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ae as Oe ES orn tere KS => ASSignment - of <— a ent rates ed CHATint- Ok 2rfor{ 27 ® Oras the TEEE. Portt archrbeckure and explain each rock: ® ss¢€ govt. 724 ty ee eo | —_ i Extended Pe} sonics, Seb 92495 ths, les : ' | cess) so 9 } pith: publon ‘Sygtenn | | ee oe | 1 | Nor REE] | | Ra | [88S fap] | 1 | | | ste | sa | sw| | J | | pope | a : | : le [ : ——_—_____, rg ‘ YS down’ whe | oth kecture GNA SeeeiL ations a re tese! ss (ian). Per Foes “raurest 5? TEGE fo. i Skantord , Popolaity’ Kino’ agesity, > Wii ao oe hgh Pee auercl vadio wavel Amskead of cabier | fa connecting the devices An LAN users connected by WLANS Can nove MVOIAd * Eoith Th he Orca of nekoor'e * es > TEER Corer areliteetyre ave af Fottow DT Containg eA, Vase ES, OF. - Statont (Cra) — ARN Wr Skakionl compriles ofl ont device ed Equi pment thot ave Connected & the cowelesr LAN: ACkation Can be oF Ewo types. > wireless Accesepoink CWP) Dees | WAS or Simply access pos (AP) Ore | Peneralty wivelets Yookes that form #ne bate Staklors ov accete. Un > chenk | CHENEE + QE work Sabon tam puters, Laptops, Prinkers, Sra phones ke > > Eath Station hog 4 uirelery nehwork Interbte Contalier- Bostic Gervice Cet Cee ADR DATTA te | =A Basic kexvice Sek - a _gyoop, of Station! Commonicatieg at the Physical layev lever Ber Canbe of wo Cakegovier depending pon, the | (rode of operation. _—— > TnPrastrocture Rey - with other devicer Kwwough arcers pints, = , ; Neve Une Aevicer cormunicate pdeperndent Ree {eve , tne devieer conirnunicate iin a peer bo eae bari im an ad hoc aarmer « dA Service Cet ; Exkerdend Seve Se Cec, if fet, of om connected RCC. Tt Dist¥buted Lystern(oe yy. Ve ADADADADI LDA Teeonnecks atesr points in ece. Frome Format of Tere Port Lhytes os _. Frame Cantroy Vhyter | | poration i nee : bbytey , ‘oe | pddvess.y ' 4 : , ' ‘ 1 i FD | Cbyia| ae act : I. i. ler rook . } Chyts | adavess 2 | byt | att aby a | Sequence | i Jeo. t st eroup a5 | o- rv Cato, | byter — Check Cequence > The “praia Bela} of a frame o€ wire belt LAN is at’ tata down by TEE Por Frame contre! icoiry ' BO RRR oh ig orbyter Glorking eld, connposed of W CobRelds TL contatng Corttra! waforrmation of Wwe Bornes bmrbergt > _ duration TEIG a Voyhe Field teat Specifies the Kime period for which Khe Pramne and its acknowledge ment ocwwpy the Chesine|* | Bebe There ave. three boyte addvest Prdde Containing addvest of Source, mediate defination, and final endpoint srespectively > Sequencer. DARN TEIS co rpbyler Field thot Charen be frame numbers. « > Paka This iS avaniahie ~Sired Retd thot Causes wi) carries the data Brom the Upper Layers. The maximum Crbe O8 the, dota freld if ad12 bykes. > Check: Seayemee TEU a Ubyte field Lentaining evov dekection Va fooene Bon, | Explata in aaa TEE Lor W Fredionn acer | “contol? =n! TREE Por. Len Istantovas, the Mediong cxccess Contwo! Canc ; abo Catied rriediveragten control) Suplayer TGtwe Layer that contvol the havdusive " Stejpoat ible Poe wnterackisn Lolth cored Optical, on) wivelest Lrantmilsion Medion. The MAC Cublayer Aagether,. hoakevp thedato. aNd the logical Link Commo cule) “Svbtaye- together make Up the, data fink layer -Thelte provid : Bic) Contvor cand multiplexing Boy the Lrangenistion wre dion > These two Cobtoyes Cee Cowespoed bo the lay ey 2! ob the “ots. model >. For compatability repens, . LUG ig eptinat A, Yonplementations of 90.3 sot coro Puldory for Iraplementations ; SE gor Physica layer Standards voit iq the hi ievarchy e OT eee & Tec Por Standards" > the anac Sublayer ‘proddes & Contro} abstractan of the Phy scat layer Such thot Cre Connolexi bes of phycical Kink, Cooteo! ave Jouis bee ‘bo the tte did Oppev layers “od the Network ' fLatk. Thol any Lie Soblayer wey be used. valith any AC S When. fending, data to another, dewite, 09 Pye, «| Hetwork.; tre ANAC Sublayer en Caplolates higher level Hamer into frames appropriate for the, Lowfmilsion “Hredites , wads a Rarn Cheele Sequence to dently! - Krantinitsion “errors, and then Forwards dine dato.” to the “Physicar layers al Coon at toe Appropriate Chowne}, access mretinnd permitit > Add Horalty tre MAC Late Fefponsibe Sr Comperrtating Pov’ Calli ons by initidting re- | tranimittion Ta Jaw ignat’ ts detected “teher sreceiving data Frac tne physical CeYer ; toe MAC Bloee entorer dato inkegrity by verifying Te Lenders frome cheek fequentes, and Seies off the Lender) Preamble ANd padding before patsiog the datoup to the higher layers Functons peifoimed 19 fhe tfc Sybdayer s- > Aceordthg "bo TECE Prandord’ Par.’ the’ Prins ro Peatores’ Ov) Punckiont perborned’ by the AnAc. , Layer owes i | . Frame deli eni ting ANd MECBNTEAvon, D>. Addverring of derknation Stations, >, Convergence of Coorce 3 fafion odd ersing inBematiog a Protection agai nat CHOKE, General by Meany | “ef generating ama Checking Kame cheek Gewienes, 5) oy ra 25 Corel Of Uecesh Lo the Physicar trarsenission tedion Application, layey oo SJ ' ee | heal Presentation layers Fie.) ; Pf | Gession Layer Aantpark (layer | ebook — Layer [104] pe Nekwoo se [enc | te foe | —— |} aariertpicterie beg Po tayer oo (ine gece fe ee | | t mony pets a] bene physttal loyer | _ |< gobtoyer Physeat “Unk. ae > In we of fey Etnernet (Orne Rrnctions ae ela mac ore: > Receive) Kanfmit Rorena\ Learner! | 3 are —dapley vetrontmitsion and back off Reactions, = Apeend ov check Fee, Seo v7 = reer frome gar enforcement = TD, DEScavd — enate formed Rrawset oo —fo — Po- w-, “O WEE Khe plow took: Cperikt cation? and explatr BLwttoath, protocol prcki kecture. WROothy TL a neluort Lechnatogiy’ teat Connects mmolite devices caivele tery Oye a Chori YONJE do Bran & PCrfonal AER Ned worl€ Crmy "they ole Short Lawelength Ultras gh Evenyeory GOP) vadiowaver Withio the rarye 240 to WAPOHL Intheand of Rr-r75 data Cases 6° bored Pans, n} ; L + ApPlr cation Poel aes ‘Ls, APPL covttag eens _ . uring | Tr lay er ie war | S NVI Adie-Lxa, Tete/ voP: Tor] lay ae =p eT cornwron { Po “Tr een Bate Band Bruekwoth Radio | t—~S~S protecolt. inthe Bwsbtouthy Rokupl Brshikestice. Physical (ayers. This Mnclvdet Biyeteath Stadio “and ener > Radio (Biwetooth Radio t- Wawerasaaaerrew This iL playsicat layer eayivatent proteces “TEnort lagey Jays dow Lng - physiol Stryvtore and Specifications Boy teantenilsion of Yodiounves Te debrner aie yalker ace , Fenvery bande, Bre aveny opps og Specibications ard a * Lechni quer: > Rate Bond 1. ee u Thi Protocol taker the Seratce of of Sadio protelol « «Tt dehner Ere adver rg “Senewe Packet “Frame Sorin rH, and Power tonto!) algorithrat, 5 Data Vink layert. err oe. AaMis! includes Bote Rand vent Naonog er “Protocol” “Caap) cund tag 2 Col ‘Vint Comtro| and Adoption Cprotoce\ (L2CAP) To foxy bo dgohG roy ey establifnes! SRE Manag be protocol Cnn)? me en i i LAr Aes tt devices and MA Majfy | logicay Hate bla blue lool yeatiovyy> “The other Cacao ( the Hnkt for enabll oy denice authentifodion of Meare | negotiation of | Mata Cunctiont Merrage enevyedion Pathol ChreEp. -s Logit ink‘ contrat ana Adegtion Prokocol (Lo iag Lica, Provides cadaptivg bie oper frosne mad bape bend ayer Kraene forena’ ache ere Crnyen Boy bol, Comnettions -ORenty Of Well ag _ Connectionle lr Cervicer. MVddte wane layer y_ ‘ AKAN Unto Inctudes Radio Frequency Coerantol cediong CRE Corn) protocor, adopted Prorocoll..cop Nae dad } \ ty £00, AT Commands D> REcomnm LW * ee Shovt ; fov Padio frontend Cornponee + TE QVOMAE a Levit interface With Wap. | > Advpked protocols. ” hype ! ARR “Wete ave the Protocolt that ave advpked From Sandavd nnodelt. The Commeny adopted Ovorocals — viedin Bretooth are point “bo~pynt Protoco! (pep) JTmerneh, Procol (YP), GBP. _ USer OAH Prograrn(U OP), : ototos CEC?) and cawelery TVornintidon Control | Apprication, Protocol Ceanh) D Sexwnice PiLcqvery Protocol | Coop). AR Spp kafer cave of Govvice ~ el ared Queries information Lo afte Eftabish We deuce A Corinetiiod by Contendirg, bluetooth dex ces. D AT Commands. Attention Command Cot. IIA Application loyerty Dee This, woclodes the appli cation a Emat allow te user bo interort oo the Bre tooth’ apps cations . Bwetoothy Cpecilicationt: - wae ¢é+- + + re» > Bw toot, technology Loos released to taaq af Bidetooth, [+o D Temas tnifialty standadired at TELE Paris) > moblie Srnpoting dedcer and accenorier are Connected corre lenny. 3 Blve booty using Shor:- Nonge , (oo power, in etpen Rve adios. DSOHE vadrowaver With In the Kreavge of wy oolo Mer Hr avcusing for Aaa Comment cathrr > presemly eres F Blockooth hat (ower Powe’ contortion tou, J enptementation Last than wif ange and: Wanfrnisfion Speeds ove oa ddan lower thon wift The lower power mrequrvement! a > Bwelosty Verien 2-0 ond Lorther und highe, Carideliver dota mnoke of aumib'er — Prefently petri E38 NHeleared in aon,

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