English For Your Career Reading and Vocabulary Topic 2

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The Mechanics of Materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid
bodies subjected to various types of load. This is also a basic engineering concept that anyone

interested in the strength and physical performance of structures, whether natural or man-made,
should understand.

Mechanics of materials involves analytical methods to determine the strength, stiffness

(deformation characteristics), and stability of various members in a structural system.
Alternatively, this area of knowledge takes the names of Strength of Materials, Mechanics of
Deformable Solid Bodies, or simply Mechanics of Solids.

Some engineering professionals such as civil engineer, mechanical engineer, structural engineer
and aeronautical engineer among others, need basic mechanical knowledge that allows them to
determine the resistance and physical performance of elements with which they can carry out the
analysis and adequate design of different structural systems.

A material resistance model establishes a relationship between the applied forces, also called
loads or actions, and the stresses and displacements induced by them. Generally, the geometric
simplifications and the restrictions imposed on the mode of application of the loads make the field
of deformations and stresses easy to calculate.

For the mechanical design of elements with complicated geometries, the resistance of materials is
usually abundant and it is necessary to use techniques based on the theory of elasticity or the
mechanics of more general deformable solids. Those problems posed in terms of stresses and
deformations can then be solved in a very approximate way with numerical methods such as finite
element analysis.

1.- Mechanics of Materials: It is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid
bodies subjected to various types of load.

2.- solid bodies : They are characterized by resisting changes in shape and volume

3.- analytical methods : It is one of the most important both in the academic field and in market
research, as it allows combining the power of the scientific method

4.- strength : the cause that opposes the action of a force and the force that opposes the
movement of a machine, which must be overcome by its power.

5.- stiffness: quantitative measure of the opposition to elastic deformations produced in a material
due to a force or stress

6.- structural system : With the set of resistant elements that, linked to each other, transmit the
loads of the building to the supports, guaranteeing balance, stability and without suffering
incompatible deformations.

7.- Mechanics of Solids: refers to the study of bodies formed by particles that impose movement
restrictions on each other.
8.- resistance model : es una opción del módulo Flujo que se puede utilizar para definir una
resistencia en un dominio seleccionado.

9.- mechanical design: It consists of the application of mechanical engineering to size and shape
products before being manufactured, with the main purpose of meeting purely mechanical
requirements and satisfying the needs for which they have been conceived.

10.- theory of elasticity : refers to the physical and mechanical property of certain materials to
undergo reversible deformations when subjected to the action of external forces and to recover
the original shape if these external forces are removed.

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