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them. Nor did anyone volunteer to demonstrate its basic truths in a labo-
ratory or over the kitchen stove. Not one—until I met the author of this
Manual some years ago. Not one—until I read the first limited edition of
this Manual which literally is worth its weight in gold.
Incidentally, a few years ago I wrote something in recommendation
of this manual, yet expressing criticism of its literary style, its form of
expression, the innumerable typographical errors. This was silly and
arrogant. For even if, theoretically, the book were written in the worst
possible style, it would still be unique and a genuine masterpiece. Had it
not been written and published, we would be the losers by far. It teaches
with clarity, simplicity, and accuracy the technical means whereby the
lesser circulation may be accomplished. It should be a revelation to those
who have not previously been introduced to this method of dealing with
herbs. The Great Work is said to be essentially an extension of the same
process, the same techniques, with the same universal philosophy. Many
an alchemist of former years would have given his eyeteeth—or surely
a small fortune—for this information. Many might have been spared
disaster and destruction had they been familiar with the data contained
in this Manual.
Descriptions of the alchemical processes are not readily understood
in terms of modern chemistry. This is not to say that some formal train-
ing in high school or first-year college chemistry would not be useful.
At the very least, it would have provided the dexterity to use the equip-
ment also used in alchemy. But even if it were possible to translate
the one system into the terminology of the other, the alchemists are
haunted by the fear of revealing too much, too easily, or too soon—
thus opening the way to abuse. Modern man has shown himself to be
an adept in the art of abusing nature, as all our current emphasis on
ecology and environmental pollution has indicated. So there is con-
siderable justification for their doubts and for the allegorical mode of
expression they have deliberately chosen.


Albertus_ALCH HANDBOOK WC PRESS pages.indd 11 3/25/22 6:28 PM

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