1981 17.0 517
1982 15.5 687
1983 13.4 769
1984 7 1 656

salinity measured in Makhawulani Lake during the intensive

study period (Table 3)










With the exception of L. macrolepis, and despite some

marked changes, the most important species at the begin-
ning of the study were still very important at the end of it
Figure 6: Estimates of annual catch per fish trap and fish trap
(Figure 5). basket at Kosi Bay from 1981 to 2010

Catch per unit effort

The estimated fish catch per year (Figure 6) showed no clear birds that appeared at Kosi Bay in 1994 were caught and
overall trend throughout the study, despite the relatively high died in the fish traps, as well as in gillnets (Kyle 1996).
peaks, such as in 1995 and 1996, and troughs (e.g. 1986). Whereas Cowley (1998) reported a mass incursion of Cape
No correlations were found between abiotic parameters, cormorants elsewhere in 1994, which had a serious impact
such as annual rainfall, and annual total catch. on fish populations, it appears that at Kosi Bay any such
incursion by Cape cormorants was rapidly depleted through
Bycatch their capture in fish traps and nets. None of the reed
Kosi Bay traditional fish traps caught almost exclusively cormorants Phalacrocorax africanus and whitebreasted
fish during the intensive monitoring period, with relatively cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo, which are common and
few catches of mud crabs Scylla serrata (n  76), prawns resident at Kosi Bay, were recorded caught in the traps.
(Penaeus spp., n  10), Cape cormorants Phalocrocorax
capensis (n  3), crocodiles Crocodilus niloticus (n  Monthly species abundance
12) and one green turtle Cholonia mydas. All crocodiles All species caught in large numbers in the traps exhibited
caught, as well as the green turtle, were translocated monthly patterns in catch abundance. Pomadasys commer-
and released away from the fish traps and other human sonnii and M. cephalus were caught throughout the year,
activity. Cape cormorants are infrequent visitors to the Kosi peaking in mid-summer and late summer respectively
Bay lakes (Sinclair 1984) and many of the thousands of (Figure 7). Catches of G. methueni and A. vagus peaked in
72 Kyle

(a) P. commersonnii
4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500
1 000

(b) A. vagus
1 000
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014


(c) M. cephalus
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500

1 000

(d) G. methueni
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000

(e) Carangidae

(f) Sphyraenidae
1981 1982 1983 1984

Figure 7: Monthly total numbers of (a) Pomadasys commersonnii, (b) Acanthopagrus vagus, (c) Mugil cephalus, (d) Gerres methueni,
(e) Carangidae and (f) Sphyraenidae caught in the Kosi Bay traditional fish traps from 1981 to 1984
African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 73

mid-summer and in late-summer respectively. Carangidae of which 72% were mature (Kyle 1986). An exception to
and Sphyraenidae showed clear increases in catches this pattern was P. commersonnii, with 30% being <40 cm,
during the summer (Figure 7). the minimum legal size limit. Many fish were also below the
33 cm for male and 39 cm for female length-at-50% sexual
Daily species abundance maturity (Figure 9) (Mann 2000). Almost all Mugilidae
During periods of high catches of individual species, nearly caught were mature and of legal length; however, there is
all showed distinct two-week cycles in abundance. There no size restriction placed on mullet.
was a generally strong relationship between high catches In April 2005, the size and bag limits of many linefish
and maximum daily water height, which were correlated to species were changed. Whereas bag limits should be applied
spring tides measured at Lake Makhawulani. Most species, to fish traps, they have never been as fish that have entered
such as P. commersonnii (Figure 8), were caught in greater the catching baskets can only really be taken out by spearing
numbers in deep water whereas others, such as L. alata, them. The minimum size limits were increased for some
appeared to be caught almost exclusively during dark-moon species, but those of the main species caught in the traps
periods (Figure 8). remained the same. However, by the end of the study, a
much greater proportion of smaller fish were caught for some
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014

Length frequency analysis species (Figure 9). Each species appeared to show different
During the intensive monitoring period, length frequency
analysis of data from the more important species showed
that few fish <25 cm or >70 cm were caught, and approxi- Mugil cephalus
mately 79% of all fish caught were over the legal size limit, 7
(a) 5
Spring tide Spring tide
140 4
120 3


60 Water height














P. commersonnii Rhabdosargus sarba
40 10

20 8
0 6









May 1981
140 Dark moon Full moon Dark moon Full moon














Pomadasys commersonnii
80 10

60 Water height
L. alata catch
40 6

20 4

0 2



March April May 0



Figure 8: Kosi Bay traditional fish trap catch of (a) Pomadasys Figure 9: Length frequency of three important fish species caught
commersonnii for the period 1 May 1981–31 May 1981 and in the Kosi Bay traditional fish traps from 1981 to 1984 and for
(b) Liza alata for the period 25 March–19 May 1984 and water 2010. The length at sexual maturity is indicated (downward arrow)
height measured at Lake Makhawulani. Spring tides were on 4 and as well as the legal minimum length for capture (upward arrow).
18 May 1981 and 1, 15 and 29 April and 13 May 1984; new moons Mugil cephalus does not have a legal minimum length
were on 4 May 1981 and 1 and 29 April 1984
74 Kyle

degrees of change in length frequency between the early and

later stages of the study. Some fish, such as M. cephalus, 35
showed very similar patterns in the earlier and later phases
of the study whereas others showed a small decline (R. 30

sarba) or marked decline (P. commersonnii) in mean length.
Mugil cephalus has recently become an important
species in fisheries and aquaculture worldwide (Whitfield et 20
al. 2012), but with wild catches reportedly declining in many
areas in South Africa. Due to its apparently fairly stable 15
mean size in trap catches (Figure 9) and reported ability to
survive without using estuaries (Whitfield et al. 2012), M.
cephalus would be more likely to withstand heavy fishing 5
pressure than other fish. Thus, the apparent decline in their
proportion in the trap catches, from 25.6% during the first


19 85







five years of the study to 18.2% in the last five years, is








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cause for concern.
Figure 10: Percentage of marked fish recovered at Kosi Bay by
The most complete data presented here are those obtained traditional fish traps and other fishing methods from 1983 to 2010.
Data for 1983 and 1985 were from specific projects, 1989–1999
from the 48 months (March 1981–February 1985) when all
are the mean annual recovery rates and 2004–2010 are the annual
fish traps were monitored. Extrapolations of total catch from marked fish recovery rates each year
a single area provide a useful insight into overall total catch
numbers but species composition will be skewed in favour of
the more abundantly caught species in the areas monitored. marked increase in catches, need to be monitored in case it
Information from the early monitoring period suggested that, leads to greatly increased and consequently unsustainable
for example, traps near the mouth sometimes had a different catches. Kyle (1986), however, suggested that providing a
catch composition than that from traps in Lake Makhawulani. trap-free 30 m channel was kept open between the lakes
Kosi Bay fish traps are set in shallow water, where there and the sea, the proportion of fish ‘straying’ into the traps
are few large fish during the day. Fish are caught mainly would be similar regardless of the number of traps. All
at night, and the fact that many of the fish have well trap sites were different and those that consistently had
developed or developing gonads (Kyle 1986) suggests that good catches were consistently occupied and maintained
many fish caught could be on spawning-related migrations. in good condition over many years. Less productive traps
Kyle (1986) found a highly significant correlation between were often abandoned and they slowly disintegrated and
gonad development and increased catches in species eventually were washed away. When the number of traps
such as M. cephalus and A. vagus. The author found that increased markedly, they often had to be built in progres-
A. vagus caught during peak catches had well-developed sively less productive sites. Continued mark and recovery
gonads. Spawning of most of the important trap-caught results (Figure 10), however, appear to show a progressive
species takes place at sea (van der Elst and Adkin 1991) increase in the proportion of tagged fish being recovered.
or just inside the Kosi mouth (Garratt 1992). It is likely that While it seems likely that earlier recovery rates were indeed
most fish caught in the traps are moving seaward as most initially sustainable, the later rates suggest that this situation
traps face upstream. Most traps were built facing upstream may have changed.
because the trappers believe that virtually only seaward- Total trap catches subsequent to the intensive study were
moving fish could or should be caught. more variable than those between 1981 and 1985, which is
to be expected when only a proportion of the fishing area
Catch size and species composition is monitored and extrapolations had to be made. Changes
In terms of overall catch, the traps caught similar numbers in the numbers of some species caught in the later stage
and mass of fish annually over the intensive study period. of the study (e.g. A. vagus) are probably due to different
Historical data suggest that trap numbers have also been species being more abundant in different areas, depending
fairly constant in living memory and up until about 1994 on salinity and other abiotic factors. Salinity is an important
(Figure 2). It thus seems likely that total trap catches, factor in the distribution of some fish species (Blaber 1973,
historically and up until recently, represented a fairly stable Whitfield et al. 1981, Cyrus and Blaber 1982, Whitfield
proportion of the fish population of the lake’s system 1998) and the response of closely related species to similar
each year. Data from a tagging experiment (Kyle 1986) salinity regimes can vary markedly (Cyrus and Blaber
suggested that the traps caught between 5% and 10% of 1982).
the total adult population of most large fish species annually It is likely that the total annual trap catch numbers result
(Figure 10). Subsequent mark and recapture supports this from such diverse factors as spawning success, weather
estimate and it appears that, until about 1990, the traps conditions, and natural and man-induced mortality levels.
were a fairly stable and easily managed method to capture While some of these factors act near or within the Kosi Bay
fish. The overall increase in trap numbers, and particularly system, others may be more general oceanic or climatic
the baskets (Figure 2), as well as the estimated overall effects.
African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 75

Access to, and recruitment from, other estuarine systems of some species fluctuated markedly from one year to
could be an important factor in controlling the numbers of the next, and appeared unrelated to any obvious factors
some fish species. The St Lucia Lake system, the largest (Figure 3), whereas other species showed a high degree
estuarine system in southern Africa, is less than 200 km of stability in the catch rates. The species that showed
away from the Kosi Bay system, but it has effectively been large fluctuations in annual catch were those whose life
closed to the sea for over 10 years. Species such as R. sarba cycles were spent mostly outside estuaries, such as
are reported to spawn in the nearshore environment (Mann Carangidae and Sphyraenidae. More estuarine-associated
2000), but juveniles generally enter estuaries where they species, such as A. vagus, whose catches varied only up
grow to maturity before moving to the open ocean. During to a maximum of 20% around the mean per year during
the past decade, catches of this species have been high in the intensive study, as well as G. methueni, exhibited a
traps and it is probable that the closure of St Lucia resulted in higher degree of catch stability. Few A. vagus have been
an increase of recruits entering the Kosi Bay system as they recorded in the open sea off the East African coast and
would be unable to enter the St Lucia Estuary. Garratt (1992) recorded them spawning inside the Kosi
Overall, there was a general increase in trap catches over mouth. Several hundred A. vagus were tagged inside the
the study period that seems to correspond to the increase lakes system (Kyle 1986), but no recoveries were made
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014

in trap numbers. The CPUE was variable and no pattern from the sea, which suggests that this species is restricted
was discernible during the study. This could be related to mainly to the Kosi Bay lake system.
changes in the traps themselves and the materials used. Of the approximately 5 000 fish tagged inside the Kosi
An underlying ‘driver’ in the trap fishery is that it used to mouth during the entire study, only one fish was recovered
be at subsistence level, but positive developments of a local at sea and it was released and recovered again back inside
economy and better access to markets have changed this. Kosi Bay. Only one fish (an M. cephalus) recovered from
In the past, if a trapper caught a lot of fish he often shared a fish trap was tagged outside Kosi Bay, in an estuary in
them with neighbours and friends. In the current situation, the Western Cape. Overexploitation by the traps or other
if a lot of fish are caught in the traps, the owner often sells methods within the lakes system of heavily estuarine-
the entire catch to a person who exports the fish from the related species at Kosi Bay will probably result in future trap
region. This practice not only takes relatively cheap protein and other catches of those species. Future catches of other,
away from much of the local community but it opens a less estuarine-dependent species, including P. commer-
consistent lucrative market for trap fish. A 3 kg P. commer- sonnii and M. cephalus, may be more independent of fish
sonnii was sold in August 2012 in KwaNgwanase market for trapping pressure as it appears that recruitment comes from
R180, and in 2010 the same species of similar size would a much larger population outside the Kosi Bay lakes.
have been R90 (i.e. R30 kg–1). An estimate of the value Over the period 1981–1984, there was a high correla-
of the 2010 catch would thus be R 2 250 000 and, as all tion (r  0.995) between P. commersonnii trap catches and
sizes of fish are sold at similar prices per kg, there is every catch rates from shore-fishing competitions along the KZN
incentive for trappers to catch as many fish and of any size coast (Kyle 1986). This suggests that the same parameter
as possible. modified the catches of this species along much of the KZN
All species caught in large numbers in the traps showed Daily fluctuations
annual cycles of abundance, many of which appeared to Within the annual periods of catch abundance there were
be associated with their breeding cycles. For example, usually distinct 14-day cycles (Figure 8). These were associ-
the numbers of A. vagus peak in the months preceding ated with spring tides and the resultant high water levels, but
their spawning, just inside the mouth of the Kosi (Garratt this pattern may be distorted or modified by heavy winds or
1992). Other catches appeared to reflect the immigration rain that can affect water level. During periods of increased
and emigration of fish that are reported to enter estuaries catches of a particular species, there was a strong correla-
in early summer and exit in late summer (Wallace 1975). tion between water depth at Lake Makhawulani and total
These fish are mainly Carangidae, Sphyraenidae and L. trap catch on a daily basis (Figure 9, Kyle 1986). On 28
argentimaculatus, which feed mainly on fish, but some are February 1984, cyclone Domoina provided insight into the
detritivores (e.g C. chanos). impact of particularly high water levels as the best catches
Fish traps are operated throughout the year but catches were recorded for several species, including P. commer-
of most species peak in the warmer summer months. sonnii, on the days following this event when water levels
There is usually a clear increase in catches of G. methueni were particularly high. Kyle (1986) found the strongest
in mid-summer followed by a slightly later peak in A. relationship between trap catches and daily water depth
vagus catches. Although caught throughout the year, M. when considering various biotic and abiotic variables. At
cephalus tends to be in greater numbers in late summer. Kosi Bay, the turbidity in the northern channels is usually
Pomadasys commersonnii catches are highest in middle– low, even during moderate floods, but large-scale flooding
late summer, often associated with heavy rains that would usually washes dark tannins into the channels, which also
result in increased water flow and also darker water due appears to promote the movement of some fish species.
to tannins being washed into the lakes (RK pers. obs.).
These latter two species are the most important to the Conservation and management
trappers and trap maintenance is often manipulated to The monitoring programme presented here was imple-
catch them during their predictable annual ‘runs’. Catches mented because of concern of the possible impact of trap
76 Kyle

catches on fish populations and thus on the catches of legislation, and 74.2% of the fish for which adequate length-
other fishing sectors, particularly the recreational anglers. at-maturity data are available were greater than the length-
In the early stages of the study, up to about 1994, it at-50% maturity (van der Elst and Adkin 1991). By the end
appeared the annual trap catch was a fairly stable propor- of the study, however, this situation had changed markedly,
tion of fish moving to the sea, and catches were low an estimated >70% of P. commersonnii being immature and
enough to allow adequate fish to exit the lakes system an even greater proportion below the legal size limit.
or reach the spawning grounds. Kyle (1986) showed that Skelton (1987) identified at least eight threatened fish
during the intensive study period, 52% of the total trap species present in the Kosi Bay lakes. Most of these are
catch by number and 47% by mass were of mullet G. too small to be caught in traps; however, freshwater mullet
methueni and other species not important to recreational Myxus capensis is caught frequently and the broadhead
or other rod-and-line anglers. The fairly low proportion of sleeper Eleotris melanosoma is caught in appreciable
the fish population caught in the traps, estimated at about numbers. The capture of an estimated 1 885 M. capensis
5% of fish annually (Kyle and Robertson 1997), and the in 1995 within a protected area might be seen as cause for
species composition suggested that, at that time, trap concern, but if it reflects a stable and sustainable proportion
catches were sustainable and not a serious threat to the of species stocks annually, then no action needs to be taken
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:06 28 December 2014

recreational and other fishing sectors. to protect this species. If, however, as suggested by the
Subsequent to 1994, however, there was a sustained most recent data from this study (Figure 10), trap catches
increase in trap catches coupled with a marked and have increased and traps are now catching unsustainable
progressive increase in the proportion of marked fish being numbers of estuarine-dependent species, then management
recaptured. Bearing in mind that marked fish recovery action would be necessary, at least for these fish.
information produces a minimum estimate of impact on Kyle (1986) suggested that, as long as the 30 m trap-free
stocks due to emigration and mortality of marked fish, channel was maintained, the number of traps was not
tag-loss, underreporting of marked fish caught and other directly related to the total catch, because the best trap
aspects, a reported recovery rate of about 35% (Figure 10) areas were those first occupied and newer traps were in
may well reflect a very high and unsustainable impact on less productive areas. Our study showed no clear trend
fish stocks. in trap CPUE over the 30 years of monitoring, despite
A further conservation concern is that the traps were an overall increase in trap numbers. This pattern of an
catching many fish that were immature or less than the legal increase in the number of traps leading to larger total
minimum length. Several of the most important species, catches indicates that a continued increase in trap numbers
such as M. cephalus, G. methueni and L. macrolepis, are would be unsustainable. In the past few years, however,
not ‘linefish’ and thus do not have ‘legal’ size limits. Analysis fish traps have sometimes been placed in the trap-free
of the data from the intensive study period and the final year channel (RK pers. obs.) and modern materials have been
of the study of some important species (Figure 9) show that used in their construction. This resulted in these traps
while all the M. cephalus were of legal length, and mostly becoming more efficient at catching fish and thus increasing
of mature size, large numbers of small and often immature overall trap catches. This in turn would reduce the value of
R. sarba and P. commersonnii were being caught. Although CPUE as an indicator of the health of the fish stock.
the proportion of small R. sarba caught remained similar Whereas building traps into the channels would increase
between the beginning and end of the study, by 2010 the proportion of fish caught, the use of modern materials
total catches of this species were much greater. Also, the would enable the traps to catch smaller fish. Many trappers
capture of an increasing number of undersize and immature now use nylon rope and gumpoles to reduce the gaps
P. commersonnii must be of conservation management between the sticks in the terminal baskets in order to
concern. A possible explanation for the marked decrease in retain smaller, and often immature, fish. Historically, fish
the length of P. commersonnii between the earlier and later trapping was a low-key method of supplementing income
data could be on account of the recent practice of facing and providing protein for the trappers’ community. Recently,
some traps downstream rather than upstream, which is the however, it has become increasingly commercialised with
traditional method of fishing. Traps facing downstream would the result that trap catches are now driven by economic
catch the small recruits entering the system as opposed to incentive and some of the traditional constraints have been
larger fish exiting the system. If this is shown to be the case, abandoned. As fish are generally sold per kg, even small
then such trapping methods should not be used in the future. fish such as the thornfish Terapon jarbua are now routinely
With Lake St Lucia being effectively closed to the sea for sold in local markets.
many years, and thus having a negligible ‘nursery function’ Traps are efficient as there is only a small bycatch.
over this period, this renders Kosi Bay more important in Hippopotomus still occur in appreciable numbers in the
terms of providing recruits to fish populations. Species such lakes and are not negatively impacted by the traps although
as R. sarba and P. commersonnii are important in the KZN occasionally they damage traps by walking through them.
recreational shore-fishery and so marked reductions in fish Recreational anglers catch fish in the lakes before they enter
exiting the Kosi Bay lakes will impact this important fishery. the trap areas and so their catch is not affected by the traps.
Most of the Carangidae, Sphyraenidae and Lutjanidae Also, many of the species caught in traps are not targeted by
were immature but of legal size (van der Elst 1988). Using recreational anglers. This means that traps, except for those
data from Figure 9 and from Kyle (1986), it is estimated that face downstream, will have minimal short-term impact
that during the intensive study period, 84.6% of the total on recreational catches. Kyle (1986) estimated that recrea-
catch by numbers were legal in terms of the current linefish tional anglers caught about 1% of adult fish stocks annually
African Journal of Marine Science 2013, 35(1): 67–78 77

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Received June 2012; accepted October 2012

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