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1. She wishes she _____ a doctor in the future.

A. is B. were C. will be D. would be

2. I wish Sarah ______ here now.

A. is B. were C. would be D. will be

3. I wish I _____ a trip to London last year.

A. had taken B. took C. will take D. take

4. Supposing that you had had another opportunity, you __________ that again?

A. will you do B. would you do C. would you have done D. won’t you do

5. We planned everything carefully, but for that we ___________ so many serious mistakes.

A. would have B. had had C. would have had D. wouldn’t have

6. If she……………….to me, she…………………… trouble right now.

A. Had listened/would be B. had listened/would have be

C. had listened/would not be D. A & B

7. “Please, please come to help me with the messy room,” my sister told me.
A. My sister begged me to come to help her with the messy room
B. My sister promised me to come to help her with the messy room
C. My sister warned me to come to help her with the messy room
D. My sister allowed me to come to help her with the messy room
8. People believed that he recovered the illness last year.
A. He was believed to have recovered the illness last year.
B. It is believed that he recovered the illness last year.
C. He is believed to have recovered the illness last year.
9. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry.
A. even though B. in spite C. despite D. in spite the fact that
10. Don’t leave anything behind, ______?
A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. shall we
I. Present subjunctive (hiện tại giả định)
1. S + V(any tense) + that + S + (not) + V (present subjunctive)
STT Động từ Nghĩa
1 + advise / ədˈvaɪz /: khuyên bảo.
2 + demand / dɪˈmɑːnd /: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu.
3 + require / rɪˈkwaɪər /: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu.
4 + insist / ɪnˈsɪst /: cứ nhất định, khăng khăng đòi, cố nài.
5 + propose / prəˈpəʊz /: đề nghị, đề xuất, đưa ra.
6 + command / kəˈmɑːnd /: ra lệnh, chỉ thị.
7 + recommend /rekə'mend/: giới thiệu, tiến cử.
8 + suggest / səˈdʒest /: đề nghị, đề xuất, gợi ý.
9 + request / rɪˈkwest/ /: thỉnh cầu, yêu cầu, đề nghị.
10 + urge / ɜːdʒ /: hối thúc, thúc giục.
2. It + be (any tense) + Adj + that + S + (not) + V (present subjunctive)

STT Tính từ Nghĩa

1 + important / ɪmˈpɔːtənt /: quan trọng,
2 + necessary / ˈnesəseri /: cần thiết, thiết yếu.
3 + urgent / ˈɜrdʒənt /: khẩn thiết, cấp bách
4 + obligatory / əˈblɪɡətri /: bắt buộc, cưỡng bách
5 + essential / ɪˈsenʃl /: cần thiết, cốt yếu, chủ yếu.
6 + advisable / ədˈvaɪzəbəl/: nên, thích hợp, đáng theo
7 + recommended/ ˌrekəˈmend /: được giới thiệu, tiến cử
8 + required / rɪˈkwaɪəd/: đòi hỏi, cần thiết
9 + mandatory / ˈmændətəri /: có tính cách bắt buộc
10 + proposed / prəˈpəʊzd /: được đề nghị, dự kiến
11 + suggested / səˈdʒesid /: giới thiệu, đề nghị
12 + vital / ˈvaɪtl /: sống còn, quan trọng
13 + crucial / ˈkruːʃəl /: quyết định, cốt yếu, chủ yếu
14 + imperative / ɪmˈperətɪv /: bắt buộc, cấp bách

II. Past and past perfect subjunctive (QK và QKHT giả định)
1. Dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 2, 3
2. Dùng sau những động từ và nhóm động từ
a. Wish/ If only
b. As if/ As though
V (hiện tại) V (QKĐ)
S as if/ as though S
V (quá khứ) V (QKHT)
S1 + would rather that + S2 + V (quá khứ)
S1 + would rather + V
d. It’s time

It’s time to V: đã đến lúc

It’s (high) time + S + V (quá khứ): đã đến lúc ai làm gì (ở hiện tại)

It was (high) time + S + had + P2: đã đến lúc làm gì (QK)

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: His doctor suggested that he______a short trip abroad.
A. will take B. would take C. take D. took
Question 2: The law requires that everyone______his car checked at least once a month.
A. has B. have C. had D. will have
Question 3: I demand that he______immediately.
A. apologize B. shall apologize C. will apologize D. has apologized
Question 4: I suggested that she______her lawyer before signing the contract.
A. consults B. shall consult C. will consult D. should consult
Question 5: It is necessary that everything______ready by two o'clock tomorrow.
A. be B. was C. were D. would have been
Question 6: They recommend that she______to a ski resort in Spain.
A. will go B. would have gone C. should go D. should have gone
Question 7: It is advisable that you______your application as soon as possible.
A. submit B. will submit C. will have submitted D. should have submitted
Question 8: It is desirable that the hotel manager______to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to
clean up the air conditioners.
A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers
Question 9: The Principal demanded that the heaters______immediately. Winter is coming!
A. are repaired B. be repaired C. were repaired D. repair
Question 10: The boss insisted that Sam______at the meeting as he is too talkative for such a
confidential project.
A. not be B. isn't C. was D. is
Question 11: The doctor insisted that she______to the hospital for tests.
A. go B. goes C. will go D. has gone
Question 12: She suggested that we______in the lobby of the hotel at 9:00 a.m.
A. shall meet B. will meet C. should meet D. would have met
Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences
Question 1: Please don’t tell anyone about it.
=> I’d rather you_______________________________________________
Question 2: I would prefer you deliver the sofa this afternoon.
=> I’d rather you______________________________________________
Question 3: “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”
=> My friend suggests that_______________________________________
Question 4: She urged her husband to apply for the post in the government.
=> She urged that her husband____________________________________
Question 5: They insisted on my coming early.
=> They insisted that____________________________________________
Question 6: An accountant has to master computer science.
=> It is necessary that___________________________________________
Question 7: It is time for us to leave now.
=> It’s time we________________________________________________
Question 8: What a pity! Your sister can’t come with us.
=> If only____________________________________________________
Question 9: Everyone find it important for us to do something to save the environment.
=> It is important that we_________________________________________
Question 10: The headmaster insists on every schoolgirl’s wearing Ao Dai every Monday.
=> The headmaster insists that_______________________________________
Question 11: They advise her to eat less meat and fat to keep herself healthy.
=> It is advisable that she__________________________________________
Question 12: Naturally, a child had better respect his parents.
=> It is natural that_______________________________________________
Question 13: He needs to come to the interview early.
=> It is necessary that_____________________________________________
Question 14: She must find it important to take two medicines every day.
=> It is important that_____________________________________________
Question 15: It is too late. He must go home.
=> It’s high time he_______________________________________________
Question 16: Every student must wear uniform. It is obligatory.
=> It is obligatory that_____________________________________________
Question 17: They recommended her to go to the best doctor in town.
=> They recommended that she______________________________________
Question 18: The man demanded to be told everything about the accident.
=> The man demanded that everything________________________________
Question 19: Her PT advised her to do more exercise.
=> Her PT suggested_____________________________________________
Question 20: My supervisor said it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position.
=> My supervisor suggested_________________________________________
Exercise 3
1. I wish I ______ to retake my exams.
a. do not have b. will not have c. am about d. did not have
2. The spacemen felt as if he ______ in a paradise.
a. had been b. falls c. fall d. has fallen
3. He afflicted mother felt as though she ______ on the verge of dying
a. has been b. had been c. were d. was
4. I wish another more effective teaching method______ used.
a. is b. was c. were d. has been
5. She wishes she ______ a fairy now.
a. was b. were c. is d. were
6. She spent money as if she always______ plenty of it.
a. have b. had c. had had d. should have
7. She spends money as if she always______ plenty of it.
a. has b. have c. has had d. had
8. She talks too much but I wish she______
a. didn't b. doesn't c. won't d. wouldn't
9. They will drink wine but I wish they______
a. didn't b. don't c. won't d. wouldn't
10. She made lot of mistakes but I wish she______
a. didn't b. hadn't c. wouldn't d. did
11. My wife wishes she______ the guitar now
a. could play b. can play c. could have played d. plays
12. Yesterday he missed the lesson. He wishes he______ it.
a. didn't miss b. hadn't miss c. hasn't missed d. hadn't missed
13. I suggest that the doctor_____ up his mind without delay.
a. makes b. make c. made d. is to make
14. This poor old man wishes he_____
a. wasn't born b. has never been born
c. had never been born d. would never be born
15. I am not a teacher of English, but suppose I _____, then I _____ set up a language centre.
a. am/ can b. were/ can c. was/ could d. were/ could
16. His friends suggest that the _____ for that post.
a. applies b. apply c. applying d. will apply
17. It's high time we_____ these mice.
a. are getting rid of b. are going to get rid of c. get rid of d. got rid of
18. It is necessary that children_____ of their old parents.
a. to take care b. takes care c. took care d. take are
19. I wish this English course_____ the whole year.
a. will last b. may last c. lasted d. last
20. It is essential that the sponsor_____ the file early.
a. make b. makes c. made d. making
21. The clients demanded that the doctor's office_____ earlier.
a. opening b. opened c. open d. to open
22. He was not a dutiful son. I wish he_____
a. was b. were c. has been d. had been
23. It is cold now. The homeless child wishes he_____ in a cosy family
a. has been b. will be c. were d. is
24. What would you suggest that he_____?
a. will do b. would do c. do d. did
25. I wish my wife_____ better now.
a. would be b. was c. be d. were
26. He wishes he_____ the college that year.
a. entered b. had entered c. would enter d. has been entering
27. It is necessary that he_____ a certificate in English?
a. will get b. gets c. get d. would get
28. I demand that I_____ to retake the exam.
a. be allowed b. am allowed c. will be allowed d. were allowed
29. I am not a interpreter, but I certainly wish I _____
a. shall be b. was c. were d. am
30. I wish you_____ quiet a moment, I can't hear what_____
a. would keep/ the compere is saying b. kept/ the compere said
c. will keep/ the compere saying d. had kept/ had the compere said
31. Do not play in the sunshine unless you _____ sunstroke.
a. will get b. get c. are going to get d. shout get
32. It was a lovely day; we wish we_____ at Long Hai beach.
a. have been b. were c. are d. had been
33. The king ordered that Gulliver_____ ser free
a. be b. is c. will be d. would be
34. It is essential that Mary_____ speak English.
a. be able to b. is able to c. was able to d. must be able to
35. He suggested that I_____ tolerant of other people.
a. am b. was c. be d. would be
36. My doctor insisted_____
a. that I diet b. me to diet c. for me dieting d. for me to diet
37. Everyone urged that Bill_____ his education.
a. continue b. continuing c. to continue d. continued
38. The director requests that all packages_____ at the central office.
a. to mail b. be mailed c. to be mailed d. mailing
39. It is necessary that she_____ now.
a. gone b. goes c. go d. went
40. It is important that your sister_____ information technology.
a. chooses b. choose c. chose d. chose
41. It is imperative that you_____ careful on construction site.
a. to be b. were c. are d. be
42. It is advisable that she_____ care of he mother.
a. to take b. takes c. take d. took
43. The teacher ordered that the students_____ talking.
a. stop b. should stop c. stopped d. a or b
44. I wish I _____ David Beckham.
a. am b. is c. was d. were
45. I wish you_____ here yesterday.
a. were b. had been c. to be d. were
46. I wish the rain_____ soon.
a. stop b. stops c. stopped d. would stop
47. I wish I _____how to control the tsunami.
a. know b. knew c. to know d. to have known
48. She insisted that we _____ our holiday in Dalat.
a. sped b. spent c. should spend d. a or b
49. May you_____ happy all your life!
a. are b. were c. be d. to be
50. "Should I begin typing these letters?" "I suggest_____ bookkeeping first".
a. you finished b. you to finish c. you finish d. you will finish
51. "Did your grandmother give you that watch?"- "Yes, she insisted_____ it".
a. that I took b. I will take c. on my taking d. for me to take
52. "Have you received the shipment of bicycles yet?".
"No, but it's possible that it_____ in a few days"
a. will come b. comes c. come d. has come
53. "What did the teacher tell you?".
"She recommended_____ with an American family"
a. that I live b. I living c. me to live d. living for me
54. "What time should Eric start to work?"
"I suggest_____ here about 7L30"
a. that he be b. that he will be c. him to be d. him being
55. It is essential that every student _______to learn English at university.

A.had B. have C. has D. to have

56. We wish we ________a large house but we can't afford it now.

A.have B. had C. can have D. will have

57. My friend won't lend me his car. I wish__________

A. he lent me his car B. he didn't lend me his car

C. he would lend me his car D. he will lend me his car

58. I'm sorry I haven't got any money on me. I wish____________

A. I have got no money on me B. I have some money on me

C. I had some money on me D. I had got no money on me

59. My friends didn’t take part in the game. I wish_________

A. my friends took part in the game B. my friends had taken part in the game
C. my friends would take part in the game D. my friends did take part in the game

60. It wasn't fine yesterday. I wish_________

A. it was fine yesterday B. it would fine yesterday C. it will fine yesterday D. it had been fine

61. I wish I__________ Psychology when I was a college student.

A. had studied B. would study C. was studied D. studied

62. I wish someone_______ to help me with that work tomorrow.

A. offer B. offered C. would offer D. had offered

63. If only I _________play the guitar as well as you!

A. Would B. should C. could D. might

64. Mrs White always talks to her baby as though he________ an adult.

A. is B. were C. had been D. will be

65. Susan's doctor insists __________for a few days.

A. that she is resting B. her resting C. that she rest D. her to rest

66. The doctor suggested that his patient_________

A. stop smoking B. stops smoking C. stopped smoking D. to stop smoking

67. It is necessary that he ____________ the books.

A. find B. doesn't find C. don't find D. did not find

68. It's important that every student ___________all the lectures.

A. attends B. attend C. has attended D. attended

69. I would rather that I him to my birthday party yesterday.

A. invited B. have invited C. had invited D. invite

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