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Session 2 « n2 : Impulse& co RY rN] First : Introduction to the session a Deel Rae Neca eaerea aeoy If a body falls in a free fall (under its own weight only ) then this body falls under the gravitational acceleration (a = 9.8 m/s”) ‘ aft olail yudi mg JI * afi ola yseR yf © | > Equation of motion L & If the body (fell down) / (let to fall) _) Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > 2) Ciel Pa IF A BODY Is PROJECTED upward then a=-9.8 m/s". Vo=0 t a=98m/s? jessie Cosel 2 cee 1 asiles Gety ' ; £0 ge. ealaill sv y 6 a=-98m/s? (7 Case2 ' @ ose |e = Case? ip postal yigui cMalee Jani gllai-- ~~ reall lait ysegamg Jie oaull oLail yuSe geaysR J! © : ma =~ mg - R + Equation of motion ' Teele ECCT _ ealaillasiv ? > Case 2 0 oT Case? 94 pamall yigii cals Jasi gllei-- ~~ | . roautll olail ySe amg JI & 1 1 edu olailyusegayRdle | ' 1 |-ma=-mg-R |*Equation of motion 1 eA Omar Zherbeni Session 2 Important rections } dhutall .9 -ualail a ygSus dala 134 autalll goaleai ynay Lal dutie gilill dala aya olail | yajai cla negative gilill gpositive aalg + duthe gilill gpositive «fl alaill ro1 bo olail 441s Lial yf dalell cya yay ‘Let’s see an example Velocity of B Velocity of AY 3 rection Jl yoclll gla If the two velocities in the same direction: @ If the two velocities in the opposite direction: 3° i i i i i i i i i | | | | i | ) i i | Momentum; Cc It is the quantity of motion) V H=mv » Ss Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > Second : Impulse _4 Egg falls on pillow). _ :gg falls on ground). _ , . » ’ © <4 & .. The contact time is low I=fF.t] ’ fi 1 1 t ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' t 1 1 1 1 The contact time is high : 1 ' 1 I=| The impulsive force is low \ cre impulsive force is high > So the egg didn't crash a ‘\ So the egg crashed J T=4ve] © (ie cdl luo g)eabaill ae; aalai! us pewtall gl | 2 | Q (ic olyall lure 5) orbaill as) ala ,jiyso faut gl — | | | | | | | I | | i i i i | i | | | i Vv {Note :impuisive force is y a i ! \ the resultant force (ie ma) = ° ¥ ByLibY! aa2.i€ ¢5fjJ ——————_ PE Omar Sherbeni ’ Session 2 esos We know that momentum : H= MV l=m(v : v)— | = mv -mv momentum erent after impact perore impo Impulse hange i in momentum (AH) | _SSHOMNNNNHONNHHOGHGHKHKHNGHGHKOGWHHIWNY fl & OATH h 2 SS ¢ ‘x t Normal reaction (Pressure on the plane) 1 x 7 ARISES. amdyrbaid Andros ~, itrebounds froma ceiling *\ froma wall wt Impulse & Collision > Third : Collision In this section we will study elastic collision between two bodies and what happens for each body after collision oe In this figure two balls collides each has a mass (m), velocity before collision (V), velocity after collision (V’) m, Vit Move =m V'+ Ms V2") » —“—~_ — route JS ctlogles bai isa dada cutis ala dp alltall Jai glite First body Second body ¢ m= fome y= : vox wu ,, wie | ve “§- s dendli oll doglooll cya yailiill 09 Agois cilegleall JS lita leass = PE Omar Sherbeni Session 2 Directions viztve iss Positive direction J! g8 oalaill [18 JgW! autall olail jai Layla -ve Jliauise gig +veJh gai aaladl 94 cuils gl allyuilly lala ali desu gl g Examples to illustrate- @If the two bodies was in same direction before collision : V2 = +ve @If the * body changes its direction after collision : v;'=-ve dala Ja dliecagiilgllsi If two bodies was in opposite direction the I body changes its direction after collision and the second body stayed in same direction +ve Lola +} > -ve AV olail yuse -ve caaalail ye + [> -ve av, ola di ——aalgv’ gOV2' g Vi’ bal galllla yiudo gay common factor aaa g 1 Omar ZGherbeni Impulse & Collision PE = Omar Aherbeni Session 2 |A body of mass 5 kg. a constant force acted on it, its velocity changed from 18 km./hr. to 45 km,/hr. in the same direction. Find the impulse of the force. If the time of action of the force is a second, then find the magnitude of this force in kg.wt. wy SOLUTION Ww m=5kg ,v=18x=+ 8 oe Sm/s, vi =45x= 12.5m/sec, t I=F.t=m(v' — v) = 5(12.5 — 5) = 37.5N.S 1 solve for F 37.5 = F x > ———> 1837.5 N + 9.8 = 187.5 kg. wt 9 A smooth sphere of mass >kg. moves horizontally with speed 7.3 m./sec. the sphere impinges with a smooth vertical well and rebounds after impact with speed 9 km./hr. Find the magnitude of the impulse of the wall on the sphere. If the time of contact is 0.01 sec., then find the average force with which the ball acts on the wall, then find the pressure of the ball on the wall. sowtion oy m = 0.5kg,v =G7.3 m/s, v' = 9x2 = 2.5 m/s, t = 0.01 sec vashaesa. +e! 9 elaaaill xo La olail ysytisLialg ala a lite 1= m(v'@v) = fx t=05*(254+73)=49Ns Fx 0.01 = 4.9") = 490N + 9.8 = S0kg.we ee. Body rebounds: from a wall Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > A rubber ball of mass 70 gm., fell vertically down from the height 6.4 m. on the ground'and: it rebounds after impact to a height 90 cm. Find the magnitude of the force with which the surface affects on the ball given that the time of the contact in 0.01 second. Then calculate’ the reaction of the ground on the ball. ie soLution(y” m= 70 gm.= 0.07 kg.,t = 0.01 sec. Case (2) 3 + 2as va RS 9.8) * (0.9) vi + 2as 2x (9.8) x (6.4) Velocity before collision (V) Velocity after collision (V') 1=m(v tv) =F+t=0.07 + (4.2 + 11.2) = 1.078N.s solve for E 1.078 = F x 0.01 > F = 107.8N + 9.8 = 11 kg. wt Session 2 (04)! The oil poured continuously from a height 40 cm. on a scale with rate 3.5 gm/sec. Find in kg.wt. the reading of the balance after 20 seconds given that oil don’t rebound after hitting the scale. wy SOLUTION +: The oil don’t rebound after hitting the scale «- one case only (v'=0) ps Vo =0,a=9.8,8 = 40 cm = 0.4m,t = 20sec convert to ke 3.5 gm/sec > 3.5 x 10-kg/sec ze vi + 2as + v? =0+2+9.8 + 0.4 = 7.84 v = 2.8m/s I= mv’ +v)=fxt * 2 gisao timedmassy| lla) 9@ allaall glia * m(v' +v) =fxt(+ 0) (v' +v) +F =35 x 10-3(0 + 2.8) = 0.0098 N B35 x 10825 y N = 0.0098 x 0.07 x 9.8 = 0.6958 “0.071 kg. wt 3.5 x 20 x 10-8 = 0.07 kg ‘A body of mass 300 gm. is projected vertically upwards with velocity 840 m/sec. from a point placed under the calling and bounds down to the roof of the room after = of second of the rebound, Find the impulse of the celling to the body given that the calling height is 272.5 em. if the contact time is ~ find the impulse force. oA sowriongy m = 300 gm 0.3 kev, = 840 cm/: i Cased) ;Case(2) Case (l) Case (2) gpa v? = vi + 2as 8 =vot+ tat? ¢ (84y? + 2-98)(0.1) 4 ae, 2.725 =vo(05)+2x98x (05) yap Von? Y a=98 Impulse & Collision > } smooth sphere of mass 5 kg. moves in a straight line on a horizontal ground with speed 11m/sec. it reached to another sphere of mass 8 kg. moving with speed 5 m/sec after impact directly in the same direction of the first sphere and on the same straight line, then it collided it. If the speed of the first became 7 m/sec. after impact directly in the same direction. Find: 1) The speed of the second sphere after impact. 2) the magnitude of the impulse of the first sphere on the second one. wy SOLUTION WwW Fbody 2° body m, = 5Skg m, = 8 kg v, = 11m/sec vz = 5 m/sec vi, = 7 m/sec. v2 =?? mv; +m, v, = m,vj + mav3v; = 11 m/sec solve for v5 (5)(11) + (8)(5) = (5)(7) + (8) v, ——— v, = 7.5 m/sec. (2) Impulse of 1 sphere on 2™ one is (I) :1 = m, (vj — v4) = —20N.S We want to know the magnitude of it : |I| = 20 N.S. PE Omar Sherbeni Session 2 v (02) Two smooth spheres of mass 40 gm, 120 gm. are moving on a smooth horizontal surface in ‘two opposite directions, the speed of the first is 9 m/sec and the speed of the second is 6 m/sec. if the two spheres collide and the second sphere rebounds after impact with speed 3 m/sec. Find: 1) The speed of the first sphere after impact 2) the average force at which the second sphere acted on the first sphere, if the time of contact of impact on = second. Me SOLUTION ve dlolaill ga Vj; gayaio m, = 0.04 kg m, = 0.12 kg vy = 9m,/sec. v2 = —6m/sec. 4 =72 : “att vj = 3m/sec ve lolol ga exis ed laalail eysa ayilill gS oataill xe} solve for vy, (0.04)(9) + (0.12)(—6) = (0.04) (v,') + (0.12) (3) ——— v; = —18m/sec. (t= sec.,1=Ft=m; (vs - v2) : solve for f [=F x 2 = 0.12 (3 — (-6)) ——>f = 19.44N Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision (03) A smooth sphere of mass 3 kg. moves horizontally with speed 12 m/sec. it impinges anoth smooth sphere of mass 2 kg. moving with speed 3 m/sec in the same direction of the first sphere, the moved together after impact as one body. Find the common speed of them after impact. ie SOLUTION The two bodies will act after collision as one body (vj = vz = v') mv; + mzvz = v'(m, + mz) solve for vr (3)(42) + (2)(3) = v'(3 + 2) ——> v' = 9 m/sec B al ene nga Y Omar Zherbeni Session 2 A bullet of mass 125 gm. is fired horizontally with speed 500 cm/sec towards a wooden block of mass (3 kg.) placed on a horizontal surface, the bullet stayed in the block to move together as one body. Find their common speed. If the wooden block moved afterward on the surface a distance 50 cm. till it became at rest. What is the magnitude of the resistance of the surface? ne sovvtiongy Fbody 2 body m, = 0.125 kg m, = 3kg v, = 5m /sec. v,=0 The two bodies will act after collision as one body (v; = v3 = v') m,v; + mv, = v'(m, + m,) solve for vr (0.125)(5) + (3)(0) = v'(0.125 +3) "Sv = 0.2m After collision they will move as one body with (v, =v’) ee @ ne ® ¥ = v5 + 2as> 0 = (0.2)? + 2a(0.5) > a = — 0.04 Me =Meutet + Mbiock (0.125 + 3) (-0.04) = R= 0.125N If the two bodies move as one body they start their motion with v’ Omar herbert «a Vo = 0.2 m/sec. v= 2 vi Impulse & Collision > If the mass if a hammer which is used to foundation building is 210 kg,, it fell down from height 3.6 meter on a pole of mass 35 kg. to from one body together to imbedded in the ground a distance 40 cm. calculate the average of the force of resistance of the ground in kg.wt. if itis constant. wy sowriongy” aalg uta ails agoall &e cljail dass 9 gipall g8 yo Big yfigSLiill Jol! 8 Mla 3 52 Lua: cll gl =case (1): free fall wylllgajiA! aaesg 9.8 m/ sec?, $= 3.6m vo =0, 24 2as + v= V2 OBB) v’ 4m / sec. =case (2): moving of two bodies as one body Fibody m, = 210kg v,=0 v, = 84 m/sec. viav vy=v' myVi + Mgv2 = v'(m, + m2) solve for vr 210 x 8.4 + 35 x 0 = v'(210 + 35) ——> v' = 7.2 m/sec =case (3): when they imbedded the ground Vo = 7.2 m/sec, v = 0, $ = 0.4m solvefora v? = v2 + 2as > (0)? = (7.2)? + 2a (0.4) ——>a = -64.8 m/s” ™M,= Mhammer * Mpoie Bi | (210 + 35) (64.8) = (210 + 35)(9.8) —R ‘i R= 18277N = 1865 kg. wt @ | PE Omar Sherbeni Session 2 (J) A body of mass 5 kg. A constant force acted on it, its velocity changed from 18 km/hr. to 45 km/hr. in the same direction. Find the impulse of the force. If the time of action of the force is second, then find the magnitude of this force in kg.wt. © Asmooth sphere of mass kg. moves horizontally with speed 7.3 m/sec, the sphere impinges with a smooth vertical wall and rebounds after impact with speed 9 km/hr. Find the magnitude of the impulse of the wall on the sphere. If the time of contact is 0.01 sec., then find the average force with which the ball acts on the wall, then find the pressure of the ball on the wall. © A ubber ball of mass 70 gm., fell vertically down from the height 6.4 m. on the ground and it rebounds after impact to a height 90 cm. Find the magnitude of the force with which the surface affects on the ball given that the time of the contact in 0.01 second. Then calvulate the reaction of the ground on the ball. © The oil poured continuously from a height 40 cm. on a scale of a spring balance with rate 3.5gm/sec. Find in kg.wt. the reading of the balance after 20 seconds given that oil don’t rebound after hitting the scale Go A body of mass 300 gm. is projected vertically upwards with velocity 840 m/sec from a point placed under the ceiling of a room of magnitude 110 cm. to collide (impact) with the ceiling and bounds down to the roof of the room after : of second of the rebound. Find the impulse of the ceiling to the body given that the ceiling height is 272.5 cm. If the contact time is =, find the impulsive force. oO Arubber ball of mass 500 gm. moves horizontally in s straight line to collide with with a vertical wall and rebound with velocity 150 cm./sec. on the same straight line. If the average of the force between the ball and the wall is 10 kg.wt. and the contact time between them is = of a second, find the velocity of the ball directly before the moment of collision with the wall. A ball of mass 50 gm. fell from a height 2.5 m. on a horizontal ground and rebounded to the height (h) metre. If the magnitude of the impulsive force between the ground and the ball was 5.6 newton and the time of contact between them was 0.1 sec. Find (h) » Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > © Arubter ball of mass 20 gm. fell down from a height of 6.4 metres above the ground to rebound vertically upwards. If the magnitude of the impulsive force between the ground and the ball is 182 x 10* dynes and the contact time of the ball with the ground is 0.02 of seconds, find: (1) The magnitude of the impulse of the ground to the ball. (2) The maximum height the ball reaches after it rebounds. © Asmooth ball of mass 350 gm. is projected vertically upwards with velocity 14 m/sec towards a horizontal ceiling at a height 360 cm. It collided with the ceiling and rebounded vertically downwards. If the total magnitude of the pressure from the ball to the ceiling is 650 gm.wt. and the time of contact between them is of second. Find the magnitude of the rebounding velocity of the ball away of the ceiling. © A smooth stone of 2 mass kg. fell vertically from rest and after 2 seconds, it collided with the surface of a liquid and imbedded in it a distance of 5.4 m. through 1.5 seconds with uniform velocity. Find the impulse of the stone on the liquid and if the time of contact is second. Find the magnitude of the impulsive force. QD) A body of mass 20 gm. falls down from a height of 40 cm. above a pond surface to embed in water for a distance 210 cm. within one second with acceleration 2.1 m./ sec’. . Find the magnitude of impulse of water on the body due to the collision. BA fast shooting mortar shoots bullets each of mass 500 gm. vertically upwards. If the average of the impulsive force of the gas in the mortar’s cylinder on the bullet is 250 newton and acts on the bullet for 0.2 of a second until the moment the bullet exits from the barrel of the mortar, calculate the speed in which the bullet get out the barrel of the mortar. ©) A clay ball of mass 1 kg. fell down from a height of 40 cm. on a pressure scale and the collision (impact) time is; of seconds, find the scale reading given that the ball did not rebound after the impact. PE Omar Sherbeni Session 2 G) A smooth sphere of mass 5 kg. moves in a straight line on a horizontal ground with speed 11 m/sec. it reached to another sphere of mass 8 kg. moving with speed 5 m/sec in the same direction of the first sphere and on the same straight line, then it collided it. If the speed of the first became 7 m/sec after impact directly in the same direction. Find: (1)The speed of the second sphere after impact (2)The magnitude of the impulse of the first sphere on the second one. © two smooth spheres of mass 40 gm, 120 gm. are moving on a smooth horizontal surface in two opposite directions, the speed of the first is 9 m/sec and the speed of the second is 6 m/sec. if the two spheres collide and the second sphere rebounds after impact with speed 3 m/sec. Find: (1)The speed of the first sphere after impact. (2)The average force at which the second sphere acted on the first sphere, if the time of ie 2 contact of impact in <= second. © A smooth sphere of mass 3 kg. moves horizontally with speed 12 m/sec. it impinges another smooth sphere of mass 2 kg. moving with speed 3 m/sec in the same direction of the first sphere, they moved together after impact as one body. Find the common speed of them after impact. © Abuliet of mass 125 gm. is fired horizontally with speed 500 cm/sec towards a wooden block of mass (3 kg.) placed on a horizontal surface, the bullet stayed in the block to move together as one body. Find their common speed. If the wooden block moved afterwards on the surface a distance 50 cm. till it became at rest. What is the magnitude of the resistance of the surface? © irthe mass of a hammer which is used to foundation building is 210 kg,, it fell down from height 3.6 metre on a pole of mass 35 kg. to form one body together to imbedded in the ground a distance 40 cm. Calculate the average of the force of resistance of the ground in kg.wt. if itis constant. © to smooth balls, each of them is of magnitude 300 gm. move along a straight line on a horizontal ground, the velocity of the first ball is 5 m/sec. and the velocity of the second is 9 m/sec. in the same direction of the first. f the two balls impinged, the first ball moved after impact directly with velocity 8 m/sec. in the same direction of its motion. Determine the velocity of the second ball directly after impact also find the magnitude of the impulse of any ball on the other. Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > Asmooth sphere of mass 15 kg. moves along a straight line with speed 11 m/sec. It collides with another sphere of mass 24 kg. moving in the same direction with speed 5 m/sec. the speed of the first after impact became 7 m/sec. in the same direction. Find the speed of the second sphere just after impact and the magnitude of the impulse of the first on the second and ifthe time of impact is 0.01 second. Find the impulsive force of the reaction, ©) two smooth balls each of mas 200 gm. move in one straight line on horizontal ground, the first with velocity 5 m/sec. and the second with velocity 9 m/sec. in the same direction of the first, ifthe two balls collide, identify the velocity of each directly after collision given that the impulse magnitude of the second ball on the first is equals to 0.6 x 10° dyne.sec. © Acar (a) of mass 4 tons moves with a uniform velocity of magnitude Sm/sec in a straight line on a smooth horizontal plane. It collides with another car (B) at rest of mass 3 tons. Directly after impact the velocity of the car (B) relative to the car (A) was 2m/sec. Find the magnitudes of the actual velocities of both cars after impact. (1) two smooth spheres of masses 20 gm. and 50 gm. move in a horizontal straight line and in opposite directions. The two spheres impinge together when their velocities were 10 cm/sec and 25 cm/sec. respectively. They formed one body which stopped motion after covering a distance 35 cm. under the action of a constant resistance. Find: (1) The magnitude of the velocity of the body after the impact directly. (2) The resistance which acts on the body in dyne. (DB Ahammer of mass one ton fell down from a height 4.9 metre on a body of mass 400 kg., and imbedded it vertically in the ground a distance 10 cm. Find the common velocity of the hammer and the body after collision directly. Also find the resistance of the ground in kg.wt. DD Abuliet of mass 20 gm. is shot with horizontal velocity of magnitude 50.5 m/sec. towards a piece of mass 2 kg. placed on a horizontal table and embedded in it to form one body. Find the velocity of this body directly after collision. If this body rebound with velocity 2 cm/sec. after collision with a fixed barrier on the table and perpendicular to the direction of the motion, find the barrier impulse on the body given that the total resistance is equal is equal to 1.01 newton. and the barrier is a distance of 24 cm. from the piece of wood before shooting the bullet. ©} Three smooth spheres &,8,C are placed on a smooth horizontal table and on the same straight lie such that lies between A and C and they have masses 200, 200 and 600 gm. respectively. The first sphere (A) is projected with velocity 48 cm/sec. towards (B) which is at rest and impinges with it and move together as one body towards the stil sphere (C) an impinges with it such that the body rebounds after impact with velocity 3 cm/sec. Find the velocity ofthe sphere (C) after impact and the impulse of the force acting on the sphere (C) PE = Omer Sherbeni = WEES. Session 2 £7) A ball of mass 120 gm. moving with uniform velocity 40 cm/sec. passes by a certain point. After one minute another body of mass 80 gm. starting motion from the same point with uniform acceleration 4 cm/sec. . and initial velocity 60 cm/sec. in the same direction. If they form one body after the impact. Find the common velocity. Find also the time taken till the body comes to rest given that the resistance force is 4 gm.wt. (BA body A of mass 10 gm. moves vertically downwards to collide with another body 8 of mass 4 gm. moving vertically upwards when the velocity of A was 200 cm/sec. and the velocity of B is 800 cm/sec. the body B rebounds vertically downwards with velocity 100 cm/sec. while the body A rebounds vertically upwards and after of +a second the body A collided with another body C of mass 100 gm. moving vertically downwards with velocity 13 cm/sec. to form one body. Find the common velocity between the two bodies A\C after collision. © as is the line of greatest slope for a smooth inclined plane of length 9.8 m. inclines at 30°, to the horizontal, A is the highest pint on the plane and B is the lowest point. A smooth ball of magnitude 700 gm. is placed at A to move from rest on AB and collide with a smooth perpendicular vertical barrier at B to act on it with impulse of magnitude 11.76 newton.second and the ball rebounded. Calculate the maximum distance the ball moves up along BA. two smooth spheres of masses 2, 8 kg. moves on a smooth plane inclined to the horizontal at an angle of measure 30°, the first sphere is downwards and the second sphere is upwards in the direction of the line of the greatest slope. The two spheres collide and moved after the impact as one body when the velocity of the first sphere is 8.4 m/sec. and the velocity of the second relative to the first sphere is 14 m/sec. Find the time taken after impact till this body comes to rest instantaneously. Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > Homework SNM RLM MTT (Ei) Asmooth sphere of mass (X+1) kg is moving with speed 15 m/sec. impinges with another sphere of mass 4 kg. moving in the same direction with speed 10 m/sec. so that the first sphere rebounds after impact with speed 9m/sec. Calculate the velocity of the second sphere after impact. And find impulse between the two spheres. (Model answer At X=0) Two bodies of masses 200 gm., 800 gm. move in the same straight line on a horizontal table with a speed 4 m/sec. in two opposite directions. If the two bodies move after impact as one body. Find the velocity after impact. © Two smooth spheres of the same mass are projected on a smooth horizontal table so that they moved on one straight line, the first with speed 40 cm/sec. and the second with speed 30 cm/sec. in the opposite direction of the first. If the second sphere rebounded after impact with speed 8 cm/sec. find the speed of the first sphere after impact and if the mass of each sphere is 90 gm. Find the magnitude of the impulse of the first sphere on the second. 2 CRT TT TE 2 ‘Two spheres are moving in the same straight line on a smooth horizontal ground in two opposite directions. If the mass of the 1 sphere is 200 gm. and is moving with speed 20+X m,/sec. and the mass of the 2"! sphere is 600 gm. and is moving with speed 4 m/sec. Find the speed of the second sphere just after the impact and its impulse on the first sphere if the 1* sphere is rebounded just after impact with speed 16 m/sec. (Model answer at oO ‘Two smooth of masses 100 gm. and 200 gm. move in two opposite directions in a straight line on a smooth horizontal plane. The speed of the two spheres are of magnitudes 100 cm,/sec. and 200 cm./sec. respectively. If the two spheres collided and the second sphere continued to move in the same direction, Find the velocity of each sphere directly after collision given that the impulse which the second sphere exerts on the first one equals 0.25 newton.sec. © two smooth spheres (A and 8) move in a straight ine on a smooth horizontal plane, their masses are m and 4m gm. respectively in two opposite directions with speed 10 m./sec. for each of them. Find the velocity of the sphere (A) relative to the sphere (B), if the two spheres collided, then they moved as one body. Find the velocity after the collision directly. Aball of mass 1 kg. fell from a height 4.9 m. on a horizontal ground and rebounded to the maximum height 2.5 m. Find the change is its momentum due to impact, then find the magnitude of the reaction of the ground on the ball of the time during which they are in contact 0.1 sec « PE = Omer Sherbeni ESS Session 2 An aeroplane throws out fuel at the rate of 48 kg/second and with velocity of 3636 km/hr. Find in newton the force by which the aeroplane moves Abullet of mass 20 gm. is shot horizontally from a gun. If its path inside the gun continues for 0.5 of a second and the magnitude of the impulsive force of the gun on the bullet is 20 newton., find the velocity of the bullet's exit from the barrel of the gun. oy TET a mms. @. smooth sphere of mass 16+X gm. moves in a straight line on a horizontal plane and collides when its velocity is 210 cm/sec. with another smooth sphere of mass 32 gm. at rest. If the spheres move after collision as one body. Find the velocity of the one formed body directly after collision. If this body moves after collision under the influence of a constant resistance of magnitude 24 gm.wt. Find the distance which the body travels until it comes to rest. (Model answer at X=0) 1) A smooth of sphere of mass 200 gm. moves along a horizontal straight line with the uniform velocity whose magnitude is 77 cm/sec., this sphere collided with another smooth sphere at rest with mass 350 gm. and the two spheres moved as one body under the action of a constant resistance force which made the body come to rest after it covered a distance of 14cm. from the instant collision. Find: (1) The magnitude of the velocity of the body of the body just after the collision. (2) The magnitude of the resistance force. orl o Ahammer of mass 540+X kg.fell down vertically from a height 2.5 meters on a base column of mass 60 kg,, then it imbedded inside the earth 9 cm. in each time of collision. If the hammer and the column move after collisions as one body. Find the resistance force of the. earth to this body if it is constant. (Model answer at X=0) (©) A body of mass 1 kg. is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. A force of magnitude & newton. acts on this body for * second. During the absence of the force action, this body collides with another body at rest of mass 2 kg. and the first body rebounds with velocity 2m/sec. Find the velocity of the second body directly after collision. oO Acar at rest, of mass 1 ton is pushed in the direction of its motion with a force of 200 kg.wt. for 5 seconds, then itis released freely to become at rest again after 15 seconds. Find the magnitude of the resistance supposing it is constant in the two cases. Then find the maximum velocity that the car reached using the relation between the impulse and momentum Omar herbert «a Impulse & Collision > ai MEHL l TXT eT CTT OA ie Abullet of mass 15+XX gm. is fired with velocity 1450.8 metres/minute on a target at rest ‘of mass 2 kg. if the bullet and the target move as one body directly after the impact. Prove that the body moves with a velocity 18 cm/sec. after the impact. If the body came to rest, after covering 81 cm. Find the resistance given that it is constant. (Model answer at XX = 00) oO A target of mass 200 kg moves on a straight line with uniform velacity 10 m/sec. away from cannon fire projectiles, each of them is of mass 25 kg. in velocity 50 m/sec. ifit is known that the projectiles stay inside the target as hitting it to form one body. Find the velocity of the target after the second hit. If this target after the second hit is hit with a projectile of mass 125 kg. in the opposite direction of its motion to stay inside it, then it became at rest. Find the velocity of this projectile. The oil flowed down continuously from a height 90 cm. on a scale of a spiral balance with rate 420 gm./minute. Find in gm.wt. the reading of the balance after 10 seconds given that the oil does not rebound after its collision with the scale of the balance. with the scale of the balance. oO ‘Asmall ball of mass 30 gm. moves in a straight line with a uniform velocity of magnitude 13 m/sec. After 4 seconds of its passing through a certain position, another ball of mass 10 ‘gm. moves from this position in the same direction of the first ball with initial velocity 4 m/sec. and acceleration 2 m./ sec’. To form one body after collision directly. Calculate the common velocity of the body. When does this body rest if this body is acted is acted on by a constant resistance on the horizontal plane of magnitude 4 gm.wt? oO ‘ACis the line of maximum slope of a smooth plane inclined to the horizontal at an angle of measure 30° where A is the top point and AC = 14.4 m, Bis the midpoint of AC. A smooth sphere of mass 3 gm. which is placed at point A moved in the direction of AC until it collided at point B with another smooth sphere of mass 1 gm. instantaneously at rest. The two spheres formed one body after collision. Find the velocity of the one formed body at the, point C. ‘AB is the line of the greatest slope of a smooth plane 7 meter inclined to the horizontal at an angle of measure 30°. Ais the top of this plane. A sphere of mass 30 gm. is left to descend down the plane from the point A. in the same moment. A sphere of mass 120 gm. is projected from B upwards the plane with velocity 7 m/sec. (1) Find when and where do the two spheres collide? (2) Find the velocity of each of the two spheres before collision directly. (3) if they formed one body after collision. Find the common velocity. (4) Find the maximum distance this body can ascend up the plane after collision. ‘Amoving target of mass 40 kg. moves along a straight line with velocity 400 cm/sec. towards a cannon fires shells each of mass 2 kg. with velocity 2000 cm/sec. If the shells are imbedded in the target after the collision. Find the magnitude of the velocity of the target after the first hit, then prove that it stops after the fourth shell has been imbedded in it. A target of mass m kg. is moving in a horizontal straight line with velocity v m/sec. projectiles each of mass k kg. are fired with velocity F m./sec. in opposite direction to the motion ofthe target. How many projectiles have tot the target to make It begin to change its direction? PE Omar Sherbeni Mn 1) 187.5 kg.wt 2) 50 kg.wt, 50 kg.wt 3) 11 kg.wt, 11 kg.wt 4) 0.071 kg 5) 3Ns 6) 2.42 m/sec 7) 90m, 8) 36400 dyne.sec , 250 cm 9) 8.4 m/sec 10)8 newton.sec, 10 newton 110.035 newton.sec 12)100 m/sec 13)3 kgwt. 1) 7.5m/sec,—20N.s 2) -18 m/sec, 1.98 kg 3) 8.4m/sec 4) 0.2 m/sec, 0.125 N 5) 1865 kg 6) 6 m/sec., 90000 7) 7.5 m/sec., 60 newton.sec, 600 newton 8) 800, 600 cm/sec 9) 2 m/sec, 4 m/sec 10)15 cm/sec , 225 dyne 11)7 m/sec, 36400 kg.wt. 12} m/sec, 02424 ke m/sec 13)18 cm/sec , 10800 14)96 cm/sec , 5 sec 15)10 cm/sec 16)5m 174 second Homework Session 2 a) 2 3) 4) 5) ” 8) 9) 16 m/sec, 24 kg.m/sec 1.4 m/sec, 2 cm/sec, 3420 It rebounds with speed 8m/sec, 7 kg.m/sec 150 cm/sec, 75 cm/sec Van = 20 m/sec, V’ = 6 m/sec 16.8 kg.m/sec , 177.8 newton 48480 newton.sec 500 m/sec 10)70 cm/sec , 5 cm 11)28 cm/sec , 15400 dyne 1214100 kg.wt 13)3 m/sec 14)50 kg.wt. , 7.35 m/sec 15)4030 dyne 16)18 m/sec , 36 m /sec 17)73 mw. 18)17.25 m /sec, ~* second 19)10.5 m/sec 20)1 second at a distance 455 cm from B 0.7 m/sec, 5 cm 21)? cm/ sec 22)The smallest integer greater than Omar ZGherbeni

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