Title 3 Sexual Harassment

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TITLE: Perception of Residents on Sexual Harassment and its Patterns in

Tacurong City


Sexual harassment is a widespread and global problem that affects both

women and men. It is, however, more commonly experienced by women and

girls, across all levels of society around the world. An estimated 736 million

women, almost one in three, globally, have been subjected to physical and/or

sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least

once in their life (World Health Organization, 2021)

Moreover, according to WIN World Survey (WWS, 2020) sexual

harassment is prevalent in all countries surveyed. Younger females (18 to 34

years) are most subjected to sexual harassment (15.6%). Older females also

report sexual harassment in the last year, 35 to 54 years (8.1%) and 55+ years

3.3%. Additionally, 4.0% of males report sexual harassment in the last year.

There are alarmingly high percentage of women 18 to 34 years reporting sexual

harassment in the last year with the highest incidences reported in Mexico (43%),

Ireland (32%) and Australia (29%). Also, AusAid (2021) cited that in the

Philippines, one in seven women experience sexual harassment at least once

every week. Past surveys also suggest that sexual harassment is prevalent in the

workplace but underreported due to fears of reprisal.

Furthermore, sexual harassment happens everyday, everywhere, to

everyone. It is sad to think that it may be as common as the cold. The virus of
this crime comes in many forms such as sexism, power relations, psychological

factors, moral and cultural values, and depends on each situation. Each case is

nevertheless a violation of human rights. Specifically, women are the most

frequent targets of sexual harassment. Whether walking city streets, using public

transport, going to school, or selling goods at the market, women and girls are

subject to the threat of sexual harassment and violence. An effective intervention

program is needed to stop, if not minimize the prevalence of sexual harassment

especially among women and girls. Thus, the researcher was urged to conduct a

study about the topic, and also in order to determine the influencing factors on

the prevalence and perceptions on sexual harassment.

Conceptual Framework

Sexual Harassment and its


 Cause Proposed
 Frequency Intervention
 Perpetrator Program
 Place of Occurrence
 Time of Occurrence

Demographic Profile

 Age
 Sex
 Civil Status
 Educational Attainment
 Occupation/Profession
 Religious Affiliation
 Ethnicity

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Tripartite Model of Sexual Harassment of

Holland and Cortina (2016) who identifies three behavioral dimensions: gender

harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. These three

subtypes show stability across time, culture, and occupational sector. Gender

harassment refers to crude sexual verbal and nonverbal behaviors conveying

insulting, hostile, and degrading attitudes about one’s gender, gender identity, or

sexual orientation. Obscene sexual gestures, flashing, displaying sexual images

or objects at work, and e-mailing or texting sexual images to a peer or coworker

are all forms of gender harassment.

Sexist or heterosexist language, jokes, or comments also fall under this

heading. Unwanted sexual attention includes making suggestive or positive and

negative comments about a person’s body, leering and catcalling, spreading

sexual rumors about a person, and electronically sharing sexualized images of a

person. Unwanted sexual touching, such as grabbing, pinching, groping,

intentionally brushing up against another in a sexual way, is also considered

unwanted sexual attention. Sexual coercion, known legally as quid pro quo

sexual harassment refers to requiring sexual contact or sexual favors as a

condition of receiving rewards or benefits such as employment, a promotion,

favorable work conditions, assistance, or a good performance evaluation or

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of residents on sexual

harassment and its pattern in Tacurong City. Specifically, it seeks to answer the


1. What is the respondents’ profile in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Educational Attainment

1.5 Occupation/Profession

1.6 Religious Affiliation

1.7 Ethnicity

2. What is the perception of residents on sexual harassment and its

patterns in Tacurong City in terms of:

2.1 Causes

2.2 Frequency

2.3 Perpetrator

2.4 Place of Occurrence

2.5 Time of Occurrence

3. Is there a significant difference in the status and pattern of sexual

harassment in Tacurong City when grouped according to the respondents’

demographic profile?
4. What intervention program can be crafted based on the findings of

the study?


The null hypothesis will be measured at .05 level of significance:

Ho: There is no significant difference in the perception of residents on

sexual harassment and its patterns in Tacurong City when grouped according to

the respondents’ profile.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to explore and dig deeper on the perception of residents

on sexual harassment and its pattern in Tacurong City. The study will limit its

discussions on the determinants/indicators on the status and pattern of sexual

harassment, specifically on the aspects of; causes, frequency, perpetrator, place

and time of occurrence. In addition, the respondents of the study will only be

limited to the residents of Tacurong City.

Significance of the Study

This proposed study will be beneficial to the following concerns:

Organization, for it will provide them important data and information on the

present status and pattern of sexual harassment, thus it can help them formulate

effective intervention programs that can minimize, if not eliminate the incidence

of sexual harassment; Legislators, for it will provide them essential information

that can be used craft laws that will protect everyone, regardless of gender,
against sexual harassment, particularly in workplaces and in other areas; Future

Researchers, for this can be used by them as reference and baseline data for

their future studies related to the present study.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are defined operationally or as used in the


Sexual Harassment. It refers to the behavior characterized by the making

of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a

workplace or other professional or social situation in Tacurong City.

Pattern. It refers to a series of actions and circumstances showing how

sexual harassment occur or happen in Tacurong City.

Tacurong City. It refers to a component city of Sultan Kudarat Province in

Mindanao, and also refers to the research locale of the study.


This chapter contains the research design, respondents and sampling

techniques, the research locale, research instrument, validity and reliability, the

data gathering procedure, data analysis, and ethical considerations of the study.

Research Design

The study will utilize a survey research design to determine the perception

of residents on sexual harassment and its patterns in Tacurong City.

Respondents and Sampling Techniques

The respondents of the study will be one hundred (100) random residents

in Tacurong City. The sampling technique to be utilized is accidental sampling, in

which the researcher will gather data from the residents she first encounters.

This method will limit the possibility of creating a bias in the data gathered by the


Research Locale

This study will be conducted in the twenty (20) barangays of Tacurong

City, Sultan Kudarat with a total of one hundred (100) respondents. This

population will account for a representative sample size of 5 residents per

barangay and will be taken from the following lists of barangays found in

Tacurong City; Poblacion, Buenaflor, Baras, San Antonio, D’Ledesma, Griño,

Tina, San Rafael, San Emmanuel, San Pablo, EJC Montilla, Upper Katungal,

Lancheta, Rajah Muda, New Passi, Kalandagan, New Carmen, Calean, New

Isabela and New Lagao.

Research Instrument

A specified questionnaire will be utilized in the study. It will possess a

socio-demographic portion for collecting the general background information to

create a profile of the respondents and a general questionnaire portion for

collecting the respondents’ perception profiles.

Validity and Reliability

This study will use a dichotomous scale with categorical option of “Agree”

or “Disagree” in order to examine the face validity. An expert will also be

consulted for this study to ensure maximum validity and reliability.

Data Gathering

The researcher will send a letter addressed to the City Mayor for

permission as well as to each barangay captain of the barangays in Tacurong

City. Upon its approval, the researcher will personally distribute the prepared

questionnaire to the respondents.

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics will be used in this study. The researcher will tally

and analyze the collected data alongside tools such as frequent counts and


Ethical Considerations

The gathered data will be treated confidentially as well as the protection of

dignity, rights, safety, and the wellbeing of the respondents will be the ethical

considerations in conducting the study.























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