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News research August 24, 2011 Number 1 Master List: Title U.S.

. braces for 'huge' Hurricane Irene Climate cycles blamed for driving civil conflicts Why Quake Range like a bell News 1: Title: U.S. braces for 'huge' Hurricane Irene Date: August 24, 2011 Category: Climate and environment Website: CNN Photo: Date August 24, 2011 Website CNN Link s/08/24/ _c2 11/08/24/environment-climate-civilconflicts.html ohman.quake.east.coast/index.html Tag

August 24, 2011 August 24, 2011



Description: Hurricane Irene intensified into a Category 3 storm Wednesday, threatening much of the United States' East Coast in the coming days. The cloud field is more than 800 miles across. The tropical storm force winds extend out 200 miles from the center. The storm could threaten large sections of the Eastern Seaboard, from the Carolinas northward

through the northeast. Most of on coast people have been evacuated by Wednesday and people who live close to the coast have been prepared for the incoming hurricane. Link: c2 News 2: Title: Climate cycles blamed for driving civil conflicts Date: August 24, 2011 Category: Climate Website: CBC Photo:

Description: Mark Cane, a climate scientific researcher at Columbia University is trying to find out the correlation between EI Nino and country activities. The researchers tracked ENSO from 1950 to 2004 and correlated its effects to data on 235 conflicts in 175 countries over the same period. Based on the data, researchers found out that during EI Nino years, affected countries faced, on average, a six percent chance of civil war breaking out, compared to a three per cent chance in other years. Link:

News 3: Title: Why Quake Range like a bell Date: August 24, 2011 Category: Earthquake and science Website: CNN Photo:

Description: Earthquakes of the intensity felt Tuesday along a vast corridor of the East Coast don't come along too often in this region, geophysicist Rowena Lohman says. They are so rare "that it is very difficult for earth scientists to identify specific faults (in the area) that are 'active,' "she says, "where over time we would expect significant earthquakes to occur." Link:

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