Proposal 1

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To: Sam Brown, Company Manager

From: Emily Montes, Relations Manager

Subject: Language Course
Date: 6th of February 2023

The aim of this proposal is to suggest having a language course paid by the company in order to help
with its development in Austria and Germany, where the company has expended to recently.

The German Language Academy organizes yearly German advanced courses, in order to help
entrepreneurs develop their company. The course specializes on lessons regarding how to promote a
corporation and start a partnership with an association. Moreover, the course lasts two weeks, from end
of April until early May, and costs 2000 Euros total for a group which can reach 25 members, which is
considered a reasonable price. However, accommodation and transport, which depend on the number
of participants will raise the price.

As the company is expending in two German speaking countries, it is important for to be able to provide
clients with information and communicate with other companies. Since there is a significant amount of
employees who speak German, the course would be a great help in learning more about business
communication in this language. Besides, if employers participate in this course, they will be able to
more easily find workers.

To conclude, having the company pay for this course would bring long term benefits, as it would help it
establish in two foreign countries.

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