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Natural Selection

Case 1: Short necked giraffes vs long necked giraffes

1 [Variation by Genetic variation exists in individuals due to mutations


2 [allele] The short necked giraffes must have the short necked allele
The long necked giraffes must have the long necked allele

3 [survival the The long necked giraffes could reach for leaves on the tree easily
fittest] than short necked giraffes.
The long necked giraffes survive and the short necked giraffes die.

4 [reproduce and The long necked giraffes reproduce and pass the long necked allele
pass to to their offspring

5 [proportion] The proportion of long necked giraffes increases

Case 2: Bacteria in antibiotics

1 Genetic variation exists in individuals due to mutations

2 The resistant bacteria must have the resistant allele

The non-resistant bacteria must have the non-resistant allele

3 The resistant bacteria survives and the non-resistant ones die in antibiotics

4 The resistant bacteria reproduce and pass the resistant allele to their offspring

5 The proportion of resistant bacteria increases

Case 3: Black moth vs white moth during industrial period

1 Genetic variation exists in individuals due to mutations

2 The black moth must have the black allele, the white moth must have the white allele

3 As sooty flame is produced from factories, it is favorable to black moth since it could
act as a camouflage
The black moth survives and the white moth dies

4 The black moth reproduce and pass the black allele to their offspring

5 The proportion of black moth increases

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