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In Partial Fulfilment in the

Requirement of

The Entrepreneurial Mind

Submitted to

Business Administration Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Submitted by



February 2023
Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 9506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228 4015, Email:

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Mind

I learned and I discovered that being an entrepreneur means having the confidence to
start a firm and the risk of doing so, as well as having a thorough understanding of the industry,
the target market, and other factors. Entrepreneurs must possess an entrepreneurial mindset in
order to successfully use the title "entrepreneur." If they don't, they can't. According to the
readings I've done, there are traits that we can actually see in them, including their desire to
seek out new opportunities, their extreme discipline in pursuing opportunities, their focus on
selecting only the best opportunities and avoiding exhausting themselves and their
organizations by pursuing every possibility, and their engagement of the energies of everyone
in their domain. These are all essential traits for being an entrepreneur, and if one lacks them
naturally, they may acquire and develop them through goal-setting, decisiveness, reframing
failure, addressing anxieties, and curiosity. They will aid one in developing into a successful
I realized and understood that having the behaviors or traits necessary to become an
entrepreneur makes being one and starting one a difficult task. It is vital to maintain self-
discipline, engage in practices, and of course, continue learning about the corporate world.
Certain things we might not have, but we can acquire them by improving ourselves.
Ultimately, having an entrepreneurial attitude and mindset is advantageous since it teaches us
how to navigate life as well as how to conduct a business.
I intend to utilize what I’ve learned regarding having entrepreneurial mindset in terms
of my studies and my future work since it is not only applicable to business but also to daily
living and situations. I can continuously learn and practice regarding it to enhance my mindset
and my actions. By doing so, I can influence everyone around me to be their best selves as
well, and who knows, once we incorporate these techniques into our daily routines, we all
might be successful.
Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 9506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228 4015, Email:

Entrepreneurial Strategies

I discovered that a strategy is a plan or set of techniques used by people to solve

particular difficulties. Entrepreneurial strategy is the ability of a company or entrepreneur to
compete in the market by using innovative goods, processes, or marketing techniques that
allow them to successfully offer their service or products in the market. Actually, it's about
taking a chance. Entrepreneurship uses 10 main sorts of strategies, of which there are many
different varieties. In essence, it describes how business owners can succeed in their particular
industry. The ten strategies are trust your gut, buck the conventional wisdom, never let
adversity or failure defeat you, go on a treasure hunt and find an underserved niche, spot a new
trend and pounce, hit 'em where they ain't, just start, save your bucks and get noticed without
expensive advertising, exploit your competitor's weakness and make it your strength and never
stop reinventing your company. Fundamentally, each of these tactics is useful and has a certain
goal and set of actions to successfully run a firm/business.
I realized and came to see the importance of strategy in both enterprises and everyday
tasks unrelated to business. It is crucial to understand the quick and effective techniques that
will support us in our line of work. Each of these topics has its own purpose and aim that is
also related to our daily activities, such as learning how to market oneself, being prepared to
survive disasters like losing one's job, being able to save money and use it for emergencies or
just to achieve goals, and many more. I was able to see that I could improve and do more in life
because to all of these.
I intend to use and want to incorporate the entrepreneurial strategies into my daily
activities. Knowing that my learnings will have an impact on those around me and me, I am
confident that this will be beneficial for everyone. As I work a part-time job that involves
social media management, I also plan to use it at work when I can. Overall, everything I've
learnt from this chapter will be really helpful to me both now and in the future as a student.

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