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Case Study: Mechanical Behavior of

Pearlitic Gray Cast Iron Subjected to
Creep Phenomenon

European Scientific Journal ESJ

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European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Case Study: Mechanical Behavior of the Pearlite

Gray Cast Iron Subjected To The Phenomenon

Jorge Isaias Caicedo Reyes Javier

Enrique Orna Chavez Eduardo
Segundo Hernandez Davila
Teachers –Researchers of the FaМultaН Нe MeМánТМa
EsМuela SuperТor PolТnТma De CСТmЛorazo, EМuaНor

Doi: 10.19044/esj.2017.v13n33p74URL:

The application of foundries has been extended in recent times due to
the advancement in casting and cooling techniques. This leads to a better
control of their mechanical properties by allowing them to replace steel in
multiple applications. In this work, the results of an experimental study that
seeks to obtain information on the combined effect of tension (1224 Kgf / Мm2)
anН temperature (500, 550, 600 anН 650 ° C) Тn tСe pearlТtТМ gray Мast iron
was addressed. The methodology used is analytical, qualitative, quantitative,
deductive, and experimental logic. The tests were carried out according to the
ASTM E139 standard using flat specimens of reduced section sized according to
ISO 6892: 1998 (E). From the specimens tested, specimens were extracted from
the fractured area to perform metallographic and microhardness tests. The
results showed that for the temperatures of 500, 550 anН 600°C, no Мomplete
Мurves МСaraМterТstТМ of tСe Мreep pСenomenon were oЛtaТneН, wСТle at
650°C, tСecurve obtained was complete. Regarding the metallographic study, it
did not present a considerable degradation at the different study temperatures
despite reaching the fracture in all cases. From the study of the hardness, a
similar behavior was obtained in the curves for all the specimens as
measurements were made moving away from the fracture.

Keywords:Gray cast iron, graphite, thermo-fluency, degradation,


The application of functions has been extended in recent times debТНor to
the advancement in the Нe МolaНo teМnТМas and disease that Сan allowed

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

better control of their mechanical properties allow them to replace the year
in multiple applications. In this work the results are longed for an
experimental study that busМa obtain ТnformaМТon on the effect
МomЛТnaНo Нe tension (1224 Kgf/Мmtwo) and temperature (500, 550, 600
and 650°C) in the perlite grТТМТn function. The methodology used is
analytical, МualТtatТva, МuantТtatТva, НeНuМtТva and experimental logic.
The ensThe tests were carried out according to the ASTM E13λ standard,
using flat specimens in the form of the seeds, according to the ISτ
68λ2μ1λλ8 (E) standard, then, the test specimens were extracted from the
samples. fractured area for testingtalographs and Нe mТМroНurity. The
results showed that for the temperatures Нe 500, 550 and 600°C the
Мurvas Мompletas МaraМterísТМas Нe termofluenМТa phenomenon were
not obtained while at 650°C the Мurva oЛtenТНa is Мompleta. Regarding
the study metalografТМo did not submit a НegraНaМТón МonsТНeraЛle to
the НТsstudy temperatures inks despite reaching fracture in all cases. From
the study of the hardness, a similar behavior was obtained in the curves for
All specimens were enhanced as memmons moved away from the fracture.

Keywords:Iron funНТНo grТs, graphite, thermofluenМТa, НegraНaМТon,


The proНuМt phenomenon Нthe effect МomЛТnaНo Нe stress and
temperature raised is calledthermofluenМТa. ThermofluenМТa is a
phenomenon in the Мual the plastic НeformaМТon is slow МuanНo the
materials are subject to moderate stresses (less than yielding) and high
temperatures (T>0.3- 0.4Tfusion). Three variables are controlled in a creep test
experimentally the effort, temperature and atmosphere, to МuantТfТМar the
plastic НeformМТon the Мual changes according to Нthe time (Zamora, 1997,
p. 72-73).
The ideal curve of termofluenМТa (DeformaМТon-time) is displayed
in Graph σo. 01, the Instantaneous Тnstantaneous НeformМТon that is
observed is proНuМuМed by rapidly aplТМТНing the effort once the
temperature Нe trial. It consists of three stages, a first stage in which the
mechanisms Нe НeformaМТon enНurecen the material so the speed of
НeМТon НeМreМe and Мon it the tangent Нe la Мurva, then you have a
second stage in which the slope of the curve remains constant, since the
meМТТЛme ennurement by НeformaМТon is equiТlТЛran with the Нe
anТlaМТon meМanТsmos due to enureМТmТment, but in addition the
generaНe НТsloММТon meМanТsmos and Нe anТlaМТon meМanТsmos
appear of dislocations. Finally we have a third stage where the

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

MeМanТsmos Нe anТlaМТon Нe enНurefoundation and dislocation-

generating mechanisms grow in such a way that the material It reforms
quickly and the pronounced НТsloММТНs in its interior quickly lead to
fracture of the material (Gonzales, 2003, pp. 231-236).
Graphic No. 01.Ideal creep curve

Font:(AskelanН, 1λλ8, p. 157)

There are few studies regarding the effect of creep on the

funНТМТon grТs perlítТМa.In order to investigate the operational life of
cast iron quenching staves Нuseful in high elevations temperatures (
Wang & ZСang, 2010, pp. 33λ-345), carried out tests Нe high
temperature traММТon Нe adherence to CСТna standard GB/T203λ-
1997, In order to provide a theory to improve the structural teaching
natural and the control of the progressive reform of the equipment that
uses this material.
In previous studies, the behavior of the Notable fungal clays at
temperatures between 600 and λ00°C, in investigations СConsidering
that the austenitic fungal earth has a greater resistance to
thermofluency in Momparaton, with the ferritic fungal earth, it is
noted that this reading is true. Monkman-Grant. The fractures in the
samples that underwent small times in the test were subjected to the
plastic stresses that supports the material while the fractures in
samples that experienced longer test times have been caused by the
MeМТnТsmos Нe НТfusion Мas the formaМТon Нe МavТНaНes in
the limТtes Нe grain (Hug, Keller, Favergeon, & DawТ, 200λ, pp. 65-
It can also be enhanced, studies in which the superplastic behavior
is treated and the flat function at temperatures between 650 and 750°C, it
manifestshave a high sensitivity to the veloМТНaН Нe НeformaМТon and
high НuМtТlТНaН to traММТón; Through a mТМrostructural analysis, it was
arrived at the МonМlusТon Нe that the grains

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

equiaxes of the samples do not show any change; concluding that he

slipsThe growth of grain is the main manifestation of plastic reform
(Kum, Frommeyer, Grant, & SСerЛy, 1λ87, pp. 1703- 1711).

There are studies in which allusion is made to the possible effects of

the exposure of fungal gravel at highs temperatures and loads, one of
these Мasos, for example, are special aplТМaМТons Мo as metal mills for
grinding Нe anoНos Нe МoЛre, this article deals with the importance of
taking into account the effects of this material phenomenonSince, as
indicated, the resistance of this type of material to thermal creep НepenНe
Нe la МomposТМТon chemТМa y Нe МaraМterísТМas
mТМroestruМturales Нe la funНТМТon (Gallardo, Caves, Ribbons,
Mountains, & Herrera, p. 4).
(Martinsson, Andersson-ÖstlТng, SeТtТsleam, & Wu, 2010, pp. two-
26),in its НoМument is the ННМТon by fluenМТa ННННМТon noНННТМТon at
room temperature, at 100 and 125 °C. From the tests carried out at 100 and
125°C, samples were taken to carry out metallographic and thermofluidity
studies in which no Monsterrele Mammal was observed in the hardness and
graphite, it is due to the fact that the phenomenon did not occur.
Its Нe traММТón and Мompression essays performed by μ (
Hervas, TСuault, & Hug, 2015, pp. 2531-2369), were held in an iron
funНТНo НúМtТl for temperatures Нe Сasta 1073eitherK. The
Mausoleum years in and around the graphite nodules are evaluated
as a function of the local plastic reform to the equivalent used
quantifiedmТМrostructural areas. It was found that the mechanical
properties vary greatly from a temperature above the 773eitherK.

Regarding studies that involve the behavior to the trammon,

An evolutionary law was successfully emТtНofrom Gurson's model, which
represents the МreМТment Нe empty Мas a function Нe the НeformaМТon and the
temperature (BrnТМ & others, 2016, p. 2λ8).
It is Тmportant to note also, that, in МТertas applications the Лaja
МonНuМtТvТНaН termТМa that can haver cast iron combined with a
high modulus of elastТМТНaН, can give rise to internal stresses high
enough to produce cracks and deformations, combined effect of load
and temperature (Ductile Iron Society, 2013).
The pearly grТТМТn function is used especially in the phaЛТМТon
Нe elements Нe máquТnas, НnМluso ТnМluso to the year that was used
traditionally in the phaЛТМТone. The parts that don't work, being easier to
make, are cheaper thanthose of special steels. The The result is no function.
Good resistance to corrosion caused by maltent and sulfurous gases. Good
resistance to mechanical temperatures above

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

those that promote rapid drainage or thermal flow in the years and Нe An A
extensive application at the industrial level (Callster, 2007, pp. 101-122).
Analyzing the effect of the phenomenon of thermofluenma in the
terre funno grТs is substantial, these results can be taken in
MonsТННМТón Нduring the НТseño Нe elements Нe máquТnasthat
may be subject to MonНТМТons that simulate this phenomenon. In
addition, it is expected that this material will behave better when
subjected to thermal flow in the world over the years, since there is less
blackness in the muscle, reunion in the area and elongation. To argue
the foregoing to the test specimens, a structural and structural analysis
was carried out, in order to monitor this way, there are experimental
results that are monstoral in future tests and that guarantee a better and reliable equipment whose components use iron
funНТНo grТs perlítТМo.

This study used the НТЛlТography Нe ТЛlТgaТМa teМnТМa and
experimental bythe analytical methods, МualТtatТvo, МuantТtatТvo,
experimentental and logical НeНuМtТvo.Several tests have been carried
out thermofluenМТa in the СТerro funНТНo grТs perlite lamТnar at
temperatures of:500, 550, 600 and 650°Cfollowing the procedure indicated
in the ASTM E139 standard; in this test the variable of estOne is the plastic
formation that produces a constant loam that lasts for long periods of time.

Equipment and Specimens Used

The thermofluenМТa tests were carried out on the MonstruТНa
machine in a master's program (Graph σo.02), which consists of a structure
that supports a shaft that serves as a pivot for a lever in which We apply a
loam to tense the specimens. The temperature required МonsТgue Мon an
eleМtrТМo tТpo lТЛro horn in Мuyo ТnterТor se sense the temperature
with a type K thermocouple and a digital controller (CaТМeНo Reyes, 2014,
pp. 51-52).

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graph No. 02.Equipment used in the creep test

Font:(CaТМeНo Reyes, 2014, p. 87)

To perform creep tests at temperatures МonsТНeraНas flat

specimens were used Нe seММТón reНuМТНa Нe СТerro funНТНo
grТs perlítМo, НТmenstónos according to ISτ 68λ2μ1λλ8(E) (Graph 3
Graph No. 03.Geometry and НТmensТons Нthe specimen used.

Font:(CaТМeНo Reyes, 2014, p. 60)

Determination of the Effort to be Applied

In order to determine an adequate effort to produce
thermofluenМТa, at the temperatures Нe Тnterés Нe Нe ММТón essays
were carried out to obtain the behavior of the material through the stress-Н
diagramseformaМТon (Graph σo 04), Нe Нowhere was the effort obtained
maximum МorНТent at МaНa temperature.

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graphic No. 04.Stress Diagrams-Deformation at temperatures Нe 500, 550, 600 and


Made by:Authors

According to the data recorded in Table 1, it can be seen that as

the test temperature increases, the stress decreases. that supports the
funНТНo grТs perlítТМo, this МuaНro allows us to tighten
МuantТtatТvamente the efforts and НEformaМТmos respect to the
temperature applied in each test.
Table 1.Record Нe НeformaМТon and maximum stress at temperatures Нe 500, 550, 600
and 650°C
Temperature Deformation Max Effort
(°C) (mm) (Kgf/cmtwo)
500 0.77 3300
550 0.94 2472
600 1.11 2052
650 1.30 1632
Made by:Authors

Based on this information, it is determined that the tensile stress

that will be applied to the specimens subjected to the thermal flow tests
will be 1224 Kgf/Мmtwo(CaТМeНo Reyes, 2014, pp. 64-66). Description
of the Essays
I define the parameters of temperature and effort that are going
to be used, I promise to carry out 3 tests for each low temperature (500,
550, 600 and 650°C), I keep the loam constant for all the tests (1224 kgf/
cmtwo). The procedure to carry out in the creep test Mention that first
you have to reach the desired temperature and once this temperature is
reached, the marl can be quickly applied.

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

From the specimens subjected to thermofluency,test tubes Нe the

fracture zone to enhance metallographic studies and tests Нe
microhardness at 100um, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 18 mm from the fracture,
with the fТnalТНaН Нe analyze some МamЛТo that Сaya proНuМТН at level
microstructural orphysical in the material during the test.

The present article is part of the taking of the Natos of the
Instantaneous Formation that the specimens subjected to the test of the
thermofluenma Neltno to the Marga applied quickly, these areshown in
Table 2.
wowdro 2.Instantaneous Deformation at temperatures Нe 500, 550, 600 and 65 0°C
500 550 600 650
snapshot 0.31 0.47 0.52 0.73
Made by:Authors

It is importantIt should be noted that once again the instantaneous

НeformМТon is greater as the temperature in the test increases, although
as it is a brittle material, the НeformМТons are relatively low for all
It is also observed that there is an inverse relationship between
temperature and test time. Regarding the Interesting Points taken in terms
of the plastic reform, the percentage of elongation and reunion was
increased in the experimental areas for the material, important to put
compare the results obtained between the temperatures considered, this
ТnformaМТon is shown to МontТnuaМТon in Figure 3.
Table 3.DuraМТon Нe test and percentage Нe reНuММТon Нe area and elongation at
temperatures Нe 500, 550, 600 and 650 °C
DuraМТon ReНuММТon
Trial Elongation
IНintfТММТon Trial Area
°C (%)
(minutes) (%)
500 1005 1.19 1.54
550 61 1.88 1.88
600 12 2.77 2.22
650 1 3.43 2.60
Made by:Authors

The creep curves (Deformation-Time) obtained in the 3 tests for

temperatures of 500, 550 and 600eitherC, are shown at MontТnuaМТón in
the Graphs σo. 05,06 and 07μ

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graphic No. 05.Graph Deformation-Weather. temperature 500eitherC

Made by:Authors
Graph No. 06.Graph Deformation-Weather. temperature 550eitherC

Made by:Authors
Graph No. 07.Graph Deformation-Weather. temperature 600eitherC

Made by: Authors

Source: InvestigaМТon.

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

At temperatures of500, 550 and 600°C, the Мurva Нe

thermofluenМТa only reaches the second stage Нe the Мurva Нe
thermofluenМТНТНeal, the fracture in the specimen proceeds at this point,
therefore, it is considers that this fracture is not due to the creep effect, but
to the Accumulation of the internal tensions soon in the Мarga aplТМaНa
and brittleness of the material.
Graph No. 08 shows the curve obtained from the test at 650either
C, in this the three stages that the ideal creep curve presents are
observed, reaching the fracture in an approximate time of 30 seconds,
although it can be shown that in this long period of time thermofluency
will be promoted, since this phenomenon neМesТta Нthe effect
combined effort, temperature and prolonged time; probably the
Fracture is also associated with the build-up of internal stresses soon.
the applied load and the softening suffered by the material caused by
the increase in temperature.

Graphic No. 08.Graph Deformation-Weather. temperature 650eitherC

Made by:Authors

Attention should be paid to the fact thathigher temperature

percentages Нe reНuММТon Нe area and Нe elongation increase despite the
fact that the test times НТsmТncrease, it is so that at the temperature Нe650
eitherC you get the Most successful in the experiment in terms of plastic reform a
percentage of reunion with an average area of 3.43% and an elongation
average of 2.60% in a test time of less than 1 min.

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

A МontТnuaМТón, the Graph σo.09 shows that the slopes at

temperatures Нe 500, 550 and 600°C remain constant throughout the time
already 650eitherC increases Нe way НrástТМa.

Graph No. 09.InМrement Нe penНТente Нe la Мurva DeformaМТon-time as

test temperature rises

Made by:Authors

To Мonstatar sТ was caused or not НegraНaМТon by effect Нel

phenomenon Нe thermofluenМТa was promised toextract from the fracture site
prototypes to submit them to metallographic tests.

Metallographic tests
At 100 mТМrons in the fracture, the metallographic test was carried out
at 400x, the specimens were tied Мon σТtal at 4% and the
photomТМrographies were showan in the Graphs σo. 10, 11, 12 and 13
Мorcorresponding to the specimens tested at temperatures Нe 500, 550, 600
and 650eitherC respectively.

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graph No. 10.Microstructure. Test temperature 500eitherC at 400X

Made by:Authors

Graph No. 11.Microstructure. Test temperature 550eitherC at 400X

Made by:Authors

Graph No. 12.Microstructure. Test temperature 600eitherC at 400X

Made by:Authors

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graph No. 13.Microstructure. Test temperature 650eitherC at 400X

Made by:Authors

In the oлtenbs m aerographs, so that it is not extended that it does

not extend нSegraнaмтón Mvestrural in the стerro Funнтнo in form нe
мAviety тSe тnмluso in the sample test at 650 ° C despite that it presented
the three stages in the мurva нurva. In the Graphs σo. 10, 11 and 12 the
НegraНaМТon was not produced because the stress and temperature
МomЛТnaНos did not significantly affect matterТal; while in graph σo. 13
the test time is not long enough to promote blackening microstructural.

Regarding the graphite, it can be observed that as the temperature,

also increases the tenНМТa Нel graphite Нe groupslaugh and train
At 500, 550, and 600°C it is possible to observe the ТnМrement Нe
Нe МementТta as the temperature increases, this НeЛТНo to the НuММТon
in the Нe Нe Нe Нe Нe Нe НeМure effect. In Mamlo, at analyze the mТМ
rography at 650°C, you can not notice a МamЛto МonsТНeraЛle because
the fracture occurred immediately (less than 1min).
The above shows that the МomЛТnaМТon Нe the temperatures Нe Тnterés
and the moНeraНo effort Нe 1224 Kgf/Мmtwo(119.19MPa) does not degrade the
Perlithic fungal earth at the mТМrostructural level; In order to validate the above,
the study was completed, a hardness analysis was carried out to determine the
influence of the thermofluency at the physical level in the material.

Microhardness tests
The microhardness tests were carried out at distances of: 100 µm, 2,
4, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 18 mm from the fracture, since in this area it is expected
that there is a rod in the hardness Нureth or the НesМurТzaМton in the
specimens, the promising results are shown MontТnuaМТón in Graph σo

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Graph No. 14.GráfМa Нe MТМroNuridad-Distance from the fracture of the samples

extracted from the specimens tested at 500, 550, 600 and 650eitherC


Microhardness (HV)

150 T 00°C
T 0°C
100 T 00°C
T 0°C

0 5 10 fifteen twenty

Distance from fracture (mm)

Made by:Authors

In Graph σo. 14 a sТmТlar Мbehavior Нe the Мurvas Нe

mТМroНuridad Нe essayed specimens at 500, 550, 600 y 650eitherC. In
addition, it can be noted that at the НТstanМТa НН2 mm the Нurity
decreases, this probably due to the НesМarЛurТzaМТon suffered from
the specimens during the test.

From the graphs Effort vs. Deformation oЛtenТНus in the tests highlighted
to the grТs perlite function it is НТstТngue that at the temperature Нe 500°C the
sample withstood a maximum stress Нe 3300 Kgf/Мmtwo, but at temperatures Нe
550, 600, and 650°C НeМreМe this maximum stress.
The мurvas нe thermofluenмтa ojteniety showed a
нeformaмтón тStantaneous at the moment нe applaud the мarga нE
2448 kgf, between 0.31 and 0.7mm, tamлтén expeived нempor in the
range Нe 1.1λ to 3.45% in Нe times test of 1011 minutes and less
than 1 minute for temperatures of 500 and 650°C respectively.

Metallographic tests show that the grains did not reform, but
showed an elongation in the НТММТon of the НТМaНa НeЛТНo to
its brittle НМaМter, it is also observed that the time Нe trial is not
long enough for it to occuruzМa НТfusТón and Нen the effects of
thermal creep (cavities and tearing of the joints triple Нe grains).
Metallographic tests also showed that the

European Scientific Journal November 2017 edition Vol.13, No.33 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

funНТМТon grТs exСТЛe НesМomposТМТon Нe perlТta, as well as Мomo

increase of the cementite zones due to the movement of the point euteМtМo
and the reНuММТon Нe his porМentaje Нe МarЛono.
Hardness tests show hardening in the vicinity of fracture, although not
very МonsТНeraЛle due to enureМТmТento due to plastТМa НeformaМТon.
Regarding the МaraМterТzaМТon Нel graphite, it can be observed that at as
you increase thetemperature, also increases the tenНМТa Нel graphite to
clump andform nodules.
If you want to take this research into account as a Не НТseño
МрТТТ, it is suggested to study the seМunНarТa region of the Мurva that is
shown in Graph σo. 01 and especially its penНТente, since it is СaЛla Нe
that the veloМТНaН Нe fluenМТa can be НetermТnar МonfТaЛly only
МuanНo la curve has a constant slope.

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