1-5032-FRONTSHEET 1-Assignment 1

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 1: Marketting Processes and Planning

Submission date 6/11/2022 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Duc Anh Student ID BH00015

Class BA0601 Assessor name Ngo The Nam

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCE…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….4
II. The overall of the marketing process……………………………………………………….……………………………….4
II.1 An overall of the marketing process……………………………….…………………………………………………………….4
II.2 The key roles of Marketing……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..5
III. The Marketing Department's Roles and Responsibilities at the Heineken Beers Company……………………..6
III.1 Marketing department roles……………………………………………………………………………….........................................7
III.2 Responsibilities of the marketing department……………………………………………………………………………………………7
IV. The influence of marketing and links with other departments in the Heineken……………………………………..9
V. REFERENCE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…11

The introduction of Marketing The American Marketing Association (AMA) defined as “Marketing is an
organizational function and a set of processes for creating, exchanging, and delivering value to customers, and for
managing customer relationships in a variety of ways with a view to bringing benefits to the organization and
members of the shareholders' council. Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested
in your products and services which involves researching, promoting, selling, and distributing your products or
services. It is concentrating on the study of the market and consumer and analyzes the commercial management
of companies so as to attract, acquire, and retain customers by satisfying their hope and need and consolidating
brand loyalty. The highest goal of marketing is to become a solid bridge between businesses and target customers.
Building public relations by studying customer psychology and behavior, modern. Marketing helps reputable
businesses to satisfy the needs and desires of customers so it can create relationships and gain their trust.

II. The overall of the marketing process:

2.1 An overall of the marketing process

The marketing process is defined as a process that incorporates the customer's satisfaction with their demands
generated in terms of value. It is a series of activities and reactions carried out by businesses and consumers so as
to please customers. Principles of Marketing, Scandinavian Edition (2nd Ed.) defines the marketing process as:
“The process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to
capture value from customers in return.” The first four steps of the marketing process focus on creating value for
customers. The company first gains a full understanding of the marketplace by researching customer needs and
managing marketing information. It then designs a customer-driven marketing strategy based on the answers to
two simple questions. The first question is “What consumers will we serve?” (Market segmentation and targeting).
Good marketing companies know that they cannot serve all customers in every way. Instead, they need to focus
their resources on the customers they can serve best and most profitably. The second marketing strategy question
is “How can we best serve targeted customers?” (Differentiation and positioning). Here, the marketer outlines a
value proposition that spells out what values the company will deliver to win target customers. With its marketing
strategy chosen, the company now constructs an integrated marketing program—consisting of a blend of the four
marketing mix elements, the four Ps—that transforms the marketing strategy into real value for customers. The
company develops product offers and creates strong brand identities for them. It prices these offers to create real
customer value and distributes the offers to make them available to target consumers. Finally, the company
designs promotion programs that engage target customers, communicate the value proposition and persuade
customers to act on the market offering. Perhaps the most important step in the marketing process involves
building value-laden, profitable relationships with target customers. Throughout the process, marketers practice
customer relationship management to create customer satisfaction and delight. They engage customers in the
process of creating brand conversations, experiences, and community. In creating customer value and
relationships, however, the company cannot go it alone. It must work closely with marketing partners both inside
the company and throughout its marketing system. Thus, beyond practicing good customer relationship
management and customer-engagement marketing, firms must also practice good partner relationship
management. The first four steps in the marketing process create value for customers. In the final step, the
company reaps the rewards of its strong customer relationships by capturing value from customers. Delivering
superior customer value creates highly satisfied customers who will buy more and buy again. This helps the
company capture customer lifetime value and a greater share of customers. The result is increased longterm
customer equity for the firm. Finally, in the face of today’s changing marketing landscape, companies must take
into account three additional factors. In building customer and partner relationships, they must harness marketing
technologies in the new digital age, take advantage of global opportunities, and ensure that they act sustainably in
an environmentally and socially responsible way.

2.2 The key roles of Marketing:

❖ Provide information:

At the foundation stage, marketing is very useful for educating customers. In other words, for customers to buy
your product, they need to know what your product does and how it works. Marketing is the most effective way to
communicate your values to customers. That is why, for specific products, businesses need to invest a lot in
marketing activities.

❖ Keep the frequency of business presence:

Marketing is more like food than it is medicine. This means that marketing is seen as a way to increase a
company's presence, not as a way to make up for a lack of interaction between a company and its customers. In
other words, Marketing is a tool that businesses need to build and manage every day to keep good relationships
with their customers. Marketing is a long-term campaign to help a business grow.

❖ Build connections with customers :

Connecting with customers is the key to the success of any business, especially for SMB businesses. Marketing
helps solve the question of how to stay engaged with customers even after they have completed a purchase. In
the past, customer interaction took place directly inside stores. But at the moment, that is not enough. Businesses
need Marketing, with intermediary tools, to be able to send customers content to help increase connection with
customers anytime, anywhere. Customers want to build a relationship with your brand, and marketing can help
you do that.

❖ Boost increase Sales :

Marketing is important because it makes it possible for businesses to sell products or services. SMB businesses
need to build novel and inviting content to attract customers and make them buy. Marketing helps increase sales.
And increasing sales helps to increase the growth of the business.

❖ Develop your business

Marketing is an important strategy to ensure the growth of the business. Marketing not only helps you connect
with existing customers but also reaches more new potential customers, through social media posts and email
campaigns. In short, marketing helps secure the future of your business by connecting with all your customers,
new or old.

III. The Marketing Department's Roles and Responsibilities at the Heineken Beers Company:

Heineken has become the most prominent beer brand and an icon in the beer business In recent years. Heineken
has succeeded in establishing a high quality beer in mind of Vietnamese consumers and has a strong foothold in
the Vietnamese beer industry. The The marketing department plays an important role in the growth of Heineken
Vietnam. Marketing The Heineken division has three main roles and responsibilities:

3.1. Marketing department roles:

Heineken's marketing department is responsible for finding, predicting and successfully deal with customer
requests and requirements. The ultimate goal is Increase profits. Fostering long-term partnerships is another task;
The result is money continue to pour into the organization. The marketing department at Heineken is at the
forefront because it interacts directly with consumers and determine the success or failure of a company's
revenue generation. Furthermore, to accomplish the company's goals, this department needs to cooperate with
other parts. In addition to promoting items and enhancing sales, the marketing department is also responsibleto
introduce the company and build a strong corporate image. More, the team not only contacts consumers or
sellers but also investors and communities, all while establishing the company's image in the eyes of its
stakeholders. Heineken has succeeded with 4 famous marketing campaigns: Campaign “Know sign” - Social
responsibility strategy; “Open Your World” - Controversial MarketingCampaign; The - Advertising with unexpected
twists; and Share the sofa – a The campaign is created from the customer's mind. All have achieved such
achievements as: Created a marketing campaign to bring people together after disagreements. Besides, Create ads
with lots of unexpected twists. Besides, building a marketing strategy with customer insights and show corporate
social responsibility in a fun way

3.2 Responsibilities of the marketing department

❖ Market Research

It entails the identification of customer requirements and desires. Survey, interview or Observations from
customers Target market segmentation group catalog, create consumer profiles, and devise an effective marketing
mix. Next the sale of goods, the team evaluates whether the product and the efforts made, such as As advertised,
effective or not.

❖Competitive Analysis

It is the process of tracking competitors and determining their market positions and strategies. It is important for
generating answers as well as competing plans and tactics. Promotions It includes introducing the company and its
products to consumers, increasing brand awareness, and improve products and corporate image. The team selects
and monitors what's best promotional mix, whether it's advertising, promotion, or direct selling.

❖ Product Management
This is the process of reviewing and mapping products to determine the best strategy, such as withdraw, raise
investment capital or collect as much cash as possible. A major A company may have a product portfolio that
includes a wide range of products and target markets. Managing them requires a considerable amount of work.
Marketing team in charge Map the market position of each product to establish strategy, allocate resources, and

In Vietnam, Heineken signed a Joint Venture Agreement to establish a Vietnam Brewery Company (VBL) in 1991.
Heineken's distribution strategy developed strongly with 6 manufacturing plants and 7 sales offices across the
country. country. Besides, Heineken building a wide distribution network from retailers to wholesalers and
supermarkets. Thanks to that, consumers can easily buy Heineken beer products at any supermarket, bar, liquor
store, restaurant, hotel or club restaurant, hotel or club, or at grocery stores, etc. throughout the provinces.
Heineken's marketing strategy has been very focused on maintaining its distribution system. When the
Vietnamese market has more and more appearances of beer brands from abroad. Heineken has aggressively paid
out a large commission to its agents. This has proven to be a wise move in Heineken's business strategy to
maintain its position and prevent penetration into the market segment that Heineken is dominant.

❖Customer Relationship Management

It includes researching their target consumers, determining an effective approach and respond to their requests,
keep active connections with them and motivate them Continue to buy the product. Because attracting new
consumers is expensive, this task is important to keep the money flowing into the organization.

❖ Branding

It is responsible for managing the brand and ensuring that it is properly promoted. Building brand identity, brand
development, creating brand loyalty and creating brand value are all marketing team responsibilities. Over the
years, Heineken has invested heavily in experiential marketing to connect with fans on a whole new and more
sophisticated level - the level of experience.

It was a wise move. it's not a secret, it's based on experience, what people use every day to identify on social
networks communication channels. Carefully crafted media campaign: the most recent #ShareTheSofa and
#ChaosystemTheMatch campaigns supported the marketing campaign in providing customers outreach helped
raise brand awareness and positioned Heineken exactly where they were want it - the number 1 beer brand in
relation to the Champions League, sponsor the Rugby World Cup.
❖ Online channel management

It is the administration and maintenance of online channel sites such as business websites and social networks like
Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Heineken has succeeded in showcase their brand on Facebook with a fan page
that has over 2,4 million likes. Here becoming more and more important as customers increasingly trust the
internet. Companies use internet channels to monitor and find out what's going on, to create Strong customer
connection and even with market items.

IV. The influence of marketing and links with other departments in the Heineken:

Marketing and Sales Department:

Marketing promotes items through the use of media such as newspapers, television, and other social media
platforms such as the internet. This department uses information and offers to maintain these potential
consumers, with the goal of instilling trust in them so they stay with the firm. At the same time, marketing must
captivate in order to encourage buyers to believe in their products. The rest is sales with clients who have been
convinced by marketing. The consulting and sales process is a component of sales, resulting in a continuous
process in which the marketing department plays a critical role.

- Marketing and Financial Department:

The marketing department should be financially supported in order to function. We may go to Heineken for an
example of a massive promotion called Countdown New Year. As a result, the marketing department must assess
costs and request particular budget firms for work, as well as manage cash properly. That is why marketing
necessitates the establishment of a finance department within the organization. Furthermore, marketing teams
must understand what ROI is (Return on investment). Because all advertising campaigns need a certain amount of
money, the ROI may assist the marketing team in determining which marketing plan is the most successful and
costs the least amount of money. Before making a specific marketing decision, Heineken must do a thorough

- Marketing and Human resources:

It is in charge of managing workforce planning, recruiting new employees, and training and developing current
marketing personnel .

- Marketing and Manufacturing department:

They coordinate product specifications and characteristics, production capacity, inventories, and raw material
logistics. - Marketing - research and development department: They create new items based on market trends and
information from the marketing department.

- Marketing and Department of information technology

They create databases and information systems to assist marketing operations, such as customer relationship
management software.

- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong - 2018 - Principles of Marketing-Pearson - the seventeenth edition - P29-31. -
[20/6/2022] - Heineken marketing strategy in Vietnam - Maneki.marketing: https://maneki.marketing/heineken-
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chienluoc-marketing-cuc-kythong-minh-cua-heineken - [ Access 5th November 2021]:
https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing - [September 14, 2021], Marketing department: Functions and
Responsibilities - penpoin.com: https://penpoin.com/marketing-department/’ - [ 18/6/2022]:
https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketin - [20/6/2022, 2022], Marketing department: Functions and Responsibilities
- penpoin.com: https://penpoin.com/marketing-department - Alison Millington, [31 Mar 2015], Heineken to
combine marketing and sales roles in the organizational shakeup, marketingweek.com: Heineken to combine
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marketingprocess/ - KDIGIMIND, [20/6/2022, 2022], What is Marketing? What to know about Marketing from A to
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