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Final Exam
May 19, 2022

1. Never do we af rm the notion of being simple. It implies the composition
of a subject and an act. Two elements are involved: something which is and
the act of being of that thing. How do the essence and esse interplay in the
existence of being?
2. The principle of non-contradiction states “it is impossible to be and not be
at the same time and in the same respect.” Why cannot we demonstrate it
through other truths prior to it? How can we have knowledge about it? How
can this rst judgment be important in Metaphysics?
3. Substance and accidents are the fundamental manners of being of all
created realities. They are distinct yet they constitute the unity of being.
How are they united and determined in the respective natures and mutual
4. Through motion or change we get to know the aspects of reality, act and
potency. How are they related and differentiated as well?
5. Relation is an accident whose nature is a reference or order of one
substance towards another. Describe the its elements, importance and its
6. The two related constituent elements of essence are matter and form. How
has the form acted as the determining element of the essence? What does
the form do to give unity to the essence?
7. Essence is said to exist in an individuated manner. How has the essence
become individuated and multiplied in the corporeal beings? How does an
individuation of the spiritual beings take place?
8. Esse is an act which encompasses all perfections. Explain how esse
becomes the foundation of all reality. How are the essence and esse of
transcendental order?
9. “Suppositum" is the name that designates the particular being with all
perfections. What are the concrete marks of suppositum and how is it
distinct from nature?



10. Comment on this: “To be a person amounts to possessing a likeness of the

divine esse in a more sublime way, that is, by being spiritual.” This simply
entails that a person shares an intense act of being.
11. Transcendental properties are characteristics present in every being. How
can these properties be attributed to every being?
12. Discuss one of the transcedental properties: unity, truth, goodness and

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