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Ali Hassan

Adil Zaman

Hassan Abdullah

Roll no:




Submitted To:
Sir Ammar Haider

Principal of Management

University of Education (Multan campus)

BCG Matrix

BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting group's product portfolio matrix):

Is designed to help with long-term
strategic planning, to help a business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of
products to decide where to invest, to discontinue, or develop products. It's also known as the
Growth/Share Matrix.

Understanding a BCG Growth-Share Matrix:

The BCG growth-share matrix breaks down products
into four categories, known heuristically as "dogs" ,"cash cows" "stars" and “question marks.” Each
category quadrant has its own set of unique characteristics.

What Are the 4 Quadrants of the BCG Matrix?

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix uses a 2x2 grid with growth on one axis and market share on the other.
Each of the four quadrants represents a specific combination of relative market share, and growth:

1. High Growth, High Share. Companies should significantly invest in these “stars” as they have
high future potential.
2. High Growth, Low Share. Companies should invest in or discard these “question marks,”
depending on their chances of becoming stars.
3. Low Growth, High Share. Companies should milk these “cash cows” for cash to reinvest
4. Low Share, Low Growth. Companies should liquidate, divest, or reposition these “dog.”

It means that the company has high relative market share and high industry sale growth rate.
Question Mark:
Question mark means that the company has a low relative market share and high
industry sale growth rate.

Cash Cow:
Cash cow means that the company has high market share but low industry sale growth rate.

Dogs mean that the company has low relative market shares and low industry sale growth rate.

BCG Analysis of Pepsico in Pakistan

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