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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University

Villa De Bacolor, Pampanga
College of Engineering & Architecture
Department of Industrial Engineering

Malunggay and Kalabasa Cookies with Banana

Presented to the College of Engineering and Architecture

Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Aquino, Camila Faye L.

Danan, Aldrin A.

Ibay, Mike Adrian B.

Manalus, Jerson G.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................1

Project Background.........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1
1.2 History of Cookies.................................................................................................................2
1.3 Facts.......................................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Facts about Squash..........................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Facts about Malunggay...................................................................................................4
1.3.3 Facts about Banana..........................................................................................................6
1.4 Proposed Name of the Product...............................................................................................8
1.5 Proposed Company Name......................................................................................................8
1.6 Proposed Company Locations...............................................................................................9

Chapter 2........................................................................................................................................11

2.1 Vision, Mission, and Objectives..........................................................................................12

2.1.1 Vision............................................................................................................................12
2.1.2. Missions........................................................................................................................12
2.1.3 Objectives......................................................................................................................12
2.2 Proposed Form of Business..................................................................................................12
2.3 Advantages of Partnership................................................................................................13
2.4 Types of Organizational Structure.......................................................................................14
2.4.1 Organizational Chart.....................................................................................................14
2.5 Capitalization.......................................................................................................................15
2.6 Job description and specification.........................................................................................15
2.6.1 Manager.........................................................................................................................16
2.6.2 Secretary........................................................................................................................16

2.6.3 Production Officer.........................................................................................................17
2.6.4 Marketing Officer..........................................................................................................17
2.6.5 Financial Officer............................................................................................................18
2.6.6 Admin Officer...............................................................................................................19
2.6.7 Cashier...........................................................................................................................19
2.6.8 Production Staff.............................................................................................................20
2.6.9 Maintenance..................................................................................................................20
2.6.10 Delivery Man...............................................................................................................21
2.7 Manpower Requirements.....................................................................................................22
2.8 Compensation Scheme and Benefits....................................................................................23
2.8.1 Salary and Wages..........................................................................................................23
2.8.2 Overtime Payment.........................................................................................................23
2.8.3 Holiday Pay...................................................................................................................23
2.8.4 13th-Month Pay.............................................................................................................23
2.8.5 Weekly Rest Day...........................................................................................................24
2.8.6 SSS. PhilHealth, and other Contributions.....................................................................24
2.9 Hiring Policies......................................................................................................................24
2.9.1 Objectives......................................................................................................................24
2.9.2 Personnel Requisitions..................................................................................................24
2.9.3 Intake Meetings.............................................................................................................25
2.9.4 Job Postings...................................................................................................................25
2.10 Recruitment and Hiring Procedures...................................................................................25
2.10.1 The Principle...............................................................................................................25
2.11.2 Application..................................................................................................................26
2.12.3 Recruitment and Selection Process.............................................................................26
2.13.4 Employee Selection Process........................................................................................27
2.14 Management Policies System and Strategies.....................................................................27
2.15 House Rule Policies...........................................................................................................27
2.16 Policies in production.........................................................................................................28
2.17 Termination of Employment..............................................................................................28

CHAPTER 3..................................................................................................................................29

Market Study.................................................................................................................................29

3.1 Target Market.......................................................................................................................30

3.2 Market Survey Analysis.......................................................................................................31
3.2.1 Survey Result................................................................................................................31
3.3 Demand Analysis.................................................................................................................38
3.3.1 Average Monthly Consumption Rate............................................................................38
3.3.2 Computation for Historical Demand.............................................................................39
3.3.3 Methods for Computing Projected Demand..................................................................39
3.3.4 Standard Deviation (Demand).......................................................................................41
3.4 Supply Analysis...................................................................................................................42
3.4.1 Competitors...................................................................................................................42
3.4.2 Historical Supply...........................................................................................................42
3.4.3 Methods for Computing Projected Supply....................................................................43
3.4.4 Standard Deviation (Supply).........................................................................................45
3.5 Demand and Supply Gap Analysis......................................................................................45
3.6 Competitors Market Share...................................................................................................46
3.7 Proposed Business Market Share.........................................................................................46
3.8 Projected Volume of Production..........................................................................................47
3.9 Marketing Program and Systems.........................................................................................47
3.10 Pricing Strategies...............................................................................................................48
3.11 Channel Distribution..........................................................................................................49
3.12 Marketing...........................................................................................................................49
3.13 Branding.............................................................................................................................50
3.14 Labelling and Packaging....................................................................................................51


Project Background

1.1 Introduction

Accepted and consumed in many countries, cookies provide a valuable nutritional

supplement. Cookies have been suggested as a good way to use mixed flours because they are

ready to eat, provide an excellent source of energy, and are widely available worldwide (Arshad

et al., 2007). The term "cookies," as it is known in many parts of the world, generally refers to a

baked product containing three main ingredients: flour, sugar, and fat. These are mixed into the

dough along with other auxiliary ingredients (Mamat et al., 2010). In the United States, the

cookie and cracker manufacturing industry has about 300 companies with combined annual sales

of about 11 billion ATS (Hodgen, 2004).

The Philippines' cookies market experienced positive compound annual growth (CAGR)

of 4.75% from 2012 to 2017, with sales reaching PHP 27,928.58 million in 2017, up 4.46% from

2016. The market performed best in 2015, when it gained by 5.03% over the previous year, and

worst in 2016, when it increased by 4.43% over 2015. The research handbook offers up-to-date

market size data for the years 2012 to 2017 as well as an illustrative forecast through 2022,

covering important market factors like sales value and volume for cookies and their variants:

American Cookies, Artisanal Cookies, Assortments, Butter-Based Cookies, Chocolate Cookies,

Cream-Filled, Egg-Based, Other Cookies, Plain Cookies, and Wafer Biscuits.

Moringa oleifera is a very valuable plant. It is distributed in many tropical and

subtropical countries. This has an impressive range of high medical applications and nutritional

value. Various parts of this plant have an important mineral profile: proteins, vitamins, B-

carotene, amino acids, various phenols, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and Omega 3

and 6 Fatty Acids (Kasolo, et al. 2010).

Based on a study by Brennan, Nor, et al. (2013), pumpkin products provide natural

sweetness, flavorful ingredients, and, when used as a component in extruded snacks, beta-

carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Furthermore, it has almost no fat, little protein, and energy-

giving carbohydrates. Additionally, squash’s yellow hue suggests that it is rich in provitamin A

minerals, which are essential for preserving good eyes. Magnesium, potassium, manganese,

copper, phosphorus, calcium, and iron can all be found in squash in terms of minerals.

Furthermore, it is an excellent source of carotenoids as well as other essential antioxidant and

anti-inflammatory substances.

This study will propose a cookie product which is "Nutricoookie". This cookie is made

from fresh fruit and vegetables as the main ingredients used to produce this product. It has a

mixed flavor of Moringa oleifera (malunggay) and pumpkin (kalabasa). All-purpose flour,

baking soda, baking powder, softened butter, white sugar or coconut sugar, egg, vanilla extract,

moringa powder, kalabasa powder, and chocolate chips or nips are the ingredients used to make

a cookie. This cookie is a good source of vitamins and minerals and is also usually low in fat and


1.2 History of Cookies

Where your favorite treat came from the most common image of a cookie is that of a thin,

sweet, and modestly sized cake. However, it truly refers to anything that is hand-held, flour-

based, and often either crisp or soft. There are localized versions of them in every nation. In

England, cookies are referred to as biscuits; in Italy, they are known by the names amaretti and

biscotti; and in Spain, they are known as gallentas. A cookie was first mentioned in the seventh

century in Persia, which is today known as Iran. One of the first nations to collect sugar cane, a

key component of cookies, was this one.

A lot of the earliest cookies made in America were imported. The construction of the

railways gave more people access to foodstuffs like fruit and nuts. Popular cereal boxes began

disseminating their own cookie recipes once cornflakes were created in the late 1800s. Today,

cereal manufacturers still use this standard procedure, and the recipes are well-known. Icebox

cookies gained popularity in the 1930s when the electric refrigerator was developed.

One of the most popular cookies in the country was unintentionally created. Ruth Graves

Wakefield started baking cookies for her patrons in a Massachusetts restaurant, but she quickly

ran out of baker's chocolate. She made the choice to use a semi-sweet chocolate bar and reasoned

that it would just melt into the dough. She was shocked to see little chocolate chunks in the

cooked biscuits though. Ruth garnered praise from renowned baking companies for the cookies,

which she branded "The Toll House Crunch Cookies." The recipe was then licensed, and it was

printed on the chocolate package. The chocolate chip cookie was designated as Massachusetts'

state cookie in 1997.

1.3 Facts

1.3.1 Facts about Squash

Squash is one of the first crops grown in Mexican towns. Since squashes are

gourds, they were most likely used as containers or utensils due to their hard shells. The

term "squash" is derived from the Narragansett Native American word "askuta squash,"

which means "eaten raw or uncooked." The seeds and meat later played an important role

in the pre-Columbian Indian diet in both South and North America.

Squash comes in two varieties: summer squash and winter squash. Despite their

names, both varieties grow all year. Summer squashes typically grow on bushes. Summer

squashes are significantly softer than winter squashes. Winter squash used to grow on

long vines and are much larger than summer squash, which is often larger. They have

inedible seeds as well as a stiff and hard rind.

Benefits of Squash

Squash has a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide different

of health advantages. Squash's antioxidants can be very helpful in lowering oxidative

stress. In turn, this could aid in lowering the risk of cancer.

Other health benefits provided by squash include:

 Improved Eye Health

Squash contains vitamin C and beta-carotene, which may decrease the course of

macular degeneration and lessen the likelihood of visual loss associated with it. Vitamin

C-rich foods can also aid in cataract prevention.

 Reduced Risk of Depression

The vitamin B6 content of several squash types is high. A lack of vitamin B6 may

increase a person's vulnerability to mental health issues including depression.

 Enhanced Skin Health

Beta-carotene can help prevent UV damage to the skin, while not being as

efficient as a topical sunscreen. Reduced UV radiation exposure can enhance skin


 Nutrition

The vitamin C included in many varieties of squash is vital for maintaining and

rebuilding cell tissue. Squash also has a lot of fiber, which helps with digestion.

1.3.2 Facts about Malunggay

The Malunggay tree grows wild in the Middle East and Africa and is indigenous

to an area close to the Himalayan highlands. Malunggay trees flourish best in tropical,

subtropical, or semiarid climates. The Malunggay tree is currently grown extensively in

the Philippines, and Central and South America. Traditional Indian medicine has used the

malunggay tree for more than 5,000 years. Also once referred to as the "poor man's"

vegetable, Malunggay is now prized for its potent nutritional and medicinal value.

Moreover, Malunggay is classified as a tropical plant that can reach a height of 9

meters. The Philippines, India, and Africa are all home to this tree's natural habitat. The

Malunggay pods, which are the most sought-after component of this tropical tree and are

rich in minerals, vitamins, and essential oils Malunggay pods are quite lengthy, with an

outer skin that ranges in color from green to brown and contains tiny winged and angled

seeds. Malunggay pods, often referred to as Horseradish drumsticks, have a taste akin to

green beans, and the entire pod and tree are edible.

Benefits of Malunggay

Due to its long and thin tree, malunggay is also known as drumstick tree or

moringa leaves. Malunggay is well recognized for its health advantages not just in Asia

and Africa, but also in other nations throughout the world. Well, the "Miracle Tree"

wouldn't have that name for nothing. The leaves, pods, flowers, fruits, barks, and roots of

the moringa tree are just a few of the components that can be employed.

Studies show that malunggay possesses more than 90 elements, including 46

distinct antioxidants and 8 important amino acids. The abundance of vitamins and

minerals it contains is chiefly responsible for the fruit's health advantages. Interestingly,

malunggay is recognized to be able to treat more than 300 health issues due of its rich


 Rich in Viatamin A

Malunggay has a high amount of vitamin A, exceeding the amount that can be

gotten from eating carrots often. This may also greatly improve the look of the skin in

addition to aiding in the restoration of eyesight. 

 Improves Blood Circulation

The leaves' high iron content makes them extremely beneficial for enhancing

blood circulation throughout the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also very

beneficial for persons who suffer burns, wounds, and bruises. The malunggay leaves can

also be used by those who seek to improve the functionality of their circulatory system.

 Can Increase Breast Milk Production

The moringa leaves can also be beneficial for new moms in preserving their own

and their child's health. The leaves can stimulate breast milk production and make sure

the mother gets the nutrition she needs.

 Other Benefits

People who want to lose weight may also benefit from the malunggay leaves. Its

fiber content may aid in the process of detoxifying. It also aids with appetite regulation.

The finest thing is that malunggay can increase one's energy level, encouraging daily

activity. There, it would be simpler to burn both fat that has been accumulated and the

calories from each meal.

1.3.3 Facts about Banana

One of the most significant food crops on the globe is the banana. They belong to

the Musa plant family, which originated in Southeast Asia and is now cultivated across

many of the world's hotter regions. Bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber,

vitamin B6, vitamin C, and a number of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Both sorts and

sizes are varied. They are typically green to yellow, however rare kinds are crimson.

Benefits of Banana

 Carbs

Bananas are a rich source of carbs, which occur mainly as starch in unripe

bananas and sugars in ripe bananas. The carb composition of bananas changes drastically

during ripening. The main component of unripe bananas is starch. Green bananas contain

up to 80% starch measured in dry weight.

 Fibers

A high proportion of the starch in unripe bananas is resistant starch, which passes

through your gut undigested. In your large intestine, this starch is fermented by bacteria

to form butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that appears to have beneficial effects on gut

health. Bananas are also a good source of other types of fiber, such as pectin. Some of the

pectin in bananas is water-soluble.

Vitamins and minerals

Bananas are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially potassium,

vitamin B6, and vitamin C (1Trusted Source).

 Potassium.

Bananas are a good source of potassium. A diet high in potassium can

lower blood pressure in people with elevated levels and benefits heart

health (6Trusted Source).

 Vitamin B6.

Bananas are high in vitamin B6. One medium-sized banana can

provide up to 33% of the Daily Value (DV) of this vitamin.

 Vitamin C.

Like most fruit, bananas are a good source of vitamin C.

1.4 Proposed Name of the Product

Figure 1.1: Proposed Product name and logo

The proposed product name is NutrioCookie as shown in figure 1.1. As you can see the

purpose of giving the best healthy foods for everyone, the product name “NutrioCookie” is

derived from Nutrients represent the benefits of the ingredients which is the main goal of the

product. And the Trio means the three main ingredients of the product which is malunggay,

kalabasa and banana.

Cookie is literal for food that the company served. With this product name, the company

believes that consumer will able to remember and recognize it easily.

1.5 Proposed Company Name

Figure 1.2: Proposed company name and logo

Figure 1.2 shows the proposed name and logo. NuTRio is created for the identity for the

company which aim to produce and provide healthy cookies for everyone and satisfied their

needs for their healthy living NuTRio stands for it can be consumed by everyone because of its

benefits. This means that everyone can enjoy it without worrying what is the side effects.

1.6 Proposed Company Locations

Figure 1.3: Proposed Business Location

The company Location is defined as a specific site where an organization's business or

manufacturing plant is established, and location planning entails deciding on the best or ideal

location after weighing several options. Choosing a place for a manufacturing to produce goods

or services is one of the most critical strategic decisions that any company can make. This

decision affects both the planning and management of the facility or the location of the site.

Furthermore, choosing the correct location is critical to any firm's success because one of the

organization's main aims is to satisfy its consumers, and in order to do so, customers must be

within reach of the company. As a result, we choose to locate our enterprise is located in

Poblacion, Floridablanca Pampanga and 20.86602 Square Meter (m²) of the land area. So it is

accessible to majority of the target market. In addition to this, deliveries will also be faster since

the routes are accessible and easy to reach.

Chapter 2

Organization and Management Structure

An organization is composed of people and groups of people that play their vital roles to

achieve a common objective. For an organization to be successful, executing strategies and

proper dealing with the people and other resources that make up an organization should be

established through management. Management is the process of dealing with, controlling, and

directing people and other resources that leads the operations of the organization to flow

systematically. A collection of people that work together to achieve objectives is understood as a

business enterprise. In this, the organization discussed the organization and management study of

All About Cookies Co. which consists of the selected agency chart and type of organization as a

way to be worked out. It's a sort of social structure that covers all the bases. In order to reach the

organization, the company requires a department of hard work amongst employees. Given that

organization is a purpose-oriented hobby, it achieves this purpose through cautious making of

plans and cooperation amongst companies.

The introduction of systems and tactics that allow employees to work correctly towards

organizational desires is arguably the most crucial of all the control processes mentioned

formerly. It also offers the process description and specifications for personnel, as well as the

reimbursement they'll get and the guidelines they should follow.

2.1 Vision, Mission, and Objectives.

2.1.1 Vision.

NuTRio is a brand that offers healthy and nutritious cookies to our customers at a

price that is affordable to everyone in the Philippines. We take great pride in developing

and manufacturing the highest quality processes and products, and we are constantly

investing in our people and innovative products.

2.1.2. Missions.

NuTRio aims to provide the market with perfect, nutritious, and healthy-style

cookies free of preservatives, as well as to satisfy customers by producing the best and

most affordable products.

2.1.3 Objectives.

 To create organic and healthy cookies that help everyone.

 Helping everyone to have more energy and to fight against diseases

 Objective of business is to make profit by identifying and effectively serving the

needs of customers.

2.2 Proposed Form of Business

The most common forms of business are the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation,

and S corporation are the four most popular company structures. Partnership will be used by The

All about Cookies Co. By definition, a partnership firm consists of two or more individuals who

pool their resources to create a company and agree to split the risks, rewards, and losses. The key

features of this business form are the cooperation of two or more owners, the conduct of business

for profit, and the sharing of profits, losses, and assets by the joint owners. A partnership is

defined as "an association of two or more persons to carry on as Co-owners of a business for


2.3 Advantages of Partnership

A partnership is generally understood to be a legal arrangement between two or more

people who individually contribute to the operation of a legitimate business with the intention of

making a profit that will be divided among the partners in a predetermined manner. Therefore, in

order for a partnership to exist, there must be an agreement to engage in a business activity, such

as a trade or a profession that is undertaken under agreed-upon terms for the benefit of all

partners, as well as an aim or intention to make and earn a profit.

The company chose General Partnerships because the partners hold an equal role in

owning and operating the company as well as liability for its debts, other partners’ actions or

financial obligations.

Advantages of Partnership:

 There is potential to access high amount of money

 It may be subject to fewer regulations

 Simple startup: Setting up a partnership does not require filing paperwork

 Few tax forms: In a partnership, the business does not directly pay tax on its

income, which means it does not need to file business tax returns.

 Shared finances: Having a co-owner might make launching a business less

expensive because the partners can divide overhead and buying costs. In addition,

banks are more inclined to lend money to companies with many owners, which

will also help in the early stages of financing your business.

 Shared knowledge: A business partner might help you expand by contributing

knowledge or abilities in areas with which you are less familiar. They also offer a

different viewpoint while making judgments on how to manage the company or

other crucial matters.

Disadvantages of Partnership:

 There is true possibility of disputes

 Limited life. This can be due to withdrawer or death of a partner.

 A business partnership has no independent legal existence different from the

partners. By default, unless a partnership agreement with alternative provisions is

put in place, it will be dissolved upon the resignation or death of one of the

partners - known as a partnership exit strategy, according to the Code of Practice.

2.4 Types of Organizational Structure

The type of organization involved is partnership. Camila Faye Aquino, Aldrin Danan,

Mike Adrian Ibay, and Jerson Manalus are its four owners. The 6 management staff members for

the organization are the general manager, the production manager, the sales and marketing

manager, the accounting officer, the sales agent, the cashier, and the five production staff

members. There are 11 workers overall in the company.

2.4.1 Organizational Chart



Production Financial Administrative Marketing

Officer Officer Officer Officer

Maintenance Cashier Delivery Man

Figure 2.1 Organization Chart

2.5 Capitalization

Name Nationality Address Age Percent of Amount of

Ownership Money
Camila Faye Filipino Fortuna, 21 25% 1,000,000.00
Aquino Floridablanca,
Aldrin Danan Filipino Gutad, 22 25% 1,000,000.00
Mike Adrian Filipino Anon, 21 25% 1,000,000.0
Ibay Floridablanca,
Jerson Filipino Lacquios, 21 25% 1,000,000.0
Manalus Arayat,
Table 2.0 Capital Distribution

The partners agreed to share capital investment equally. Each contributing Php


2.6 Job description and specification

2.6.1 Manager

Job Description

 A manager is an important part in ensuring that a company runs smoothly and

effectively. The duties of a manager differ by company and industry.

 In charge of managing and guiding the company’s efficiency.

 In charge of ensuring a smooth transition of work across departments and

addressing issues

Job specification

 College graduate of BSBA, BSIE, Psychology or related courses.

 5 years minimum of experience in planning, financial management, and business


 Outstanding verbal and written communication skills.

2.6.2 Secretary

Job Description

 An Secretary, is responsible for implementing workflow procedures based on

direction from the company’s Manager.

 Their duties include supervising employees during day-to-day tasks, providing

customer support in escalated situations.

 Manage the overall workflow of a workplace.

Job specification

 College graduate of BSBA, BSIE, Psychology or related courses.

 5 years minimum of experience in planning, financial management, and business


 Outstanding verbal and written communication skills.

2.6.3 Production Officer

Job Description

 A production Officer is responsible for managing the organization, coordination,

and management of manufacturing operations.

 A production officer is in charge the effective production of goods and services.

They make sure the appropriate amount is produced at the appropriate price and

standard of quality.

 The nature of the production system—jobbing production, mass production,

process production, or batch production—determines the job’s scope. The

position is also sometimes referred to as an operations officer.

Job Specification

 Graduate of any 4 or 5-year college course

 Should have a minimum of 2 years of production experience.

 Excellent academic records

 Good communication abilities both in writing and speaking

2.6.4 Marketing Officer

Job Description

 To develop, implement, and sustain marketing strategies that satisfy company


 The marketing officer identified potential customers and assessed market demand

for a company’s goods and that of its main competitors.

 The marketing officer is the one who decides how the product will be presented to

consumers, therefore creating a marketing plan is important as it is the only way

to increase sales.

Job Specification

 A degree in business or marketing or an equivalent professional qualification

 Skills in technical marketing.

 Ability in developing and maintaining marketing strategies in all its aspects

 Knowledge of related software applications

 Understanding of relevant products and industries

 Should have a minimum of 2 years of

production experience

 Graduate of any four-year course is required, especially in business administration

2.6.5 Financial Officer

Job Description

 Can prepare financial reports and forecasting models. ❖ In charge of investments

activities and financial situations of the organizations

 Observe everyday financial operations including payroll, and other associated


 Create strategies for long-term financial goals. ❖ Ensuring all accounting and

internal audits comply with financial regulations. Job Specification

 Male or Female.

 Have must be 23 years old and above.

 Have must be a college graduate related to the field.

 Has good communication skills.

2.6.6 Admin Officer

Job Description

 Responsible for scheduling meetings and building relationships with new clients

and prospects.

 Responsible for identifying and managing the relationships that lead to business

Job Specification

 Successful finish of background check

 The capability to pass a drug test

 Strong preference for sales experience

 Requires a high school diploma; a college degree is preferable.

 18 years of age or older is required.

2.6.7 Cashier

Job Description

 Nearly all retail establishments and financial organizations that deal in the

purchase of goods employ cashiers.

 An employee who receives payment for the goods they have purchased from the

customer in cash or electronic money.

Job Specification

 There are no particular educational requirement to work as a cashier. One should

expect a high school education and good skills in fundamental mathematics.

 Able to understand English

 18 years of age or older is required

2.6.8 Production Staff

Job Description

 Someone who is competent of performing useful tasks in the kitchen, such as

separating and mixing, which can be used in the production of the company’s

commodities or products.

Job Specification

 Must be a high school graduate with prior baking experience.

 18 years of age or older is required, male or female.

 Able to comprehend simple instructions from a manager or supervisor.

2.6.9 Maintenance

Job Description

 Conducting routine inspections of premises and equipment.

 Performing preventative maintenance.

 Handling basic repairs and maintenance.

 Overseeing contractors when professional repairs are necessary.

 Diagnosing mechanical issues and correcting them.

 Repairing machines, equipment, or structures as necessary.

Job Specification

 Proven maintenance experience.

 High school diploma or general education degree (GED).

 Related degree from a technical college.

 Skilled in the use of hand and power tools.

 Ability to take apart machines, equipment, or devices to remove and replace

defective parts.

 Ability to check blueprints, repair manuals, or parts catalogs as necessary.

 Ability to use common tools such as hammers, hoists, saws, drills, and wrenches.

 Experience with precision measuring instruments or electronic testing devices.

 Experience performing routine maintenance.

 Strong organizational and follow up skills.

 Eye for detail.

 Professional presentation and attitude.

 Ability to maintain focus while working individually.

 Strong time management skills.

2.6.10 Delivery Man

Job Specification

 Delivery man who is concerned with customer satisfaction and transporting items

in a safe.

 The delivery man will pick up and drop off items while adhering to assigned

routes and time schedules.

 Should be willing to work as part of the delivery team in order to ensure that the

item are complete, packed correctly, and safely delivered to the correct client.

Job Specification

 High school diploma or equivalent.

 Valid driver's license issued by the state where you intend to work.

 Clean driving record.

 Special licenses may be required to operate certain vehicles.

 Experience may be required or preferred.

 Willingness to adhere to assigned routes, schedules, safety procedures, and

transportation laws.

 Strong time management and customer service skills.

 Ability to walk, drive, lift, and carry heavy items for extended periods.

2.7 Manpower Requirements

Human resource management, or manpower, is one of the most important aspects of

operating a corporation. Without employees, it is the company’s power and strength. Every

aspect of a company is impacted, from production to customer interactions. It is essential since a

company without employees will not be successful. The individuals required are stated in the

table below.

Job Title Number of worker/S

Manager 1

Secretary 1

Marketing officer 1

Production Officer 1

Financial Officer 1

Admin Officer 1

Cashier 2

Production Staff

Delivery Man 2

Maintenance Technician 1


Table 2.1 Manpower Requirement

2.8 Compensation Scheme and Benefits

Compensation and benefits are significant factors of an employee’s satisfaction at a

workplace, as they have a direct impact on an employee's performance and motivation at work.

This way, the employees are assured that the company values them and acknowledges the hard

work they perform. After all, a company's most asset is its people.

2.8.1 Salary and Wages

A salary or pay is a set sum of money given in return for an employee's labor.

Employee salaries are commonly described as bi-monthly payroll, which indicates that

they are paid twice every month, usually on the first and fifteenth. Also, this should be

paid through their ATM account.

2.8.2 Overtime Payment

OT (overtime) payment refers to the extra payment given to employees who render

work for more than eight hours. It must have the manager's approval and be submitted

with an overtime slip. In calculating overtime, the standard rate is 30% of the hourly rate

on special holidays and rest days and 25% of the hourly rate on regular workdays.

2.8.3 Holiday Pay

In general, all employees who work on normal business days are eligible for holiday

compensation under governmental regulations. When an employee doesn't work, they are

paid 100% of their income for the days specified, whereas they are paid 200% of their

usual wage for the first eight hours of labor performed on a regular holiday.

2.8.4 13th-Month Pay

The 13th month's salary is only an additional incentive provided to the employees. It

typically corresponds to at least 1/12 of a worker's annual base income. This shall be

given on or before the 24th day of December.

2.8.5 Weekly Rest Day

Weekly rest is defined as a minimum one-day break every seven days. This day is

unpaid. Weekly rest is often measured in days or hours.

2.8.6 SSS. PhilHealth, and other Contributions

Both employer and employee are required to remit monthly contributions to SSS.

must both provide SSS monthly contribution payments. The employer is expected to pay

70% of the needed amount, with the remaining 30% being withdrawn from the

employee's monthly income. The contribution amount is based on the employee's actual

monthly wage.

2.9 Hiring Policies

2.9.1 Objectives

NutrioCookies believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to

the overall success of the company. Each employee is hired to make significant

contributions to NutrioCookies. In hiring the most qualified candidates for positions, the

following process should be followed.

2.9.2 Personnel Requisitions

Personnel requisitions must be completed to fill NutrioCookies positions.

Requisitions must be initiated and approved by the general manager and then forwarded

to the human resource (HR) officer. Personnel requisitions should include the following


 Position title.

 Position hours/shifts.

 Exempt or nonexempt status of the position.

 Reason for the opening.

 Essential job functions and qualifications (or a current job description may be


 Any special recruitment advertising instructions.

2.9.3 Intake Meetings

Prior to advertising a job opportunity, HR will schedule a meeting with the

manager to conduct an intake meeting to learn more about the role, the requirements, and

the profile of the prospective applicant. During this meeting, the hiring strategy will be

decided upon, and expectations will be outlined with all significant parties.

2.9.4 Job Postings

HR will draft job posts that concisely explain the position and promote the

NutrioCookies brand. The NutrioCookies intranet and external sources relevant for the

position being filled will both list all job vacancies simultaneously. Jobs will be available

until they are filled. All candidate monitoring and application and resume storage will be

handled by the HR officer.

2.10 Recruitment and Hiring Procedures

2.10.1 The Principle

Our company is committed to effectively hiring the greatest individuals while

adhering to company and statutory standards regarding equal opportunity employment.

The Employee Recruitment Policy provides our managers and recruiters with

rules so they may find and choose the finest applicants while maintaining the fairness of

the hiring procedure.

2.11.2 Application

The policy applies to and includes all workers who are involved in hiring for the

business, including prospective applicants.

2.12.3 Recruitment and Selection Process

The general steps used by the hiring managers are:

 Identify an opening or new position within the company.

 Decide to fill the position internally or hire externally.

 Review and update the job description or create one if it’s a new position in the


 Compose an ad for the position.

 Identify the appropriate platform for posting the ad; internal or external.

 Review resumes already in the company database.

 Consider passive candidates and contact them.

 Shortlisted candidates will be taken through the selection process.

 Select the most suitable candidates.

 Conduct background checks.

 Select the candidate chosen to join the company.

 Give an offer letter indicating the effective date.

 Issue the contract letter once the candidate accepts the offer.

 Issue a confirmation letter after the candidate successfully completes the


2.13.4 Employee Selection Process

Our standard hiring process can be adapted to suit the requirements of a specific

role. The standard process has the following stages:

 Screening of resumes.

 Phone screening.

 Assignment.

 Interview.

2.14 Management Policies System and Strategies

To succeed, NutrioCookies believes that businesses must put a good strategy into

practice. These strategies are an element of the overall management and business strategy that

directs the company's interactions with customers, generates money, and manages its resources.

Furthermore, the important thing for business owners to keep clear is that strategic

management is a mindset or philosophy for doing business, but business policies are the specific

methods for running the organization on a day-to-day business.

2.15 House Rule Policies

NuTRio will pledge to create a secure and comfortable working environment location to

work. The business must also provide its employees with appropriate PPE and attire, and this

needs to be kept up to date and in complete accordance with the necessary criteria.

2.16 Policies in production

The company develops effective strategies to uphold quality standards and guarantee that

products are handled and baked in a trustworthy and safe manner. These regulations apply to all

controls, services, equipment, packaging, product testing, and processes. For instance, workers

who have suffered wounds or injuries must get management's permission before returning to

work. Employees in the manufacturing industry must keep themselves clean. Monitoring hygiene

is indeed needed in the production, for example, washing hands, wearing clean clothes, gloves,

and protective clothing. This is to limit the possibility of bacteria and other deterioration germs

being introduced, spreading, and multiplying in the manufacturing environment. This ensures

consumers' health while they use manufactured products, as well as the health of factory

workers. Additionally, the management forbid workers from wearing jewelry in production

areas. Employees must exercise good hygiene when handling goods and health and safety are a

top priority.

2.17 Termination of Employment

There are two ways to end a job in the Philippines: via employer termination and by

employee voluntary resignation or termination. Employers are allowed to terminate employees

for legitimate, reasonable reasons. Just reasons are based on acts that are directly attributable to

an employee's own unethical or irresponsible behavior. Authorized reasons for termination that

are not the result of employee error or carelessness are permissible. As a result, firing an

employee in the nation can be a difficult procedure, especially because the Labor Code of the

Philippines is interpreted in favor of employees if there is a question.


Market Study

NutrioCookies is intended to introduce new kind of flavor in cookies to Filipino

specifically in Central Luzon. The benefit of conducting a thorough and in-depth market study

should not be underestimated (British Library, n.d.). Many long-lasting, successful businesses

can be credited with this.

The most practical strategy for entrepreneurs to stay updated with the business

environment and stay ahead of the competition by assessing the business’ big potential is to

conduct market study. A business can create a proper business strategy to advance and expand

the company into one that is superior to the competition by having a greater understanding of the

market from the beginning. Additionally, it evaluates the market’s demand for a certain good or

service. It makes an attempt to explain market behavior in connection to aspects like location,

demand, and competition, which may or may not ultimately reduce the cost of property.

Market study has the ability to create or break a start-up business (Kappel, 2019). Market

study helps with risk management because it gives the business a deeper understanding of its

clients and the marketplace. The study helps in figuring out how the business positions itself in

relation to the competition. Understanding what makes the business unique will be made easier

by that factor. A market study also results in more sensible and important commercial tactics. A

marketing plan also includes identifying market possibilities and problems as well as offering

information on which to base opportunity to make. The decision could be made better if the

information was more reliable.

3.1 Target Market

Businesses must perform extensive research and analysis prior to the effective

functioning of a firm in order to determine which customer groups and interest segments

to target (Dibb and Simkin, 1996).

By definition, a target market refers to the particular group that a business aims to

sell products and services to (Kenton, 2021). It would be simpler to adapt all marketing

initiatives to match the needs of the intended and potential customers if the target market

that the company wants to attract was known.

The company’s target market is in the Municipality of Floridablanca, a one of

successful municipality in the second district of Pampanga. Municipality of Floridablanca

is a first class municipality in the province of Pampanga, Philippines.

The total population of Floridablanca, Pampanga in the 2020 census is 135,542

with an average annual growth rate of 1.69%. The proponents decided to target the

residence of all ages because cookies can be eaten of any age. Table 3.1 below shows the

historical population of Floridablanca, Pampanga.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Number Of Population 128,842 131,037 133,270 135,542 137,852

Table 3.1 Historical Population of Floridablanca, Pampanga

3.2 Market Survey Analysis

As part of the data gathering, the proponents constructed relevant questions to collect

Essential information. The 100 respondents came from the Florida Blanca in Pampanga. The

survey was conducted via face to face or actual.

3.2.1 Survey Result

1. Do you eat cookies?

Do you eat cookies?


Yes No

Figure 3.1 Respondents’ result of survey question number one

Figure 3.1 shows that out of the 100 respondents, a total of 100% of them are

eating cookies. This only shows that the proponent targeted the right market for the

proposed project as the result exhibit that 100% the respondents’ are eating cookies.

2. How often do you eat cookies?

How often do you eat cookies?


10% 38%


Daily Once a week Twice a week Once a month Twice a month

Figure 3.2 Respondents’ result of survey question number two

Figure 3.2 above shows how often do participants consume cookies. Based on the

chart, 38% of the participants consume cookies once a week, 28% of them twice a week,

19% of them twice a month, 10% consumes once a month and 5% of them consumes


3. How much do you usually spend in buying cookies?

How much do you usually spend in buying cookies?



50 to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250

Figure 3.3 Respondents’ result of survey question number three

Figure 3.3 shows that 60 respondents equivalent of 60% of sample size spend

about 50 – 100 pesos, 25 of them spend 101 to 150 pesos which equivalent of 25% of

sample size, 13 spend about 151 to 200 equivalent pf 13% of respondents. Lastly, the

remaining 2% spend about 201 to 250 pesos. Therefore, the proponents can conclude that

the consumer mostly spend 50 to 100 pesos.

4. What flavor of cookie do you usually buy?

What flavor of cookie do you usually buy?



Mocha Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry

Figure 3.4 Respondents’ result of survey question number four

Figure 3.4 shows that the 57 respondents equivalent of 57 percent that they

usually bought chocolate flavor, 30% of sample size or 30 respondents bought mocha

flavor, 8 bought strawberry flavor equivalent of 8%. Lastly, the least flavor bought is

Vanilla got 5% or 5 sample size.

5. Where do you usually buy your cookies?

Where do you usually buy your cookies?



37% 12%

Supermarket Department Store Groceries Delicacies

Figure 3.5 Respondents’ result of survey question number five

Figure 3.5 shows that 37 or 37% of respondents buy their cookies in Groceries, 32

or 32% sample size purchase their cookies in supermarket, 19 or 19% purchase their

cookies in Delicacies, Lastly, the remaining 12% or 12 respondents purchase their

cookies in department store.

6. Have you heard of a cookie made from malunggay and squash?

Have you heard of a cookie made from malunggay and




Yes No

Figure 3.6 Respondents’ result of survey question number six

Figure 3.6 shows that if they already heard of a cookies made from malunggay

and squash the 75% percent of respondents answered no. While the 25 of respondents

answered yes, that they heard it before taking up 25% of the graph.

7. if not, are you willing to try it?

If not, are you willing to try it?



Yes No

Figure 3.7 Respondents’ result of survey question number seven

Figure 3.7 shows the preference of the respondents. In here, 90% answered they

are willing to try the malunggay and squash cookies, the other 10% answered no.

Looking at this result, it is clear that customers are willing to try malunggay and squash


3.3 Demand Analysis

3.3.1 Average Monthly Consumption Rate

Table 3.2 shows the average monthly consumption rate of the participant. The 2nd

question of the survey was used to compute for the monthly consumption rate of the

participant. Based on the consumption basis and the number of frequency, the average

consumption rate of the participants is 5.6 or 6 of cookies per month. Furthermore, the

target market rate was based on the 7th question of the survey and will be used for the

computation of historical demand from the year 2017-2021.

Consumption Basis Number of Participants Number of Frequency MCR
Daily 5 30 150
Once a week 38 4 152
Twice a week 28 8 224
Once a month 10 1 10
Twice a month 19 2.00 38
TOTAL 100 45.00 574.00

Table 3.2 Average Monthly Consumption Rate

Average Consumption Rate = 574/100 = 5.7 ≈ 6.0

Target Market = .90

3.3.2 Computation for Historical Demand

Table 3.3 shows the computation for historical demand of cookies from the year

2017-2021. The total population of Floridablanca, Pampanga was used in computing the

historical demand since the cookies can be eaten of any age. The annual demand on this

table will be used for the computation of projected demand of the cookies.


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Target Population 128,842 131,037 133,270 135,542 137,852
Target Market Percentage 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Projected Target Market 115,958 117,933 119,943 121,988 124,067
MCR 6 6 6 6 6
Demand per Month 695,747 707,600 719,658 731,927 744,401
No. Of Months in a Year 12 12 12 12 12
Annual Demand 8,348,962 8,491,198 8,635,896 8,783,122 8,932,810

Table 3.3 Historical Demand for Cookies

3.3.3 Methods for Computing Projected Demand

A. Arithmetic Straight Line Method

Years Historical Demand
2017 8,348,962
2018 8,491,198
2019 8,635,896
2020 8,783,122
2022 8,932,810

Table 3.4 Historical Demand of Cookies for ASLM

Years Projected Demand (X) X^2

2022 9,049,579 8.18949E+13
2023 9,161,256 8.39286E+13
2024 9,266,327 8.58648E+13
2025 9,362,969 8.76652E+13
2026 9,449,000 8.92836E+13

Table 3.5 Projected Demand of Cookies Using ASLM

B. Statistical Semi Log Method

Year Historical Demand (X) Log y (x) (x2) X log y

2017 8,348,962 6.92 -2 4 -13.84
2018 8,491,198 6.93 -1 1 -6.93
2019 8,635,896 6.94 0 0 0.00
2020 8,783,122 6.94 1 1 6.94
2022 8,932,810 6.95 2 4 13.90
43,191,986 35 0 10 0.07

Table 3.6 Computation of Log(y) Using the Historical Demand for SSLM

Year Projected Demand (X) Log y (x) (X^2)

2022 9,085,033 6.96 3 8.2538E+13
2023 9,239,865 6.97 4 8.5375E+13
2024 9,397,336 6.97 5 8.831E+13
2025 9,557,490 6.98 6 9.1346E+13
2026 9,720,374 6.99 7 9.4486E+13
TOTAL 47,000,098 35 25 4.4205E+14

Table 3.7 Projected Demand Using SSLM

C. Parabolic Projection Method

Historical Demand
Year (x) (x2) (x4) (xy) (x2y)
2017 8,348,962 -2 4 16 -16,697,923 33,395,846
2018 8,491,198 -1 1 1 -8,491,198 8,491,198
2019 8,635,896 0 0 0 0 0
2020 8,783,122 1 1 1 8,783,122 8,783,122
2022 8,932,810 2 4 16 17,865,619 35,731,238
TOTAL 43,191,986 0 10 34 1,459,620 86,401,404

Table 3.8 Computation of x2y Using the Historical Demand for PPM

Year Projected Demand (x) (X^2)

2022 (X)
9,084,999 3 8.25372E+13
2023 9,239,676 4 8.53716E+13
2024 9,396,844 5 8.83007E+13
2025 9,556,502 6 9.13267E+13
2026 9,718,650 7 9.44522E+13
TOTAL 46,996,672 25 4.41988E+14

Table 3.9 Projected Demand Using PPM

3.3.4 Standard Deviation (Demand)

Methods SD
Arithmetic Straight Line Method 158,404
Statistical Semi Log Method 251,146
Parabolic Projection Method 250,484

Table 3.10 Computed Standard Deviation for Demand

Comparing the standard deviations of Arithmetic Straight Line Method, Statistical

Semi Log Method and Parabolic Projection Method, the standard deviation with the

lowest value was obtained from Arithmetic Straight Line Method. This means that it has

the lowest rate of variation among the three methods. In this case, the proponents will

follow the projected demand data for the Arithmetic Straight Line Method for the

analysis of Demand and Supply Gap.

3.4 Supply Analysis

3.4.1 Competitors

The proponents have identified various stores around Floridablanca, Pampanga

that sell cookies. Table 3.11 below shows the proponents’ competitors and their business


Family Goals Bakeshop Purok 1 Muzon Street, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
Breadish Bakeshop Block 36 Lot 1, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
New Butter World Bakeshop XGGG+4V7, Macabulos, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Gab's Sweet and Treats Blk. 1 Lot 4 Apalit Ressettlement, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Triple-J Bakery XGG3+W4M, Gumamela, Floridablanca, Pampanga
The Sweet Pastry Purok 2, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
John Karl's Bakery Purok 1 Barangay, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Forbes Pastry and Cuisine Zone 6, Waterlily, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
Che-Che Bakery Purok 3 Old, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
Fara Cakes and Cupcakes Purok 7 Subdivision, Floridablanca, 2006 Pampanga
3A and R Bakeshop Angeles - Porac - Floridablanca - Dinalupihan Rd, Porac, Pampanga
Calantas Bakery 2G99+X2C, Angeles - Porac - Floridablanca - Dinalupihan Rd, Floridablanca, Pampanga
ArtecaketurePH XF8Q+MWM, Unnamed Road, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Masterbaker 2G28+M23, Angeles - Porac - Floridablanca - Dinalupihan Rd, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Chuchay's Bakery XGJP+GRF, Floridablanca Road, Floridablanca, Pampanga

Table 3.11 Competitors

3.4.2 Historical Supply

The proponents have obtained the historical annual supply of these stores from the

year 2017-2021. These data will be used to compute for the projected supply of cookies.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Family Goals Bakeshop 149,508 152,498 158,598 168,114 181,563
Breadish Bakeshop 103,908 105,986 110,226 116,839 126,186
New Butter World Bakeshop 136,464 139,193 144,761 153,447 165,722
Gab's Sweet and Treats 193,620 197,492 205,392 217,716 235,133
Triple-J Bakery 222,336 226,783 235,854 250,005 270,006
The Sweet Pastry 207,108 211,250 219,700 232,882 251,513
John Karl's Bakery 197,508 201,458 209,516 222,087 239,854
Forbes Pastry and Cuisine 155,652 158,765 165,116 175,023 189,024
Che-Che Bakery 181,800 185,436 192,853 204,425 220,779
Fara Cakes and Cupcakes 202,104 206,146 214,392 227,255 245,436
3A and R Bakeshop 215,376 219,684 228,471 242,179 261,553
Calantas Bakery 191,376 195,204 203,012 215,192 232,408
ArtecaketurePH 239,376 244,164 253,930 269,166 290,699
Masterbaker 227,376 231,924 241,200 255,672 276,126
Chuchay's Bakery 203,376 207,444 215,741 228,686 246,981
TOTAL 2,826,888 2,883,426 2,998,763 3,178,689 3,432,984

Table 3.12 Historical Supply of Cookies from 2017-2021

3.4.3 Methods for Computing Projected Supply

A. Arithmetic Straight Line Method

Years Historical Supply

2017 2,826,888
2018 2,883,426
2019 2,998,763
2020 3,178,689
2021 3,432,984

Table 3.13 Historical Supply for ASLM

Years Projected Supply (X) X^2

2022 3,554,203 12,632,357,336,957
2023 3,688,358 13,603,986,013,279
2024 3,826,277 14,640,397,591,369
2025 3,955,795 15,648,313,987,429
2026 4,060,357 16,486,501,055,789

Table 3.14 Projected Supply Using ASLM

B. Statistical Semi Log Method

Year Historical Supply (X) Log y (x) (x2) X log y

2017 2,826,888 6.45 -2 4 -12.90
2018 2,883,426 6.46 -1 1 -6.46
2019 2,998,763 6.48 0 0 0.00
2020 3,178,689 6.50 1 1 6.50
2021 3,432,984 6.54 2 4 13.07
15,320,749 32 0 10 0.21

Table 3.15 Computing Log(y) Using Historical Supply for SSLM

Year Projected Supply (X) Log y (x) (X^2)

2022 3,536,189 6.55 3 12,504,633,338,941
2023 3,712,291 6.57 4 13,781,105,438,692
2024 3,897,163 6.59 5 15,187,879,721,425
2025 4,091,242 6.61 6 16,738,257,424,897
2026 4,294,985 6.63 7 18,446,897,576,288
TOTAL 19,531,870 33 25 76,658,773,500,243

Table 3.16 Projected Supply Using SSLM

C. Parabolic Projection Method

Year Historical Supply (X) (x) (x2) (x4) (xy) (x2y)

2017 2,826,888 -2 4 16 -5,653,776 11,307,552
2018 2,883,426 -1 1 1 -2,883,426 2,883,426
2019 2,998,763 0 0 0 0 0
2020 3,178,689 1 1 1 3,178,689 3,178,689
2021 3,432,984 2 4 16 6,865,967 13,731,935
TOTAL 15,320,749 0 10 34 1,507,454 31,101,601

Table 3.17 Computation of x2y Using the Historical Supply for PPM

Year Projected Supply (X) (x) (X^2)

2022 3,746,438 3 14,035,795,200,883
2023 4,127,235 4 17,034,066,842,571
2024 4,573,761 5 20,919,289,009,053
2025 5,086,016 6 25,867,560,154,649
2026 5,664,000 7 32,080,900,585,854
TOTAL 23,197,450 25 109,937,611,793,009

Table 3.18 Projected Supply Using PPM

3.4.4 Standard Deviation (Supply)

Methods SD
Arithmetic Straight Line Method 202,598
Statistical Semi Log Method 299,994
Parabolic Projection Method 760,473

Table 3.19 Computed Standard Deviation for Supply

Comparing the standard deviations of Arithmetic Straight Line Method, Statistical

Semi Log Method and Parabolic Projection Method, the standard deviation with the

lowest value was obtained from Arithmetic Straight Line Method. This means that it has

the lowest rate of variation among the three methods. In this case, the proponents will

follow the projected supply data for the Arithmetic Straight Line Method for the analysis

of Demand and Supply Gap.

3.5 Demand and Supply Gap Analysis

Demand-supply gap analysis is an important indicator of the market feasibility of starting

a business because it shows the current supply and demand relationship in the market.

Margin of Error
Historical Demand Supply Gap % Unsatisfied
2017 8,348,962 2,826,888 276,104 5,245,970 0.63
2018 8,491,198 2,883,426 280,389 5,327,383 0.63
2019 8,635,896 2,998,763 281,857 5,355,277 0.62
2020 8,783,122 3,178,689 280,222 5,324,211 0.61
2021 8,932,810 3,432,984 274,991 5,224,835 0.58

Margin of Error
Projected Demand Supply Gap % Unsatisfied
2022 9,049,579 3,554,203 274,769 5,220,608 0.58
2023 9,161,256 3,688,358 273,645 5,199,252 0.57
2024 9,266,327 3,826,277 272,003 5,168,048 0.56
2025 9,362,969 3,955,795 270,359 5,136,815 0.55
2026 9,449,000 4,060,357 269,432 5,119,211 0.54

Table 3.20 Demand and Supply Gap Analysis

The proponents determined how much of the target market are not being satisfied with

the present supply of cookie and from there, they projected the quantity of the cookie they will

produce and proposed the market share of the business. The computed unsatisfied percentage

mean was 60.4%. This signifies that when the unsatisfactory rate of the consumers descends,

they tend to be satisfied with the proposed cookie of the proponents, but does not necessarily

mean that the proponents will produce products that will meet all the unsatisfied customers

considering the fact that NuTRio is just a starting company.

3.6 Competitors Market Share

The market shares of the competitors, as shown on Table 3.21 below, was obtained by

dividing their annual supply and the total annual Supply. The ArtecaketurePH Shop partakes the

largest market of cookies around Floridablanca, Pampanga.

COMPETITORS Annual Supply Market Share

Family Goals Bakeshop 181,563 5.29%
Breadish Bakeshop 126,186 3.68%
New Butter World Bakeshop 165,722 4.83%
Gab's Sweet and Treats 235,133 6.85%
Triple-J Bakery 270,006 7.87%
The Sweet Pastry 251,513 7.33%
John Karl's Bakery 239,854 6.99%
Forbes Pastry and Cuisine 189,024 5.51%
Che-Che Bakery 220,779 6.43%
Fara Cakes and Cupcakes 245,436 7.15%
3A and R Bakeshop 261,553 7.62%
Calantas Bakery 232,408 6.77%
ArtecaketurePH 290,699 8.47%
Masterbaker 276,126 8.04%
Chuchay's Bakery 246,981 7.19%
TOTAL 3,432,984 100.00%

Table 3.21 Competitors Market Share

3.7 Proposed Business Market Share

The proponents have decided to start their market share of their proposed business by

3.68% as this is the lowest market compared to the market shares of other competitors. Using the

market percentage, the target annual volume of production of the proponents for their proposed

product is 192,274 of cookies.

Year D/S Gap Market Share Volume of


2021 5,224,835 3.68% 192,274

Table 3.22 Proposed Business Market Share

3.8 Projected Volume of Production

The proponents assumed that every year the volume of production of their business will

increase by 5%. Table 3.23 below shows the projected volume of production from the year 2022-


Year Projected Volume of Production

2022 201,888

2023 211,983

2024 222,582

2025 233,711

2026 245,396

Table 3.23 Projected Volume of Production

3.9 Marketing Program and Systems

To increase sales and profits, NutrioCookies must create marketing strategies that will be

profitable to the business over the long term. Gaining clients and enhancing the performance and

reputation of the business are the main objectives of marketing, a long-term profit strategy. A

marketing program is a combination of well-planned and coordinated actions to accomplish

marketing objectives. Marketing goals are sales targets that center on a variety of product

features that enhance the product's good qualities.

Social media sites may be used to market goods and services and increase brand

awareness by incorporating a range of online platforms. Reviews and opinions will quickly draw

in new and more customers by way of prior clients. The use of paid advertising, radio, and

television may also enable a business to reach hundreds or even millions of potential customers.

3.10 Pricing Strategies

NuTRio aims to raise the cost of its products and boost sales via competition by making

sure that their clients are happy. Cost-plus pricing is frequently used by manufacturers. The

secret to success with this approach is to make sure that the "plus" figure delivers the required

profit percentage while also covering all expenses. If your estimation of your overhead costs is

incorrect, you run the danger of producing earnings that are too low.

Figure 3.8 Pricing Strategies

3.11 Channel Distribution

A distribution channel is a network of businesses or middlemen that a good or service

travels through to get to its ultimate user or consumer. Wholesalers, retailers, producers, and

even the Internet are all part of the distribution chain. All products and services will follow this

route to reach their intended markets.

Manufacturer End User

Figure 3.9 Channel of Distribution

3.12 Marketing

Marketing Strategy of the company is by using online like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram

and Tiktok because people nowadays preferred watching and browsing online. The Internet is a

great place for keeping consumers current. They can seek out information and consume it

quickly. It’s a great way for consumers to access relevant and engaging content with information

that’s important to them. This helps them keep tabs on business, too. If there are changes with

your business, consumers expect to be able to find it immediately. They want to know relevant

information as it emerges. The Internet allows to keep your audience up-to-date with your

business. They can see when you launch new products. It’s a great way to keep your audience

informed. It will generate growth by keeping your audience up-to-date with the latest trends and

changes. It’s easy for them to find your site and learn about what’s new or upcoming with your

business. Increased brand recognition leads these consumers to choose your brand over the

competition because they are more familiar to the business. It offers convenience and quick

service. People can access information and purchase items quickly through the online. This is

one of the benefits of Internet marketing to consumers. Your audience can get quick and

convenient service when they need it. If someone needs a product, they can easily order it online.

Checkout processes have developed to allow for quick transactions that last a few minutes at

most. It’s quicker than someone driving to a store, finding the product, checking out, and driving


The business may close, but the Internet stays open 24/7. People have constant access to

information on the Internet regardless of the time of day or day of the week. This means that

people always have access to information about the business, products, or services. They can

learn about your business at any time of the day. If they decide they need a food at 3 a.m., they

can go online and purchase the product easily. It makes it easy for them to get what they need,

when they need it.

3.13 Branding

Figure 3.10 Branding

NutrioCookies was chosen as the company’s brand name. As you can see in see in the

figure above. The company believes that consumer will able to remember and recognize it easily.
The product name “NutrioCookies” is derived from Nutrients represent the benefits of the

ingredients which is the main goal of the product. Cookie is literal for food that the company

served. And the Squash and malunggay represents the main ingredients of the product, the logo

has touch of solid yellow to add elegance, embodies wealth and confidence and the green

represents strength and good luck. The brand’s goal is to create product that is organic

ingredients that can give freshness and nutrients. Having good brand name means a blend of

creativity and strategy. The company directly express the product offers and connects to the

customers. The NutrioCookies is a food that have one of the best nutrients among all the


3.14 Labelling and Packaging

Figure 3.11 Packaging

Good quality packaging can positively affect the environment or condition of the product

especially if it is a food item, preserving the nutritional value, taste, smell, and look.

As shown in the picture above, our packaging is a basic clear clamshell container made

from plastic which securely seals our product from airborne contaminants to preserve its safety

and freshness. Customers can find our product attractive since they can see our tasty and

appealing NutrioCookies. Also, customers can assure that the product they are purchasing is in

the promised condition, without flaws or defects. Moreover, plastic packaging is widely used

partially because of its versatility. This packaging not only protects our items from the weather

but also enhances their customer appeal by making them look fresh and new on the shelf.


A market study is an activity conducted to collect information about the business’s target

audience, and the buyers’ behavior especially the ones that concerns with purchasing.

This process will help the company determine how viable and successful the launching of

the product would be. NuTRio Co. target market will be comprised of the population of the

Floridablanca, Pampanga. The proponents have conducted a survey among the people from the

Floridablanca, Pampanga. The survey comprises of 100 respondents and 100% of these are the

target market, or the people who eat cookies. This reflects that the proponents have targeted the

right audience for the product proposal. The survey also determined the competitors of NuTRio.

In the survey, the proponents provided some options to the respondents which includes the flavor

of cookies they prepare. Based on the end result of the survey, 57 people answered chocolate

flavore yielding the highest points among the listed types. Chocolate cookies then became the

major competitor of the product. In accordance with the survey outcome the proponents

calculated and analyzed the possible demand and supply within the specific market. As part of

the computation, the proponents gathered data to project the future demand and supply of the

market. In computing, three methods of projected demand and supply were applied. Standard

deviation was also calculated using the three methods to determine which is the best method to

use in computing for such purpose. The use of three method was integrated to come up with

lesser variance of data to make the results more reliable. After all the calculations, it turns out

that the arithmetic method is the lowest yielding a standard deviation of 158,404. For this reason,

this will be the most ideal method to use. Aside from this, as part of the demand and supply

analysis the proponents have also determined the gap wherein the data will provide an idea if the

current supply has the ability to satisfy the demand within the target market. Based on the initial

results, there is a wide range of unsatisfaction gap between the demand and supply.

This means that the supply will not be sufficient for the demand set by the market.

Therefore, as a solution to this, the proponents have decided to increase the number of supplies

as well as look into more competitors that also occupies a portion in the market share. This

chapter also tackled the market program and system, the pricing strategy, channel of distribution,

marketing, branding, and lastly, the labeling and packaging used by the company.

All in all, this chapter focused on the market, and the activities involved in improving and

boosting the interest of the targeted market the company is desiring to reach.


Technical Study

A technical study looks into the production, distribution, and tracking processes as well

as the technical and logistical aspects of the goods or services being developed. For the logistical

side, a list of potential vendors and sources for business supplies is provided. This component of

the study also analyses the production procedure and schedule derived from a time and motion

analysis, and it displays the company's actual product. A floor plan is also included in this part.

A complete illustration of the plant's layout.

4.1 Product



CALORIES 641 gms.

PROTEIN 111 gms.
FAT 10 gms.
SUGAR 44 gms.
POTASSIUM 307 mgs.
SODIUM 208 mgs.

FIBER 9 mgs.
IRON 8 mgs.
ZINC 1 mg.
CALCIUM 144 mgs.
VITAMIN C 7 mgs.
Figure 4.1 shows the actual product of Nutrio Cookie

Figure 4.1 Actual Product
4.2 Raw Materials and Suppliers

4.2.1 List of Raw Materials

Raw Materials are basically the primary drivers of the production. The following is a list

of the raw materials needed to manufacture nutria cookie.

Raw Materials Description

Banana are one of the primary ingredients in

producing the products. These are rich in

potassium and fiber and low in sodium, are an

important component of heart-healthy diets.

Squash are good sources of vitamin A, C, and

B vitamins; they're high in antioxidants; and

they're rich in minerals such as potassium,

magnesium, and manganese. And, of course,

as whole plant foods, they're also rich in fiber

and water, making them both hydrating and

good for the gut.

These leaves add more nutrients to the

product. It contains Vitamin A, B, C, D and

E. Hence, some of the health benefits of

Malunggay include strengthening of immune

system, improving eyesight, better calcium

absorption and improved motor skills

Table 4.1 List of Raw Materials

Table 4.1 shows the list of raw materials that are used to produce malunggay and

kalabasa cookies with banana.

4.2.2 List of suppliers of raw materials.

Table 4.2 shows the list of prospective suppliers of raw materials of NuTRio along with

their addresses and their contact number.

Material Supplier Address Contact

Malunggay powder Health Grocer Pampanga

And Banana Philippines

Marlon Junio Bulacan Marlon Junio- FB

Mindoro Rice and Quezon City http:/

Baking Supplies 09663220363

Kalabasa powder Health Grocer Pampanga


Just Better PH Bulacan Shopee

VIECHEM Taytay Rizal (+63 02) 650-5072

Table 4.2 List of Suppliers of Raw Materials

4.2.3 List of materials

The table below shows the list of materials to be used to produce malunggay and

kalabasa cookies with banana.

Material Description

For our product, we decided to have this clear

clamshell packaging for our cookies,

Clamshells are usually made out of PET

plastic, so they are highly recyclable.

Paper Bag

Paper bags will be used for in-store

purchased products. The bags are made of

brown kraft paper.

Palletizing Carton

In the event of mass production due to bulk

orders or just for reducing storage space,

palletizing cartons will be used. As the

company will also operate as distributor of the

products, these palletizing cartons will protect

the products from dents and other damages

during deliveries.

STICKER To easily recognize the product.

Table 4.3. List of Materials

Material Supplier Address Contact

Sticker Printing Digital San Simon 09482278376

Pampanga Pampanga

Cj Blezz Printing 09356240757

Shop Sto. Thomas
Sarah Baal Malit Guagua Pampanga
Cookies container Central Luzon San Fernando 09175119330
Distributor of Pampanga
Paper Bag packaging supplies

Carton Eco One Pampanga Lazatin Dolores 09171440506

extension San
PEN88 General http”//
Trading Bacolor Pampanga
Table 4.4. List Suppliers of Materials

4.3 Production Tools and Equipment

In this part of the technical study, all needed tools and equipment are listed together with

their respective uses in producing NuTRIO cookies.

Tools and Equipment Description

Oven An equipment for baking or

roasting food that is heated and enclosed.

Refrigerator Cookies Cookies made from cookie dough

that has been chilled first, then simply

sliced and baked, are known as refrigerator

cookies. Making refrigerator cookies is less

messy than rolling out the cookies on

floured surfaces, and they typically come

out of the oven with fairly pleasing uniform

sizes and shapes.

Electric Mixer One of the most popular uses

for an electric mixer is mixing.

Simply described, it entails mixing

two or more materials together until

they form a single cohesive product.

Additionally, mixing introduces air

into the batter or dough, which aids

in creating baked items with the ideal

volume and texture.

Cookie scoops Cookie scoops are quite

useful. They helps in maintaining the

size and shape uniformity of your

drop cookies; a gentle push of the

handle neatly releases the sticky

dough ball.

Cooling rack Normally, after taking the

baked cookies out of the oven, let

them cool for 5 minutes on the

cookie sheets. But after that,

immediately move them to a cooling

rack. To prevent soggy cookie

bottoms, the bottoms of the cookies

require some air to cool.

Measuring cups and measuring spoons When baking and cooking,

measuring spoons and cups can be

used to measure materials precisely.

The kind of ingredient being used is

an important factor to be considered.

Rolling pin Rolling pins are long

cylinders used to press out dough

evenly and smoothly. They are

primarily used for rolling out dough

for pastries, such as pies and cookies.

Silicone baking mats A tool for baking cookies is

a baking mat. The cookies spread out

too much when the baking pan is

coated with butter or nonstick spray,

which creates an excessively oily

base. A silicone baking mat (11 by

16 inches in size to accommodate

your half sheet pans) is always

advised because they grip to the

bottom of your cookies and stop

them from spreading excessively.

Cookie cutters Cookie dough is sliced and

molded into specified forms using

cookie cutters. For usage during

holidays, special occasions, or

simply on a daily basis, cookie

cutters are available in a range of

sizes and forms.

Spatula An tool for the kitchen that can be
used to mix, scrape, flip, or spread
items is the spatula.

Mixing bowl Mixing bowls are useful for

organizing, storing, working with
dough, combining dry ingredients,
and more. The kitchen requires a
variety of bowls of various sizes.

Trolley A trolley is necessary to move the

things. This will transfer materials
between locations.

Table 4.5 List of Production tools and Equipment

4.4 Production Worker Uniform

Developing a suitable dress code for employees in manufacturing, warehouses, and

other industrial settings requires taking certain factors into account. Because their jobs may

include physical labor or operating in hazardous conditions, workers need comfortable

clothing that not only helps them perform their tasks effectively but also shields them from

any risks. In compliance with the OSH Standard Rule 1080 or the mandate on the wearing of

proper uniforms and protective equipment in the workplace, the company requires a proper

dress code to its workers. Table 4.7 shows the company’s dress code and basic factory gears

for its production workers.


Uniform NuTRIO staff will be dressed in a green

polo shirt and black slacks. The company

will provide the polo shirts and employees

of both males and females are required to

wear this uniform. No employee may

access the production area without

permission in accordance with good

manufacturing practices.

SAFETY SHOES Production workers are required to wear

white closed-toe shoes as part of their

uniform. Both men and women are

required to wear these shoes. This is

carried out to guarantee reliability and

security during the manufacturing process.

APRON Before entering the production area,

employees must put on aprons. This is

done to prevent any stains from happening

while the NuTRIO cookie is being made.

In addition, it guarantees that they are

neatly dressed manufacturing employees.

Hair Cap In order to prevent hair from falling during

the production of NuTRIO cookie and from

purposefully interfering with the process,

workers are also required to wear a hair


Face Mask Face masks will be required for everyone

inside the production facility. To ensure

sanitation and safety, production staff.

Workers will be examined visiting the site

to verify that they are actually following

the guideline.

Gloves The workers cannot come into contact with

the raw components with their bare hands

because they will be handling the

manufacture of food. In consideration of

this, gloves will be provided to the

employees so they may safeguard both

themselves and the products they handle

during production.

Table 4.6. Production Worker Uniform

5 Furniture and Fixtures

The movable assets used by business in their operations are furniture, fixtures,

and equipment (FF&E). FF&E contains things like office furniture, fixtures that won't affect the

building's structure if removed, and tools like computers that are needed for regular operations.

(What is Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment – FFE? 2021). The furniture and fixtures equipment

are shown in Table 4.7 and the office equipment is shown in table 4.8

Furniture and Fixtures

Counter table Client Chair

Waste Bins File Drawers

Lights Production Table

Fire Extinguisher Emergency Lights

Clock Toilet Bowl

toilet Sink Exhaust Fan

Safety Signs Set

Table 4.7 Furniture and Fixtures

Office Equipment

Desktop Computer Printer

Air Conditioner

Table 4.8 Office Equipment

4.6 Manufacturing Process

This section presents the manufacturing process of NuTRIO cookie through a

process flow chart. Manufacturing process consist of the steps in which orders undergo

procedures that convert raw materials into finished product. Figure 4.2 shows the step-by-step

process of producing NuTRIO cookie.








4.6.1 Process Description

Preparation This process involves the preparation of

all the materials needed in the baking of


Mixing  Need to squish and press on

them until they no longer look like bananas.

 Mixing butter and sugar

together on a moderately high speed until well

blended, fluffy and pale yellow, after that add

the egg and vanilla extract

 It mixes all of the dry

ingredients together to equally mix them so

that cookies will bake evenly.

 It mixes all of all ingredients

together to equally mix them.

 If the dough remains a ball, it

means that the gluten has been worked enough

and is durable. If you’re dough flops between

your fingers, it needs to be mixed more. After

becomes dough, add toppings and mix again


Molding Shaping and sizing cookie dough is the

step in the process that transforms mixed and

fermented dough into its final form, with the

intention that the form is retained to some

degree until the dough is baked.

Refrigerated In this process the molded cookie

needed to be refrigerated at least 1 hour.

Baking The oven need to be preheated in 20

minutes at 160° Celsius and bake it in 15

minutes at 180° Celsius.

Set aside After baked the cookies, cool them into

5 minutes

Packaging Packed it.

4.7 Time Study

A time study in a feasibility study is defined as the application of techniques designed to

establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of

performance. In simple terms, it aims to establish a time for a qualified worker to perform

specified work under stated conditions and at a defined rate of working. Table 4.10 shows the

time and motion study of producing illuminate.

Table 4.10 Time Study

4.9 Plant Layout

Figure 4.6 shows the plant layout of NuTRio Co. in meters.

4.10 Floor Diagram

Figure 4.11. Floor Diagram

4.11 Proposed location of the company

Figure 4.12 Plant Location

Figure 4.12 shows the proposed company location which is located at Poblacion Floridablanca,

Pampanga. Two adjacent stalls will be renovated to bring NuTRio stall and production site into

life. The place has an area of approximately 20m x 10m and 10 feet in height. As we are now in

the contemporary age, the company would like to target only a single area. For this reason, the

company location is decided to be at poblacion, Floridablanca since it falls at the center so it is

accessible to majority of the target market. Hence, the higher sales opportunity. In addition to

this, deliveries will also be faster since the routes are accessible and easy to reach. Furthermore,

given that the place is located, foot traffic here is relatively high. Therefore, the higher chance of

customer visit in the stall, meaning potential sales may also come in.

4.11.1 Supply of utilities.

This incorporates the business's that need electricity, internet service, communication, and

water supply.

4.11.1A Power Supply

A useful electric power source is one of the deciding factors that companies consider when

deciding where to locate their businesses. Given that activities would be insufficient without it, it

is regarded as one of the most crucial utility sources. Given that power shortages don't happen

frequently, Floridablanca has been taken into consideration by the proponents. Because of this,

San Fernando Electric and Light Power Company is the distributor of the power supply


4.11.1B Water supply.

Water supply is a significant factor when discussing utilities. This was taken into account

by the business's supporters when deciding where to locate it, especially as one of the

production's processes calls for the use of water. Water is also necessary for the cleanliness of

the facility and the personnel' personal hygiene. Prime Water operates the water system in

Floridablanca, Pampanga.

4.11.1C Telephone/Internet connection.

The company's operations depend heavily on interaction. The business may connect with

its suppliers and consumers in the quickest and most practical way possible because to the

internet and mobile communications. Employees can continue to communicate knowledge more

successfully due to telephone and internet connectivity. Converge ICT solutions Inc. has been

selected by the business as its provider of internet and telephone signals as a result.

4.11.2 Accessibility.

This shows how easily customers and suppliers can reach the business's location. By

situating the firm near to the Municipality of Floridablanca, where it can reach its clients or

customers more quickly and be reached by them in the same way, the proponents assured that the

company is conveniently accessible.

4.11.3 Safety.

Health is important to NuTRio. Because of this, it was important to choose the right place

to protect everyone. Both management and employees follow rules by legal requirements that are

effectively monitored and applied. Additionally, all materials used by the business are promised

to be entirely organic.

4.12 Waste Disposal Management.

For a bio healthy enterprise, cooperation with the earth is necessary. As a result, managing

waste as effectively as feasible is one of the company's objectives within the context of its own


\ The company's management of trash disposal includes a fully integrated waste

monitoring system. To get everyone working together, this one will start by introducing the plan

to all corporate personnel. Divide trash cans into three sections. categories include "reduce,"

"use," and "recycle." In addition, by using any materials obtained as recyclables, the company

owner may possibly build a platform that encourages growth. As this process progressed, the

group. will produce brand-new items by recycling rubbish that has been put in trash cans. The

process, which will be known as "waste carting," entails recycling trash so that it can be utilized

to make new items.


The majority of the business' manufacturing processes are the subject of technical

research. It contains information about the item as well as the components, machinery, and tools

that will be used to create it efficiently. This chapter also includes the company's furniture and

fixtures, as well as the factory workers' uniforms and protective clothing. This documentation

includes sets of suppliers for each material, as well as the destination and contact information. A

manufacturing process and a flowchart for the process are also present. In addition to these, it

offered a suggested production timetable and an early time period.

The proponents created a software draft of the plant layout as well as a perspective drawing

version of it to aid in visualizing the proposed plant layout and the site. In the chapter's final

section, it was detailed how the company's choice of site was influenced by the availability of

utilities including power, water, telephone, and internet connections as well as customer and

supplier accessibility.


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