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Directions: Write words related to the keyword that is inside the box.

Write your answers on

the space next to the arrow. If you are done, you may proceed to the next Activity.


 Analysis
 Find
 Ground work
 Inspect
 Explore


 Audit
 Inspection
 Pursuit
 Disquisition
 Interrogation


 Grilling
 Trial
 Questionnaire
 Diagnosis
 Going over


 Engrossed
 Captivated
 Raptness
 Prepossession
 Holding-on
B. Directions: Use the identified word/s from the first activity in a sentence and write a
paragraph related to the given word

1. RESEARCH- research is a form of analysis that find. the answer and usually when
doing that we explore many different. types of answer and result while doing ground work. and
thus we inspect those said result in order to find the solution for. the research and the best way
to get those results with ease. and less work this is why we research for things and find easy to
get solutions.

2.  INQUIRY- inquiry is a form of inspection that requires. an audit in order to have the
interrogation legal. so that the questions asked on the poll and those answer. are discreetly
private in order to avoid conflicts and for. the inquirer to pursuit these answers by carefully
analyze the answer from either questionnaire. or the poll results in order to write the right
3.  INVESTIGATION- investigation is like a series of questionnaire and trial. that will be going
over where it all began some people might use the grilling technique which is illegal and
banned. for most country where the said person in question to torment as if by broiling. by
asking a person really intense questions, like when you suspect them of doing something wrong
and you want to make them confess the truth. while diagnosing whether the person is really
telling the truth.
4.  IMMERSION- immersion a method of teaching a foreign language by the exclusive use of
that language, usually at a special school. by having student engrossed by the beauty of foreign
culture. and are captivated by their difference of life style and be raptness about their behavior.
because in some cases there are people that prepossession these defenseless student . by
holding on to their interest that may be used as a leverage to lure them into something

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