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1 (M-Au) 2 (W-Br)
(A) The man is unlocking a door. (A) One woman is picking up a bag.
(B) The man is holding some packages. (B) One woman is putting on a hat.
(C) The man is loading a cart. (C) The women are wearing coatr.
(D) The man is standing near some boxes. (D) The women are waiting outdoors.
3 (M-Cn) 4 (W-Am)
(A) A man’s walking down an escalator. (A) A woman is opening an umbrella.
(B) A man’s wrapping some merchandise. (B) Customers are shopping in an open-air
(C) Some people are cleaning the floor. market.
(D) Some people are seated next to an escalator. (C) A vendor is reaching into a display case.
(D) Some people are bicycling through a market.
5 (M-Au) 6 (W-Br)
(A) She's jotting down notes on a notepad. (A) Some people are climbing the stairs.
(B) She's arranging some flowers in a vase. (B) Some people are leaning against a railing.
(C) She's attaching items to a bulletin board. (C) A woman is reading on a bench.
(D) She's moving her computer monitor. (D) A man is working in a garden.
7 (W-Am) 8 (M-Cn)
(A) A framed picture is hanging above a doorway. (A) The vehicles are all traveling in the same
(B) A sofa has been positioned across from a direction.
window. (B) A traffic signal is suspended above an
(C) A television has been set on a bookshelf. intersection.
(D) Some books have been stacked on a table. (C) Painted lines separate the lanes of traffic.
(D) A high-rise building is being erected near a
busy roadway.
9 (M-Au) 10 (W-Am)
(A) An instrument has been left on a piano. (A) Some boards have been piled on a deck.
(B) The floor is partially covered by a rug. (B) Workers are fastening their helmets.
(C) A music stand is being adjusted. (C) A ladder has been placed next to a vertical
(D) A stage is being prepared for a concert. beam.
(D) Pipes are being carried up some steps.
11 (W-Am) What flight is he arriving on? 12 (M-Cn) When did you join the company?
(M-Au) (W-Br) (A) Yes, I’m enjoying it here.
(A) Flight 48. (B) Three years ago.
(B) Only an hour. (C) The Strauss Company.
(C) At the airport.
13 (M-Au) Where are you staying in town? 14 (W-Am) Who's meeting with Ms. Clark right
(M-Cn) (A) Yes, often. now?
(B) At the Lakeside Hotel. (W-Br) (A) The accountant.
(C) For a conference. (B) The meeting was rather short.
(C) Yes, you're quite right.
15 (W-Am) How many clients will be visiting? 16 (M-Cn) What are these sweaters made of?
(M-Au) (A) Yes, they are. (W-Am) (A) In Mexico, I think.
(B) At two o'clock. (B) I like the blue ones.
(C) About a dozen. (C) They're cotton.
17 (W-Br) Where can I get a copy of the weekly 18 (M-Cn) Would you like me to call a taxi for you?
newsletter? (W-Am) (A) It’s not very likely.
(M-Cn) (A) Every other week. (B) No, thanks. I'd prefer to walk.
(B) I read that, too. (C) I'll return his call then.
(C) On our Web site.
19 (W-Br) When do you expect the merger to be 20 (M-Au) Should we stay late tonight or work on
approved? this job tomorrow?
(M-Cn) (A) By the end of the month. (W-Br) (A) I'm not free tomorrow.
(B) I expect so. (B) We walked through the lobby.
(C) Yes, sales ought to improve. (C) Let's make him an offer.
21 (M-Cn) Why did Yumi leave the seminar early? 22 (M-Au) Where can I attend an evening course?
(M-Au) (A) Seven o'clock this morning. (W-Am) (A) It's a four-course meal.
(B) Some are in Room 26. (B) Yes, attendance is required.
(C) She had a doctor’s appointment. (C) The university has some night
23 (W-Am) Who will replace Mr. Fernandez when he 24 (W-Br) When will we begin marketing the new
retires? alarm
(W-Br) (A) I've never been there. system?
(B) I heard that Maria Ortega will. (M-Au) (A) After more tests are completed.
(C) No, I'm not tired. (B) It's an efficient system.
(C) In Europe and North America.
25 (M-Cn) Why are our supplies so low? 26 (W-Am) Why don't we go out for some fresh air?
(M-Au) (A) I'm surprised to see you! (M-Cn) (A) It's out of stock.
(B) The bottom shelf. (B) Yes, I'd like to take a break.
(C) The delivery's been delayed. (C) The chairs go over there.
27 (W-Br) Who shipped the product samples 28 (M-Au) Those French lessons were very useful,
yesterday? weren't they?
(W-Am) (A) In the afternoon shipment. (W-Am) (A) At the training center.
(B) Ms. Kang sent them. (B) It's held Monday and Wednesday.
(C) I've already tried them. (C) Yes, I really learned a lot.
29 (W-Br) Aren't you supposed to be on holiday this 30 (W-Am) You've gone through customs, haven't
week? you?
(M-Au) (A) No, I had a scheduling conflict. (M-Cn) (A) Is she one of our customers?
(B) I go there with my family. (B) Yes, it was faster than usual
(C) They used to be. (C) I haven't received one yet.
31 (M-Au) I thought the discussion was helpful. 32 (M-Cn) Do I have to complete this application
(W-Am) (A) Sure, help yourself. now?
(B) The quarterly reports. (W-Br) (A) We're competing for market share.
(C) Yes, our goals seem clearer now. (B) Yes, I confirmed my reservation.
(C) You can fill it out at home if you'd like.
33 (W-Am) I think the vice president should select 34 (M-Au) Your new assignment looks quite
the location. complicated.
(M-Cn) (A) But she asked us to. (W-Am) (A) It's nicer than the old sign.
(B) A wide variety. (B) I'll distribute them tomorrow.
(C) We couldn't find them. (C) It's actually easier than it looks.
35 (M-Cn) How about a game of tennis this 36 (W-Br) Have the emergency exits been inspected?
weekend? (M-Cn) (A) Only in an emergency.
(M-Au) (A) No, I'm afraid I didn’t. (B) Through the main entrance.
(B) Well, I do need the exercise. (C) Yes, everything's fine.
(C) I bought ten of them.
37 (M-Au) Do you have to phone your office now, or 38 (W-Br) Hasn't Mr. Chu finished compiling the
can you wait until later? data?
(W-Br) (A) I'd bettor do it before I forget. (W-Am) (A) Of course, you can borrow my
(B) A waiter will be with you in a moment. calculator.
(C) Our new offices will be bigger. (B) He hasn't received all the figures yet.
(C) Sure, he can come by anytime.
39 (M-Au) How can we identify the best solution? 40 (W-Am) Why don't we take a few minutes to go
(W-Br) (A) We may want to consult some experts. over the proposal?
(B) Everyone must show identification. (M-Cn) (A) It lasted a few hours.
(C) In the laboratory. (B) Should we ask Sarah to join us?
(C) I didn't select the speaker.
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Good morning.41I have a reservation at this hotel - my name's Clara Dawson.
(M-Au) Hello, Ms. Dawson, and welcome to the San
Sebastian Inn. Unfortunately, your room won't be available until noon, but 43 I'd be happy to keep your luggage
behind the counter until then. (W-Am) Oh, that's fine. I just flew in from New York, and I'd like to get a late
breakfast. Do you have any recommendations for restaurants in the area?
(M-Au) 43 Here's a city restaurant guide - breakfast places are listed at the beginning.
41 Where most likely does the conversation take 42 What does the man say he can do for the woman?
place? (A) Store her luggage
(A) At a grocery store (B) Make a reservation
(B) At a hotel (C) Arrange transportation
(C) At a travel agency (D) Print out a receipt
(D) At an airport
43 What does the man give the woman? 44
(A) A parking pass
(B) A list of restaurants
(C) A city map
(D) A travel brochure
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Nancy, 44I heard that you're transferring to our office in Hong Kong. What will you be doing there?
(W-Br) Oh, it'll be the same thing I've been doing here.
The company's ready to start marketing our new speech recognition software in Asia - and 45 since my team's had a
lot of success selling the product here, they've asked me to move to Hong Kong to head up the sales efforts there.
(M-Cn) That sounds like a great opportunity. You know, my cousin works in Hong Kong for a big retailer. 46 I'll
give you her e-mail address in case you want to contact her. I'm sure she'd be happy to help you find an apartment
44 What are the speakers mainly discussing? 45 What most likely is the woman's job?
(A) A job transfer (A) Human resources manager
(B) A trip itinerary (B) Real estate agent
(C) A store opening (C) Sales team leader
(D) An advertising campaign (D) Computer programmer
46 What will the man give the woman?
(A) A business card
(B) An e-mail address
(C) A rental agreement
(D) A resume
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Ms. Patel? This is Eric from facilities. We’re replacing the carpeting on the second floor, and 47 we'd like
to replace the carpet in your office on Friday.
(W-Am) That's not a problem.48 But I need a computer that day so I can access my files on the server. Will that be
(M-Au) Well, Room 203 has a computer you could
probably use.49 I'll get in touch with technical support to make sure you'll have access to your files there.
47 What will take place on Friday? 48 What is the woman concerned about?
(A) An office will be painted. (A) The availability of a staff member
(B) A carpet will be replaced. (B) The size of a meeting space
(C) Computers will be upgraded. (C) The accessibility of some files
(D) Work assignments will be distributed. (D) The deadline for a project
49 Who will the man contact?
(A) The training coordinator
(B) The security office
(C) The maintenance supervisor
(D) The technical support department

Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.

(W-Am) Hello,50 I'm planning to order flower arrangements for an awards banquet next month. A colleague
recommended your shop. (M-Cn) Yes, we specialize in centerpieces for corporate events. Do you know what type
of flowers you're looking for?
(W-Am) 51I have a picture of one of the arrangements from last year's banquet that I can e-mail to you. If you could
make something similar, that'd be great. How far in advance should I place the order?
(M-Cn) 52 You'll have to submit your order two weeks before the event. That way we can be sure that we have the
flowers you request in stock.

50 Why is the woman calling? 51 What will the woman provide?

(A) To discuss a seating plan (A) An event schedule
(B) To arrange catering services (B) Delivery instructions
(C) To invite the man to speak at a banquet (C) Menu options
(D) To inquire about flower arrangements (D) A photograph
52 How much advance notice does the man require?
(A) Two days
(B) One week
(C) Two weeks
(D) One month
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Daniel, I know how much you love to cook. 53Did you hear that the chef from the Spontaneous Gourmet
show on TV will be teaching a class at the culinary institute this summer?
(M-Au) Really? 54Steven Okada? I've been a fan of his show for years! I learned how to make some of my favorite
dishes from watching him cook.
(W-Br) Well, 55if you're interested in the class, you should sign up right away - there are only a few spots available
to the general public.
53 According to the woman, what will happen this 54 What is Steven Okada known for?
summer? (A) Owning a chain of stores
(A) A cooking course will be offered. (B) Writing a magazine column
(B) A line of cookware will be launched. (C) Founding a cooking school
(C) A cafe will open. (D) Hosting a television show
(D) A documentary will be filmed.
55 What does the woman recommend?
(A) Requesting an interview
(B) Registering soon
(C) Subscribing to a newsletter
(D) Asking about cancellations
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Hi, 56 I'm from the machine-repair department. I got a call about a problem with one of the sewing
(W-Br) Yes - the machine at the station over there stopped working - the foot pedal broke.57 Do you know how
long it'll take to fix that?
(M-Cn) 58 Let me check the supplies in the storeroom - if we have the right part, it won't take long. But if I have to
order a part, it could be a couple of days.
56 Where does the conversation most likely take 57 What does the woman want to know?
place? (A) How much a project will cost
(A) At a factory (B) What part is needed
(B) At a home improvement store (C) Why a problem occurred
(C) At a construction site (D) When a repair will be completed
(D) At a bus station
58 What will the man probably do next?
(A) Inform his supervisor
(B) Review an order form
(C) Check the inventory
(D) Schedule a technician
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Wasn't that surprising news about the budget? 59 We actually have money left over this year.
(W-Am) Yes, but if we don't spend the money, we lose it. 60 That's why Ms. Han has asked everyone to come up
with some ideas for special projects - things that can be done before the end of the year.
(M-Au) But projects take time to plan and there's only a month left. 61 What if we just buy new videoconferencing
equipment instead? It would be really useful for all those conference calls with colleagues in branch offices.
59 What are the speakers mainly discussing? 60 What has Ms. Han asked employees to do?
(A) A budget surplus (A) Sign up for training
(B) A news report (B) Update their calendars
(C) A conference agenda (C) Review some invoices
(D) A software upgrade (D) Recommend projects
61 What does the man suggest?
(A) Purchasing equipment
(B) Consulting colleagues
(C) Holding monthly meetings
(D) Reducing spending
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Good evening, I'm calling from the Mountain View City Council office. 62We're surveying local residents
to get their opinions about the recent proposal to expand highway 1. Would you be willing to answer a few
(W-Br) I'm sorry, I'm just leaving to go out. 63But I've been reading the articles in the newspaper - the ones about
all the plans to improve our local roads, and I'd very much like to respond to the survey. Could you call back at
another time?
(M-Au) 64If it would be more convenient, you can take the survey online. All you have to do is go to the city
council's Web site and click on the button that says "Roadway survey." It'll only take you about five minutes to fill
out the form.
62 What is the purpose of the telephone call? 63 What does the woman say she has done?
(A) To describe a service (A) Used public transportation
(B) To publicize an event (B) Organized a neighborhood group
(C) To conduct a survey (C) Followed news reports
(D) To request a proposal (D) Contacted city officials
64 What does the man suggest the woman do?
(A) Write a newspaper article
(B) Complete a form online
(C) Speak with an expert
(D) Order a free sample
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Hello, this is Gina Masterson, the director of the Churchill Theater. 65I loved your audition and would like
to offer you a role in our upcoming play, Town and Country. Rehearsals begin next Wednesday.
(M-Cn) That's great, but I didn't realize rehearsals would be starting so soon. 66I'm already performing in another
theater production, so I won't be available until the end of next week.
(W-Br) Well, we can work without you for the first few days, but I do need your measurements so I can give them
to our costume designer. That usually happens on the first day of rehearsals.
(M-Cn) That's not a problem.67I can stop by earlier in the day and meet with the costume designer then.
65 Who most likely is the man? 66 What problem does the man mention?
(A) An actor (A) He cannot find some papers.
(B) A set designer (B) He has a conflicting work obligation.
(C) A producer (C) Some promotional materials are not ready.
(D) A tailor (D) An audition has been postponed.
67 What does the man offer to do next Wednesday?
(A) Introduce a speaker
(B) Pick up a script
(C) Take some pictures
(D) Meet with a designer
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Dr. Adams, this is Justin McBride from the Foundation for Health Research. I'm pleased to tell you 68that
your article about the benefits of a low-fat diet has been accepted for our journal.
(W-Am) That's wonderful news. 69
I actually just presented my research at a symposium and it was well received.
When will the article be published?
(M-Cn) Well, 70 we've made some editorial suggestions, so revisions will have to be made first. Once you've done
that, we can let you know the exact date the article will appear in the journal.
68 What is the man calling to tell the woman? 69 What has the woman recently done?
(A) Her article lias been accepted for publication. (A) Expanded her laboratory
(B) She has been selected to receive a grant. (B) Interviewed for a job
(C) Research assistants have been hired. (C) Presented her research
(D) A deadline has been extended. (D) Organized a conference
70 What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) Check some data
(B) Sign a contract
(C) Submit letters of reference
(D) Revise a submission
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following telephone message
(W-Br) Hello, this is Diana Gorman calling about the advertisement that you placed in the Cliffdale newspaper for
a used bicycle. 71 I've been looking for a bike for a while now, and the one you described in your ad seems perfect.
I have some questions about it, though,72 so please call me back at 555-0116. 73 I'm going on holiday on Friday and
won't be back for two weeks, so if you could call me before then, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
71 What does the speaker want to buy? 72 What does the speaker request?
(A) A newspaper subscription (A) A return call
(B) A bicycle (B) A discount
(C) A tool kit (C) An application
(D) An airline ticket (D) A price list
73 What is the speaker doing on Friday?
(A) Starting a new job
(B) Attending a conference
(C) Moving to another town
(D) Leaving for vacation
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following announcement.
(M-Au) 74Attention, all employees on the engine assembly line. 75The maintenance team has found oil leaking
under a conveyor belt, so we'll have to shut down production until the leak can be fixed. We don't expect the
repairs to take long, so ... since your lunch break starts in about 15 minutes, we're just going to extend lunchtime
today from the usual half hour to 45 minutes. 76Enjoy the extra time, and we'll see you back at your workstations at
one o'clock.
74 Who most likely are the listeners? 75 What is the problem?
(A) Railroad engineers (A) A meal is not ready.
(B) Cafeteria employees (B) An engine will not start.
(C) Safety inspectors (C) Some oil is leaking.
(D) Assembly line workers (D) Some trains are late.
76 What will probably happen at one o'clock?
(A) Machinery will be inspected.
(B) Production will resume.
(C) A shipment will arrive.
(D) A lunch break will begin.
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following telephone message.
(W-Am) Hello.77 I'm calling from the Pine Hill Medical Clinic about your appointment with Dr. Smith on August
fourth at ten A M.78I want to remind you that our office has recently relocated. We re now in the new medical
professional building at the corner of Cooper Avenue and Main Street.79 Will you please call us back at 555-0145
to confirm that you'll keep your appointment? Thank you.
77 Where is the speaker calling from? 78 According to the speaker, what has recently
(A) A medical clinic changed?
(B) An office supply store (A) The hours of operation
(C) A real estate agency (B) The availability of a product
(D) A moving company (C) The cost of a service
(D) The location of an office
79 Why should the listener return the call?
(A) To confirm an appointment
(B) To change an order
(C) To discuss a prescription
(D) To talk about a payment
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following advertisement.
(M-Cn) 80Looking for fresh and inventive cooking?
Come to Adrian's! Located on the top floor of the Metford Building,81 Adrian's offers breathtaking views of the
entire city. Along with the stunning view,80 we feature many authentic Italian dishes you won't find anywhere else.
Best of all, our carefully prepared entrees are surprisingly affordable. In fact, for five years in a row, 82we've been
on The Daily Times' list of "Best Bargain Restaurants." So come to Adrian's today for an unforgettable dining
80 What kind of business is being advertised? 81 What is mentioned about the business's location?
(A) An outdoor market (A) It is near public transportation.
(B) An art gallery (B) It overlooks the city.
(C) A restaurant (C) It is next to a park.
(D) A hotel (D) It is in a new building.
82 What has the business been recognized for in a
local newspaper?
(A) Its affordable prices
(B) Its innovative services
(C) Its interior decor
(D) Its knowledgeable staff
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following telephone message.
(W-Br) Hello, this message is for George Woo at Riverdale Publishing. This is Helen Sanders.83 We met last month
at the Southwest Literary Conference, and I told you about a book I was writing — Travels by Land. I’ve 84 just
completed the first draft, and I'm going to go ahead and e-mail you a copy, as you suggested. 85 I'm very excited
about the possibility of working with you since you've edited so many books by other travel writers that I admire. I
hope you find the manuscript promising, and I look forward to hearing from you
83 Where did the speaker meet George Woo? 84 What does the speaker say she will do?
(A) On a sightseeing trip (A) Prepare a talk
(B) In a writing workshop (B) Send a manuscript
(C) In a bookstore (C) Update a resume
(D) At a conference (D) Visit an office
85 Why does the speaker want to work with George
(A) He has worked on similar types of books.
(B) He is a best-selling author.
(C) He has traveled widely.
(D) He was recommended by a colleague.
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following radio broadcast.
(W-Am) You're listening to KLX, your favorite folk music station. Next up, 86you'll hear an exclusive interview
with songwriter and singer Robert Vega. I'm particularly pleased to have Robert on the show as 87we've been
friends ever since we met in a music class at Coast University. Robert will be talking about his new album, Total
Vega, which was recorded live at the famous Willingboro Festival. When we come back from the break, 88we'll let
you know how you can win a pair of tickets to his upcoming concert at Midland Arena — so, stay tuned.
86 Who is Robert Vega? 87 Where did the speaker first meet Robert Vega?
(A) A program host (A) In a store
(B) A stage manager (B) In a class
(C) A musician (C) At a friend's home
(D) A teacher (D) At a festival
88 What will listeners have a chance to win?
(A) Music lessons
(B) An autographed poster
(C) A backstage tour
(D) Concert tickets
Questions 89 through 91 refer t< the following excerpt from a meeting
(M-Cn) 90 I want to remind you to tell patrons about a new service we're offering on the library's Web site.
Patrons can now access the library's catalog and their accounts online, so they can put titles on hold, search other

libraries for an interlibrary loan, and review checkouts — all from their home computers. 91 We've had magnets
made that have our Web site printed on them. Please offer them to people as they check out at the circulation desk.
89 Where does the speaker probably work? 90 What change does the speaker announce?
(A) At a car rental agency (A) A new wing has opened.
(B) At a fitness center (B) Online services have been added.
(C) At a library (C) Hours have been extended.
(D) At a bank (D) Fees have increased.
91 What are listeners asked to distribute?
(A) Magnets
(B) Calendars
(C) Flyers
(D) Business cards
Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following announcement.
(W-Br) Attention, Pacific Trends shoppers. We'd like to invite you to visit our newly remodeled third floor display
area.93 After several months of renovations, we've transformed the entire floor into a bright,92 open space to
showcase our large selection of living room furniture. The additional space has allowed us to display even more
creative room layouts and design ideas. We also now offer complimentary in-store design consultation services.
Speak with a member of our talented design staff today to find the perfect fabric for your sofa or choose the best

lighting and accessories to decorate your room. So be sure to come and take a look!
92 What most likely is Pacific Trends? 93 What change has taken place at Pacific Trends?
(A) A furniture store (A) A parking area has been expanded.
(B) An apartment complex (B) Prices have been significantly reduced.
(C) A real estate agency (C) A new manager has been hired.
(D) A graphic design firm (D) A display area has been renovated.
94 Why should listeners talk to a staff member?
(A) To arrange a visit to a model home
(B) To get decorating advice
(C) To request a catalog
(D) To sign up for a product demonstration
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.
(M-Au) It's time to start planning the fall travel section that we publish every September. And, 95this year, we've
decided to have the summer interns write most of it. It's a good long-term project for them, and it will solve our
biggest problem from last summer. That was the first time that we'd used interns to work on news articles for the
weekday editions — which seemed like a good idea, but I'm sure you all remember how time-consuming it was
giving the interns daily feedback on their articles. And, unfortunately, 96some of us missed important deadlines for
our own pieces. So, this summer, everyone will have mentoring assignments just once a week, rather than daily.
Please take a look at your calendars and then e-mail me the days when you're free to mentor someone.

95 What is mainly being discussed? 96 According to the speaker, what was the problem
(A) A required training course last summer?
(B) A competing publication (A) Deadlines were missed.
(C) Corporate travel policies (B) Articles were inaccurate.
(D) An internship program (C) Projects went over budget.
(D) Feedback was not given.
97 What does the speaker want listeners to do?
(A) Submit expense reports
(B) Suggest new article topics
(C) Provide their availability
(D) Review applications
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following talk.
(M-Cn) Welcome to Sunlight House. My name is Stephen, and I'll be leading you on this afternoon's tour.
Despite its name, Sunlight House was designed by Edgar Thompson not as a residential home but as the office for

his architectural business. It was here that he worked on many of the industrial buildings that he's so well-known
for today. You'll see when you enter the building that it's simply one large room with cleverly designed modular
work spaces for Thompson and each of his associates. 99That type of floor plan is quite common today, but it was
revolutionary for Thompson's time. As we walk around, feel free to take photographs, but please 100 do not handle
or lean against anything, as many of the items on display have become fragile with age.
98 What will listeners take a tour of? 99 According to the speaker, what is unusual about
(A) A writer's study the room?
(B) An artist's studio (A) It was once part of a factory.
(C) An architect's office (B) It was not a typical design for its time.
(D) An inventor's workshop (C) All the light comes in through the ceiling.
(D) The construction materials were purchased
100 What does the speaker ask listeners to avoid
(A) Taking photographs
(B) Speaking loudly
(C) Touching the furnishings
(D) Eating on the premises
1 (W-Br) 2 (M-Au)
(A) He's filing some folders. (A) A horse is resting by a tree.
(B) He's holding a cardboard box (B) A horse is entering a barn.
(C) He's stacking some magazines. (C) There's a car in the driveway.
(D) He's turning on a television. (D) There's a fence near a building.
3 (M-Cn) 4 (W-Am)
(A) They're reading some newspapers. (A) Some men are looking at menus.
(B) They're moving some furniture. (B) Some men are preparing a meal.
(C) They're facing each other. (C) A waiter is writing down an order.
(D) They're opening their briefcases. (D) A waiter is carrying some glasses.
5 (W-Br) 6 (W-Am)
(A) A woman is pushing a shopping cart. (A) An audience has filled a movie theater.
(B) Customers are approaching a cash register. (B) Spectators are attending a sporting event.
(C) A man is paying for a purchase. (C) Vendors are climbing some stairs.
(D) A man is selecting an item from a display. (D) The players are leaving the field.
7 (M-Au) 8 (W-Br)
(A) An instrument case is lying on the floor. (A) People have gathered by a fountain.
(B) A bookcase is between two benches. (B) People are strolling through an outdoor
(C) Some shoes are being placed into boxes. market.
(D) A rug is laid out in front of a window. (C) Some sacks are being unloaded from a truck.
(D) Workers are hanging out laundry to dry.
9 (M-Au) 10 (M-Cn)
(A) A shelving unit is being installed. (A) Scaffolding has been erected next to an
(B) A woman is bending down to read a label. exterior wall.
(C) A stack of cups is covered in plastic (B) A worker is burying pipes in the ground.
packaging. (C) Steps have been constructed from stone
(D) A woman is serving beverages in cups. blocks.
(D) Cement is being poured at a construction site.
11 (W-Am) What time is it? 12 (M-Au) How was your stay at the hotel?
(W-Br) (A) Just a few minutes. (W-Am) (A) I'm sorry, I can't.
(B) Almost five o'clock. (B) Near Fourth Avenue.
(C) Yes, it is. (C) I enjoyed it.
13 (W-Br) Do you want me to schedule the press 14 (M-Cn) When should I have this paperwork
conference for Thursday, or for Friday? ready? (W-Am) (A) As soon as possible.
(M-Au) (A) A television reporter. (B) At the print shop.
(B) I'd prefer Thursday. (C) A billing form.
(C) The latest press release.
15 (W-Br) Where was Mr. Wagner yesterday? 16 (W-Am) Michael, is this your coat?
(M-Cn) (A) The whole department. (M-Au) (A) Because it's cold outside.
(B) No, that’s tomorrow. (B) No, mine's brown.
(C) With a client. (C) A different postal code.
17 (W-Am) Who can l ask to revise our orientation 18 (M-Au) You manage this apartment complex,
materials? don’t you?
(M-Cn) (A) l just realized that. (W-Br) (A) Yes, I have for twelve years.
(B) An earlier version. (B) It's apartment 16.
(C) Yoko has the time. (C) It wasn't that complicated.
19 (W-Am) Why did you get a new mobile phone? 20 (M-Au) Does Samir work in accounting or
(W-Br) (A) In my briefcase. customer service?
(B) I lost my old one. (M-Cn) (A) That's the right account number.
(C) Next September. (B) How can I help you?
(C) He's a supervisor in customer service.
21 (M-Au) Would you like to share a taxi to the train 22 (M-Cn) What color should I paint the living room
station? walls?
(W-Br) (A) Actually, I was planning to drive. (M-Au) (A) Yes, you should.
(B) I've already been trained. (B) He's nearly finished.
(C) Every twenty minutes. (C) Yellow would look nice.
23 (W-Br) When is the Morrison Bridge going to be 24 (M-Au) Why's the shopping center so busy?
repaired? (W-Am) (A) I have to buy food for dinner.
(M-Cn) (A) A pair of them. (B) A new store opened there last week.
(B) He was stuck in traffic. (C) A business proposal.
(C) Sometime next spring.
25 (W-Br) My flight to Chicago's been delayed for 26 (M-Cn) Shouldn't we distribute these brochures?
six (W-Am) (A) Black and white's fine.
hours. (B) Not until more people get here.
(M-Cn) (A) Have you tried to get a different (C) Martin designed them
(B) Unless he's waiting at the airport.
(C) Sure, I'll put it on display.
27 (W-Am) Who's going to do the presentation with 28 (M-Cn) Why don't you call Ms. Garcia this
you? morning?
(M-Au) (A) I'm doing it by myself. (W-Br) (A) I don't think I have her number.
(B) It was a good presentation. (B) Because she asked for one.
(C) Baolin also received one. (C) I can answer the phone.
29 (M-Cn) Let's order a bigger sign for the front 30 (W-Br) The cafe's out of sandwiches.
door. (M-Cn) (A) An extra slice of cheese.
(W-Am) (A) What size should we get? (B) They open at nine.
(B) No, in the bottom drawer. (C) Try the soup instead.
(C) You can sign it later.
31 (M-Au) Who’s in charge of stocking the supply 32 (W-Am) Are they putting an addition on the
closet? library?
(W-Br) (A) Oh, we take turns. (M-Cn) (A) She's the head librarian.
(B) Don't forget to close it. (B) No. but they are remodeling.
(C) Some office supplies. (C) Seven more years.
33 (M-Au) What's on the agenda for the staff 34 (W-Am) Hasn't Marcus found a location for the
meeting? photo shoot?
(W-Br) (A) Next to the lobby. (M-Au) (A) It's for an advertisement.
(B) Attendance was good. (B) Hang them up there.
(C) It hasn't been finalized. (C) He's still looking.
35 (M-Cn) The new copier's been delivered. 36 (M-Au) There's only one entrance to this building,
(W-Br) (A) I'll order it this morning. right?
(B) Is it ready to use? (W-Am) (A) He's standing right over there.
(C) I'd like some, too. (B) No, there's a side door too.
(C) By showing your identification badge.
37 (W-Br) Where will the training session be held? 38 (W-Am) The contract negotiations took longer
(W-Am) (A) I'll check the e-mail Erika sent us. than I expected.
(B) Safety procedures. (M-Cn) (A) Yes. I was surprised by that.
(C) Because of a schedule change. (B) It's a little more than ten kilometers.
(C) Are you expecting him?
39 (M-Cn) How do I renew my membership? 40 (W-Br) Could you give me feedback on my
(M-Au) (A) A teachers association. research proposal?
(B) There's a form online. (M-Au) (A) Improvements in medical technology.
(C) No, it's not new. (B) I didn't think it was.
(C) If you don't need it immediately, I can.
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Good evening. 41 I see that your restaurant's pretty busy right now - do you have any available tables?
(M-Cn) We are busy, but we do have some free tables, so you won't have to wait.
(W-Br) Marvelous. There is one thing though - I'm in
a bit of a hurry. 42I have tickets to see a play in an hour at the theater next door. Do you think that I'll be done in
(M-Cn) Our servers are used to having diners who are going to shows next door. 43 I'll let your waiter know that
you're in a rush.
41 Where are the speakers? 42 Why is the woman in a hurry?
(A) At a movie theater (A) She has to go back to work.
(B) At a furniture store (B) She has to catch a bus.
(C) At a restaurant (C) She is meeting a friend shortly.
(D) At an outdoor concert (D) She is going to see a show.
43 What does the man say he will do?
(A) Give the woman a discount
(B) Write up an order
(C) Speak with another employee
(D) Exchange a ticket
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Hi, I've been working in one of the library's study rooms this afternoon. I left to find a book, and when I
came back, the door was locked. 44 My laptop is still inside, so could you please unlock the room for me?
(W-Am) Oh, 45 the doors lock automatically when you close them. What was the room number?
(M-Au) I forget the number, but it's the room immediately to the left of the elevator.
(W-Am) OK, that's room 315. We keep a set of keys here at the desk. Let me find the one for 315. 46
I'll open that
door for you, so you can get your computer.
44 What did the man leave in the study room? 45 What information does the woman ask for?
(A) A computer (A) The man’s name
(B) A set of keys (B) The value of an item
(C) A book (C) The number of a room
(D) A wallet (D) The title of a book
46 What will the woman probably do next?
(A) Contact security
(B) Unlock a door
(C) File a report
(D) Check a database
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Excuse me, 47I have a ticket for the five o'clock train to Baltimore. But I just got out of work, and since it's
only 3:30 I was hoping I could get on an earlier train. Is that possible?
(W-Br) Yes, 48there's an express train that leaves at four o'clock, but it costs $45 more. Would you like to change
your ticket?
(M-Au) That's more than I wanted to pay — 49I'll just wait until five. I have some work I can finish up in the
47 Why does the man want to change his ticket? 48 What does the woman say about the four o'clock
(A) He needs time to make a phone call. train?
(B) His destination has changed. (A) It has been delayed.
(C) He arrived at the station early. (B) It costs more.
(D) He wants to upgrade his seat. (C) It is fully booked.
(D) It will not stop in Baltimore.
49 When will the man probably catch his train?
(A) At 3:00 P.M.
(B) At 3:30 P.M.
(C) At 4:30 P.M.
(D) At 5:00 P.M.
Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Peter, could you tell me what you covered during this morning's staff meeting? I'm sorry I couldn't make
it - 50I had a meeting with a client at the same time.
(M-Au) No problem. 51 The most important item on the agenda was the new project-management software. I'm
going to set up a separate training session for each department.
(W-Am) Oh, really? When are you doing the training for the marketing staff? I want to make sure I'm there.
(M-Au) On Monday afternoon. But before that, 52I'll be sending attendees a brochure that describes the new
software. I'd like everyone to take a few minutes to read the information before the training session.
50 Why did the woman miss the staff meeting? 51 What is the man scheduling?
(A) She was stuck in traffic. (A) Telephone-marketing workshops
(B) She was with a client. (B) New-employee orientations
(C) She was finishing a project. (C) Department budget discussions
(D) She had a doctor's appointment. (D) Software-training sessions
52 What will the man send to attendees?
(A) A product brochure
(B) A meeting agenda
(C) An employee handbook
(D) A travel itinerary
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Hi, 53I saw on a television commercial that your art-supply store offers classes. What kinds of courses do
you have?
(W-Am) Right now we're offering a variety of classes in drawing, painting, and sculpture. Would any of those
interest you?
(M-Cn) |'d like to try sculpture. 54 But I've never studied any type of art before, so I'd be looking for an
introductory-level class.
(W-Am) Well, our Sculpting for Beginners class is starting tomorrow evening at seven o'clock. If you'd like,
I can tell you what supplies you'll need. 55 It's a good idea to buy everything in advance so you have it for the first
53 Where does the woman work? 54 What is important to the man about the class?
(A) At an art-supply store (A) It should take place in the evening.
(B) At a university (B) It should be taught at a beginner level.
(C) At a photography studio (C) It should be taught by a particular instructor.
(D) At a community center (D) It should have a reasonable price.
55 What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) Purchase materials
(B) Meet with an instructor
(C) Submit a portfolio
(D) Fill out a registration form
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Do you know why it's so noisy today? 56 I've been trying to prepare a presentation for this afternoon's
board meeting, but I'm having trouble concentrating.
(W-Br) 57 There's a construction crew doing renovations on the second floor. They're combining two empty offices
to create an employee break room. Unfortunately, the hammering will probably be going on for a while.
(M-Au) Well, it'll be good to finally have a break room, but I hope I can get my presentation done on time. I don't
want to be unprepared in front of the board of directors.
(W-Br) 58 If it'll help, I have a pair of headphones that you're welcome to borrow. Maybe that will eliminate some
of the noise.
56 What is the man working on? 57 Why is it noisy in the building?
(A) A board presentation (A) Some furniture is being moved.
(B) A building plan (B) A cleaning crew is working.
(C) A purchase order (C) A space is under construction.
(D) A financial report (D) A large group of clients is visiting.
58 What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Speak with the maintenance staff
(B) Help the man revise a handout
(C) Postpone a meeting
(D) Lend the man some equipment
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Hello, my name is Jane Woodruff and I'm an event coordinator for Eastern Tour Agency. 59 I'm interested
in bringing a tour group of about 50 people to your farm. Would you be able to accommodate a group of that size?
(M-Cn) Of course. In fact, 60for groups of over 25 people, you can choose a hands-on demonstration for your group
to participate in. We offer cheese making, candle dipping, or your group can learn how to spin yarn. Just let us
know in advance which you'd prefer.
(W-Br) That sounds wonderful.61 I'll check with the group taking the tour to find out which they'd like to do.
59 What does the woman ask about the farm? 60 What does the man offer the woman?
(A) How much a ticket costs (A) A choice of activities
(B) Whether it accepts large groups (B) An alternate date
(C) When its guided tours begin (C) A group discount
(D) Where it is located (D) A preferred parking location
61 What does the woman say she must do before she
calls back?
(A) Consult the tour participants
(B) Get approval for expenses
(C) Arrange transportation
(D) Check some references
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following
(W-Am) Mr. Logan, 62this is Clara Jackson calling from Moreland Insurance. We saw your resume on an
employment Web site and wanted to speak with you about a position that's opened up at our company. We're
looking for someone with an insurance background to head our customer service department.
(M-Cn) That sounds interesting, 63 but I'm about to leave on a business trip. Could I call you back once I get to the
airport? I'll have some time before my flight, and I'd really like to learn more about the position.
(W-Am) I'll be in a seminar later, so why don't you call me when you return from your trip? In the meantime, 64I'm
going to e-mail you more details about the job. I think once you've had a chance to review them, you'll find that
this position is a great opportunity for someone with your experience.
62 Where does the woman work? 63 Why does the man want to call the woman back?
(A) At an employment agency (A) He is late for a seminar.
(B) At an insurance company (B) He is at a client's office.
(C) At an Internet service provider (C) He is expecting another phone call.
(D) At a department store (D) He is on his way to the airport.
64 What does the woman want the man to review?
(A) An annual report
(B) An applicant's resume
(C) A job description
(D) An employment contract
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Sally, 65I just finished preparing the catering order for the Kingsley Company. Could you help me load the
food into the delivery van?
(W-Br) You haven't heard? 66One of the vans broke down this morning, and Julia took the other one to make a
delivery to the film festival in Brighton. She just left five minutes ago.
(M-Cn) That's not very long ago. 67 I'm going to call her and ask her to come back for this order. The
food has to be there in an hour, and the Kingsley Company's right on her way to Brighton.
65 Where most likely do the speakers work? 66 What is the problem?
(A) At a mail-delivery service (A) No vehicles are available.
(B) At a moving company (B) A delivery was canceled.
(C) At a catering business (C) Some supplies are missing.
(D) At a car rental agency (D) An employee is late for work.
67 What will the man probably do next?
(A) Visit a customer
(B) Call a coworker
(C) Unload a shipment
(D) Repair a van
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Hello, 68this is Cindy Kato from Northern Builders. 69Your magazine printed an article about our company
in the June issue, and I'm calling to let you know there's a mistake in it.
(M-Au) I'm sorry to hear that, Ms. Kato. We work really hard to get all of our facts right, but occasionally,
mistakes do get through. Could you tell me exactly what the problem is?
(W-Am) Yes. The article said that our firm recently built the sports stadium in Greensville - which is correct - but
it was accompanied by a photograph of a different stadium.
(M-Au) I apologize - I'm sure there was a mix-up at layout.70 I'll find the right picture, so that the magazine can
publish a correction.
68 What type of business is the woman calling from? 69 What problem is the woman calling about?
(A) A construction company (A) An invoice showed the wrong amount.
(B) A sporting-goods manufacturer (B) A printer did not produce enough copies.
(C) An advertising firm (C) A magazine was sent to the wrong address.
(D) A printing shop (D) An article contained an error.
70 What does the man say he will do?
(A) Approve a refund
(B) Arrange an interview
(C) Find a photograph
(D) Expedite a delivery
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following recorded message.
(W-Br) Hello, and 71 thank you for calling Palko Incorporated, the leading delivery service in the Franklin
area.72Last night's heavy rains have caused poor road conditions, so our offices are closed this morning. We will
not be able to deliver any packages at this time and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We expect
to reopen at one this afternoon, so please 73 call back then if you need to reschedule a delivery or if you have any
71 What type of company is Palko Incorporated? 72 Why is the office closed?
(A) An office-supply business (A) The road conditions are bad.
(B) A bus company (B) It is a public holiday.
(C) A telephone provider (C) Renovations are being completed.
(D) A delivery service (D) Employees are attending a workshop.
73 What does the speaker suggest?
(A) Leaving a message
(B) Checking a Web site
(C) Calling back later
(D) Completing a survey
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following recorded message.
M-Au) 74 I'm Joseph Randall, owner of the area's most popular bicycle shop.75 Randall's has always been famous for
its wide selection of bicycles, offering models for riders of all ages. With so many options, you're sure to find one
you’ll like. And 76I'm pleased to announce that now in addition to selling bikes, we also rent them out. The same
brands we have available for purchase are also available as rentals. So stop by Randall's to buy or rent your bike
74 What is being advertised? 75 According to the speaker, what is Randall's
(A) An auto repair shop known for?
(B) A bicycle store (A) Offering a lifetime warranty
(C) A travel agency (B) Offering on-site training
(D) A party-supply store (C) Having a large selection
(D) Having an experienced staff
76 What has Randall's done recently?
(A) Sponsored a sporting event
(B) Opened a second store
(C) Celebrated an anniversary
(D) Introduced a rental service
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following news report.
(W-Am)77 Last week, the highly anticipated Cabrillo West opened in Palmesa Square. With 200 spacious guest
rooms and an ideal location in the city center, the Cabrillo West is sure to bring more visitors to the area.78 79 The
city's mayor, Anton Jensen, expects the hotel to be quite popular since it's within walking distance of many shops
and restaurants. In fact. Mayor Jensen was the one who pushed the city council to approve the building project, in
the hope that local businesses would benefit from the boost in tourism.
77 According to the news report, what has recently 78 According to the speaker, why will the Cabrillo
opened in Palmesa Square? West be popular with tourists?
(A) A restaurant (A) It has reasonable prices.
(B) A theater (B) It is in a convenient location.
(C) A hotel (C) It has a unique design.
(D) A shopping center (D) It is owned by a celebrity.
79 Who is Anton Jensen?
(A) A company president
(B) A local business owner
(C) A news reporter
(D) A city official
Questions 80 through 82 refer to tfie following announcement.
(M-Cn) Attention Central Museum patrons: it is now 4:45 and 80the museum will be closing in fifteen minutes. We
hope you've enjoyed your visit today and that you’ll be back soon.81 Next month we're starting a new program
specifically for children. Our staff has created special activities using the museum's collection that help children to
explore their creative abilities. Details about the program are available at the information desk. Again, we'll be
closing in fifteen minutes. As you exit, please 82don't forget to pick up your coat and any personal items you may
have checked in the coatroom.
80 When will the museum close? 81 What will begin at the museum next month?
(A) In 10 minutes (A) Self-guided tours
(B) In 15 minutes (B) A lecture series
(C) In 45 minutes (C) A special exhibit
(D) In one hour (D) A children's program
82 What are listeners reminded to do?
(A) Collect personal belongings
(B) Return audio equipment
(C) Use a side exit
(D) Renew their memberships
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following telephone message.
(M-Au) Hi, this is Alex from maintenance. 83I got your call about the light switch in your office that isn't working.
l've left a message asking the electrician to come out and check the problem. I'm not sure whether we can just

replace the switch, or if more extensive wiring work will be needed. 85I'll give you a status update tomorrow after
I've spoken with the electrician, but it may take a couple of days to get the problem taken care of.
83 What is the purpose of the call? 84 Who will the speaker get assistance from?
(A) To give installation instructions (A) A computer technician
(B) To inquire about a product (B) An electrician
(C) To respond to a repair request (C) An office manager
(D) To propose a schedule change (D) A salesperson
85 What does the speaker promise to do tomorrow?
(A) Drop off a part
(B) Pay an invoice
(C) Provide an update
(D) Apply for a permit
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following radio broadcast.
(W-Am) You're listening to Radio 103's weekly events calendar. 86This Saturday, the Hunter City Historical
Society will hold its annual walking tour of historic homes.87 This year's tour will feature six houses in the Garden
District designed by the famous architect, William Robillard. The guided tour will start at ten and take
pproximately four hours, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes! 88The event will be followed by a free presentation
at the historical society by Mr. Robillard's grandson, who will be discussing a recent book that he wrote about his
86 What event is being announced? 87 What is said about William Robillard?
(A) A nature hike (A) He designed some local buildings.
(B) An art exhibit (B) He works at a cultural center.
(C) A book fair (C) He is an expert on the environment.
(D) A walking tour (D) He wrote a guide about Hunter City.
88 What can participants do at the end of the event?
(A) Join an organization
(B) Attend a presentation
(C) Purchase merchandise
(D) Have a book autographed
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following conference announcement.
(W-ESr) Hello everyone. Before we go to lunch, I have an update about this afternoon's agenda. 89, 90 Ellen Miyagi's
one o'clock presentation on Internet security has been moved to accommodate the large number of attendees. The
talk will now take place in the Grand Ballroom. There's been a high level of interest in network security issues
since it's been the subject of many national news reports recently. Ms. Miyagi's talk is very timely in today's
business market, and we hope you'll attend. We'll break for lunch now. 91 Since we're on a tight schedule, please
keep an eye on the time so you're not late for your next session.
89 According to the speaker, what has changed? 90 What is the topic of Ms. Miyagi's talk?
(A) The starting time of a presentation (A) Internet marketing
(B) The topic of a discussion (B) Network security
(C) The cost of registration (C) Web-site design
(D) The location of a session (D) Online journalism
91 What are listeners asked to do?
(A) Register in advance
(B) Wait to ask questions
(C) Make a lunch choice
(D) Return on time
Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following telephone message.
(M-Cn) Hi, Ms. Pinto, 92I'm calling from TGM Apparel regarding the order you placed last week. Your order
included a green striped sweater, 92but unfortunately, we no longer carry that particular item. I've refunded the
charge for the sweater back to your credit card, and 94 to compensate you for the inconvenience, I will mail you a
coupon for $10 toward your next purchase. We hope you'll take another look at our Web site - you might be
interested in one of the other sweaters we carry.
92 What did Ms. Pinto do last week? 93 What problem does the speaker mention?
(A) She placed an order. (A) A Web site is not working.
(B) She opened an account. (B) A shipment was sent to the wrong address.
(C) She requested an estimate. (C) A credit card number is incorrect.
(D) She changed a delivery date. (D) An item is unavailable.
94 What does the speaker say he will send?
(A) A discount coupon
(B) A store catalog
(C) A new credit card
(D) A product sample
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following talk. (W-Am) Good morning and welcome to this orientation
session for new employees. My name's Marilyn Carter, and I'm the head of the human resources group. 95Our first
topic today is the company's payroll process — and I'm sure you're all eager to know how and when you'll be paid.
Paychecks are issued weekly, and 96I'm going to be handing out forms with the information we'll need to get you
set up in the payroll system. Make sure that you write clearly and that all the information is accurate before you
give them back to me. ,97One thing you should be aware of is that it takes about a week to process this paperwork,
so that means there'll be a delay before you receive your first paycheck.
95 What is the speaker explaining? 96 What does the speaker emphasize that listeners
(A) A payroll process should do?
(B) A corporate travel policy (A) Consult a manual
(C) Job responsibilities (B) Complete forms carefully
(D) Interviewing procedures (C) Meet with supervisors weekly
(D) Monitor expenses
97 What are listeners told to expect?
(A) A change in a company policy
(B) An upgrade of some software
(C) A delay in a payment
(D) A revision to a work schedule
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.
(M-Cn) Good afternoon. 98I called this meeting for the entire engineering team to discuss a new product the
company wants us to develop. According to recent market surveys, customers would like to see an underwater
digital camera in our line of products. So, the company wants to produce a camera that can be used in water up to a
hundred feet deep. As you know, our target customer is your average amateur photographer on a budget. 99The
retail price needs to be reasonable without compromising quality.100 I'd like for us all to break into small groups to
start brainstorming designs. Later on, we'll reconvene as a team to go over our various ideas.
98 Who most likely are the listeners? 99 What are listeners told to keep in mind?
(A) Product engineers (A) The availability of materials
(B) Software designers (B) Production deadlines
(C) Factory supervisors (C) The price of a product
(D) Marketing executives (D) Safety regulations
100 What is the listeners' next task?
(A) To research competing products
(B) To propose design ideas
(C) To take some photographs
(D) To ask customers for feedback
1 (M-Am) 2 (W-Am)
(A) They're lifting a desk. (A) Some planes are on the ground.
(B) They're opening a package. (B) A plane is taking off from a runway.
(C) They're carrying a box. (C) Some trucks are at an intersection.
(D) They're walking outside. (D) A truck is coming out of a garage.
3 (M-Au) 4 (M-Cn)
(A) The man is standing next to a bench. (A) A woman is shaking hands with a man.
(B) Flowers are being arranged in pots. (B) A woman is holding some sheets of paper.
(C) Some people are walking through a doorway. (C) A woman is taking notes on a board.
(D) The man is handing the woman a camera. (D) A woman is passing a briefcase to a man.
5 (W-Br) 6 (M-Au)
(A) He’s putting away some tools. (A) Some people are riding bikes on a brick road.
(B) He's trying on a pair of shoes. (B) Some bikes are leaning against a wall.
(C) He's adjusting his eyeglasses. (C) Some bikes are parked in a long row.
(D) He's repairing a shoe. (D) Some people are looking at bikes in a shop.
7 (W-Am) 8 (W-Br)
(A) A table has been set with dishes. (A) Some people are entering an auditorium.
(B) The shelves of a bookcase are empty. (B) Some people are seated in a circle.
(C) Some pictures have been placed on the floor. (C) A man is distributing some books.
(D) A couch has been pushed to one side of the (D) A man is addressing a small group of people.
9 (M-Cn) 10 (W-Am)
(A) Streetlamps are being installed in a parking (A) Recording equipment is being moved onto a
area. stage.
(B) Cars are being driven across a bridge. (B) Some women are practicing their instruments.
(C) People have gathered near a building. (C) Chairs are being arranged in a classroom.
(D) A bridge has been closed for construction (D) One of the musicians is turning a page.
11 11. (M-Cn) When do you start work in the 12 (W-Br) Who is Mr. Park meeting at the airport?
morning? (M-Au) (A) Inside the terminal.
(W-Am) (A) Yes, I do. (B) They called a taxi.
(B) At eight o'clock. (C) A new client.
(C) She just started.
13 (M-Cn) How much do the theater tickets cost? 14 (W-Am) Which of these notebooks is yours?
(W-Br) (A) Only sixteen dollars. (M-Au) (A) At the library.
(B) I'm sure they're not lost. (B) The black one's mine.
(C) There's a concert at the theater. (C) Thanks, it is.
15 (W-Br) Why has the train been delayed? 16 (M-Au) Where's the nearest supermarket?
(M-Cn) (A) For about two hours. (W-Am) (A) He asked about marketing.
(B) Lay it over there. (B) Just down the street.
(C) They're repairing the tracks. (C) No, there isn't.
17 (W-Br) Do you have this shirt in a different size? 18 (M-Cn) Excuse me, can you tell me what time it
(W-Am) (A) Yes, we also have it in medium. is?
(B) Sure, she can go. (M-Au) (A) It’s a digital clock.
(C) No, for an exercise class. (B) Do one at a time.
(C) A little past noon.
19 (W-Am) I'm looking for the personnel files. 20 (M-Au) When will the furniture for the lobby be
(M-Cn) (A) They're in the top drawer. delivered?
(B) I saw him arrive earlier. (W-Am) (A) At the service desk.
(C) I don't think so, personally. (B) Some blue chairs.
(C) Probably tomorrow.
21 (M-Cn) Does Ken work in the accounting or sales 22 (W-Am) You've operated this equipment before,
department? haven't you?
(W-Br) (A) My e-mail account still works. (M-Cn) (A) Yes, many times.
(B) I think he's in sales. (B) In the training manual.
(C) He preferred the first apartment. (C) No, the factory.
23 (W-Br) Who's been selected to lead the design 24 (M-Au) Can I get you anything from the supply
team? room? (M-Cn) (A) They've been our supplier for a
(M-Au) (A) Sign here, please. while.
(B) Will he read it? (B) Some pencils would be nice.
(C) Ms. Lee was chosen. (C) She hasn't changed rooms.
25 (M-Au) Where will you be working for the rest of 26 (W-Br) Can we review the budget now, or should
the day? we wait till later?
(W-Am) (A) After I go home. (M-Cn) (A) Let's find out when Sally can join us.
(B) At the district office. (B) Yes, that's all they've got.
(C) It's a tight deadline. (C) It weighs about ten kilos.
27 (M-Cn) When will the tour begin? 28 (M-Au) How did you find out about that movie?
(W-Am) (A) A history museum. (W-Br) (A) To the cinema.
(B) He's a tour guide. (B) We have a good view.
(C) In about fifteen minutes. (C) Marco mentioned it.
29 (M-Cn) Do you need help setting up the dining 30 (W-Am) The workshop's been canceled, hasn't it?
room for the banquet? (M-Cn) (A) It's about managing your time.
(M-Au) (A) She went to the bank. (B) No, it's just been postponed.
(B) Everything's ready, thanks. (C) It was a very nice shop.
(C) It's sitting on the table.
31 (M-Au) How did you find out about that movie? 32 (W-Am) Would you please fill out an application?
(W-Br) (A) To the cinema. (M-Au) (A) Actually, I already have.
(B) We have a good view. (B) A job opening in the city.
(C) Marco mentioned it. (C) No, mine's still full.
33 (W-Br) Do you think there'll be a company picnic 34 (M-Au) Why does Mr. Tang look so worried?
this year? (W-Br) (A) Yes, so he told me.
(W-Am) (A) Maybe they'll be there. (B) OK, I'll look it up.
(B) For the last ten years. (C) He left his briefcase on the plane.
(C) Yes, they’ve asked me to organize it.
35 (M-Cn) You have a call from Ms. Kazmi on line 36 (W-Am) What else is required to complete the
two. loan agreement?
(W-Br) (A) Oh good, I've been trying to reach her. (M-Cn) (A) I was just about to.
(B) Have you checked our Web site? (B) Why'd he go alone?
(C) At least we don't have to wait to get (C) We don't need anything else.
37 (W-Br) Are you going to write up the research 38 (M-Au) Hasn't George commented on our
results, or would you like me to do it? proposal
(W-Am) (A) No, I'm not wrong. yet?
(B) I don't mind doing it. (W-Br) (A) He said he'd look at it today.
(C) I'd like to reserve one. (B) Not at this intersection.
(C) What a nice compliment!
39 (W-Am) How well do you know the new head 40 (M-Au) My company is looking for land to build
manager? another factory.
(M-Cn) (A) He's ahead of schedule. (W-Br) (A) Floor plans for the building.
(B) Yes, the main branch. (B) I can show you some possible sites.
(C) We've worked together for years. (C) They'll be happy to lend us one.
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Hi, Carlos. Do you know where I can catch the bus that goes to Sherwood Avenue? 41 I'm meeting a
friend who lives there after work.
(M-Au) Oh, sure. It's the number twelve bus, and "you can catch it right across from the office, at the corner of
Elm and Hudson. But why aren't you taking your car?
(W-Am) Well, it's a long story, but43 my car's air
conditioner stopped working, so I had to take it in to be fixed. It won't be ready until tomorrow.
41 What is the woman planning to do after work? 42 What information does the man provide?
(A) Buy a new appliance (A) Where to buy a ticket
(B) Attend a business dinner (B) Where to catch a bus
(C) Pick up a car (C) Where to find a taxi
(D) Visit a friend (D) Where to locate an office
43 What problem does the woman mention?
(A) She does not have enough money.
(B) Her car is being repaired.
(C) She is late for a meeting.
(D) There is too much traffic.
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) 44 Hi. I'm looking for party invitations. Do you know where I can find them?
(M-Cn) They're in aisle four, next to the printer paper. We have a large selection — some of them can even be
printed on your computer.
(W-Br) Thanks. 45 I'm organizing an office party to celebrate a coworker's retirement. I wanted to send out an
announcement in the mail rather than just e-mailing everyone.
(M-Cn) You might be interested in our custom design service. 46 I can show you a couple of things we've done.
You wouldn't have to print them yourself, and you'd have a wider range of choices.
44 What is the woman looking for? 45 What is the woman organizing?
(A) Envelopes (A) A birthday party
(B) Invitations (B) A company picnic
(C) Mailing labels (C) An awards dinner
(D) Printer paper (D) A retirement celebration
46 What does the man offer to do?
(A) Recommend some equipment
(B) Look up some information
(C) Show the woman some samples
(D) Mail some packages
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) This is Richard Griffin from Lincoln Press. 47 I'd
like to check the food order I placed with your restaurant for a luncheon here next Monday.
I ordered assorted sandwiches, beverages, and cookies for dessert.
(W-Br) Yes, Mr. Griffin, 48 I have your order right here in front of me. Our restaurant's driver will deliver your
lunch to the lobby of Lincoln Press headquarters by eleven-thirty that morning. And, as you know, the total of 74
dollars will be due at the time of delivery.
(M-Au) Yes, that's fine. 49 I’ll leave the money with the receptionist at the front desk.
47 Why is the man calling? 48 Where does the woman most likely work?
(A) To ask for directions (A) At a restaurant
(B) To reserve a room (B) At a shipping company
(C) To confirm an order (C) At a convention center
(D) To cancel an appointment (D) At a travel agency
49 What will the man leave at the front desk on 50
(A) An invoice for printing services
(B) A payment for some food
(C) An agenda for a meeting
(D) A package of books
Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Excuse me, I'd like to return this sweater. It was a gift, and I don't really like the color. It's from your
store, but 50 I've lost the gift receipt. Is it possible to get a cash refund without one?
(M-Au) No, I'm afraid you need a receipt to get cash back.51I can give you a store credit, though, so you can buy
something else in our store.
(W-Am) Oh, that would be fine. I have some time right now, so 52 let me see if I can find another sweater I like.
50 What has the woman lost? 51 According to the man, what can the woman
(A) A discount coupon receive?
(B) A product code (A) Reduced prices
(C) A credit card (B) Free gift wrapping
(D) A gift receipt (C) A store credit
(D) A product sample
52 What will the woman probably do next?
(A) Check a catalog
(B) Look at some merchandise
(C) Fill out a form
(D) Send a package
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Minjee, 53 something's wrong with my computer — it won't connect to the Internet, and I need to send
some documents to our legal team in Chicago.
(W-Am) Have you tried restarting it? Sometimes that's all it takes.
(M-Cn) Oh, I tried that already, but I still can't get on the Internet. I'm concerned because 54
I promised to e-mail
these documents in time for the meeting with our lawyers at three o'clock.
(W-Am) Well, let me take a look - but in the meantime, 55 why don't you save the files onto a disk and e-mail them
from a different computer?
53 What is the man unable to do? 54 What does the man say he must do?
(A) Print out a report (A) Revise a schedule
(B) Shut down his computer (B) E-mail some documents
(C) Make an appointment (C) Meet with clients
(D) Access the Internet (D) Telephone a colleague
55 What does the woman suggest?
(A) Using another computer
(B) Rescheduling a meeting
(C) Upgrading some equipment
(D) Working on another project
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Hello, my name is Melissa Stein. I'm calling because I'm planning to sell my house. 56 I was referred to
you by a coworker. You helped her sell her house a while ago, and she was very pleased with your agency.
(M-Au) I'd be happy to help you with that, Ms. Stein. Are you ready to put the house on the market immediately?
(W-Br) Well, 57 before I sell the house, I'm considering doing some remodeling that might increase its value. Could
you advise me on what would be the best improvements to make?
(M-Au) Certainly. Why don't we set up a meeting at your property? 58 We can walk through the house, and I can
make a few suggestions.
56 How did the woman learn about the man's 57 What does the woman say she might do before
agency? selling her house?
(A) From a neighbor (A) Inspect some other properties
(B) From a magazine (B) Make some improvements
(C) From a coworker (C) Attend a real-estate seminar
(D) From the Internet (D) Place an advertisement
58 What will the man do when they meet?
(A) Recommend specific changes
(B) Provide a list of references
(C) Take photographs
(D) Sign a contract
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) This traffic is unusually heavy tonight. Let's call Juliana and tell her 59 we'll be a little late getting to the
(W-Br) Oh, we won't be able to reach her. She told me she's having dinner with some of her coworkers before she
meets us at the theater. 60 She always turns her mobile phone off when she goes out to eat.
(M-Cn) That makes sense. 59
I guess we'll just see her at the theater. 61 I'm glad I gave her a ticket yesterday. I'd feel
terrible if she missed the beginning of the performance because we arrived a little late.
59 What are the speakers planning to do? 60 Why are the speakers unable to contact Juliana?
(A) Meet some clients (A) She is rehearsing for a performance.
(B) Shop for phones (B) She has turned off her mobile phone.
(C) Eat at a restaurant (C) She is traveling overseas.
(D) Attend a theater performance (D) She is teaching a seminar.
61 Why is the man relieved?
(A) Their friend already has a ticket.
(B) Ticket prices have not increased.
(C) They found a parking space nearby.
(D) Good seats are still available.
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Good morning. You're listening to Cooking Tips on Radio 102. Today we're pleased to have Chef
Gustavo Moreno here in the studio. 62 He's just written a new cookbook, Simple Dinners by Chef Moreno. Mr.
Moreno, tell us about your new book.
(M-Cn) Thanks for having me on your show. I wrote this book because I want people to understand that good
cooking doesn't have to be complicated. 63 My recipes are exceptionally easy to make.
(W-Am) Now, I understand many of the recipes in the book come from your restaurant, which has been popular for
many years.
(M-Cn) That's right. 64 I own a restaurant in Madrid, and in this book I share the simple recipes that have
contributed to its success.
62 What has Mr. Moreno recently done? 63 What is special about Mr. Moreno's recipes?
(A) Won a cooking competition (A) They are easy to prepare.
(B) Given a cooking demonstration (B) They use healthy ingredients.
(C) Opened a restaurant (C) They are mostly vegetarian.
(D) Written a cookbook (D) They are old family recipes.
64 What does Mr. Moreno say about Madrid?
(A) He was born there.
(B) He usually goes there on vacation.
(C) He has a restaurant there.
(D) He is on a television program there.
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) 65 We're so glad you'll be joining the institute's staff of research scientists, Dr. Spencer. This laboratory on
the right will be yours - here's the key. It's right next to the equipment storage room.
(W-Am) Thank you. Does this key open the storage room, too?
(M-Cn) Actually, 66 I'll have to ask the security office to have a storage room key made for you, but I'll need a copy
of your company identification card to show them. 67 Do you have your card yet?
(W-Am) No, but 67 I have an appointment this afternoon to get one.
65 Where do the speakers most likely work? 66 What will the man ask the security office to give
(A) At a medical-supply store the woman?
(B) At a research institute (A) A storage-room key
(C) At a security firm (B) A parking permit
(D) At a community hospital (C) A tour of the building
(D) A list of safety procedures
67 What does the woman say she will do in the 68
(A) Make copies of a report
(B) Conduct an experiment
(C) Obtain an identification card
(D) Pick up some work supplies
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Ms. Garcia? This is Mr. Hewitt from R & L
Incorporated. We were very impressed by your interview last week, and 68 we'd like to offer you a sales position
with us.
(W-Br) I'm very flattered. But, if you don't mind, 69 I'd like to take a day or two to talk it over with my family, since
taking the job would require us all to relocate.
(M-Au) Of course - that's fine. I know it's a big decision, but I think this is a great place to live. Tomorrow 70 I'll
send you some additional information about our company benefits, including the policies about helping employees
move. And please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
68 Why is the man calling? 69 What does the woman ask for?
(A) To make a job offer (A) A larger office
(B) To request an interview (B) A revised contract
(C) To confirm a deadline (C) More time to make a decision
(D) To describe an apartment (D) Additional staff to complete a project
70 What will the man send the woman?
(A) A map of the city
(B) A list of moving companies
(C) Directions to a facility
(D) Information about benefits
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following recorded message.
(M-Au) 71 You have reached the voice mail of Dr. Robert Lewis.72 I am currently attending a medical conference
and will not return to my office until Monday, March fifteenth.73 My associate, Dr. Satomi Mori, is available to see
patients while I'm away. To schedule an appointment with her, please call 555-2021. Thank you.
71 Where does the speaker most likely work? 72 Why is the speaker currently unavailable?
(A) At a medical office (A) He is meeting with clients.
(B) At a design studio (B) He is on vacation
(C) At a convention center (C) He is at a conference.
(D) At an accounting firm (D) He is not feeling well.
73 What are listeners instructed to do if they need
(A) Leave a detailed message
(B) Contact another professional
(C) Send an e-mail
(D) Check a Web site
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following introduction.
(W-Am) Good morning, Radio 82 listeners. On today's show we'll be joined by 74 Adam Brennan, the lead singer
from the rock music group Thunderbear. This group, based right here in Toronto, gained a worldwide following
after the release of their debut album, Room for Two, last year. And 75 next month the group will begin their first
European tour. Mr. Brennan will be joining us shortly to talk about the upcoming tour. Until then, 76 let's listen to
one of the hit songs from the group's album.
74 Who is Adam Brennan? 75 What will the group Thunderbear do next month?
(A) An album producer (A) Start a tour
(B) A rock musician (B) Release a new album
(C) A concert organizer (C) Move to Toronto
(D) A radio show host (D) Produce a music video
76 What will listeners hear next?
(A) An advertisement
(B) A news report
(C) A schedule of events
(D) A song
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following talk.
(W-Br) Our meeting today is about updating the image of 77 Margate kitchen appliances. Consumers have a lot of
confidence in our stoves and refrigerators, and we've done a great job making Margate a familiar name. But now
senior management has asked us to develop a marketing campaign that emphasizes the modern look of our latest
appliances.78 Next week we'll need to present our plans for the new campaign to the executive team, so today 79 I'd
like all of us to begin coming up with ideas for promoting our contemporary-looking product line.
77 What type of business is Margate? 78 What will happen next week?
(A) An appliance manufacturer (A) An applicant will be interviewed.
(B) A food distributor (B) A new product will be launched.
(C) An interior design firm (C) A plan will be presented.
(D) A real estate agency (D) A catalog will be released.
79 What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?
(A) Redesign a product
(B) Create a customer survey
(C) Review some resumes
(D) Brainstorm marketing ideas
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following announcement.
(M-Au) May I have your attention, please? There has been a room change for one of 80 this afternoon's management
training sessions. 81 More people registered for the workshop Creating Spreadsheets than expected, so that training
session has been moved to Conference Room A, which is a larger room. No other changes are anticipated at this
time, but be sure to check for updates throughout the afternoon. 82 We'll post any schedule changes on the boards
outside of the meeting rooms.
80 Where most likely is the announcement being 81 Why was a room changed?
made? (A) To accommodate more people
(A) At a board of directors meeting (B) To provide a bigger stage
(B) At a training workshop (C) To allow the event to run longer
(C) At a product launch (D) To offer access to the Internet
(D) At an employment fair
82 According to the announcement, how can listeners
learn about updates?
(A) By logging on to a conference Web site
(B) By stopping by the registration desk
(C) By requesting a text message on their phones
(D) By checking information boards
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following telephone message.
(M-Cn) Hi, Ms. Patel, it's Matthew Schwartz from Green Grounds. I just wanted 83
to confirm the landscaping
details for the office park you manage. As we discussed, 84 we'll be planting 70 new trees and bushes throughout
the property. We'll also put in a large flower garden in the courtyard. You mentioned that you might want us to do
some additional work near the pond. If you could call me and explain what you'd like to have done there, 85 I can
prepare a final price estimate for you. We look forward to working with you on this project.
83 What is the message mainly about? 84 Where does the speaker most likely work?
(A) Plans for an upcoming project (A) At a real estate agency
(B) An agenda for a meeting (B) At a city park
(C) An interview schedule for a candidate (C) At an equipment-rental store
(D) Details of a property sale (D) At a landscaping company
85 According to the message, what will the speaker
do after talking to Ms. Patel?
(A) Prepare a cost estimate
(B) Inspect a building
(C) Advertise a property
(D) Telephone a colleague
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following introduction.
(W-Br) And finally this evening, on behalf of the Organization of Film Musicians, I’m delighted to announce the
winner of the lifetime achievement award. This award goes to 86 Rebecca Langhorn, one of our most exceptional
composers of music for films. 97 I met Rebecca on her very first project, when we collaborated on the soundtrack
for the movie A Year in Denmark. Since then, Rebecca has gone on to compose music for more than 50 other
movies, and her music has become familiar to audiences worldwide. 88 We now have a short video of movie clips
for you, highlighting some of Rebecca's best-known pieces.
86 What is Rebecca Langhorn known for? 87 How does the speaker know Rebecca Langhorn?
(A) Composing music for films (A) They grew up in the same town.
(B) Writing shows for television (B) They studied at the same university.
(C) Conducting an orchestra (C) They worked together on a project.
(D) Acting in theater productions (D) They performed together in a music group.
88 What will most likely happen next?
(A) A band will play a song.
(B) A video will be shown.
(C) More awards will be announced.
(D) The audience will ask questions.
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following radio announcement.
(W-Am) Hello, XPA radio listeners. This is Meg Williams, with news of events around the local area. This
weekend, 89 the Hartman Medical Clinic is hosting a health and wellness fair. There will be activities for the whole
family — including cooking demonstrations and children's games — plus lots of information about diet and
exercise. And doctors from the clinic will be offering eye examinations. 90 They've reduced the cost for the eye
exams, so this is a good time to have your vision checked. 91
You'll need an appointment, though. If you're
interested, be sure to visit the Hartman Web site, at, to sign up.
89 What is the announcement about? 90 What will be offered at reduced cost?
(A) A health fair (A) Sports apparel
(B) A library service (B) New food products
(C) A store opening (C) Eye exams
(D) A fitness center (D) Fitness center memberships
91 According to the announcement, why should
listeners visit the Hartman Web site?
(A) To get driving directions
(B) To order a product
(C) To see a price list
(D) To make an appointment
Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following announcement.
(M-Au) Welcome aboard Parkwood Transit Line B. This train runs from Parkwood to Wellington, with several
stops in between. Unfortunately, 92 because of repairs on the Wellington bridge, trains are running more slowly
than usual. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Be advised that 93 if you are headed for the
International Airport, you should get off the train at Wellington and switch to Line C, where the Airport Express
train will be waiting. 94At this time, we request that all passengers have their tickets ready for inspection, as the
conductor will be coming through in just a few minutes.
92 What problem is mentioned? 93 What should passengers going to the airport do?
(A) A station is closed for repairs. (A) Transfer to another train
(B) Some baggage has been misplaced. (B) Check their luggage
(C) Service is slower than usual. (C) Take a shuttle bus
(D) A flight is sold out. (D) Pay an additional fee
94 What are listeners instructed to do?
(A) Wait on the platform
(B) Claim their bags
(C) Present their tickets
(D) Go to the boarding gate
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following news report.
(W-Br) In other business news, 95 AgroDrive Incorporated, one of the leading manufacturers of agricultural
machinery, announced today that 96 it will release a new line of fuel-efficient tractors early next year. The new
tractors' engines will consume about twenty-five percent less fuel than the older models. The company's leadership
says that this decision reflects 97
their corporate philosophy of minimizing environmental impact and conserving
natural resources.
95 What does the company manufacture? 96 What will the company do next year?
(A) Home appliances (A) Open a new plant
(B) Farm machinery (B) Introduce a product line
(C) Medical supplies (C) Acquire another company
(D) Office equipment (D) Relocate a manufacturing facility
97 What is the company's corporate philosophy?
(A) To offer affordable prices
(B) To create durable products
(C) To simplify manufacturing processes
(D) To protect the environment
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.
(M-Cn) Before we end the meeting, 98 I have some news involving the recent changes in the company's security
policy for visitors. After they check in at the security desk, visitors are now required to wait in the lobby for an
employee to escort them wherever they need to go in the building. We want our visitors to be as comfortable as
possible while they wait, so we've decided
to expand the seating area in the lobby. 99 A construction crew will begin renovations next week.100 We won't be
able to use the main entrance during the construction period, so please use the rear doors to the building. The work
should only take a few days, and things will be back to normal quickly.
98 What company policy has recently changed? 99 What will happen next week?
(A) The rules for business trips (A) A construction project will begin.
(B) The requirements for employment (B) A new security system will be installed.
(C) The procedures for office visitors (C) Employees will change office locations.
(D) The process of reserving meeting rooms (D) Clients will visit the office.
100 What are employees advised to do next week?
(A) Arrive at work early
(B) Use a different entrance
(C) Meet with clients off-site
(D) Submit an estimate of expenses
1 (M-Au) 2 (W-Am)
(A) The men are putting on headphones. (A) A woman is typing on a keyboard.
(B) The men are getting up from their chairs. (B) A woman is pointing to a document.
(C) The men are looking at a computer screen. (C) A woman is closing a binder.
(D) The men are moving some furniture. (D) A woman is drawing in a notebook.
3 (W-Br) 4 (M-Au)
(A) People are shopping in a grocery store. (A) She's stacking chairs near the door.
(B) People are seated at tables. (B) She's operating a machine.
(C) People are watching a performance. (C) She's entering an office.
(D) People are walking on a crowded street. (D) She's placing files in a cabinet.
5 (W-Am) 6 (M-Cn)
(A) Some men are packing their suitcases. (A) Shelves have been stocked with books.
(B) Some men are touring a factory. (B) Boxes are being set on the floor.
(C) Some men are waiting near a vehicle. (C) A woman is stepping onto a ladder.
(D) Some men are storing luggage above their (D) A woman is posting a sign.
7 (W-Am) 8 (M-Au)
(A) A train is going through a tunnel. (A) A man is paying at the cash register.
(B) A train station is being renovated. (B) Drinks are lined up in a display case.
(C) There is a railing beside the train track. (C) Dishes are being cleared from the counter.
(D) The doors of the train are closing. (D) Diners are ordering food at a restaurant.
9 (W-Br) 10 (M-Cn)
(A) A worker is unloading supplies from a truck. (A) They’re spreading out a net.
(B) A worker is driving past a warehouse (B) They're tying a boat to the dock.
entrance. (C) They're fishing from the side of a boat.
(C) Some tires have been piled onto a platform. (D) They're folding up a tent.
(D) Some materials are being transported on a
11 (M-Cn) When's your appointment? 12 (W-Am) Where should I put the paper for the
(W-Br) (A) Room 310. computer?
(B) On Friday. (M-Au) (A) Four boxes.
(C) That's a good point. (B) Next to the printer.
(C) Yesterday's newspaper.
13 (M-Cn) Are you going to Italy for your vacation? 14 (M-Au) Who's retiring next month?
(W-Br) (A) Yes, she's on holiday. (W-Am) (A) No, we're not tired.
(B) For a telephone call. (B) I believe Caroline is.
(C) No, I'm going to Spain this year. (C) It's due in four weeks.
15 (W-Am) Can you take notes at tomorrow's 16 (W-Br) Don't you want to take your raincoat with
meeting? you?
(M-Cn) (A) How did you meet him? (M-Au) (A) Of course I'll be there.
(B) I didn't notice. (B) She'll want to take a picture.
(C) I'll be happy to. (C) No. I shouldn't need it.
17 (W-Am) Which paint color did you choose for the 18 (M-Au) Why is Felipe sitting in the lobby?
waiting room? (W-Br) (A) He's meeting me there.
(M-Cn) (A) He didn't see the memo. (B) I'd rather stand.
(B) A shade of pale green. (C) At ten o'clock.
(C) I don't mind waiting.
19 (M-Cn) I sent the catering order to you on 20 (W-Br) Can you find your seat, or would you like
Tuesday. me to show you where it is?
(W-Am) (A) I don't think we've received it. (M-Au) (A) Thanks, but I can find my way.
(B) They're not in order. (B) Those are only for display.
(C) Around the corner. (C) On the front page.
21 (M-Cn) Why don’t we lower the prices on our 22 (M-Au) Can you attend the employee orientation
sweaters? at three?
(W-Br) (A) That discount store in town. (W-Br) (A) That’s the train station.
(B) How many would you like? (B) Yes, but I’ll be a little late.
(C) That should help our sales. (C) It appears on the third page.
23 (W-Br) Where are you holding the staff meeting? 24 (M-Cn) When does the promotional offer begin?
(W-Am) (A) Because our deadline's changed. (M-Au) (A) For large orders.
(B) Yes, I've seen it. (B) It starts next week.
(C) In the conference room. (C) She’s the assistant editor.
25 (W-Br) You’ll be paid at the end of each 26 (W-Am) Should I get a ladder so we can hang up
assignment. these signs?
(W-Am) (A) I did enjoy the play. (M-Cn) (A) Sure, there's one in the stockroom.
(B) He’s assigned to this office. (B) Please sign here.
(C) That’s good to know. (C) She'll call us later.
27 (W-Br) Why doesn't the bus to the city park ever 28 (M-Au) How much does this briefcase cost?
arrive on time? (W-Br) (A) Let me check for you.
(M-Cn) (A) Until the next one. (B) No, it's actually fairly long.
(B) No, you can't park here. (C) It's about two hours to the coast.
(C) It's frustrating, isn't it?
29 (W-Am) What was the article about? 30 (M-Cn) Jeff was reimbursed for his trip, wasn't
(M-Au) (A) I didn't read it. he?
(B) No, not recently. (W-Am) (A) Yes, I had a lovely trip.
(C) That's about it. (B) I processed his forms this morning.
(C) He's always well prepared.
31 (M-Au) Could you drive Mr. Kim to the airport? 32 (W-Br) Didn't you want to write the project
(M-Cn) (A) Joe can give him the report. summary?
(B) What time does he have to leave? (W-Am) (A) No, you should turn left.
(C) A different route. (B) I remember that writer.
(C) I did, but I could use your help.
33 (M-Cn) Are you leaving for lunch now, or do you 34 (W-Br) Who's the new supervisor at the factory?
have time to look over some paperwork? (M-Cn) (A) Oh, have they hired someone?
(W-Am) (A) I'll look for it over here. (B) That's an interesting fact.
(B) I'm free until one-thirty. (C) You're a wonderful adviser.
(C) Yes, he's at lunch.
35 (W-Am) Did that new book get a good review? 36 (W-Am) I'll need the complete inventory by five
(M-Au) (A) No, I haven't booked my flight. today.
(B) Yes, a few of us. (W-Br) (A) No, I only have two.
(C) The one I saw was pretty favorable. (B) That shouldn't be a problem.
(C) I've finished reading that story.
37 (M-Au) Why did one of the engineers resign from 38 (M-Au) How did the committee select the finalists
the McMaster project? for the prize?
(M-Cn) (A) Is the engine running? (W-Am) (A) We evaluated their research.
(B) They wanted him to relocate. (B) By the end of the week.
(C) It's an impressive design. (C) Yes, that's the price.
39 (M-Cn) You wanted these charts copied, didn't 40 (W-Br) Didn't anyone remember to water the
you? plants in the office?
(M-Au) (A) And then they should be rcfiled. (M-Au) (A) I'm already a member.
(B) I'll pour the coffee. (B) No, I'm not thirsty.
(C) At the top of the chart. (C) It doesn't appear so.
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) You know, 41 Mary's retiring at the end of the month, so 42we're going to have to hire a new office assistant
fairly quickly. Have you advertised the position yet?
(W-Br) Yes. In fact, I've already received a lot of resumes, and there are quite a few qualified applicants.
(M-Au) That's great. 43 If we can get someone before Mary leaves, she can train the new assistant.
41 Why is the company looking for a new employee? 42 What position do the speakers want to fill?
(A) They are opening another office. (A) Office assistant
(B) Work is beginning on a new project. (B) Corporate trainer
(C) An employee is retiring. (C) Project manager
(D) Orders have increased. (D) Advertising specialist
43 What would the man like Mary to do?
(A) Advertise a job opening
(B) Schedule some interviews
(C) Review resumes
(D) Train a new staff member
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Hello. 44 I'm considering buying a digital camera, and I'm looking for a good camera to travel with. I
wonder if I could see this one?
(M-Au) Of course. This is our model LV 200. Our customers have been quite happy with it. And 45it comes with
our usual three-year warranty, too, which covers repair or replacement.
(W-Am) That sounds good — but, 46if I'm traveling overseas and I have a problem, will the warranty be accepted?
(M-Au) Oh, that shouldn't be a problem at all. We have stores in over twenty countries, and they're all authorized
to honor the terms of the warranty.
44 What item is the woman interested in buying? 45 How long does the warranty last?
(A) A computer (A) For two years
(B) A mobile phone (B) For three years
(C) A car (C) For four years
(D) A camera (D) For five years
46 What does the woman ask about the warranty?
(A) Where it is accepted
(B) When it expires
(C) What it costs to extend it
(D) What types of damage it covers
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) 47I just saw some signs at the supermarket for the annual town fair. I see it's going to be held at Thompson
Park this year.
(W-Am) | guess 48 the fair's grown so popular that it had to be moved to a new location. Wykoff Field just isn't big
enough to hold everyone who wants to attend.
(M-Cn) That makes sense. Last year it was so crowded. 49The parking area was completely full when I got there, so
I had to park in a spot on the street almost a mile away.
47 What event are the speakers discussing? 48 How will the event be different this year?
(A) A sports tournament (A) The ticket prices have been increased.
(B) A town election (B) The location has been changed.
(C) A community fair (C) It will be open longer hours.
(D) A concert series (D) It will be held on a different date.
49 What problem did the man encounter at last year's
(A) There was not enough parking at the site.
(B) His car broke down on the way to the event.
(C) A road was closed for construction.
(D) The driving directions were wrong.
Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Donald, can you help me? We received a shipment of keyboards today, and 50I have to install them on all of
the office computers.
(M-Cn) I'm sorry, Ms. Taylor, but I have my history class on Thursdays, so I'm about to leave work.
(W-Br) Oh, that's right. And Sanjiv is conducting an employee training session all afternoon.
(M-Cn) 51 52 If you can wait until tomorrow, I can help you first thing in the morning. I'll be in the office by seven-
50 What must the woman do? 51 What does the man suggest the woman do?
(A) Register for a class (A) Change her work hours
(B) Install equipment (B) Postpone a task
(C) Leave work early (C) Order some supplies
(D) Train new employees (D) Contact an employee
52 When will the man and the woman most likely
speak again?
(A) This afternoon
(B) This evening
(C) Tomorrow morning
(D) Tomorrow afternoon
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Hi, this is Brandon Fletcher. 53 I'm calling for Ms. Choi. I submitted a marketing proposal to her last
month, and she asked me to call her at ten today to discuss it.
(W-Am) I'm sorry, but 54 Ms. Choi left for a last-minute business trip this morning. But I can reschedule your
phone conference for another time. Are you available next Thursday at eleven?
(M-Au) Yes, I'm free then. 55Should I call the same extension to speak with Ms. Choi?
(W-Am) Actually, you can dial extension 343. That'll connect you directly to Ms. Choi.
53 Why is the man calling? 54 Why is Ms. Choi unavailable?
(A) To discuss a business proposal (A) She is in a meeting.
(B) To schedule a job interview (B) She is driving to work.
(C) To request a copy of a document (C) She is taking another call.
(D) To ask about a workshop (D) She is on a business trip.
55 What does the man ask about?
(A) A phone extension
(B) A building number
(C) A flight number
(D) A confirmation code
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Sarah, some new clients are visiting on Thursday, so 56I'd like to take them out for dinner. But since I've
just moved here, I'm not really familiar with the local restaurants. Can you recommend one?
(W-Br) Well, 57I usually take my clients to Sinclair's in the Water Street Hotel downtown. It's a little far from the
office, but the food's wonderful. If you want something closer, there's also a good Italian restaurant just a short
walk from here on Broad Street.
(M-Cn) Sinclair's sounds good, and I'm sure we can get a taxi there on Thursday. 58Let me call the restaurant now
and see if I can get a reservation. If that doesn't work out, I'll try the Italian place.
56 What does the man want to arrange? 57 Why does the woman recommend Sinclair's?
(A) A dinner with clients (A) Its rooms are spacious.
(B) A business trip (B) Its prices are affordable.
(C) An awards banquet (C) It offers excellent food.
(D) A reception for new employees (D) It is conveniently located.
58 What most likely will the man do next?
(A) Call for a taxi
(B) Make a reservation
(C) Meet with a manager
(D) Contact a client
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Hello, Hiroshi, this is Carla from the finance department. 59 I'm calling about the extra funding you
requested for promotional merchandise to hand out at the trade show. Unfortunately, your request was denied.
(M-Au) Oh, that's too bad. I thought it would be good publicity to hand out gifts with the company name on them.
Can you tell me why the request was turned down?
(W-Am) Well, as you may know, 60sales have been low, so the company just doesn't have the extra resources for
promotional materials right now. Hopefully, that'll change next year.
(M-Au) OK, 61 I'll have to think of a different way to promote our products and still stay within the budget.
59 Why is the woman calling? 60 What problem is mentioned?
(A) To confirm a conference registration (A) The company has a limited budget.
(B) To request a schedule change (B) A manager is currently unavailable.
(C) To discuss a new product (C) Work is behind schedule.
(D) To respond to a funding request (D) The facility is already booked.
61 What does the man decide to do?
(A) Revise an itinerary
(B) Use a different promotional approach
(C) Contact another department
(D) Delay a product launch
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Hi, 62 I'm calling about the office space for rent on Garrison Street. I saw an advertisement posted outside
the building. Is it still available?
(M-Cn) Yes, it is. The previous tenants were three lawyers, so it's currently set up as three offices and a large
waiting area with a receptionist's desk.
(W-Br) Oh, 63that sounds like more space than I need. I really only want one office for myself. I've been running an
event-planning business from my home, but now I have so many clients that I need a little more room.
(M-Cn) Well, you wouldn't want to pay for more space than you need. 62 I'm the agent for other properties as well.
Why don't I send you a list of available office spaces along with their prices? Then you can get back to me if

you're interested in any of them.

62 Who most likely is the man? 63 What is the woman concerned about?
(A) A lawyer (A) A decrease in orders
(B) An architect (B) The size of a space
(C) An office-rental agent (C) The time of an appointment
(D) An interior designer (D) A lack of applications
64 What does the man offer to do?
(A) Review a contract
(B) Place an advertisement
(C) Show the woman an office
(D) Send some property information
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) Hello, 66 I submitted an invoice recently for an article I wrote for your magazine. 65 I'm calling to find out
when I'll receive payment.
(W-Br) Well, it depends on when we received the invoice. Could I please have your name — and I'll check in the
computer to see where your invoice is in the billing system.
(M-Au) My name's Tom Kennedy, and I wrote an article for the travel section of the magazine.
(W-Br) Oh dear! 67 My computer just stopped working. It might take a few minutes to restart it. 67 Let me call you
back as soon as I have the information about when your payment will be processed.
65 What is the purpose of the man's call? 66 What work did the man complete for the
(A) To correct a mistake on an invoice company?
(B) To ask about a payment date (A) A magazine article
(C) To request a copy of a contract (B) A financial statement
(D) To update contact information (C) A computer repair
(D) A printing job
67 Why does the woman have to call the man back?
(A) She must find some paperwork.
(B) She has to answer another telephone call.
(C) She is having trouble with her computer.
(D) She has to consult with her supervisor.
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Excuse me. I'm planning to purchase some floor tiles from your store. But I need to hire someone to
install the flooring, and 68 I'm wondering if your store has a list of contractors you'd recommend for home
improvement projects.
(M-Cn) I'm afraid we don't have a list like that. But 69 I can give you the address of a Web site with information
about contractors in the area. Last year I hired an electrician to make some repairs in my home, and I used that
Web site.
(W-Am) That sounds like a good idea, but how do you know if the person does reliable work?
(M-Cn) Well, 70 there's a place on the Web site for previous customers to write reviews. I chose my electrician
because other customers had recommended him, and I was very pleased with the work he did.
68 What does the woman request? 69 What does the man offer to do?
(A) A list of recommended workers (A) Talk to an electrician
(B) Some product samples (B) Schedule a product delivery
(C) The address of a store (C) Direct the woman to a Web site
(D) The prices of some materials (D) Give a discount
70 What does the man suggest the woman do?
(A) Watch an instructional video
(B) Rent some equipment
(C) Sign a contract
(D) Look at customer feedback
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following recorded message.
(M-Cn)71 Thank you for calling Metropolitan Gas and Electric Company. At this time we're busy helping other
customers. If you have questions about a bill that you have received, 72 you can call our 24-hour account center at
800-555-0174. Be sure to have your account number available. If there is a problem with your gas or electric
service, 73 please press 7 now. You will be connected to a customer service agent.
71 Where does the speaker probably work? 72 What are listeners asked to provide when calling
(A) At a credit-card company the account center?
(B) At a utility company (A) A password
(C) At an accounting firm (B) An account number
(D) At a department store (C) The date of a purchase
(D) The cost of an item
73 Why should customers press 7?
(A) To hear the message again
(B) To find out the hours of operation
(C) To speak to a customer-service agent
(D) To leave a message
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following announcement.
(W-Br) Good evening, and thank you for attending this special performance.74 We're currently experiencing
problems with our sound equipment, but75 we expect to begin the concert within the next half hour. In the
meantime, please stop by the merchandise table in the main lobby. You can purchase CDs by tonight's artists as
well as other items. And,76 if you're thirsty, we're offering complimentary bottles of water to all audience members.
Visit the food stands located near the exits to receive yours now. Thank you for your patience. The show will begin
as soon as possible.
74 What is the problem? 75 Where is the announcement taking place?
(A) A performer has not arrived. (A) At a music concert
(B) Some equipment is not working. (B) At a dance performance
(C) Merchandise has sold out. (C) At a sports event
(D) A program has been canceled. (D) At a movie showing
76 What are listeners being offered?
(A) A full refund
(B) A discounted CD
(C) A complimentary ticket
(D) A free beverage
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following announcement.
(M-Au) Attention,77 manufacturing staff. As you know, we’re expanding our popular line of glass display cases. 78
Our newest model will be larger in size than any of our existing cases. But before we start making it, we’ll have to
modify our equipment to handle the larger panes of glass. While the technicians are doing this on Monday
morning,79 you'll be helping to take inventory in the warehouse. This will allow us to get a head start on our annual
inventory count.
77 Who most likely are the listeners? 78 What is different about the new model?
(A) Factory employees (A) It is easier to use.
(B) Construction workers (B) It is bigger.
(C) Sales representatives (C) It costs less to produce.
(D) Repair technicians (D) It is made from a new material.
79 What are listeners asked to do on Monday?
(A) Install new machinery
(B) Work an evening shift
(C) Take inventory
(D) Rearrange a display
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following telephone message.
(W-Am) Hello, this is Natasha Klein.80 I had dinner at your restaurant last night, and I think I left my mobile phone
there. I was sitting in a booth at the back of the dining room, and my purse was on the seat.81 The phone must have
fallen out when I took out my credit card to pay for dinner. 82Could you please call and let me know if the phone's
been found? If so, I could stop by this afternoon to pick it up. You can reach me at my work number — 555-0196.
Thank you.
80 Who is the message most likely intended for? 81 What is the speaker calling about?
(A) A restaurant manager (A) A missed appointment
(B) A bank teller (B) A lost item
(C) A coworker (C) An upcoming reservation
(D) A delivery driver (D) A new account
82 What does the speaker ask the listener to do?
(A) Call her back
(B) Meet her for lunch
(C) Send her an e-mail
(D) Mail her a package
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following announcement.
(W-Br) Attention, shoppers. Come to the bookstore's cafe in fifteen minutes to meet 83office productivity expert,
Robert Bellman. Mr. Bellman will share tips from his new book, Organize and Be Productive. 84 He'll present
strategies for uncluttering your desk, creating a filing system, and making your workspace more efficient.
Afterwards, he'll sign copies of his book, which are available for purchase by the cash registers.

83 Who is Robert Bellman? 84 What is the topic of Robert Bellman’s talk?

(A) A systems manager (A) Steps for publishing a book
(B) A publishing executive (B) The benefits of recycling paper
(C) A bookstore employee (C) Ideas for organizing a workspace
(D) An office-efficiency expert (D) Ways to market a business
85 What will happen after the talk?
(A) An author will sign books.
(B) Refreshments will be served.
(C) Employees will sign up for classes.
(D) A discussion will take place.
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following radio broadcast.
(M-Cn) Now an important reminder for Radio WNB listeners. 86Work starts tomorrow to repair the City
Expressway in the Smithton area. The expressway will be closed to traffic between the Lake Street and Park
Avenue exits, 87so commuters who usually travel that way must take alternate routes to work. Because work will
continue over the weekend, the closing will also affect those driving to the outdoor art show in the park this
weekend. Repair work should be completed in two weeks. 88You can check the progress of the project on the
transportation department's Web site at And now, this week's weather outlook.
86 What is the broadcast mainly about? 87 What are listeners advised to do?
(A) A weather advisory (A) Arrive early
(B) An outdoor event (B) Use alternate routes
(C) City employment (C) Bring an umbrella
(D) Road repairs (D) Obey parking rules
88 According to the speaker, what information is
available on a Web site?
(A) Business hours
(B) Driving directions
(C) Progress reports
(D) Program listings
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following talk.
(W-Br) Good morning and welcome to the first day of our personal finance workshop. 89I'm honored to introduce
Eugene Summers. 90 Eugene is a financial planner at Metro Center Bank, and has eighteen years of experience in
helping people like you put their money to work. Today, he will talk about investment products to help you plan
for your future. But, before he begins, there's been a slight change to our schedule: 91 lunch will be served in the
Parker Building at twelve-thirty rather than at one o'clock. And now, please join me in welcoming Eugene
89 What is the main purpose of the talk? 90 What field does Eugene Summers work in?
(A) To review a project plan (A) Financial planning
(B) To demonstrate a product (B) Human resources
(C) To introduce a speaker (C) Hotel management
(D) To report a problem (D) Food service
91 What change does the speaker announce?
(A) The location of a workshop
(B) The time of a luncheon
(C) The deadline for a project
(D) The cost of a product
Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following radio advertisement.
(W-Am) 92 Do you want access to the best healthy food products on the market? Do you want to choose from the
largest variety of fresh fruits and vegetables? 92 Well, we can help. At the Walton Harvest Market, we carry the
biggest selection of organic foods in the area. And, 93during the month of March, we're offering 20 percent off the
cost of all dairy products in the store. Don't miss out on this special promotion! If you're looking for diet advice,
why don't you schedule an appointment with our store's nutrition counselor, Maria Sanchez? Maria will help you
develop a custom meal plan to suit your needs, and provide you with recipes and cooking tips. 94Call 555-0199
today to set up your individual consultation.
92 What business is being advertised? 93 What can customers receive in March?
(A) A health-food store (A) A free catalog
(B) A fitness center (B) Discounted prices
(C) A kitchen-appliance store (C) A trial membership
(D) A chain restaurant (D) Product samples
94 Why should listeners call?
(A) To complete a survey
(B) To request a membership card
(C) To order some merchandise
(D) To schedule a consultation
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following talk.
(M-Au) I know 95it's unusual to have such a large group of job applicants meet at the same time. But since we're
hiring several new people who'll likely be working on the same team, we've decided to use a different process to
select our future advertising staff. Before 95we interview you, 96 we'll be splitting you into groups to develop an
advertising campaign for a product we assign to you. We know that you won't have a lot of time — we really just
want to see what you can produce, and how you work with others. 97 Your group and product assignments are in
the folders that I'll distribute now.
95 Who is the talk intended for? 96 What will listeners do in groups?
(A) Hiring managers (A) Respond to interview questions
(B) Staff trainers (B) Tour a facility
(C) Job applicants (C) Complete an evaluation form
(D) New clients (D) Create an advertising plan
97 What does the speaker say he will do next?
(A) Hand out assignment
(B) Review a policy manual
(C) Display a slide show presentation
(D) Schedule interviews
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following talk.
(M-Cn) Thank you for coming to this afternoon's press conference. We're happy to announce that 98Meadowbrook
Hospital has completed the first phase of a 50-million-dollar expansion project.
We've doubled the number of our patient rooms, which means that we're now equipped to provide medical care to
significantly more people. But our work is only half completed. Construction is already underway on a state-of-the-
art medical training facility, the second phase of our expansion project. 100 When that facility opens next year, we'll
be able to offer cutting-edge training programs for all types of medical professionals.
98 What is the purpose of the talk? 99 According to the speaker, what has changed at
(A) To recognize a staff member Meadowbrook Hospital?
(B) To discuss a construction project (A) The duties of medical staff
(C) To welcome professionals to a training (B) The budget for a research project
seminar (C) The admissions procedure
(D) To request funding for medical equipment (D) The number of patient rooms
100 What does the hospital plan to do next year?
(A) Open a training center
(B) Start a fund-raising campaign
(C) Expand a parking area
(D) Hire more physicians
1 (W-Am) 2 (M-Cn)
(A) The man's holding a wallet. (A) The woman's picking up a bag.
(B) The man's painting a picture. (B) The woman's carrying some flowers.
(C) The man's brushing his hair. (C) The woman's throwing something away.
(D) The man's sweeping with a broom. (D) The woman's sitting outdoors.
3 (W-Br) 4 (W-Am)
(A) The men are passing a plate of food. (A) Artwork is being taken off the wall.
(B) The men are washing some dishes. (B) A plant has fallen over on the floor.
(C) The men are exchanging money. (C) A rug is lying in front of the door.
(D) The men are cooking dinner. (D) A package has been set in the hallway.
5 M-Au) 6 (M-Cn)
(A) They're entering separate offices. (A) Some hikers are climbing a hill.
(B) They're examining papers on a table. (B) A railing is being installed.
(C) The woman's hung her jacket on a chair. (C) Some people are purchasing shirts.
(D) The man's watching a presentation on a (D) Vendors are displaying their merchandise.
7 (W-Br) 8 (M-Au)
(A) Some tents are being assembled. (A) Some performers are on a stage.
(B) The chairs are shaded by umbrellas. (B) An audience is seated in rows.
(C) Tourists are relaxing on the beach. (C) Tickets are being collected.
(D) Towels have been spread out on the sand. (D) People are exiting a theater.
9 (W-Am) 10 (M-Cn)
(A) The man is removing his coat. (A) Spectators have gathered along the street.
(B) The man is pushing a gate open. (B) A sporting event is taking place in a stadium.
(C) A suitcase has been left on the floor. (C) The road has been blocked by some tires.
(D) A cart has been loaded with luggage. (D) Riders are getting on their bicycles.
11 (W-Br) How will you get to the hotel from here? 12 (W-Am) Could you fax me the application form?
(M-Au) (A) I'll take a taxi. (M-Cn) (A) He can be there.
(B) In the lobby. (B) Sure, I'll do it now.
(C) She left yesterday. (C) In fact, that's true.
13 (M-Au) Who was in your office this morning? 14 (W-Am) Where can I buy a train ticket?
(M-Cn) (A) In the other building. (W-Br) (A) Over at that window.
(B) I have time tomorrow. (B) It's going to Prague.
(C) My manager, Mr. Lao. (C) About 23 euros.
15 (M-Am) Why did she call the library? 16 (M-Cn) That's a clothing store, isn't it?
(W-Am) (A) Next to the magazines. (W-Br) (A) Yes, it opened last month.
(B) No, I didn't. (B) Look in the storage closet.
(C) To reserve a book. (C) I've worn it before.
17 (W-Am) How long have you worked at the 18 (W-Br) Who's leading the orientation?
university? (M-Au) (A) He read it recently.
(M-Cn) (A) It doesn't take that long. (B) The human resources team.
(B) Since last spring. (C) Some training manuals.
(C) It's a ten-minute walk.
19 (M-Cn) When will construction be finished? 20 (W-Am) Are you free to join me for breakfast?
(M-Au) (A) Because of delays. (W-Br) (A) I joined it last year.
(B) Yes, the room's furnished. (B) No, it's not free.
(C) Sometime in July. (C) Sorry, but I’m late for work.
21 (M-Cn) How many computers will your 22 (M-Au) Would you like to see the assembly line?
laboratory (M-Cn) (A) About twenty feet.
need? (B) Mostly electronics.
(W-Br) (A) Probably around fifty. (C) That would be interesting.
(B) Every other week.
(C) The keyboards were included.
23 (W-Am) The lights will be replaced, won’t they? 24 (M-Au) When will the financial consultants arrive
(M-Cn) (A) A lighter workload. in Tokyo?
(B) The supply cabinet. (W-Am) (A) Five of them, I think.
(C) Yes, I'll take care of it. (B) At the end of the month.
(C) By express train.
25 (W-Br) What’s the new vice-president going to 26 (M-Au) Don't you have a doctor's appointment?
talk about? (W-Br) (A) I understand the main points.
(M-Cn) (A) The goals for our department. (B) Sara has the document.
(B) Is that a new project? (C) Not until this afternoon.
(C) Please consider it.
27 (M-Cn) Did you attend the research presentation? 28 (W-Br) Does this factory produce a variety of car
(W-Am) (A) No, I've been out of town. types or just one?
(B) I didn't bring a gift. (M-Au) (A) I drove my own car.
(C) Can I have your attention, please? (B) We make a lot of different models here.
(C) Seven factories worldwide.
29 (M-Cn) We have to order four projectors. 30 (W-Br) Do you want to try one of our desserts?
(W-Am) (A) We should buy them online. (M-Au) (A) I'll try to make it.
(B) No, at three o'clock. (B) No, but I'd like some tea.
(C) Yes, I sold her one. (C) A party of two.
31 (W-Am) I have six copies of the report. 32 (M-Cn) Why's the showroom floor being
(M-Au) (A) Not that many. rearranged?
(B) In today's mail. (W-Am) (A) I'll arrange transportation.
(C) Could you file them? (B) To display the new merchandise.
(C) It's on the sixth floor.
33 (W-Br) You're going to Miami on Friday, aren't 34 (M-Au) Oakville Manufacturing is building a
you? facility in Brazil.
(M-Cn) (A) On several occasions. (W-Br) (A) She's on a business trip.
(B) A bus ticket. (B) I just heard about that.
(C) It's not confirmed yet. (C) The grand opening celebration.
35 (M-Cn) Have you been to the new fitness center? 36 (W-Am) Where can I get some shipping labels?
(M-Au) (A) Not immediately. (W-Br) (A) I saw some in the mail room.
(B) Well, that one doesn't fit. (B) Yes, an overnight delivery.
(C) I didn’t know it was open (C) He doesn't live there.
37 (M-Au) What do you suggest I do with the 38 (W-Br) Should we go straight to the trade show or
contract? stop at the hotel first?
(W-Am) (A) That conference is in Shanghai. (W-Am) (A) Right at the second light.
(B) Has the client signed it? (B) I can show them to you.
(C) From the printing company. (C) Whatever you prefer.
39 (M-Au) Haven't we chosen a firm to design our 40 (W-Br) The board is about to announce a new
Web site? chair.
(M-Cn) (A) We're still reviewing proposals. (W-Am) (A) No, they haven't yet.
(B) No, I picked it up. (B) Do you know who it will be?
(C) At (C) No, not boring at all.
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) 41 Hi, this is Michelle Yamamoto from Premier Auto. I'm calling for John O'Malley.
(M-Au) He just stepped out of the office for a few minutes. Would you like to leave a message?
(W-Am) Yes. 41-42 Could you let him know we've almost finished repairing his car and it'll be ready by four
(M-Au) OK. I'll be sure to give him the message. 43May I have your phone number in case he wants to call you
41 Where does the woman work? 42 Why is the woman calling?
(A) At a travel agency (A) To confirm a reservation
(B) At a clothing shop (B) To open an account
(C) At an electronics store (C) To give information to a customer
(D) At an auto repair shop (D) To schedule an interview
43 What does the man ask the woman for?
(A) A sales receipt
(B) An office address
(C) A telephone number
(D) A purchase order number
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) 44 Here's your receipt, Ms. Peters. I hope you've enjoyed your stay at the Redbum Hotel. Is there anything
else we can do for you?
(W-Br) Well,45I have a flight later this evening, but I'd like to see some of the city's attractions before I go. Could I
leave my luggage here at the hotel?
(M-Au) Of course. 46 Just write down your room number and name on this identification tag.
We'll put it on your luggage so we'll know it's yours when you come back for it.
44 Where does the conversation take place? 45 What does the woman plan to do this afternoon?
(A) At a taxi stand (A) Attend a concert
(B) At an airport (B) Go sightseeing
(C) At a market (C) Visit a friend
(D) At a hotel (D) Get a meal
46 What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) Fill out an identification tag
(B) Pick up a package
(C) Exchange a ticket
(D) Pay for a suitcase
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) Hi, 47,48 this is Laura Ivanov from apartment 2B. I was just wondering if it would be possible to get a copy
of my lease? I've misplaced mine, and I want to look over the heating agreement.
(M-Cn) Sure, I can make you another copy. Our offices are open until five if you want to come in today.
(W-Am) I have to work late tonight. But44 I'm sure I can stop by tomorrow before five.
(M-Cn) That sounds fine. I'll have a copy of your lease ready first thing in the morning.
47 What does the woman request a copy of? 48 Who most likely is the man?
(A) A lease (A) A construction site supervisor
(B) An employment contract (B) An appliance repairperson
(C) A heating bill (C) A utility company employee
(D) A product warranty (D) An apartment building manager
49 What will the woman probably do tomorrow?
(A) Work later than usual
(B) Sign a rental agreement
(C) Go to the man's office
(D) Interview for a job
Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) 50Good morning, Stokes Furniture Gallery.
How can I help you?
(W-Br) 51I'm calling about the bookcases I saw advertised in last Sunday's newspaper. The one that was advertised
has three shelves; 51 I'm calling to find out whether that bookcase comes in any other sizes.
(M-Au) Yes, in fact, there's also a taller one with four shelves, but we only have one of those in stock right now.
(W-Br) Oh, that's perfect. 52 Could you please put it on hold for me? I can be at your store in about twenty minutes.
50 Where most likely does the man work? 51 What is the purpose of the woman's call?
(A) At a bookshop (A) To schedule a delivery
(B) At a newspaper office (B) To get product information
(C) At a delivery company (C) To renew a subscription
(D) At a furniture store (D) To discuss an invoice
52 What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Reserve an item
(B) Check a price
(C) Change an address
(D) Confirm some measurements
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following
(M-Cn) Hi, Daniela. I'm hoping you can give me some advice. 54I've heard that last year you organized the
employee-appreciation dinner for your department. Well, 53I've been asked to plan an awards dinner for our
department this year. Could you recommend a good place to have it?
(W-Am) Sure. We held our dinner at the Tillman Inn. Their rates are very affordable for corporate events. 55They
also have a special discount for groups with 25 people or more. I would definitely recommend them.
(M-Cn) That sounds great. There are 40 people in my department, so even if some people don't come, we should be
able to get that discount.
53 What kind of event is the man planning? 54 Why does the man ask for the woman's
(A) A training session recommendation?
(B) A sales conference (A) He is new to the city.
(C) An awards dinner (B) He is trying to meet a deadline.
(D) A new-employee orientation (C) She has planned a similar event before.
(D) She has presented at several conferences.
55 According to the woman, what is available to
large groups?
(A) A reduced price
(B) A special menu
(C) Free entertainment
(D) Private dining rooms
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Mohan, 56did you receive the memo about the office renovations?
(M-Cn) Yes, won't it be nice to get some new carpet and have the walls repainted?
(W-Br) Do you know when they'll get to our floor?
There was no work schedule attached to the memo. I have important meetings scheduled for two days next week.

(M-Cn) 58If | were you, I'd reserve one of the conference rooms on another floor just in case they're working in our
area those days.
56 What are the speakers discussing? 57 What was not included in the memo?
(A) A corporate merger (A) A trip itinerary
(B) Office renovations (B) Installation instructions
(C) Software updates (C) Survey results
(D) A new travel policy (D) A work schedule
58 What does the man recommend the woman do?
(A) Submit an expense report
(B) Review a manual
(C) Contact a supervisor
(D) Reserve another room
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Au) I really like this restaurant, but 59 it's very hard to talk here — it's always so crowded and noisy.
(W-Am) Yes, but60 the service makes up for it — one of the waiters told me that they're all graduates of a
professional training program.
(M-Au) And it is nice that the restaurant's only a block away from the movie theater.61 Speaking of which, the
movie starts in 20 minutes. We should go ahead and pay.
59 What does the man dislike about the restaurant? 60 What does the woman say about the wait staff?
(A) The food is expensive. (A) They have been professionally trained.
(B) The menu is limited. (B) They are required to memorize the menu.
(C) It is hard to get a reservation. (C) They have worked at the restaurant for many
(D) It is difficult to hold a conversation. years.
(D) They are relatives of the restaurant's owner.
61 What will the speakers probably do after they
(A) Return to the office
(B) Go shopping
(C) Catch a flight
(D) See a movie
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Br) Hi, Pablo. I see you won't be in the office next week; are you going on holiday?
(M-Au) Yes, 62 I'm leaving on Monday to spend a week in Buenos Aires with my parents. I haven't seen them in a
long time, so I'm really looking forward to the trip.
(W-Br) Will you have enough time to prepare the opening speech for the shareholders' meeting? 63Remember, the
meeting is two days after you get back. If you're too busy, I can ask Tom to do it.
(M-Au) Don't worry — I'll be ready. 64I plan to finish writing it before I leave work tomorrow.
62 Why will the man be out of the office? 63 What does the woman offer to do?
(A) He will be visiting clients. (A) Finish a project
(B) He will be on vacation. (B) Sign some documents
(C) He will be attending a convention. (C) Reassign a task
(D) He will be working at home. (D) Take notes at a meeting
64 What does the man say he will do before he
(A) Write a speech
(B) Talk with a team member
(C) Read a report
(D) Revise a budget
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
(M-Cn) Hi, 65 I'm looking for an exhibit that I read about in a newspaper article — the Marie Morris paintings?
(W-Br) That collection is only here for three weeks, so it's in the special exhibits area on the second floor, just past
the gift shop. You'll need a ticket for it.
(M-Cn) Oh, 66 I bought one online last week. It says I should enter between two and three o'clock.
(W-Br) Yes,67 you can only enter the exhibit at the time shown on your ticket. It's one forty-five right now, so you'll
just have to wait fifteen more minutes.
65 What does the man ask about the exhibit? 66 How did the man get his ticket?
(A) Where it is located (A) A friend gave it to him.
(B) When it will close (B) It was part of a tour package.
(C) What type of reviews it received (C) He purchased it at the museum gift shop.
(D) Which artists are included (D) He bought it online.
67 What does the woman say about the tickets?
(A) They are no longer available.
(B) They can be exchanged for a different exhibit.
(C) They are valid only for a specific time.
(D) They include admission to another museum.
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
(W-Am) I just heard there's going to be a delay with the computers we're supposed to ship out on Wednesday.
What's the problem?
(M-Au) Well, 68one of the conveyor belts broke down and it's taken us almost a day to get it fixed. But, 69I'm going
to go ahead and schedule some people to work overtime. I think we ll be able to get the order shipped on Thursday
(W-Am) OK, if you do that — and if we use a faster shipping method — it won't matter to the customer that
we're sending it out on Thursday. They'll still get it next Monday as promised.

68 What caused a delay? 69 What does the man plan to do?

(A) A shipment did not arrive. (A) Replace some computer parts
(B) Machinery was broken. (B) Ask employees to work extra hours
(C) Parts were misplaced. (C) Offer the customer a discount
(D) A payment was not received. (D) Check the current inventory
70 When will the order probably ship?
(A) On Monday
(B) On Tuesday
(C) On Wednesday
(D) On Thursday
Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following telephone message.
(M-Cn) Hi, this is Paul Tanaka,71 I'm calling because I've just received my credit card statement, and I noticed a
charge from your store for 95 dollars.72 I bought a pair of black dress shoes at your store when I was in town last
month on a business trip,71 but they only cost 65 dollars. If necessary,73I can mail you a copy of the receipt for the
shoes so that you can correct the charge on my account. Please call me at 555-0194 to let me know what I should
71 What is the purpose of the call? 72 What did the man buy?
(A) To place a new order (A) Sports equipment
(B) To report a billing problem (B) A video game
(C) To complain about a damaged item (C) A business book
(D) To ask about a store's return policy (D) A pair of shoes
73 What does the man offer to do?
(A) Send a receipt
(B) Pay the shipping charge
(C) Open an account
(D) Go back to the store
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following radio broadcast.
(M-Au) This is Jeff Johnson at Radio 2SY, Sydney's number-one music and information station.74 And now, the
latest news on the weather. It will continue to be extremely hot and humid today and air quality remains poor.
Because of these unhealthy conditions,75 medical professionals recommend that everyone stay inside as much as
possible until this heat wave breaks. I'll have another weather update in an hour.76 Next up is Marc Hernandez, who
will be reviewing the movies opening this weekend.
74 What is the main topic of the broadcast? 75 What recommendation is made in the broadcast?
(A) Business news (A) Taking an alternate route
(B) The weather (B) Visiting a new store
(C) Traffic conditions (C) Remaining indoors
(D) A community event (D) Buying tickets early
76 What will listeners probably hear next?
(A) A commercial
(B) An interview
(C) Songs
(D) Film reviews
Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following announcement.
(W-Am)77 Attention customers: 78 Benny's Grocery Mart will be closing in fifteen minutes. Please finish your food
shopping and pay at one of the registers located at the front of the store.78 Again, we'll be closing in fifteen minutes.
Benny's will reopen tomorrow morning at seven for your shopping convenience. And, 79 this Sunday, stop by our
Taste of Spring event sponsored by Hanover Coffee Company.79 Hanover representatives will be in the store giving
away free samples of their newest coffee flavors. We hope to see you there!
77 Where is the announcement being made? 78 When will the business close?
(A) In a department store (A) In 5 minutes
(B) In a pharmacy (B) In 10 minutes
(C) In a grocery store (C) In 15 minutes
(D) In a stationery shop (D) In 20 minutes
79 According to the speaker, what will happen on
(A) Free samples will be given out.
(B) A contest will take place.
(C) A new location will open.
(D) The store will change its hours.
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following telephone message.
(M-Au) Hi, this is Keith. We're supposed to meet at your office on Thursday at two o'clock to discuss the
Grandison project. But I just realized that I have a meeting with the lead contractor for that project at one. 80 We're
meeting at the construction site which means that I won't be able to get back to your office by two.
Could you come to the construction site instead? That way, 82we can still meet at two, and I can show you how

the project is coming along.

80 Why does the speaker ask to change the meeting 81 Where does the speaker suggest the listener meet
place? him?
(A) It is not convenient for the client. (A) At another office
(B) He is unfamiliar with the area. (B) At a construction site
(C) He cannot get there on time. (C) At a warehouse
(D) The room is not big enough. (D) At a conference center
82 What time does the speaker want to meet with the
(A) At 1:00 P.M.
(B) At 2:00 P.M.
(C) At 3:00 P.M.
(D) At 4:00 P.M.
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following talk.
(W-Am) 83Today we're going to visit the town of Cedarton. 84We'll be starting in the oldest part of town. The area
was once residential, but now it's the town's commercial district. You'll have the morning to look at the historic
buildings and do some shopping. Then, 85after lunch, we'll head over to Cedarton University. As you're strolling
around the campus, don't be surprised if you feel like you've been there before. Because it's so beautiful, this
campus has been used as the setting for a number of famous movies.
83 Who most likely is the speaker? 84 What does the speaker say about Cedarton's
(A) A professor shopping district?
(B) A shop owner (A) It is the largest in the region.
(C) A tour guide (B) It is in the oldest part of town.
(D) A film director (C) It has reasonable prices.
(D) It is popular with students.
85 What will listeners do in the afternoon?
(A) Walk around a university
(B) Watch a film
(C) Attend a short lecture
(D) Visit a historic home
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following introduction.
(W-Br) I'd like to thank everyone for attending this workshop today. My name's Valerie Fairchild, and in this
session 86 we'll be talking about how to become an effective public speaker. In just a few minutes I'll be leading you
through a series of activities designed to build your confidence in front of large groups.87 But, I see that we seem to
be short on chairs. Please find a seat quickly so we see how many more chairs we need — then 88 I'll contact the
head of maintenance about having more brought into the room.
86 What is the topic of the workshop? 87 What concern does the speaker express?
(A) Increasing customer satisfaction (A) There will not be enough seats for the
(B) Setting effective goals participants.
(C) Becoming a better supervisor (B) The location of the session has changed.
(D) Improving public speaking skills (C) The session will last longer than scheduled.
(D) Participants have not received the class
88 Who does the speaker say she will contact?
(A) The conference organizer
(B) The maintenance supervisor
(C) An advertising executive
(D) A human resources manager
Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following announcement.
(M-Au) Good morning, everyone. I have an announcement before you begin your shift. First, I want to thank all of
you for your hard work filling that last-minute order for the Winslow Company. 89The quality and efficiency of our
work have been rewarded with a new, larger contract from Winslow. In order to meet the production demands of
the new contract, 90we'll be installing a second production line this week. The new equipment should also improve
our overall efficiency. And,91 starting next Monday, we'll be providing training on the new equipment. I'll give you
more information once I finalize the scheduling.
89 How has the employees' hard work benefited the 90 According to the speaker, what has the company
company? decided to do?
(A) It has received a large contract. (A) Extend work shifts
(B) It has won a prestigious award. (B) Install additional equipment
(C) It has been able to expand overseas. (C) Increase wages
(D) Its manufacturing facility passed an important (D) Hire some consultants
91 What will begin on Monday?
(A) Performance evaluations
(B) Client visits
(C) New work schedules
(D) Employee training
Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following news report.
(M-Cn) 92The Health Tone Group is opening a new research center in Hazel City in June. At the new facility
Health Tone will be conducting scientific studies that focus on the benefits of physical activity. 93
Their first
research project will examine the connection between exercise and memory — and they're looking for volunteers.93
If you're interested in participating in the study, you can visit their Web site at to fill
out an application.
92 What is The Health Tone Group doing in June? 93 What does The Health Tone Group want
(A) Opening a facility volunteers to do?
(B) Publishing a report (A) Provide feedback about a new product
(C) Sponsoring a race (B) Interview local residents
(D) Launching a Web site (C) Work at a health convention
(D) Participate in a research project
94 Why are listeners directed to the organization's
Web site?
(A) To see a list of awards
(B) To download health information
(C) To complete an application
(D) To receive some coupons
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following speech.
(W-Br) Hello everyone, and welcome. On behalf of Trap Industries, I'd like to say how delighted we are to be here
at this year's 95civil engineering conference. It's our first time attending, and we're looking forward to 95showing
you one of the applications we've been developing specifically for civil engineers. I'll be demonstrating our newest
software for designing bridges. As I go through the presentation, 96you'll be able to practice using the program's
features on the computers in front of you. But first, 97everyone will have to enter a password to access the system.
All you need to do is type in the word "Trap" — with a capital T — in the password box. Let me know if you have
any problems logging in, and I'll come around to help you.
95 Who is the conference for? 96 What will the audience be using computers to do?
(A) Interior designers (A) Try a program's features
(B) Civil engineers (B) Register for workshops
(C) Safety professionals (C) Compare competitors' Web sites
(D) Computer programmers (D) Take notes on a presentation
97 What does the speaker ask listeners to do first?
(A) Adjust a monitor
(B) Enter a password
(C) Put on headphones
(D) Install a program
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following news report.
(W-Am) In local news, the city government has approved a proposal that will connect Crescentville to the capital
by train. On Wednesday,98 Crescentville mayor Chang Lee stated that the new train service should make travel
between the two cities more affordable. 99The train is expected to provide a significantly less expensive alternative
to driving. Asked when the project will get started,100 Mayor Lee said that he has delayed it temporarily while he
reviews the environmental impact study — he wants to be certain that the new railroad tracks will not disturb any
endangered wildlife in the area.
98 Who is Chang Lee? 99 According to Mr. Lee, how will the train benefit
(A) A television reporter Crescentville?
(B) A company president (A) It will shorten commute times.
(C) A government official (B) It will lower travel costs.
(D) An environmental lawyer (C) It will create more jobs.
(D) It will increase tourism.
100 Why has the project been delayed?
(A) An election has not taken place yet.
(B) The city council has not approved a budget.
(C) Mr. Lee will be out of the country for several
(D) Mr. Lee wants to review a study.
1 (W-Br) 2 (M-Au)
(A) The woman is holding a handbag (A) He's looking into a microscope.
(B) The man is watering a plant (B) He's putting on his glasses.
(C) The people are moving furniture (C) He's closing a cabinet.
(D) The people are talking on telephones. (D) He's washing some bottles.
3 (M-Cn) 4 (W-Br)
(A) One woman is hanging a picture. (A) Airplanes are flying overhead.
(B) Books are on the shelves. (B) A suitcase is being pulled down a hallway.
(C) Some file drawers are open. (C) A man is passing by some windows.
(D) The women are seated at a desk. (D) A man is loading a cart.
5 (W-Am) 6 (M-Au)
(A) The women are unpacking monitors. (A) A sculpture is on display outside.
(B) Some people are lining up chairs. (B) A man is running up a ramp.
(C) A man is waiting at a counter. (C) A wall has been covered in advertisements.
(D) A customer is reaching for some merchandise. (D) A lamppost is being installed.
7 (W-Am) 8 (M-Cn)
(A) Workers are entering a factory. (A) A band is filing off a stage.
(B) Vehicles are parked side by side. (B) People are performing under a tent.
(C) A machine is pouring cement. (C) An audience is clapping for some musicians.
(D) A truck is being towed. (D) Women are singing next to a piano.
9 (M-Au) 10 (M-Cn)
(A) Equipment is being fastened to the roof of a (A) Fields are being plowed alongside a road.
car. (B) Bouquets of flowers have been placed by a
(B) The men are racing on an outdoor course. statue.
(C) Tires have been stacked on the ground. (C) A public monument overlooks a walkway.
(D) A bicyclist is wearing a helmet. (D) A busy street winds through a garden.
11 (W-Am) John, how do you get to work? 12 (M-Cn) Who designed the floor plan?
(M-Au) (A) An assistant manager. (W-Am) (A) They're affordable.
(B) In the waiting room. (B) Only three floors.
(C) I take the bus. (C) Mr. Bryson did.
13 (M-Au) Where's the registration sheet? 14 (M-Cn) Would you like to go to the seminar?
(W-Br) (A) The printer was fixed. (M-Au) (A) On the bulletin board.
(B) It's on the front desk. (B) Two years ago.
(C) She's new here. (C) Yes, I would.
15 (W-Br) Have you seen my green jacket? 16 (W-Am) Wasn't Mr. Han in the news this
(W-Am) (A) I have some. morning?
(B) Check the closet. (W-Br) (A) I believe he was.
(C) No, they aren't. (B) He left it behind.
(C) I bought it used.
17 (M-Cn) What should I bring to the trade show? 18 (M-Au) Why is the road blocked?
(W-Am) (A) Your business cards. (M-Cn) (A) For two days.
(B) At the conference center. (B) It’s under construction.
(C) Sorry, I have it. (C) I rode my bicycle.
19 (W-Br) Who put the ladder in the hallway? 20 (M-Cn) When will the client arrive?
(W-Am) (A) The letter was mailed. (W-Br) (A) A cleaning service.
(B) It was probably the painters. (B) Not until this afternoon.
(C) On the way down. (C) Ms. Kim will.
21 (W-Am) Could I borrow your stapler? 22 (W-Br) How much is this umbrella?
(M-Au) (A) No, she didn't. (M-Au) (A) It's going to rain.
(B) I've heard that. (B) Fifteen euros.
(C) It's on the top shelf. (C) It won't take long.
23 (M-Cn) Did you know that they're building a 24 (M-Cn) What kind of company does Mr. Perez
fitness center? manage?
(W-Am) (A) Yes, it opens soon. (M-Au) (A) For twenty years.
(B) It doesn't fit. (B) I can manage that.
(C) No, on weekends. (C) An advertising agency.
25 (W-Br) Did Carla Silverman write the play, or 26 (W-Am) Where did Gabriella buy that clock?
direct it? (W-Br) (A) Here's the key.
(M-Cn) (A) The wrong direction. (B) At a gift shop.
(B) Write your name here, please. (C) It's time to leave.
(C) She did both.
27 (M-Au) The train stops here frequently, doesn't it? 28 (M-Au) Can I offer you something to drink?
(W-Am) (A) West Street Station. (M-Cn) (A) I turned it on.
(B) Every half hour. (B) The offer was too low.
(C) Is that too quick? (C) Thanks, I'll have some tea.
29 (W-Br) Why has the copy machine been 30 (W-Br) His plane was delayed because of a storm.
removed? (M-Cn) (A) How late will he be?
(M-Au) (A) It's being replaced. (B) At the ticket counter.
(B) Ten copies, please. (C) Try the other store.
(C) To the factory.
31 (W-Am) Can I give you a tour of our museum, or 32 (M-Au) When will I find out if I got the
are you familiar with it? assignment?
(W-Br) (A) I've met him before. (M-Cn) (A) No later than Friday.
(B) A tour would be nice. (B) The accounting department.
(C) Near the amusement park. (C) Didn't you find it?
33 (W-Br) The movers will be here this evening. 34 (W-Br) Weren't you using the scissors earlier?
(M-Cn) (A) Good, the boxes are ready. (M-Au) (A) Yes, but I put them back.
(B) To Tokyo, I think. (B) Later in the program.
(C) Maybe next month. (C) Why don't you cut it in half?
35 (M-Cn) Ms. Jones was promoted three times in 36 (M-Au) Why don't we go ahead and start?
just two years. (W-Br) (A) A different schedule.
(M-Au) (A) Just the promotional materials. (B) About sixteen meters.
(B) She deserves the recognition. (C) Let's wait for Mark.
(C) I'd like four of them.
37 (M-Cn) Should I submit my first draft, or only the 38 (W-Br) The electrician is coming today, isn't he?
final version? (M-Au) (A) Yes, to fix the lights.
(M-Au) (A) Send what you have now. (B) No, the election's in November.
(B) An e-mail address. (C) The power cord.
(C) We've submitted the final payment.
39 (W-Am) How do I enter this information into the 40 (M-Au) Our advertisement is being recorded in
data base? Studio B.
(M-Au) (A) The entrance is around the corner. (W-Am) (A) The study is being reviewed.
(B) Keep me informed. (B) Oh, I thought they had finished.
(C) Here are the instructions. (C) A new sales record.
41 Who most likely is the woman? 42 What does the woman ask about?
(A) A visiting colleague (A) How to get an identification card
(B) A job applicant (B) When a workshop starts
(C) A potential customer (C) Where to eat lunch
(D) A new employee (D) Who she will be meeting with
43 What does the man suggest? 44 What does the woman want to do?
(A) Signing up for a training session (A) Buy a gift for a friend
(B) Meeting at a cafe (B) Have some clothes cleaned
(C) Taking a tour (C) Ship some merchandise
(D) Making a reservation (D) Exchange a purchase
45 What problem does the man mention? 46 What does the man offer to check?
(A) Some equipment is not working. (A) The location of another store
(B) An item is out of stock. (B) The cost of a service
(C) Prices have recently increased. (C) The availability of a size
(D) A shop is about to close. (D) The date of a delivery
47 What does the man want to know about the event? 48 Why is the woman unable to answer the man's
(A) The number of attendees question?
(B) The menu (A) She has not heard back from a hotel.
(C) The location (B) She does not have Internet access.
(D) The name of the guest speaker (C) An event budget has not been provided.
(D) A director has been out of town.
49 What is the man preparing to do? 50 Why is the woman at the factory?
(A) Create a meeting agenda (A) To pick up materials
(B) Make travel arrangements (B) To repair a machine
(C) Give a presentation (C) To conduct an inspection
(D) Send some invitations (D) To discuss an estimate
51 What did the woman bring? 52 What does the man offer to do?
(A) A checklist (A) Waive a fee
(B) A map (B) Process an order
(C) Replacement parts (C) Review some paperwork
(D) Safety goggles (D) Introduce some employees
53 What are the speakers discussing? 54 Who most likely is the woman?
(A) A shortage of supplies (A) A store manager
(B) Some test results (B) A lab technician
(C) A return policy (C) A factory worker
(D) A hiring process (D) A customer service representative
55 What does the man say he will do? 56 Where most likely do the speakers work?
(A) Cancel an experiment (A) At a software company
(B) Contact a manufacturer (B) At a medical office
(C) Submit a project summary (C) At a storage facility
(D) Speak with a colleague (D) At a moving service
57 What does the man suggest? 58 What improvement does the woman mention?
(A) Sharing job responsibilities (A) There will be more space in the building.
(B) Postponing an appointment (B) Business hours will be extended.
(C) Redesigning an office (C) Information will be easier to find.
(D) Taking inventory (D) Company profits will increase.
59 Where most likely are the speakers? 60 What does the man want to know?
(A) At a paint supply shop (A) Where the woman has traveled
(B) At a theater (B) Whether an item is for sale
(C) At an art gallery (C) How much a ticket costs
(D) At a tourism office (D) When an event will end
61 What does the woman say she will do? 62 According to the man, what will happen on
(A) Visit an office Thursday?
(B) Create a painting (A) Some filing cabinets will be delivered.
(C) Teach a class (B) A computer will be replaced.
(D) Send a photograph (C) An employee will move to another office.
(D) A technology workshop will take place.
63 What does the woman ask about? 64 What will the man leave for the woman?
(A) The transfer of her files (A) A catalog
(B) A change in her work hours (B) An invoice
(C) The reason for an installation (C) Some cables
(D) The number of copies needed (D) Some instructions
65 Why is the woman calling? 66 What does the man inquire about?
(A) To offer an assignment (A) The cost of a subscription
(B) To discuss a sporting event (B) The location of an activity
(C) To describe a promotion (C) The payment for a project
(D) To request an interview (D) The subject of an article
67 What will the woman send the man? 68 What does the man want to know?
(A) A schedule (A) Whether a document can be revised
(B) A contract (B) Whether a package has shipped
(C) Some equipment (C) Whether a design has been approved
(D) Some recent issues (D) Whether a client has arrived
69 What is the marketing department planning to do? 70 What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Launch a campaign (A) Reserve a room
(B) Increase its staff (B) Prepare updated materials
(C) Publish monthly reports (C) Review a meeting agenda
(D) Conduct online surveys (D) Check some calculations
71 Why will the speaker be late for work? 72 What does the speaker ask the listener to do?
(A) His car has broken down. (A) Distribute some documents
(B) He is waiting for a repairperson. (B) Type a report
(C) He has a medical appointment. (C) Provide driving directions
(D) His train has been delayed. (D) Buy some supplies
73 What is the speaker scheduled to do at 9:30? 74 What event is being described?
(A) Open a store (A) A music contest
(B) Train new staff (B) A company banquet
(C) Make a delivery (C) A gallery opening
(D) Attend a meeting (D) A local festival
75 What are listeners encouraged to do by October 76 How can listeners get more information?
1? (A) By going to a ticket office
(A) Pick up a guest pass (B) By calling a store
(B) Submit a recording (C) By visiting a Web site
(C) Complete a survey (D) By reading an article
(D) Vote online
77 What will happen next week? 78 What are employees encouraged to do?
(A) A fee will be increased. (A) Share transportation to work
(B) Menus will be posted. (B) Work additional shifts
(C) A parking area will be repaved. (C) Contribute to a newsletter
(D) Hours of operation will be extended (D) Join a planning committee
79 Where can the sign-up sheet be found? 80 What type of business is Clifton Associates?
(A) In the lobby (A) A moving company
(B) In the cafeteria (B) A real estate agency
(C) In the conference room (C) A delivery service
(D) In the mail room (D) A law firm
81 Why are employees unable to answer the phone? 82 What does the speaker say about Catherine
(A) They are helping other callers. Walsh?
(B) They are moving to a new location. (A) She is on a business trip.
(C) The telephone system is being repaired. (B) She is best reached by e-mail.
(D) It is a national holiday. (C) She has transferred to a different department.
(D) She will be checking telephone messages.
83 What is being advertised? 84 What is mentioned about the facility?
(A) A department store (A) It can accommodate many group sizes.
(B) A hotel (B) It has been expanded recently.
(C) A party-supply shop (C) It is located in a convenient area.
(D) An event hall (D) It has been recommended by past customers.
85 What is being offered at a discount for a limited 86 What type of product is the speaker discussing?
time? (A) Furniture
(A) Equipment rentals (B) Shoes
(B) Live entertainment (C) Toys
(C) Catering services (D) Books
(D) Decorations
87 What has the company decided to do next year? 88 Who is Maggie Tan?
(A) Redesign a product line (A) A financial advisor
(B) Lower some prices (B) A marketing consultant
(C) Sell a product overseas (C) A product developer
(D) Produce a catalog (D) A store owner
89 Where is the announcement taking place? 90 What is Dr. Heller best known for?
(A) At a retirement party (A) Inventing a laboratory instrument
(B) At a community fair (B) Winning an important award
(C) At a science seminar (C) Developing a medical procedure
(D) At a book signing (D) Directing a research center
91 What does Dr. Heller plan to do? 92 Who most likely are the listeners?
(A) Start a science foundation (A) Graphic designers
(B) Write for a newspaper (B) Computer technicians
(C) Go on an international tour (C) Technology reporters
(D) Volunteer at a school (D) Public relations consultants
93 Why should listeners contact the speaker? 94 What information does the speaker say he will e-
(A) To schedule vacation time mail to some listeners?
(B) To inquire about report deadlines (A) Travel details
(C) To renew their work contracts (B) Copies of a press release
(D) To express interest in a conference (C) A list of rates
(D) A client profile
95 What is Westwood City Park known for? 96 What did Santiago Torres do last year?
(A) Its rare plant species (A) He published a travel guide.
(B) Its views of the city (B) He designed a visitors' center.
(C) Its outdoor theater (C) He directed a film.
(D) Its display of sculptures (D) He organized a festival.
97 According to the speaker, what will listeners be 98 What does the speaker talk about on his radio
able to do at the end of the tour? program?
(A) Purchase souvenirs (A) Travel destinations
(B) Attend a lecture (B) Automotive news
(C) Meet with artists (C) Financial updates
(D) Watch a documentary (D) Fashion trends
99 What does the speaker say about Inaba Company's 10 According to the speaker, what information is on
new product? 0 the Inaba Company Web site?
(A) It is affordable. (A) Product comparisons
(B) It is sold only online. (B) Current promotions
(C) It is long lasting. (C) Warranty information
(D) It is recyclable. (D) Store locations
1 (W-Am) 2 (M-Cn)
(A) He's carrying a shopping basket. (A) She's jumping over a net.
(B) He's eating some vegetables. (B) She's holding a racket.
(C) He's wearing a T-shirt. (C) She's putting on her shoes.
(D) He's picking up some flowers. (D) She's kicking a ball.
3 (M-Au) 4 (W-Br)
(A) A woman is reaching for a pen. (A) A man is diving off a boat.
(B) A woman is wiping off a counter. (B) Some boats are sailing on the water.
(C) Some people are standing in line. (C) Some people are fishing from a dock.
(D) Some documents are being printed out. (D) People are watching a race from the shore.
5 (W-Am^ 6 (M-Au)
(A) He's inspecting some tires. (A) Plants are sitting on a ledge.
(B) He's opening a car door. (B) The women are looking out a window.
(C) He's parking in a garage. (C) One of the women is removing her glasses.
(D) He's working on a vehicle. (D) Some pictures have been placed against a
7 (M-Cn) 8 (W-Br)
(A) A crowd has gathered for a performance. (A) A machine is lifting bags onto a shelf.
(B) Some pedestrians are crossing the street. (B) Small trees have been planted in individual
(C) A man's sweeping the pavement. pots.
(D) A woman's entering a clothing store. (C) Soil is being poured into plastic bags.
(D) A field is surrounded by trees.
9 (W-Am) 10 (M-Au)
(A) Safety goggles are hanging around a woman's (A) A vendor is rearranging a collection of
neck. glasses.
(B) Notes have been written on a chalkboard. (B) A merchant is setting up a row of tables.
(C) A woman is stirring the contents of a (C) Customers are examining some merchandise
container. on display.
(D) A woman is inspecting some laboratory (D) Some people are purchasing umbrellas in a
equipment. market.
11 (M-Cn) How much do these shirts cost? 12 (W-Br) Who was offered the marketing position?
(M-Au) (A) They're twenty euros each. (M-Au) (A) Janet Grey was.
(B) The show is at three. (B) I moved it.
(C) Not much more. (C) To increase our sales.
13 (M-Cn) When are the building designs due? 14 (W-Am) Where did Tran leave the contract?
(W-Am) (A) In the lobby. (M-Au) (A) It's on your desk.
(B) On the fifteenth. (B) By the end of the day.
(C) No, he hasn't done it. (C) I'll have one, thanks.
15 (W-Br) Would you rather present first or second at 16 (M-Cn) Do you have the time?
the workshop? (W-Am) (A) Watch your step.
(M-Au) (A) For a few seconds. (B) It's eleven-thirty.
(B) First will be fine. (C) Yes, that's mine.
(C) It's an interesting idea.
17 (W-Am) Is there anything planned to celebrate 18 (M-Au) How often does Sun-Hee travel to
Gary's retirement? Europe?
(M-Cn) (A) Since the branch opened. (W-Br) (A) At least twice a year.
(B) That's a good plan. (B) The Palace Hotel.
(C) There’s a party next Friday. (C) To lead a seminar.
19 (M-Cn) Why isn't the printer working? 20 (M-Au) Can you help me save these files to my
(W-Br) (A) It's out of ink. computer?
(B) Print your name here. (M-Cn) (A) The file's in the box.
(C) A lot of work. (B) A support technician.
(C) I'll come by as soon as I can.
21 (W-Br) When is the kitchen tile supposed to 22 (W-Am) Have you heard about the merger?
arrive? (W-Br) (A) I just read the e-mail.
(W-Am) (A) That order's shipping on Tuesday. (B) It's not too loud.
(B) The product trial was successful. (C) No, in separate documents.
(C) The floor and the counter.
23 (M-Cn) You haven't seen a copy of the instruction 24 (W-Br) How soon can we announce the staff
manual, have you? promotions?
(W-Am) (A) An experienced instructor. (M-Au) (A) There's enough room.
(B) Try the bottom cabinet. (B) Oh, that's wonderful news.
(C) Yes, I've been there before (C) At the next meeting.
25 (W-Am) What are we ordering for lunch? 26 (M-Au) When do we have to register for the
(W-Br) (A) How about Italian food? seminar?
(B) Only three of us. (M-Cn) (A) To attend a special event.
(C) Near the cafe on Main Street. (B) In the reception area.
(C) Registration starts in March.
27 (M-Au) Mr. Ramirez called while you were out. 28 (W-Br) Who developed the advertising campaign?
(W-Am) (A) Yes, that's his number. (M-Cn) (A) I've never been camping.
(B) Did he say what he wanted? (B) For staff development.
(C) I'll pick some out. (C) I'll have to look up his name.
29 (W-Am) Where can I get a bus to Kingston? 30 (M-Cn) What will be discussed on the conference
(M-Au) (A) A reduced fare. call?
(B) I'll find a transit map. (W-Am) (A) Only with customer service agents.
(C) Every ten minutes. (B) Results from a recent survey.
(C) The discussion ended early.
31 (W-Am) Would you like me to move these boxes 32 (W-Br) Why don't you join Mary and me for a
to the stockroom? walk?
(W-Br) (A) We chose a larger size. (W-Am) (A) Some fresh air would be lovely.
(B) If you're not too busy. (B) It's a great organization.
(C) No, it's not in stock right now. (C) That's Mary's group.
33 (W-Am) Can't you take a later flight? 34 (M-Au) Would you prefer a table outdoors or
(M-Cn) (A) No thanks, it's pretty light. indoors?
(B) I'd miss a meeting if I did. (W-Br) (A) The first door on your left.
(C) It's not that long. (B) It's too hot outside.
(C) I'd like it gift-wrapped, please.
35 (M-Au) I have a job interview with the local 36 (W-Br) The committee is making a decision about
newspaper. next quarter's budget.
(M-Cn) (A) It was very well written. (M-Cn) (A) I hope they approve it.
(B) I didn't know they were hiring. (B) He's decided to move.
(C) Yes, I'm from the area. (C) It's nearly full.
37 (W-Br) Why are you adding more training 38 (M-Cn) Didn't you work with Sergio on the
sessions? finance report?
(M-Au) (A) Ivan's passing around a sign-up sheet. (W-Am) (A) It calculates your hours worked.
(B) The proposal can't be changed now. (B) I forgot to watch it.
(C) We didn't realize so many people wanted to (C) Actually, that was Betsy.
39 (M-Au) Ms. Patel updated the holiday catalog, 40 (M-Cn) You should put on a protective helmet
didn't she? while you're on the construction site.
(W-Br) (A) It's being celebrated on the weekend (M-Au) (A) Of course I can deliver it.
this year. (B) The view is beautiful up there.
(B) No, I didn't change my travel arrangements. (C) I'll have to borrow one.
(C) She's waiting for Tom to OK it.
41 What event are the speakers preparing for? 42 What does the woman say there is a problem
(A) A film opening with?
(B) An art exhibition (A) A recent purchase
(C) A concert (B) An employee schedule
(D) A theater performance (C) The guest list
(D) The lighting
43 What does the woman say she will do? 44 What does the woman tell the customer about?
(A) Get a ladder (A) A discount on meals
(B) Work extra hours (B) A problem with a beverage order
(C) Buy some supplies (C) An addition to the menu
(D) Organize a closet (D) A wait time
45 What does the man want to do? 46 What will the woman do next?
(A) Make a substitution to a menu item (A) Cancel the man's order
(B) Change his seating location (B) Bring the man's bill
(C) See a list of ingredients (C) Consult the chef
(D) Take his order home with him (D) Find more menus
47 What happened yesterday? 48 What is the man unable to do?
(A) Computers were upgraded. (A) Locate some instructions
(B) Staff completed a training course. (B) Contact a colleague
(C) A remodeling project began. (C) View an item online
(D) A new product was launched. (D) Listen to audio files
49 What does the woman suggest? 50 Why is the man calling?
(A) Changing a password (A) There is an error on his bill.
(B) Checking some cables (B) Room service has not arrived.
(C) Speaking to a manager (C) He is expecting a package.
(D) Reading a manual (D) He wants to extend his stay.
51 What does the man say he can bring to the front 52 What does the woman offer to do?
desk? (A) Print some directions
(A) A business card (B) Confirm a time
(B) A photo identification (C) Inform a supervisor
(C) A credit card (D) Arrange for transportation
(D) An airplane ticket
53 What are the speakers mainly discussing? 54 What is the man concerned about?
(A) The results of a meeting (A) A busy schedule
(B) A visit from some colleagues (B) A missing diagram
(C) Internship applications (C) An unfinished budget
(D) Details of an engineering project (D) A meeting location
55 What will the woman probably do? 56 What are the speakers waiting for?
(A) Lead a planning session (A) Some design sketches
(B) Give advice to a colleague (B) An e-mail confirmation
(C) Replace a team member (C) A clothing shipment
(D) Invite interns to a lunch (D) A signed contract
57 What was scheduled to happen on Monday? 58 What will the man probably do next?
(A) A photography session (A) Check his calendar
(B) An editorial meeting (B) Make a phone call
(C) A press conference (C) Rearrange a display
(D) A fashion show (D) Go to the post office
59 What is the man interested in doing? 60 What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Joining a fitness center (A) Send the man a brochure
(B) Interviewing for a job (B) Test some equipment
(C) Registering for a workshop (C) Review some references
(D) Buying some sports equipment (D) Give the man a tour
61 When does the woman suggest the man return? 62 What information does the woman request?
(A) At lunch time (A) Pay rates
(B) This evening (B) Sales forecasts
(C) Tomorrow morning (C) Delivery dates
(D) In one week (D) Production totals
63 What problem does the man mention? 64 What does the woman propose?
(A) A product design is flawed. (A) Changing a procedure
(B) Another company has lowered its prices. (B) Reducing costs
(C) There is a shortage of skilled workers. (C) Expanding a facility
(D) There has been a decrease in orders. (D) Providing training
65 Who most likely is the man? 66 What was the man's most recent project?
(A) A hiring manager (A) Creating a television commercial
(B) A marketing professional (B) Redesigning a Web site
(C) A graphic artist (C) Editing a book
(D) A travel writer (D) Developing a mentoring program
67 What does the man say about the Milfort 68 What is the problem?
Company? (A) A forklift has broken down.
(A) It offers a competitive salary. (B) Railings have not been properly installed.
(B) It is located near his home. (C) A conveyor belt has stopped working.
(C) It has an excellent reputation. (D) An electrical supply is not adequate.
(D) It has international offices.
69 What is the man calling to check on? 70 What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) An equipment installation (A) Review a document
(B) An inventory process (B) Contact a company
(C) A safety drill (C) Bring some supplies
(D) A production schedule (D) Approve an expense
71 What will the weather be like this afternoon? 72 What event will take place this weekend?
(A) Rainy (A) A football match
(B) Hot (B) A picnic
(C) Windy (C) A parade
(D) Snowy (D) An outdoor market
73 What does the speaker recommend taking to the 74 Where most likely does the speaker work?
event? (A) At a stationery store
(A) A warm coat (B) At a toy store
(B) An umbrella (C) At a print shop
(C) A bottle of water (D) At a clothing shop
(D) A snack
75 Who is the speaker calling? 76 According to the speaker, what will happen next
(A) An employee week?
(B) A supplier (A) An item will be ordered.
(C) A customer (B) A sale will be held.
(D) A delivery service (C) A business will be closed.
(D) A catalog will be mailed.
77 Where is the announcement being made? 78 What can listeners do at the service desk?
(A) In a school (A) Check out materials
(B) In a library (B) Sign up to use computers
(C) In a movie theater (C) Purchase tickets
(D) In a concert hall (D) Pick up a schedule
79 When will Life in Tuscany be shown? 80 What is the speaker mainly discussing?
(A) In 30 minutes (A) A travel documentary
(B) Tomorrow morning (B) A novel
(C) Tomorrow evening (C) A magazine article
(D) Next week (D) A play
81 What does the speaker say about Ann Nolan? 82 What will listeners hear next?
(A) She will be signing books. (A) An interview
(B) She will give a lecture. (B) A commercial
(C) She is a local resident. (C) A music review
(D) She attended school in New Mexico. (D) A news update
83 Where does the speaker work? 84 Why is Jessica Brenner being recognized?
(A) At a car dealership (A) She had the top sales figures in the company.
(B) At an advertising firm (B) She received the best ratings for customer
(C) At an electronics manufacturer service.
(D) At a television station (C) She developed a successful advertising
(D) She has done volunteer work in the
85 What will Jessica Brenner receive? 86 Who is the conference intended for?
(A) An engraved trophy (A) Advertising professionals
(B) An extra vacation day (B) Software developers
(C) A job promotion (C) Physicians
(D) A gift certificate (D) Journalists
87 What does the speaker say has changed? 88 According to the speaker, where is more
(A) The title of a presentation information available?
(B) The starting time of a session (A) On a Web site
(C) The location of dining facilities (B) In a brochure
(D) The keynote speaker (C) On a notice board
(D) At a registration desk
89 What is being advertised? 90 What does the speaker emphasize about the
(A) A health food shop business?
(B) A recycling company (A) It is environmentally friendly.
(C) A cleaning service (B) It is in a convenient location.
(D) An office supply store (C) It has the lowest prices in the area.
(D) Its customers are large corporations.
91 What is available on the Web site? 92 Why is the speaker pleased about the deal with
(A) A discount coupon Yamaguchi Distributors?
(B) A newsletter (A) The deal took many months to complete.
(C) Product information (B) Yamaguchi Distributors offers many services.
(D) Customer recommendations (C) It is an opportunity to enter a new market.
(D) Production costs will be reduced.
93 What did Yamaguchi Distributors like about the 94 What is the company going to do before starting
bicycles? production?
(A) The materials used (A) Open a branch office
(B) The price (B) Invest in new technology
(C) The weight (C) Conduct a survey
(D) The design (D) Hire more employees
95 Who most likely are the listeners? 96 What change has been made to the construction
(A) Maintenance workers plans?
(B) Conference planners (A) An auditorium has been redesigned.
(C) Cafeteria employees (B) A parking area has been expanded.
(D) Company directors (C) A cafeteria has been added.
(D) A storage area has been enlarged.
97 According to the speaker, what does the 98 What type of company events is the speaker
construction firm require as a result of the change? discussing?
(A) A larger deposit (A) Board meetings
(B) Additional time (B) Social functions
(C) New blueprints (C) Training sessions
(D) A revised contract (D) Client presentations
99 What does the speaker emphasize about the new 10 How often does the budget committee meet?
forms? 0 (A) Every week
(A) They are due this week. (B) Once a month
(B) They should be filled out carefully. (C) Twice a year
(C) Copies should be kept on file. (D) Once a year
(D) A manager's signature is required.
1 (W-Am) 2 (W-Am)
(A) The man's looking at a notebook. (A) They're fixing a tire.
(B) The man's moving a table. (B) They're planting some bushes.
(C) The man's picking up a newspaper. (C) They're strolling down a path.
(D) The man's buying a pen. (D) They’re riding a bicycle.
3 (W-Br) 4 (M-Au)
(A) She's cooking at the stove. (A) People are climbing up a hill.
(B) She's arranging utensils in a drawer. (B) Passengers are boarding a bus.
(C) She's opening the oven. (C) The steps are blocked by luggage.
(D) She's holding some containers. (D) A bus is departing from a station.
5 (M-Cn) 6 (W-Br)
(A) A meeting is taking place outdoors. (A) Dresses are being sewn.
(B) Some documents are being filed. (B) Garments are being displayed.
(C) They're seated across from each other. (C) Customers are being helped.
(D) They're reviewing some drawings. (D) Clothing is being folded.
7 (W-Am) 8 (M-Cn)
(A) He's removing items from a carton. (A) Diners are feeding some seagulls.
(B) He's stocking the shelves with beverages. (B) They're pulling their chairs up to the table.
(C) He's putting merchandise into a basket. (C) Some people are eating near the water.
(D) He's placing price tags on some products. (D) Some food is being brought to the diners.
9 (W-Br) 10 (M-Au)
(A) One truck is transporting a load of bricks. (A) A band member is adjusting a microphone.
(B) A brick wall surrounds a work area. (B) Musicians have packed up their horns.
(C) Lines are being painted on a road. (C) The men are polishing their instruments.
(D) Construction vehicles are parked in a storage (D) Performers have assembled under a canopy.
11 (W-Br) Where's our next interview? 12 (M-Cn) When should I request vacation time?
(W-Am) (A) In room 102. (M-Au) (A) Yes, you should.
(B) It's nice to meet you. (B) At least a month in advance.
(C) We all went. (C) Have a great trip.
13 (W-Br) Did you read the movie review in 14 (M-Au) Why wasn’t the mail delivered?
yesterday's paper? (W-Br) (A) Because it's a holiday.
(M-Cn) (A) That place had a great view. (B) Twenty stamps, please.
(B) Only until tomorrow night. (C) At any time.
(C) No, I haven't had a chance yet.
15 (W-Am) Where should I put my wet umbrella? 16 (M-Cn) Do I have to fill out these forms now?
(M-Au) (A) It might rain soon. (W-Am) (A) No thanks, I'm already full.
(B) They left already. (B) They've been informed.
(C) In the hallway. (C) Yes, we need them for your interview.
17 (W-Br) What color should we paint the front 18 (M-Au) Would you like to have dinner before or
door? after the lecture?
(M-Cn) (A) I like that painting. (W-Am) (A) I'd like one of each.
(B) Blue would look nice. (B) A reservation for two.
(C) There's space in the back. (C) Let's wait until after.
19 (W-Br) The play opens next week, doesn't it? 20 (W-Am) Do you know if there's a shoe store
(M-Cn) (A) It starts on Thursday. nearby?
(B) In the back row. (M-Au) (A) That'd be my recommendation.
(C) Why don't you leave it open? (B) I think there's one in the shopping center.
(C) They don't fit well.
21 (M-Cn) We’re going to run out of paper soon. 22 (M-Au) Why was the computer class canceled?
(W-Am) (A) I just ordered more. (W-Br) (A) Yes, it's for sale.
(B) I'm going with you. (B) There weren't enough students.
(C) A box of office supplies. (C) You can register online.
23 (W-Am) Where should I file the marketing 24 (M-Cn) Can't Mr. Lee meet with us before noon?
budget? (W-Br) (A) I made the introductions.
(M-Cn) (A) In the cabinet by Marta's office. (B) No, he's busy all morning.
(B) No, I couldn't find it. (C) The upstairs meeting area.
(C) Only for the fourth quarter.
25 (W-Br) Your three o'clock appointment is here. 26 (W-Am) How often do you give factory tours?
(M-Au) (A) Thanks, I'll be right there. (W-Br) (A) It covers the entire factory.
(B) On the calendar. (B) Usually just on Saturdays.
(C) A three-point increase. (C) I gave it to Victoria.
27 (M-Au) Would you like me to make copies of the 28 (W-Br) The weather has been colder than usual,
agenda? hasn't it?
(W-Am) (A) Dao-Ming made the announcement. (M-Cn) (A) It certainly seems like it.
(B) It was last week. (B) I'm feeling much better, thank you.
(C) That's OK. I'll do it later. (C) Usually we do.
29 (M-Au) What street do I take to get to the 30 (M-Cn) Who can help plan the upcoming
museum? orientation session?
(W-Am) (A) Around a half hour. (M-Au) (A) That was helpful.
(B) Check the map over there. (B) A dozen invitations.
(C) It was a popular exhibit. (C) You should ask David.
31 (W-Am) When will the press conference begin? 32 (W-Br) Could you repair the broken shelving unit
(M-Cn) (A) She was very impressed. in the warehouse?
(B) In the banquet room. (W-Am) (A) Yes, they're on the top shelf.
(C) As soon as the microphone arrives. (B) I'll look at it this afternoon.
(C) How would you like that prepared?
33 (M-Au) Do you want to book a direct flight or one 34 (M-Cn) Who left these documents on my desk?
that stops in London? (M-Au) (A) There isn't any left.
(W-Br) (A) I've lived there for five years. (B) Your supervisor brought them.
(B) It depends on the price. (C) I put it on a disc.
(C) We stopped by yesterday.
35 (W-Am) Several of us are trying to organize a 36 (M-Cn) How many people are scheduled to attend
book club. the party?
(W-Br) (A) Can anyone join it? (M-Au) (A) It was a wonderful evening.
(B) A well-known organization. (B) Because the president's retiring.
(C) We read that book last month. (C) Patti has the guest list.
37 (W-Am) Do you think we should take extra 38 (M-Au) You've been having trouble with your e-
product samples to the convention? mail recently, haven't you?
(M-Cn) (A) I worked with her before. (W-Am) (A) I sent it earlier.
(B) That's probably a good idea. (B) It's been fixed.
(C) It took me all day. (C) We can do that.
39 (W-Br) Haven't we received the flyer designs yet? 40 (M-Cn) Could you check the projector to make
(M-Au) (A) A group of experienced designers. sure it works?
(B) Make sure you keep your receipt. (W-Br) (A) I turned it on this morning.
(C) The art department's sending them over soon. (B) I saw it in the catalog.
(C) Our updated sales projections.
41 How did the man spend his vacation? 42 What problem does the man mention?
(A) Visiting another city (A) He cannot listen to his phone messages.
(B) Going hiking (B) He cannot log on to his computer.
(C) Swimming at the beach (C) A photocopy machine is broken.
(D) Relaxing at home (D) A package has not been sent.
43 What does the woman offer to give the man? 44 What does the man want to do?
(A) A telephone number (A) Take out a loan
(B) A new password (B) Exchange some money
(C) A shipping label (C) Open an account
(D) An instruction manual (D) Make a car payment
45 What document does the woman ask to see? 46 When will the man most likely return?
(A) A bank statement (A) In the afternoon
(B) A purchase order (B) Tomorrow morning
(C) Proof of employment (C) Tomorrow evening
(D) Photo identification (D) In a few days
47 Where most likely does the man work? 48 Why is the woman concerned?
(A) At an office supply store (A) A driver has not made a delivery.
(B) At a concert hall (B) A folder is missing.
(C) At a taxi company (C) An order is incorrect.
(D) At a music store (D) A concert has been canceled.
49 What information does the woman ask for? 50 Why does the man visit the shop?
(A) An employee’s name (A) To ask about an order
(B) A purchase date (B) To purchase a gift
(C) A building address (C) To leave a brochure
(D) A confirmation code (D) To exchange an item
51 What problem does the woman mention? 52 What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) A manager is not available. (A) Check a Web site
(B) A material is out of stock. (B) Return next week
(C) A file was misplaced. (C) Provide a credit card number
(D) A name was misspelled. (D) Select another color
53 What type of business has recently opened? 54 According to the woman, what should the man
(A) A music studio request?
(B) A theater (A) A product sample
(C) A coffee shop (B) A discount coupon
(D) A grocery store (C) An event calendar
(D) A complimentary lesson
55 What does the man say about Audrey Kane? 56 What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) She is appearing in an advertisement. (A) A floor plan
(B) She is a former classmate. (B) An art exhibit
(C) She has started her own business. (C) Contest rules
(D) She will be singing at a festival. (D) Painting classes
57 What does the woman say about the man's 58 What does the man ask the woman to do?
business? (A) Buy more supplies
(A) It is well-known. (B) Rearrange a display
(B) It is closed temporarily. (C) Arrive early for an appointment
(C) It has many employees. (D) Send another piece of artwork
(D) It is in a scenic location.
59 What are the speakers discussing? 60 What does the woman say about the work to be
(A) A home renovation done?
(B) A landscaping plan (A) It will require special equipment.
(C) A road repair (B) It has to begin next week.
(D) A housecleaning service (C) It is not a large project.
(D) It may cause inconvenience.
61 What will the man send the woman after they 62 Why are more employees biking to work?
meet? (A) The company paid for the bikes.
(A) Design drawings (B) Bus fares have increased.
(B) Product catalogs (C) The weather has improved.
(C) A revised contract (D) New bike paths have been installed.
(D) A local area map
63 What is the woman concerned about? 64 What will the woman probably do next?
(A) The appearance of an outdoor space (A) Move her bicycle
(B) The closure of a building entrance (B) Contact a maintenance worker
(C) The size of a storage building (C) Order more copies
(D) The location of a bus stop (D) Install some equipment
65 Who is Helen Jaspers? 66 What are the speakers planning to do?
(A) An inventor (A) Observe an experiment
(B) A professor (B) Tour a museum
(C) A museum curator (C) Attend a talk
(D) A movie director (D) Go to a movie
67 Why will the speakers drive together? 68 Where do the speakers most likely work?
(A) One of their cars is being repaired. (A) At a newspaper office
(B) One of them is familiar with the area. (B) At a government agency
(C) It will cost less. (C) At a local school
(D) It will be easier to find parking. (D) At a photography studio
69 What does the man say about the mayor? 70 When does the man have to complete an
(A) He was recently elected to his position. assignment?
(B) He has been given an award. (A) On Thursday
(C) He will make an important announcement. (B) On Friday
(D) He will take pictures with local voters. (C) On Saturday
(D) On Sunday
71 Where does the speaker most likely work? 72 What does the speaker ask the listener to bring?
(A) At an insurance company (A) A passport
(B) At a medical office (B) An insurance card
(C) At a travel agency (C) A doctor's note
(D) At a fitness center (D) A payment
73 According to the speaker, what requires 24-hour 74 What is the report mainly about?
advance notice? (A) A community fund-raiser
(A) Appointment changes (B) A sporting event
(B) Prescription orders (C) A cooking demonstration
(C) Room reservations (D) A talent show
(D) Flight cancellations
75 What will event attendees be able to do? 76 What are event attendees advised to do?
(A) Purchase a video of the event (A) Arrive at the location early
(B) Meet local business leaders (B) Buy tickets in advance
(C) Vote for a performer (C) Bring their own chairs
(D) Receive free merchandise (D) Check a schedule online
77 What item did the speaker order? 78 What problem does the speaker mention?
(A) A backpack (A) An additional item was delivered.
(B) A ring (B) An item broke during shipment.
(C) A wallet (C) A receipt was not provided.
(D) A watch (D) A discount was not applied.
79 What is the speaker requesting? 80 What will happen at the bookstore tonight?
(A) Overnight delivery (A) A contest winner will be announced.
(B) A refund (B) An author will give a presentation.
(C) A replacement (C) A new publication will be released.
(D) A price reduction (D) A book club will hold a meeting.
81 What is Grace Bradley's book about? 82 What are listeners invited to do after the event?
(A) Her photography (A) Have refreshments
(B) Her work with children (B) Meet the judges
(C) Her recent trips (C) Register for a membership
(D) The publishing industry (D) Have books signed
83 What is the speaker calling about? 84 What surprised the speaker?
(A) A musical instrument (A) The return policy
(B) A newspaper subscription (B) The quantity available
(C) A kitchen appliance (C) The price
(D) A stereo system (D) The terms of a promotion
85 What would the speaker like to do? 86 What is the announcement mainly about?
(A) Receive a product brochure (A) A job opening
(B) Inspect an item (B) A new contract
(C) Place an order (C) An employee's achievement
(D) Speak to a manager (D) An anniversary celebration
87 Who is Juan Mendez? 88 What has the company recently changed?
(A) A member of the board of directors (A) Its business hours
(B) A client of the company (B) Its logo
(C) A professional athlete (C) Its manufacturing methods
(D) A graphic designer (D) Its prices
89 What will visitors learn about on the tour? 90 Who should make a reservation?
(A) The development of an organization (A) Weekday visitors
(B) The life of a famous artist (B) Art students
(C) The architecture of a building (C) Large groups
(D) Families with young children
91 According to the message, what can listeners do 92 What will change at the company?
on the Web site? (A) A second factory will open.
(A) Register for a workshop (B) A new product will be manufactured.
(B) Learn about membership benefits (C) New equipment will be installed.
(C) Volunteer to give tours (D) Hours of operation will be extended.
(D) View a list of future events
93 According to the speaker, why should listeners 94 When will the change be made?
talk to a supervisor? (A) At the beginning of the week
(A) To request additional work (B) In two weeks
(B) To find out about a training session (C) Next month
(C) To suggest improvements (D) Next year
(D) To discuss vacation time
95 What event is being described? 96 What will attendees have the chance to do?
(A) A computer programming class (A) Practice a skill
(B) A new-employee orientation (B) Participate in a group discussion
(C) A career-counseling workshop (C) Test a new product
(D) A writing competition (D) Subscribe to an industry publication
97 What will all attendees receive? 98 What type of product is being discussed?
(A) An instructional DVD (A) A desktop computer
(B) A reference guide (B) A video camera
(C) A certificate of completion (C) A mobile phone
(D) A meal voucher (D) A software program
99 According to the report, what is the most notable 10 How does the company plan to create interest in
feature of the product? 0 the new product?
(A) It is easy to use. (A) By rewarding customers who shop early
(B) It is lightweight. (B) By hosting in-store demonstrations
(C) It has a low price. (C) By hiring a celebrity spokesperson
(D) It has a long battery life. (D) By running Internet advertisements
1 (W-Am) 2 (M-Au)
(A) They're cleaning a desk. (A) A truck is parked near an airplane.
(B) They're shaking hands. (B) A worker is changing a tire.
(C) They're looking at a book. (C) A truck is piled with luggage.
(D) They're moving a chair. (D) An airplane is taking off.
3 (W-Br) 4 (M-Cn)
(A) Some people are riding bicycles. (A) A woman is drinking from a cup.
(B) Some people are standing in a group. (B) A woman is opening a window.
(C) Some people are seated on a lawn. (C) The women are hanging a picture.
(D) Some people are gathered near a table. (D) The women are facing each other.
5 (W-Br) 6 (M-Au)
(A) The men are filling bottles at a sink. (A) The sail of a boat is being adjusted.
(B) Some people are approaching a door. (B) A man is laying down a towel on the sand.
(C) A woman is reaching into a drawer. (C) A car is being towed up a hill.
(D) A man is buttoning up his lab coat. (D) The men are fishing from a sailboat.
7 (W-Am) 8 (M-Cn)
(A) The woman's assembling some shelving units. (A) Some pedestrians are shaded by an umbrella.
(B) The woman's arms are outstretched. (B) A mail carrier is emptying a mailbox.
(C) The woman's folding up a stepladder. (C) A courtyard is filled with tourists.
(D) The woman's walking through a storage area. (D) Some people are paving a walkway with
9 (W-Br) 10 (M-Au)
(A) Potted plants have been arranged on multiple (A) Containers are stacked in a warehouse.
levels. (B) A row of lampposts lines the street.
(B) Farmers are picking vegetables in a field. (C) Decorations are being removed from the
(C) A stool has fallen over on the ground. balconies.
(D) A woman is passing a crate over a railing. (D) Flags are displayed along the exterior of a
11 (M-Au) When does the next bus leave the station? 12 (W-Am) Who's bringing the clients to the
(W-Br) (A) The Westmont station restaurant?
(B) He’s here till Tuesday (M-Cn) (A) Just water for me, please.
(C) It leaves at seven (B) Debbie said she would.
(C) They're from Singapore.
13 (W-Br) Where can I pick up my order? 14 (M-Au) Which road should I take to get to city
(W-Am) (A) No, it was too heavy to lift. hall?
(B) I put the files in order. (W-Am) (A) You'll get it in the mail
(C) At the customer service desk. (B) The seminar's in room 309.
(C) I would take Broad Street.
15 (W-Br) When will you start interviewing job 16 (W-Br) Can we postpone the deadline for the
candidates? article?
(M-Au) (A) In the newspaper. (W-Am) (A) There's a long line.
(B) Sometime next month. (B) Yes, for a day or two.
(C) It was a thorough review. (C) What's the phone number?
17 (M-Cn) Why is the legal department having a 18 (M-Cn) You made a dinner reservation at the
party? River Cafe, right?
(W-Br) (A) To welcome some new employees. (M-Au) (A) No, it's on the left side.
(B) Yes, I finished that part. (B) I did — for eight people.
(C) I'm sorry, but I can't make it. (C) Renovations haven't started yet.
19 (M-Au) What was yesterday's workshop about? 20 (W-Am) Hasn't the poster design been approved
(W-Am) (A) Forty-five minutes. yet?
(B) The new graphics software. (M-Cn) (A) No, it has to be revised again.
(C) It was busier than usual. (B) From the post office.
(C) That's an improvement.
21 (W-Br) I didn't realize the museum was closed 22 (M-Cn) Have you finished creating the slides for
today. your presentation?
(M-Au) (A) Yes, it's nearby. (W-Br) (A) No, but I only have one left to do.
(B) Admission is ten dollars. (B) I haven't opened the crate.
(C) We can go another time. (C) I'll need a ride, though.
23 (W-Am) Would you mind updating the meeting 24 (M-Au) Why were all the chairs in the staff room
notes? removed?
(M-Cn) (A) I think the blue one is mine. (M-Cn) (A) They're being replaced.
(B) We've already picked one out. (B) We can share it.
(C) Sure, how soon do you need them? (C) Let's pack them up.
25 (W-Br) We won't be late for our appointment, will 26 (W-Am) Could you lend me the training video?
we? (W-Br) (A) Only new hires do.
(M-Au) (A) No, not if we hurry. (B) I put it on your desk earlier.
(B) What date works best for you? (C) The train hasn't arrived.
(C) John's been appointed.
27 (M-Au) Will you purchase tickets in advance, or 28 (W-Am) Has the carpet been installed in
buy them at the concert? apartment 6B?
(M-Cn) (A) I'll buy them at the show. (W-Br) (A) Yes, the work crew's almost done.
(B) No, there was no advance notice. (B) The compartment's full.
(C) They're holding it outside. (C) A two-bedroom unit.
29 (M-Cn) Mr. Yamada already prepared the press 30 (M-Cn) How much has our travel budget
release. increased this year?
(W-Am) (A) It'll be repaired shortly. (M-Au) (A) Actually, he was there last year.
(B) One of our biggest clients. (B) It's almost doubled.
(C) May I have a copy? (C) To Sydney and Melbourne.
31 (W-Br) Where will the company manufacture the 32 (M-Au) Why was the festival date changed?
new cookware? (M-Cn) (A) They're predicting rain.
(W-Am) (A) We're considering a couple of (B) You can keep the change.
locations. (C) OK, I'll revise the calendar.
(B) It's selling well so far.
(C) Check aisle number five.
33 (W-Br) Who can I contact about the accounting 34 (M-Cn) Should we continue reading these
position? manuscripts, or take a break?
(M-Au) (A) A minimum of four years of (W-Br) (A) I can help you fix it.
experience. (B) Just submit a writing sample.
(B) To create an online banking account. (C) Let's try to review a few more.
(C) You should e-mail the recruiting manager.
35 (W-Am) Would you like me to show Dr. Andrews 36 (M-Au) I still haven't managed to reach Ms.
around the hospital? Chung about resetting her password.
(M-Au) (A) A visiting scientist. (W-Am) (A) Both letters and numbers.
(B) Thanks, but he's been given a tour. (B) She's still out of town.
(C) I remember seeing him. (C) The managing director, I believe.
37 (W-Br) How do you plan to market the new line 38 (M-Au) What are the dimensions of the apartment
of tennis rackets? on Maple Road?
(M-Cn) (A) I’ll be sure to mark it on my list. (W-Br) (A) It's rather far from the city center.
(B) No, in a tennis magazine. (B) I don't remember the exact measurements.
(C) My team's still developing a strategy. (C) The real estate agent showed it to us.
39 (W-Am) Weren't the supplies delivered to the 40 (M-Cn) Why don't you wait to see the survey
construction site? results before making a decision?
(M-Cn) (A) The exterior walls and the driveway. (W-Am) (A) Oh, we've already taken them into
(B) Use the largest boxes you can find. account.
(C) We decided to store them in the warehouse (B) I don't see the waiter anywhere.
instead. (C) A select group of customers.
41 Why is the woman calling? 42 Why does the woman apologize?
(A) To ask about a delivery (A) She was late for a seminar.
(B) To reschedule a meeting (B) She misread a schedule.
(C) To inquire about transportation (C) She went to the wrong location.
(D) To request a hotel recommendation (D) She misplaced a file.
43 What does the man remind the woman to do? 44 Where most likely do the speakers work?
(A) Bring some identification (A) In a movie theater
(B) Park her car in front of the building (B) In a musical instruments shop
(C) Sign her name on a guest list (C) In an electronics store
(D) Arrive a few minutes early (D) In a concert hall
45 What problem are the speakers discussing? 46 What will the woman give each customer?
(A) A shipment has not arrived. (A) A free CD
(B) Some prices have gone up. (B) An event calendar
(C) A performance is sold out. (C) A refund
(D) Some equipment is not working properly. (D) An autographed poster
47 What are the speakers scheduled to do on Friday? 48 What has the woman approved?
(A) Hold a conference call (A) A budget
(B) Visit a client (B) A printing order
(C) Give a presentation (C) A meeting agenda
(D) Interview a prospective employee (D) A project extension
49 Why does the man want to use the black folders? 50 Where are the speakers?
(A) They are inexpensive. (A) At a doctor's office
(B) They look professional. (B) At a construction site
(C) They are in stock. (C) In a clothing store
(D) They come in various sizes. (D) In a laboratory
51 What does the man say he did before he arrived? 52 What will the speakers do next?
(A) Toured a facility (A) Get some protective gear
(B) Filled out some documents (B) Conduct an experiment
(C) Called human resources (C) Pack up some supplies
(D) Reviewed a work schedule (D) Watch a training video
53 What is the woman arranging? 54 What information does the man request?
(A) A corporate breakfast (A) The date of an event
(B) A retirement luncheon (B) The woman's budget
(C) A birthday celebration (C) Seating preferences
(D) A family reunion (D) The number of guests
55 Why does the man suggest using the Web site? 56 What is the man planning to do?
(A) To read customer reviews (A) Move an office
(B) To find alternate locations (B) Renovate a space
(C) To make a reservation (C) Put in a garden
(D) To see menu options (D) Purchase some property
57 Why will the man have to fill out some 58 According to the woman, how long does it take to
paperwork? process the paperwork?
(A) To apply for a loan (A) One day
(B) To obtain a permit (B) Two days
(C) To renew a license (C) One week
(D) To get an estimate (D) Two weeks
59 Why is the woman calling? 60 What does the man say about the Putnam model?
(A) To confirm that a price is correct (A) It requires assembly.
(B) To request a store catalog (B) It has been discontinued.
(C) To find out if an item is on display (C) It has to be shipped from the warehouse.
(D) To check the status of an order (D) It is durable.
61 What does the woman say she will do? 62 Why is the woman going to Vancouver?
(A) Compare prices (A) For a family vacation
(B) Cancel an order (B) For a professional conference
(C) Check with another supplier (C) For a job interview
(D) Visit a store (D) For a sporting event
63 Why does the woman ask for an earlier date? 64 What will the man send the woman?
(A) She is concerned about the weather. (A) A uniform
(B) She is starting a new job. (B) An employment contract
(C) Train fares will be lower. (C) A company newsletter
(D) More hotel rooms will be available. (D) A travel itinerary
65 Who most likely are the speakers? 66 What aspect of the clothing does the woman want
(A) Advertising executives to highlight?
(B) Apparel salespeople (A) The characteristics of the material
(C) Fashion designers (B) The innovative designs
(D) Magazine editors (C) The affordable prices
(D) The range of colors
67 What is scheduled for the end of the month? 68 Why does the woman want to cancel her
(A) A fashion show membership?
(B) A photo shoot (A) She will be away for an extended period.
(C) A store opening (B) Membership fees are going to be raised.
(D) A product launch (C) Her fitness instructor is leaving.
(D) Her company has changed its hours of
69 What does the man suggest? 70 What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) Joining a different fitness center (A) Turn in her membership card
(B) Taking an evening class (B) Fill out a customer satisfaction form
(C) Speaking to a manager (C) Submit a document from her employer
(D) Suspending an account (D) Make a payment in advance
71 What does the speaker say about Dr. Lopez? 72 What should callers do to make an appointment?
(A) She has changed her office hours. (A) Hold for an operator
(B) She is away on vacation. (B) Leave a message
(C) She is not accepting new patients. (C) Dial an extension
(D) She is working at a different location. (D) Call back later in the day
73 What will happen on Monday? 74 What is being advertised?
(A) Patient calls will be returned. (A) A cleaning company
(B) A medical conference will take place. (B) A computer store
(C) A new phone system will be installed. (C) An Internet provider
(D) The office will be closed. (D) An accounting firm
75 What does the speaker emphasize about the 76 According to the speaker, what is available on the
service? Web site?
(A) Its reliability (A) Promotional codes
(B) Its low prices (B) Instructional videos
(C) Its speed (C) Software applications
(D) Its ease of use (D) Customer reviews
77 Where does the speaker work? 78 What was found?
(A) At a dry cleaners (A) A set of keys
(B) At a bank (B) A digital camera
(C) At a hotel (C) A mobile phone
(D) At a clothing shop (D) A credit card
79 What will the listener have to show to pick up the 80 What is causing the delay?
item? (A) The crew is stuck in traffic.
(A) A hotel receipt (B) The plane has not arrived.
(B) A claim check (C) Weather conditions are poor.
(C) A business card (D) A gate is not available.
(D) A passport
81 According to the speaker, when will the flight 82 What is offered to the passengers?
depart? (A) Free headphones
(A) In 30 minutes (B) A travel guide
(B) In one hour (C) A meal voucher
(C) In two hours (D) A discount on future travel
(D) In throe hours
83 Who most likely is the speaker? 84 According to the speaker, what will happen this
(A) A musician summer?
(B) A museum guide (A) An award will be presented.
(C) A radio host (B) A performer will go on tour.
(D) A film producer (C) An album will be recorded.
(D) A cultural center will open.
85 What will the speaker do next? 86 What does Ludlow Enterprises produce?
(A) Play some music (A) Television shows
(B) Announce an event schedule (B) An electronics magazine
(C) Thank some sponsors (C) Sports gear
(D) Give a lecture (D) Video games
87 What are listeners invited to do? 88 According to the speaker, what prize will be
(A) Nominate candidates awarded?
(B) Submit ideas (A) A free trip to a trade show
(C) Test products (B) Dinner with a celebrity
(D) Write reviews (C) Electronic equipment
(D) An appearance on television
89 What will take place this weekend? 90 What are drivers asked to do?
(A) A holiday parade (A) Observe speed restrictions
(B) An automobile show (B) Use alternate routes
(C) A sporting event (C) Avoid parking on streets
(D) An arts festival (D) Allow extra travel time
91 What will be available for free? 92 What is Aviva Rozen's position?
(A) City maps (A) Software executive
(B) Event tickets (B) Financial advisor
(C) Bus service (C) Marketing director
(D) Neighborhood tours (D) Chief scientist
93 According to the speaker, what did Ms. Rozen 94 What will Ms. Rozen do after she retires?
accomplish? (A) Volunteer at a museum
(A) She negotiated a complicated merger. (B) Start a new business
(B) She implemented a global sales strategy. (C) Pursue; a hobby
(C) She developed the company's training plan. (D) Consult for the company
(D) She started a successful division.
95 Why did people gather at the Keller Center this 96 What is said about the new building?
morning? (A) It is surrounded by water.
(A) To visit a plant exhibit (B) It uses solar om.icjy.
(B) To attend an outdoor concert (C) It has a rooftop cafe.
(C) To take a gardening class (D) It has a sculpture garden.
(D) To listen to an art lecture
97 Why was Sean Briggs chosen? 98 Who most likely are the listeners?
(A) He submitted the lowest bid. (A) Fundraising professionals
(B) Ho presented the best designs. (B) Library directors
(C) He can start immediately. (C) History professors
(D) He is a local resident. (D) Student volunteers
99 What will listeners be doing? 10 What will be the subject of Dr. Kim’s talk?
(A) Contacting library patrons 0 (A) How to engage an audience
(B) Conducting research (B) How to recruit experienced personnel
(C) Organizing a collection (C) How to proti ut documents from damage
(D) Coordinating an annual event (D) How to communicate with donors
1 (W-Br) 2 (M-Cn)
(A) They're sitting outdoors. (A) The man's holding an open folder
(B) They're watering a garden. (B) The woman's writing notes in a binder.
(C) They're cutting the grass. (C) The woman's adding paper to the printer.
(D) They're moving some furniture. (D) The man's taking off his hat.
3 (W-Am) 4 (M-Au)
(A) They're driving along the shoreline. (A) A meeting room is full of employees.
(B) They're standing near a railing. (B) Some flowers have been left on the table.
(C) They're handing out menus. (C) Some chairs have been folded up.
(D) They're dining at a restaurant. (D) A large plant is in the corner of the room.
5 (M-Cn) 6 (W-Br)
(A) Metal bins are being emptied. (A) Researchers have entered a library.
(B) A vehicle is being cleaned. (B) Laboratory coats are hanging in a cabinet.
(C) A man is directing traffic. (C) Technicians are gathered around a screen.
(D) A worker is sweeping the roadway. (D) Scientific equipment has been set on a
7 (M-Au) 8 (W-Am)
(A) He has stepped onto a balcony. (A) Drinking glasses have been placed on a rack.
(B) He has climbed partway up a ladder. (B) Boxes are being stacked on top of each other.
(C) He's securing a lantern to a pole. (C) Bottles have been arranged on shelves.
(D) He's passing under an archway. (D) Containers are being filled from a machine.
9 (M-Cn) 10 (W-Br)
(A) They’re on opposite sides of a transparent (A) Pedestrians are strolling beside a riverbank.
partition. (B) Vendors are putting away their displays.
(B) They're inspecting a hole in the window pane. (C) A domed building overlooks an open-air
(C) The woman's taping a poster to the wall. market.
(D) The man's showing the woman a laptop (D) A statue is shaded by some umbrellas.
11 (M-Cn) Who’s that man waiting in the lobby? 12 (W-Br) Have you seen the play at the Continental
(W-Am) (A) On the first floor. Theater?
(B) I believe he is. (M-Au) (A) You can pay with a credit card.
(C) That's Ms. Zhao's assistant. (B) You're right about that.
(C) Yes, I went on Saturday night.
13 (M-Cn) How long does it take to fly to New 14 (M-Au) Isn’t there a post office nearby?
York? (M-Cn) (A) Yes, it’s a tew blocks away.
(W-Br) (A) About once a month. (B) To buy postage stamps.
(B) Two and a half hours. (C) No, he can’t go.
(C) A great place to visit.
15 (W-Am) What would be a good place to take a 16 (M-Cn) Who’s in charge of ordering office
client for a meal? supplies?
(M-Au) (A) Try the- Italian restaurant down the (W-Br) (A) Some paper and pens.
street. (B) Maria will know
(B) I haven't placed my order yet. (C) There’s free shipping.
(C) Usually for lunch.
17 (M-Au) Would you like a sandwich or a salad? 18 (W-Am) How much will it cost to landscape this
(M-Cn) (A) For now we can. area?
(B) Either is fine. (M-Au) (A) It took less than a week.
(C) In the cafeteria. (B) I hired Johnson's Landscaping.
(C) About eight thousand dollars.
19 (M-Au) When are the invoices sent out? 20 (W-Am) When will you be giving the presentation
(W-Br) (A) The corporate account. at the conference?
(B) Center City bank. (M-Au) A) I’m not sure yet.
(C) Every (B) What a pleasant surprise.
(C) It's in London.
21 (M-Cn) The sun's finally come out. 22 (W-Br) Are you in charge of writing the company
(W-Br) (A) The weather report. newsletter?
(B) Sunday at six o'clock. (M-Cn) (A) No, there's no charge.
(C) Then let’s go for a walk. (B) Yes, I am new here.
(C) I used to be.
23 (M-Au) Mr. Park's still on vacation, isn't he? 24 (W-Br) Where do you get your hair cut?
(W-Am) (A) Yes, but he’ll be back on Friday. (W-Am) (A) At a place on High Street.
(B) I haven't been there recently. (B) Around forty dollars.
(C) A few times a year. (C) Here, it's for you.
25 (W-Am) Why don't I hang up these flyers for you? 26 (W-Am) When's the security equipment going to
(M-Cn) (A) I'd appreciate that. be installed?
(B) The publicity department. (W-Br) (A) The security guard said so.
(C) Peter designed them. (B) By the end of the week at the latest.
(B) A set of revolving doors.
27 (M-Au) Do you mind turning down that music? 28 (M-Cn) This printer seems to run out of ink faster
(W-Am) than the old one.
(A) I like that musician, too. (W-Br) (A) At least twenty copies.
(B) Sorry I didn’t realize it was so loud (B) I’ll bring it to you.
(C) Make a turn here. (C) Yes, I wonder why.
29 (W-Br) Ron, you've written research proposals 30 (W-Am) Aren't the new computers being
before, haven't you? delivered this afternoon?
(M-Au) (A) No, I haven't found it. (M-Au) (A) Because they're not working.
(B) I’ve written a few of them. (B) They should be here soon.
(C) I don't think we've met before. (C) It's a new computer program.
31 (W-Am) How do I reserve a meeting space? 32 (W-Br) Do you think the logo looks better in red
(M-Cn) (A) All the full-time staff. or in blue?
(B) It was too crowded. (M-Au) (A) I read that one, too.
(C) You can do it online. (B) I think it was the advertising team.
(C) The blue one's more appealing.
33 (M-Cn) Which region reported the highest number 34 (W-Br) Why was the management meeting
of car sales this quarter? postponed?
(W-Am) (A) Many more than we expected. (M-Cn) (A) I'm planning to go.
(B) We just hired a new executive. (B) There was a scheduling conflict
(C) The northwest sales team sold the most. (C) The senior managers.
35 (M-Cn) Ling, do you have time to review this 36 (M-Au) We should buy some more chairs for the
document with me? lobby.
(W-Am) (A) Could we go over it tomorrow? (W-Br) (A) Do wc have enough money in the
(B) About ten pages long. budget?
(C) Quite a few revisions. (B) There's a long line for a table.
(C) I'll go ahead and cancel it.
37 (W-Am) Where's the library branch going to be 38 (W-Br) Why isn't our company's address posted
built? on the Web site?
(M-Cn) (A) It hasn't been decided yet. (M-Au) (A) The employee phone directory.
(B) The bill's been sent. (B) You're right, it's supposed to be there.
(C) Much larger than the old one. (C) Next door to the Anderson building.
39 (M-Cn) Paula, what do the customer reviews say 40 (M-Au) This filing system isn't very efficient.
about our mobile phone? (W-Br) (A) It's in the folder on my desk.
IW-Am) (A) Dial zero to speak with a (B) Yes, it's an official request.
representative. (C) Do you have any ideas to improve it?
(B) Most people like the new features.
(C) No, it was very positive.
41 What are the speakers planning to do? 42 What does the woman say about the main
(A) Meet with a client conference room?
(B) Buy some equipment (A) It is currently occupied.
(C) Practice a presentation (B) It does not have enough seats.
(D) Revise some handouts (C) It is on the first floor.
(D) It is not very comfortable.
43 What does the man suggest? 44 What problem does the man report?
(A) Rescheduling a meeting (A) A computer cable is missing.
(B) Moving a table (B) A password is not working.
(C) Renting some chairs (C) A computer file will not open.
(D) Going to another room (D) A document will not print.
45 What does the woman say about the support team? 46 When does the man ask the support team to call
(A) They are working off-site. him?
(B) They are in a training session. (A) At 10:00 A.M.
(C) They are waiting for some replacement parts. (B) At 12:00 noon
(D) They are busy helping other employees. (C) At 12:30 P.M.
(D) At 1:00 P.M.
47 What does the woman want to do? 48 What problem does the woman mention?
(A) Watch a sporting event (A) She left her purse at home.
(B) Volunteer at a fundraiser (B) She forgot to fill out some paperwork.
(C) Sign up for a class (C) Her schedule is full on Saturday.
(D) Enter a race (D) Her bicycle does not meet safety
49 Why should the woman arrive early at the event? 50 Why is the woman calling?
(A) To pick up a tag (A) To rent storage space
(B) To get a better seat (B) To arrange a move
(C) To help collect tickets (C) To check on a shipment
(D) To distribute flyers
51 What day of the week will the grand opening take 52 What does the woman sell?
place? (A) Clothing
(A) On Monday (B) Jewelry
(B) On Tuesday (C) Pottery
(C) On Friday (D) Furniture
(D) On Saturday
53 Why does the man ask for help with the picnic? 54 What does the woman say she will do?
(A) He will be out of town when it takes place. (A) Send out invitations
(B) He has less time than he expected to organize (B) Confirm a reservation
it. (C) Hang some decorations
(C) He has never planned this type of event. (D) Place a food order
(D) He is not satisfied with a local vendor.
55 What will the man e-mail the woman? 56 How did the woman find out about the travel
(A) A budget agency?
(B) A list of locations (A) Her company uses it for business travel.
(C) The name of a caterer (B) A friend told her about it.
(D) The date of the event (C) She saw a flyer in a store window.
(D) She read a review online.
57 Why does the man suggest that the woman change 58 What does the man offer the woman?
her plans? (A) A promotional video
(A) To avoid travel delays (B) A map
(B) To ensure the best choice of accommodations (C) Passport applications
(C) To take advantage of lower prices (D) Resort brochures
(D) To allow more time to research options
59 Why is the man calling? 60 What does the woman say about the paperback
(A) To complain that he has been overcharged book?
(B) To update his account information (A) It has not been released.
(C) To check the status of an online order (B) It has been signed by the author.
(D) To report that a Web site description is (C) It is out of print.
incorrect (D) It is on sale this week.
61 What does the woman offer to do? 62 What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) Put the man's name on a waiting list (A) The efficiency of a manufacturing process
(B) Use a faster shipping method (B) The timing of an advertising campaign
(C) Gift-wrap an item (C) The qualifications of a printing service
(D) Refund a purchase (D) The visual appeal of a product logo
63 Why does the man want to make a change? 64 What does the woman say she has to do next?
(A) He hopes to attract a different group of (A) Talk with her manager
customers. (B) Produce a cost estimate
(B) A product has not been selling well. (C) Check her calendar
(C) Customers have requested an updated model. (D) Finalize some designs
(D) A competitor plans to offer a similar item.
65 What does the woman say about Ellen? 66 What does the man ask the woman to help with?
(A) She is in charge of the business center. (A) Checking in some guests
(B) She is planning to rent a car. (B) Performing an inspection
(C) She will be late for work today. (C) Taking phone messages
(D) She is waiting in the lobby. (D) Training some employees
67 What will the woman probably do next? 68 What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Contact maintenance for an update (A) Plan a future assignment
(B) Explain some administrative procedures (B) Rearrange his schedule
(C) Give a tour of a facility (C) Comment on her work
(D) Return a key to a supervisor (D) Prepare a catalog
69 What does the man express concern about? 70 What does the man say about Jeff?
(A) The arrangement of a display (A) He is not available to help today.
(B) The color of an item (B) He has relevant experience.
(C) The duration of a process (C) He works at a different store location.
(D) The cost of a project (D) He has some books they can look at.
71 When is this broadcast being heard? 72 What has caused a problem?
(A) In the morning (A) A broken traffic signal
(B) During the lunch hour (B) Fallen trees
(C) In the late afternoon (C) A community parade
(D) In the evening (D) Bridge construction
73 What does the speaker suggest? 74 Where is the museum?
(A) Following an alternate route (A) In a renovated factory
(B) Using public transportation (B) In a historic home
(C) Driving carefully (C) On a ship
(D) Leaving early (D) On a farm
75 What should listeners do if they want to take a 76 Why will part of the museum be closed
guided tour? temporarily?
(A) Speak with the information desk (A) To host a private party
(B) Meet at the entrance on the hour (B) To set up an exhibit
(C) Purchase tickets online (C) To install video cameras
(D) Register in the gift shop (D) To replace some windows
77 What event is being rescheduled? 78 Why was the event postponed?
(A) A sales conference (A) A budget had not been approved yet.
(B) A department seminar (B) A restaurant was already booked.
(C) A business luncheon (C) A speaker canceled unexpectedly.
(D) A retirement party (D) A client project had to be finished.
79 What are listeners asked to help select? 80 What is the topic of this Saturday's workshop?
(A) A menu (A) Choosing a decorating style
(B) A location (B) Installing carpet
(C) A date (C) Remodeling a bathroom
(D) A guest list (D) Framing artwork
81 What is the topic of this Saturday's workshop? 82 According to the speaker, what will be distributed
(A) Choosing a decorating style at the workshop?
(B) Installing carpet (A) Information packets
(C) Remodeling a bathroom (B) Coupons
(D) Framing artwork (C) Supply kits
(D) Color samples
83 Who is the speaker? 84 What is the problem?
(A) An event planner (A) Rain is predicted.
(B) A hotel manager (B) A guest has not arrived.
(C) A landscaper (C) Some lights are not working.
(D) A photographer (D) Some flowers have not been planted.
85 What is planned for this weekend? 86 What type of business does the speaker own?
(A) A wedding ceremony (A) A fitness center
(B) A sculpture installation (B) A public relations firm
(C) A photo exhibition (C) A food store
(D) A garden show (D) A bookshop
87 What did Stacy Weston write? 88 What is scheduled for tomorrow morning?
(A) A cookbook (A) A book signing
(B) A newspaper article (B) A grand opening
(C) A restaurant guide (C) A race
(D) An autobiography (D) A demonstration
89 What type of business is being advertised? 90 What benefit of the project did the governor
(A) An interior design firm mention?
(B) An art supply store (A) Shorter commutes
(C) A real estate agency (B) Increased tourism
(D) A home improvement store (C) A cleaner environment
(D) More local jobs
91 Who will be interviewed after the break? 92 What product is being discussed?
(A) The governor (A) A stereo system
(B) Community residents (B) A laptop computer
(C) A building inspector (C) A color printer
(D) An economics professor (D) A software program
93 What is said about Koji Aoki? 94 What does the company plan to do next year?
(A) He works for an industry magazine. (A) Hire a consultant
(B) He created an influential advertising (B) Open an international office
campaign. (C) Change its logo
(C) He led a successful project team. (D) Reorganize a division
(D) He is on the board of directors.
95 In what department does the speaker work? 96 What is the listener asked to sign on Monday?
(A) Research (A) An employment contract
(B) Payroll (B) A paycheck
(C) Sales (C) An application form
(D) Personnel
97 Why is Dan Bates leading a session on Monday? 98 What is the subject of the announcement?
(A) It was the only time that he was available. (A) A construction project
(B) He was recently promoted. (B) A charitable donation
(C) The usual presenter will be away. (C) A city landmark
(D) The listener requested a change. (D) A corporate merger
99 According to the speaker, what is a goal of the 10 What will the speaker most likely do next?
Penndale Civic Association? 0 (A) Hand out brochures
(A) To sponsor community events (B) Answer questions
(B) To improve the business district (C) Review a timeline
(C) To restore historic neighborhoods (D) Show a video
(D) To support local schools

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